The Gang of Five

The Land Before Time => LBT Fanart => Topic started by: LeventeII on January 03, 2018, 04:41:41 PM

Title: Fanart by LeventeII
Post by: LeventeII on January 03, 2018, 04:41:41 PM
Yesterday, 3rd  January 2018, I have done my very first artwork. :)
I think there are still many things to improve. I have copied it without tracing it.


Title: Fanart by LeventeII
Post by: zero-point on January 03, 2018, 04:45:16 PM
Pretty cool! Can't wait to see more of your artwork here! :DD
Title: Fanart by LeventeII
Post by: Sovereign on January 03, 2018, 05:07:59 PM
That is a really impressive drawing, especially considering it's your first here! The anatomy, expression and details are truly decent and the whole picture is a really nice one. The only problems I can point out is that the lighter area around Littlefoot's mouth looks a bit weird (is it too large perhaps?) and his body might be a bit too small. However, really nice job with this picture! It's great to see a new artist on this forum! :DD
Title: Fanart by LeventeII
Post by: LeventeII on January 03, 2018, 08:46:34 PM
Thanks for the feedback! :)

I've done my second work. This time it's Spike. He is scared by something.
It took 2  hours.

Title: Fanart by LeventeII
Post by: Flathead770 on January 03, 2018, 08:57:18 PM
It's great to see another person drawing and for a first drawing it's pretty darn good. The overall shape is well done and you've put a good amount of detail into it. :smile

There are a few things that I have noticed that might help. If you compare the space between the edge of his nose bulge and the end of his face, it's longer on the far side then it is on the closer side giving it a bit of a lopsided look to it. I think this is why Sovereign believes the lighter part of the mouth is too large since it's larger relative to the top of his nose area. I hope this makes sense as it is a little hard to explain. In the end this isn't that big of a deal as the face has been drawn well otherwise. Another small detail with the face is that his ear is missing.

As for the body, the the curve on the hind leg's thigh as it goes towards the knee seems a little too pronounced.

Lastly it would be good to make the lines darker. It's great to start out light like this to fix mistakes and get it the way you like and then afterwards re-trace all the lines with more pressure (I tend to draw extremely light so I usually end up doing this twice). A problem with it being to light can be that it's hard to make things out. For example, one of the lines on Littlefoot's right foreleg (front leg closest to the left side of the paper) is really hard to notice.

I hope I don't come across as overly negative. I really like the drawing and I hope to see you keep at it! :DD

[EDIT]Well it seems I spent so much time looking at your first drawing that you've posted your next one. :lol

You did a great job drawing Spike and I don't notice any real big issues, especially with the expression. Keep it up!

Title: Fanart by LeventeII
Post by: Sneak on January 04, 2018, 07:37:24 AM
They're pretty good!
Well done!
Title: Fanart by LeventeII
Post by: Sovereign on January 04, 2018, 11:10:57 AM
Yeah, the Spike drawing is really nice too! Maybe his body should be a bit longer but the expression is quite spot-on and the lines are smooth enough. Are you planning to color your pictures in the future? :)
Title: Fanart by LeventeII
Post by: LeventeII on January 04, 2018, 03:20:21 PM
Thanks for the feedback! :) I will pay more attention next time.

Yes, I'm going to colorize them. I'm going to make a photocopy to have a backup.

I have finished my third one. Ducky and Petrie from a scene in the 13th  movie.
It took 3 hours.


I have the impression that something is wrong... but i don't know what.
Title: Fanart by LeventeII
Post by: Sneak on January 04, 2018, 06:05:00 PM
Is this scene so popular or something? Oo I find it everywhere! XD
(can't see something very wrong. :) )
Title: Fanart by LeventeII
Post by: LeventeII on January 05, 2018, 12:54:58 AM
It is a scene from the 13th movie.
When Doofah dropped some flowers behind her, some of the blossoms landed on Cera. Ducky laughed. Cera turned around and was angry.

Petrie: me not laughed, it her!

Ducky: I don't believe that you have told on about me!

I don't think that this scene is popular. Maybe it's a memorable moment that Ducky is angry.

I'm very motivated on drawing, so I've finished my 4th work, Cera! :)
It was very hard, it took 4 hours.


I think the eyes have a mistake... Maybe it will look better when it's colorized.
Title: Fanart by LeventeII
Post by: Flathead770 on January 05, 2018, 02:48:35 AM
Wow your on fire! Both of these are looking good!   :wow

For the Ducky and Petrie one, I was originally going to say that Ducky's back as it leads to her tail looks strange but when looking at the scene that's how it looks. That's all I noticed for that one.

Cera is drawn well and the expression is solid. You mention there might be something wrong with the eyes and I think you are right. To me it might be that the eye on the left has the pupil slanted inwards? I don't know if it's just because of the perspective but at the top of her head it looks like her frill ends short. Cera's face can be difficult sometimes. There's always something that feels off when I draw it.
Title: Fanart by LeventeII
Post by: Sneak on January 05, 2018, 10:05:28 AM

Now it's time for friendly sharpteeth! Right? ^^
Title: Fanart by LeventeII
Post by: Sovereign on January 05, 2018, 04:03:36 PM
You're doing really well with your drawings! These new pictures look great as well and it shows you have a good grasp on these characters. :) Cera and Petrie look great but Ducky's face looks weird for some reason. Her eyelashes could be a bit more pronounced and maybe her eyes are too long? Still, thank you for sharing these pictures! You're a really talented artist! :DD
Title: Fanart by LeventeII
Post by: LeventeII on January 05, 2018, 10:10:16 PM
Thanks for the Feedback :)

I really wanted to draw a sharptooth. But then I noticed, that they have a sharptooth as friend. I forgot Chomper. :^^spike

It was very frustrating! 3 hours, but at the end it was better. Here it is:


It is Chomper as he tastests his very first food. :^^spike
Title: Fanart by LeventeII
Post by: Ducky123 on January 06, 2018, 07:57:29 AM
:)littlefoot wow, I can hardly keep up with that speed of yours :D

Let me try to give my very best to write a good and fair critique and give feedback. (I just retired from working on my own art for the moment due to frustration, maybe it helps :D)

first some thoughts in general:

It seems to me that you're only drawing the lineart. Do you intend to colour some of these in the future? Coloured art looks 1000% more awesome ^^spike

Your paper has a bit of an own colour to it. It just looks a bit odd to me since I'm used to white paper but that might just be me :)

Now let's tackle the individual drawings.

1. I find that his head and neck are drawn very well, however his rump looks slightly distorted. Though don't worry. If I draw Littlefoot without tracing, it'll probably look similar if not... worse :P

2. I seem to recall that pose of Spike. Don't know which movie it is from but he's probably seeing a Sharptooth right there :P Very good lineart, I can't spot anything that looks off :)

3. When I saw that one, I had to grin because... I've drawn this very scene myself in the past :smile The lineart seems to be pretty solid here as well, nice work :)

4. Cera is very hard to draw. I can draw Ducky, Petrie and Littlefoot from memory (well, it won't look good) but Cera is hard to memorize (and there are just so many small things you can butcher so very easily :sducky: ) I'm not sure if her face is 100% correct but it certainly looks good to my eyes ;)

5. Also nice work on Chomper! :)littlefoot

Overall, pretty solid drawings so far, I'm excited to see more :)
Title: Fanart by LeventeII
Post by: Sneak on January 06, 2018, 08:20:21 AM
sweet! ^^

Now - how about VERY NOT friendly green immortal super sharpteeth? *winks*

anyway, can't wait for more!
Title: Fanart by LeventeII
Post by: Sovereign on January 06, 2018, 09:44:00 AM
That's a really good and cute Chomper! ^^spike  This drawing is actually quite spot on and actually, I have nothing major to criticize  here (the minor thing is that Chomper's left knee seems to point at a slightly wrong direction). The expression looks natural and the anatomy truly works here! Have you ever considered doing some backgrounds? They always make a drawing even better! :DD
Title: Fanart by LeventeII
Post by: LeventeII on January 07, 2018, 01:22:45 AM
Thanks for feedback! :)
The scene with Spike is from the 6 movie I think.

Drawing Backgrounds will be the next level I think. :^^spike

At the moment I have no pencils for colorizing. But I'm going to colorize them all as soon as    possible :)

In that Federal State in which I live in Germany are at the moment school holidays, and that's the reason why I have no colored pencils at the moment. Also, the light at this place is not the best, and that's why the paper has an odd color. The paper is actually white. :)

I couldn't find a good picture for drawing a Sharptooth. But I'm searching for one. I'm sure I'll draw one in the early future. :)

I don't know why, but drawing Ruby took 6 hours!


It was exciting to draw her. :)
Title: Fanart by LeventeII
Post by: Sneak on January 07, 2018, 10:15:43 AM
NoICE. :3
Title: Fanart by LeventeII
Post by: Sovereign on January 07, 2018, 10:37:10 AM
This one is, once again, really well drawn! :) The expression is adorable and faithfully captured from the actual scene and the rest of the picture is excellent too (except that her feet have different number of toes here) ;) . In any case, your last two drawings have been your best ones yet! Keep it up! :DD
Title: Fanart by LeventeII
Post by: LeventeII on January 07, 2018, 11:22:18 PM
Thanks! :)

This time I draw the probably first scene of Ducky. :)

I tried to insert the background a bit. Now the picture is much bigger.

