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Flathead770's Fanart

Flathead770 · 348 · 103941


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I do not really recall what this tv-episode was like to be honest xD

Looks a little more dull than your usual work but it's as you said that you went for a simpler and less time-consuming look (which I can really relate to, believe me :DD) so that's absolutely alright haha.
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Thanks a lot Sovereign! I wasn't sure how the wind would end up looking. It's good to see that it turned out well! :DD

I do not really recall what this tv-episode was like to be honest xD

Looks a little more dull than your usual work but it's as you said that you went for a simpler and less time-consuming look (which I can really relate to, believe me :DD) so that's absolutely alright haha.
Sounds like you need a refresher on the tv series then :p

As for the dull look, I'm sure if I had more contrast it would stand out a lot better, but I'm happy with how I finished it.

Thanks for the feedback!


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Ok, time for another drawing! This is my submission for the fanart prompt: Out of Character

It's everyone's favourite apathetic Apatosaurus, Littlefoot!  :PAli

I kept things even simpler this time, neglecting a background completely. I've been getting quite busy this summer so I've had less time to work on drawing. On another note, while I've always taken the picture of my drawings with my Nikon, this is the first time I've ever really done any post processing on the image (in this case bumping the contrast up)

As always, let me know what you guys think!  :)littlefoot


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Now this is some great work from you, Flathead. Great work indeed. :^^spike


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 :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol

It's amazing job, Flathead.

Characters's drawing is perfect!

Who's that? Cera?
Well, it was her who said that threehorns can solve eevrything by their oown, so I think she won't even beat this flathead if she survies.  :^^spike


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This is some great stuff, Flathead! The idea is quite neat and fits the prompt rather perfectly. The picture as a whole is drawn very well and I quite like Littlefoot's expression. As always, your style is extremely smooth and makes this drawing look really neat. My only problem here is Cera's head as it looks too long. But other than that, great job as always! :duckyhappy


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Now this is some great work from you, Flathead. Great work indeed. :^^spike
Thank you! :smile

:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol

It's amazing job, Flathead.

Characters's drawing is perfect!

Who's that? Cera?
Well, it was her who said that threehorns can solve eevrything by their oown, so I think she won't even beat this flathead if she survies.  :^^spike
Yeah that's Cera haha. It was at that moment that she realized that she was full of hot air  :PCera

This is some great stuff, Flathead! The idea is quite neat and fits the prompt rather perfectly. The picture as a whole is drawn very well and I quite like Littlefoot's expression. As always, your style is extremely smooth and makes this drawing look really neat. My only problem here is Cera's head as it looks too long. But other than that, great job as always! :duckyhappy
Thanks! Yeah Cera was hard to draw as she's so small, about 1.5cm in width on the page. Made things difficult for sure.

Alright, next one up is to draw an OC. Anyone got one they want me to butcher? :lol


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If there's one thing I'll say to Littlefoot at this point, it's this:

You're Next. :evilsmile

But haha, I love the drawing Flathead770! Keep up the good work. Out of all the other characters you could've chosen to be chased by Sharptooth, I thought Cera was the obvious (albeit perfect) choice here. :)

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Oh no Littlefoot, what are you doing! :D

Haha, great work here Flathead! Lovely drawing as always. Sharptooth has some great details going on there!


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If there's one thing I'll say to Littlefoot at this point, it's this:

You're Next. :evilsmile

But haha, I love the drawing Flathead770! Keep up the good work. Out of all the other characters you could've chosen to be chased by Sharptooth, I thought Cera was the obvious (albeit perfect) choice here. :)
It will be so much karma that not even a song can save him :p
Yeah Cera is a prime choice for this isn't she? I left that spot blank for a long time to figure out what I wanted to draw. Was thinking either his Grandpa on the ground or maybe the whole gang running away. Decided on just Cera since it is quicker haha. Glad you liked it!

