The Gang of Five
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The Lost Tale Of Eymreil

Belmont2500 · 2788 · 214587


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"Even when someone battles hard, there is an equal portion for one who lingers behind, and in the same honor are held both the coward and the brave man; the idle man and he who has done much meet death alike"
                                                                       - Homer, The Illiad
                                                                   Greek epic poet (700 BC - 800 BC)

Long ago, when the nation of Mordrivale was at war with the Roman empire, its king summoned a wizard similar to that of Merlin and said to him "we cannot stay here much longer, as we are being hunted like vermin by the Romans,we ask ye to create a gate out of this place", the wizard then formed a tome, that contained a spell, if one uttered said spell, it would take them away to another world, and it has been said that those who are taken are never seen again. The king and queen each were taken to this place as the Roman empire overtook and destroyed their city, the wizard and the tome, disappeared,never to be seen again...

However, in the year 2010.

 A boy named John, or Belmont2500 as he is known as on a forum called the Gang Of Five, once found an old book in an abandoned library. But in truth, it was the very tome mentioned in the legend. John out of curiosity read and spoke the ancient spell which took him and fellow GOF member Nick22 to a place known as Eymreil.There they swore an oath to save it from the darkness that engulfs it,however their journey mysteriously came to an abrupt end.

              It has been a year since then...

         And so the legend goes on...



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He was beginning to tire, after nearly two hours of thrusting his sword at dummies made of leaves.

In the last hour, John had been deeply focused on his melee training. He violently swung his two handed sword, Spiritslash as he had named it, into another dummy  and another, at an incredable pace, but he was slowing down. as fatigue came over him. His face covered in sweat, John sheathed his sword and decided to call it a day.

There were two reasons he carried that sword, the most important reason was, that he was willing to fight against the darkest of men, in the name of Mother Earth herself - Gaia. He was willing to give his very life to save Animalia, the animal kingdom, as he had always felt like he belonged there.

Of all his memories that haunted him, which were few and far between. One of them stood out. It was the time that he and one of his friends, Nick, had been taken to that other world, Eymreil was it? He remembered the attack being arrested and soon bailed out of Lascavia prison, his and Nick's journey to Corral and its destruction.

He remembered meeting Daar Maa and the young prophet, Ashnii and he remembered being imprisioned by the forces of Cernobog, Eymreil's cruel dictator.

He remembered those hard days working in the mines and the forgery, he remembered his breif reunion with Alkimos, a stallion he had saved on his journey to Corral, and the day when he and Nick escaped and ended up in this...alternate unknown world.



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Nick was working on forging a shield in a nearby armory.. both he and John was been captured by the forces of the enemy and imprisoned, before managing to escape after a couple weeks/ they had managed to find a portal out of Eymreil which had brought them here. It wasn't quite their home world, but it was close enough, that the pair of the,m had settled down and began to forget about their brief quest in that faroff place.
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which one of you is called nick? said a voice behind them. "It looked like a large Bull although Nick couldn't be sure ' I have a message for him..." That would be me" nick said setting the shield aside " what Can I do for you Sir? " message for you.. from a Agorian.. read it" the Bull said handing Nick a scrap of paper
" Nick-
 I hope this reaches you in good health.. Eymriel has fallen completely under Cernobogs iron rule, and we are barely scraping by. My mother managed to bribe the guards to get me out of prison but we unfortunately didn't have the gold to free you and John, and For that I am profoundly sorry..we have relocated to a small outpost called Brug Orn. it is high up in the mountains, and the only way to reach it is by a very long and winding road, or by portal..I have enclosed two potions for you and john to drink that will activate upon returning to emyreil, so that no one will recognize you. I hope that we will meet again in person soon.
 Daar Maa
Tied to the piece of paper were two small vials.. Nick sighed as he read the paper. " How did you find us? he asked the bull.. " Dumb luck. " Kept trying different portal until I found the one over that hill there/ Recognized the two of you from a wanted poster the maiden gave me, although you're starting to grow a beard.. " Trying to, at least Nick said. '
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Fifteen year old Melinda was walking home from school. She looked up to the cloudy skies sadly. "The twelfth anniversary..." she sighed to herself. It was twelve years ago Tuesday that she lost her older sister in that old house. She still remembered the flames and the smoke that fateful night of September 27, 1998. She was only two years old then, but she could remember her sister very well. In fact, she was wearing her sister's high school necklace right now.

(That's all I can think of for now.)
Petra is a variant of the Greek name "Petros" meaning "strong" or "rock." Andi is a variant of the Greek name "Andy" meaning "masculine" or "brave." Therefore, I am tremendously brave and strong! :lol


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"What's that,Nick" John asked, walking up and motioning to the letter in his hands.


Cernobog's castle, Eymreil...

Apep approached that throne where his mother and father sat as well as the other rulers of Eymreil before them, Apep bowed before handing his mother, Amelia, some red wine before turning to his father.

"Father, those two outlanders..." Apep began.

"What about them"

"They...escaped, father" Apep continued.

Cernobog clenched his fists but soon calmed.

"No matter, we shall find them again and kill them" he spoke.

"That is where you're wrong, you won't be the one to vanquish them" Apep explained, a smirk creeping over his face.

Suddenly, Amelia began clenching her chest as she coughed up blood and soon collapsed to the ground. Cernobog realized what had happened and who to blame.

"Why, Apep, why do you trouble me" he spoke

Apep drew his sword, "T'is because you're too weak father. T'is I who should rule Eymreil and you who should....parish" Apep laughed madly and Cernobog could do nothing to stop his crazed son from driving a sword into his heart.

Apep withdrew his sword and approached the throne.

