The Gang of Five
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Watership Down

Raptor · 279 · 22541


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"All I ask is that you follow." Said Thistle. "As long as you do that, you can stay. It can't be much farther."

Thistle was filled with sudden doubt. How far away was their safe place? Especially if they were to cross through a man's warren.

The Great Valley Guardian

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Mayberry nodded her head.
"And as an Owsla officer you have my word Thistle-rah that I will protect your...our warren safe." She then looked to the sky and sighed. "Frith help me if I should do something stupid like that again." she mumbled to herself.


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"I agree with Basil. You should apologize to her." Neltita said to Thyme firmly. While she understood that buck could find Mayberry's story unbelievable, he must now see that it had to be true. Doe's reaction to Thyme's words was final proof in eyes of Neltita, as none could act so emotionally in this situation if their story was absolutely false.

Thyme kept silent. He stubbornly refused to make amends, as he believed that anyobody would be as doubtful as he was about what Mayberry had said, if they were in his place. It wasn't like he called her a liar or something. If he knew that she will react in this way, then he would not question her story at all, but he couldn't know this! Why then everybody thinks that he must apologize her?!

Neltita must had figure out what Thyme was thinking, as she said calmly:
"You couldn't know for sure if Mayberry was telling the truth and you made a mistake assuming she wasn't. Simple 'sorry' will fix that."

"And it will show to all that I was wrong and Mayberry was right. They will think less of me because of this."
"This is childish response, Thyme." doe said, thinking that some rabbits have yet to get rid of that false sense of pride of theirs "Every creature makes errors and if anybody will think less of you, they will because you didn't want to admit that you made one."

Thyme didn't have any arguments against that. After moment od silence, he sighed and then he turned to Mayberry.
"Mayberry? I guess I owe you an apology for doubting in your story. I shouldn't acted like..."

"...A jerk?" Basil finished with a slight smile. Thyme rolled his eyes.

"You told that, not me. Anyway... I want to say... I am sorry" he said.
Pessimist sees a dark tunnel. Optimist sees a light in the tunnel. Realist sees the light of coming train. And a driver sees three idiots standing on the track.

"My heart has joined the thousand, for my friend stopped running today." - Watership Down by Richard Adams.

The Great Valley Guardian

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Mayberry looked over to Thyme and gave a sly smile.
"Alright Thyme, I accept your apology...on one condition..."


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"On one condition? What condition?" Thyme asked, frowning.
Pessimist sees a dark tunnel. Optimist sees a light in the tunnel. Realist sees the light of coming train. And a driver sees three idiots standing on the track.

"My heart has joined the thousand, for my friend stopped running today." - Watership Down by Richard Adams.

The Great Valley Guardian

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Mayberry smiled slyly at Thyme facial expression.
"On the condition that when the time comes I am named Owsla captain. But only when it becomes necessary."


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Thyme snickered. He should had expected that she will demand a thing like this. She was really missing being called a captain, wasn't she?
"If Thistle-rah appoints you as captain of our Owsla, which is yet non-existent I must add, then I will call you 'sir', 'sire' or whatever you think fits you best, as often as you like." Thyme said, before turning to Thistle "What you say Thistle? Should Mayberry become an officer?"
Pessimist sees a dark tunnel. Optimist sees a light in the tunnel. Realist sees the light of coming train. And a driver sees three idiots standing on the track.

"My heart has joined the thousand, for my friend stopped running today." - Watership Down by Richard Adams.


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"It's not time for any descisions like that." Said Thistle. "When we get there, well, maybe Frith will show us what to do."

Thistle looke up, and with a deep sigh, turned to Neltita. "Where do we go from here?"


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"We have to move forward till we pass Men's Warren and then we will reach our final destination. The high hills... That's where we will find peace and safety. That's where we will be able to start again..." Neltita answered.
Pessimist sees a dark tunnel. Optimist sees a light in the tunnel. Realist sees the light of coming train. And a driver sees three idiots standing on the track.

"My heart has joined the thousand, for my friend stopped running today." - Watership Down by Richard Adams.

The Great Valley Guardian

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Mayberry then replied in an amused tone, "Then what are we standing around here for. The sooner we're out of Man's warren, the sooner I can reclaim my title, so let's get a move on already."


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Thistle continued onwards, the other behind him. Walnut was near the center of their group, far to frightened to stray anywhere else. The other rabbits, Thistle could tell, were frightened as well. So was he.

They all wanted to get out of the wood. Thistle still had apprehension about the Man's Warren, but there was no use sitting around talking about it.


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Basil was glad that this time, argument between Mayberry and Thyme anded peacefully. They didn't need another fight and injuries to make this journey more difficult...

He noticed then the scared looks on rabbits mouths. Basil could understand their fear of the woods, even if he was used to living in it. Amongst the trees you couldn't see very far and predators had an adventage while sneaking, so you had to be vigilant at all time...

Walnut looked more frightened than the others. He almost went tharn. He could use some words of comfort probably, hare thought

"Cheer up, young buck!" he said to Walnut "There is nothing to fear here. And if any stinking fox shows up, I will beat out of his head any idea of eating one of us." he said with pretended self-conffidence. If fox really came, they would have to run and not fight, but saying that wouldn't do any good to Walnut's morale "Why you looking at me that way? You think I couldn't fight a fox, eh? Ha! I am telling you, that I will not only fight him but I will also hold him tight, so you could also give him a smack between his ears."

