The Gang of Five
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Adder's story

Adder · 8 · 5141


  • Ducky
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This is the first Animals of Farthing Wood fanfiction I've ever written. It will consist of 26 chapters. This is just how I think season 3 should've gone.


  • Ducky
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Toad comes hopping across the grass, and suddenly Adder feels something land on her head, she opens one of her eyes angrily, and sees Toad on her head.

"Toad... what have I toad you about jumping on my head?" She starts hissing, and he jumps off of her head. "Sorry matey. I didn't see you on the rock."

Adder looks over at a bush, and sees a snake come out of it. "Did he wake you?" He slithers over to the rock, and she coils back up on it, and starts snoring quitely.

The male snake turns to toad, "Why did you jump on her head?" "I... I didn't see her there..." Adder gets back up, and hisses at Toad.

She turns to the other snake, "How about we teach this toad a lesson?" They both turn to toad, and look at him with hungry looks, while hissing.

"Uh... see you later..." Toad jumps off of the rock, and hops into a bush.

They start laughing, and she says, "What's your name?"


She responds, "Oooh... Sinuous..." She starts moving close to his face, then she falls down on the rock, blushing.

"Well, Adder, you must be tired. Sleep tight." He coils up on the rock next to her, and starts snoring deeply.


Toad is hopping along the path of White Deer Park, and Fox stops him.

"Toad? What's wrong?"

He responds, in a very nervous voice, "There's two Adder's in the park now. That means less fro..."

Fox cuts him off, "Two Adders? That means Adder won't be bothering you as much if she's found a mate."

"True, but still. Adder always spends time by the pond, and she's probaly bring Sinuous down there, and the frogs will be their lunch."

Ranger and Charmer walk up from to bushes, and Ranger says, "Did I hear about Adder finding a mate?"

Toad responds, "Yes, that means when they have kids. They'll be more than them, than frogs and toads."

Charmer steps up past Ranger, "Don't worry about it. We saw a few rats back in the woods, they'll probaly go for rats for a while and who knows, maybe Trey."

Fox speaks up, "I wish one of them would bite Trey. None of us can drink from that pond, even Adder. She almost lost her tail to Trey, and she just got it grown back."

They turn towards a sudden hissing, and they see Adder coming through the bushes, she yawns and says, "Sssso... I heard that you want me and Ssssinuousss to take care of Trey?"

Ranger turns to her, "Kind of, if you two did, atleast this place would be peaceful again. Buy the way, go up that trail. There's something you two will like up there."



Sinuous comes up next to her, "Did I hear that blue-fox says Ratssss?"

"Yessss, my dear. Ratsss. I'm hungry anyway, letssss go."

The two slither past the foxes, and toad up the trail hissing. Suddenly multiple loud squeakings are heard, and the foxes start laughing.

Adder comes back out with a bulge in her stomach, and Sinuous comes out with a bulge also, and blood on the tips of his fangs.

Adder slithers over to Toad with Sinuous, "Now are you happy Toad? We won't be hungry for dayssss." Adder hissed.

The two snakes slither on past toad, and he says, "Yeah, I am happy. They'll leave us alone for a few days. But I wish they'd always leave us alone."

The two snakes come to a flat rock by the lake, Adder slithers onto it, and Sinuous follows.

Sinuous looks to her, "Think it is a good idea sleeping by the lake? What if Trey comes here to get a drink, and he thinks we were?"

"Don't worry about it. We're in the tall grassss, ssssurely nothing can ssseee usss in here."

Adder lays her head down in side her coils, Sinuous lays his down down on her tail, and they fall asleep.

Back at the meeting area, Fox has callen all the remain farthing wood animals to a meeting.

"I'm sure that by now, everyone has noticed the increased number of rats in white deer part, and the decreased number of frogs since this morning."

Toad speaks up, "At first I thought it was Adder and Sinuous, but I knew that just them couldn't eat as many frogs that have gone missing."

Adder comes up behind him, "Ssss... you thought what?"

"Uhh... nothing..."

They hiss at him threateningly.

He hops off the rock, Sinuous comes up and they both start laughing quitely at Toad.

Adder sees Fox staring at them, clearly not amused, "Ssssinuousss..."

They stop laughing, and give fox two innocent smiles before he continues.

"Like I was saying, we have to do something about this rats, and I've got a plan."

He looks to Adder, then Sinuous, who says, "What? Ssss..."

"You two are going to go kill rats, it would be much easier if Weasel and Measly hadn't left. But you two, us foxes and badgers are the only animals that kill rats."

Adder cuts in, "But why do we have to?"

"Because, if the rats live under rocks or something, you two are the only ones that can fit through the small spaces of all ten of us. Ranger, Shadow, Hurkel, Vixen, Charmer and I can't fit in there, nor can any of the other foxes here."

Sinuous jokingly says, "We could just send Lady Blue to do all the work."

He starts laughing, which slightly angers Fox.

"Ssss... oooh..."

Adder turns to him, "Sss... how about we go back to the lake for a while, while they talk..."

Fox cuts her off, "No, you two are staying here, you are just as much involved with this plan, as the rest of us."

Ranger continues fox's sentence, "Plus snakes are the best at hunting rats, they can kill multiple rats at once, and they know where rats love to hide during the day, that's why."

He pauses for a few seconds, and continues, "Also, snakes are even better at seeing in the dark than foxes and badgers are."

Adder, slightly annoyed now, says, "Ssssnakesss have to sssleep too you know that? We don't stay up all day and all night huntings for rats."

Sinuous comes up beside her, "Exactly, after sssnakesss eat, we have a very ssslow metabolissssm, and can't move to fast for about two or three daysss."

"Either way, aslong as you can stay awake, your going have to help us kill rats until Owl returns with a mate, and if the weasels decide to return."

Adder slithers up to Ranger, and stares him in the eyes, "If they return... who knowssss if the weasssselssss will want to return, and who says Owl will want to come back when sssshe findssss a mate? You'd you ever think of that?"

Vixen runs between the two, "Come on, Adder, Ranger, save the fighting for the rats, not each other."

Adder looks over to her, "Fine." Then she roles her eyes, and slithers off into the bushes with Sinuous.

Ranger looks over to Vixen, "I take it, she dosen't like me."

"You haven't been in the heard for too long, she probaly isn't used to you yet."

He responds, "Mabye its because my father ripped her tail off, but could she have let that go by now? She already got her revenge."


Adder and Sinuous come out the other side of the bushes, Adder yawns, "Ssssoooo, Ssssinuoussss? What are we looking for?"

He looks over to her, "An abandoned burrow that we can sleep in."

"We've past tons of them, why didn't we just take one of those?"

He turns back to her, "I want one that is far away from White Deer Park, so animalssss like Trey can't bother us when we are ssssleeping."

"That dose make ssssince, but how would he bother us anyway?"

Sinuous sighs, "Think about it, what if Trey is in a bad mood, or chassssing ssssomeone? He could come running over a burrow closssse to the park, and it would collapssse down on us. That way, one far away won't."

She suddenly looks at him with suprise, "Oh, I know why, you just want to get far away from the park, and alone, so you can..."

"Fine! That is one of the reasons I want us to have a nest far away from the park, so if we do mate, Toad won't interupt us, you remember what happened the first time we tried to..."

Adder turns around and she sees Sinuous by the bush entrance with his eyes half closed. "Ssssinuousss? What are you doing here?"

"Nothing, I just wanted to talk."

"About what?"

He slithers over to her, "Let'sss get in the nest, I think were being watched by thosssse ratssss again."

Adder slithers into the nest first, then Sinuous.

She turns around to him, "Are you sssure that ratsss were watching us?"

"I'm ssssure, Weasssel ssssaid that sssshe sssaw the ratsss watching her and Meassssly earlier today."

"Sssinuousss, what'sss the real reason you wanted me to come in the nesssst?"

He repsonds with shock, "Adder, I jusssst wanted to get away from..."

"Oh yeah, sure. I know that you like me, and one of the pheasssants that live in White Dear Park told me that you've never had a mate, or liked anyone until I came along."

He repsonds, "Okay, Okay, I do like you, and sssince we're bascially matesss, shouldn't we... uhhh..."

She cuts him off, "I guessssss."

Adder lays down on the ground, Sinuous slithers over to her, and lays on top of her.

"Brrrr... Ssssinuousss, your scales are cold..."

"We're sssnakesss, our scales are supposed to be cold."

Sinuous lays his body the rest of the way down on Adder, and she shakes from Sinuous being so close to her.

Sinuous starts moving up and down on Adder, when they suddenly here a voice. "The snakes are in here and their... ahh! Jeez!"