"From this day on, I will rule and all who oppose me...."

his eyes began to glow a crimson red.

"Will die!!!!" he concluded before the room filled with his maniacal laughter...



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it is a letter from daar maa. nic replied ' asking us to come back to emyreil.. ' he frowned. ' if we can even get back that is ' these potiomns will transform us into agorians like she is, so we blend in. he added. ' so we' don't stick out like sore thumbs..
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"You can take the potion if you wish, but I already have what's needed to blend in" John spoke as he put on a black hooded cape and a masqerade to hide his face.



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well they won't work until we reach emyreil..'nick said ' but i might as well drink it now
 he said' taking the first potion and drinking it
 it tasted liked bitter herbs..and Nick made a face.. " Well lets go find daar Maa' Nick said
Brug Orn-Emyriel
 Daar Maa was washing clothes in a small stream outside the settlement ' She had been living here with her mother and a few survivors from corral for the last few months and it was very lonely and isolated out here. it hadtaken some event to find the bull and send him after Nick and John. unfortunately.. Daar Maa only had a small amount of each potion.. enough to turn them into agorains fior a couple of days..
 she hoped that they would be able to find her and her mother..
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Meanwhile, a young Khaijit, about the age of sixteen(in human years), was praying, uttering what appeared to be a spell...

"Revinio redemptor repeto restituo" she whispered, her eyes fluttered open and she did something that she hadn't done in for quite awhile, she smiled.

"They're coming" she muttered.


The Crossing

John leaned against the tree, he was thinking back to before he entered Eymreil, those days were both good and bad.

Good because of his time with his many friends on the Gang Of Five, such as Hannah, Tim, Iris and Adriel and because of his affection for the natural world.

Bad because of how his own kind was destorying said world, slowly but surely and now because of the dark times that Eymreil was going through.

Suddenly, John felt that sinking feeling, he looked down at his hand and was shock to see that he was fading.

he gasped in shock.



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we are disappearing from this world
 we need to enter emyriel before we vanish entirely" nick said, his hand was starting to disappear as well. ' hurry John! Hurry' Nick said as he began running towards the portal..
_ Who is coming? DAar Maa Asked, though her heart was altready telling her that it was not good
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Behind Daar Maa, Eric dropped down to the ground, looking around and smirking.  
"So...Eymreil, I'm guessing."
He chuckled...


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And who might you be?" Daar Maa asked gazing at the newcomer.. " this is brug Orn, a small village in case you are wondering... I'm Daar Maa;' she said, her red mouth parted in a smile..
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Eric smiled back at her and nodded.
"Name's Eric.  I'm from another world.  But that's not important.  What is important is that I'm here to help you.  Now I've got an even bigger reason to want to help.  Such a beautiful lady like you makes me so inclined to help."
He said with a laconic grin...


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John ran as quickly as his legs could carry him, and dived into the portal and instantainously found himself in a small, tattered village.

It took awhile for John to regain his bearings before hearing someone walking toward his position, as John began to stand, he felt a furry hand on his shoulder.

He looked up and beheld the sight of Ashnii, the young khaijit looked slightly older than when John last saw her, but she was still as beautiful as ever.

"Welcome back" she told him.



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nick followed him through the portal and landed on the outskirts of the town, which was Bruh Orn. t was cold here and as he got up he realized almost immediately that he felt different. The potion he drank had taken affect. He headed over to a nearby stream and looked into it and gasped. 'I'm not a an agorian.. I'm a FEMALE Agorian! When I get my hands on Daar Maa" He said, but it was then he noticed even his voice had changed to that of a female. Nick's form was that of as young female Agorian. his face was pink with yellow splotches and the lips were bright red. the dress covering this form was light tan, and went over his chest down to around his ankles. 'Hello there" sad a voice behind him, it was a voice the Nick quickly recognized. ' he turned around and Daar Maa stood there " Can I help you? "Yes Daar Maa you can help me" Nick said tersely.. "You can help me by explaining why you choose a female form for the potion you sent me!" "Nick?!? Daar Maa began to laugh. causing Nick to grit his teeth " well i;m sorry but er.. I didn't know it would create a female form. the book i used to make it was wrong apparently.. " How long am I stuck like this? Nick said.
_ A few days.. but you look good actually, no one would ever suspect you're an escaped prisoner.." daar Maa suddenly hugged Nick " I'm just happy to see you again.' You kiss me in this form and people will really look at you odd" Nick pointed out.. right.. um..I'll just say you're my er cousin from Brugash.. We'll call you  Nicula for now..And I'll bet you 10 gold that Johns around here somewhere too" Daar Maa said "Yeah He was just ahead of me when I entered although I landed in a different place from him " Nicula" said. " Lead the way, and show me around" Daarmaa took her by the claw and turned to lead her into the village..
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Eric chuckled, following after the others, shifting into a black-armored werewolf wearing a black cloak as he did.
"My my.  Hello there, Nick."
He said jokingly...


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"Good den, M'lady" John said, revealing himself to have been behind Daar Maa with Ashnii close behind. He then turned his sights to the other 'female' argonian.

"And who might this lass be?" he asked.



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This lass would be Nick" Nicula replied " that potion of Daar Maas turned me into a FEMALE Agorian.Yes yes laugh all you two want.." he said. as Daar maa shot her a grin.." sorry guys we didn't have much of the potion and I misread the instructions.To make it a male I needed more of some ingredients than I put in..Things have been tough over the last year.. But I think Nick looks very good as a female.." daar Maa said.. Call her nicula.. shes my cousi from brugash" She said with a smile..
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Eric smiled and walked up next to Daar Maa, nodding to her.
"Rough how?"
He asked, voice concerned...