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Petrie. · 76 · 19032


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Discuss the character, Littlefoot here.


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Littlefoot is...

A good friend, but he has his imperfections. He's really mild and he always has to risk his life to discover something, but those things make him special.


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The character the series has been focused on most.
Perhaps Littlefoot's attempts to be perfect are one of his flaws. This statement may evoke thoughts of Pterano who stated that he meant to make everything perfect. Pterano of course is so different a character from Littlefoot that the mere notion of comparing the two seems nonsensical. What the two of them do have in common is that once they are enthusiastic about something or somebody it is very hard for either of them to accept that anybody else doesn't share their enthusiasm. Pterano reacts by thinking of himself as the solution of all problems and derives from this overselfconfidence his claim as a leader whom others should follow.
Littlefoot is different in this as he never actually tries to force anyone to do anything. He is so enthusiastic about what or whom he likes that his enthusiasm may be the central reason for the others to agree with him or at least not to contradict him in most cases, even when they don't agree.
A good example is to be found in LBT 9 when Littlefoot lays out his plan to bring Mo back to the Big Water and thereby also find a route home. After Ducky and the others agreed Cera began with a "Well..." that seemed to initiate some opposition from her, but Littlefoot just interrupted her with a "Great!" and Cera didn't pick up the thread again.
In LBT 6 we have one of the few examples in which the others (Cera in particular) don't follow Littlefoot's enthusiasm about Doc. Rather than trying to order anyone of them Littlefoot defiantly sets out by himself. Even though this was partly for his enthusiasm of the ideal of the lone dinosaur, there are other cases in which he sets out by himself whenever the others don't share his opinion on what to do. Sometimes he thereby forces them to follow him not because they agree with him, but because they are worried about his safety. Apart from the LBT 6 example there were cases in LBT 2, LBT 3 (here he actually convinced the others through the "Kids like us" song, but leaves no doubt that he would have headed off alone as well), and LBT 5.
Littlefoot's ability to understand other character's views seems to be somewhat limited whenever he doesn't agree with them. He can't understand Cera's dislike of Mo until she spells the reason out for him, he can't understand anyone not to be enthusiastic about Doc, and he cannot even understand any of the scepticism about Chomper in LBT 2, and LBT 5 (which is particularly interesting as, for all we know, he was more affected by sharpteeth and the "law of nature" than any of the others). It is relatively easy to forgive Littlefoot all this, as he is (probably due to his good instincts (LBT 7)) always right about the characters he is trusting. If Littlefoot likes somebody we can sure that this character is basically good. It might be an interesting story if Littlefoot for once put his trust in somebody who is really abusing it. I'm afraid it would be very difficult for the others to convince Littlefoot that he is wrong about something or somebody.


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Dont foget the first film. Where he is essentially forced in to the role of a leader. Simply put he had no choice but to lead the group to the vally as no one in the group knew the way but him. Once forced in to this role he readily accepts it. Een though he may fail along the way in some regards. Like when he becomes upset with cera over her wanting to go another way he basically chooses to push on alone. He let his emotions get in the way of what had become his duty to the rest even if he never asked for it to be such. In the end it is also his emotions that get them out of trouble as well as his sence of duty to the rest. Of corse his anger and in many ways hatred of the trex also lead him to the choice to well kill it to make sure it was dead. It was in the end the only choice that he could have made.

In the secound film great vally adventure i think the whole point was to show he had grown beyond what he was. With chomper a trex the same species of sharp tooth that killed his mother they showed he could get beyond the hatred and not place blaim on a entire race for the actions of a single member of that race. They could have done a better job with showing this having him fearful of chomper maybe some flash backs to the firstt trex encounter of his child hood. Only to have ducky change his mind about chomper. Ducky would have been the best choice for that role as she was and is the most excepting of diffrences as shown by her and spike. It would also seem that her species or race is more accepting of others by the fact her mother readily took on the responsability of raising spike.

