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Messages - Littlefoot1616

Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 ... 146
General Land Before Time / Re: Land Before Time Quilt
« on: March 15, 2020, 06:28:51 PM »
Why does the one in the bottom left hand corner say "All my friends are dead!" ? :sducky

Slightly concerning!  :thudstonk

Starday Wishes / Re: Happy Birthday Littlefoot1616
« on: February 16, 2020, 05:03:39 PM »
Thanks gang!  :)littlefoot

It's been an awesome day. Yesterday, had some friends come on over and we had a sociable drink, played some games (mainly Mario Kart) and generally had a good time! Barring Storm Dennis blowing through but he hardly had much to say.

Thanks again guys! No matter how old I get, still love coming to this place  :^^spike :duckyhappy

Starday Wishes / Re: Happy Birthday Littlefoot1616
« on: February 16, 2020, 09:10:44 AM »
Thanks gang!  :)littlefoot

Always good to know a birthday/starday is still appreciated after all this time away!

Much obliged forum! You guys are still the greatest!  ;)Cera :^^spike

Gamers Zone / Re: Final Fantasy 7 Remake Trailer
« on: February 07, 2020, 05:48:52 PM »
I am looking forward to the FF7 remake. Won't say that I'm riding the hype train but for one of Square's flagship franchises, and arguably one of their most well known, they certainly are pulling out all the stops.

Even the dressing up scene looks, somehow, very well done.  :lol

Also, I'm not at all mad that the release date has been pushed back to make for some improvements. I'd rather wait longer for a better game than be disappointed with a buggy, half-baked one.

Fan Voice Overs / Re: [VO] Voice-over Main Discussion Topic
« on: February 02, 2020, 04:02:01 PM »
Can't wait to see the final product Mumbling! :Mo :^^spike

Fan Voice Overs / Re: [VO] Character Auditions for Voice-over of LBT1
« on: January 28, 2020, 12:40:21 PM »
Thanks for voicing your opinions there guys. I welcome the criticism as well as the praise. One can always do better  :^^spike

I appreciate that I am not a good fit for Littlefoot in terms of his vocal range. Let's just say I got a few years on the original LBT's debut   :lol
I'm aiming more to get the stresses and inflections in LF's voice in the right place while matching his tone as best I can but I'm never going to hit those higher ranges naturally. No doubt someone could match his tone much easier than I ever could but I will aspire to capture the character in my own way  :DD

I wanted to give it a try all the same. Always wanted to do VO work and getting the chance to voice my literal favourite animated character was a golden opportunity I couldn't pass up (despite almost letting it slip for ages now... :oops).

Anyway, just wanted to thank everyone, especially Mumbling, for giving me the chance.  :)littlefoot

Starday Wishes / Happy Starday, Ducky123!
« on: October 16, 2017, 02:15:37 PM »
:birthday Happy Starday Ducky123 :birthday

Hope you have a great day buddy! Enjoy it!

Littlefoot1616 :)littlefoot

Starday Wishes / Happy Birthday Malte!
« on: September 27, 2017, 02:00:35 PM »
:birthday Happy Birthday Malte! :birthday

Hope you have a great day buddy!  :)littlefoot

Starday Wishes / Happy Birthday Littlefoot1616
« on: February 20, 2017, 05:14:07 PM »
Hey guys!

Much obliged for all the birthday wishes. I've literally been tied up from the a couple of days before my birthday and a few days afterwards too. Hardly had a moment to think.

Still, thanks guys. Always grateful!

 :DD  :)littlefoot  ^^spike  :D

Gamers Zone / Whatcha playin'?
« on: August 29, 2016, 02:53:02 PM »
Seems like ages since I last posted in here.

Got a few games on the go at the moment so juggling between:

Darksiders II
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided (New this week)

Still finishing off Dark Souls III and got Resident Evil 4 (HD) coming too.

Also looking to stream these when I can but summer holidays are almost up so can't get on as often.

