The Gang of Five
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The forum supporter awards for those who maintained the forum on Patreon in 2023 will also be up shortly. Again, thank you all for what you do to keep our little corner of the Internet online!

New Big LBT Contest


  • *feels like Pterano*
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Well, I've been meaning to hold another contest for a while so here it is, hosted simultaneously on DeviantArt so I don't end up with just two entries again like the last time ^^spike
So without further ado, here's everything you need to know:

Theme + purpose:

The theme of this contest will be The Land Before Time (obviously) ;) I would like to encourage and inspire you to create original fanart about these wonderful movies because there are so many good artists on this site but very few actually draw fanart :( There are so many people telling me on DeviantArt how much they loved these movies as a child and some even thank me for waking these memories in them with my art. That's one of my aims of this contest. The other aim is challenging yourself and expanding your horizon, coming up with original ideas etc. :) And bringing some life to the Fanart subforum on here of course!

General information:

This contest will be a contest with a 8 smaller rounds and one final big round. Each round will have a special theme, which is announced on the day the round starts, and each round will have a winner, however there will also be an overall winner who will be determined once all rounds have been completed :yes

-Small rounds will last for two weeks each. Then a new round starts, however you may submit your artwork up to one week later. (EDIT: Nevermind, the deadline will be dropped :p) Smaller rounds do not require fully coloured artworks with backgrounds. It should be a little more than just a sketch though ;)

-The final round will last for 4 weeks and it will require a coloured submission. A background is still optional but I recommend including one :)

BTW: It is not obligatory to participate in all rounds, however you may be less likely to win the overall prize.

How to enter:

Pretty obvious too, just join ^^spike Would be cool if you mention that you're going to participate too, yep, yep, yep!


-Well, pretty obvious I think but keep it Land before Time only. So no crossover entries please.
-OC's are allowed.
-only one entry per round. If you have more than one idea, you may draw more than one but, finally, only one submission will count for fairness' sake :)
-the artworks have to be created sorely for this contest so no old works ;)
-any medium goes, from watercolours to digital to pixel art or whatever medium there is out there. To those of you who can't draw a stick figure: Yes, you may also submit literature. Due to the rather limited time for each round, I suggest to write one-shots or only short fanfictions so you're able to finish in time. Some mediums obviously do not match the requirements i mentioned above so if you use one of those mediums, tell me and I will tell you a requirement that works for your medium as well (e.g. minimum word count, if you make a literature entry)


The winner will be determined by me. I will take into consideration both quality and originality of the artworks. That way I would like you to try your best, even if you're not the most talented artist on this planet :)
Judging will be done after all rounds have ended. If you don't want/can't enter but still want to support me, I would accept additional judges too :)

The overall winner will be determined by a poll, where all participants have a vote (may not vote for yourself though ^^). Second and third place will get a small prize too :)


Ain't a contest without something to win, right? ^^

Small rounds: a request by me (max. size A4, max. amount of characters 3, coloured or unlimited amount of characters but lineart only)
final round + overall winner: A big request (or two of the smaller requests mentioned above). That means A3 paper, unlimited amount of characters and fully coloured (unless you have other wishes of course). While I would love to offer a background too, I'm afraid I really suck at them so please don't request bg ^^ If you do, at your own risk :D

The requests needn't be LBT-related, however I would prefer that :D A full list of what I will/can draw will be posted when the time has come to pick winners.

If less than 10 people participate, every participant will get a request :)

PS: If you don't participate but would like to offer prices too, you're welcome to do so :)

When will it start?:

The first round is scheduled to start on September 1st.


If you have questions, feel free to ask. It would be nice if you could let me know in case you participate. :yes

By the way, I will prticipate myself, just out of ranking, obviously ;)
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Wow, it's good motivation to create SOMETHING from myself. From ugly sketch to some story. :D

*Maybe* I will join it. Not for win or something, just to be a part of it. :)

But still, I have a questions about "literature" type.

I think handwritten story and art are quite different things, and it is very hard to compare them in any type of competition... Maybe it's better to make different competition for "one-shot" stories?


  • *feels like Pterano*
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Well, that's something to consider. I'm actually allowing literature only because I know quite some people here who wouldn't draw but might write something. So we end up with more people taking the challenge so there will be enough entries. My last contest ended up with two entries and it's a little pointless trying to determine a winner there. Literature is indeed hard to compare with art but it can be done. Literature can be judged by the same criteria as art. Quality and originality of the story.

You're right there, it's not about winning but about CREATING art, no matter the quality of art. It will be judged of course but I want to encourage even artists with little skill to try their best and be creative, possible improving their abilities in the process :yes With a good and creative idea, even art which is only moderate in terms of quality can beat an artistic masterpiece :)
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I see... :)

oh, and btw, you don't mind if one-shot stories doesn't contain any of main characters? Only OC?

also, I'm afraid I won't be in time, because it will take a looooot of time to translate it to English.


  • *feels like Pterano*
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Hmm, I'd prefer stories with at least one official character in it to be honest. But if your ideas only work with OC's only, I'll allow them. :)

Why don't you try writing in english right away? You know, I used to do the same thing, write my stories in german and later translate it but that was a hell lot of work and the stories had odd working in some cases because some things you write in your native language are hard to translate into english with a similar wording.
How long do you think these one-shots might be? You don't need a 10000 words story, that'd be hard for me too every two weeks  :lol
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Hmm, I'd prefer stories with at least one official character in it to be honest
I understood

I just have in mind stories that are placed on the same land, Land Before Time, but outside Great Valley, and far away from our gang. Not only them and their friends are living on this land. :D


  • Professional Veggie-Eater
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I'd love to do this! I haven't been active at all lately, so this will serve as my kick in the tailbone :)
"Not all who wander are lost"
J. R. R. Tolkein


  • *feels like Pterano*
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Today's the day indeed ;) I only just got home, sorry :lol

So, without further ado, here's the theme for the next two weeks: :)

Draw your favourite character!