I could take a second photo if the picture can't be seen well.


In my eyes it looks a little pale...

What could I draw next? The Sharptooth of course, but what else?
Title: Fanart by LeventeII
Post by: Flathead770 on January 08, 2018, 02:59:05 AM
I'm falling behind on commenting on these.

Chomper: I agree with Sovereign. His right knee seems placed too far inwards when it seems like it would be situated somewhere behind his right claw. Very nice drawing though.

Ruby: Hey this looks famaliar. That's the first drawing that I did of Ruby as well :lol Great job with it!

Baby Ducky: Backgrounds are are scary, at least for me (I've only recently started to seriously attempt them myself). I find it can be hard to make it look good without colour or doing it in greyscale (as opposed to just lineart). I see you started with some shading around the rocks and dirt mount. Keep at it and you'll get the hang of it!
Title: Fanart by LeventeII
Post by: LeventeII on January 09, 2018, 05:03:51 PM
Thank you! :)

I think knees are my biggest problems. ^^

I was bored this evening, so I tried to paint Ruby. I couldn't find the exact colors, but I think it isn't that bad. It seems that the colors are to pale... I will work on it.


Don't worry, I have a Backup. ^^
Title: Fanart by LeventeII
Post by: Sovereign on January 09, 2018, 05:20:23 PM
Sorry that I missed the previous drawing! :oops I really like Ducky's pose and the layout of the picture is well done. I like the the style you took with the background vegetation: it looks rather atmospheric! ^^spike However, the background could be slightly more pronounced and major portions of it seem a bit empty. Still, it is a good start to doing backgrounds. :) Also, good job with coloring Ruby! The colors look really smooth and the tones aren't too far from the original one. I agree with Ducky that any drawings look way better with colors and so does certainly this one! :yes
Title: Fanart by LeventeII
Post by: Flathead770 on January 10, 2018, 01:52:04 AM
Colored Ruby. Nice!

The colors do seem to match pretty closely to Ruby. For the colors being too pale it might help to do multiple layers. When I color with colored pencils I usually do one layer fairly lightly then go over it a second time pressing harder.
Title: Fanart by LeventeII
Post by: LeventeII on January 11, 2018, 03:34:54 PM
Thanks! :)

I don't have many colored pencils, so it's a bit difficult to colorize the pictures.
At next I'm going to draw a colorized picture with background. I'm optimistic that it will look good.

When I draw only with a pencil, I can not insert the background properly. That's the reason why I shaded it. I'm sure that I can paint the background  better with colors. I'll try the tip with the layer, perhaps it will help. We will see. :)
Title: Fanart by LeventeII
Post by: Ducky123 on January 15, 2018, 04:12:44 AM
Ruby is a bit difficult to draw because her whole design is quite specific and little details matter much more than when drawing a longneck. The end result is really nice though, well done!

And dang, I have tried to draw that Ducky scene myself not too long ago and it failed :bang I see you had more luck with it haha  :lol
Title: Fanart by LeventeII
Post by: LeventeII on February 12, 2018, 05:19:18 PM
I have drawn one new picture. I colorized it as well as an old one. :)
The colors are not the same as the colors in the original. I don't have the right colored pencils.

A tired Spike. It took 3 hours.  :^^spike



Cera colorized:

The shades are bad I think, but I don't want to edit this picture anymore. I hope the next ones will be better.

I didn't add a background because they weren't interesting. You could only see the ground.
I actually wanted to draw this ( Picture, but I had troubles, so I gave up.
Title: Fanart by LeventeII
Post by: Sneak on February 12, 2018, 05:54:46 PM
I think they're wonderful! :D
Title: Fanart by LeventeII
Post by: Littlefoot505 on February 12, 2018, 05:58:23 PM
They're pretty good! The coloring may not be perfect, but it's really great considering you didn't have the right colored pencils.
Title: Fanart by LeventeII
Post by: Sovereign on February 12, 2018, 06:25:47 PM
Spike looks great here! The pose fits him and the details are really impressive! I also like the coloring in both pictures, it looks quite smooth! :)
Title: Fanart by LeventeII
Post by: Flathead770 on February 15, 2018, 01:49:52 AM
I know very well not having the right colours. Even so, the colours are close enough that it's not too big of deal. I see you've worked on shading as well which looks good in both drawings. The Spike drawing is well done as well with no major issues. At the base of his neck it looks like his spine cuts into his neck to me but that's about it.

Keep up the good work!   :smile

I actually wanted to draw this Picture, but I had troubles, so I gave up.
That could be a fun image to work with. Keep at it and you'll get there!
Title: Fanart by LeventeII
Post by: Ducky123 on February 17, 2018, 04:17:42 PM
Hey, it might not look that great yet but at least you had the courage to attempt doing the shading with coloured pencils. I've been drawing for about 5 years now and I still don't trust my abilities enough to take that step :P
Title: Fanart by LeventeII
Post by: LeventeII on March 15, 2018, 03:22:37 PM
Thank you all for the feedback! :)

I finally found a good picture of a Sharptooth after a long time of searching.
The drawing itself took 4 hours, the coloration +2 hours.
The original (




Even though the colors are not the same as the original, I think it doesn't look bad.
In the colored picture I traced the contours with black to see them better.
Title: Fanart by LeventeII
Post by: Sovereign on March 15, 2018, 04:16:00 PM
Very nice! :) It's rather funny that Flathead did this exact same pose previously but you, too, managed to capture it very well. I really like the coloring as it gives the scene a really good feeling to it and the anatomy works perfectly as well. His right hand looks a bit too thin, however, but that's just a minor detail! Well done with this one! :yes
Title: Fanart by LeventeII
Post by: Sneak on March 15, 2018, 04:48:29 PM
Amazing, I love it! :D
Title: Fanart by LeventeII
Post by: Flathead770 on March 15, 2018, 07:17:11 PM
Well now, doesn't this ever look familiar. Just as Sovereign has mentioned I had drawn this same pose as well (in fact it was the first one in my fanart topic) :lol It's nice seeing it colored this time around and I agree that his one arm looks a little thin.

I'm not sure why they decided on not having pupils on some sharpteeth. I ended up adding pupils in my drawing because I find it looks awkward without them.

Anyways, good job with the drawing. It's great to see more artwork from you! :DD
Title: Fanart by LeventeII
Post by: Ducky123 on March 17, 2018, 10:48:33 AM
Great job! :D

Don't really see any flaws with neither lineart nor colouring :)littlefoot
Title: Fanart by LeventeII
Post by: LeventeII on March 25, 2018, 05:45:36 PM
Thanks! :)

I discovered Flathead's picture while I was painting mine. Actually a big coincidence, because I had drawn it from an own screenshot from the movie.
The thing with the eyes, I actually wanted to draw them with pupils too, but I think without pupils he looks more frightening.

This time I drew Mo. :) It was a bit more difficult because the original had only a small resolution. Drawing and colorizing took about 3 hours.


I tried to add some background. But I didn't shade it. That would have been too complicated for me.


I didn't draw Mo quite correctly, but I'm still satisfied overall.

I also drew something not LBT-related. Should I upload it anyways?
Title: Fanart by LeventeII
Post by: Flathead770 on March 25, 2018, 11:25:04 PM
Great job with Mo! I like drawing Mo. It's more relaxing not having to worry about hands and legs :p Everything looks well done here, the only small nitpick I would say is that his lower jaw extends past his upper jaw, giving his nose a small appearance.

The background I feel is much improved over your last one and I think having it colored is the main reason. For shading it looks like you had the right idea with the one mountain to the right of Mo. I've always been afraid of ruining my drawing with shading and coloring but I think the best thing to do is just go for it and see how it turns out. Learning first hand through your mistakes is one of the best ways to learn after all.

Well done! :smile

I also drew something not LBT-related. Should I upload it anyways?
Go right ahead! Though non LBT art is usually posted in another topic under 'The Arts' -> 'Visual Art'
Title: Fanart by LeventeII
Post by: Sovereign on March 26, 2018, 11:39:23 AM
Nice job as always! :) The background looks really nice and the perspective with the background shore looks really cool! The layout of the drawing is one of your best ones yet as it offers us with a wider shot into the scene so good job with that. The problem I have here is that Mo looks quite simple here. I agree with Flathead on his jaw and his whole mouth looks a bit odd. Also, the dorsal fin looks quite small and I feel Mo looks a bit too undetailed as a whole. The coloring and smooth look of the water and the hazy mountains in the background make up for this fault so it's not too bothering. There's a good atmosphere here and there are far more positives than negatives in this drawing! Good job! :DD
Title: Fanart by LeventeII
Post by: Ducky123 on March 26, 2018, 07:49:28 PM
First of all, if something is off with Mo, then it is so marginal that I don't mind it/don't notice it. He looks pretty spot on!

That being said, while the background is very light, it better than what I could do probably. Well done! :D
Title: Fanart by LeventeII
Post by: LeventeII on April 04, 2018, 09:56:43 PM
Thank you very much! :)

Next time I'll probably pay more attention to his jaw.

