The Gang of Five
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102 Dalmatians

Kit12 · 13 · 2511


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Horace and Jasper had not been called to help Cruella in anything for close to three years...and they felt very good about that, but they'd been called again, not so much by her but by the mayor of Grutley.

The full details of her puppy-napping still hadn't come to full light, but enough had that Horace and Jasper had been given escort duty of one purpose.

"How dare they!" Cruella flung a piece of fine chine across the office space and the two men ducked, "how dare those nitwits in public office say I need community service! Me, why I'm the picture of kindness!" she turned a scowl Horace and Jasper's way and they both flinched.

"Well I don't care what they say, I won't meet with this Miss Sullivan and I won't be assigned community service!" she crossed her arms.

"But Miss Devil" Horace walked forward, "if you don't want to lose your estate, you've gotta, sure all they found on you were a few backed parking tickets, but...".

"and who always parks my car..." Cruella glared at Horce, who stepped back.

The point on her estate was that...a point, if she lost it to the local mayor...oh her mother would never let her anywhere near that inheritance...if the Devil's would still have it!

"Fine, pack my car..." she grumbled.


"Are you sure you want me and the dog's coming Uncle Horace?" Matt asked as the two Bad'Un brother's loaded their own car for Horace to drive after Miss Devil's, with all her luggage".

"I'm not paying kennel and child care fees" Jasper answered, "you'll sit in the way back and just make sure the dog's don't bark". Him being family and all, Horace and Jasper tolerated Matt quite well, but how they boy had managed to grab up three more yapping dogs was beyond them.

A tree house on the ground out back, though, and the problem was solved and it was like the dogs weren't even there; they planned to do the same for the trip.

Despite having to go in a stinky van that wasn't her nicely painted room of hers and her brother's, Inkwell gave a happy yip and jumped up into the car. PJ followed.

As they followed the pups, Clover frowned, "We've never had to tolerate Horace and Jasper this close" she said in slight worry, or just lamenting the inconvenience.

Pitch smiled, "We'll be fine, you know they're mainly harmless without Cruella pullling the strings right, plus...I've had to change my mind a lot as I've watched how they actually look out for Matt".

Clover just shook her head, "Well, alright, but if Miss Devil with them comes too close to the pups I may just bit her hand and not worry on the consequences!".

Pitch smiled, "I don't think she will, Lucky's antics growing up have made her too dog hating in the avoidance way" he grinned before they both hopped up into the van as well.

"Don't worry guys" Matt said as he settled himself into the little seat in the back of the van, "I brought plenty of dog treats" he held up the box.


As she passed by hers and the family's pet, Chole Sullivan's, chair, Dottie had to pause at the way the woman sat with her hand on either side of her face staring at the computer screen and her e-mail.

"It can't be..." Chloe moaned to herself, "anything but babysitting a spoiled heiress!" Dottie tilted her head and walked over to lay her head in Chole's lap supportively, even if she didn't know what the problem was yet.

Meanwhile, on the bed, Little Dipper and his siblings were on their hundredth viewing, probably, of Homeward Bound.

"Explain to me again why the had to bring the cat?" Little Dipper asked. "She's part of the family" came Oddball's answer.

Dash The Longneck

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"Shhhhhhh I'm trying to watch" Came Dipstick's answer as he sat by Oddball and Little Dipper to see better.


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Little Dipper giggled, "Dad we've seen this a million times, but you're right, still good, so I'll stop talking, like right now, when I...".

"Dipper!" Oddball finally got her brother to be quiet.


"Ooh, almost, try again" Matt encouraged as he watched the pups try out the hopscotch he'd taped to the truck floor for one game they could play.

"It's so hard...when it's moving..." Inkwell said, trying to hop and keep track of all four paws. She fell again but giggled.

With a smile Pitch watched this, but he frowned thoughtfully. "You ok?" Clover asked, nuzzling him.

