The Gang of Five
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Finally Together Again/Into the Mysterious Beyond

LBTFan13 · 330 · 32865


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Previously on For the Stone or For Friendship:

After holding a small grudge towards Zaine in regards to Littlefoot and Longtail taken hostage, Cera, Cyrix, and the others in the group forgave the little longneck and agreed to help him find their friends and find the stone. Unfortunately, Ozzy and Strut had gotten far from the group, so Zaine had no idea where they would be. He decided to split the group in two to save time. One group, led by Chomper, headed in Ozzy and Strut's direction to save Littlefoot and Longtail. Zaine took the others and continued the search for the Stone of Cold Fire.

Chomper's group made haste until they found the egg eaters. After a small fight, Ozzy and Strut fled the area and Littlefoot and Longtail were saved. Meanwhile, Zaine and his group were having a difficult time trying to cross a fast moving river. While they pondered on what to do, Zaine was ambushed by Ozzy and Strut, who decided the only way to get the stone first was to get rid of the little longneck for good. Ozzy seemingly killed Zaine and the two left him for dead; however, Zaine was holding on to a slim thread of life but unable to move. Luckily, his friends arrived just in time to save him from death. Unfortunately, Zaine sustained heavy injuries, and the group decided to stop and let Zaine's wounds heal before they continued their journey.

Now, in part 3 :

Zaine's wounds have healed, however he still has trouble walking perfectly. Despite limping, he won't let it stop him and his friends from reaching the Stone of Cold Fire before Ozzy and Strut do. The group continued on their journey, but their path led them right into the Mysterious Beyond, a hellish nightmare for any dinosaur who accidentally loses his/her way. Luckily, Chomper offered to take them to his parents, who promised to protect Littlefoot and any of his friends after their last encounter on the Mysterious Island. Some of the group feel discomfort having never dealt with Chomper's parents before; however, Littlefoot, Cera, Ducky, and Petrie retain confidence that they can help.

Meanwhile, Ozzy and Strut have now entered the Mysterious Beyond. Unfortunately, the two egg eaters are on the wrong path. After losing much time crossing the fast river, they got lost in the vast darkness of the land. To make matters worse, they ran straight into a pack of sharpteeth, who are now chasing them.


  • Cera
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The two egg eaters continued to run as fast as they could, trying not to look back at the monstrous sharpteeth that pursued behind them. "Ozzy!" Strut yelled. "They're getting closer!"

"You think I didn't know that already?" Ozzy commented. "Just keep running! There has to be a way to lose them!" Unfortunately, the meat eaters didn't seem to give up the chase very easily. Ozzy realized that if he didn't think of something quick then they were pretty much dead. I am not ready to die here... Then he spotted a huge lake. "Strut! In there! They can't swim!" The two egg eaters rushed towards the lake and leaped in. They surfaced and spun around in time to watch the sharpteeth back off and walk away.

"Yeah that's right!" Strut yelled. "Run away you cowards!" Ozzy hit the top of his head with his hand and dragged it down his face sighing. He found it ironic that Strut was calling the sharpteeth cowards.

"You are an idiot Strut..."


Meanwhile, Zaine and the others were in a much better position than the egg eaters. Well, despite the fact that Zaine was limping, they at least weren't being chased by sharpteeth. Of course, nobody wanted to jinx their current status.

Chomper was designated the navigator of the group since he knew the area the best. However, the group couldn't help but notice that Chomper was having a little too much fun with the job. "And over there is a very cool cave that many sharpteeth live in. And over there are some really cool bones! Oooh! I should take you guys to see my cousins! They're fast biters unlike my parents, so they love to chase me around.

Zaine on the other hand wasn't as enthusiastic about any of the things the little sharptooth was pointing out. "Look Chomper, I'm glad you're excited to be here and all, but we aren't here for a tour. We need to get through here as fast as we can so we can get to the stone." He then looked at the others who looked just a little nervous that Chomper was given such a task. Then again, he wasn't sure if they were worried about that or about his legs. They had been traveling for two days before they reached the Mysterious Beyond, and Zaine had been limping the whole way. Zaine hated being a burden to the others. I know they're worried about me, but this is rediculous! My legs should have healed by now. I can't stand this any longer... To keep his mind off the matter, he turned back to Chomper. "Besides, I think I speak for all of us non-sharpteeth when I say not everything is as appealing to us as it is to you."