I'll likely do another topic with my not LBT-related art.

I drew Littlefoot!  :)littlefoot  I tried to draw him as accurately as possible. Here is the original. ( It's from the 11th movie.
I have the impression that his foot is a little too big...


I think with colors it looks more like Ali. ^^


This time I included some shading again.
Title: Fanart by LeventeII
Post by: rhombus on April 04, 2018, 10:04:28 PM
Very nice!  :)  Littlefoot's foot might be slightly too large, but the difference is so slight that that did not stand out to me.
Title: Fanart by LeventeII
Post by: Flathead770 on April 05, 2018, 12:31:48 AM
Oh now this is looking good. I agree that I don't really see anything wrong here. I don't suppose you have considered joining in on the fanart prompts have you? It would be great to see another member participating! :smile

Awesome job! :DD
Title: Fanart by LeventeII
Post by: Sneak on April 05, 2018, 03:53:11 AM
aaaaaaawwwwww :3

It's smooth and beautiful!
Title: Fanart by LeventeII
Post by: Sovereign on April 05, 2018, 05:16:54 PM
Yeah, great job here! :) The drawing itself is extremely well done and as others said, without any clear mistakes. I really like the sleeping pose but I wonder about the coloring. I think his main color is usually a bit darker but overall the coloring is done really smoothly. This is one of your best works yet! :DD
Title: Fanart by LeventeII
Post by: Ducky123 on April 05, 2018, 09:21:29 PM
Don't think anything is off. Great job! :D
Title: Fanart by LeventeII
Post by: LeventeII on April 06, 2018, 04:00:18 PM
Thank you again! :DD

I haven't thought about participating in the fanart-prompt yet. But I could try, actually. However, I hardly think my skills are good enough. I can only copy pictures, but not draw my own scenes.

I must honestly say, I am not satisfied with the next picture. What bothers me the most is the face of the sharptooth, which looks a little better with color. Besides, I don't like the background.
But I like Ducky! And that's why I decided to share it:


With background:


With colors:


Personally, it looks far too colorful to me. what do you think?
Title: Fanart by LeventeII
Post by: Sneak on April 06, 2018, 04:37:22 PM
(hmm, yellowbellies decided to put and get stuck all pictures under 35 degrees... well... *turns my head under 35 degrees too*)

well, since this picture contains one of my three favorite characters of all before time...

Well, actually, you beautifully recreated my one of favorite tense scenes, starring superbrave Ducky who somehow should pay Sharptooth's attention and lure him outside and run from him to the lake (somehow), carefully fearly crawling behind beast's back...
Just love it!
Love colors too! but maybe... maybe, they're a little bit too colorful, I imagine scene a more dark and less colored. (yeah, less colored background) But that's fine.

And hey, for me, you drew Sharptooth perfect. :)
Title: Fanart by LeventeII
Post by: Flathead770 on April 08, 2018, 01:05:47 AM
I haven't thought about participating in the fanart-prompt yet. But I could try, actually. However, I hardly think my skills are good enough. I can only copy pictures, but not draw my own scenes.
That's ok. You can join in whenever you feel ready :smile

I don't think that Sharptooth's face is all that bad considering how small it is due to it being way in the background. I think the background would look better with a lot darker colours but that can be pretty hard to do with coloured pencils in my more recent experience using them.

For Ducky, I agree. She looks suitably terrified and cautious.

Well done! :DD
Title: Fanart by LeventeII
Post by: Sovereign on April 08, 2018, 03:20:28 PM
I have to agree that the colors look too bright but aside from that, this drawing recreates that memorable scene perfectly. I like the smooth coloring and nicely-made expression from Ducky as well as well as the great perspective of the background. The sharptooth's face might not be too detailed but it is good enough considering the small focus on it in this scene! Well done again! ^^spike
Title: Fanart by LeventeII
Post by: Ducky123 on April 10, 2018, 01:50:17 AM
I like the colourful background :D

You are very similar to me there. Give me a reference and I can draw something decent. Let me draw from memory and prepare to run... :P It's better better when you draw stuff a couple times but without any sort of natural talent (which I don't have) it is tremendously hard to come up with your own environments and poses / perspective and for them to look convincing and good. I'm struggling a lot with it myself.

Eithet way though it's a great drawing :D
Title: Fanart by LeventeII
Post by: DiddyKT2 on May 17, 2018, 09:47:08 PM
I think the colors were a very nice touch. :D Ducky's color does seem a bit off in the slightest, but I guess that's because of the brightness. Still, she looks so good in this. In fact, I'm not the best at shading, myself, and I'm still trying to get the hang of it.

One thing that stands out to me is how the orange rock Ducky is hiding behind looks somewhat glossy. When I'm viewing this from a certain distance, it looks like a large crystal. The sharpness of the edges also gives it a crystal-like appearance.

Oh, and Sharptooth looks like he's got some sort of evil vendetta by the look of his expression! LOL!
Title: Re: Fanart by LeventeII
Post by: LeventeII on June 27, 2018, 07:49:28 PM
I have finished another picture.  :) This time I tried to create something own.
I took several screenshots from different Land Before Time movies. My idea was it to make a hybrid out of several dinosaurs.

I took the following dinosaurs as a template:

-Flier from V for the Head
-Fast-Biter from XI for the Body
-Spiketail from VIII for the Back
-Sharptooth from V for the Tail
-Fast-Biter from the Series for the back legs
-Rainbowface from VII for the arms.

The result is a kind of raptor.
At this point I would like to mention that this drawing was made independently of Jurassic World 2. I started working when the film wasn't out yet.

Here is the drawing without color. I traced the contours so that they could be seen better:


The next thing I thought about was the colors it should get.
I wanted to keep the head as close to the original as possible. So I needed a color for the body that matched the head. However, it should not become monotonous either.


I took a break after that.
I digitized the image to be able to plan the shading and the background on the computer. These two interesting works were created in the process:
digital 1 (,h_774,strp/hybrid___digital_by_leventeii_dcv6aqb-pre.png) ; digital 2 (,h_774,strp/hybrid___digital_2_0_by_leventeii_dcv6aqm-pre.png)

Next was the shading. When I put too much black paint on the neck, I had to erase it. But the eraser couldn't completely fix my mistake. But that's exactly how the shadow looked good. So wherever I needed a shadow, I pressed hard on the paper with a black pencil and then erased it.
I am satisfied with the result:


Finally, I needed a background. Here I was completely unplanned at the beginning.
It was certain that the hybrid should stand on a rock, and behind it the horizon should be visible.
That's the way the pose would fit, I thought.
My ideas were savanna, desert, mountains and sea. I chose an ocean with rocks. I chose sunset as the time of day. It shouldn't seem too peaceful.
It's not easy to see the background, which bothers me. But I like the end result.


I simply call my picture "The Hybrid".

I would like to participate in the fanart prompt "draw an OC " with that.

We should name the hybrid. Do you have an idea for a suitable name?
Title: Re: Fanart by LeventeII
Post by: Flathead770 on June 28, 2018, 01:10:18 AM
Oh now that's definitely unique and interesting and I enjoyed getting some insight on the design and creation process as well :smile

The most dramatic part of the hybrid feels like the flyer head but when thinking about it, it's sorta similar to a raptor head, just thinner and longer so in a way it kinda works here. The only real main anatomy issue that I have is that I feel like its legs are a little too small, which makes it feel like his front half is longer and more front heavy then it should be. The background is simple but nice as well. The grey rocks go well with the blue ocean.

Great job and it's good to see you participate in the prompt! :DD
Title: Re: Fanart by LeventeII
Post by: Sneak on June 28, 2018, 04:50:03 AM
strange to see such creature. :O Rainbowfaces, what have you done again with your experiments? XD

Though I like an idea, a product became obvious disproportional for me, so I am sad to see this poor creature, he looks so sad too...

Anyway, thank you for drawing!
Title: Re: Fanart by LeventeII
Post by: Ducky123 on July 01, 2018, 02:54:57 PM
I was really really curious what kind of drawing you were going to do after what we talked about in PM. This hybrid creature certainly looks a little weird (which is not a bad thing at all haha) but the idea is very creative and funny, yep yep yep :smile

Sharing your thoughts and your work progress is a nice touch as well, thank you very much :)

I also like your use of a very dark and strong lineart. I also tend to prefer it when the lineart is clearly and easily visible and I believe that it can make a great difference in how the drawing looks when it's done :yes

As for the colouring, I think you've also done a good job and the colour choices look alright to me. Making the background colours rather light was probably a good decision here as well, since they don't take the attention away from your hybrid dinosaur :)

In short, great and really creative drawing, meets the fanart prompt very well  :smile
Title: Re: Fanart by LeventeII
Post by: Sovereign on July 02, 2018, 09:19:46 AM
Well, this is another solid drawing from you! :) The strongest points here are the vigilant expression and the anatomy which looks as nice as it can with a creature like this. I agree with Ducky that the lines are very smooth and look good but I'd say the background could have been a bit more colorful. Yet, it's nice that the Fanart prompt is getting a bit more artists and this is a great entry for that challenge! Nice job as always. :yes
Title: Re: Fanart by LeventeII
Post by: LeventeII on July 19, 2018, 07:31:52 PM
Thanks for the feedback! :)

I tried new characters now. I have chosen the Rainbow Faces!