We gotta start easy, right? :) Additionally, maybe you can draw them doing something they like doing, be creative :) Anything goes that doesn't violate the rules I made in the first post ^^spike

Good luck and have fun creating new art! I can't wait to see what you guys are going to come up with, yep, yep, yep!  :goodluck
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what about literature story?

(I will also try to make some pic of my fav character. Actually, there're three of them, so I will try to picture them all :D)


  • *feels like Pterano*
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Well, you could write a short story about your favourite character(s) :) It's okay to have more than one character in one picture by the way if there's more than one favourite character though keep in mind it'll be more effort for you :)

EDIT (since I don't want to double-post): Got our first entry over there on Deviantart :yes
Has anybody something to show off yet (or something in progress)? :)

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I decided to keep trainings and keep my work for one of next rounds, ok? :)

Can't wait to see results!

[size0]When? At midnight? on graveyard? XD


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Hey Ducky, I made a quick and easy folder in the group for you:

Not sure if I missed anyone. Apparently the theme was 'Draw your favorite flyer' :D


  • *feels like Pterano*
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I decided to keep trainings and keep my work for one of next rounds, ok? smile.gif
Sure, the first round was a bit tricky for you as a writer but easy for artists. Next one will be the other way around  :lol

Can't wait to see results!
Well, we've got 3 entries so far (all of them on DeviantArt so far where I'm also hosting the contest) and I'm expecting about the same amount of entries to be submitted in the next few days since at least 3 people told me they'd be working on something + me who's trying to draw something for this contest too  :angel

Entries so far:
CE - Very Important Creature by Shaiger (DA)
Mr Sierra - Competition Piece by What-if-Writer (DA)
Petrie -Contest Entry- by Sapphirre98 (DA)
LBT Contest Round 1 - Favourite Characters by RockingScorpion (GOF) |||DA

Waiting to see the first GoF entry yet... Also... still waiting for somebody who doesn't draw Flyers, hehe :)

When? At midnight? on graveyard? XD
I will decide who the winners are once the whole contest is over. It's easier for me that way :)

If there are more entries for this first round, I'll probably edit this post here if they're not from the GoF (otherwise I'd spam this thread with my own posts  :angel ), GoF entries will be posted by the people who made the art obviously  :p

The second round will be announced tomorrow whenever I wake up in the morning :lol

PS: Oh, and don't worry so much about deadlines. I'll make exceptions or just delete them because it's more important for me that you guys make art, no matter how long it takes (though I'll still post a new round every two weeks  :smile ).

EDIT: Oh just saw your post, Mumbling. Much appreciated  :yes   And yes, Flyers are taking over the contest, apparently  :smile
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  • *feels like Pterano*
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While you can still work on your entries for round 1 (draw your favourite character(s)), I'll already announce the start of round 2 which is... *drumrolls*

Draw a scene for LBT 15!

By that, I mean that you are supposed to draw a scene from a possible future LBT movie. I think this will need a little more creativity than the first round. Oh, and a possible future movie could also be a fanfiction because... fanfictions aren't much different from movie ideas ;) (of course you don't need to come up with a full idea for a new movie, just one scene :exactly )

Remember, you may also submit a short one-shot story (no copying from already existing fanfictions though), use OC's and lineart is okay when you don't have time to colour :)

I hope you'll have fun trying to come up with something ^^spike

IMPORTANT EDIT: Because stupid me forgot to share the start of round 2 with the official LBT group on Deviant Art that Mumbling still runs, Round 2 will be running for two weeks from now on to make things fair for those on DA who follow the contest through the group, not through my site there.

So... you guys have more time, be happy  :smile
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So, here's my entry for round 1.

LBT Contest Round One - Favourite Characters

Since I don't have any favourite character, I just went with favourite design, which would be the Longneck character design. So yeah, here's Littlefoot trolling Ali because he's slightly taller.
I know the background could have used more effort, but I'm lazy. :p


Also, I'm joining this for fun only, so please don't count this entry when picking the winners. :)


  • *feels like Pterano*
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Could be a scene from "Shorty's Dark Past"  :lol  Well done, it's really funny :p Too bad you won't have me judge this but it's okay. Glad you made something!  ^^spike
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Well, I have to make an announcement concerning the contest:

The deadlines will be extended so you can still enter the contest late/finish your entry whenever you have time to because it's more important to me that you guys can get around to finish your work or start it in the first place :yes

So, some of you may remember that I said I would try to participate myself, right? Well, here's a WIP (Work in Production) of something I started working on today. ;)

This is probably the first 100% original artwork I ever made  :angel Will be coloured and provided with more details and a simple background (and photographed with natural lighting ^^spike) so you actually see what Ducky is doing there  :lol If you look at her closely, you'll notice it already I think... oh, and I think you might recognise part of her face since I kind of referenced an old artwork of mine there that had a quite similar angle  :angel
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No entries for round 2 yet? Why is that? Is the theme too boring/challenging or do you simply lack the time to come up with something?  :unsure:

Well, at least somebody on Deviant Art submitted something so far:
Listen to me! -Contest Entry-
Listen to me! -Contest Entry- by Sapphirre98 (DA)

You can still submit your entries for earlier rounds but now it's time to announce the third theme :) Hopefully it will inspire you to pick up your pencil...

Round 3: Let's go Adventuring!!!

Anybody got an earworm yet? :p Your task is to come up with a scene that shows LBT characters of your choice on one of their adventures. Can be related to the movies, can be completely original ;) You can have a single character as well as a group going adventuring, that's completely up to you!

Have fun with this one! :lol
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