"Oh, yeah, mainly" Pitch answered, "it's just...the name of Cruella's social worker, Sullivan, I know I've heard that before...".

"Well don't worry about it, hopefully she can handle dogs and if not we'll just stay out of the way when we get there" Clover said.

Pitch nodded, then it clicked. Dogs!

"Dipstick!" he said. Clover turned back, "What?".

"She's Dipstick's pet" Pitch said, turning, "I'd remember the adoption day like it was yesterday, it's just...with so many siblings finding pets it takes a while to riffle through them all".

He then frowned, "Cruella's driving straight to...oh he's gotta know about this before she just appears!" Pitch made his way to the back of the truck.

"But surely his pet will tell him".

"But none of the humans know what Cruella really did" Pitch said. From the back of the truck, and thankfully it was around twilight, meaning they'd probably reach their tomorrow morning...hopefully enough time for a warning.

Pitch had never had to send anything over a Twilight Bark before, so he hoped he could do this right. He sent the first few yips to silence idle gossip and tell this was important, then sent along his message.

The truck swerved a bit as Jasper flinched at the noise, "Matt!" he called. The boy knew the problem and scooted forward to try and yank Pitch back, "Shh!" he hushed, "Pitch, please, be quiet, we don't need to get in trouble".

Knowing he couldn't push it anymore, Pitch had to give up, but a yippy terrier bark seemed to relay that the message had been picked up and was hopefully passed along...


As every neighborhood dog about seemed to start barking, Dottie tilted her head, what could that be all about. She walked to the window to listen.

Dash The Longneck

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(I haven't seen 102 dalmatians in so long get this I thought Dipstick was a pup in this. LOL I need some serious help)

Dipstick laughed at Oddball and Little Dipper.  And watched Homeward Bound with the pups.


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(LOL, it still works though and I"ve been saying straight Devil instead of, I think Deville? for two or three posts!)

After listening for a few moments, Dottie picked up enough of the message the local dogs were finishing up transferring to frown.

Although she had managed to avoid meeting Cruella, she knew what the woman was like, something the humans didn't apparently. Chloe's words on 'spoiled heiress' came back to her and she though she should have connected the dots sooner.

She walked over to where Dipstick was watching the movie with the pups, since even Domino made himself known from under the bed.

"Hey, mo-m" Dipper protested as she blocked the TV. "One moment dear" came Dottie's response as she whispered to Dipstick, "We got a problem". She indicated for him to follow her over away from where the pups could hear and once there, sighed.

"One of your many siblings, Pitch, sent along a message by Twilight Bark, you know how his pet's close to Horace and Jasper and all, well they're all on their way over because apparently Cruella Deville has to do community service...and Choloe's...been assigned to help her with it", Dottie sighed again.

Dash The Longneck

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Dipstick sighed. "Oh boy this doesn't sound good. What are we gonna do"? Dipstick said.


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"I was about to ask you the same thing" Dottie sighed, she glanced to where the pups were still watching the movie, "She's obviously doing ok being near Pitch, and you said those years on a farm nearby were ok but...still..." she sighed again.

"I'd love to have the pups hidden and not even known about tomorrow when and if she comes by" Dottie went on, "maybe I'll do just that".


"Horace!" Cruella's voice snapped from the walkie system of her car to the Bad'un's truck, "call this Miss Sullivan and tell her I'll be there at seven to be treated like a slave".

"Uh sure thing Miss Deville" Horace said.

"Only use different words" Jasper pointed out from where he was driving. Horace shot him a look like he knew that, when he hadn't yet nonetheless made the call...


At the apartment, the pups stopped watching the movie as Chole hung up and slumped in her chair, "She'll be here at seven...!" she sighed to no one in particular.

Dash The Longneck

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Dipper sighed "Yeah there must be a way for us to hide the pups" Dipper said.


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Dottie nodded, determined on the idea now.