This picture took a while, but I am satisfied with the result.


With colour and background:


I like the rainbow faces. They often make me think about what they are and why they do things. That's why I drew them now. I dedicate my 100th post to them! :)
Title: Re: Fanart by LeventeII
Post by: Sneak on July 19, 2018, 08:23:31 PM
Like it! You made beautiful colors!

By the way - our guests from Beyond the Mysteriuos Beyond didn't break time and space and appeared in original movie here? Is it Littlefoot with Grandma/Grandpa, not with his mother? :D
Title: Re: Fanart by LeventeII
Post by: Flathead770 on July 20, 2018, 02:11:53 AM
Both rainbow faces have been drawn really well here. The background is fairly simple but the colouring is pretty good. Also is it just me or is there a bit of shading done on the right side of the left rainbow face? One issue I potentially see with the colouring is that grandpa longneck and the shaded part of the mountain seem to blend together, especially around the neck and head.

Great job and congratulations on your 100th post! :celebrate
Title: Re: Fanart by LeventeII
Post by: Sovereign on July 20, 2018, 02:54:57 PM
This drawing is certainly a good one as the characters are drawn pretty excellently. The expressions are done quite faithfully as they always are in your art. I agree that the coloring is quite cool, especially with the cliffs. However, I feel like the rainbowfaces could have had starker colors to make them stand out more from the background. Also, Littlefoot's details are pretty vague but his small focus here justifies that oversight. :p In any case, this drawing is another great offering from you and I'll look forward to seeing your next drawing! :yes
Title: Re: Fanart by LeventeII
Post by: LeventeII on September 14, 2018, 08:10:52 PM
By the way - our guests from Beyond the Mysteriuos Beyond didn't break time and space and appeared in original movie here? Is it Littlefoot with Grandma/Grandpa, not with his mother? :D
It's actually just a copied scenery, nothing of my own. But that doesn't have to mean you're wrong. ;)

Also is it just me or is there a bit of shading done on the right side of the left rainbow face? One issue I potentially see with the colouring is that grandpa longneck and the shaded part of the mountain seem to blend together, especially around the neck and head.
I didn't think the shadows in this picture were important. There were only very few, so I preferred not to use them. With the mountains, however, I wanted to keep the shadows so that they would be better visible.
As for grandpa longneck, I have to agree with you. Now, with hindsight, I also realize that it seems to blend.

However, I feel like the rainbowfaces could have had starker colors to make them stand out more from the background. Also, Littlefoot's details are pretty vague but his small focus here justifies that oversight.
I agree with you that the characters need some more color. I tried to make it better in my next picture.
The lack of detail is because Littlefoot and his grandfather are quite small in this picture. I had the same problem with the face of the sharptooth in the picture with Ducky as bait.

And many thanks again for the feedback! I tried to improve the next picture a bit. :)
The following scenery was invented by myself this time, but I took several screenshots from Land Before Time as help.

Coloring took the longest time. As used to, I traced the contours of the characters with a black pencil.


I was actually a little shocked when I loaded the image onto the computer. It seems to be brighter...
The effect was much worse when I scanned the image than when I photographed it, so here you can see the photographed image.

The picture was very tiring, but I am satisfied with it. That's why I didn't use shading, because I didn't want to disturb the picture.

I would like to participate in the Fanart Prompt "Daily life/Survival", if possible.

I had a few experiences during the last pictures I drew. What always impresses me is that every time I finish a picture, I think to myself: "I won't be able to do that so good again!" Then I start to draw a picture after all, and it becomes successful again. On the one hand I doubt myself every time, on the other hand I am always impressed by myself in the end.
Title: Re: Fanart by LeventeII
Post by: Flathead770 on September 15, 2018, 01:38:26 AM
Oh hey, so you did manage to get a drawing done for the prompt. Awesome!

You mentioned how you took screenshots to help and I can see where they're used as these poses look familiar, though they're used in a good way and they fit together quite nicely. The expression for the rainbow face is perfect with his fear of getting caught and I like the small patches of grass in the dirt (it's something that I've kinda wanted to try at some point myself)

I know all too well about worrying about ruining a drawing when trying to shade, and I still feel like I don't go far enough with it in general. If you're afraid you could try do a bit of testing with your colours on a scrap piece of paper so see how it turns out. That's what I usually do anyways. Your shading has looked pretty good so far so I'm sure it would have turned out (though it does take a lot longer to include shading)

I had a few experiences during the last pictures I drew. What always impresses me is that every time I finish a picture, I think to myself: "I won't be able to do that so good again!" Then I start to draw a picture after all, and it becomes successful again. On the one hand I doubt myself every time, on the other hand I am always impressed by myself in the end.
You'll be a pro in no time :p It's good to hear that, you've come a long way in the 9 months since you started posting your artwork here. Keep it up! :DD
Title: Re: Fanart by LeventeII
Post by: Sovereign on September 15, 2018, 02:42:10 PM
This is a really nice drawing and the whole idea behind it is quite awesome. Probably my favorite thing here is the sharptooth and its expression as the threat it presents is really effectively done. Also, it's nice to see a complete background and I'd say you've draw the trees and bushed quite well. However, I'd see the rainbowface looking even more frightened in this situation and at least for me, the brown color seems to overshadow the green even too much. As for the uncolored version, I can hardly hardly see what's in it. But overall, great job with this drawing. I agree with Flathead that you're making great strides in improving your skills! :yes
Title: Re: Fanart by LeventeII
Post by: OwlsCantRead on September 15, 2018, 02:53:41 PM
All art is good art in my unartist-ised eyes. :P

The large size of this picture was what originally drew me in. It seems rather pastel-like, at least that was the impression that I got. My big comment is that the colors seem a little faded... probably because of the color pencil/pastel-style being used? Oh, that and the background is well done with just one teeny thing...the bushes at the bottom right seem to mesh into the background and break the depth illusion. But that's probably just me. :P
Title: Re: Fanart by LeventeII
Post by: Ducky123 on October 03, 2018, 02:07:47 PM
Oh hey, I didn't know you were submitting something to the challenge. I usually see it sooner or later (later in this case :smile) but just for formality either PM me or @Ducky123 me in the post to notify me (curious if this ends up giving me a mention now :DD (EDIT: Yep, it did :P))

About the drawing, there's not much to add to what's already been said. It's a cool drawing with a nice background, yep yep yep! One of your best, keep it up! :exactly
Title: Re: Fanart by LeventeII
Post by: LeventeII on October 08, 2018, 03:39:44 PM
Oh hey, I didn't know you were submitting something to the challenge. I usually see it sooner or later (later in this case ) but just for formality either PM me or @Ducky123 me in the post to notify me (curious if this ends up giving me a mention now)
I'm very sorry, I forgot. Next time I will do it!
EDIT: Did I mention you because of the quote? If so, then I' m sorry.

Thanks for the feedback!

On the weekend I rediscovered some of my screenshots, including this one. It's from the Stone of Cold Fire.

I also adopted the shadows, more or less successfully. Somehow the light on Cera's tail bothers me.


I traced the drawing on the computer to make the shading more visible. This ( is the result.

It was a lot of fun to draw this drawing, even if the colorizing was very lengthy. :)
Title: Re: Fanart by LeventeII
Post by: jassy on October 08, 2018, 04:04:34 PM
Ooh, I love the colors in this one! They’re very vibrant, and I really like the shading in the digitalized version! Nice work :DD
Title: Re: Fanart by LeventeII
Post by: Flathead770 on October 08, 2018, 08:58:37 PM
Ah yes I remember you mentioning this one on Discord. It's nice to see it finished!

I see what you mean about the lighting on the tail. It almost looks like her belly with how much lighter it is, which I think is the main issue with it.

I think I like the digital version better overall as it's more clearer and the shading works a lot more (and you don't have to worry about the tedious colouring as well :p ). Great job!  :)littlefoot
Title: Fanart by LeventeII
Post by: LeventeII on December 07, 2018, 06:50:40 PM
Thanks, guys!  :)

The following drawing was created at short notice. This day had a very high worth for me, because today a year ago I rediscovered The Land Before Time. One year has already passed... I still have the feeling as if it had only been a few weeks ago.

I drew this drawing for this special event. A newborn dinosaur for a newborn love.   :)littlefoot
Basically I am satisfied, but the head bothers me in some way. It seems too flat compared to the original. The hardest part to draw was the head and the back. The eyes worried me especially. Nevertheless I'm happy with it.


