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Mumbling's Photography

Mumbling · 36 · 11690


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So I was pretty surprised recently when I was discussing photography with Flathead770, because I discovered I never created a photography topic on the forum. Quite odd considering taking photos has always been one of my major interests. While I am not very much into the technical aspect of it (I really don't know how to handle a DSLR) I have always enjoyed finding the right angle to create the "perfect" shot. I've got pictures from the last 2 decades ready to share with you, but I'll try not to bore you too much with old stuff or pictures of my cat ;)

To kick things off, I wanted to start with a new picture. I was walking around my neighborhood recently and stumbled upon a nice lake. Can totally see myself going back there to chill on that bench when temperatures are more moderate again.

On that same walk I discovered some stone steps. Something about the lighting, nature and the steps compelled me to take this photo.

Aaaand fine, one picture of my cat (that most of you have seen on Discord already). He was climbing a small tree/bush in my garden and I took out my camera to film him. Right as I got nearby he popped out of the twigs and looked straight at the camera. Love this shot.


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Glad to see you finally making this topic! I really like the final picture of Tobi there. His head poking out from the leaves is so perfect. How far is the walk from your house to that lake?


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cute kitty :3

Is neighborhood at the end of the town somewhere?
Thanks Sneak! Yeah it is actually, right on the border :)

Glad to see you finally making this topic! I really like the final picture of Tobi there. His head poking out from the leaves is so perfect. How far is the walk from your house to that lake?
Oh it's actually really close. I'd say a 3 minute walk?

Didn't mean to ignore this topic, but I was in the process of reorganizing all the pics I took. Here are a couple I labeled 'skies', and I'll try to post some other labeled ones tomorrow etc ;)

I took this photo during my commute by train last year. I liked how the sun was just peaking through the trees.

This photo was taken during a particularly beautiful sunrise in one of Utrecht's small streets.

Here's another photo from that same sunrise, a few minutes later.

Traveling by train during the morning doesn't always result in clear shots, as shown by this rather abstract piece I'd like to call "dirty window"  :Mo

Proof that the earth is flat (sun & moon)

Gee I sure take a lot of photos during sunrises. This particular one was taken at Apeldoorn's train station.

I don't remember whether this was early in the morning or late in the evening, but I loved the contrast of the air balloon against the gradient sky.

Did you know I like pink clouds yet?

Closing this post with a crisp picture of the moon and some bare trees. There's a Dutch children's song titled "See how the moon shines through the trees", which this picture reminds me of.


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Oh hey, more pictures! Sunrises/sunsets are always so cool to take pictures of! I wish I was more motivated to go out to take some more of them, especially since landscape photography is literally all about taking pictures during the golden hours of the day haha.

It's good to see some more proof that the Earth is actually flat, because everyone knows that in the Heliocentric model of the Solar System, the Sun and Moon absolutely cannot be visible at the same time  :bestsharptooth

Keep the pictures coming!  :)littlefoot


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Alright I couldn't help myself this morning when I saw a beautiful red sunrise... One more sky picture :D

A few minutes later, my cat decided to check it out too

Alright, here is my next section: Mushrooms :D

Let's start with a classic:

And this one seems to come right out of a fairy tale:

Those are both about ~10 year old pictures. These are some more recent ones:


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Nice photos! Especially I liked the photo with the cat  :littlefoot
Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation

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aww, photos with kitty. :3

Sigh, why poisonous mushrooms have so beautiful appearance?..


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I can't get over how amazing all these photos are, Mumbling! :ChomperImpressed My favorites have to be those mushrooms, they look like something right out of a fairy tale storybook! Thanks so much for sharing!


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I love those pictures Mumbling! I agree with Rainbow, the mushrooms look like they’re from a fairytale, but also one of those close up shots in nature documentaries haha. Can’t wait to see more!
"Don't you ever wonder what's out there?"  :rainbowThinking



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Thanks! I really like the mushroom pics too! Should be prime time now to get some more shots but the weather is poopy, so might skip this year :P

Here's a new set of pics, labeled 'water'  :spit

OK these last two are cheating, since I took them in Canada back in 2009. Might post more pics from my trips other countries later.


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I keep forgetting to reply to these new posts. Even though I've already seen pretty much all of these, it's still nice to look at them again! I like the picture with all the lily pads stacked on each other. And that last picture of the looks familiar, almost like I was at it just this summer  :PCera


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Last photo is super awesome, with background ike THIS... :O
IKR! Canada has the most amazing landscapes. Only slightly jealous ;)

I keep forgetting to reply to these new posts. Even though I've already seen pretty much all of these, it's still nice to look at them again! I like the picture with all the lily pads stacked on each other. And that last picture of the looks familiar, almost like I was at it just this summer  :PCera
Haha all good. Oh you were there? I forgot where this was, lake Louise maybe?

OK So I guess I'll move to my last category for now: Dutch wildlife.

We don't really have amazing wildlife :P But here goes anyway

A heron. We have loads of these here, although this particular photo was taken in Amsterdam.

This is a baby wild boar! They blend in well with the background.

This has to be my best butterfly shot. It is a peacock butterfly which used to flutter in masses in my dad's old garden.

Another common butterfly, I believe this is a red admiral.

And a bee. Bees are good. Bzz.

Might be hard to see, but there are some wild deer in the background of this photo. Click on it to enlarge.

This one might be one of the best, if not the best photo I have ever taken. I guess sheep aren't quite wildlife, but I wanted to include this in this category. This little lamb was walking along the waterline during sunset. I tried to snap the photo right as he was underneath the sun. Close enough :D


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Beautiful! ^^

Close-up photos are especially cool! You have a good camera, I see.


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Thank you! The close-up shots were all made with my old digital camera (don't have that anymore).

Here are some more close-up shots of flowers and such. Enjoy!


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lovely flowers there Iris! I like the one where the bee is half buried in one!

Also reminds me now that the default theme has been changed I can unleash my photos and they will format correctly haha.


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That's great!  :littlefoot
Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation

View my art project Internet Before Time (last update was 2020/11/18!)

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Also reminds me now that the default theme has been changed I can unleash my photos and they will format correctly haha.

Yeah, not been using the resizing tags, but maybe I still should? Glad it works well on both themes now regardless :D