They look back, and see a rat staring at them, Sinuous gets off of Adder, and before the rat knows it, he is staring right in Sinuous's face.

"Please... please... I didn't know you were..."

"To bad. Your gonna be our lunch..." Sinuous lunges at the rat, and his fangs sink into the rat's hide, it screams out in pain, and Sinuous drops it, dead.

"Wow, Sinuous, and I though I hated rats."

"Everyone dose, they should all be killed. To bad we're the only snakes in the park, that's probaly why there's been all these rats recently."

She slithers over to him, "Yeah, and if it hadn't interrupted us, there'd be more snakes here in a few months."

Sinuous comes over to Adder, "Now, do you rember why I want our new nest far away from the park? So rats can't bother us when we want to sleep or be alone, or anything."

Adder responds, "Yeah, so you a when that happened we should mate, so do you want to?"

"Yes." His heart starts beating fast when Adder lays down infront of him.

Sinuous slithers onto Adder's back, positions himself, and starts moving back, and forth.


Ranger, and the other foxes are all at the meeting spot, and Ranger is walking around worried.

"Where are Adder and Sinuous," he asks, "they should've been here by now."

Vixen walks over to him, "Don't worry, they probaly ate a few rats, and are sleeping it off, they'll live far outside the park, away from the rats and Trey."

Suddenly they hear a high female voice, "So, you are having trouble with the rats too, huh?"

They all look over to the clearing, and they see Lady Blue standing there.

Ranger walks to the front of the group, "What are you doing here?" "I just came to see if you are having trouble with the rats like we are. My daughter has killed atleast thirty or fourty since we woke u..."

She hears a loud screaming coming from behind her, and Ranger says while running through the clearing, "That's her! Hurry up!"

The foxes run through the clearing towards the scream.


In the nest Adder is sleeping over in the corner with a pleasured look on her face, and Sinuous is sleeping right next to her with the same look. Adder hears a sqeak and wakes up suddenly.

"Oh, Sssssinuoussss. There'ssss a rat...."

Sinuous gets up quickly, and looks around, "I don't sssseee anything."

"What... I heard it ssssqueaking!"

"Don't worry about Adder. There'ssss no chance that a rat will find ussss at all."


The foxes come to the Blue-Fox territory, and they find Lady Blue's daughter surrounded by thousands of rats.

Lady Blue runs foward, but Ranger stops her, "No! You rats get away from her!"

"Yelling won't help any."

Fox comes up to them, "He's right. They'll hear us, so I'd whisper."

She gets in Fox's face, "If that was your daughter down there, what would you do?!"

"First thing, get out of my face. I'd go down there, and kill as many rats as possible to save her. That's what I'd do."

"So why aren't you, huh Fox? Or is it your too scared to do it."

Ranger comes up between them, "Fox, save the fighting for the rats. Lets get down there."

They walk down the path around the trees, and they eventually come down on rock next to Lady Blue's daugheter. She spots them in the corner of her eye.

"Help! Get these rats away from me!"

They slowly sneak over to a loose log, and they begin banging their heads against it. It dosen't even creak and Ranger says, "This is useless!"

They turn around, and they see a large, white deer standing before them. Ranger speaks up, "Trey? What... what are you doing here?"

"Helping you. You want that tree down, get out of the way."

They get out of the way, and Trey begins digging his hooves in the dirt. He charges foward, and violently hits his head on the tree, it makes a loud crack, and falls over on the rock.

The young fox runs across the log with several large rats chasing after her. Trey raises his front legs up, brings them down on the tree, and it collapses down into the canyon. He turns to the others, and they start running through the clearing.

A few hours later...

The remaining residents of the farthing wood animals are at the meeting space with Trey, Sinuous and the Blue-Foxes, where Lady Blue is speaking to the foxes and Trey, "I wanted to thank you all for saving my daughter, espically you Trey. If you hadn't come along, my daughter, and possibly us, would've been killed by those rats."

"No problem. I hate those rats more than any create, I'd rather like Adder and Sinuous over there, than the rats. They've been every where if you haven't noticed lately. I crushed eight of ëem just this morning, and I saw Adder and Sinuous bitting the rats like crazy."

Sinuous just lifts his head up high with Adder looking at him

"That's why you didn't see us for most of the day, we were tired from chasing rats around."

They slither over to Lady-Blue, and Sinuous pokes Adder's back with his tail

"Come on Adder. We talked about thissss."

"Fine... Lady-Blue, I... I'm ssssory for killing your mate and ssssson."

Lady-Blue's eyes grow large, "Apology accepted, I knew that he was getting out hand to everyone in the park, even me. Part of me was actually glad you killed him, but a part of me wanted him to still be hear."

Adder's face starts blushing a bright red, "I am REALLY never going to live this one down," and everyone else starts laughing at her.


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Chapter 2: Adder and Weasel's suprise

Adder and Sinuous come out of their nest, Adder yawns, "Sssso, what are we doing today?"

"Probaly hunting ratssss. I'm sssick of thossse pessstsss, I killed one or two in our nesssst lassst night."

"You did? Why didn't you tell me?"

"You were asssleep, I didn't want to wake you."

"Okay, let'sss get to the park, Fox wanted to talk to usss about something."

At the park...

Fox, Ranger, Adder, Sinuous and Vixen are seen standing up on a large rock, and Fox begins speaking, "All of us have been finding these rats in our nests, last night Sinuous..."

"I killed two or three of them in our nets, that isss the first time any ratsss have been spotted outside of the park."

Fox continues, "Exactly, we have to do something about this."

Adder slithers foward, "Maybe me, Sssinuoussss, Weasssel and Measssly head over to the warden'sss houssse, and get some of thosssse rat trapssss, Measssly said that he had the ssscattered all over the floor, and stacked up everywhere."

Ranger quickly comes up next to Fox, "How are we going to get in the house? The Warden's got that watch dog, and that annoying cat. The cat always goes and gets the dog if it can't get something to leave."

Weasel comes running past them, "Run for it! Whistler's coming in for a landing!"

All the animals look up, then they all run for the bushes expect for Adder, she just slithers down below the rock.

Sinuous yells, "Adder! Get in the busssshess!"

Adder looks up, and suddenly, she feels something heavy land on her.

She sees that it is Whistler. "Whissstler, can you get your feet off of me? Sssss..."

"Right, sorry about that Adder." Whistler steps off of Adder, she gets up and shakes her head around. "I hate it when he dossse that."

Everyone starts laughing at Adder, except for Sinous, who just slithers over to Adder, and stares at all the others with an angry look. "Come on Adder, let'sss get out of here. Apparently, they don't want ussss to hunt ratsss if they are laughing at us."

"Okay, Sssinuouss, itsss getting colder anyway. Brrr... I hate winter."

The two snakes slither off, and Whisper yells, "Adder! Sinuous! Come back!" She turns to Fox, "Now look what you've done!"

"I... I didn't mean to."

Fox sees Weasel and Measly running after them.


Adder and Sinuous slither down into their nest.

Adder starts shivering.

"Man, itsss sssso cold here during the winter. I hate it!"

Adder gets up under Sinuous's head and sighs, "Ahhh, much better."

The two weasels come running into the nest, they trip, and they find themselves wrapped up by Sinuous.

Adder says, "Alright, Weasssel. Meassssly. Why are you two following us."

Measly nervously says, "We... we... wanted to tell you that the Fox and the others are sorry for laughing at you."

"Uh-uh, sssure they are. If they were sssssory, they wouldn't have laughed at me in the first place."

"Adder! Measly's being serious, now can you tell Sinuous to let go of me and Measly?!"

"Fine, Ssssinuousss, let them go."

Sinuous releases his grip from the weasels, and they run over to Adder.

Weasel says, "How about we go over to the Warden's? Its alot warmer there, and there is a friend we have there, that will let us in, and keep that cat away."

"Who?" "You'll see Adder."

Back at the park...

Ranger says, "Fox, don't you think that you should go and be the one to apologize to Adder instead of Weasel and Measly? They didn't even do anything, so why'd you force them to go?"

Ranger and Charmer just stare at fox with angry looks.

"Because, Adder would be too mad at me to talk now."

"Either way, everyone thinks that you should apologize to them. We'll even go with you, if you go to the nest."

A few minutes later...

Ranger and Charmer are outside the nest, and Ranger is talking to Adder.

"Adder, we brought Fox here, he wants to tell you something."

"Tell him, that us and the weasels are busy now, and we'll be back later, alright?"

"Okay..." The two foxes walk back to fox.

Sinuous, Weasel and Measly come out of the burrow, and the four go over the hill.

Weasel runs over to Adder, "So where are we going?"

"To the Warden'sss place until winter'ssss over."