Title: Re: Fanart by LeventeII
Post by: Sneak on December 08, 2018, 03:27:07 PM
I have to say - everything looks just perfect... except head part obviously. It is what first thing you notice. Looks like snout is not on his place.
Can't agree more, head part is the most hard, no matter if you draw humans or animals. :'(

Next time make it better, learning is virtue! :)
Love your works, can't see more.
Title: Re: Fanart by LeventeII
Post by: Sovereign on December 08, 2018, 04:07:35 PM
Yep, it's simply an amazing drawing! The feeling in it is very well replicated from the original scene and the expression is as sweet as ever! :) I also love your coloring due to it's smoothness. Still, I have to agree with the head and I'd add that there's also something fishy with the mouth and his snout is perhaps a bit too dark. But other than that, amazing job and it's great to hear you wanted to mark that special day with this spectacular drawing! :)littlefoot
Title: Re: Fanart by LeventeII
Post by: Flathead770 on December 08, 2018, 11:37:44 PM
Hey Levente! Great to see another drawing, especially one the has a profound meaning to you! It looks really good and I can only mirror what others and yourself have said about it. Comparing it with the actual scene I think the lower jaw extends too far out on his right side (so on the left side of the page). Everything else looks good though! :DD

Also, what colours did you use for Littlefoot? I can never seem to match it very well. (though I suppose baby Littlefoot appears more purple then usual)
Title: Re: Fanart by LeventeII
Post by: OwlsCantRead on December 09, 2018, 08:17:59 AM
Wow, it really looks like it's from the original scene in the movie! The light pastel shading gives it that soft glow effect that really makes Littlefoot even more adorable!
Title: Re: Fanart by LeventeII
Post by: Ducky123 on December 10, 2018, 05:22:22 AM
Well, he's been a flathead since birth :P Nice drawing!
Title: Re: Fanart by LeventeII
Post by: LeventeII on December 25, 2018, 08:00:44 PM
Thanks for the feedback!

what colours did you use for Littlefoot?

Unfortunately, I don't know the names of colors, so I can't tell you exactly which colors I used. However, I can tell you that I have applied 2 different purple tones on one area. Only with this mixture I came to the result. In the last picture of Littlefoot I only applied 1 color. To be honest, this time I think it was a coincidence that the colors fit so well.

I finished drawing the next picture for a month already. The colorization took quite a long time, I think even longer than the drawing itself, that's why I finished it only today.
I really wanted to draw Sharpteeth again. I thought to myself: Why not a peaceful scene? That's how I got this idea.
I invented and drew the drawing myself again. I supported myself again a little with the sharpteeth from the movies, but mostly because of the anatomy.
My first idea as background was a desert, but afterwards I decided to choose this background because it seemed more peaceful.


Honestly, I'm completely split in two about this drawing. A part of me says that this drawing is very good for a self-creation. I especially like the right Raptor. But my other part tells me that this drawing is quite unsuccessful because it looks so simple and the left Raptor looks too bad.

Nevertheless, I would like to participate in the Fanart prompt „Draw something related to the Time of Great Giving“ with that.

Before I drew the background, I made a sketch on the computer. This is what it looks like ( At first I wanted to show some waves in the water, but I didn't do it because the effect was too low for me.
Title: Re: Fanart by LeventeII
Post by: Flathead770 on December 26, 2018, 11:25:58 PM
Hey it's always good to see you participating in the prompt! Someone has to submit something right? :lol (on time at the very least haha)

It's a lovely drawing and it's nice to see a nicer side to sharpteeth, even if the actual time of great giving is more related to the Great Valley dinosaurs.

And don't worry if you feel like your drawing doesn't seem as good as you might think. That sort of thing comes naturally when coming up with your own poses and such as you don't have an exact reference to copy from. Try not to get discouraged and keep at it and in the end it will be a lot more rewarding.

I won't say much more as I'm limited to phone use right now and I'm not a fan of typing on it so I'll just end with saying that it looks great!  :DD
Title: Re: Fanart by LeventeII
Post by: Ducky123 on December 28, 2018, 08:04:30 PM
Oh wow, I didn't expect someone to do sharpteeth with this prompt, really cool! :DD

I have to disagree with you on the raptors, I think they look really nice, both anatomy and colour! The background is simple again but it absolutely works and I admire your patience colouring all of this! I'm very impatient when it comes to filling a huge space with colour which is why I'm trying to learn a different colouring method :D But either way, it's a really nice artwork! I'm calling it a success, keep it up! Yep yep yep!  :)littlefoot
Title: Re: Fanart by LeventeII
Post by: Sovereign on December 29, 2018, 03:26:44 PM
Yep, great job with this drawing! The expressions look quite nice, especially the green raptor's, and the entire idea in this drawing is quite sweet. It's nice to see more sides of them than the one we all know. As for your concerns, well, the red raptor's hands are a bit too small and the coloring could be a bit more interesting. But despite those issues, nice job as always! :)
Title: Re: Fanart by LeventeII
Post by: LeventeII on March 18, 2019, 05:11:31 PM
Thank you very much for your feedback, guys!

First I would like to show my latest drawing of Littlefoot again, but this time with a comment about the drawing itself.  :)littlefoot


It was an interesting experience to draw this drawing. It was the first time that I sketched a little so that I didn't have to worry about the structure when drawing the lines. I sketched a square for Littlefoot's snout, which was a great help because I find the beginnings of my drawings especially difficult.
Without wanting to be arrogant, I must honestly say that I am very proud of this picture. I like both the colorization and the cleanliness very much!

I would also like to show my next picture, which is my entry for the Fanart Prompt: Movie Poster.


First of all I thought about which of the movies I should draw a poster about. I didn't find a good idea for any of them, only for XIII. I imagined a perspective from above and one should be able to see a bunch of Yellow Bellies. In the background the Sharpteeth should lurk, who in this case are the villains.

I spent the first few weeks of the year practicing. I printed some pictures of Yellow Bellies and tried to understand their bodies. The result was quite OK, I think I can now draw Yellow Bellies at least in a way that makes them recognizable.

My main problem during the whole process was the size. How could I draw an ocean of Yellow Bellies if they are so small? So I had to forego a large bunch and I drew bigger characters, like on the end result.

When the rock and the Yellow bellies were finished, I had to put in someone of the Gang of course. But I couldn't think of anything to put in the whole group. I finally chose Littlefoot, who was the one who wanted to help the Yellow Bellies the most.
Then I drew the baryonyx. Again I decided not to draw the whole group because of the size. Instead, I drew only the leader.

The title was the next challenge, because I couldn't find a suitable place for it. It was my plan to put it up in the center, but the rock was too much in the way. I decided to place it a little further to the side and not in a central position.

Finally, I thought of a slogan: "Join the Fun!" I especially like this phrase because it has two meanings: On the one hand, it means the joy of the yellow bellies how they have fun together. But it could also mean the approaching feast of the baryonyx as "Fun"...

Although I know that this picture is not a masterpiece and contains some mistakes, especially the title bothers me, I am still satisfied with it. I had a lot of fun with it, especially because I wasn't bound to any given poses. It was also an opportunity for me to try new things out.  :)
Title: Re: Fanart by LeventeII
Post by: Flathead770 on March 19, 2019, 12:22:42 AM
I've made a quick comment to you already on you Littlefoot drawing but I'll say it again that it looks really good! That's a very good approach to starting your drawings as well by starting with simple yet similar shapes. I think the only criticism I'd give is that maybe his nose feels a little too short? Also including the white reflection in the eye helps as well.

Who would've thought that someone would go for LBT13 for their poster? :p
Certainly a shock but it's always nice to get surprised! I agree that it would be hard to draw so many Yellowbellies but at least you have a good amount of them on the page. I think my favorite one out of the bunch is Fooby :lol And that sharptooth peeking out from behind the log reminds me so much of Ozzy haha. For the title I feel like it would be better if it was lined up or put all together. Having it scattered like that makes it a little harder to read. Another minor point would be to try and add variety to the trees. Both trees that are standing in full view look identical. It can be hard to do but minor details like that can really help!

Good job with this one though! And ultimately having fun with it is more important then making it look perfect as that will lead to more motivation and more improvement! :smile
Title: Re: Fanart by LeventeII
Post by: Ducky123 on March 19, 2019, 08:16:30 AM
Good grief yellowbellies xD

Wow, you really put a lot of effort into this drawing, I can tell just reading your author's note and the drawing also shows this. Yellowbellies look good and so does Littlefoot and the raptor. I can also tell you took inspiration from LBT 13 drawing the background, it turned out nicely! Certainly a movie poster that'd have my attention :smile
Title: Re: Fanart by LeventeII
Post by: Sovereign on March 19, 2019, 04:09:34 PM
As others have implied, that's quite a unique take on the prompt. :p The overall layout is quite solid as is the idea of showing the Yellowbellies doing Yellowbelly things while also including Littlefoot and the sharptooth into this picture. The atmosphere here is quite good but for a poster, there perhaps could have been a clearer focus in this picture as showing a normal scene like this doesn't tell that much from the film itself. Also, the large areas between the characters look rather empty but that's the problem with pictures like these. Still, nice job with this one. :)
Title: Re: Fanart by LeventeII
Post by: LeventeII on April 29, 2019, 08:56:07 PM
Thanks, guys!

Another minor point would be to try and add variety to the trees. Both trees that are standing in full view look identical. It can be hard to do but minor details like that can really help!
In fact, I didn't notice that at first about the trees, but I agree with you that a little variation would have been better.   :)

The next picture was a bit more difficult. When I started with the sketches, I came to the conclusion: "I hate dolphins!". When I started with the actual picture, it went a little better.


Actually, I was surprised by the result in the end. Nevertheless, it was very difficult to draw this drawing. The lines were very round and long. Especially drawing the bodies was very tricky, because it had to look neither too round nor too straight.
I started every ophthalmosaur with the mouth. Thereby also the position of the eyes resulted, because these "sit on the cheeks". When I draw the mouth, the lower half of the cheek is also drawn. From the snout, I worked my way to the tail.

