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Star Wars: Knights of the New Republic

F-14 Ace · 107 · 13263


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"We will be there soon as possible, I will leave Laioas with you two so she can tell you when we coming in Jump Drive, since your and their senors wouldn't be able to see it till we was right on top of you" Trihorn said to them

"I will be able to help and glad to" she said to them

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Paito said as they boarded his ship, "Alright, lets go."
Right inside the ship's rear door, there were four holding cells.  The three walked into a part of the ship which had a couch, a couple of chairs, and other things that would have otherwise looked comfortible except they had arm restraints on them.
THere were also foru small, beds that folded down from the walls.  Jack sat next to Paito in the cockpit.  He was in the middle seat that was slightly set further back than the pilot and co-pilot seat.  Laioas sat in the co-pilot seat.  She had expected a bounty hunter's ship to be dirty and grimy as bounty hunters had little time for cleaning but this ship which had at one time been a private luxury vessel, was sparkling clean.  
Paito said, "Oh, and I'm sorry about earlier.  I should have been more careful.  Well, lets go."
He flipped some swiches and the engines started.  The Dark Vingeanse lifted off and flew into space.  
Paito activated a star map and entered the name "Naboo" into the computer.  It read "calculating."  Then, the map zoomed in on a small planet in the Mid Rim and the namd "Naboo appeared next to it.
Paito said, "We just have to enter the name of the planet.  THe computer does the rest."  
He pushed the hyperdrive lever foward and the ship flew off into hyperspace.  When they arrived at Naboo, there were Imperial star destroyers everywhere.
Laioas said, "Uh oh.  It looks like we are too late."
Paito said, "Oh, this is going to be real fun!  Hold on!"
Two star destroyers were coming at them from the side and another from behind.  Paito said, "Alright, hope this works."
He turned the ship and was now flying right at the two destroyers.  The other one had turned two.  Paito flew between the two oncoming ships but the persuing star destroyer crashed into both of them, destroying all three ships.
THe bounty hunter said, "Well, that goes to show how stupid the Empire is."
He flew to the planet surface and the team got out after landing in the capital of Theed.


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"There is 6 fighters and 50 Sovlian class dreadnoughts arriving" Laioa said getting the lock on a large fleet droping out of jump drive.


"All star destoryers your out guned and out matched you all are ordered to leave at once or we will destory you" the admiral of one of the ships said to the fleet of star destoryers

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An officer said, "Captain, there is a problem.  If we down any ship within the planet's gravity well, it will smash into the planet.  Those ships are so big, it would be the same as an asteroid hitting the planet.  We should only engage the ones outside the gravity well or the planet will be showered with debris."
Meanwhile, Paito and the others arrived at a hanger and took off in some N-1 royal starfighters.
Pato said, "Alright, lets get up there and take out those TIE bombers before they bombard the city."
He turned and engaged the Imperial fighters and bombers.  Then, a Raptorian starsighter came out of nowhere.
Jack asked as he nailed a TIE interceptor, "Who are you?"
The pilot replied, "I am Jedi Master Ralis.  I came when I heard about the attack."
He fired the starfighter's noseguns, blasting a fighter into spare parts.


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take out the ones outside the well and disable the weapons of the other ships and tactor them away from the planet then give them a choice to leave or die" Adrimal said to them "Tell the fleet of it at once and attack"

F-14 Ace

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Ralis said, "There are TS-130 tanks approaching.  Take them out!"
He used the heavy lasers on the wingtips of his fighter to blast two tanks.  Then, he turned and engaged the other tanks with his proton torpedos and missiles.  Soon, all the tanks were destroyed.  Ralis and the others landed and engaged the ground forces.  Then, Ralis saw Yazet dragging Naboo's queen away.  He siad, "I'm going after him!"
He chased Yazet to a star destroyer that was landed in a field.  He snuck aboard as the ship took off.  It blasted off and slipped away without anyone noticing.  Then the Republic fleet arived and finished off most of the remaining destroyers.
Paito took out his blaster rifle and fired at the stormtroopers.  Jack also fired at them with his blaster.


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not knowing it the star destoryer was being followed by a cloaked ship the science ship Triceratar sending a coded messege to Ralis "This is Captain Trihorn this will be the only messege you won't be able to reply incase they track it back, we cloaked and attached to the whole of the star destoryer they are unaware of us and even for a small ship I got 50 elite Triceraton warriors on this ship ready to come on board and cause some maythem once you give the signal that the internal sensors are down. the signal will be a code 6-0-1-0-2 once you typed that in as a reply we will enter and take control of the primary systems. Trihorn out"