"Good idea. I heard that it is very warm all the time, and Rollo always leaves scraps of food around. Plus, there's small hole in the wall where we can hide, and there's mice."

Adder's eyes grow large, "Did you say mice?"

"Yeppp, tons of mice. There are so many, that the Warden never has to clean up crumbs."

Adder speeds off, "Well what are we waiting for?! Let'sss get over there! I'm starving."

The weasels look at Sinuous, who says, "Wow. I've never scene her move that fast since the rats started coming here."

Adder and Sinuous reach the shack first, and they squeeze through a hole in the wall, where Sinuous stops her. "Adder, were in a house with a cat, and a man with a gun, be careful. Your pregnant, I don't to loose you and the kids before their even born."

"Don't worry. I'll be careful."

They hear Weasel yelling, "Adder! Sinuous! Where are you?"

Adder pokes her head out of the hole, "Psssst! Weassel, in here!"

The weasels run into the hole, and they stop right in Adder's face. "Get out of my face or I'll have more than mice for lunch..."

Measly screams and jumps into the arms of Weasel.

He says, "I'm glad there are alot of mice here."

Adder goes over to another whole, and looks out, then pulls her head back in. "Coasssstss clear! Let'sss go now, before they see us!" Weasel wines, "Where?"

Measel looks out too and sees a door slightly open, "To that door over there! The door is already open."

They all run out at once, and once they are half way across the kitchen, they hear a meowing. Adder looks up, and sees the cat on the desk, "Run!"

Measly and Weasel burst past the two, and before even the cat knows it, they are down the stairs. Adder looks back to Sinuous, "Go!"

The snakes slither as fast as they can, with the cat slowly walking after them.

They come to the door, and before they can go through, the cat knocks Sinuous aside, and pins Adder down. Sinuous gets up, and yells, "Adder! No!"

He lunges foward, and sinks his fangs into the cats front paw before it can hurt Adder.

The cat lets out a pained meow, and runs into a hallway. Sinuous helps her up, "Are you okay?"

She opens her mouth, but they hear the Warden's voice, "What about snakes?"

He pushes Adder into the basement, "Go!"

Sinuous follows her in, and out of no where, Rollo comes out, and pushes the door shut with his snout. "I hope they are okay down there. Especially, the female snake."

Sinuous slithers over to Adder and the weasels. "Adder! Your hurt!"

He starts flicking his tounge across scratch marks on her back, and she says, "I'm fine Sinuous."

He ignores her, and keeps licking anyway.

Weasel walks over, "He really cares for you, you that Adder. How'd you get hurt anyway?"

"The cat pinned me down, and musssst've clawed me or ssssomething."

"Well, cats claws aren't very clean, I'd let Sinuous keep licking the cut if I was you."

"Fine. Are we safe down here?"

Weasel walks over to Measly, "Yeah, Rollo pushed the door shut. The Warden wouldn't think to check a basement for snakes or weasels."

Measly says, "Right, and Adder bit that cat, that means he'll be worry about it."

"Its the fourth animal I've bitten, their three, a horse, Bounder and Scarface all died. So that cat most likely will too."

Sinuous stops licking, "I hope it dose. That thing almost killed you, and look what it did to your tail!" He goes back to licking the wound.

Adder looks over to the wall, "What are thosssse? Barrelss?"

Weasel looks too, "Hey! Those look like those barrels I drank that juice from, and got loopy!"

Measly roles his eyes, "That's not the only time she drank that stuff! She drank some the same day Scar-Face bit her on the arm, and she was so crazy, I could stand her!"

"What's that supposed mean?!"

"Oops! Did I say that out loud?"

Adder chuckles, "Yessss, Measssly, you'd better open those barrels and trick her to..."

"Ahh! Get her away from me!"

Sinuous lifts his head up, "What are they doing?"

Adder starts laughing, "Measly called her loopy after she drank the stuff from that barrel along time ago."

Sinuous slithers over to one of the barrels, and bites the spout, Weasel runs into it, and lands on the floor.

Sinous puts his jaws over the nob, and starts turning it. He sees a a fluid run out of it into Weasel's mouth. "Hey Adder! Are you thirsty? This stuff looks like milk."

"Milk! Out of the way Weasel!"

Adder knocks weasel out from under the nob, and she starts drinking from it.

A few minutes later...

Both Adder and Weasel are seen laying on the ground, hicupping, Sinuous and Measly both say, "Now what have we done? They're drunk, again!"


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Here's chapter 3, and can a few people please comment on this?

Chapter 3: Poisoned Stream

Adder and Sinuous slither across out into the middle of a trail, and Adder says, "Did you see that..." she hiccups, and says, "rat." She starts hiccuping again, "Yessss, I sssaw it, but why are still hiccuping?"

"Ssss... must be from that stuff Weasel and I drank in that basement," she hiccups again, "atleast that sssstupid cat won't be bothering ussss ever again."

"True, but it issss a good thing I came along, issssn't it? You wouldn't be here right now, and we'd both loose are children."

"That would be bad, sssince you and I are the only sssnakesss in White Deer Park."

She hiccups, and he says, "I ssshould take you down to the river, so you can get something to drink, maybe that will help with the hiccupping."

"I," she hiccups, "hope sssso."

A few minutes later...

They come to the stream, and Sinuous notices multiple dead fish floating in the river, "Adder, don't drink the water!" He quickly rushes over to her, "Look! The fish! Their dead!"

"What happened," she gasps. "I don't know, but there is something green floating through the water, maybe we should go down to the pond instead."

"Bad idea Sinuous, you know what Trey is going to do if he catches us."

"If he ever lays a single hair on you, he'll end up worse than that cat."

"Don't get cocky, the cat was an easy kill. Trey is too big for a snake." He laughs, "We'll see about that, maybe we can get him to drink from the stream."

At the stream...

They slowly slither down to lake, and Adder begins flicking her tounge in and out of the water. Sinuous hears a loud roar, "Adder... he'sss coming."

"Why now?"

"Let's go."

They turn around, and find themselves in the face of Trey, "What have I told you snakes about drinking from the..."

Adder gets in his face, "Listen to me! I'm expecting children, and I don't need some stupid deer telling me what to do! If I want to drink from this pond, I AM going to drink from it. So go down to the river if you want a drink, I'm not leaving!"

"What did you say to me?!"

"You heard me! I said, I'M NOT LEAVING! You are!"

"Oh yeah..."

Sinuous slithers over to her, "Adder..."

"Get back Sinuous, some stupid deer isn't running me away from here."

"You can me stupid one more, I don't care if your expecting children, your going to flat on the ground, you hear me."

"Yessss, I heard you. I'm not leaving, and if you even try and force me, you'll be joining Scar-Face."

"Oooh, I'm scared, oh the snake is going to bite me." He puts his snout in Adder's face, "Go on, I'll give you one free shot."

"Don't tempt me, when I bit Scar-Face, the poison only took half a minute to stop his heart, and it won't take any longer to stop you." She starts hissing, and right as Trey lifts his head back up, she tries to bite.

"I told you, your not fast enough to catch me."

"Come on Adder, let's go. You got a drink, you can continue this arguement some other time, alright?"

"Sssss.... fine." They slither past Trey, who kicks, and gets dust all over Adder.

"You stupid..."

"Adder, come on."

"Sinuous, I swear, I am going to kill him sometime, if he keeps this up!"

"I heard that you stupid snake!"

She turns around, "What did you say to me?!"

She starts slithering, but Sinuous stops her, "Adder, just keep going this way."

They turn around and slither over the hill.

At the meeting grounds...

Adder is confronting Fox, Vixen and Ranger, while Sinuous is watching. "Are you going to do something about this Trey? He said that he'd flatten me, and he dosen't care that I'm expectin kids! He called us both stupid. If he keeps this up, I'm going to go after him, and he's going to suffer more than Scar-Face!"

Ranger steps foward, "I'll talk to him sometime."

"You'd better. When a snake is expecting kids, we need a lot of fresh water. The water in the stream is poisoned, we saw dead fish floating in it."

"It is? We'd better tell the others about it."

A few minutes later...

Everyone else has finally arrived at the meeting grounds, and after everyone has gotten silent, Fox begins speaking. "It seems that the stream we all drink from has been poisoned, and everyone here should avoid drinking from it at all times."

Lady-Blue shouts, "Oh yeah, what's the proof?"

"Adder and Sinuous here were down by the stream when they saw the dead fish, and the green substance floating in the water."

"Okay, if they are right about it being poisoned, then how are we going to get drinks from anywhere? Trey won't even let anyone other than deer neer the pond, without trying to trample them."