General Land Before Time / Journey of the Brave (LBT 14)
« on: February 16, 2016, 11:23:35 AM »
Although there is still to be a release date for it over here yet, I managed to watch Journey of the Brave thanks to some helpful connections (thanks be to ye :D ) and honestly, for the most part I did really enjoy it. Is it perfect? Not by a long shot, but the minor niggles I had with bits and bobs here and there didn't overly distract me from the film. Anyway, here's my views on the movie.

Heads up for potential SPOILERS!! from here onwards. Thou hast been forewarned! We good? Cool...

The Good:

- Overall - It was par for the course. Animation was bright and slick. CGI effects were shoehorned in there and stood out like a drunken dad dancer at a ballroom competition because that's the industry's expectation now. Granted, background's didn't look as impressive as I've come to recognise but they worked for the most part. VO was great and thought the new voices for Mr Threehorn and Grandpa Longneck were OK. Let's face it, they're never going to be John Ingle and Kenneth Mars respectively but they made a good fit. Felix (grr brr...mumble something something- what's his name...) was pretty good as Littlefoot as was the new voice for Chomper and the songs were your usual mix of thematic "try to tie in to the current situation" Disney sing-a-long trope we've come to expect. Etta's "Look for the Light" ranks the top of the four songs (seeing as the woman is a professional singer...duh right?) and yes. Hot and Stinky was skin-crawling but I didn't find it nearly as unbearable as say "oops eeps".

- Links to previous movies - This might have been said already but I found myself thinking of quite a bit of theming linking back to the original LBT some ways. Some of the links might seem a bit tenuous, but I could help but get a few odd flashbacks to LBT #1. Little things like, Littlefoot hunting for a lost parent, Littlefoot spending a substantial portion of the movie on his own, heading towards a volcano as part of the route, Littlefoot and Cera arguing to the point of separating the group with exactly the same split; Littlefoot flying solo and the rest following Cera who ends up getting them lost, Littlefoot meeting a "life guide" when he seems to be at his lowest point. Even the scene when they fall asleep due to exhaustion, it made me think back to the first LBT movie (that beautiful piece where they sleep in the sharptooth footprint) where Littlefoot sleeps on his own (initially in #1) and the others gather around each other. I just seemed to find a lot of throwbacks to the first movie. Can't say if they were intentional but just something I noticed.

- Story - I actually quite liked the story. Yeah it's basic in plot and there are no major "I see dead people who don't know their dead" plot twists but that doesn't inherently make the movie bad (in my opinion). It's the typical "damsel in distress" tale we've seen and hear so many times, albeit the other way around kinda (take that gender inequality! :p) but the emotional attachment to it did strike a chord with me. Littlefoot's emotional turmoil to find Bron and see his friends safe at the same time resonated with me and even though I could predict the end before the title card flashed up, I still wanted to stick it out and enjoy the ride. The cause and effect and responses between the characters seemed believable and the emotions that ran through it felt genuine I felt.

- Comedy - Now I know this is gonna strike a vibe, either good or bad, with folks, but I genuinely found myself laughing at some of the goofy moments of the story (...shall I leave now?). Yeah the "Hot and Stinky" song was cringe-worthy but I actually found it stuck in my head a hell of a lot more than say "Yellow Belly Beat" from #13. And I think Petrie really stood out as a more of the comic relief this time around in what he did and said. It was weird but I really liked the "Diggers" scene with Petrie accidentally being elected their leader. It reminded me of the Mini sloths scene from Ice Age 2 albeit more cut back but I actually enjoyed it. And the end of that part with the next elected leader being chosen... I proper belly laughed at that dino's "WTF!" face.  :lol Please, rewatch that scene and just imagine those three words running through that dino's mind with that gormless expression. :DD

