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German Youtube poop (Chomper and Petrie)

Jrd89 · 15 · 2044


  • Petrie
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This youtube poop (Even though it's in German)


Chomper keeps asking Petrie the same question (about a rock)

You can hear Petrie say "nein" which is "No" in German? I'm guessing Chomper is saying "Is this it?" Is this it?

Then Petrie gets bloodshot eyes (he can't take Chomper anymore)

But here's the part that gave me a sore mouth and almost made me wet my pants!

It's at 4:21 Petrie gets hyper happy  (As if he drank GALLONS of Mountain Dew or Red Bull).
and flies ALL OVER THE PLACE, unlike his EIGHT brothers and sisters.

then does a nose dive (It almost sounds like he's saying "The spearhead of DOOOOOOOM! WAAA HA HA HAAA WHOOA!)

Oh god are my mouth muscles sore!!!!!!! :)


  • Spike
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Meh, it wasn't that good.  Strangely enough though, I found myself glued to the screen. :p


  • Petrie
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Even though I didn't understand what they were saying, I liked it.

The only thing I could mae out was their names, and Nein, which is "No".


  • Ducky
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I thought it was pretty good. Chomper actually sounded a bit cuter in German than he does in English(well in the clip from the fifth movie at least).


  • Petrie
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I enjoyed it, simple but funny. Good to see people embracing the artform that is Youtube Poop :lol

(Also helps when you know a bit of German)


  • Chomper
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:huh:  it looked like it would be funny if i could understand what they where saying  :lol:


  • Ducky
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Well I was able to understand a little of it (Petrie saying "nein").

@Waluigifan, could you tell us what they were saying?


  • Spike
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Okay, I'll try it... but I don't know what they say in the English episodes, I'll try to translate it...

Waluigifan Video Entertainment presents
an high quality YouTube Poop (in German: YouTube Kacke)
with the dinosaurs from "The Land Before Time"
"Petrie Goes Crazy"
Petrie, Chomper, Littlefoot
And now... enjoy!
Computer voice: "One day Littlefoot, Chomper and Petrie searched for the rainbow colored stones. But Chomper hasn't seen one yet and he really wants one..."

Chomper: Is that one (a rainbow color stone)?
Littlefoot: No.
Chomper: Okay, but what's with this one?
Petrie: No.
Chomper: And that one?
Petrie: No.
Chomper: Okay, but what's with this one?
Chomper: Okay, but what's with this one?
Petrie: No.
Chomper: And that one?
*Littlefoot groaning*
Chomper: Okay, but what's with this one?
Petrie: No. Noooo...
Chomper: And that one?
Petrie: No.

(Note: We are now at 1:32!)
Chomper: And that one?
Petrie: Noooo... No. No. No. No.
Chomper: And that one?
Petrie: Noo!
Chomper: And that one?
Petrie: No.
*Petrie looks annoyed at Chomper*
*Petrie looks at another direction*
(Note: We are now at 2:03!)
Chomper: And that one?
Petrie: Noo!
Chomper: And...
*Littlefoot groans faster*
*Petrie looks at Littlefoot*
Chomper: This?
Petrie: THAT NOT A STONE!! (everybody knows that Petrie makes grammar mistakes, but I don't know much about the mistakes he makes in English, so I just make random mistakes.)
Chomper: Oooh...
Chomper: Oooooooh...
Chomper: Is that one? Okay, but what's with this one? And that one? And that one? And that one? And that one? And that one? And that one? And that one? And that one? And that one? (and so on)
Petrie: LISTEN!!! BE QUIET!!
*Chomper cries* (Note: We are now at 3:09!)
Littlefoot: Chomper! Hey Chomper! Wait for me! Chomper. Please wait. Listen... what just happened... that was...
*Littlefoot groans*
Chomper: It's okay, Littlefoot. You are what you are and I am what I am. Nobody can change that. But we still can be friends, can't we?
Littlefoot: Of course we can be friends.
Chomper: Can I ride on you?
Littlefoot: ... Of course!
*Littlefoot and Chomper groans*

3 hours later...

Petrie: Now we search on other place?
Littlefoot: No! No!
Chomper: That one? Okay, but what's with this one? And that one? And that one? And this one? This?
*Petrie's eyes turns red, shock sound is played*
(Note: We are now at 4:20!)
Petrie: We fly good in Petrie-style. We fly good and we fly smart, we fly good in Petrie-style. *Petrie laughs*
Chomper (with Ducky's voice): Is that contained in their demonstration?
Littlefoot: No, I don't think so.
Petrie: A spear is approaching, hahahaha!

