The Gang of Five
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Into the Black

Serris · 1584 · 138607

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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A feline officer stepper forward and handed him a court-signed slip of paper authorizing a full search of his address for evidence of unlawful augment activity. However, the address failed to reflect that the workshop, as a former hotel building, was legally considered a very large Room 1A. The warrant specified no room number.


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what the hell were you doing threatening that Great Dane with arrest? officer these days a 3 second search of the police database can reveal any and all disciplines, and a cursory search would reveal that you are on probation, one more violation away from termination. i pulled in a lot of favors to keep your last punishment to just probation, many of the other sergeants felt your conduct warranted termination. Broadstreet said coldly. ' your attitude has needed a major adjustment for a long time Echo, a MAJOR adjustment. if you EVER threaten a bystander with arrest or assault in my hearing again , you will be arrested, and facing a long time counting up the bricks in your cell! now go search the premises!
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Soren looked over the warrant. "I'm afraid you have the wrong address. My workshop is legally classed as a commercial building -- a hotel if I recall correctly -- due to the fact is was built on the remains of an old hotel. As a result, I do not consent to the search."

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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"What?" She snapped. "Semantics! Get out of my way!" She made to push Almaya aside.

"Echo, it's not semantics," interrupted the feline, stepping forward. "If this is a house warrant, we can't--"

"He'll run if we don't arrest him now!" She snapped, finally losing her cool.

When the feline attempted to step in her way, her face flushed and she drew her katana, pointing it at him for a split second.

"What the hell?" He breathed, but she had already sheathed it, realizing that she had just badly overreacted and the consequences were not going to be good.

(OOC: I dont want her to lose her license in front of Almaya. Can Brownstreet commandeer the investigation and force her to relocate somewhere private?)


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  echo come with me! broadstreet said fiercely. ' the rest of you , make sure this pklace is picked up.. poste haste..
- he took echo by the arm and led her outside he went out to a squad car ' get in ameliya.. now' he said.
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aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Emilena flushed but got in the squad car. "It was a moment of weakness!" She protested once the others couldn't hear. "I wasn't actually going to do anything to him!"

Back at the house, the feline addressed Soren. "Umm, Mr. Almaya, you're right, we don't have authority to search your building. But we're just going to fix this and come back tomorrow, and if you save us the trouble and give permission now, it'll look really good when affirming your innocense..."


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Soren crossed his arms. "Fine," he growled. "Be my guest if you want to go rooting through still hot debris. Just remember, I'm not at fault if you burn yourselves."

The firefighters had finally extinguished the blaze, leaving behind a charred ruin.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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save it echo. You drew a sword on a fellow officer' broadstreet said starting the car, and drove down the street. ' this is not the first time you'll 'lost it' either..
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aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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"I know I'm not supposed to have lethal weaponry, but it's just a sword! It'd be useless against firearms!" She defended herself, ignoring all the times she'd killed gun-wielding assailants with it. "What are you gonna do to me back at the station? I demand to be read my rights!"


After a few fruitless minutes, the officers gave up quickly.

"We're sorry to bother you, and our condolences for the loss of property," the feline said sincerely. "One final question I'm legally obligated to ask; did you deliberately start the fire to destroy incriminating evidence?"


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The cloaked figure had moved to a closer vantage point, glancing around at the scene.
"Hmm...something about this seems...odd.  A fire, and immediately the police have a warrant to search the area?  This doesn't seem right..."
He muttered...


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"I was asleep when the fire broke out!" Soren snapped. He rubbed his temples. "Look, I just want to go back to sleep!"

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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we're not going to the station, except for you to clean out your desk, and get your belongings' Broadstreet replied, as he turned into a back alley. ' he stopped the car. he went over to a innocent looking stairwell
 and press down on a step. and the wall split open ' go on ' he said to Emilena' he said.
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aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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The officer jotted down Soren's exact words in his little pad. "Thank you Mr. Soren," he said. "Hope you find some place to sleep for the night."

And with that the officers began leaving.


Emilena marched into her office and packed what few personal belongings she had. There were extremely few; other than her files, she had never felt a connection to material objects except her sword.
"You're making a mistake," she said simply. "I've brought in more Augments than any other officer. And the orphanage was an accident. Any other officer would be given more than one strike!"

(OOC: She evacuated the orphanage of people when she burnt it down, clearly not an accident.)


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Soren muttered something under his breath as he shut and locked the door. He washed his face, changed back into his pajamas and flopped down on his bed. Tomorrow, he'd go see if there was anything salvagable in the ruined workshop.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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This is not your first Strike Emilena. There was the Orphanage, then that officer you hacked badly with that sword ' Remember Officer Fuge? I sure do.. and there was the trashing of the census office in a raid six months ago.. this really your 4th or 5th strike.. your temperament is not becoming to an officer. we are supposed to protect and serve the public, to give them security and show them some warmth and compassion every so often. we're not suppose to berate, abuse or threaten them, as you did today. this is ultimately a position of trust and responsibility, of duty. and frankly, this is not the first time you've failed in your duty in a big way. as i said, i pulled in some favor to keep you from being terminated when you were put on probation last time' Brownstreet said.' that probation was supposed to last a year, instead you didn't last 3 months.
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From a building opposite, a white rat peered anxiously from behind his curtains, his tail flicking nervously. He knew all too well the attitude some law enforcers took to augmented civilians, having being on the receiving end of several 'searches',often for the crime of looking at a police officer.

As the police drove away, he drew his head back in alarm, scared they'd notice him. Light spilled across his face, revealing a heavy criss cross of scars around two glowing red, cybernetic eyes. He wanted to walk across and see if Soren was okay. But what he was stopped by more cops? Better to wait until morning.


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Aaron Geasbrecht scowled as he watched some crappy late nite shows on his TV.

He crushed his empty beer can and tossed it into the recycle bin.

"F---ing Gleamers," he growled. "Always causing trouble."

Most of the Augments in his job tended to show off by doing things like benchpressing girders or other feats of strength only possible with the augmented limbs and reinforced skeletons. Even though they were harmless, Aaron felt that they were a subtle message to him: you are an inferior being.

(OOC - Gleamer - derogatory term for an Augment.)

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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"None of that is important!" She snapped. "The destruction of every Augment possible is the final goal! Fuge wanted to give his wife a second chance...he should have thought about that before he married an Augment!"


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that was a personal matter between him and his wife' broadstreet. ' you are, to be truthful echo, an anti- augment fanatic. do you know what percentage of this worlds population you'd have to kill to get rid of all of them? 35%, over 3.5 billion people.
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aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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"Just let me get Mr. Amalay" she pleaded. "I know he's an augment, these legal hoops we have to jump through are idiotic. If I arrest Amalay, they drop my probation. Then you can give me a new one for this sword thing, but you don't have to discharge me!"