The Gang of Five
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"A New Journey" (based on Watership Down)

Petrie. · 334 · 34384


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Arvens was near collapse. The humans had come to find kill remove him from their presence. He was unsure of where he was, or even where he was going. His warren was far behind him now. He wasn't sure if he could return to Thornbush.

Ambling along, quite dizzy and quite lost, he weaved in and out of the hedges to hide himself mostly in fear that he was being chased. He had smelled the dogs. Foxes were one thing, behing somewhat related to dogs, but human care and pampering made them a different type of creature, one that could not be fought down. Breathing heavily, he looked around, twitched his ears, and soon realized he wasn't being followed. He started to nibble on those greens that were hiding him to calm his tense body.


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Rankin had been around enough to know that being secluded was a quick way to die. Perhaps he could have kept away from that possibility if he didn't get himself kicked out of his own warren. However, he wouldn't have to worry about elil very much, being the killer that he is. Where he would go next is a mystery, but he would have to find a good warren to settle at sooner or later.


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While chewing, and trying to calm his nerves, the rapid running of feet on the earth could be heard, and felt. The drumming indicated it was no human, but something running on all fours. It was small....and coming closer with every passing second.

Arvens was too tired to try and run again, lest he might collapse again from hunger and lack of nutrition. He peeked out from the weeds, and saw another rabbit hopping around without a care in the world. Out in the open nonetheless with dogs possibly nearby.

"Get in here before any dogs come and get you!" he hissed to the rabbit. "Its safe over here."

OOC: If it appears we're replying fast, the first eight or so posts were worked out in a chat before bringing them here.


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Rankin looked around when he heard the voice, then looked in the direction where it came from and saw a rabbit peeking out at him through some weeds. Normally, he wouldn't let himself get close to a stranger (or a hlessi no less) but given what it said and why it's hiding, he ran over to join the rabbit in the weeds


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The other rabbit quickly ducked in and joined Arvens. He was grateful he didn't have to forcefully get this rabbit to hide. Some rabbits could be so naive and unassuming of things. Giving the newcomer an easy nose rub, he looked him over. About his size, young, and full of energy. Arvens' former warren, Thornbrush would've adored this rabbit....Owsla material for sure.

"Who are you and where do you come from?" asked Arvens, matter-of-factly. Being a former captain in the warren, and wearing the mark of Owsla, a red-yellow feather on the right ear, he was not one to play games and meant business. "I'm Arvens, captain of the former warren, Thornbrush. Humans have caved it in and I've been running for two days now. You're the first rabbit I've come across."


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It wasn't too hard to notice that this rabbit was indeed once a captain. "Oh damn it," Rankin thought. "My name is rankin, and I come from a doomed warren as well." Rankin said to the rabbit.


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Arvens looked the rabbit over some more, getting a feeling the rabbit was uncomfortable around a former captain. Maybe the warren he came from had bad captains. Even Thornbrush had its bad apples, which Arvens had been happy to help overthrow for the sake of the warren.

"Well, if the dogs stay away, we might stand a chance at digging out a shallow scrape or two," said Arvens, more calmly than before. "Maybe we'll chance on an abandoned burrow or something. You seem awfully scared. What's troubling you?" asked the captain, curious to know more about the newcomer before pressing onward.


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Rankin felt uneasy. He would have to bluff his way out of this.

"Well, there were some other surivors, and they're quite pissed with me. For some reason they thought I killed off one of their captains during an elil attack. I think they were really stressed about that, and acted very hostile towards me, so I was forced to leave."


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Arvens peered at the rabbit some more.  A fighter he thought, well if need be, I know how to handle fighters should they be a problem.  Rankin sure didn't appear to be in any mood for fighting at the moment that was for certain, though his voice told Arvens this was a rabbit with a lot of anger inside, still bubbling from a past he had run from.

"Well, I would say you've done a fine job on your own out in the open like you have," said Arvens cooly, trying to push the negative feelings aside for the moment.  "However, we need to find someplace to rest.  This won't do out here in the open.  I've been coming over that way past the lilacs, and I haven't seen any sight of a burrow.  If you haven't seen anything from your direction, then we'll just have to go another way and hope Frith sends us a blessing.  Even a small burrow would be nice."  Arvens scratched his ear with a hind paw, awaiting a response from Rankin.


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"I wouldn't count on 'Frith' for anything, if I were you. But you have a nice plan." Rankin responded.

Rankin was getting aggravated with the commanding nature of this buck, as it struck him memories of being harassed and abused by his former "authority." But, he could tell this "Arvens" was determined on getting somewhere.

Rankin sat up a little, and looked at arvens curiously, but with a serious look on his face.

"You strike me more as a chief than an captain. I don't tend to like those kinds very well, regardless of what rank they are."


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Arvens was awestruck at the sudden ferocity in Rankin as he made his last point quite clear.  Arvens could cuff him if he wanted to, being larger and having experience with handling wild bucks and does but being out in the open, with nowhere to go, this was no place to bicker about leadership or qualifications of the sort.

"As it stands, I am captain nor chief of nothing," said Arvens, firmly.  "I don't know what sort of trouble you have been through with authority in the past but we are in no position to discuss that now.  Presently we need a place safe to rest, and talking about my past isn't going to find us a resting place any sooner.  I suggest we put topics of authority aside and find a home."