How has Petrie been? Is he still alive?
What did Chomper and Littlefoot together?
And: What's next?
You'll now this in the second part (if a second part is released).

Chomper: That one?

That was the full translation for my YouTube Poop (it was hard to translate, because the REAL translation in the English episodes may be completely different!! And I didn't know anything about Petrie's false grammar in English).

I hope this will help you to understand this YouTube Poop. I really would like to produce a second one, but I don't have ANY ideas.



  • Cera
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Hah! This made me laugh, especially Petrie's expressions! (Nooo.... ) God, he must have the patience of an angel. :P:
And yeah, Chomper does sound kinda cute in this German version. Kinda... younger.
Do well. Live well. And dress very well.


  • The Circle
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It was fun to watch, though all I understood was their names and the word for no.


  • Ducky
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I find the Land Before Time very difficult to watch in German.  Nothing against the language or the people of course, but some of the more universal phrases they say remind of me the war movies I used to watch wherein the same words are spoken.

For example, 'nien' means no, and it always reminds me of that World War One movie where the main character was forced to shoot a disarmed German boy, who was screaming 'nien, nien!'.

Perhaps I need to visit Germany some day, to get more used to the language in a traditional setting.


  • The Circle
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The language of Hitler and Goebbels, but also the language of Goethe, Schiller, Beethoven, von Humboldt, Lessing, Mozart, Hans and Sophie Scholl, of Michael Ende, Erich Maria Remarque, Heinrich Heine, Emanuel Kant... the list goes on.

Ze Dschˆrmen l‰nguage iz ofen ‰ssozi‰ted wiz ze wˆrzt ch‰pter of our history. The monocle wearing uniformed German shouthing: "Schnell! Schnell! Schnell!" has become something many people will think of when hearing German or a German accent. But in spite of being a ridiculously difficult language (Mark Twain commented that German should be considered a dead language because only the dead had sufficient time to learn it properly) German can sound quite beautiful as well. It is a language very rich in local blends (though Germany is smaller than a couple of US states there are so many dialects that some people can tell you what town you are from by the way you talk). Also until the great vowel shift English was pronounced very similar to German (after all much of the English language had been coined by all those Angles, and Saxons, and Jutes which came to England during the time that has been named "the migration of nations". A lecturer of medieval English literature at the university advised us to pronounce middle English texts in German if we wanted to get a fair idea of what English in the middle ages sounded like.

Cancerian Tiger

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I've only been to parts of Germany, and from what I experienced, the people are very friendly :yes.  I have a book with common words and phrases in the European languages, so I taught myself how to at least say "Good (morning/afternoon/evening)!  Do you speak English?"  I've been told that residents of other countries appreciate it when foreign visitors at least make an effort to know some of the language, so this could've been a factor in the friendly reception I had from the natives :).

Sorry if this next statement causes offense.  It is not intended to do so.

Believe it or not, there are AMERICANS that have never been to Germany that cautioned me to "not get shot by a Nazi" or "don't piss anybody off 'cuz they could be Nazis in disguise".  It embarrasses me that some Americans think like this, but I never believed these folks 'cuz when I asked them if they had ever been overseas they replied something like "No, I'm too scared."  That says it all about their credibility :rolleyes:.

I had an absolutely good time in Germany, and I'm sure anyboy here who ever wishes to visit the country some day will have a good time as well :yes.


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I took a german class once years ago. I sucked at it, so I had to drop out of it.

Believe it or not, there are AMERICANS that have never been to Germany that cautioned me to "not get shot by a Nazi" or "don't piss anybody off 'cuz they could be Nazis in disguise". It embarrasses me that some Americans think like this, but I never believed these folks 'cuz when I asked them if they had ever been overseas they replied something like "No, I'm too scared." That says it all about their credibility

That reminds me of something my mom said once. My sister Kylie is interested in moving to Italy to pursue her interior design interests. But my mom doesn't want her to go. Her excuse is, "Women have no rights there. If a man wants to mess with you, he can and he'll get away with it because no one will listen to you." Actually my mom believes that only in America do women have rights, and that anywhere else in the world, women are completely stripped of rights. But I don't really believe her and neither does Kylie. While I would believe women would have less rights in some countries, I don't believe they are totally stripped of them as my mom strongly believes. I had a talk with Malte about this once and he confirmed that my mom was wrong about her impression on women rights outside of the US.