I was a little unsure whether and how I should intimate water. First of all I wanted to indicate the water level at the top of the drawing, but that would probably only have distracted one. Dipping the drawing into a complete blue would have been a long process and would not have led to a satisfactory result. So I renounced water and I was able to concentrate on the colors of the fish without any problems. Especially the ammonite was important to me, the focus should be on it.
To make the whole thing more interesting, I inserted the seahorse.  :^^spike

I would like to participate in the Fanart Prompt: "Love/Family" with this drawing.

In the beginning for a short time I wanted to draw two Swimmers, but then I got the idea of this image, which I liked better. Besides, I wanted to bring in some variety and not to draw bipeds again.
Concerning the colorization, it was important to me that I don't only use the "standard" colors of Mo. I wanted a bit more variety here too, so I colored two fish of the group orange. Actually I also wanted to change the color of the eyes and the patterns, but I didn't want to go that far anymore, because I was worried that it might be too much of a change.

If I compare the fish with Mo, there are some inaccuracies. Nevertheless, I accepted these mistakes because they are not too disturbing for me. The only thing that bothers me, however, is the bright color in the mouth of the right ophthalmosaurs.

In the end I am satisfied with the drawing, despite the fact that it was very exhausting. It made me think and deal a little with marine life forms of the Mesozoic Era.  :DD
Title: Re: Fanart by LeventeII
Post by: Mumbling on April 30, 2019, 01:22:43 AM
The next picture was a bit more difficult. When I started with the sketches, I came to the conclusion: "I hate dolphins!". When I started with the actual picture, it went a little better.

Mooooo!  :Mo

I've always loved this character, and diving into his family story sounds like a lovely thing to do. Do their different colors indicate anything, or is there no clear distinction between them and is it just random? :D

I like how fascinated they all are with the ammonite. Sounds like a perfectly realistic thing for them to do  :PCera
Title: Re: Fanart by LeventeII
Post by: Sneak on April 30, 2019, 04:03:33 AM
Nice! Mo's family and two other habitants of Big Water are drawn wall.
IT would be hard (for me at least) to draw actual water where they all swim, but that's ok.
Title: Re: Fanart by LeventeII
Post by: Sovereign on April 30, 2019, 03:00:06 PM
This picture looks very nice overall and it's always good to see a picture of Mo. I like the idea here as we saw very little of Mo's family and it is only fitting for them to be wondering about another wonder of the ocean. My only major issue is the very light color of water as it makes the picture look empty which is a bit unfortunate. I understand the issue you mentioned, though, and despite that issue, good job. :)
Title: Re: Fanart by LeventeII
Post by: ImpracticalDino on April 30, 2019, 05:32:45 PM
I like the representation of Mo's family, good job! I wonder what they would do with that ammonite, perhaps an underwater game equivalent to kicking around a pine cone just like the seven main characters, which is similar to soccer. Cute seahorse, by the way. Once it catches your attention, you just can't help but look at it only. Hmm... an outlier in the picture! Interesting!
Title: Re: Fanart by LeventeII
Post by: Flathead770 on May 01, 2019, 12:21:36 AM
Very nice to see a Mo drawing! Come to think of it, it's been quite a while since I've drawn Mo. Maybe I should change that at some point.

The drawing of Mo's family is well done with nice and varied expressions. Your earlier drawings had the issue with being faint with the colouring (don't worry I still feel like that's an issue with me as well) but this one seems to be really good in this regard!

Good job with the drawing! :smile
Title: Re: Fanart by LeventeII
Post by: OwlsCantRead on May 01, 2019, 10:43:54 AM
I like this piece. The artstyle gives it a very muted feel, which is quite fitting with the aqua theme going on here. Plus, more Mo is always good. :D
Title: Re: Fanart by LeventeII
Post by: Anagnos on May 02, 2019, 04:04:52 AM
That is indeed very nice work!  :cheers Even if I'm not the biggest fan of any kind of art in particular, I agree that it's very well done.  :yes And yes, good to see Mo appear more, I don't think I've seen him enough as it is.  :)
Title: Re: Fanart by LeventeII
Post by: Ducky123 on May 02, 2019, 11:05:23 AM
Itsa me, Mooooooo  :Mo

Wow, this looks really good! I've tried to draw Mo myself at one point in the past but never bothered to finish the drawing in the end. He sure is tough to draw and I picked a simpler pose than the guys you've drawn there. Good job  :^^spike
Title: Re: Fanart by LeventeII
Post by: LeventeII on July 07, 2019, 06:16:35 PM
Thanks for the feedback! I really appreciate it!

Do their different colors indicate anything, or is there no clear distinction between them and is it just random?

In fact, the colors have a meaning. I use the colors as a form of dimorphism in my fanfictions. :)

The following drawing has been in my mind since my last drawing. With this I would like to participate in the Fanart Prompt: "Out of Character".


I don't think I've ever seen any of the two characters this angry.  :^^spike
There's not really much to say. Again I decided against a background, because it doesn't have a meaning here. Here it is only about the two characters. I couldn't think of a suitable background.  But I don't want that missing backgrounds become the default. I want to add backgrounds again soon.

Although the colors don't fit 100%, I think they're still fine. The only thing that bothers me is Mo. Somehow I have the feeling that something is wrong with him.

With this drawing I also had some experience with feathers. I am sure that this will help me in future drawings. :)
Title: Re: Fanart by LeventeII
Post by: ImpracticalDino on July 07, 2019, 06:48:06 PM
No, don't be angry Mo! Be happy! :Mo

Interesting choice to have Guido and Mo angry at each other. Quite the odd pairing, I must say. This fanart definitely speaks "out of character" though. :)

Shame that there's no background again. I do understand why though. I imagine it'll be pretty time consuming, plus it would distract a bit from the actual porpoise of the picture.

As for constructive criticism, Mo's snout is too pointed. Try curving it a tiny bit. Also, Mo's color scheme is wrong, as the upper half of his skin is supposed to purple, not a light shade of blue. Does this have something to do with dimorphism and colors having a meaning? Mo is a male keep in mind, despite his purple skin color.

Does that cover all of your concerns that you have for Mo?

But overall, nice job on the characters LeventeII! :smile
Title: Re: Fanart by LeventeII
Post by: OwlsCantRead on July 07, 2019, 06:52:24 PM
Mo angry? Never!
But come to think of it, you're right... the worst I've seen Guido is him being momentarily annoyed instead of actually angry.

Yeah, I suppose it would seem out of place and character of them both to be mad.
Title: Re: Fanart by LeventeII
Post by: Sneak on July 07, 2019, 09:33:03 PM
Mo can be serious when danger comes, but being with bully face in peace time... And Guido looks like he's planning something evil...

 :lol I like it! Good job!
Title: Re: Fanart by LeventeII
Post by: Flathead770 on July 07, 2019, 10:24:11 PM
I feel like they're whole argument is based entirely on their thoughts on water  :PCera

I know a thing or two on not wanting to put in a background so I feel your pain there haha

Guido looks really good, the only thing that could maybe be better is to have him not cropped off like that (though I get that that can sometimes happen when drawing). Mo also looks pretty good but I feel like his snarl looks off. Maybe having the edge of his mouth curl down a bit like Guido would help?

I'll get this added to the prompt list! Thanks for you submission! :DD
Title: Re: Fanart by LeventeII
Post by: Anagnos on July 08, 2019, 07:55:16 AM
Interesting choice to have Guido and Mo angry at each other. Quite the odd pairing, I must say. This fanart definitely speaks "out of character" though.

Exactly what I was thinking about. But just because it's out of character doesn't mean that it can't work. I actually very much like this one, although Mo and Guido at each others throats seems a little... unlikely to happen, so to speak. And not only because Mo can't do it as well as Guido could...  :smile

Shame that there's no background again. I do understand why though. I imagine it'll be pretty time consuming, plus it would distract a bit from the actual porpoise of the picture.

While that is true, I must disagree. Background can give a lot of insight into the picture itself, but I do understand that it's not always needed. In this case it works quite well, though, so you will definitely not hear any complaints about that from me.

With this drawing I also had some experience with feathers. I am sure that this will help me in future drawings.

I love me some feathers, so this is an automatic win. :Mo And yes, moving out of your comfort zone is a good opportunity to develop your skills with drawing. Overall, very good one from you, Leventell! :)littlefoot
Title: Re: Fanart by LeventeII
Post by: Sovereign on July 08, 2019, 02:59:32 PM
Yeah, this is another good idea for this prompt as it brings together these characters in a way very uncharasteristic for either of them. Guido looks very nice overall and both of the characters' expressions have been done well, even if the criticism pointed by ImpracticalDino and Flathead is rather fair. I'd also add that the lack of background is quite eye-catching due to there being two characters as well as the waterline. But overall, it's good to see more fanart from you! :)
Title: Re: Fanart by LeventeII
Post by: Ducky123 on July 09, 2019, 05:17:30 PM
I don't have much to say, this is really well done once again. Indeed a very fitting entry for the OOC theme :^^spike
Title: Re: Fanart by LeventeII
Post by: LeventeII on August 28, 2019, 02:28:09 PM
As for constructive criticism, Mo's snout is too pointed. Try curving it a tiny bit. Also, Mo's color scheme is wrong, as the upper half of his skin is supposed to purple, not a light shade of blue. Does this have something to do with dimorphism and colors having a meaning? Mo is a male keep in mind, despite his purple skin color.

