The Gang of Five
Howdy, everyone!

The member joining awards for 2019, 2020, and 2021 have been posted. We admins would like to thank each and every one of you who have made the forum their home over these years. It is because of people like you that the forum is the welcoming place that it is. :)

The forum supporter awards for those who maintained the forum on Patreon in 2023 will also be up shortly. Again, thank you all for what you do to keep our little corner of the Internet online!

Chincoteague Island!


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I'll be off of the internet from tomorrow the 18th to the Sunday the 20th, spending some quality time in good old Chincoteague, VA!
We've owned a townhouse there for the entirety of my life that we visit regularly. It's quite a fantastic place! It's very small, very beautiful, and(outside of tourist season) very quiet. It is a salt marsh, though, so you'll have to take my word for it when I say that you grow to love the smell :lol
I'll try to upload some photographs upon my return! It's definitely a place worth seeing.

Cancerian Tiger

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Very cool. I'd love to see the pictures indeed! Have fun :D


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Thanks, guys!
I'm heading out in an hour or so, and will be sure to post upon my return :smile


  • The Circle
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Good luck, hope you have a safe trip in both directions & have a lot of fun.


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Haha, sorry for the delay, but I finally found the time to sort through my photos :smile

This is the view seen while driving towards the island. They're working on building another bridge into it (which is extremely disappointing :rolleyes ), so there was a bit of traffic. Gave me ample time for photography, anyways :lol

Another shot taken while approaching the island.

These are both of the view from our back porch at low tide.

Yet another view from the porch, this one showing our canoes tied to the dock.

Two more shots of the marsh, taken while out in the canoe.


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Another shot from the canoe. And here you can see a fine conglomeration of Oysters :D

More canoe! A friend of mine sits while my grandpa empties the catch of blue crabs from one of the crab pots.

Steamed crabs on the porch!

Several ponies and a foal from the Pony Center. Assateague(an island attatched to Chinoteague) is probably best known for its wild ponies.

We also went to the beach, and the Assateague wildlife reserve, but I figured I'd be too excited about looking at things to take any pictures. I was right :lol
We found ghost crabs, I dug up a young sandcrab(it was awesome to see how juvenile and adult coloration vary), and a Moon Jellyfish washed up right behind us on the beach!
All in all, quite a good trip. Salt marshes are probably my favorite variety of marine habitat, if forced to choose. It really wouldn't be fair to be forced to choose, though :p

I also did a quick pastel piece, which can be found here for those who are interested:


  • The Circle
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Nice looking location and great pictures you took.  Thanks for sharing them here.