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'Yeah. Chomper, don't you think that we should stay on course, so that we can beat the egg-eaters? Plus, I don't think they'll just want to chase us.' Vylor said. He was walking next to Zaine in case he needed support. Argaya was walking on the other side of Zaine, for similar reasons. 'Zaine, how are your legs feeling? Do you need a hand at all?' Argaya asked. Neither she nor her brother were ever thinking of Zaine as a burden, and always were quick to help in the past two days since Zaine was injured.


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Zaine shook his head. "I'm fine, really. I just can't walk perfectly yet. My legs just need a little more time to heal, that's all." He then hesitated before speaking again. "But...thank you for your concern. I guess it's only your jobs as my friends to worry about me. If it weren't for you guys, I'd probably be dead right now."

Chomper looked back. "Yeah, your lucky I sniffed you out! If it weren't for me, you probably wouldn't have seen the others again!" He was having too much fun with this, but Zaine was getting annoyed.

"Chomper, don't rub it in..." Zaine said.


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Dante jogged lightly beside his friends, now carrying a staff he had carved out of a tree branch.
"Hey Zaine. Don't take him too very seriously.  I was on your scent too.  You'dve beem fine."
He whispered to his friend...

"<Sigh>  This place is vast.  To think I once crossed it alone to arrive at the Valley."
Motochika muttered to himself...

"So...Chomper.  You're absolutely sure your parent's won't dislike us?  After all, Dante and I have...a reputation around these parts..."
Virgil asked, soundinc faintly concerned...


  • Cera
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Chomper nodded. "You guys will be fine! They promised as long as you were friends of mine or Littlefoot, then they would protect you. No problem!" He then continued happily pointing out random things of interest to him.

Zaine sighed and nodded at Dante's comment. "I guess you're right. I'm just...I should have been more careful, that's all."


  • The Circle
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Ducky rode on Littlefoot who was walking along nearish the front of the group.  He nodded to what Chomper said, "They did seem nice the last time we saw them." Littlefoot said.  

"Oh, yes they were, one of them even smiled, without showing their teeth, one was, yes it was." She said nodding in agreement with what Littlefoot said.  Though they were still a bit scary looking, and very large, they were, they were.  I only hope they are still friendly." Ducky said, a bit concerned and worried with some of it in her voice.

Littlefoot briefly turned to look at Ducky, "They will be, just wait and see." He said.

"I hope you are right, I do, I do." Ducky said still not entirely sure.    

"They do sound like they may indeed be friendly.   With sharpteeth being individuals, it only is logical that some would be nice.  I wonder if they'll be as nice as the sharpteeth and fastbiters that are with us now." Mim said as she looked at the various ones present in the group smiling.  

(OOC: I never can tell which of Chomper's parents is the mother and which is the father so could not use the proper pronoun as to which one smiled.)


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Shera walks with the group, listening to their conversations. She shivered when she heard Ducky talking about how large they were. She felt a bit small and felt like the youngest of the group.. Will I still be here after this adventure?
A bit sad she turned her head towards the ground and walked on, listening more to her own mind than the conversations.


  • Cera
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NOTE: (I'll be gone for 1 week, maybe more. Might use my cell phone to make replies. Have a great time! )
Do well. Live well. And dress very well.


  • Cera
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((OOC: @Kor - The dark green t-rex is the father, and the tannish/light green one is the mother. If you notice in LBT 5, during the battle between the sharpteeth, the lighter green sharptooth is injued and Chompr refers to it as his mom

@Lillefot - Have fun where ever you are going! We happily will await your return))

Zaine smiled towards Littlefoot's remarks about Chomper's parents. Maybe they can cheer the others up a little. Then he noticed Shera walking off on her own. "Chomper, keep leading the way, but please don't go off track." Chomper nodded, and Zaine walked towards Shera. "Shera, are you ok?"


  • The Circle
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"Do you remember which one it was?" Littlefoot asked, to make conversation and to maybe help the others get their minds off of large sharpteeth.  SNd to reassure them that at least one of Chomper's parents was friendly.  He wasn't sure which one it was since he was on Elsie with Chomper and had not seen that.

"I think it was Chomper's mommy who smiled.  She did not show her teeth while she smiled, no she did not." Ducky said," Cera was closer so she would know better, she would." Ducky said looking over to where Cera was.  Then she looked at Littlefoot and pointed.  "And one of them nuzzled you."

"Yes, and did a sort of sound, I think it was a happy sound." Littlefoot said, not having heard the sound before or since had no real name for the sound and they did seem happy at the time to get their son back so it made since to him it was a happy sort of sound.  "I didn't know sharpteeth could make a sound like that.  I had forgotten till you mentioned it." Littlefoot said.