One thing that was shown very well in the first film that relates to littlefoots acceptance of chomper is the fact he never did care about some one being different. Again it seems to be a racial thing amoung their kind. Ali and the song it takes all sorts. Little foots mother who only remains seperated from other kinds do to the fact "it has always been that way" She doesnt agree with it exactly but follow it because thats just how things are.

In the end its in his nature to accept others no matter what "sort" they may be so he would be going against his very nature to reject or harm chomper just because of what sort he happened to be.


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Where he is essentially forced in to the role of a leader. Simply put he had no choice but to lead the group to the vally as no one in the group knew the way but him.
It is right that he did not "deceide" to become a leader. I'm not so sure though about him being the only one to know the way. In a way the movie is contradictory on this when the narrator claims Littlefoot to be the only one who knew the way. The "earthly" description to follow the bright circe, past the rock that looks like a longneck, and past the mountains that burn was certainly passed on by Littlefoot to the others (why would he make a secret of it plus the fact that he could present the rock that looks like a longneck to the others as a sign that they were on the right track).
So I suppose it must be the "voice of the heart" part which Littlefoot had in advance of the others, not because he had a better heart, but because he was certain about the way description which his mother gave him; a certainty which the others perhaps couldn't understand as they had no relationship whatsoever with Littlefoot's mother (Cera was the only one to see her alive).
In the end it is also his emotions that get them out of trouble as well as his sence of duty to the rest.
A difficult question. What could and should Littlefoot have done to convince the others (including Cera) to follow him? Force them (no way to do that), beg them to follow him (I dare say at least Cera wouldn't have been impressed, nor do I expect would the others have felt too save with Littlefoot if he had shown any uncertainty), go along with the others on the wrong way continuing his attempts to convince them that they were on the wrong track (perhaps there would have been a chance of success once they reached the less easy part of Cera's route, but at least Cera would have been stubborn to the end I'm afraid)? What would have been the right thing to do for him? I'm afraid there was no golden solution.
In the secound film great vally adventure i think the whole point was to show he had grown beyond what he was. With chomper a trex the same species of sharp tooth that killed his mother they showed he could get beyond the hatred and not place blaim on a entire race for the actions of a single member of that race. They could have done a better job with showing this having him fearful of chomper maybe some flash backs to the firstt trex encounter of his child hood. Only to have ducky change his mind about chomper. Ducky would have been the best choice for that role as she was and is the most excepting of diffrences as shown by her and spike. It would also seem that her species or race is more accepting of others by the fact her mother readily took on the responsability of raising spike.
I agree with what you say, I don't agree with the second movie's whole point being that Littefoot had risen above any resentments against sharpteeth. The problem of the second movie was that we didn't get the slightest notion of any resentment whatsoever (I refuse to count a disgusted look upon Chompers chomping of a butterfly as a sign of true resentiment). They might have made the second movie much better if they had done what you are suggesting. Some mention of Littlefoot's mother. Initial fear, resentment you name it. They even could have made some improvement by making Chomper a bit more of a threat than he was by biting Cera's bottom (such a bite would have been lethal to Ducky or Petrie). Then again I must admit that this would have probably resulted in a Chomper character different from the one we know. More complex, possibly less lovable, possibly better, possibly worse. At all events I totally agree that they should have made more of a point of Littlefoot having some really bad experience (to put it mildly) with sharpteeth. I wonder if Littlefoot ever told Chomper about his mom. This too could be an interesting story element.
Little foots mother who only remains seperated from other kinds do to the fact "it has always been that way" She doesnt agree with it exactly but follow it because thats just how things are.
Very good and important point there. Littlefoot is not the only one to get over this "always been that way" tradition, nor are he and his friends. According to LBT 7 the grownups too seem to have shaken of all the "never do anything together" habbits as early as on the journey to the Great Valley. The impression we get at the end of the original movie was different (with Spike being the only one clearly in harmony with representatives of another species other than his four friends). The world of the sequels is simply different from the world in the original movie and sometimes those differences are not bridged carefully.