F-14 Ace

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Aboard the star destroyer, Ralis walked into a hanger bay where he saw Tedderus.
He said, "You!  You're a Sith lord!"
He took out two blue lightsabers and turned them on.  He held a green one with his tail.
Tedderus said, "Ah, a Jedi.  WHat an unpleasant surprise.  I would like to show you my little gift to the Republic.  He unvailed a large machine and continued, "It is a bioweapon capable of wiping out an entire planet.  Imagine what it would do to Coruscant.  Ralis said, "Not if I stop you!"
Tedderus took out his lightsaber and the two clashed.  Ralis swung his weapons but the Sith lord ducked.  Tedderus swung at Ralis who blocked it with his lightsabers.  Then, Yazet entered the hanger and shot Ralis in the back with his blaster.
Tedderus asked, "Now was that nessesary?"
Yazet replied, "Relax, I only stunned him for you."
Tedderus said, "Lock him in a holding cell.  We will ariv at our destination soon.
Ralis awoke in a prison cell.  He saw some guards looking at a computer screen.  It showed a small, green moon dotted with lakes and behind it was a very large gas giant.  There was a smal map of the galaxy that showed that they were currently in the Unknown Regions.
Ralis said, "Crap.  WHere am I?"
A woman in the next cell answered, "You are in a holding cell.  Just like me.  Waiting to die."
Ralis asked, "Where are we?"
The woman replied, "THe Kema system.  Looks like they're taking us to one of the small moons.  Tedderus wants to test his little tinker toy there.  So you are a Jedi.  Wow.  Wounder how long you will last against that bio weapon."
Ralis asked, "How did you know about that?"
The woman said, "Bcause I was the one who helped him dig it up on Rhen Var."
Ralis asked, "Why?"
The lady said, "Hey, I have to make a living too.  Besides, Tedderus failed to tell me that my reward would be to become a test subject for it.  I'm Jan Ramata by the way."
Ralis introduced himself.

Meanwhile, on the bridge of the ship, Tedderus got on the com and said, "Attention persuing vessel.  Yes, I know you are there.  You can hide from our sensors but I can always sense your presants.  I must warn you that this ship's cannons are capable of melting the crust of a planet so imagin what it would do to your weak shields.  And I also have the queen of Naboo as my hostage.  Any attempt to attack me or this ship, and she dies!"
Later, Tedderus took Jan and Ralis to the moon of Kema and locked them in a cage.
He said, "Well, Jedi, you won't need these weapons anymore.  I hope the cae isn't too uncomfortable.  However, my dark troopers will look after them for you.  This bioweapon is not set to destroy all life on this moon.  Wouldn't want it to be noticable until it is too late.  Ta."
He climbed into a shuttle and flew back to his ship and left the area.  The dark troopers which were droids made to look like stormtroopers in black armor and jet packs, activated the bio weapon which had a one minute time delay.
Jan asked, "So, can't you just use the force or something?"
Ralis said, "Sure.  Stand back."
He conjoured up a ball of energy, divided it into two more balls, and tossed them both at the bars.  the "force bombs" exploded on impact with the bars and provided a way out."
Jas said, "Ralis, get your lightsabers from that trooper and let's get out of here before that thing activated!"
Ralis used the force to summon his lightsabers and destroy the derk troopers."
Jan said, 'There are a couple of speeder bikes over there.  Let's get out of this place!"
They climbed on the bikes right as the weapn went off.  Jan said, "Follow me and stay close."
The two took off into the forests with the bioweapon's waves right behind them.


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"Captain Trihorn we in the main power room of the star destoryer as you was right to place mentral blocking shielding around the ship and us he tried to sense us the probe we used as a decoy worked well it left and they believe we left, what is our orders?" the leading commander said with the 50 of them now sprend over a large area of ship near the power room knocking out all the troopers and hiding the bodies.

"disable all systems part from partisial lights and life support" Trihorn ordered on the comm.

"Aye sir" commader close the channel and shut down all the systems with a interder program. only two systems stayed online. life support and particishal lighting.

"Take the bridge and if you see this Sith use the anti force phase rifle it been tested on those sabers and the weapon pulse will pass through them and hit their targets" captain said and close the channel

"Ensign undock the ship and decloak raise shields activate phaser cannons one and two fire at these points it will cause more trouble for them to restore weapons and main power" Trihorn orders and the ship comes out of cloak and raise shields as it moved it fires at relay points damping the chance to use weapons.

"Ralis this is the captain we disabled the star destoryer and moving through the ship to take it over, we also got some new toys you should notice in your arm wrist device we gave you a weapon stored in it activate to make it appear the weapon is called a Anti-force phase rifle it can fire through lightsaber energy blades it might prove useful, by the time you return we will have control of the destoryer, Trihorn out" Trihorn closes the channel.

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Ralis said, "Well, we have bigger problems.  Ther eis a bioweapon down here and this moon is crawling with Imperials.  Don't destroy that ship.  We might need its cannons to destroy the bases."

Meanwhile, Tedderus said, "I can't believe it.  THey have actualy boarded my ship.  well, I still have one last trick."
He entered a shuttle that was docked to the star destroyer.  The shuttle detached and flew away into hyperspace.

Tedderus said, "Master Tocka, rebels have taken my star destroyer.  I'm returning to base."