I didn't have the right color at that point, but on closer look I recognize the differences. And the pointy nose is actually a bit irritating, so I fully agree.

Thank you very much for your feedback!  :)

During the summer vacation I had a kind of sudden inspiration of a picture. It is a scene from the Fanfiction "Light Among the Darkness" by Anagnos. Thanks for his permission at this point!  ;)


Originally, I drew the drawing by hand. I drew the figures, then, as usual, I made a digital sketch to work on the the background.

It was already clear to me from the beginning that it would be a shadow picture and that the eyes should shine. When I sketched the background, I noticed my fatal mistake: I drew the hand drawing so close to the edge of the paper that the background didn't fit in.
Actually, I wanted to start the drawing completely anew, but I was very satisfied with the characters. Therefore I improved the digital drawing. In the end, digital was the better choice, because the colors are much cleaner. I think in this example that I have created a shadow image, the digital medium seems more suitable.

The idea that I would include several layers by using gray scales came to me afterwards. I wanted to focus on the dark atmosphere of both the forest and the whole scenery.

With this drawing I would like to participate in the  Fanart Prompt "Draw an OC".

The most difficulties were caused by the neck frills. I wasn't completely satisfied until the end, but I tried to make the best out of it. In some places I am quite satisfied, for example with the legs, the eyes and the background. But the faces worry me a bit.

I experimented a lot, especially with the background. In any case, it was a lot of fun to create this drawing!   :DD
Title: Re: Fanart by LeventeII
Post by: Sneak on August 28, 2019, 04:42:34 PM
At first I thought "what is this? LBT in Limbo universe?" :O
Drawing is simple but looks very impressive! Good job!
(Didn't read this fic)
Title: Re: Fanart by LeventeII
Post by: Flathead770 on August 28, 2019, 06:52:01 PM
Hey you made it with a few days left to spare! (Now it all hangs on me to finish on time :p )

I like these types of drawings. Very stylized.

Can't say that I've read the fanfiction so I'm not sure what the character dynamic are between these two, but it doesn't look like they're on the best of terms.

I think the one thing that might help with a silhouette drawing like this is to make sure that the outline of the characters are well defined as that's all we can see of them. The one on the right is good but the left blends in with the foreground making it sorta hard to tell what's going on.

Very cool idea though!  :smile
Title: Re: Fanart by LeventeII
Post by: Mumbling on August 29, 2019, 01:17:36 AM
Yes! I love silhouette drawings. Amazing job :) Similarly to the comments above I did not read the fic so I am not familiar with the characters, but that one on the right is maaad!
Title: Re: Fanart by LeventeII
Post by: Anagnos on August 29, 2019, 11:53:59 AM
I already gave my opinion about it privately to Levente, but I'll say it again. A few hours spend on a picture such as this, while it may be mediocre in comparison to some of the other works I've had the pleasure of seeing, it is quite exclusive piece. I actually imagined this particular scene to play out exactly like you did, so there's no problem there. If there is one nitpick I have to point out, Vilar's horns seem a bit odd to say the least. But that is mild in comparison of the picture in its entirety. I think you did a wonderful job recreating this hauntingly sad scene, Levente! :^^spike
Title: Re: Fanart by LeventeII
Post by: ImpracticalDino on August 29, 2019, 12:10:31 PM
I haven't read or plan on reading your fanfiction LeventeII, but like others have said, you did a good job on this drawing with two characters that don't seem to be on the best of terms. For constructive criticism, the edges and outlines in the drawing is on the rough side, so a smoother polish on those would be handy. I also agree with Anagnos about the horns, but I can't seem to exactly describe or pinpoint what makes it odd. It's probably the fact that a silhouette drawing was a bit harder for me to fully analyze and get the full picture.

Overall, keep up the good work! :)littlefoot
Title: Re: Fanart by LeventeII
Post by: Sleeping-force's-inside on August 29, 2019, 01:40:39 PM
I also agree with Anagnos about the horns, but I can't seem to exactly describe or pinpoint what makes it odd. It's probably the fact that a silhouette drawing was a bit harder for me to fully analyze and get the full picture.

Personally, I think it's the angle. These horns look - to me - like they are bending down too much, instead of the up or straight they normally are.
Title: Re: Fanart by LeventeII
Post by: ImpracticalDino on August 29, 2019, 04:57:03 PM
Quote from: Sleeping-force's-inside on August 29, 2019, 01:40:39 PM
Quote from: Sleeping-force's-inside on August 29, 2019, 01:40:39 PM

I also agree with Anagnos about the horns, but I can't seem to exactly describe or pinpoint what makes it odd. It's probably the fact that a silhouette drawing was a bit harder for me to fully analyze and get the full picture.

Personally, I think it's the angle. These horns look - to me - like they are bending down too much, instead of the up or straight they normally are.

Thanks for pointing out what I was trying to say. But for me personally, the horns are too pointed and straight, not really curved at all (for the threehorn on the left at least).
Title: Re: Fanart by LeventeII
Post by: Ducky123 on September 10, 2019, 04:00:08 PM
simple but it's quite an interesting technique to convey the mood. Good job :)
Title: Re: Fanart by LeventeII
Post by: LeventeII on November 02, 2019, 05:02:12 PM
Thanks for the Feedback!  :)

The idea for the next drawing came relatively late. Normally an idea comes to me during the first month of a prompt, but this idea did not come to me until the end of October. Therefore I started this picture quite spontaneously.


Well, this picture completely divides me.
Littlefoot and the heart are, in my opinion, well done. But for Littlefoot I used some references. In contrast to him, I drew the Longnecks in the background almost completely free. This can be seen especially in the partly anti-proportional lines and the missing details. Both necks are too long. The body of the right is also too long. The feet look completely wrong.
For that, I think, the essential part, that there are two loving Longnecks, is quite well done.
The moment takes place during the night. But it was not possible for me to colorize it appropriately, so it appears much more like daytime, which changes the atmosphere.
Nevertheless, Littlefoot looks quite good and the picture conveys the right message, though not as elegant as I wanted it to be.

The subject of love has often made me think. I had a lot of fun drawing this drawing. It motivated me, made me think and gave me new ideas for other works.

I created this digital version ( before colorizing it in order to be able to plan the colors.

With this drawing, I would like to participate in the Fanart Prompt: Hurt/Fear.

I don't get it... Every time I come to the conclusion that I can no longer draw, for example because of several unsuccessful attempts to draw drawings or simply because I consider myself to be too unskilled, I manage to draw quite decent drawings with appropriate references. At this point I think of Littlefoot, because I think that I have succeeded especially well with him.  :)
Title: Re: Fanart by LeventeII
Post by: Sneak on November 02, 2019, 05:17:03 PM
Littlefoot's expression and general tone makes this picture impressive for me. :D Good work!
Yeah, longnecks at the background look... very bad, if you compare them to very good Littlefoot's appearance (except his back leg, I guess).

Anyway, thank you for showing it!
Title: Re: Fanart by LeventeII
Post by: Flathead770 on November 02, 2019, 05:29:39 PM
Could it be....Rhett and Ali have confessed their true feelings and left Littlefoot all alone?  :PAli

A different take on the prompt, but fits all the same. I know that it can be hard to get a night time picture to look right with coloured pencils and the digital version you have does help with that. I can see everything you criticized with your other longnecks in the background and I agree with them. Their faces look almost like some sort of snake faces, but the emotion is still present and conveyed so it's not all that bad. Another thing I want to bring up is that the blue longneck feet are higher up the the red one, giving the impression that it is further into the background. While its neck does go behind the red one so that is consistent it is a little jarring to be that far to the side in my opinion. As you said with Littlefoot, he is indeed well drawn.

When drawing without references what worked for me is to try and draw from memory, then compare to a reference to see the differences, then make any required changes to better match. Over time the general shape is a lot easier to replicate from memory as well as helping with poses that you may not be able to reference as well. Hope that helps a bit.

Good job and keep it up!
Title: Re: Fanart by LeventeII
Post by: ImpracticalDino on November 02, 2019, 06:09:03 PM
Could it be....Rhett and Ali have confessed their true feelings and left Littlefoot all alone?  :PAli

Don't. You. Dare. :anger

Love is the feeling that can really make or break a person. But in this case, both of these things are happening at once. I agree with your self-assessment of the two longnecks in the background that you drew Flathead770. It is mediocre and not as well proportioned or carefully drawn as Littlefoot, who shines front and center in this drawing. Like Flathead770 has said though, it doesn't take away from the emotion that you were trying to convey here. When you said that this photo took place in the night, I was a bit confused. Not because of what you said, but because of the setting represented here. I know the appearance you tried to make it, but in the hand-made drawing, it looks like a sun. Is it a sunrise or sunset? The atmosphere you made doesn't coincide with it. In my opinion, I felt like you should've adjusted the setting to either of the two options if making a nighttime setting with a moon in the background wasn't a viable option. I have nothing else to add, as Flathead770 has already pointed out all the flaws that I see with this picture. And Flathead770, it's nice to see an artist like yourself reflecting on their own drawings and being able to detect and see what could've been done better. That's another way an artist can improve besides observing others and receiving feedback. Keep up the good work!