- New Characters - I genuinely liked Etta and Wild Arms. Both had unique traits and... well... characters... about them and I quickly latched onto them. I felt they seemed to compliment each other. Wild Arms was brilliant in his Wayans, over-the-top, screech like a hyper 5-year old way and Etta was calm and soothing but goofy enough to prevent her from being preachy or dead-pan. Compared to those...erm umm... other characters voiced by people we should know about *cough*, they were much more dynamic and their comedy was a little more natural. A good choice of VOs to give a new flavour to the already over-swelling cast of additional characters to the franchise. I liked 'em :D

The Bad

- Sound Design - Now I know this is a cartoon and cartoons have their own "physics" to their world depending on the series, but I just found the Looney Tunes, cannon, stock-source sound effects to be a bit jarring. Like the dizzy head shaking "ee-ei-ei-ei-ei-eh!" sound a character makes to clear their heads just broke the immersion for me a bit. In moments of extreme expression, e.g. Petrie dashing up into the trees to escape the Diggers, that bullet shot "pee-neeoww!" sound wasn't too bad, it fit the context of what was going on but that light and hollow "bonk" sound Cera makes when headbutting a rock just didn't go. LBT has always used a rich range of impressive and impacting sounds and imagery but the sound wasn't all there I found. Even the crashing footsteps of the giant and elder dinosaur, their steps sounded muted and less imposing than what was used before. It's a nit-pick but I do hear it and notice it every time. (Gawd...writing those onomatopoeias was a challenge :p)

- Chomper and Ruby - People might hate me for this, but Chomper and Ruby did not need to be in this movie... at all! Other than that one moment when Chomper confirmed that the elders were on Littlefoot and Co's trail, they had absolutely no other contributing factor to the film. They could have very easily written around that point seeing as they had Wild Arms to take them there. It's no more far-fetched than the lot of them finding Littlefoot and his friends where Bron was anyway. Chomper and Ruby felt like, and I hate myself for comparing two very likable characters in this way, *gulp* product placement (don't worry... I'll go iron my hands later... :( ). They were there for a throw away, "hi and bye" appearance but outstayed their welcome. There was no real reason for them to be there. Sorry guys, love ya in the TV series...but you didn't rank here for me. And I'm kinda hurt that we didn't get something along the lines of a "how Chomper and Ruby met the gang" origin story. Yeah it's kinda canon but it would of given them a better feature than exploiting one feature of one character.

- Weak 3rd Act - The final act of the movie was weak. Very weak. I wasn't expecting a Michael Bay explosion-fest but the lead up to Bron's rescue (c'mon! That's hardly a spoiler. It's a sodding U rated LBT movie. We all knew what was going to happen! :rolleyes: ) just was not enough of a climax for what the gang went through. I get that the movie is aimed at younger audiences and there are restrictions to work within (timing, kids' attention span, displays of peril and danger) but so much more could have been done with it. Not saying it had to be another sharptooth attack but more action and danger could have been implemented here to make a more fulfilling conclusion. The island breaks apart leaving Littlefoot on it, the mountain erupts again and they have to escape a pyroclastic (sp?) cloud, Wild Arms steps up and saves Bron/Littlefoot and almost gets roasted (returning the favour sorta thing), the canon "lost one to the adventure but OH NO WAIT, he's OK!" trope. Anything to add more to this closing act. It was just a bit limp leaf for me and I was expecting a bit more. For God Sake in #10 we had an all-out brawl of leaf-eaters Vs Sharpteeth! Even Grandma and Grandpa got their Shaq-fu, smash down on! Whilst it was that softly-softly, just about acceptable level of violence for kiddies, it was still more exciting that the end of this one. Shame...

- Pacing and Focus - Not that I don't love seeing the gang getting up to their adventuring hi-jinks as always, the supporting cast really did take a backseat in this one. Considering Mr Threehorn, Wild Arms and Grandpa Longneck were on a rescue mission, we only cut back to them a handful of times and when we do, it broke apart the flow in odd places for me. The pace yo-yo'd quite a but going from bursts of excitement to down right crawls that dragged out for far too long. Whilst the characters held my attention, scene shifts literally made me blink and reminded me of my reality I was to return to once the movie was done (usually that only comes from poorly timed phone calls or needing loo breaks :oops :p ). Dunno... just found the pace choppy and disjointed at times. Again, another minor nit-pick.