(OOC: Thanks.)


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Shera looked up to Zaine.
"Yea.. I'm fine..", she said. She thought a bit more. "Well... There is something..." She was wondering how to say that. "You know, I don't really know my parents... I hope to meet them, some day. I hope they are still alive. My friends all found their parents back, earlier, but I didn't.. I don't know anyone of my whole family! And now I'm here, traveling with you... And we're going to some adult sharpteeth who will protect us... Although all of you say they're good, I don't know what to think of it." She sighed. "Even if they will protect us, we might get in danger... I actually want to meet my parents alive."
I shouldn't have left, stupid me.
Shyly she turned her head of, ashamed of what she tought was her own fault.


  • Cera
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Zaine hated seeing Shera down like this. "I know how you feel. It's hard losing those close to you, especially your parents." That's not really going to help her. There has to be something better I can say to her. He thought for a moment and then came up with an idea. I hope she doesn't kill me for talking to Shera about this.

"You know, you actually have some in common with Cera. She's a threehorn like you, and although she has her dad, she never met her real mother. I mean, she has Tria as a stepmom, but even so she still doesn't know half of her parents. Maybe if you talked to her about it you might feel better. Cera's become very strong for someone without a mother. Maybe she could help you out."


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Mim nods, looking at Shera, "Look at all the friends you have here.  And likely more then you know you have and some you have not met yet." Mim said, attempting to try to reassure Shera.   "Some see those who live in the Great Valley as their Great Valley family." She said, knowing that some did feel that way, though not all did.

Ducky nods, "You can have a family family and your Great Valley Family." She said agreeing.

"Spike never know parents.  Him adopteded by Ducky's mommy & daddy & him do ok." Petrie said to also try to help Shera feel better.

Littlefoot walked over closer to Shera, "It is hard not having your parents with you, but you need to try to focus on the fact that you do have friends who care for you here.  Your parents may well be here before you know it." He said.


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Shera listened carefully. She looked up to Cera. She hasn't got a mother... That must be sad too.
She whispers to Zaine: "Cera seems a bit grumpy sometimes.. I don't know what to think of her." She sighed. "Do you think I can talk to her?", she said with an unsure look on her face.


  • Cera
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Zaine laughed a little bit. She might sound annoyed about it at first, but inside she a really sentimental threehorn. I'm sure the two of you can talk to eachother about it."

((OOC: If GVG doesn't post when the time comes, then I will take over as Cera. However, I will not play as Longtail or Cyrix as they are his characters. GVG, I am in no way mad at you ;)  :yes ))


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"Hmm, okay" Shera said thoughtfully. Once more she looked up to Cera. "I don't know .... " Come on, you can do it Shera. She's not gonna eat you! "Well.. I'll just try"

She walked over to Cera. "Hi Cera, how.. ehh.. are you?"

The Great Valley Guardian

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((OOC: Yeah...sorry 'bout not posting early...finals and college...nuff said. But this post will be quick...and I'll update it again as soon as I can. ;) :yes ))

Cera and Longtail were talking about how much better threehorns were to flyers, which of course lead to an argument between the two, and before long it lead to them headbutting each other to prove their points.

Cyrix would have stopped them, but figured they needed the exercise, so he sat and waited for the two to tire out...which didn't seem to be happening. He was worried they would end up hurting each other if they didn't stop fighting, but again the need to see this play out was far too much fun.

"Both of them so strong willed, and eager to prove it to the other. Not willing to show weakness, give up, it makes me wonder what they would do if they were in real danger by themselves." Cyrix said to himself aloud.

Cyrix tapped Shera on the back and said " not a good time...but if you need to talk to her, I'll see if I can split them up."

He walked over and with surprising ease stopped the fight, and said "Cera, Shera would like to speak with you."

Cera looked shocked and said "She does?" She looked over at Shera and asked "Well, what do ya want?"


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Shera backed away a little. "well.. ehh.." She thought of the right words once again. "You are a threehorn, like me... And you have a father, right? I was just wondering... I don't know any of my parents. I though, you might understand.. You know.. You don't know your mother, do you? I wonder if we could well eh.. Talk about that." Shyly she looked away, having trouble with the words she just spoke.

The Great Valley Guardian

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Cera was still upset from her argument with Longtail but Cera could see that this wasn't easy for Shera, and she sat down and replied "'s not something I like to talk about...but for as long as I can's just been me and my dad. I didn't know my mother that well, and well...since Tria took over, it's...been nice."

Cera then thought about she asked Shera "Why are asking me this? You must have family somewhere right?"