Title: Re: Fanart by LeventeII
Post by: Anagnos on November 03, 2019, 03:46:25 AM
Could it be....Rhett and Ali have confessed their true feelings and left Littlefoot all alone?

I don't think that is Ali and Rhett as their coloration don't exactly match. Perhaps Littlefoot is just feeling despondent when he has to witness others enjoy their happiness while he is stuck in loneliness. But I admit, that is an interesting concept you just proposed. ;)

My attention was immediately drawn towards what I reckon is supposed to be the sun, demonstrating profound love between two characters, and the sullen expression of Littlefoot in turn allures the observer to take a closer look at how this came to be in the first place. The pensive facial expression displays a heartbroken individual who may have recently lost something very important to him. While the background does the job, I feel like crafting a nighttime sequence would have been more beneficial in the long run, as what I presume is indeed the depiction of a sun, in this scenario, the moon would have added some much needed despondent emotion to the already gloomy demeanor. Like ImpracticalDino, I am not going to go further into this in detail, as others here have expressed my opinion on this quite well. Still, it is a lovely picture that indeed expresses that while love can be one of the best things that individuals can experience in their life, rejection and disappointment can shatter your entire world in a blink of an eye. These emotions were very well added into the delineation. I hope to see more art like this from you in the future as you seem to have a particular expertise in this line of drawing.
Title: Re: Fanart by LeventeII
Post by: ImpracticalDino on November 03, 2019, 10:36:54 AM
I think I had a mental breakdown in my other post, because I kept referring to Flathead770 despite the fact that LeventeII was the one who made the drawing. Either I can’t read or I didn’t pay attention to ANYTHING I wrote. :lol

I’m going to leave it unedited for you guys to laugh at. :P

Oops-eeps, Oops-eeps! :sducky
Title: Re: Fanart by LeventeII
Post by: Sovereign on November 04, 2019, 03:13:05 PM
I agree with most of your own thoughts. The two longnecks don't look that great but Littlefoot, on the other hand, is drawn excellently. In fact, his expression is quite amazing and it's one of the best things you've drawn thus far. One thing I'd like to mention, however, are the colors. They look a bit bland and make the drawing look a bit blurred as a whole. They should be starker, imo. But other than that, this drawing proves you have it in you to become even better in doing fanart. :)
Title: Re: Fanart by LeventeII
Post by: Ducky123 on November 05, 2019, 10:43:24 AM
I agree with your self-critical analysis about the background longnecks but Littlefoot is really well done. His expression truly conveys the emotion of sadness and being hurt and that clearly is the most important thing and you nailed it quite well :)

The simple background works very well here I think, adding to the overall look of the drawing but not taking away any focus from Littlefoot :)
Title: Re: Fanart by LeventeII
Post by: Mumbling on November 05, 2019, 12:46:16 PM
Great job on Littlefoot's expression! Hurting from love is a very tough emotion that many of us have been through, and you captured the hopelessness well :yes
Title: Re: Fanart by LeventeII
Post by: LeventeII on April 20, 2020, 08:20:25 PM
Thank you very much for your feedback!   :DD

The following drawing is actually one of my first hand-drawn drawings for the last few months along with some little anime-styled drawings. I am happy that I am still able to create drawings which aren't "bad". ^^

I would like to participate in the Fanart prompt challenge "Crossover" with this.


The two characters which I drew are Sharptooth and Godzilla, the universes are "The Land Before Time" and "Monsterverse". Monsterverse is a rather new term which includes the new American Godzilla movies from 2014 and 2019. One could say, it is a separate storyline from the Japanese Godzilla movies. The characters are the same though.

I took two separate pictures of each character to show the colors better. They are rather dark, that's why they seem black. I tried to match Sharptooth's color from the original movie and Godzilla's dark color with a bit blue.

Godzilla (; Sharptooth (

At first, I wanted to draw the heads very detailed and large with very tiny, cute bodies. But I thought that it would seem more cute if I made simple faces.

I decided not to draw a background, because I thought it wouldn't support the effect. I was thinking about drawing a "split" background. On the left side, Sharptooth's side, the background should look like a setting from The Land Before Time and the Background on the right side, Godzilla's side, should look like a setting from his universe.

What bothers me the most is that I couldn't manage to make Sharptooth's look recognizable because he doesn't have any special features like a scarf or something like that. Godzilla is easily recognizable because of his "spikes" on his back but I didn't know what to draw for Sharptooth, I mean he is just a regular Sharptooth in his looks. I didn't want to go too much into detail because this would have disturbed the simple, cute scene.
Title: Re: Fanart by LeventeII
Post by: RainbowFaceProtege on April 20, 2020, 09:25:31 PM
That's hilarious!!! :lol :DD :lol :DD I instantly recognized Godzilla, and since the remaining character had to be from LBT, I figured it was Sharptooth. I think you made the right decision not doing big heads in detail. I've attempted that big-headed style in the past, and it's kind of hard to do without it just looking weird. The way you decided to go is definitely cuter! It's funny, too, that I'm working on a split background for my crossover picture...we shall see how this goes, I've never done it before. :p

What bothers me the most is that I couldn't manage to make Sharptooth's look recognizable because he doesn't have any special features like a scarf or something like that.

Also, thank you for the amusing image of Sharptooth wearing a nice, woolly scarf! :lol
Title: Re: Fanart by LeventeII
Post by: Flathead770 on April 20, 2020, 11:11:31 PM
Haha nice Levente! I do think the comical situation does lend itself well to this art style! Also it looks like Godzilla's spikes are glowing. Maybe he's preparing for his atomic breath! Hopefully Sharptooth can deal with it!  :rhett_shocked
Title: Re: Fanart by LeventeII
Post by: Mumbling on April 21, 2020, 02:02:57 PM
Haha this one made me laugh this morning! I agree, Godzilla is very recognizable :D Nice work!
Title: Re: Fanart by LeventeII
Post by: Sneak on April 21, 2020, 03:54:16 PM
 :Mo  :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :Mo

just pure laughing. :D
Title: Re: Fanart by LeventeII
Post by: ImpracticalDino on April 22, 2020, 05:44:29 PM
While I didn't laugh, this drawing did put a small grin on my face. Very cute drawing LeventeII, thanks for sharing with us. :smile

But obviously, we all know who would win in a real fight... :bestsharptooth
Title: Re: Fanart by LeventeII
Post by: LeventeII on July 10, 2020, 02:05:21 PM
Thanks for the feedback!  :)

Also, thank you for the amusing image of Sharptooth wearing a nice, woolly scarf! :lol

I have no idea why I didn't notice my spelling mistake but hey, now we have got a cool idea. Maybe I can draw some kind of Christmas related drawing with the LBT cast. I think a scarf would fit Sharptooth.  :DD

Okay, here are two drawings which I drew some time ago. I didn't share them yet, so I think it's time now after more than a year!

The first one being Foobie. I remember drawing him was a bit difficult because of the many circles which I had to draw. I mean, there are only very little straight lines.


The second drawing is Cera. It is really impressive how the mood of the picture goes into the artist himself as I got a bit angry somehow while drawing her. The process itself was quite flawless and without any frustration. Another thing that was in my mind while drawing her was the fact how *round* she looks. However, I think it is because of the perspective.


The last drawing is Cera, again. I drew this one last summer after a longer break from drawing. I was very happy that it worked out quite well!


I don't think I have got any more LBT realated drawings which I could share at the moment. That means that the next drawing is going to be something new!
Title: Re: Fanart by LeventeII
Post by: Flathead770 on July 10, 2020, 02:35:38 PM
Oh hey, nice to see some more drawings from you Levente! All the expressions were done quite well in all of them and they all look good! I think Cera's cheek might look a little sharp in the last one but that's about it. Would be great to see more art from you in the future!  :ChomperPOG
Title: Re: Fanart by LeventeII
Post by: Sneak on July 10, 2020, 06:01:29 PM
thx for sharing them. I like them all! :D
waiting for new ones :)
Title: Re: Fanart by LeventeII
Post by: OwlsCantRead on July 11, 2020, 04:06:16 AM
I know you said they were round, but I really like the roundness of Cera and Foobie. Given that Cera's your favorite character she really came out well! :CeraHAPPY
Title: Re: Fanart by LeventeII
Post by: Goldenwind on July 11, 2020, 08:54:06 AM
Awesome drawings!!  Yay! Foobie!  :FoobieOooooo I think they are all wonderful! :bronGoodJob
Title: Re: Fanart by LeventeII
Post by: RainbowFaceProtege on July 21, 2020, 02:00:52 PM
Cera and Foobie look fantastic, Levente! :CeraHAPPY They're both drawn so accurately, great job!
Title: Re: Fanart by LeventeII
Post by: StardustSoldier on August 12, 2020, 11:54:08 PM
Nicely done, Levente. I really like all three of these. The Cera fan in me especially appreciates the latter two drawings. :)