Arvens did not wait for a reply.  He sniffed the air around, checking for elil nearby.  Not sensing any, he hopped out of the bushes, ears twitching.  It made no sense to go back the way he came.  With the sun getting lower and lower, they would not get far before darkness fell and it would be nearly impossible to find anything.  He started hopping along the treeline, going east.  Looking back to Rankin, he said rather urgently, "Well, are you coming?"


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While the rabbit scouted ahead after his response, Rankin thought.

I wonder if this guy has ever made any friends.

"Well, are you coming?" the other rabbit asked, who was heading out.

"For now, I wouldn't see why not." Rankin jumped out of the weeds to join Arvens.

"We'll need to find a place to stay overnight that will keep us safe from elil. Have any ideas?" Rankin asked the rabbit.


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Arvens, glad to see Rankin decided to join up rather than straggle about, twitched his ears left and right, the feather shaking about, before responding.

"Rabbits were never permitted to leave Thornbrush, however there were many travelers from other warrens that would come by," murmered Arvens quietly, now that they were in the open.  "We'd have spare burrows for these visitors, and they would tell the captains, the chief and all how they would sometimes have to dig scrapes in the dirt, if only for one evening to get out of the open."

Arvens hopped briskly along the treeline, peering here and there, hoping for signs of a burrow or anything that might do as for shelter for one night.  He was not seeing anything.  "I've had to dig scrapes for myself before while traveling.  I've never had to dig for two.  If we have to dig a scrape, you'll need to help me do it so we both survive."  Arvens was not positive this is what Rankin wanted to hear, but it was the way of the world out in the open, far from any warren, from a good story, and warm bodies to snuggle against in cold nights.


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"Let's do this then." Rankin acknowledged.

Rankin picked a strategic place to make the scrape and started to dig, although not waiting for Arvens to join him.


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Arvens noted at the speed at which Rankin took to digging.  He hadn't expected it to be so simple to convince him to dig anything, much less being ok with the notion that he was being forced to help out for the survival of both.  Perhaps he can be reasonable thought Arvens.

He continued to watch as the scrape got wider near the base of the oak tree.  The worst thing that could happen is to dig straight into a root and then they'd have to go around it or start all over again.  He had it happen before and it was not safe to be digging past sundown.  Noting daylight growing weaker by the moment, after a sizable hole had been dug, he pushed Rankin aside.  "My turn, you keep watch now and make sure its safe."  Arvens went into the soft, flaky soil at great speed, much faster than Rankin's pace.  He knew the elil would be out soon and this scrape needed to be finished---soon.  His claws scraped at pebbles as he flung them out of the way.  What Arvens feared most came true--roots were indeed going to prevent a large hole.  Moving to the right, Arvens continued to dig to the side of the root, thankfully finding no others there.  After a while you could barely see his backside out of the hole.  

In less than two shakes of an ear, he was back outside and shook himself, spraying dirt and dust everywhere.  "Its finished," he said to Rankin.  Its going to be tight, but it'll have to do for one night.  You go in first."  He got out of the way to allow his companion entrance to the small scrape barely large enough for both of them together.


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It was until this point when Rankin was thinking about "What if" scenarios that he actually considered arven's ability to defend himself. Now he could do much better with a shield or distraction for elil, but for some reason he thought arvens could stand as a pretty good ally when in a tight situation. Anyone could be strong, but it takes guts and brains to defeat an enemy. As he glanced at Arvens now, he did have at least a little doubt with a feather hung on his ear.

"Some questions before we rest... What shall we do if we're attacked overnight? I'm not sure if you're in fighting condition. One last thing. I remember you mentioning dogs and man. Were you chased by them around here...? Because they may or may not come around again to take care of business. I suspect that they would be here around Ni - Frith tomorrow, so we'll have to leave pretty early to avoid them. Wouldn't you agree?" Rankin asked, and waited for Arven's response.


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Arvens replied quickly, "Man and dogs won't be out at night.  We will be fine."  He could tell Rankin had not been out alone for very long and did not understand the tricks of living solo.  

"Watch me."  Arvens backed into the scrape, and his body filled up the whole opening.  There was practically no room on either side.  Arvens had planned it this way, and it would be very uncomfortable for the night, even more so for the rabbit who had to squeeze in behind him.  With dirt walls on either side, all you could see was his head and forepaws.  Looking out to Rankin he simply offered this one challenge, "Try and attack me."


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Rankin observed with an amused look on his face.

"And just how would you escape, when your only way out is blocked by a Homba?" Rankin asked "It's hypothetical question, but not unlikely to happen. That doesn't look like a lot of space to move."


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Arvens smiled.  "To be fair, its not.  But a homba would certainly give up once he realized it would be so easy to attack a rabbit underground and got a faceful of clawing.  Most would leave and seek an easier target.  They won't go after a determined rabbit."  This Rankin sure thinks things over, thought Arvens, but I think he'll find for one night he's overassessing the situation.  "We will be more than safe.  Now, if you don't intend on attacking me," he said moving out of the scrape, "I suggest you get in so we can rest."


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"Whatever you say." Replied Rankin.

So Rankin moved in with Arvens, relaxed himself, and dozed off to sleep, confident that he had at least some protection in front of him.