The Gang of Five
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In a Place with No Lights

Raptor · 14 · 3327


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Everything popular has it's parodies. Halo has RvB, Star Wars has god knows how many, Jurassic Park, LBT, you name it, somebody's parodied it. Who's to say and RPG can't be parodied, too? Here it is, In Darkness, parodieitiezed.

Use your characters from In Darkness, and any other characters you want.
There is no limits, aside from no character-killing.

The Great Valley Guardian

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Oh yay...this is going to be fuuun! does this parody start? :huh:


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Here we are, setting down in the purely nameless city In Darkness takes place in, Never could be bothered to identify the place. Here we are, zeroing in on my characters. Jerek and Jaina. Jerek's the guy, Jaina's the chick. And no, they're brother and sister, not boyfriend and girlfriend. Ew.


"So... why exactly are we here?" I asked. Jerek shrugged. "I dunno, I just came here to get paid to do some stuff." He said. I sighed. "Seriously though, have you ever actually heard this city named?"

The Great Valley Guardian

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Hunter at the time happens to be in her apartment building (Which she owns btw) And had her window opened despite the horrid smell coming from the alleyway below. She then picks up a pot of scalding hot water walks over to the window and shouts "FIRE IN THE HOLE!" and dumps the pot out her window....hoping no one was in the alleyway.


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"Holy Crap!" I shouted, leaping out of the way as a colum of scalding hot water splashed just where I had been standing. "What the hell was that?" Jerek said, wiping his overcoat off. Quite a bit of the water had splashed into the lower half of his overcoat. "Who in the hell did that?" I said, looking up.

The Great Valley Guardian

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Hunter gave a nervous grin and shouted "Sorry you two! Hey just be glad I warned you! Otherwise that would've hurt alot!"


  • Ducky
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"Well thanks for dumping hot water on us!" Said Jerek, sarcasticly. I shrugged, and then noticed the building across the street explode. This was, evidently, because an Ankylosaurus had a temper tantrum. He was running right at us.

The Great Valley Guardian

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Hunter saw the explosion as well...she then jumped out of her window with the pot still in her hand, and held it like a sword ready to beat the Anklysaurus into a pulp.


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And then, oddly enough, the Ankylosaurus exploded as well. In his place, was a Troodon in a buisness suit, sitting at a desk. He said "And now, for something completely differant." I blinked, perplexed, and clacked my toe claw.

The Great Valley Guardian

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Hunter was confused by this turn of events and then threw her pot into a garbage can, and about ten-seconds later it too exploded..Hunter turned around and sighed as she said "If my apartment goes up in smoke I'm going to be so..." Unfortunately she never finished her sentence as her personal room in fact went up in flames moments later.

She then shouted "Son of a B*tch! that sucks...I had seven more payments on that condo! DAMN!"


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I watched as Hunter's apartment building sprouted legs, dumped her out, and started walking away. "Well, the Troodon didn't lie. That certainly was something differant." Said Jerek. I rolled my eyes and sighed.

The Great Valley Guardian

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"Is my condo walking away....GET BACK HERE!" Hunter started to run after the building for several moments, and then stopped as she said "This is so wrong....although if stuff continues to blow up...I may have to flee the country. Actually that sounds like fun!"


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Nothing blew up. I stared as a freaky guy with a scythe appeared and said "Where's my favorite granddaughter?!" Jerek and I blinked in sheer dumbfoundedness.

The Great Valley Guardian

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Hunter then grew a pair of wings and for no reason she began to float into the air..."Umm..can I get some help here...I can't feel the ground!"