The Gang of Five
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Ask the Characters


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Dr. Kerzach: I'd have to say James. I mean, he basically lived everything in them and let's face it, he's the focus of the books.

Dr. Zanasiu: Yeah, I'd have to agree but Kerzach's inside story about Dragonstorm is the best ó possibly the only account of them to date.


Nick, the Phoenix has armor and shielding that rivals those found aboard military vessels, is fairly heavily armed, contains numerous security systems and has a sizable contingent of armed guards. What made you invest so much money in protecting what is essentially a spacefaring resturaunt and shopping mall?


Ask any of my characters.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Emilena, Lily, Tony, Anne, and Axel:  Opinions on same-sex couples? Ever been with someone of the same gender?

Emilena:  If your body got desperate enough, would you ever sleep with a girl, just to get rid of the urges?

Axel: Have you ever considered asking one of the others to help teach you how to fight?

Tony: What's your opinion on the others in the group?


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Nick: because of the events in the past two cafes made me realize that you have to be prepared for anything, and I MEAN anything..
dixie tigeress, rose, aisha, dru essa nicula and dar maa are available for questions.
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Anne: I don't care what people do on their own time. Whether it's do drugs, have sex, dance naked to industrial rock, scream profanities at the top of their lungs ó whatever. As long as it doesn't affect me, I don't fucking care


Aisha, how did you get to work at Pelvanida at such a young age?

Kojuuro, Adrian what are y'all's opinion on Baselines ó the unaugmented?

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Lily: I wouldn't know...but I can't see myself going out of my way to find a girl. To be honest, I suspect I was married more for the stability than the romance.

Emilena: Homosexuality is equally as repulsive as regular sexuality. I certainly have not partaken in it myself. It's unnatural, like augmentation, but at least it doesn't violate the laws of nature. In regards to these urges, I unfortunately have to submit to some rather unpleasant acts regardless, it hardly matters the gender of whom gets to witness me at my worst.


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Aisha ' i was extremely gifted in school, plus my father is well-connected. little did we know what horrors that place would unleash.

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Emilena, Lily, Tony, Anne, and Axel: Opinions on same-sex couples? Ever been with someone of the same gender?
Axel: Why, what's Soren been saying about me? No, I've never been with a guy before, though I've always wondered what Arnold Schwarzenegger would be like as a lover... Erm, no, I'm not gay, but I've got no problem with anyone who is. I mean, there's so much crap going on in the world right now - what's wrong with two people who like each other, whoever they are? So line up ladies... or, uh, not.

Axel: Have you ever considered asking one of the others to help teach you how to fight
Axel: I guess I've thought about it, but with everything that's been happening there's never really been a good time to learn. And I think I'd need a good, long time. Adrian and Kojuuro seem pretty good, but they've got a lot going on now. I guess Anne's fired a gun but... I think she's a little high most of the time and I don't want her to shoot me if I piss her off. I remember one time, when I was a kid, I got invited to a paintball party and I accidentally shot myself in... erm, well, let's just say I was walking funny for a while.


Emilena - you seems like a fairly angry person. Would you ever consider going into some kind of counseling?


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Adrian:  Honestly?  I kinda envy them.  I mean, don't get me wrong, I like the strength and such that comes from augmentation, but... I didn't want it, and it still is weird sometimes...knowing that whatever you feel from the augmented areas isn' feeling it.  It's just...weird, you know?  But Augs are capable of doing a lot, so...Guess I'm more fond of Baselines, but still see the use of Augmenteds.

Kojuuro:  Truthfully, I see myself as much closer to a Baseline than an Augment, so my bias is definitely towards baselines.  I see why Augmentation has grown the way it has, but that doesn't mean I like it.  Some people take it too far.  Lifesaving Augmentation is one thing, but doing it to become a weapon...despicable.


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Tony: Same-sex couples? Well... that's an interesting question. I can say I'm definitely straight, and have not been with someone of my gender. Granted, I haven't been with too many females either, and my relationships usually don't last long due to either my family ties or my very fast life after I joined the Purifiers. I guess I'm OK with same-sex relationships, but have never really given it much thought. It's their own business I guess, though I'd personally be too afraid to ever experiment myself, on the off chance I ever was feeling uncertain of my sexuality.

Tony: Opinion on the others in the group? Well I've only just met most of them, so can only form very rough opinions based on my observations. Adrian seemed very generous and forgiving, and I really wish I could've gotten to know him better before he became critically injured. Hopefully I can repay his saving my life soon.

Kojuuro seems kind of rough, and not very approachable. I haven't made much effort to interact with him for these reasons, but I guess I wouldn't mind getting to know him a bit better if I ever gathered up the courage to try.

Axel seems the most relatable to me so far, as he's easy to talk to and made the first effort to crack the ice with me when I was surrounded by potentially hostile people who didn't trust me and even wanted to kill me in some cases. Given he didn't immediately call for my head and even tried to befriend me to an extent, I'll probably keep him close in the days ahead.

Lily appears to me to be fragile and harbors uncertainty over things, but I know for a fact there's way more to her than I've observed so far. She seems to be the object of desire for more than one person in our group, but she seems too concerned with something to really be capable of fully reciprocating these feelings. What her story is, I don't know, but she really seems to be tied into knots about something, that's for sure. Lacks knowledge of how to use a gun, I noticed, so perhaps she's someone we need to keep an eye on in dangerous situations for her sake.

