The Gang of Five
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Rammy's other art and photography...


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Hello all!

First of all, it certainly has been a while since I posted any art on here (2013, was is? :blink: ) and I'm sorry for that. I've just been very busy with stuff, mostly school and cadets. I do have some LBT fanart that's been laying around for goodness knows how long, but I'll get back to that one day. One day...

Anyway, I took GCSE art, and I'm pleasantly surprised at my skill. I've been drawing as a hobby for some years, but I think I've really developed what I can do, especially with drawing realistic art. I also received a pretty decent camera for my birthday last year, so I've been inspired to do photography with the help of my mum. However, I'm still very much a beginner and I haven't had the chance to take many good photos. I'm going to buy a tripod at some point, because the camera I have doesn't cope to well with camera shake.

Anyway, I'll post one of each for now:

This photo was taken last spring at my local park. I enjoy taking pictures of flowers, and I'm particularly please with how this one came out. I'm a nature girl at heart, but I don't really have much time to get out of the city, so I'll have to wait to take more nature shots.

This is my final piece for this year's GCSE art project. I drew this on A1 sized wood in biro with ink wash on newspaper and some bleach on black tissue paper. Yes, this is me in my cadet uniform trying to look cool. It's not quite finished yet...

 I'm going to go through my sketchbook and scan some of my favourites to show you guys. I might do some more cartoony art at some point too, as well as some more LBT fanart, but I don't know when that will be.

"Some things you see with your eyes. Others, you see with your heart." :MomCompassion


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Thought I'd quickly upload something else.

This is my interpretation of Steve McCurry's famous photo, 'Afghan Girl'. Again, drawn on wood because I have to do a variety of things and wood was one of the main things I used.

My scanner sucks...  :neutral

Anyway, I'm fairly happy with how this came out. It's not perfect, but I'm still improving. :DD Any constructive criticism is welcome. :yes

"Some things you see with your eyes. Others, you see with your heart." :MomCompassion


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Those are all beautiful images. The flowers are especially delicious, but I liked everything you have posted.

I'm not sure about what kind of technique did you use, but the results are quite impressive.

Keep it up!


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Thanks guys.

Midnight, I like the flower pictures too, and I hope to take some more in the future, once winter's over and I can get out a bit more. :yes

At the moment I'm drawing mostly in biro pen from images I have either found out taken myself. I have done other stuff, but my pen stuff is probably the best.

"Some things you see with your eyes. Others, you see with your heart." :MomCompassion


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These are some excellent drawings. The interpretation of "Afghan girl" was my favorite of the set.  Keep up the good work!  :)

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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Thank you! I think Afghan Girl is probably my favourite one too. I spent a lot of time on that one compared to a lot of other drawings I've done. :yes

"Some things you see with your eyes. Others, you see with your heart." :MomCompassion


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I went out and took some more pictures today. Oh, and I've re-learned how to use GIMP again, so the images look a bit more... well, edited.  :lol:

Well, firstly here's an edited version of a photo I posted before:

It's mostly the same as before, besides of course desaturating the background and upping the contrast a bit.

Here's one I took today:

It's just a swan I took a photo of while I was out today. Again, upped the contrast, lowered the brightness, added a filter, Bob's your uncle... apparently.

And here's one last one, also taken today:

One minute I walked past this bit and it was empty, then I walked back and all these swans and geese were grooming themselves in a line. So again, edited in GIMP to make it look a bit better.

Unfortunately I won't be able to upload any more photos for a while. My bridge camera lens isn't working properly and it looks like I'm going to have to get a new camera. Again, I don't have that much money so I'm going to have to wait until my birthday and I'll treat myself to a new camera. Might even get a DSLR if I get enough money. :lol I doubt it, though. Another bridge will do me for now until things get really serious.

Well, until next time!  :wave

Edit: I'd just like to clear up that this is all for experimentation because I just started using image manipulators on my images a few days ago and obviously haven't got to grip with it yet. Any constructive criticism you have for me is welcome. :)

"Some things you see with your eyes. Others, you see with your heart." :MomCompassion


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I'm loving your art - both the drawings and the photography! :)
My mom is a photographer, and even though I myself know very little about it, I like to think that I've still learned at least a thing or two over the years. I definitely encourage you to keep going - photography is a long, wonderful, exciting journey to undertake, whether you do it professionally or as a hobby.  :)

Your art is gorgeous. Keep it coming, I'd love to see more! ^^


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Why thank you (and my apologies for the awfully late reply)! :DD

Unfortunately, I have nothing new to show for the time being. My old bridge camera broke in the spring because the lens got jammed, and since I couldn't get a replacement, I got a different bridge camera instead. However, I can't seem to function it without looking like I've taken the picture using a potato and it also doesn't have shutter priority or aperture priority modes, which are a must for me. I have tried to take some close-up shots with my smartphone, but the image just doesn't show up sharp enough on the computer for me to work well with. On the bright side, I'm going to treat myself next week to new DSLR camera, which hopefully means a lot more photography for me! I'm going to some cool places like Geneva, Majorca and an air show in the next few weeks, so hopefully I'll be able to get some cool images up soon.

