The Gang of Five
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Ask an interesting LBT question


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@Kor(since his question didn't get answered): I think the producers of LBT are in some trend where they favor Cera over Little Foot, probably because they are tired of making plots with Little Foot being the head role. So maybe they are trying to give Cera a BIG break

@CT: Because Ducky is one of those very angelic and very sweet characters, many LBT fans, especially Ducky fans were a bit surprised when they saw Ducky show her dark side in that one episode, "The Sky Colored Stones" and when she made that sarcastic comment to Petrie in the sixth sequel.

What do you think would be the reason why the dinosaur adults follow to Three Horn's lead more then the longnecks, like wise, the gang follows Cera's lead more then Little Foot?

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Because threehorns shout louder, and they're more willing to throw mud in their opponent's face. It's really that simple.

When the Great Dinosaur Extinction finally occurs, do you think the aliens from LBT 7 could save the Great Valley and maybe transplant it onto Alpha Centauri or something?


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Now see, I don't believe the rainbow faces were aliens, although in the movie it made the audience believe they were. I honestly think they were spiritual beings in some other universe or something like that. But to answer your question, I don't believe they would actually, physically "save" the dinosaurs from extinction, they would be almost like angels of death and take their spirits away from their bodies into their next universe, reincarnate them, or something like that.

If Little Foot's mother didn't die, how do you think the plot of the whole LBT series would be different?


  • The Circle
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The basic events of the movie after her death would still happen, with some changes.  The likest largest change would be the final battle with the sharptooth.  That would likely be the largest difference.  Also, Cera may not have left Littlefoot and his mother and / or, the others may have remained with them with maybe at most Cera going off on her own, or Littlefoot's mother picking up and preventing her from going off on her own.  

The sequels would likely be pretty much the same as we saw, except his mother would be present, with maybe grandpa longneck taking more of a background character role like Grandma longneck does.


  • Petrie
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How would the films,season, would have been you spike talked?  
In part it¥s a stupid question, but I wonder... -_-


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I don't think that's a dumb question at all! It makes sense and it's something to wonder about if one chooses to do so. :yes

On topic: Quite a few possible things could happen if Spike did talk. I personally think, even though he has that "stupid" exterior because he's mute and has those facial expressions that look a bit duhhhh, he would probably be the one to give some good advice to those that asked. He seems to be wise beyond his years, (if you have seen the latest episode of the LBT series, you would know what I meant)

I'll edit this when I can give an interesting LBT question. I don't have one at the moment. :p


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I do not think that Spike needs to talk. His being unable to talk the way the others do can be an interesting story element and he has proven quite capable of working with expressions etc. Also (though this is not what is suggested by the episode "Through the eyes of a Spiketail") Ducky seems to be perfectly able to make even complex sense of Spike's "talk" in several sequels.


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Though in the episode they made it seem as if he could not understand what others said and by his expressions he has made it is obvious in the various sequels and other episodes that he does understand what the others are talking about.  

Ducky does seem to be able to understand him.  I think there is a scene in 7 when Ducky wakes up and Spike seems to be talking to her using a series of noises and Ducky responds to him as if she understood perfectly what he said.


  • Petrie
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I guess I would have my answers in I had seen "Through the eyes of a Spiketail" episdode, which I haven¥t yet.
The problem is that I don¥t remember must of the movies,(4 up), and I haven¥t seen 2 movies yet(XI,XII),and some episdes.
So if I make an obvious or stupid question that everyone alredy knows (<_<),I hope you can help me.
And that¥s why its being so hard for me to had lbt caracthers to my fic, I might confuse some of the personalites, or say something that doesn¥t even exist :unsure: , but I guess that is making mistakes that we learn.
Today I¥m gona see the LBT 5 and 6, to see if it can help with ideas to my fic.
Thanks all :^.^:

Cancerian Tiger

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Okay...I'll start with a question.  Will Cera and Tricia grow even closer as they grow up?


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Probably, Cera will mature a bit more, so will Tricia and they will come to except their differences.

I noticed that after all of the sequels and TV series, we still don't know what happened to Spike's real parents and Petrie's dad. Why wouldn't the creators answer what happened to them?


  • Ducky
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Perhaps because making a movie, or episode that shows what happened to them would be too similar to the movie where Littlefoot meets his dad? Also we don't know what happened to Cera's mother and sisters.

Sorry, I don't have a question to ask at the moment.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Why doesn't Drake have a question to ask at the moment?


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The question has to do with LBT, not a GOF member. :p

I'll start with a question; Do you think Judith Barsi would remain doing voice overs for Ducky if she didn't die? Or would she have moved on?

Cancerian Tiger

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I truly believe she would have remained Ducky's portayer.  Poor girl.  R.I.P. :cry.

Which member of the Gang seems to be the most accident-prone?


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I think it would be Petrie, considering clumsy he seems to be. He has rammed into trees, snow, he has fallen many times before and I think this would have to do with him being self-consious, so this makes me more clumsy then he probably could be.

Does anyone think there were any symbolic or religious themes in the first movie?