Oh no Littlefoot, what are you doing! :D

Haha, great work here Flathead! Lovely drawing as always. Sharptooth has some great details going on there!
Thank you!
I have a pretty good idea what Littlefoot is thinking right now:

I feel so happy I want everyone to see,
Cera's no longer a part of the Great Valley!



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Honestly, I think the juxtaposition between the two make this. While the focus of the piece is clearly Littlefoot, it doesn't seem like an out-of-character moment in-film until it's contrasted with the tiny speck that is Cera in the BG.
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That one guy who writes LBT fanfiction and accidentally makes them five times longer than he'd originally intended.


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Honestly, I think the juxtaposition between the two make this. While the focus of the piece is clearly Littlefoot, it doesn't seem like an out-of-character moment in-film until it's contrasted with the tiny speck that is Cera in the BG.
Yeah taken by himself, there wouldn't be anything wrong with Littlefoot whistling a tune. Having a non-friendship type attitude was the first thing that came to mind for this prompt and I think everyone has humoured the thought of letting Cera get what she deserves from getting her head stuck too deep at least once. :p

Thanks for the feedback!


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Post-production really works out ;)Cera

Nice idea! Littlefoot's expression is priceless  :bestsharptooth
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This is excellent! Like others have said, the combination of Littlefoot's "I didn't see anything" expression and Cera running for terror really adds to the humor of this scene.  :)littlefoot Although I am sure Cera finds it less humorous than us.  x(cera

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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Post-production really works out ;)Cera

Nice idea! Littlefoot's expression is priceless  :bestsharptooth
It does, though I've avoided using it in the past as I feel like it's sorta cheating, though I can't deny I like the results for upping contrast for greyscale. Glad you liked it!

This is excellent! Like others have said, the combination of Littlefoot's "I didn't see anything" expression and Cera running for terror really adds to the humor of this scene.  :)littlefoot Although I am sure Cera finds it less humorous than us.  x(cera
I'm sure she would have a lot to say to Littlefoot, that is if she makes it back  ;)Cera  :evilsmile


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Author's Note: This is my submission for the fanart prompt: Draw an OC. Italics denote sound/memories.





The exasperated stride of a theropod drudged slowly upwards as the Bright Circle began its descent across the sky, filling it with a bright orange that blended in with the both the dirt and figure creating an almost monochrome landscape. The dry, cracked earth easily depressing under the weight of each step, adding to the already arduous task at hand. The dinosaur briefly paused to look up, taking notice of the shifting colours above it as well as its remaining progress on its climb before continue its march again.



Using its arms to help lift itself, the theropod pushed itself over the top, with the resulting push and overall lack of strength caused it to fall flat on its stomach. Given the recent strain, this served as a nice moment for it to rest and regain some strength.

“I found you!”

A small, orange theropod eagerly pointed at a small bush tucked in between a tree and large boulder, the slight reveal of some purple feathers giving away another dinosaurs hiding spot. With a rustling of the leaves the once visible feathers receded behind the green, bushy veil. After a brief pause a pink leg reluctantly emerged and slowly reached out to the nearby grass, pressing down in a couple spots to ensure proper footing. Once confidence was achieved the remainder of the dinosaur quickly followed. While the first foot was placed with utmost care there was not enough time for the other from the shifting weight and it caught on part of the tree root, causing the pink theropod to fall belly first.

“...oww” the fallen dinosaur quietly let out as she blew upwards to try an move the feathers that had now fallen in front of her eyes away.

“How many times have I said you need to be more careful Cloolah?” the orange dinosaur sighed with both hands on his sides.

“No need to worry Brootie, it's why we have nice big bellies! So we can fall like this all the time!” The previous signs of injury soon gave way and she pushed herself back onto her feet. “Maybe if you stopped all that running around you do all the time you would have a nice big belly to fall on as well!?”