As for the drawing side of things... I've been too caught up doing artwork and stuff for school, and then the exams happened, so I haven't been able to do anything. I do have the whole summer to myself though, so I'll see if I do end up drawing something. I might actually do some LBT fanart again. It's been, what, at least two years since I did anything regarding that? I've done some doodles in school with my friend when we were bored, but I've done nothing worthy to upload yet. :lol

"Some things you see with your eyes. Others, you see with your heart." :MomCompassion


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Time to revive this topic.  :bestsharptooth

Suddenly felt inspired to post my own photography again. I've got a lot of stuff from over the years, but the main things I used to take photos of a few years back was steam locomotives (I was very into the heritage railway game a few years back)! So here's a few of those. I've got a few more recent ones of nice views from places I've visited, but I might put those in a different post. I really need to try and get back into photography this year, and take photos of something other than my cats lol.

This first was taken at the Severn Valley Railway which is my local heritage railway. This engine wasn't officially named but I have heard it being called the 'Flying Pig'.

This lineup was taken at Didcot railway centre in 2017, for the summer bank holiday event which involved Flying Scotsman coming to visit. Most of these engines here are Great Westerns as seen by the copper-capped chimney, but the forefront engine is a London North Eastern express engine. That one is known as 'Union of South Africa' who has now been retired, and the one next to her is 'King Edward II'. I can't remember what the two at the back are. :p

This one is also from Didcot, starring the star of the show, 'Flying Scotsman', which is arguably one of the most famous steam locomotives in the world.

This is 'Flying Scotsman' at the Shildon Shed Bash in 2016, not long after its overhaul.

Another famous engine, 'Mallard', resting in the National Railway Museum, York. 'Mallard' is famous for being the fastest steam locomotive in the world, reaching a maximum speed of 126mph.

This double-headed train is passing through Arley station on the Severn Valley Railway.

This is 'Tornado' on a snowy day at the Severn Valley Railway. 'Tornado' is a new build, being completed in 2008.

This is 'King Edward II' again at the same spot on the same day, but with the snow getting a bit worse. :p

This is probably my favourite engine, 'Duchess of Sutherland', at Tyseley Locomotive Works.

And this is a more recent photo of her on the mainline at Worcester Shrub Hill, sporting her red livery from her early days. This was taken on my phone which... doesn't handle zoom well lol.

Finally, this little engine is known as 'Bellerophon', just pulling into Kidderminster station at the SVR.

More to follow shortly...

"Some things you see with your eyes. Others, you see with your heart." :MomCompassion


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Hey another person is hopping on the picture train!  :bestsharptooth

I think I've seen most of these when you shared them on Discord, but they're pretty cool to see nice and big. I think the first 2 are my favourite ones. The first has the steam covering the bottom front of the frame giving it a bit more spoopy vibe, and the 2nd one looks great with how they're all lined up. Nice job!


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Hey another person is hopping on the picture train!  :bestsharptooth


I think the first 2 are my favourite ones. The first has the steam covering the bottom front of the frame giving it a bit more spoopy vibe, and the 2nd one looks great with how they're all lined up. Nice job!

Yeah I like the first 2 as well.  :bestsharptooth

Found a couple from quite a few years ago on a school trip. As part of a history trip we went to Kehlsteinhaus, otherwise known as the Eagle's Nest, which was a Nazi building. But instead of the actual building, I was more focussed on the birds since they came so close to us. :p I think they're Alpine choughs, but I'm not so sure (I'm not that familiar with bird species). So... have some birds!

I believe these were all taken with my first bridge camera, probably the same one used for the very first photos I posted in this thread since it would have been around 2014-2015.

I've found a bunch of photos that I took at air shows from a few years ago so you might see some airplanes. Problem is, they're only available on this one website I uploaded them to and the only way to download them is to get each one individually... and there's like 2000 photos so I might be a while with those lol.  :rhett_ohsnap

"Some things you see with your eyes. Others, you see with your heart." :MomCompassion


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Oh wow those are incredible! Pretty cool how calm those birds are!


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Might as well upload some more photos. I decided against the aircraft ones because I went and had a look and most were blurry.  :smucky I went to Wales a few weeks ago and took some photos, and finally got around to editing them today.

The following are the views we got on a hike through Coed-Y-Brenin Forest Park. It snowed the night before which meant we got a good view of some snow-capped mountains. The trail also treated us to a few waterfalls.

The following day we went to Harlech Castle. Didn't take too many photos because it was hella windy up there.

I've got a few more photos from walks a bit closer to home which I'll upload a bit later (still editing a few of those).

"Some things you see with your eyes. Others, you see with your heart." :MomCompassion


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Love that pic right before the castle, you can see the sun shining between the clouds, so lovely.

and wow, look at that castle! I wanna touch its walls
I'm currently writing an lbt fanfic about Littlefoot and Ruby, it's a little cringy at first. Go check it out if you're interested! FANFICTION.NET-


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Well, Spring appears to be here! Here are a few of the flowers that have popped up over the last couple of weeks.

All except the first were taken on my phone since they were taken on random walks around my house. Hopefully we'll see a bit more variety in the coming weeks.

"Some things you see with your eyes. Others, you see with your heart." :MomCompassion