Soren was pretty quick to distrust me, but I can't say I blame him, given his tragic history with the Purifiers. He more than anyone else has got me rethinking my decision to join them, seeing what they did to him in the past. While I don't feel exactly at ease around him, I feel comfortable enough to not outright avoid him if I see him approaching. We seem to be warming to each other a bit more as time passes, so hopefully those barriers won't continue to clog our interaction in the future. I don't mean ill by him, after all.

Anne is well... kind of funny actually. I don't personally partake in drugs (my father has a very strict rule forbidding it in our family), but she's just so lackadaisical in appearance and mannerisms that it's kind of humorous. She still caries herself seriously enough though that I don't see her as a joke. Our conversation has been limited to idle prattle, so I'll hold comments until further interaction.

I can't really comment on the mechanical doctor I saw. He seems... like a really focused dude, I guess. He's a machine, and seeing a machine capable of doing what he does makes me extremely uneasy, but I'll wait and see for myself how he is.

The newcomers who showed up I didn't really speak to much, so I can't comment for now. I think that's about it for now on my comments and observations on the group.

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John, Asanii, Feli(Eymreil), Eolus Leo(Star Wars: Coalition) and Avalon(Lylat Tales) are available for questions.



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asanii; what is your opinion on the group so far? who are you closest to, besides John for obvious reasons?
 John, as one of the leaders iof the grioup what are your thoughts on the status of the team? what do you see yoursekf doing after this adventure is over?
Avalon, what made you decide you wanted to be a pilot?
 Dixie Tigeress, Nick and Stripetail are available from the cafe. nicula, Dar Maa dru Essa and Sed nues are available from emyreil.
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Quote from: LettuceBacon&Tomato,Jan 1 2014 on  12:25 AM
Tony, are you available for question asking?
Tony: Yes, but I only found out about this topic today, so apologies for the delayed response.

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AGent lupis: Why are you trusting Emilena and Sanjay with this assignment, given thier past histories, especially Emilenas?
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aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Emilena: Counseling is for the weak-minded who wish to convince themselves of their own self-worth. I'm perfectly content with my body and my mind the way they are, at least as soon as I cure myself of the effects of that damnable neurocotic. Besides, my police work offered a very meager salary, and counselors love to milk their patents for as much money as they can finagle. If I hoped to be rich and live a long happy life, I picked the wrong line of work.


Lupis: An agent must work with the tools he's given. As my assigned resources have proven less than sufficient for recapturing Ms. North, I've decided to approach the problem from a less routine angle. Mr. Bhat had a very successful military career before going AWOL, and I suspect his abandonment was related to the fear of losing his augments, not any loss of loyalty. Provide him the proper reason to work for you, and I suspect he'll cooperate if the situation continues to favor him. I'm hoping to work with him again after this assignment.

Officer Echo, on the other hand, is frankly too stupid to see a bad deal in the long run. She's shown no loyalty to any group, but simultaneously doesn't have the mental capacity to actively betray anyone. I designed her assignment to be incredibly simple because she seems less capable of following complicated plans. Ultimately, I'd rather not involve her in this case, but I have evidence she has associated with the target, and I'd be foolish to not make use of such a resource. Rest assured, she will not be made an agent of the CIA even if she succeeds. I'll see to that personally if necessary.


Rose: How easy do you think rehab will be for you?

Kojurro: Interested in sharing any information on your previous dealings with the don?

Gittsun: Where are you right now? If at the don's house, got any plans for what you're going to do there?

Anne: Can your horn be used as a weapon?

Tony: Was there anyone in the Purifiers you regret leaving?


Lily, Emilena, and now Agent Lupis are available for questioning.


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Tony: Yep, definitely. Mostly younger guys, like myself. Some of them had no idea what they were doing, but just hoping to fight the "good" fight without having the first clue about firing a weapon or killing someone. I was kind of that way myself, but my determination to succeed kind of set me apart from the rest of them. One or two of them in particular really looked up to me, and I have no idea if I'll ever see them again. So yes, I regret leaving some of them.

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Gittsun: Er... in the back of Marie's car, I think... Mmn, maybe Rose was right, that whiskey might've been a bit much... No idea who this 'Don' is, but it looks like there's a pretty big house outside. Maybe they've got some more, ah, liquid refreshment? Hair of the dog, you know? Can't hurt to ask...


Tony: How would you feel about taking over the family business from your dad when you're older?


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Tony: Oh I'd love to do that! It's been my dream since I was a kid! But I'm not even my dad's underboss yet so... first things first. My goal is to make underboss first, then learn the family business and take over when he passes it on to me. He's secretly hoping I'll be up to the task, but doesn't feel I'm ready for it yet. I hope I can prove myself in the days ahead, and that he'll start considering me for underboss soon!


Emelina: How would you describe your latest torture session with the Purifiers?

Agent Lupis: Do you foresee yourself working with Tony in the future?

Axel: Would you ever consider a career in the mob?

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Kojuuro:  Well, as a matter of professional courtesy, I can't go into too many details, but I can say it involved a great deal of what's known in the business as "Wetwork".  I've killed a lot of people, and probably not all of them made the world a better place.  I won't say I regret it, but... I can't say all of it makes me proud, either.

And just for efficiency's sake, here's a new list of askable characters!

Adrian (Star Fox)
Makoto Kagegami (Superheroes)
Adrian Kibagami (Into the Black)
Kojuuro (ItB)
Doktor (ItB)
Katt (Star Fox)
Eric (Eymreil)
Vaeria (Eymreil)


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Vaeria: how are you getting along with the rest of the group?
Eric: are you following the group to protect them, or are you following them because they are the cloest thing to friends you have left?
katt: why did you decide to help Star Fox in thier latest Adventure?
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