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SCRIPT for Original Uncut LBT FOUND!

Hypno · 50 · 19543


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I'm curious, what was the logical reasoning for the removal of the link based on the discussions you read?

I'm also going to point out that on the LBT wiki, I saw a thread with an actual short clip of Littlefoot and Cera being swept away by the mud and colliding with Sharptooth's foot. There's also a 19 second audio clip of the music that played for the deleted scene. This was only posted very recently, so come check it out if you're interested. :)

That thread there is actually by me :lol I made it yesterday to show my friend NanoLancensis (known as Nanotyrannus on the GoF) what we have as of 2019. That thread showcasing a lost scene is just a taste of what is to come when I do my big analysis that I've mentioned I was going to do a while ago.

Growing up I was a big LBT fan and had seen all movies and TV series episodes. On the forum, I was formerly known as Hypnobrai until Nov 11, 2017.

In recent years, I have gained an interest in the production of The Land Before Time, particularly the deleted scenes of the original film. New discoveries have been made in the last few years and continue to be made, so I feel that it is a good time to contribute.

I have always loved sharpteeth more than any other creatures in the franchise, especially the fourteenth film's Carnotaurus, the fifth film's Sharptooth, and especially the original Sharptooth.

I am a former administrator of the LBT wiki, having been active from 2017 to 2019.

(I'm a runner-up for the Appreciated Member 2017 award.)


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@Hypno: Please keep us updated when your analysis comes. I would love to see it.


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That thread there is actually by me :lol

Just to clarify, I knew that thread was made by you. I just shared the thread here, directing it to anyone else who happens to be interested in something like original uncut LBT footage. I knew many people were excited about something like that, so I decided to pass the information along. :)

But anyways, I'm also intrigued just like Stardust and Anagnos about your big analysis that's coming very soon. Surely it will reveal much more about the lost footage than just the preview in the thread, correct? :)

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Thanks so much for making this available!! :)littlefoot I gotta say, when I first started reading , I thought it was barely going to be any different than the final version, but reading it all the way through, there are definitely some notable differences. Here are my thoughts!

I actually prefer the final version of the movie, and my biggest reason for that is the difference in Cera's characterization. First, I noticed this script didn't have her parrot her dad's line, "Threehorns never play with longnecks." That moment emphasized that Cera, early in the film, had been raised to become a mini version of her father, prejudices and all. Although we can still tell that about Cera in this earlier script, the film version that has her word-for-word repeat the line particularly accentuates that she's the product of her upbringing (and is probably why "Threehorns never play with longnecks!" is such a memorable line in the first place). Second, I think Cera's overall development arc was done better in the movie. The moment where she goes to cry by herself, which showed the vulnerability she'd been hiding under her anger, was absent from the script. The Cera of the script has a lesser range of emotions altogether. She's almost purely aggressive up until the moment where she comes to save the day in the Sharptooth trap scene, and that made it feel like a pretty sudden turnaround in my opinion.

I also want to bring up the name Thunderfoot. It wasn't news to me that Thunderfoot was Littlefoot's original name, since I'd seen that on a wiki page before. However, I had never thought much about it before reading this script--but seeing it about five times or so on every page of this sure forced me to think about it. Boy, am I glad another dinosaur character had already taken this name! The character types my head conjures up from the names "Thunderfoot" and "Littlefoot" are polar opposites. Littlefoot sounds like a fitting name for a wide-eyed, scrappy young dinosaur, while Thunderfoot gives me the image of a big, strong, maybe even brutish character. Yeah, Thunderfoot would make more sense once the character grows up, but seeing as how we've had fourteen movies now and no one looks like they've aged one day, I don't think there's any danger of Littlefoot outgrowing his name at this rate! :lol

Also...Petrie. The way he was written in this script just leaves me...confused. So he was just going to whistle, not talk, all through the movie? At first, I was thinking the writers were probably just trying to suggest that he was younger than his friends and couldn't talk yet, but in the valley scene, it turns out his mother also just whistles. And I wonder what the purpose was for their "words" being written in parentheses after each whistle. Was that just put there for reference to make writing dialogue between Petrie and the other characters easier? Or was it going to be shown on subtitles or something? Then there's the matter of Petrie's grammar. In the movie, it came across as being just a childlike quirk of his, but this script gives his mom the same grammar problem. I guess in addition to whistling instead of talking, all flyers also have poor grammar. It's like they're supposed to be dumber, more animal-like creatures than the dinosaurs, a scenario which (pun alert) doesn't quite fly with me.

