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alein saga

mcr mad · 22 · 3104

mcr mad

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i fucking love that saga, i just brought the alein trigoly when i was in goa i cant wait to watch it, what do you think of the film's


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I've only seen the first 2 movies, though I've not seen the first once since I was at the drive in when it first came out.  As I remember on the screen next to Alien was Amytyville horror.  I only glanced at  the other screen now and then so only caught a few brief scenes of that other movie.  As I recall the music never changed, unlike Jaws, before the alien would appear so you had no warning.  Though with my viewing being not since the 79 it  may be an incorrect memory.

The second I've seen way to often to enjoy watching it anymore.  It seems every friend or group I was with wanted to watch it.  Though I did enjoy it the first few times.  Never saw the third.  Read the script of the fourth one.


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I've seen all 3 of them.  They were really intense for me because I was only 9 or 10 when I saw them for the first time.


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mcr mad, Please watch your language here.  This isn't the first time we've needed to ask you to do so.  Next time, there will be an official Warning.

As for this series, never seen nor heard of it. :p

mcr mad

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WAHT?! you have never heard of the most terfing sic-fi saga ever make, man you must know nothing about sic-fi films


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mcr mad

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yeah so is the terninotor and predotor but just as good <_<  -_-


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WAHT?! you have never heard of the most terfing sic-fi saga ever make, man you must know nothing about sic-fi films
Really mcr mad, while you repeatedly posted about people being intolerant about the kinds of music etc. you like you prove quite intolerant yourself whenever somebody does not share your enthusiasm about anything!
How can you "accuse" anyone of knowing nothing about Science Fiction films just because somebody doesn't know one series of movies? It appears not just disrespectful but really ridiculous if you accuse somebody else of knowing nothing about science fiction while at the same time you did not even spell the word correctly a single time!

mcr mad

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yeah but you dont know must about sic-fi if you've never heard of the alein saga


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One does not need to know about the Alien saga to know about sci-fi.

As for myself, I have heard about Alien but never watched it because it's not my kind of movie. I did catch the "chest bursting alien" scene when I was young and it put me off the movies for good. I had lost my appetite.


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How can you "accuse" anyone of knowing nothing about Science Fiction films just because somebody doesn't know one series of movies?

Agreed.  That's like accusing someone of not knowing how to cook just because they don't know how to make one simple thing.

mcr mad

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well im a huge sic-fi nerd i know witch film are famous and with an't, example alein star wars and star trek are all famous even if you dont like sic-fi while hero's, dotcer who and red dwaf an't


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I never heard of Red Dwarf, but I've heard Doctor who was popular. It's one of the top ranked sci-fi series. According to, the 2005 Doctor Who outranks the Star Trek series.


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I've never heard of any of the films Darkhououmon mentioned. B)

mcr mad

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Quote from: DarkHououmon,Mar 8 2008 on  11:27 PM
I never heard of Red Dwarf, but Doctor Who and Hero's, far as I know, are both popular, especially Doctor Who. It's one of the top ranked sci-fi series.
yeahin britain but no one imn ameraia has


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mcr mad

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Quote from: DarkHououmon,Mar 8 2008 on  11:31 PM
How do you know?
umm cos like none of my online mates from america have heard of it


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How does that mean no one in America hasn't heard of them? A few people does not count as the entire population of America.

mcr mad

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Quote from: DarkHououmon,Mar 8 2008 on  11:34 PM
How does that mean no one in America hasn't heard of them? A few people does not count as the entire population of America.
true ok i might of been wrong there


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I've heard of Red Dwarf, and seen most of the seasons.  Doctor Who also.  I first saw Doctor Who in the 80's on the local pbs affiliate.  Red Dwarf was a few years ago when the local affiliate had most of the seasons.  

As for science fiction films there are many sub genres and some folks do not like certain ones so they may not have heard of those certain films, and some of the alien films would be considered old by today's folks since anything over 6 months, or maybe 3 monts, are considered old films.