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Actually, I'd have to disagree about the "world's" being different; there are many points of continuity, and the characters go through changes over the course of 12 movies and the tv series. The strongest link is shown in movie two, with many "bridges" to the first movie being apparant:

1. Cera's father is still a speciest/racist, as his lecture to Cera was "never play with longnecks, spiketails, and bigmouths ("swimmers"/hadeosaurs)".

2. We still see that similar tensions still exist between the characters, especially between Littlefoot and Cera.

3. The threat of death and/or injury is still hanging over the characters in a way it hasn't been in the recent sequels. Some examples include the volcanic geysers that Littlefoot falls on and is nearly scalded by, the nighttime chase scene,  the point where the Struthiomimuses were attacking the characters, the attack of Chomper's parents, the active volcano, and the point where Littlefoot was nearly dropped off of a mountain. In the most recent movie, there were only two points of danger; when Guido was sleepwalking (to be fair, that had many dangerous sub-points in it), and when Tricia was going to go over a waterfall.

4. Racial/species issues are brought to the forefront. Although we haven't seen such issues since the fifth movie, we are seeing them again in the tv series.

Also, Littlefoot's character itself is still the same; the same issues from the first movie are still with him 11 movies and a tv series later.


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Obviously there must be similarities between the sequels of LBT and the original movie, yet there are also a whole lot of things very different from the way the world was presented in the original movie.
First of all the way the world was presented in the original movie a sharptooth leafeater relationship would have been simply of limits. The original movie's plot certainly didn't prepare for any such elements (they had to work hard enough to present Sharptooth as a villain inspite of the fact that he just followed natures call).
The original movie suggests the Great Valley to be one of the last (possibly the last) green isle in a dying world with leaves dying everywhere. The world of the sequels is different. While the first few still kept the image of the Mysterious Beyond as a very hostile place and the Great Valley as a save heaven this image gave more and more way to that of a rather healthy and intact world in which the Great Valley was not so special at all. Doc in LBT 6 pointed out that "this place is nice but there are others just as nice".
In the original movie it is considered something REALLY special that there is a "herd" of dinosaurs of five different species. It is even said that there had never been such a herd. While a little threehorn racism is maintained in some of the sequels they are swarming with such interspecial relationships not just in the Great Valley (which might have been in accordance with the original movie if we assumed the Great Valley "taught" the species to live together), but also outside the Great Wall.
Racial/species issues are brought to the forefront. Although we haven't seen such issues since the fifth movie, we are seeing them again in the tv series.
Actually there were racial special issues in LBT 6 ("longnecks eat a lot!"). If we widen the scope a bit to include issues which were possibly based not only on species, but also on different ways of live or thinking we could also include Mr. Threehorn's and Cera's reaction to the rainbowfaces and the farwalkers in LBT 7 ("You're all a bit strange if you ask me").
In LBT 10 Cera alluded to her father's racism ("Longnecks save the world! This is gonna kill my Dad!")
The hunt for the Tinysaurs in LBT 11 also thematised the issue of race.


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Well said, Malte. The species/race issue has always been a source of contention amongst the characters of the series, an dhas lessened up, but it hasn't vanished, as seen in instances provided by Malte. It makes perfect sense for that theme to appear less as the dinosaus living in the Great Valley live with each other longer, the old biases will gradually wash away, but not completely, and not for a long, long time.
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Before I saw the second movie, Littlefoot was my favorite character. After it changed to Chomper, I still love that Littlefoot acts as the voice of reason in the group along with Ducky.


  • Petrie
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Why does Littlefoot's voice actors change so much? I don't really pay much attention to the people who voice the characters, but I've noticed that the actors that play littlefoot's voice change from time to time.


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I wonder why they would do that also.  Do the others change as much or is it just him? I've never seen the movies close enough together to notice.