Adder hisses, "If he messsssessss with ussss, he'll get bitten by one of ussss. We've had enough of him thinking that he'sss better than everyone else in White Deer Park. When sssssnakessss are close to having children, we needssss lotssss of fressssh, cold water like in the pond."

Ranger steps foward, "What? Did I hear you say that your..."

Vixen cuts him off, "Okay Ranger, but what we have to worry about is this: Where are we going to get drinks from now if the stream is poisoned, and were not allowed at the pond?"

Sinuous says, "I've got an idea about that. How about after all the deer get their drinkssss from the pond, and they have left, we all come out of the busssshessss over that hill one at a time, and get a drink that way?"

Ranger says, "That might just work, but who says that we'll be out of sight from the deer?"

Adder hisses annoyed, "Can we ssssssssstop arguing about this, and jussssssssssst do it already?"

Fox finally says something, "Fine. But only Adder, Sinuous, Ranger and I will be the first one's to go, alright, the rest of you can come out one at a time, just to be safe."

At the pond...

Ranger slowly comes out of the bush, and walks down to the pond once he sees the last deer leave.

He dips his snout down to the surface, and starts drinking.

Ranger gets up, walks back up to the bush, Fox walks down and dose the same thing. Then Vixen, Sinuous and finally Adder.

Adder stops at the edge of the pond and begins flicking her tounge in and out of the water, "Ahhh.... cold water..."

She goes back to drinking, and she hears Sinuous's voice, "Uhhh... Adder.... get away from the water!"

She looks up, and sees a large deer charing at her. Sinuous hurries in Adder's direction, "Adder!"

Adder feels her body hit a rock, she looks up and sees Sinuous over her. She looks back, and sees the large deer standing over her.

It says, "Wait till I tell Trey that you were drinking from the... or I'll just crush you now, and you won't have to suffer a worse fate with Trey."

The deer raisings its from hooves up, but before it can bring them down, the deer feels a sudden pain in its legs. It looks down, and sees Sinuous's mouth around its ankle.

Sinuous releases his bite, and the two snakes slither off into the bushes as the others run back to their territory.

Back at the meeting grounds...

Fox sighs, "Okay, that didn't go as good as it could of." Adder hisses, "You think! I wasssssssss almosssssssst killed by the deer, to bad it wasn't Trey that Sinuous had bitten, I wouldn't be asssssss angry right now."

He turns his head to her, "Well, lets go down to the pond, and we'll see if the Warden has done anything about the stream."

At the stream...

Adder, Fox, Ranger and Sinuous come over the hill, and they see a large trunk with a hose in the water sucking a green fluid from the water, and Adder sighs in relief, "Good. It lookssssssssss like they are cleaning the poissssssssson from the water, which meansssssssss we'll have sssssssssome where to drink without have to worry about thosssssssssssssssse deer."

Ranger says, "Finally. Let's go tell the others."

They turn around, and go back over the hill as the truck drives away.


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Here's chapter 4: Assault of the Rats

In a small burrow, we hear a high pitched voice.

"Measly!" Then a hiccup, "Get in here!"

Measly comes running in. "Yes."

Weasel hiccups, "What did I tell you?"


"Exactly! You forgot! I told YOU when there..." she hiccups. "...rats, that you are supposed to kill them!"

"Why me?"

"Because, I'm the one...." she hiccups again. "...expecting children! Like Adder said, I have to take it easy!"

Measly wines, "What are you talking about? We never..."

"Don't argue with me..." she hiccups. "...Measly!"

"Fine. Where are they?"

She points to a mound of grass. "Over there, under that mound of grass."

Measly walks over there, and she starts hiccuping.

Measly moves the pile of grass of out of the way, and he sees Adder in the corner.

Adder lifts her head up, and hisses. "Measssssssly. I thought I told you not too..."

He screams, and runs towards Weasel. He suddenly finds himself in here arms, "Measly! What are you doing?!"

"There's... there's a snake."

"Calm down Measly, its only Adder."

"If she's hear, where's Sinuous?"

Adder slithers over to a whimpering Measly. "Ssssssssinuousssssssss isssssss down at the pond catching him and I frogsssss, and hopefully a few rats."

Weasel hiccups, and Adder laughs slightly. "Weasssssssel, did you go back to the Warden'sssssssss cellar again?"


She hiccups. Adder sternly says, "Weassssssel."

"Okay fine! But blame Measly, he wanted to catch a few mice, I got thirsty, and he tricked me into drinking that stuff again."

A few minutes later...

"When is Sinuous going to be back? I'm expecting kids and I'm starving!"

Adder whispers to Measly, "What issssssss ssssssssshe talking about?"

"Who knows, every since she got into that egg nog again, she's been acting like this. Its getting annoying..."

"I heard that Measly!"

They look back, and they see Sinuous coming down the tunnel with five rats hanging by their tails in his mouth. He drops them to ground, "Here you go. Took a while to catch all of them though."

Adder slithers over to rats, "Ooooh, been forever sssssssince I ate any ratssssssss."

She grabs the largest rat, and swallows it whole. Sinuous picks up one of the larger rats, and he eats it, leaving two medium sized and one smaller rat. The two slither over into the corner of the burrow, and start snoring.

Measly pics up the biggest rat, but before he can eat it, he hears Weasel, "Measly! I get the largest rat, and you get the two smaller ones!"

He wines, "But... but I'm hungry."

"Oh well. You can get whatever I don't eat."

She begins eating the rat, as Measly carries his out of the nest.


All the other animals are garthered together, and this time it is Vixen speaking. "Fox, are you sure they cleaned out all the poison from the stream? We already lost The Great White Stag, and almost lost Shadow."

"I know but, you saw the trucks, they were cleaning it out of the river. There's nothing to worry about other than Trey and the rats."

They hear a loud roaring echoing through the park, and Fox's ears lift up, "That was Trey! We'd better get into Weasle's burrow, or Adder's, or any place that is safe!"

A few minutes later...

All the animals, including Lady-Blue, who is complaing, are in the burrow. "Why dose Trey always have to be chasing everyone, just because ONE animal drinks from the pond."

Adder hisses, "Exactly! Like the time I was hunting a rat down at the pond, it was getting a drink, but Trey yelled at Sinuous and I!"

Lady Blue turns to Fox, "Why don't you just get Adder or Sinuous to kill Trey?! You got Adder to go for Scar-Face, why not try having her kill Trey?"

"We've been trying to, but Adder, what were you doing at the pond anyway?"

"Hunting ratssssssss. But once Trey showed up again, I might've wanted to kill him."

"Okay, so, what are we going to do? He's going to stay out there for hours," asks Lady Blue.

Fox sighs. "Who knows. Guess we just..."

Adder cuts him off, "...wait! I don't think sssssssssso! Sssssssinuoussssss and I will go out there, and bite Trey to death before we'd EVER wait."

Fixen sighs, "Where are those Poachers when you need them? Trey would last them for a while."

A half hour later...

Trey is still standing outside the burrow, he sees several rats run past him in the corner of his eye, including an albino one. "Rats! I hate stupid rats!"

He charges at the group of rats, crushing all of them except for the white one, which jumps down into a tunnel. Adder peeks her head out of the burrow, then slithers back in.

"He'ssssss gone! Let'ssssss get back to our part of the park before he catches us!"

Back at the park...

All of the animals are gathered at the meeting grounds, and as usual Adder is complaining to Fox about Trey. "When are we going to do something about that ssssssssssstupid deer?! I spend three hours every day trapped in that burrow cause of him, I only want to be in there at night, you here me?"

"Yes, we all are sick of him, but thank those rats, if they hadn't scurried past, we'd still be in there."

Two days later...

The two weasels and snakes are asleep in the nest, when the same albino rat, and six black rats scurry into the burrow. The stand over Weasel, who is hiccuping due to going back to the pub again.

The rats start laughing, and the white one whispers, "Wow, a drunk weasel, never thought I'd live to see a weasel that wasn't a threat."

The rats start laughing until a loud shriek cuts through the air, the rats look back, and they see the largest rat being wrapped up by Sinuous.

They all scream, "Snake! Run!"

Adder comes up behind them, and they scream again. The weasels wake up, and they see the two snakes biting rats left and right. Adder bites the last rat, then they turn to the white rat, which is whimpering in fear.

"Please... please... don't kill me..."

Adder hisses, "Sssssory... I haven't ate anything all day, and you look delicious right about now."

She puts her snout into the rat's face, and it suddenly bites her on the snount. "Why... you ssssssstupid rodent. Oh Sssssssssinuousssssss, I've gotten something for you..."

Sinuous slithers over, and threatingly hisses in the rat's face. "Sssssssso, you think you can bite my mate on the face, and get away with, huh?"

"N... n... no"

"Right, well, ssssssince you did. Your going to pay the prices."