As Ralis and Jan made their way through the marshes that dotted the moon's surface, thy planted orbital strike markers at the bases until only one was left.
Jan said, "This one will be trouble.  Let's move."
She drew a blaster pistol and fired at the stormtroopers.  Ralis got out his lightsabers and the two were making short work of the troopers.


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The ship was taken over "Captain we got the ship and we restored power and locked on the base"

"Ralis we got a lock on the base with the star destoryer weapons it ship is now under the control of Suarain Alliance" Trihorn said as the ship comes alongside the massive ship.

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Ralis said, "We found some information here at the base.  I have a holocron here with some information on it.  It contains the location of their base.  I'll let you know when we are clear.
Minutes later, Ralis said, "Alright, we are clear!"
As they retreated into the forests, heavy lasers rained from the sky and decimated the base.

Tocka said to Tedderus, "We will have to postpon the invasion of Raptoria for a while."

Meanwhile, the crew was reviewing the information on the holocrone.
Captain Trihorn said, "The base is mostly underground.  We will have to launch a surface attack.  THe Republic fleet will assist us in this ground attack.  THe base is on Rhen Var.

This is the end of Part 1.  Part two will be longer so don't kill the bad guys next.

F-14 Ace

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A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...
Star Wars: Knights of the New Republic
Part 2
It is a desperate time for the New Republic.
The Imperial Remnant is invading many
worlds across the galaxy.  However, standing up
to the Imperials are Jedi Master Ralis, Captain
Trihorn, the bounty hunter Paito Grimm and the
Raptorian Jack and Jan Ramata as well.

These brave worriers have become known across the
galaxy as the Knights of the New Republic.
They have discovered the location of the Sith base in
the Outer Rim.
Braving the frigid world of Rhen Var,
the Knights of the New Republic lead a desperate attack
 to defeat the Sith and liberate the galaxy once
and for all...

As the fleet aproached Rhen Var, a squadron of fighters attacked them.  The commander of a Republic star destroyer ordered, "Launch fighters!
Paito was flying a powerful U-wing, Ralis was in his fighter, Jack flew an A-wing, and Jan flew an X-wing.  They flew into battle to fight the enemy fighters before proceeding to the surface.


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"How the Star Destoryer holding up?" Captain Trihorn asked as it slowly entered into Saurain space it stops at a ship yard

"We docked with the station captain and the ship held together in one piece." Laioa said "the hyperspace drive will be removed at once and replaced with jump drive and then we will add weapons and defences of our own design on it and a cloaking generator to hide the whole ship"

"Good contact Ralis and give him our location over Bracur Prime. the conloy of the Bracursaurtons." Captain trihorn ordered the transmission sent to Ralis. "Suarian Alliance is now allies with the New Republic we will add them in missions. But Ralis asked to see Earth 51. we accepted and soon as he ready we will take him there." Trihorn said sitting in his chair on the bridge Triceratar looking at the screen of the star destoryer they captured

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Paito chased a TIE interceptor and locked the S-foils into place.  The normally teardrop-shaped fighter's wings spread apart forming a U shape.  A laser cannon and two blaster guns came out of each wing.  The ship also carried twn proton torpedoes and six missiles.  Paito blasted the fighter into space dust and went on to attack the other ships.
Jan had just destroyed an enemy when a super star destroyer arrived.  It had 16 massive engines all glowing red.  They were big enough for a regular star destroyer to fly inside of.  Then, the pilots got a message from a rebel ship tating that the surface attack would commence shortly.  They landed on Rhen Var's surface and climbed into snow speeders.  These were aircraft used to attack things within a planet's atmosphere.
A commander said, "Pilots, we have AT-AT walkers inbound.  We have several captured AT-TE's but they can't survive against those enemies.  Use the tow cables in your speeders to fly around them and trip them!"


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A Suarian ship lands and lets out three craft all hover units one of them about twice the size of a AT-AT walker the craft disappear into cloak heading towards the battle field the ship takes off "Captain Wingbeak to Paito we deployed two L-Class hover attack ground craft and one dread-class attack craft which all loaded with Phase cannons and shields and cloaking fields they are coming in under cloak" the captain said and closed the channel.

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Paito said, "Alright, everyone, let's just fight the small units.  Let them deal with the AT-ATs.  Protect the At-TEs until they reach the base."


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one of the cloak hover craft came into range of a AT-AT walker. "Now my friends watch the birdy and see it comes from thin air" the pilot said with a smirk the phase cannon fires through the cloak without even being spotted the phase energy ball smash into the side of the AT-AT walker it blows a massive hole in the side of it and the troopers confused where the shot came from.

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Paito took out most of the ground forces and then, landed their fighters and took control of takns that could keep up with the slow AT-TEs easier than the fst speeders.


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The craft moved in on points destorying more of the walkers the craft in space watched "Captain the craft are working fine they can't detect them"

"Good" the captain said looking at the screen "We will help our allies in anyway possible" he told the crewman