On the whole, I really did enjoy this one. I've rewatched it at least 5 times almost in daily succession and it was good to see a new LBT movie reach us after so long. One of my more preferred sequels I'd say. It won't knock Don Bluth's masterpiece from my personal pedestal, but I'll happily be revisiting this one. ;) :D

Gamers Zone / Video Game Streaming
« on: February 12, 2016, 03:25:30 PM »
Hey guys!

Planning on getting some streams in this weekend and next week seeing as we are on half term holidays.

Figured I'm gonna go for all things monsters and creepy for next week so gonna be playing:

Dying Light
The Walking Dead (Tell Tale Series)
DmC: Devil May Cry
and possibly a few others if there's time.

If you'd like to join me, please come along to my Twitch Channel which is My Twitch Channel Live Stream

As of this moment, 13.42 on Friday 12th Feb, I'm currently playing Dying Light on PS4 and will be on for a while.

Hope to cya there guys. I appreciate anyone that comes by my stream. Thanks ;)

Gamers Zone / Video Game Streaming
« on: January 22, 2016, 05:53:05 PM »
Hey gamers!

Hope you're all having fun out there.

Just a heads up, I'll be streaming DmC: Devil May Cry this evening (or daytime depending on where you are in the world). If you want to join me, I'm on right now on Really need to unleash some virtual aggression after the week I've had...grr!  :anger  :lol Would love to see ya there!

Link to my channel is in my previous post.

Gamers Zone / Video Game Streaming
« on: January 16, 2016, 09:34:51 AM »
Hey Truttle!

For the majority of cases, you need yourself a PC capture card in order to stream. I just use the share button and feature on my console and everything else just clicks into place.

Played Bloodborne last night and if you know anything about Bloodborne or the Dark Souls series, it went just about as well as you'd expect. Started a new game and didn't even get past the first boss. Humiliating... :oops but hilarious at the same time (in hindsight  :lol )

Gamers Zone / Video Game Streaming
« on: January 15, 2016, 03:53:04 PM »
Hey gamers!

I know this thread's been gathering a bit of dust lately but thought I'd share a few of my experiences of streaming seeing as I've been going on and off for a couple of months now. I'm actually quite enjoying it! I can see how people can get absorbed into watching others playing games and joining in with their commentary. I'll admit I'm no pundit when it comes to quoting the game but I try to keep things interesting. I've had a few friends sign on with me and we bantered about the usual gaming tropes and news and I found that people were actively joining in. Which was nice.

I definitely won't rate myself as a regular streamer seeing as the day-to-day job robs me of a lot of free time in the evenings (a rant for another day) but I am attempting to make an appearance online on weekend evenings; mainly Fridays and Saturdays. I play a mixture of games from what's new to odds and ends mainly through the PS4. I'd love to get my Wii U hooked up coz there are plenty of games that deserve the air time.

If anyone is interested, please check out my streaming channel on Twitch which is the link below:
Littlefoot1616's Twitch Stream Channel
Littlefoot1616's Twitch Stream Channel

I've got a few old videos up and my last stream was of the very excellently crafted Axiom Verge (think modern take on Super Metroid). I'm streaming tonight in fact returning to Bloodborne. If anyone is interested, please do come and join me. I don't have many followers (I doubt I'll get that many) and I mostly just play for fun but I love chatting to others in the comments. Come join me tonight if you've got nothing else going. I'm online right now and will be for a few hours.

Will be happy to see you guys there! :D   :DD

Btw, the name Kokapetl is a reference to an old 80s cartoon I used to watch. I did get asked that once.  :oops  :lol

The Fridge / New Years 2015/2016
« on: January 04, 2016, 04:06:02 PM »
Hey guys!

 :celebrate  :cheers Happy New Year! :cheers :celebrate

Sorry for it being late but I've been doing so much travelling over the Christmas and New Year holiday that I've pretty much gone straight from the hols, straight back into work without a pause.