Sinuous press his face right into the rat's face, but he feels a sharp stingining on his tail, and he sees a black rat biting him on the tail.

He turns back to it, and quickly bites it, it drops dead, but when he turns back to the white rat, there's nothing there.

"Great! It got away!"

Adder gets up, "Don't worry about, we'll kill it tommorow. We killed ssssssseven ratssss, let'sssssssss sleep now..."

The two snakes fall asleep, then after a few minutes, then weasels do the same, only Weasle starts snoring, and Measly yells, "Stop your snoring Weasel! We're trying to sle..."

She kicks him in the face, and he says, "Owwwww! Sorry!"


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Here's chapter 9.


Chapter 9: A New Season...

Adder slithers out of the burrow, and yawns.

Sinuous comes out of the burrow, and lays his head on here butt.

He hears very faint chirpings coming from inside Adder, "It ssssssoundssssss like ssssssssnakelingssssssss are on the way."

"About time, now can you get your head off my as..."

He cuts her off, "Right, ssssssssory."

He lifts his head up, "To think, once our kids are grown up, we won't have to be the snakes hunting rats all the time. They can help us out."

Vixen walks up to them, and sees the bulge in Adder's body, "Congratulations! You have children on the way! Remember this Adder: You and the babies will have to say in the burrow for a few weeks after they are born."

She happily responds, "I know, that'ssssssss the bad part about being pregnant."

Vixen says, "You can thank the Warden for being here during the winter, or the two of you wouldn't be here right now."

Sinuous replies, "That's actually the secpmd time those hunters have been here. I hope that they don't come back a third time."

Adder suddenly shivers, and Vixen asks, "What's wrong?"

"Nothing, I just..."

Sinuous cuts her off, "Uhh.... I think that Fox wanted usssssss for a meeting. Right?"

Vixen nods here head, "Right. I'll meet you two there."

She runs off in the direction of the meeting grounds.

Sinuous asks, "Adder, what were you thinking? When that happensssssss, you don't jusssssssst announce that you did."

"Sssssssinuousssss! I just had a chill go up my ssssspine. Calm done."

At the meeting grounds...

Fox says, "As you all know, today is is the first day of spring. Plus Adder and Weasly are expecting offspring anytime soom. Lady-Blue has come down with a sickness, and is know in the care of the Warden for a while. Also, with the hunters gone, Trey Dead, and the recent truce with the blue foces, I think that are lives are to be far more peaceful for now on."

Adder reminds him, "If ther wassssn't ssssssssso many ratsssssss."

"Right, but ther have been alot less of then ever since winter. But that dosen't mean all of the have died."

Ranger steps up, "I forgot to mention: I over heard the rats talking that they would be trying to over run White Deer Park with the deaths of the Great White Stag and Trey."

Adder laughs, "Sounds like me and Sssssssinuoussssssss are going to have a fun spring."

He slithers up next to her, "Looks like it. You ssssssssstay here, I'm going to go kill a few rats for usssssss to eat later."

Sinuous slithers offf into the bushes, and a white rat scurries past Adder. "You!"

She quickly wraps her coils around the rat. "I thought that I told you to get lost? If there issssssss one thing I hate more than a rat, itssssss you!"

It starts yelling and squirming, "Let me go! Who am it?!"

She responds, "I don't know or care who you, but I know what you are: Breakfast."

Adder hears a faint chanting, "Bully. Bully. Bully." She starts looking around, and suddenly feels a stinging coming from her butt.

She looks back, and sees a rat hanging on to her with its fangs. "Oh, ssssssso you think itssss a good idea biting ssssssnake when sssshe'ssss preganat."

It releases its grip, "Sor... sorry... I didn't know you were..."

She lunges at it, and violently strikes the rat in the chest, it drops dead, and Bully yells, "No! Brat!"

Adder turns back to him, "Now, itssss your turn."

She opens her jaws, and Bully shouts, "ATTACK!"

Adder suddenly feels something drop on her, and she looses her grip of Bully, he shouts, "Kill her! Bite her to death!"

The rats being biting her on the neck, head and tail. She screams out in pain as Ranger, Fox, Vixen and Whisper rush over, but they are stopped by a large swarm of large rats.

Sinuous comes back through the clearing, sees the rats on Adder, and hears her screaming. He quickly drops the rats in her mouth, and rushes over.

The rats see Sinuous coming, and the all scurry off in fear into the bushes.

The Foxes run over to over, only to find Adder soaked in blood, and Sinuous crying over her limp body.

She opens her eyes slightly, and weakly speaks, "I... love... you..."

She flicks her tounge, and against his lips, then her head collapses into the pool of blood.

The others run over to they, and they see Sinuous crying. Vixen manages to choke out, "I'm... so sorry Sinuous..."

He presses his head gently against her butt, and he hears a very faint chirping. "I love you too Adder."

Sinuous feels a movement below her, Adder slowly opens her eyes, and weakly says, "Get your head off my as..."

But she is cut off by Sinuous quickly getting up, and pressing his lips to hers.


Chapter 10 will be the second half of this chapter.


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Here's chapters 10 through 13, can people comment, please? :smile

Chapter 10: Good News and Bad News

Sinuous pulls his lips off of Adder's, "I thought that I had lost you for a second."

She replies, "I did die, but for some reason, I started breathing again."

Sinuous starts flicking his tounge across her scars. After a few minutes, he moves down to her butt.

He gently moves his tounge back and fourth across the scars there.

A few minutes later...

Adder wakes up on the pile of moss with Sinuous, Ranger and Vixen looking down at her.

Sinuous says, "Weasssssssel issssss going to come here, and you are going have to hold very sssssstill, so she can check to see if our kids are alright."

Weasel comes down into the burrow, and walks over to Adder.

Outside the burrow, Fox, Vixen and Ranger can hear Adder's pained screaming.

Vixen asks, "Why dose Weasel have to do it? Can't they just wait 'till Adder actually has the kids?"

"Weasel and Sinuous think this way is easier."

A few minutes later...

Adder is laying on the ground with a pained look, and Weasel says, "Alright, the snakelings seem to be alright."

Adder gets up, "After what you did?! I don't think sssssso!"

Sinuous says, "Calm down Adder."

Weasel and Measly walk out of the burrow, and Vixen asks her slightly concerned, "How are the snakelings?"

"They seem to be alright, but Adder sure is mad at me."

Measly laughs, "Maybe you should deliever them for her too."

Adder shouts from inside the nest, "I heard that!"

They start laughing, and Adder shouts again, "That's not funny! Vixen, you try having some weasel sticking her hand up your..."

Vixen cuts her off, "Okay Adder. Just go to sleep until the pain leaves."

Adder coils up on the moss, and starts snoring.

Outside the burrow, Vixen asks, "Why has Adder been so grumpy lately?"

"That's what happens when snakes are pregnant," Weasel responds, "they don't like anyone other than their mate."

"Why didn't you tell us that earlier? I can imagine what she's going to be like when she's gone into labor."

"Don't worry about it, after the snakelings are born, Adder will be back to normal."

Vixen gasps, "Atleast she hasn't had the wierd cravings."

Sinous slithers over to her, "Not true! Sssssshe'sssssss been asking for ssslugsssss and honey lately. Sssssssnakesss hate sssslugs, and I'm not going in any besssss nest. Sssssshe'll be matlesssssss if I go anywhere near one. I'm allegeric to besssssss."

"Well, other than bees for honey, if she asks for something to eat, get it for her."

"What if itsssss not ssssssomething sssssssnakessssss are ssssupossssed to eat, like sssslugs?"

Vixen growls, "If its not something you or her are allegeric to, get it for her. If a snake isn't supposed to eat it, don't give it to her! Now quit asking, your giving me a headache."

She walks off, and he slithers down into the burrow. Adder opens her left eye, and he says, "I ssssse that your awake."

"Yeah, I hope Weasssel never dosssssss that to me again, that hurt!"

He responds, "I'm jussssssst glad that your ssssssstil alive."

He slithers over to her, and she quickly presses her lips against his, and sighs lovingly. "Oh Sssssssinoussssssss."

Sinuous sighs, "Oh, Adder."

She kisses him again, and he drops to the floor of the cave.

Adder laughs, "What Ssssssinuous? Never been kissssssed before?"

He dosen't respond, she slithers over to him, and onto his back.

They both smile, and she asks, "Are you going to ansssswer my quessssstion?"

"No, your the firsssssst girl that I've kissssed. I had a mate once,  and a few monthssssss before ssssssshe was going to have the kids, she was torn to piecessssss by an eagle."

She frowns, "Why didn't you ever tell that to me before?"

"I didn't want you to know about my life before you came here."