Thyme stared at Basil, for a moment believing that the hare was either insane or was trying to show off, while there was no elil to threat them, but then he realized the real goal of this little speech. He decided to play along with Basil.

"I would really like to see that, Mister Hare." he said, glancing at him with pretended admiration "And while holding him, would you allow me to smack his head too?"

"Well, of course, Thyme. Be my guest." Basil answered "But Thistle, as rabbit's Chief would have the precedence, so you would have to wait for your turn." he added jokingly.
Pessimist sees a dark tunnel. Optimist sees a light in the tunnel. Realist sees the light of coming train. And a driver sees three idiots standing on the track.

"My heart has joined the thousand, for my friend stopped running today." - Watership Down by Richard Adams.

The Great Valley Guardian

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Mayberry giggled as she heard the speech that Basil and Thyme were giving walnut to keep him calm, as it seemed rather effective. She then hopped forward and smiled. "Besides," she said with an air of confidence "We are one of the best warrens I've seen. You have nothing to worry about Walnut, as Owsla I can promise you you'll be safe."


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Walnut started to feel a bit better. After all, if he had so many friends so close by, he'd be safe for sure.

Thistle smiled, and added "A Fox would have to be tharn to attack us!"

OOC: Indeed a bit short, but RP CPR was nesesscary, regardless of the length.


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OOC: Let's hope we won't need another CPR to keep this thread alive. :)


Neltita looked at Basil with amusement in her eyes. He never seemed to be scared of anything or distressed.

"So you wouldn't be afraid of fighting fox, Basil?" she asked "Is there anything you fear?"

"Well... If there is, it would certainly be a female hare." Basil answered.

"Surely you can't be serious!" Thyme exclaimed.

"Can't I? Let me tell you something about hares, Thyme. You would have to fight against other buck to win a doe, because there is so many rabbits gathered in one place. On the other hand, when hares meets each other, there is rarely more of them than two. So it is up to doe to test, if male is strong enough to mate with her and she can be very tough while doing all that testing. Take my word for that."
Pessimist sees a dark tunnel. Optimist sees a light in the tunnel. Realist sees the light of coming train. And a driver sees three idiots standing on the track.

"My heart has joined the thousand, for my friend stopped running today." - Watership Down by Richard Adams.

The Great Valley Guardian

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OOC: :lol RP CPR.


Mayberry had a wide grin on her face as she heard the difference between does. She then replied, "Well...I'd be willing to bet that between us, both Basil and I could fight off at least three foxes, of that I have no doubt!" she boasted with an air of confidence.


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Thistle smiled, and said "Well, I'll bet we scared off all the elil in the entire wood. Let's get going."

The rabbits started to move on, Walnut now a bit more confident in the venture. The forest couldn't be mush longer. Then, they could feed, and rest.


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Thyme, seeing Mayberry's grin, wondered if Basil's story about the difference between does gave her some inspiration? If it did, then Frith help any buck, that will try to impress her. Thyme doubted she will be easily pleased, if she ever decided to do her own testing like those hare females...

"You would fight three foxes each? Alright. You prepare for a battle, while the rest of us will look for hombil. We will bring them here and you will have a chance to defeat them." Thyme said with slight smile "I bet that Soapwort would like to see that, as it would give him trully epic story to tell... Isn't that right, friend?" he asked the group's storyteller.
Pessimist sees a dark tunnel. Optimist sees a light in the tunnel. Realist sees the light of coming train. And a driver sees three idiots standing on the track.

"My heart has joined the thousand, for my friend stopped running today." - Watership Down by Richard Adams.

The Great Valley Guardian

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Mayberry grinned at Thyme as she heard him speaking. She then began to laugh softly at the buck.

"Like Thistle-rah said, we've most likely scared off all the elil in the woods, and even if you could find three homba to attack us, you'd have to try not getten eaten first."

However Mayberry also began to think about what might happen if they did indeed find their new home, and the possiblity of having a mate.


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"I could do that, Mayberry. Evading homba's teeth that is. After all, I did almost become Owsla member, so that means I can take care of myself." Thyme said.

"Almost?" Basil asked, rising his eyebrow "I take it you tried to get into the ranks of Owsla and... you failed?"

"Hey! I didn't failed!" gray rabbit shouted, clearly offended with hare's words "I passed my initial training! The reason I wasn't accepted into our warren's military was me attacking one of the members of Owsla."

"I see... Could I ask, why you attacked him then?"

This question caused a visible reaction of both Thyme and Neltita: doe shivered slightly, while the buck glanced at her for a brief moment, before turning back to Basil.

"Firstly, it was she, not he. Secondly, let's just say, that I couldn't stand her treatment of outskirters." buck replied with hesitancy. Hare had a feeling, that it was better not to ask for details. At least for now. Therefore, he didn't ask any more questions, although Haila knew how curious he was...
Pessimist sees a dark tunnel. Optimist sees a light in the tunnel. Realist sees the light of coming train. And a driver sees three idiots standing on the track.

"My heart has joined the thousand, for my friend stopped running today." - Watership Down by Richard Adams.