Brootie instinctively put his hands on his belly in response to Cloolah's teasing rebuttal before lowering his voice as he quickly looked at the surrounding area. “You've heard the Far Walkers passing by lately. No food to eat. All of them coming from over the hill where the Bright Circle rises.” He paused and stretched his neck up to look to towards the hill.“How long until that happens to-”

Cloolah placed a finger on Brootie's beak. “There you go again with the Far Walker talk. Our herd has always lived here with no problems at all so why would we do anything different? Remember what our leader always says? 'Stop worrying about tomorro'-”


Brootie shoved the memory out of his mind and regained his awareness as he lifted himself back up. He was always quite different from others of his kind and the isolation and survival only helped to further that divide. His legs and arms were a lot more muscular with traces of small cuts and scars throughout his body gained over the years from skirmishes with sharpteeth. Most noticeably was a relatively less profound belly sticking out with 3 distinct scars across it that have only started to finally heal, contrasting the pinkish hue of the wound with the yellow. The differences didn't stop with the physical either, he never agreed with the apathetic nature his herd once shared. Caution and preparation were his personal wisdoms he always used, something that has served him well in his survival over the years.

After Brootie quickly brushed the dust off of him, he quickly took note of his new surroundings. The hill that he had climbed plateaued at the top, with the only distinct feature to stand out being a lone remains of a dinosaur near the edge on the far side that had also ventured up to this vantage point at some point. The bones were half buried in the ground and weathered beyond recognition, but that was hardly his concern at this point. With his strength recovered, the theropod moved towards the remains. He picked up a loose bone fragment and set one foot on top of the skull and gazed out, holding his other hand above his head to help block out the light from the Bright Circle, at the vast wasteland that was now in front of him.

It didn't take long for him to fixate on his new found targets as he scanned the landscape, a pair of Fast Biters on the edge of the desert dragging a lifeless body towards a series of rocks. That sort of cover and shelter provided that would be an ideal spot for their nest.

“Found you” Brootie grumbled to himself with the hint of a grin appearing on his face. With renewed determination, the orange Yellow Belly stepped off of his small perch and marched down the hill. His hunt had begun.


More Author's Notes: So I tried something a little out of my comfort zone this time around, with both making an OC myself as well as do a small little story to help give a small amount of back story for the character. This really does help reinforce why I'm not that interested in writing. Even though this is only around 850ish words it took me multiple days to finally get it on text where it made sense. I think the writing took longer then the drawing haha.

As for the drawing, the idea came indirectly from some suggestions that Iris gave to me as I wasn't sure what to do this time around (thanks Iris! :smile ). The idea came around as jokingly coming up with some form of antithesis to Yellow Bellies portrayed in 13. Also if I needed to have at least one OC under my name, having it be a Yellow Belly is a fun notion  :PCera


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Oh my...
I would be careful to make jokes on THIS yellowbelly...  :sducky

 :celebrate Osom!
Can't say anything more.
« Last Edit: September 02, 2019, 09:36:09 AM by Sneak »


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Bahaha! I love it! The Lone Dinosaur - Yellow Belly Edition :D

Very nice work on the drawing. The colors look warm and soft and seem really accurate. :yes


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I agree with Mumbling's overall assessment of your drawing, Flathead770. You shaded your drawing quite nicely. I have no irks whatsoever for this creation.  I said it on his fanart thread, and I'll say it again here. There's a certain feeling you get with hand made drawings as opposed to digitized ones, very nostalgic/positive for me. The textures here can't simply be replicated with a computer program. Great job. I love the concept of a yellow belly character that deviates from the average herd mentality. Brootie is obviously someone you shouldn't make fun of.

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I concur with everyone and agree that the orange shading and shadows are great, and I really like the foothold/pose that Brootie takes: really makes him seem so much more energetic and adventurous.

Ironically, the short story/synopsis reads more like a museum inscription: this individual deviates from the species norm. But I really like it... it really compliments the serious look on the yellowbelly's face. :)
Would it be possible for swimmers and flyers to get more love around here? Both figuratively… and literally.

That one guy who writes LBT fanfiction and accidentally makes them five times longer than he'd originally intended.