"Why?" She slithers off him, and they both get up.

"Long before you came here, a dark green ssssssnake that ressssemblesssssssss me killed both of my parents."

"Oh," she pauses, "I won't tell anyone. What happened to him?"

He sighs, "Lady Blue killed him."

"Sssssoundsssssss like a good thing that he wassssss killed."

"It wasssssss, if it wassssssn't for Lady-Blue, I wouldn't be hear, she torn him in half right before he could finisssssh me off."

"Wassssss it by chance that sssssssshe sssssshowed up, or did you have it all planned?"

"It was by chance."

Suddenly, they both here a voice, "Adder!"

The two snakes see Vixen running, and she stops before them, "Adder! Sinuous! Come to the meeting grounds! It's Kestrel!"

At the meeting grounds...

Adder is the the first one over the hiil, and she just looks away in disqust.

Sinuous asks, "Adder, what is..."

He looks foward with shock and sees a blood-soaked buird laying on the ground.

Down below, Owl, Whistler and Mateless land.

Owl waddles over to Fox, Adder comes up with Sinuous and Vixen. Owl asks,, "What happened to her?"

Fox sighs, "Rats. They pinned her down and injured her worse than Adder."

Owl and Adder slowly go over to Kestrel. Owl whispers, "Kestrel... can you hear me?"

She lifts her head up, and weakly says, "Yes, Owl..."

"How did the rats even get you? You were flying around all day."

She weakly sighs, "They dropped down from the trees on me..."

Adder gasps in shock, "That'sssss what they did to me!"

Kestrel coughs, and Owl says, "Just breath Kestrel, your going to be alright."

She coughs again, "Owl... take... care..." Her head drops to the ground.

Owl manages to speak, "Kesrel..."

Kestrel dosen't respond, and Owl starts crying.

Adder chokes out, "Owl..."

She is cut off by Owl press her head against her chest.

Adder begins patting her tail on Owl's back, and a tear falls from her left eye.

Chapter 11: Adding up

Lady Blue wakes up on a dark red sofa and yawns, "Ah! This is the life." She belches, "Pardon me!"

Rollo responds, "Its alright. I remember eating as much as you did when I was sick, I burped alot more than you did."

"Really? I didn't think that dogs can burp."

"All animals expect for birds can burp."

She looks down to her stomach, "I let my self go it seems. Curse that human and his tasty treats!"

He laughs, "As long as you are a Weasel, you shouldn't have to worry."

"I can image what Adder is going to say."

She hears the hinges on the flap squeal, and she sees Adder slithering through.

Adder laughs, "How goessss it fatsssssso?"

Lady Blue grits her teeth, "GRRRRRRRRRRRRRR..."

Rollo gasps, "Uhh... I'll... wait in the other room." He quickly gets up and runs down the hallway whimpering.

Adder apologizes, "Ssssssory...." then she laughs, "Fatssssssso!"

Lady Blue growls again, "Did you just come here to make fun of me or what?"

"Maybe..." she looks back and fourth, "Okay, no. Ranger just wanted me to see how you were doing with being sssssssick and all."

She lays down, "I've been doing great," she yawns. "My time hear has been the best time of my life in years. All I do is set around, and the Warden gives me a steak whenever I get hungry."

"Ssssssteak? I wisssssh I wassssss sssssick, all I get to eat issssss ratsssssss. I'm ssssssick of the tassssste of ratsssssss."

"Maybe you should have set outside with me for the last two days of winter. You'd be hear right now if you did." She starts laughing and Adder hisses, "Great, now your mawking me!"

"Hey, you started it. If you hadn't called me 'fatso', then I would be do it to you 'big-butt'!"

She gets up, "Excussse me! Like you weren't any bigger when you were pregnant!"

"Calm down. Now we're even, you called me fat, I called fat, we're even."

She growls, "Yeah, whatever you ssssssay. I'd might asssssssss well ssssssstick around for a while, there's nothing going on at the park. Maybe I'll get some sssssscrapsssssss of ssssssssssteak or sssssssomething."

Lady Blue lifts her head up, "You eat steak?"

"I've never eaten sssssssteak, but if you like it, then I probaly will too."

"Well, its very delicious. That's all I can tell you, I save a piece for you when I'm done eating."

"Good," Adder coils up on the couch, "I'm getting hungry anyway." Adder starts snoring and Rollo walks back in, "What'd I miss?"

Lady Blue responds, "Nothing, I just have to give Adder some of my steak now. She loves steak aparently."

"She's lucky! All I get are scraps of bread and sausage to eat, or dog food."

Lady Blue laughs, "Try getting sick next winter. That's why I'm here in the first place."

"For steak, that would be worth it. If your enjoying it, I might have to stay outside knowing the Warden. He's still mad from the jump I made off the water fall when I saved two weasels from those cats."

Lady Blue yawns, "Well, I'm going to sleep for a while." She rests her head on the pillow, and starts snoring.

Rollo turns around and walks down the hallway into his room, and falls asleep.

A few hours later...

Lady Blue wakes up, and stretches, her foot hits Adder in the face.

Adder gets up and hisses, "What wassssss that for?"

"Sorry, I forgot that you were there."

"Okay, ssssssssure."

Lady Blue yawns, "I'm serious! I never even knew that you fell asleep there."


Rollo walks into the room, "Lady Blue? Are you hungry for a steak, cause the Warden is bringing one right now."

Lady Blue stands up, "You bet!" She jumps down off the couch, and Adder follows her. "Remember our deal, you leave me a small piece."

"I will. Don't worry."

The Warden walks in and sets a plate down with a steak on it. Lady Blue starts drewling and runs over to the steak..

She bites it, and tears a small piece out. Adder just stares hungrily as Lady Blue devours the steak.

A few minutes later...

Lady Blue is over laying on the couch snoring, and Adder is laying on the ground with a large stomach from eating the stake. "Mmmm... ssssssshe was right, that wassssss deliciousssssss..."

Adder slithers over to the couch, crawls up on it, and falls asleep too.

Chapter 12: Return from Luxury

Lady Blue hears a hissing and wakes up, "Ssssssss... how are you feeling Lady Blue?"

She gets up and stretches, "Mmm... better. That steak must've helped by sickness."

She responds, "I wish that I had came here when I was sick. It would be worth it coming here all the time."

Rollo comes out from the hallway, "The Warden says that he is going to release you to back into the park today."

Adder hisses, "Really? We HAVE to leave?"

"Unfortuantely, he's running low on steak feeding you tw..."

Lady Blue cuts him off, "What's that supposed to mean? Is he saying I'm a glutton?"

"I don't think that he meant that, but you have eaten more than the last fox he brought it."

Adder cuts in, "Well, we'd might asssssssss well get back to the park. Ssssssinuoussssss is probaly worried sick about me."

"Ranger and the pack are probaly worried about me too."

Back at the park...

Sinuous is slithering around with a worried look on his face, "Where issssssss ssssshe? Sssssssshe'sssssss been gone for daysssssss!"

Vixen responds, "Remember? She and Lady Blue are at the Warden's. They probaly got caught up in eating the food he has there. Normally, he should be releasing them today."

At the cabin...

Lady Blue and Adder are reluctantly going away from the cabin, and Lady Blue says, "We should have hijacked two of those steaks for ourselves, huh?"

"You know, that'ssss the bessssst idea you've ever head! We sssssshould do it!"

"I wish! But he probaly won't let us back in the cabin unless we're sick again."

They start heading back down the hill to the park, but the are stopped by Plucky racing a rabbit. Lady Blue asks, "Who is that rabbit Plucky is always chasing?"

"I'm not ssssssure, but he's not chasssssssing him, their trying to sssssssee who can reach the park firsssssssst."


"Plucky thinksssssssss that it issssss ssssssuposssssed to be fun. I don't see how, it wasn't fun the time Ssssssinuousssssss was chasssssing me around. He got tired, and fell assssssleep."

At the park...

They finally reach the park, and Sinuous asks Adder, "Why were you gone for so long? I thought you weren't coming back."

"Don't worry Ssssssssinuous, I'd never leave you. Remember, I said 'I love you'?"

"Good. Your the only other ssssssssnake, male or female in the whole park. But with our kidssssss on the way, that'sssss going to change very ssssssssoon."

"I think I can wait. Itssss probaly going to hurt worsssssssssse than what Weasssssel did to me."

Lady Blue says, "Just think of it in reverse, only more painful. I would know, it feels like someone is pulling a large rock out of you."

"Sssssssss.... great."

She responds, "Another good thing is: We haven't seen a single rat it days, ever since they attacked you Adder."

"Good. Maybe they gave up. I'm sssssssssick of them, chasing them, killing them and eating them."