And so early the next morning as Chole got ready for a Seven O'clock drop by of Miss Deville, Dottie made sure the pups understood not to come out of the closet that was all of theirs bed until she said so.

"But why mom?" Oddball asked. "Just, trust me dear ok" Dottie said before nudging the door to not closed but not showing the pups either right as Chloe's doorbell rang.

The moment she opened it, Cruella stormed in with a frown, "Alright, let's get this appeasing of the government over with!" she said. She glanced at the apartment, not noticing the dogs yet, and frowned, pulling her recoder she still had with her out, "Memo to myself, get parol officers with bigger houses next time"

(ooc: Hehe this is kinda fun merging both Cruella's :D)

Meanwhile, outside, Inkwell and PJ hopped down from the truck as Horace and Jasper helped unload Cruella's stuff and even convinced Matt to help out with it, not that the boy minded being helpful.

Clover followed her pups down and then smiled back at where Pitch was still on the truck, "Well come on, I'd think you'd be happy to be reuiniting with Dipstick and meeting his family".

"I would, if I didn't feel bad and like we almost brought the Devil lady with us!" Pitch indicated the house where Cruella now was. Clover sighed, "We didn't bring her, it was the other way around and plus we'll just help keep an eye on her".

"Yeah, that's a point I guess" Pitch admitted, finally jumping down from the truck.

Dash The Longneck

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Dipstick quietly growled to Cruella as she walked through the door "If she even comes close to the pups I am ripping her apart" . Dipstick quietly growled to himself.


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Dottie, while feeling the same way, struggled to focus on not inching back towards the closet and thus giving away where the pups were in her want to check on/be near them with Cruella here.

It was just as Cruella noticed them that Pitch and Clover's arrival broke the tension.

"Oh you didn't tell me you had Dalmatians!" Chloe said, bending to pet the two.

"As if!" Crulla said, "Uh, I mean, they're the pets of my...helper's nephew of course, I brought him and them along since I'm good with kids and dogs like that" she grinned as Horace, Jasper and Matt hauled in her luggage bit by bit.

"Trust me" Pitch told Dipstick, "She wouldn't be here if I had anything say of it at all" he turned a scowl Cruella's way as well.

Just then PJ and Inkwell rushed in and then halted under their mom's legs as they noticed Dottie and Dipstick.

"Uh, hi, I guess you'd be our aunt and uncle we get to meet".

Dottie smiled at the cute things, "Well yes we would, how are you two".

"Uh...fine...except for the stinky truck ride" PJ said.

Dash The Longneck

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Dipstick smiled as Clover and Pitch came in . At least they were there. And if Cruella was there it made it a little better that Pitch and Clover were there too. Dipstick nodded in understanding. He knew for a fact that it wasn't his fault Cruella was here.Dipstick had to smile as PJ and Inkwell showed up. "Yup, I'm your Uncle Dipstick and this is your Aunt Dottie" Dipstick said with a smile.


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"Oh, um, please to meet ya" Inkwell said and smiled politely.

"Wait!" a voice, Domino's actually, cried as the closet door moved, "If we've got cousins to meet we gotta come out!" he said, darting from the closet and over to where his parents and aunt and uncle stood.

Oddball and Little Dipper followed. Dottie sighed, "Ki-ds, you were suppose to stay hidden from".

Yet Cruella just seemed more disturbed by their being more dogs and with a frown backed up, "Uh...perhaps we should discuss my many misdeeds away from the little mo--angels" she smiled.

Seeing how her presence seemed to upset Dipstick and Dottie, Chloe agreed and lead Cruella off to a small study she had (ooc: or I'm saying she has ;))

Horace and Jasper's only care now was catching a nap in the truck. So as Matt set the last bag down he laughed.

"Well look at that, you guys can still scare her off" he told the adult dalmatians before almost being swamped with Oddball, Domino and Dipper rushing over to clamor for pets from the boy they could tell was friendly.