The Gang of Five
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The Past Haunts

Nahla · 486 · 66628


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Littlefoot poked his tongue out "If I find a girlfriend will everyone be happy?" he asked whacking his father "And I so not fail by the way"


  • Ducky
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"Considering how long it took you to get YOUR girl, I think it runs in your family." Grandpa countered. "I certainly did NOT take so long to get Grandma, I assure you."

Zimba nodded obediently, walking off to find Nahla.


  • Petrie
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Bron chuckled "Boy she must must of been desperate to give in so fast then" he laughed.

Nani watched Zimba leave before facing the family again turning to hide a chuckle,this was too amusing.


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Nahla had fallen asleep by the watering hole-why she never came back. She was tired from the trip from their old home to the valley here. She breathed softly but that was the only movement..she looked so peaceful.

Littlefoot hid his laughter "What would you say if I said if I had a crush on the new girl?" he turned his head slightly to Nani "Yeah...your daughter" he chuckled "Nahla seems like quite the character..if not a little she is beautiful..yeah I have a crush on her but if I tell ehr she'll most likely slap me like the others"


  • Ducky
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Grandma just slapped both Bron and Littlefoot with her tail, Bron a little harder cause she couldn't tell for the life of her what her daughter had seen in him. "Bloody idiots."

Zimba slowed when he saw Nahla sleeping. He didn't want to wake her.


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Bron jumped back "What was that for?!!" he complained.


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Littlefoot snorted "Yeah Grandma,what did I do? The other girls least had a REASON" he complained.

Nahla awoke hearing was hard for a full grown longneck to be quiet after all. She turned her head and smiled when she saw Zimba "Hi,Zimba what you doing out here?"


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"You." She gestured to Bron. "Because I really wonder what my daughter ever saw in you and YOU." She pointed at Littlefoot. "Because you somehow are more your father's son despite being around Grandpa most of the time. And you both because you are just barking idiots and I pity any woman that ends up with you."
Grandpa grinned at that. He loved his wife.

"Just seeing what was taking you." He said, slowly walking up to her. "Sorry I woke you."


  • Petrie
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Bron huffed and stormed off not willing to deal with the old lady rage at him.

Nani shifted feeling awkward,she looked like she wanted to just walk away but she also did not want to be rude.


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Littlefoot huffed,not sure if he should take that as a hint to change his ways or be offended and storm off like his father.

"It fine" she yawned standing up "I needed to wake up anyway" she  stopped next to Zimba leaning her head against him in a friend manner "You like it here?" she asked smiling at her longtime best friend.

OOC: There,Zimba can have a BFF  :nyah


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Grandpa was meanwhile having trouble holding his laughter back. "Still the same after all these Cold Times, my love."
"It's true." Grandma shrugged, turning to Nani. "Come, let's see if we can find you a spot to settle."

Zimba: :oops  :oops  :oops  :oops  :oops  :oops  :oops  :oops  :oops  :oops


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Nani nodded "Right" she said walking forward,she seemed uneasy as if she was hiding something. She kept shifting her eyes seeming distant.


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Nahla giggled at Zimba's face,she rubbed his head  smiling. She licked him quickly before she realized hat she was doing and pulled back blushing "Come on,we better get back" she said and began walking off.She sighed she had to admit..she had a crush on Zimba...the most awkward guy in the world...

OOC: I thought I'll give Nahla a little crush on Zimba since they are close friends and sides,she doesn't really know Littlefoot at all so she far from interested in him right now.


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Bron watched the two younger adults behind the trees curious. He looked from to female to the male smiling he knew what that girl was thinking,she had a little crush on her red friend there. The smile left his face when he remembered HIS son had a crush on the girl. He  shrugged it off though,sure Littlefoot would be a bit upset but he'd move on. He continued to watch them not saying a word.

OOC: Bron stalking them from behind the trees is not strange at all xD.


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Nahla fell back to walk beside Zimba instead of just leading,she smiled at him "So Zimba you gonna get a girlfriend anytime soon? You know my mother...if we don't choose ourselves she'll arrange someone for us" she laughed whacking him in the side with her tail "I saw some other longneck females a while ago,maybe one of them will like you. Though I kinda do..she added in her thoughts "Maybe that Littlefoot guy will like me,he a leader so Mother would love it if I went with him" she rolled her eyes and kept rambling "But I doubt he'll ever know me as well as you do I mean we only been friends since like forever" she  rubbed her head against her companion "Gee I hope when you get a girl you'll still remember me,if you don't I'll be forever hurt" she laughed and looked to the ground,man how could she be in love with Zimba of all dinosaurs? Boy she was glad her father wasn't here to find out about her little crush,it would make him spew-his daughter falling for to whom he called 'ruffian' and 'riff-raff' he never approved on  Nahla's friendship with Zimba,only dealing with it because of Nani's nagging to let them be,and a [forced] promise from his daughter that it'll never go past 'just friends'. But it looked like she was breaking that promise. She did not notice Bron as she passed him she was too busy thinking about her father,Hades. He was the whole reason Zimba,her mother and her came here in the first place-to get away from him. She knew he was not the type to just let that happen and carry on his merry way,he'll come for them...the question was-when? Nahla sighed,true it would be the whole Great Valley against one lone longneck,she wondered if she should warn that Littlefoot to be aware incase something did happen-Littlefoot was one of the leaders after all. But two problems with that. 1.It'll blow their secret and 2.Theres a chance she would be thought to be on it which could also put her mother and Zimba in danger. Man she thought looking at Zimba life is suddenly so difficult,I mean should I tell Zimba that I kinda love him? But what if he runs away? I mean I'm not exactly perfect girlfriend I? she took a deep shaky breath only one way to find out I guess.... "Zimba? I need to tell you something...something important".

Meanwhile,Littlefoot was turned facing away from his Grandparents gazed fixed to the ground "I don't get it..." he sighed "It seems nothing I do is right..maybe I'm just worthless and unlovable after..I'll die all alone" he dramaticly threw himself to the ground "You were right Grandma,I am an idiot" he buried his head into the ground "Why did I have to take after dad? Why couldn't I get Mother's side?"

OOC: Long post is long,you're all welcome :D.


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"You're not THAT bad." Grandpa soothed his grandson. "At least you skipped the 'girls have cooties'-phase. Your father was in that for years..."

"Okaay...?" Zimba did not like where this was going. He felt awkward. And now that Nahla starting talking about 'important' he really, really wanted to be somewhere else.


  • Petrie
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Nani snorted with laughter at that "Are you serious?" she chuckled.


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Nahla looked down and sighed before looking up at Zimba again "I know you might find this weird but...' she edged closer to Zimba "I....kinda...have this crush on you..." she admitted "So what I'm trying to say is.....I love you" she glanced at the make-she was sure he was gonna freak.


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He didn't freak. Well, okay, maybe a bit... "I... I... I'm sorry..." He blurted out as his red deepened even more from the worst blush EVER.

"Oh yes. Why do you think it took him and our daughter so long to get together? Surely not from lack of trying on HER part." Grandma rolled her eyes.