Anyway, hope you all had a great time celebrating (if you did) and looking forward to chatting with you all in 2016 :D :DD

Gamers Zone / Ultimate Gamesmaster Quiz
« on: December 07, 2015, 03:51:52 PM »
Wow! Looks like someone really had to hit the defib hard on this topic to bring this one back! Thanks action9000!

Kinda sketchy on SNES games besides the obvious since I was in "that other camp" during the 90s console war but didn't Blizzard make something akin to "Flashback" (very similar premise). Blackhawk or Blackthorn or Blackhunt or something? (it's black something I'm sure).

I do know that Blizzard made "The Lost Vikings" series but I'm not sure if that was Megadrive AND SNES or just Megadrive? (ugh... gamer's history knowledge not what it used to be :oops )

Gamers Zone / Whatcha playin'?
« on: August 26, 2015, 04:58:43 AM »
Just finished the amazingly bombastic Bayonetta 2 and have moved onto Yoshi's Woolly World. Sooooooooo super cute  :D and loving the soundtrack!  :DD

For PS4 - just picked up the Borderlands: Handsome Collection and started playing with the Enforcer on Pre-sequel and returned to the Mechromancer for Borderlands 2. Forgot how insane and hilarious these games are. See Tiny Tina and Butt Stallion for awesomely disturbing quotes  :lol  :lol

Favourite quote so far:
Captain Flynt (over a tannoy): At Ethan's scream, the time will be two thirty.
Captain Flynt: See you again at two thirty-five.
 :lol  :lol

Saurus Rock: Member Hall of Fame / Appreciated Member Award 2015
« on: August 24, 2015, 04:39:07 AM »
Wow! Quite a list of candidates! Again, another difficult one to select even from a shortlist seeing as everyone on there makes a huge effort to contribute and their responses are always appreciated.

Anyway, with honourable mentions to all those up there, for their time here and engagement in pleasant and meaningful activities I'll vote for LBTDiclonius

Best of luck everyone ;)

Saurus Rock: Member Hall of Fame / Award voting 2015
« on: August 14, 2015, 06:19:40 AM »
Hey gang!

Gonna be tough making a shortlist from so many amazing candidates (as it is every year) but these are my picks for this year's awards:

Fanart: Rocking Scorpion - Having a dig around the forum, we have loads of amazing artists and many kudos to all for their efforts. Rocking Scorpion has stood out a little more for me this year with the unique art style and likeness of character.

Feedback: Ducky123 - Always at the front line when commenting constructively on other's works to better their efforts and always respectful. Nice one! ;)

Friendly Member: Nick22 - With so many friendly faces (or avatars) on the forum it's tough to select one out of a crowd of so many (Too many honorable mentions know... actually mention). Still, Nick22 gets my vote for some of our awesome chats via Skype and just generally mucking around like a friend should.

Helpful: Malte279 - Can't deny it. The man is a genuine legend of the realm. Never a day goes by without Malte pitching in somewhere and always going out of his way to make sure a friend is seen through even at his own expense. And I've have the honour of meeting the legend in person...numerous times ;) Never change buddy!

Philosopher: rhombus - No matter how sensitive the subject or controversial the topic, rhombus always handles both the discussion and those involved in said discussion with care and respect whilst laying down some impressive points. A trustworthy politician in the ranks...who knew  :lol

Proactive: Dalekdino - An impressive show of activity on the forum by keeping conversations fresh and interesting and showing just how awesome our forum is through actions and discussions on a variety of topics. Great job! Just don't exterminate anyone please...

Projects: SKIP - Sorry guys. Haven't really been in touch with any projects on the forum this year so can't place a flag here.

Role Play Gamer: SKIP - Despite being an RP gamer in one respect, not something I'm a part of here. Soz! :( No vote from me.

Righty then. Those are my votes for this year. All the best to everyone and thanks to everyone for being awesome! ;)

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