The Great Valley Guardian

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For some strange reason it seems to only be littlefoot that changes voice actors so often...I try not to notice the subtle changes but sometimes it's just too obvious not to notice!


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Cera, Petrie, and Ducky are all voiced by grownup speakers whose voice won't change much anymore. For that reason they are not likely to be replaced by other voice actors. Littlefoot however was voiced by kids and sometimes kids whose breaking of the voice was impending. That, is think, is the main reason why Littlefoot's voice has been changed so frequently.


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Seems odd, why not get adult voice actors like the others have?


  • Ducky
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Well, if you ask me, Littlefoot's voice always been the most childish in the group of the main charaters. I guess, designers want to keep it that way.

Cancerian Tiger

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Littlefoot...what's to say about that lovable longneck :^.^:?  He is so sweet, compassionate, caring, enlightened about life, protective and playful.  It seems as though his only downfall is his tendency to be a perfectionist <_<.  LF's pleasant disposition puzzles me at times, 'cuz one would think he would be more bitter considering he witnessed his mother's murder.  In fact, I'm surprised he does not have PTSD as a result of such a tragedy(such as flashbacks, hallucionations) :blink:.  Perhaps if Universal put that onscreen it would frighten the little ones.  Maybe it is the love of his grandparents and friends that help him get by :yes.

What I like most about Littlefoot is how he had the nerve to keep trying to become friends with Cera.  Who knew that those two, who fought so bitterly in the original, would end up becoming inseperable best friends :^.^:?  I dunno, but LF's a sweetie and will make a great husband, father and perhaps grandfather someday :yes.


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Maybe if he did suffer PTSD he happened after the first movie and before the second started he was over with it.  His mother may have come to him in dreams, and he did see and talk to her after her death during the movie so all these factors as well as both of his grandparents may have helped.  He and his friends were so focused on getting to the great valley that perhaps that is why he didn't suffer it, if he did at all, till after they got the the Great Valley and he was able to mentally relax a bit.

It does seem that when he's a grown up he'll be a very wise person indeed.  Though perhaps still a bit hard headed at times.


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Im thinking of how big he will be someday.
He's a apatosaurus
He'll be 52 foot tall and 75 foot tall as an adult.
He is also the biggest of the group
I always wanted Littlefoot to be an Adult
Would littlefoot be better off as a gigantic adult than a small kid?
I just think he would like being an adult so that he is less insulted of his size.
Don't you think he would like being a 52 foot talk Adult than a 6 foot tall kid?
After 30 years of being a small kid it's time we see Littlefoot as a gigantic adult longneck.
Same for Ali, Rhett, and Shorty to be adults now. Dont'cha think?

Gentle Sharptooth

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LBT90321, I think Little Foot frankly doesn't work as an adult character. His name for instance. Will he become Big Foot? The only way Little Foot keeps the name is if He has one foot that is abnormally smaller. I would like to see Little Foot as an adult at least once, I think they should do The Land Before Time: All Grown Up like how they did Rugrats: All Grown Up; beginning with Gang of Five as young and imagining or dreaming of what it would be like to be adults.

Little Foot is the hero, straight guy (in humor), and natural leader. He is 90% right about where the Gang should go, even in an uncharacteristic separation from Gang in Journey of the Brave he ends up where they are suppose to be in underground river leading to the final destination.

I think Little Foot is perfect blend of Bron and Grand Pa Longneck; He has the leadership qualities of his father and the wisdom of his grandfather; making him the perfect leader.

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I think Little Foot frankly doesn't work as an adult character. His name for instance. Will he become Big Foot?
Well we know that Bron was called Littlefoot when he was younger from LBT10 so I'm guessing that Longnecks adopt a new name once they reach adulthood.

The storyboard for the full Sharptooth chase in the first movie refers to Littlefoot as Thunderfoot so I'm guessing that was his original name? That could be used as a possible adult name.