The Gang of Five
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Christmas in the Great Valley


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It was morning in the Great Valley, a special morning to be exact. It was Christmas, the festival of love. The Bright Circle was shining. Everything was covered with lots of snow so the day would be funny for Littlefoot and his friends... and everyone was already looking forward to feasting and receiving their presents.

(you guys decide what they will be playing, I don't mind at all :))
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Waking up to find a great amount of white ground sparkles all over the place, Ducky yawned, stretched, and rubbed her eyes before realizing what day was beginning to occur.

"It is The Day of Great Giving, it is, it is!" Ducky exclaimed to herself excitedly, with a big smile on her face. Not even looking back to see where her mama was (by then, however, she was already awake and with the rest of the adults), she quickly started running towards the Great Valley's meeting place, where the celebration was planned to start before long. Suddenly, she stopped running when she heard some sleep rumbles. Oh yes...Spike was still asleep...


As Petrie opened his eyes for the first time in at least 8 hours, he yawned and stretched. Looking outside his nest to see all of the adults from a far distance away, his eyes shot up wide. A smile fast-approached on his face as he realized...

"Me no can believe it!" Petrie exclaimed happily, "The Day of Great Giving finally here! Woo-hoo!" Giggling with joy, he flew out and headed towards the direction of the meeting place.

He was not mistaken; his all-time favorite celebration was finally about to occur! Sure, the Bright Circle Celebration was something special to him, but the Day of Great Giving was a celebration that Petrie had anticipated for an entire cold time. He loved the food, he loved the gifts that the Father of the Sky (as well as his own family) would give him, but he especially could not forget the true meaning of the season: unconditional love and friendship between family and friends.


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Guido awoke.  Feeling hungry and not able to eat leaves he went to the entrance to the nest area where he slept with Petrie's family.  He looked around at the trees not to far off.  He was thinking he would glide to the nearby tree tops to look for some crawlers to eat, and keep out of sight of others since they didn't like to see what he liked to eat.  He did wish he could eat the green leaves the others did, but he tried leaves a few times and could not stand the taste of any of the leaves, no matter the type.


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Ducky's sister Lilly woke up, too. Scanning the surrounding area, she quickly noticed that a lot of new Ground Sparkles had fallen during the night. Some were still dancing in the crystal-clear air, sparkling and twinkling when being touched by the rays of the Bright Circle.
"Lovely..." she commented.
Then she heard Ducky calling after Spike who was snill snoring peacefully.
"Spike! Wake up!" she called as well...
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Something cold touched Cera's nostril, and she groaned, cracking an eye open. A snowflake sat at the end of her nose, lightly sparkling in the crisp daylight that has started to spread over the Great Valley. As Cera looked at it, she could see more falling lightly from the sky.

She grunted and tried to snuggle back down, but now that Cera was awake she was aware of the cold pinpricks as more snowflakes settled on her. The murmur of adults in the distance, gathered at the meeting place, drifted over and made it even more difficult to get back to sleep. Finally, she gave up and rolled over onto her feet, grumbling as she raised herself up.

Cera started to make her way down to the crowd at the meeting place, but the sound of Ducky calling Spike made her turn. Guess I might as well see what they're up to. She walked over to Ducky's nest, dragging her feet slightly as she tried to blink the sleep out of her eyes. "Hey," she yawned.


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Chomper awoke.  He yawned, while he sat up.  He walked out of the cave he slept in, to look for some breakfast.  He knew of some good places very nearby.  

Seeing a pile of leaves he ran over to it and started to dig through the leaves.  This was one of the good spots to get crawlers & wigglers to eat.


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Littlefoot awoke with a loud yawn,he looked over to his Grandparents and smiled. He scrambled to his feet looking around the valley smiling,he could feel the festive feeling in the air. He turned to his Grandparents to wake them up so they could start heading over.


Somewhere else in the valley another longneck awoke. However this one was pink...and a girl. Nahla opened her blue eyes "It's morning already?" she complained standing up,she was never a morning person/dinosaur even if the day was something exciting as The Day of Great Giving. She started walking to the meeting place,she'll perk up when everything starts..she just hated mornings.


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Grandpa Longneck awoke with a yawn,he stood up and smiled down at his grandson "I  have a feeling what you're so happy about-it's that day again isn't it?" he chuckled "We'll wait for Grandma and then join everyone,I bet you're just dying to get your presents"


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Ali awoke. "Gee... the White Ground Sparkles are falling again," she awed. Having never seen them in her life so far, her first Cold Time in the Valley was really special to her. Looking forward to meeting all her friends, she wandered off.
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Mim awoke.  She stretched before she went to the nearby river to get some water and ate a few nearby leaves.  She was a bit excited as she remembered the day that was coming and what it meant.  After her breakfast was done she went to think over her plans and what she wanted to do and had done.


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Nahla arrived at where everyone was supposed to meet. She sat down with a sigh swiping the white ground sparkles with her tail....stupid cold stuff.  This was the first time she ever saw it,only having arrived in the valley during the Time of Blooming Flowers (Spring?) that year from a very warm place that never ever gets really cold even in the cold time. It was strange to see the ground covered in soft white stuff..but she admitted it gave the season a sort of magical feeling...made it more special. When she first saw it she thought it was some kind of new grass...well she learned otherwise the hard way. She lay down and curled up to keep herself warm while she waited,she stood out like a sore thumb against the ground-I mean bright pink against pure white? How can anyone miss THAT?!!. This will be one interesting Day of Great Giving for her for another reason too-this is the first one she spent with different kinds of dinosaurs besides other longnecks.

The Anonymous Person

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"Oh, hi, Cera!" Ducky said as she had seen Cera approaching her nest, all the while awakening Spike, "Sorry if I woke you up."

Turning around, she noticed to her delight that her brother, though wearily, had finally risen from his slumber.

"But I am glad to know that you are not the only one that I awoke, yep yep yep!" she added, giggling.


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EDIT: Just realised I posted Ali awakening already :bang
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Ruby awoke with a start - it was a wonder she'd even slept at all. IT WAS CHRISTMAS! She quickly got to her feet and dusted off the ground sparkles that had settled onto her back and feathers. The cold air didn't bother her too much.
She strode over to where Chomper usually slept, but he was nowhere to be seen. The fast runner tilted her head. "Now, where could Chomper be? Because he is not here," she decided to go out and look for her friend.
Topps grumbled low in his throat. It had gotten colder than the night previous. He opened one eyes and snorted as he discovered the cause - ground sparkles.
"Pah!" He grunted, shifting his great bulk. "Can't even get a good night's sleep with this stuff!"
(Oy! Sorry I'm late! :o)
"Not all who wander are lost"
J. R. R. Tolkein


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Guido found a few crawlers under leaves and 1 on top of a leaf.  He ate then quickly.   He wanted to eat enough so he could go off and search for his friends.  


Chomper was digging through the pile of leaves he had found.  Looking at each one for crawlers, eating those he found, and whether he found any or not he'd toss the leave aside and look at another one.   Then he started looking at several leaves at once to speed things up.  Tossing aside the leaves when he was done.  He tossed them behind him with one hand and grabbing several more with his other hand.