" I wouldn't worry about it, after almost killing you and killing Kestrel, and Sinuous scaring them off, their probaly leaving us alone for a while."

Adder gasps, "What if they are coming up with another plan to attack us?"

Lady Blue replies, "I never thought of that. But, still, I wouldn't worry about it for a few weeks."

Chapter 13: The Revenge of the Rats


Chapter 13: The Rats Revenge...

Part 1: A peaceful day and planning

Several large rats and an albino rat run out of bush, "Listen up! Today, we are going to kill those two snakes before she can give birth the children. We won't be able to over run the park with a bunch of snakes and foxes everywhere."

A loud chanting begins, "Bully! Bully! Bully! Bully! Bully! Bully! Bully! Bully! Bully!"


Adder and Sinuous slither out of their burrow, Adder yawns, "I'm expecting another peaceful day today of know rat attackssssss. I jusssssst wissssssh that we could go back to the Warden'sssss cabin for more ssssteak.:

Lady Blue walks over the hill, "So do I. Let's get over to Fox, he wanted us for something."

At the park...

Fox is speaking, "We haven't seen any sign of the rats ever since the death of Kestrel, they must have given up or something."

Adder hisses, "Don't bet on it. If I ssssssee any of them, their dead. I didn't care if they were killing the frogs at the pond, but now one of our friendssss issss dead. Itsssss persssssonal now."

Lady Blue walks up, "You bet it is. Those rats have gotten out of hand, almost killing my daughter, almost killing Adder and killing Kestrel. They've gone too far. Next their going to go for Sinuous or Toad, how much do you want to bet?"

Adder gasps, "No! Not my Ssssssinuous! If they even touch him, and I'll tear them to piecessss!"

Sinuous responds, "If they ever even try to hurt you again, they'll be the next thing in this park to die. You can guarantee that."

Fox speaks up, "I wouldn't worry about it, for aslong as they've left us alone, we already have a plan against them, no matter what they plan."

Adder responds, "Ssssssince when? You haven't told me or Lady Blue about it."

"It was when you two were at the Warden's cabin. We had to have something going if they ever did attack. All it was is: if the rats come towards the park, all us, including the deer, blue foxes and any other animals that are willing to fight, are going to form a line at the boundaries of the park and wait for them to come. We are going to fight, and kill every one of them that comes our way. Rollo even said that him, and the Warden would help if they had to. Even a few bats, some crow and a rook had shown up to help us out."

Whisper stands up, "Rollo? Crow? They helped Bold and I get food when we was coming here. Good to here they are okay. Wait... where's Ranger and Charmer?"

Fox responds, "I don't know, I haven't seen them since yest... wait, there they are. Coming over the hill right now."

They reach the group, and Lady Blue asks them, "Where were you to all yesterday?"

Ranger responds, "Since nothing was going on, we thought we should stay home for a day and rest like you and Adder did at the Warden's."

"You should've been there," Lady Blue sighs. "at the Warden's. It was wonderful, the steak was delicious! I wish that we could have stayed there, but he only takes care of sick animals."

Charmer yawns, "Yeah, sounds wonderful."

Lady Blue responds, "I might just get sick again over winter just to go there again."

Adder springs up, "So will I! Anything like what goesssss on there isssssss worth getting ssssssick."

Weasel walks up, "Can you stop? Your making me want to go there, even thought I'm not sick at all. It sounds so completely worth it! Whatever steak is, it sounds great."

Lady Blue turns to Fox, "Okay Fox, was there anything else that you wanted us for?"

He responds, "Yes, as you all know, in a about eight days Adder and Weasel will finally be having their kids, and we'll have to keep the, and their kids safe from any possible rat attacks that might happen."

Sinuous says, "You can guarentee that I will protect her with my life. I almosssssst lossssst her once, I don't what to have it happen again."

Fox responds, "If she stays in the nest with you, then she'll be alright. I doubt that any rats know where you nest is, and any that find it by accident won't leave."

Adder responds, "Yep, they'll be in mine and Ssssssssinuousssssss'ssssss breakfasssssssst."

Rollow walks up, then Rook, Crow and the Bats land next to him.

Rollo says, "Don't worry about Adder. We'll be there too Sinuous, after getting used to her at the Warden's, I couldn't stand to see anything happen to her."

Crow responds, "I couldn't stand seeing anything happen to another a friend after what happened to Bold. I miss him, where is he?"

Fox responds, "He died of his gun shot wound about a two years ago, right before winter."

Rollo yelps, "He's dead! Why didn't any of you ever tell me before?"

Vixen responds to him, "Because, we didn't know that you were in the park, and if we did, we wouldn't want you to be sad. But the hunters that did it were ran out of the park again by the Warden, so they shouldn't be back ever."

Crow caws, "Good! They killed one of my friends, they don't even deserve to be in a park full of animals."

The Rook walks up, "Where's Owl at? I thought that she came back here?"

Adder responds, "Sssssssssshe dosssssssen't want to be talked to right now. One of her friends, Kestrel, died a few dayssssss ago, and sssssssshe wantssssss to be alone."

"Really? I remember when we first met. Even though we weren't the same species, there was a connection between us, and even she started liking me before she left."

"Ssssshe'ssssss found a mate now, did you know that?"

"She did? I'll still care for here like I did before she even found here mate. I'm going to make sure that nothing happens to her." He flaps his wings out, and flies off towards the trees with Crow and the bats.

Adder just looks to Sinuous, "Have you ever heard of sssssssssssomething like that before? A crow liking an Owl more than a friend?"

"No. But that mole that ssssssemsssss to be coming out of the ground every where hasssssss likes badgerssssss for sssssome reason. I think his name is Mosssssssssy or sssssssomething."

Spike responds, "Yes, that's him and I have feeling that he is going to come up right where Adder is."

Suddenly, Adder feels something hit her in the tail, "Ooh!"

Then she slithers out of the way, and Mossy pops up from a hole.

She hisses, "Why you... Mossssssy!"

He whimpers, "Sorry Adder. I didn't know you were there."

Part 2: The Rats Strike Back...

The next day...

Sinuous slithers out of the whole with a dead rat hanging from his mouth, "Jeez, and to think that we were done with ratsssssss in our nesssssst."

Adder slithers out with two hanging from her mouth, and drops them, "Sssssso? It gives me ssssssomething to do, I haven't killed any for dayssssssss."

Suddenly, a deep voice cuts through the air, "Adder! Sinuous! The rats are attack the frog pond! We must go there, quick!"

Adder responds, "Where issssss it! Lead us there!"

Toad hops off the rock, and the two snakes follow him down a trail. They come through a bush, and they see the rocks and water stained with blood, and pieces of frog.

Adder looks away in disqust, and Sinuous says, "No animal dessssservessssss to die like that. Not even the ratsssssssssss that did thisssssss. Let's get out of here."

Toad responds, "You two go on, I'm going to stay here for a while. I'll catch up with you all later."

They slither off through the grass and Adder asks, "Think he will be okay there by himself? I mean, look what thosssssse rats did to thossse poor frogsssssss. They ripped them to piecessssssss!"

"I know, I hope that we never have to come that way again," He responds. "I can take much blood, I have a weak sssssstomach."

She hisses, "You aren't the only one." A rat runs by, and she hisses again, "Let's get it! Itssss one of those sewer rats!"

Adder slithers after it, and quickly wrapps her coils around it. "Now, tell me, which of you rats killed the frogssssssss, and I might let you live."

It whimpers in fear, "It was me, Bully, and the other sewer rats."

Adder hisses in anger, then suddenly bites the rat, and drops it to the ground. The two snakes slither down the path to the park.

At the frog pond...

Toad is looking around the pond, and says, "What could have done this to you all maties?"

Suddenly, but silently, four large rats come out of the bushes, and stand behind Toad. Outside the bushes, a loud screaming, and tearing can be heard, then everything goes quiet.


Adder and Sinuous get back to the park, and Fox stops them, "Where's Toad, and the frogs at?"

Adder responds, "The frogs were torn to pieces by the sewer rats, and Toad wanted to stay behind."

"You left him there alone? What if they attack him too?"

Sinuous replies, "He said that he could handle him self if anything does go wrong."

"I hope your right." He turns back towards the others, and they follow him.

Lady Blue asks, "Where's Toad?"

Sinuous says, "He wanted to stay down at the pond after the sssssssssewer rats killed all the frogs."

"You listened to him? No way a toad can handle sewer rats!"

Adder cuts in, "Maybe sssssshe'ssss right, we ssssssshould go check on him."

Sinuous says, "You can go, I'm going to go sleep in our nest for a while, I haven't slept good in days, I'm so tired."

