The Gang of Five
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Lilfut · 13 · 2207


  • Chomper
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In the style of Darths & Droids
Darths & Droids, I am creating a re-interpretation of LBT as an RPG campaign, though in fanfic form rather than comic. I was thinking I'd bounce some ideas off the community. My current idea of the group is as follows:

Littlefoot: Loot munchkin, his response to his mother's death is:

GM: After fighting off the sharptooth, your mother dies.
Littlefoot (L): Sweet. So what do I get?
GM: She's your mother.
L: Okay. So what do I get?
GM: She gave you your +10 treestar
L: Oh. Right. I'll leave her some jewels.
GM: (sigh) She's a dinosaur.
L: Oh. Stupid loot-hogger.

More in the morning.


  • The Circle
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Sounds like it could be pretty funny.   :yes


  • Cera
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I must say I found this quite funny. You know this has potential to be very interesting. Best of luck to you ;)


  • Chomper
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Okay, I've come up with some more :ideas.

Ducky's a complete min-maxer, explaining her speech impediment and the fact that she's two inches tall. Unfortunately, her player thought there would be a lot more combat, making most of her skills worthless. However, she does still like to hang her superiority over everyone else.

Spike's actually an NPC. Ducky's familiar, to be precise. Due to the fact that he's considered worthless, stuff like this tends to happen:

Ducky (D): So there might be a trap?
GM: Yes.
D: I send Spike.

Still need help with Cera and Petrie, guys.


Just a little preview:

(In VIII, with Ducky at the lake, right before the "Mad" song I can't remember the name of)

Ducky (D): Stupid GM... Lowering my "control" stat... Made Spike waste my +10 treestars...
GM: It  was that, or have you eat them and murder the entire Valley.
D: Now that you mention it...
(Spike eats the melon)
Littlefoot (L): Darn it, that was plus 50! So do I get an improved Strength stat?
GM: You know what? You get a -10.
L: You ever wonder why I hate your guts? Because this is why.


  • Chomper
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Okay, I need input on this to continue. I really thrive off of community input when it comes to this stuff.

I'm thinking Chomper as someone's cousin or something who comes over every year for about a month at a time (hence him showing up sporadically) before finally moving to wherever the game's going on during the TV show.

Also, the number of chapters per movie will be 4 for the original, 3 each for the sequels, and 1 for each episode, done as posts.


  • Ducky
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Rather then inserting random jokes lets get some plot going.  I would suggest having a brief blurb at the start to introduce the players and what is actually being done in this RPG/Fan-Fic crossover.  Provided this is done, this fan-fic could be on the road to success.


  • Chomper
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Okay, whatever you say. Cera's going to be quite cynical and enemies with Littlefoot, and Petrie won't show up until his appearance in the first movie. The story itself will be in quote tags. Boring game mechanics will be *roll roll roll* unless it needs to be shown.

GM: Okay, having finished up our fantasy campaign...
Ducky (D): I should have had the sword...
GM: We're doing dinosaurs!
Cera (C ):Well that's depressing.
Littlefoot (L): Huh? What's that supposed to mean?
C: Hey! We're going to go on an adventure and then all die!
L: Oh, get over yourself, Carl.
GM: ANYWAY, let's make some characters.
*roll roll roll*
D: Maxed out the strength!
GM: Um, Don?
D: Yeah?
GM: There's no combat in this campaign.
D: ...
GM: Don?
D: :bang
*roll roll roll*
L: So what are the loot tables?
GM: Here.
*roll roll roll*
L: Sweet! Leaves with +10 to all stats!
C: :spit
L: What?
C: Did you notice the .01% drop rate?
L: Oh you fff...
GM: Hey! Hands off! Blame the campaign designers!
L: Okay... (stands up, reaches for an ax, looks at back of game box) Don Bluth Games... Oh, they're in Australia.
GM: Yeah. So sit back down.
L: (does so)
*roll roll roll*
C: Got any premade character sheets?
GM: Sure. Right here.
C: Ummm... I'll take the Triceratops.
GM: Okay! Character sheets made! Oh, and reduce all stats by half. You're children.


  • The Circle
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I like reading it so far.  It's been funny. I guess you'll be doing the first movie in the rp, more or less?


  • Chomper
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Quote from: Kor,Aug 18 2009 on  01:15 PM
I guess you'll be doing the first movie in the rp, more or less?
Actually, I plan to do them all. Of course, you have to start somewhere.


  • The Circle
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True.  It is hard to start nowhere.  If you get to the tv series that could be some funny scenes.  Chomper suddenly living in the Great Valley, and Ruby just appearing from nowhere.  & no explanation of how Chomper got off the island or accepted by most folks in the Great Valley, or how Ruby came to be watching and taking care of Chomper.


  • Chomper
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Actually, by then XIV will probably be out, giving some explanations.

On an unrelated note, I just watched XIII. I couldn't get past the first half hour.

Yellow Bellies...


  • Chomper
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Update: I just recorded the original on TiVo, so expect a new chapter soon. :wow