Exactly. Folks may consider Cera to be a total b****, but that side of her personality is one of many traits I like about her. She's not going to take crap from anyone, and her agressiveness does come in handy at times(i.e. breaking down the rock barrier in the cave in LBT 4, getting that annoying crab to scram in "March of the Sandcreepers," giving the sharptooth the horn in LBT 13 to save Doofah). I know I should not take it personally, but her outspokeness and being headstrong are pretty much on the same level as my own. That being the case, I can relate to why she acts the way she does. I was constantly being picked on growing up, and that could have been less frequent had I been as outspoken as I've grown these past couple of years. Enough me and back to Cera. She most likely decided, like myself, that she did not want others to see her sensitivity and vulnerability nor ever wants to be messed around with by anyone. It is nice to have a female character who is not a damsel in distress(the only other two are Ducky and Ali, both of which are). This would give the series a label of sexism in the sense that the females are portrayed as weak and the males are strong. Cera is one independent, tough, outspoken broad, and that's mainly why I'm drawn to her character. I don't understand why agressive females are labeled b******. Sometimes I feel just because she is who she is that folks like to berate her character. This really p***** me off! Can nobody look beyond a person's superficial behavior and truly see the real exterior person? Are folks really so blinded by a person's actions that they confuse them with the personality? If she was doing evil deeds intentionally, I could understand there's something wrong with perhaps her psychiatric side. However, that is not the case. She evidently cares for her friends and family and would never intentionally harm them to get ahead. She's very sweet, compassionate and caring, but I guess many are blinded by her tendency to prevent herself from getting hurt by others. Sure, she probably has not accepted herself for who she is yet, but she's still young and it will take some time and growing for her to find herself. I'm sure the others have not found themselves yet. Who has truly found themselves and accepted who they are? I don't believe I know anyone who has. What makes her any different? Why should she get the whip cracked on her when everybody else most likely feels the same way? Just because she wants to protect her heart and not get it hurt by anyone does not make her despicable. She is one headstrong but loving sweet threehorn, and that is the Cera I like, hands down.