Adder responds, "Okay, Ssssssinuous, jussssssst be careful. Remember, they know where our nesssssssst isssssss thanks to Bully."

"I will."

He slithers off, and they head up the trail to the pond.

At the pond...

Adder comes through the bushes, and screams, "NO!"

Lady Blue rushes through, "What is..." She sees the pieces of Toad laying all over a blood-stained rock, and shouts, "ALL RIGHT YOU STUPID RATS! WHY DON'T YOU COME AND FACE US! AT THE BORDER OF THE PARK, YOU FIGHT US TO THE DEATH! I'M SICK AND TIRED OF YOU ATTACK MY FRIENDS!"

Adder turns to her, "Oh no! Their probaly going to go for Ssssssssinuousss next! We have to get to the nessssssst before they can!"

They quickly rush through the bushes intent on reaching the nest before the rats can.


Sinuous is sound a sleep when several rats quitely, but quickly crawl into the burrow.

Bully says, "Now, before the other snake and fox return, kill him!"

The largest rat reaches down to Sinuous, and violently grabs him by the neck. Sinuous starts gasping for breath as the rat squeezes harder on his neck.

Sinuous starts gasping for air, and they hear a voice, "Ssssinuousssssss! Are you there!"

Bully whispers, "Let's get out of here!"

They quickly run out of the nest, then Adder and Lady Blue walk into the nest.

Adder looks around for him, then she looks down, and screams out. "SSSSSSSSSINOUSSSSSSSS! NO!"

She bends her head down, and starts crying. She hears Sinuous gasp, "Adder... kill Bully... make sssssssure he dos.... ssssen't live to kill another animal ever again."

Adder starts crying, "Sssssinuous... you ssssssaid that you were always going to be with you."

His breath starts getting weaker, "I will..." He breaths starting getting even weaker, "...take care my very own beautiful ssssnake, pleasssse take Adder."

His body collapses to the ground, and Adder cries out, "Sssinuoussssss..."

He dosen't move, and Lady Blue starts crying, then outside the nest the rats start laughing as they walk away through the grass grinning evily.


To see the missing chapter, you have to have a deviantart account, and its called "Chapter 7: Day of the Rats" inside the folder "Adder's Story".


  • Ducky
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Chapter 14. This one is very shocking.


Chapter 14: Revenge and Birth

Adder slithers out of the burrow with tears running down her face, and Vixen stops her.

Vixen starts talking to her in a soothing voice, "Its alright Adder. I know exactly how you feel. I felt just as bad as you do know when Bold died."

Adder chokes out, "Don't even ssssssstart Vixen! You lost a sssssssson, not your mate! You have Fox, all I have issssssss this ssssssnakelingssssss inssssside me! I'm going to go hunt ratsssssssss."

Vixen stops her, "No, your not. Your about to go into labor, and if you give birth in the rats' nest. It will be impossible to find all your children in there, plus know one would know where to look for you at all."

Adder growls, "You tell me thissssss! If Fox was killed by Scar-Face, what would you do if you wassssss pregnant? Would you want to go and try to kill Scar-Face? Or would you wait till he can kill anyone elsssssse? We've lost three friends to them: Sssssssinuous, Kesssssstrel and Toad. I can't take thisssssss anymore!"

Vixen sighs, "I just don't want to lose you too. We've already lost three friends, I don't you or anyone to be the fourth, if we loose you, there won't be any more Adders in the park. You and the ones on the way are the last in White Deer Park."

Adder just growls, and slithers hissing angrily to herself, "Ssssssssso ssssssshe thinksssss that ssssssshe can tell me not to go and kill thosssssse sssssstupid rats? Grrrr... I'll show her! I'm going to kill all the sewer ratsssss, and Bully."

She slithers over to the hill, and starts slithering down it.


Lady Blue walks up to Vixen, "Where's Adder? I wanted to tell her something."

Vixen responds, "Who knows. She's still upset about Sinuous, I told her not to go after Bully, but she says that she's going to any way. What are we going to do?"

Lady Blue snaps, "What?! We're going to have to go after her! Get Spike, Fox and Ranger quick! They know the way!"

Vixen responds, "Okay!" She runs off with Lady Blue back to the meeting grounds.


Adder comes to the entrance of the rats' headquarters, and slithers down the tunnel, and turns right.

She comes to a chamber, and hears Bully talking, she looks in and listens.

"Now with Adder's mate dead, there is nothing stopping us from over running the park. Not the foxes, not the deer, not Adder, not even the Warden."

A rat walks out the entrance past Adder, and she pulls it back into the darkness, and muffles it with her tail, then whispers, "Now, listen to me. Tell Bully, that we will stop all you rats, or I will find you myself, and bite you to death. Got it!"

She releases the rat, and it scurries back into the burrow. She slithers off into the darkness laughing.

The rat walks up to Bully, "Adder told me to tell you: that her and all the animals are going to stop us when they meet us at the borders of the park, and they will stop us from over running the park."

Bully responds, "So... she was in the nest? Send the sewer rats to find and kill her before she can escape. Which way did she go?"

Spike responds, "She went into the lighter part of the tunnel, I made sure. She said it would be to hard even for her to go back the same way she came through the darkness of the tunnels."


Vixen, Ranger, Fox and Lady Blue walk down into the rats' nest, and in there, Lady Blue says, "Now, when were are looking for Adder, if you hearing moaning, follow it. That's her giving or about to give birth, which means we will have to look in a dark area, which I can guess the perfect place in here. Follow me."

She starts walking in the same direction Adder took towards Bully's chamber, and they hear chanting.

"Bully. Bully. Bully. Bully."

They just walk past the chamber towards a faint hissing, which Lady Blue indentifies, "Follow that hissing! That's Adder! Kill any rats that you see along the way!"

They continue into the darkness and Ranger says, "I hope she's okay. I don't know how even Adder could see in this darkness."

Lady Blue whispers, "Remember, whisper when we're in here. Ranger, snakes can see perfectly in the dark, so can we once are eyes adjust, but not rats. So she'll be fine, and so will we. Rats won't be able to find us or Adder if we stay quite, but we have to find her before she goes into labor, or they'll kill her."

They contine to the end of the corridor, where they find Adder at the end, hissing. Vixen whispers, "Adder. Come with us quick! The rats are looking for you, and they are going to kill you!"

Adder hisses, "Not until I kill Bul..." She feels a wetness come from her, and she starts groaning in pain. "Good Lord, hurry! Get me out of here! I've gone into labor! Hurry!"

Lady Blue flings Adder up on Whisper's back, and they start running through the tunnels. They are stopped by a large rat, and Adder groans, "That'ssss the..... one that killed Ssssssinuoussss..."

Ranger runs foward, quickly grabs it in his jaws, and throws it aside dead. They start running again, and they eventually reach the end of the darkness, and they run out of the nest.

Lady Blue gently places Adder on the ground, and says, "Now just push Adder! It'll be over before you know it!"

Unknown to them, a very dark turquoise snake slithers up behind them, and hears Adder groans in paint as the others watch.

After a few minutes, the first seven snakes have come out, but Adder groans again, "I think.... uhhh... there isssssss... about ten or twelve more... uh..."

She feels another young snake come out. Lady Blue says, "Your doing just fine. It will be over in no time."

A few minutes later...

Seven more snakelings have been born, and Adder groans in pain, "Uhhh... just four more to go."

After a few minutes, the last snakeling is finally born, and Adder sighs in relief, "Finally, itsssss done. That was very painful."

Lady Blue reponds, "Just be lucky they are small when they come out. With Foxes, it hurts a whole lot more than you could ever imagine, Adder."

Suddenly, the snake speaks up, "Congratulations, I'm sure that your mate would be happy."

She lifts her head up, "Who are you? I remember you from somewhere."

He responds, "Adder, itssssss me, Ssssssinuous. We'd better get out of here, the sewer ratsssssss are on the way."

She shouts in joy, "Sssssssssinuousssss!"

She quickly slithers over to him, and kisses him directly on the lips, "I love you Sssssinuoussssss. Explain how you lived later... okay?"

Back at the meeting grounds...

At the meeting grounds, Sinuous announces, "If you are all wondering how I lived through be choked by the rat, the Warden's dog, Rollo, came across me, and carried me back to his cabin. There, the Warden recessitated me back to life, and after a few minutes, I finally started breathing. After about a week and half, he finally released me, and I knew that you would be at the rats nest, that's how I found Adder in time to see her have our children. Now, we are going to stop those rats, once and for all. To many have died cause of them."

All the other animals start chanting, "Sinuous! Sinuous! Sinuous! Sinuous! Sinuous!" Adder slithers up onto the rock, and they kiss again, and the others start cheering as the baby snakes slowly join them one, by, one."