I also prefer Littlefoot's first look at the valley being saved for the very end of the movie. I liked him being able to have that moment with his friends standing right beside him, not with him having to go back and find them. By having the kids run down into the valley immediately after seeing it for the first time, the movie scene was the Gang's singular moment of joyful triumph, the crowning glory waiting at the end of their journey. No one character should have been able to have that moment alone--it needed to be saved until they'd all completed their journey so they could take it in side by side. Maybe nostalgia is blinding me on this part, though...

To wrap this up, I really (really!!) enjoy seeing material like this from behind the scenes of my favorite movies. In the end, though, I'm almost always glad that the final version became what it did. There's a reason movie scripts get revised. What we're looking at here was a work in progress, not some truer, purer version of LBT that was smothered by the one we got. Not to offend anyone who wishes this would've become the final movie, but I prefer the original LBT just the way it is. :smile
Well, on to that Secret of Saurus Rock script now! :SmugSpike

"I don't see anything!"--Cera

"Maybe your eyes are getting in the way."--Rainbow Face


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hmm, I have seen this name somewhere...

WHERE IS VHS COPY OF UNCUT  LBT??????????????? TELL ME!!!!!!!!

I’ve seen things about the supposed Finnish vhs of the uncut version and I’ve mostly accepted that as fact, but is that something that actually exists? I apologize if this has been brought up before, but I’m just not sure.  :duckyworried

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It is there!!
Everyone should know!!!

We should gather everyone to finally find it!!!

FINLAND!!! WE ARE COMING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

actually, I dunno. I heard this rumor a looooong time ago (Finland became my personal meme here in this community XD), and I hope it is truth, because if it is truth, there IS uncut LBT somewhere in the world, and potentially can be found, and hope is everything we need right now... But who knows? It can be anywhere in the world.

but still...
*looks at Sovereign and Anagnos, suspiciously...*
« Last Edit: May 13, 2021, 06:59:00 PM by Sneak »


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When reading through the script, it's interesting to find all the little changes that were made to various important scenes. Like where Littlefoot first meets Ducky. In the original script, Littlefoot seems a little bit more annoyed, a little more standoffish. He ignores Ducky at first, then tells her angrily that "Longnecks don't talk to... whatever you are." He frowns when Ducky pretends to be a longneck, then picks up his treestar and leaves. When she follows him, he looks back disdainfully, but eventually gives in when Ducky tells him about how she lost her family.

In the final version, Littlefoot is kinder. He says mostly the same things, but the delivery is softer and he seems less annoyed than just sad and apathetic. He doesn't ignore her intentionally, he's so deeply sunk into his world, his own sorrows. But when Ducky tries to make herself look like a longneck, he rolls his eyes and smiles. He stays and listen as Ducky tells him how she lost her family, and then immediately asks if she wants to tag along.

I remember finding more other subtle differences here and there between the versions (read through the script and had the movie up on the other monitor so I could compare them as it were!)

Anyway, it's kinda cool to see them making minor changes here and there to make the characters more consistent. In Littlefoot's case, even when he's mourning his mother, he's never really mean. He's never selfish. Kindness and friendship comes natural to him.


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if you want to watch some of the footage theres a channel called GreatBeast455 he uploaded a few 5 second clips if you want to see them
Still waiting for the bluth cut


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if you want to watch some of the footage theres a channel called GreatBeast455 he uploaded a few 5 second clips if you want to see them

I saw them long time ago.
These clips are from LBT early advertisements. They're on youtube too, so you can watch these clips in more good quality and with sound. ;)