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This youtube video I found is a disgrace

Jrd89 · 74 · 7860


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It doesn't matter if they are both about dinosaurs. The two dinosaur cartoons, Dinosaur Train and Land Before Time, have nothing in common and are done by completely different companies. Dinosaur Train is not a disgrace to Land Before Time as it has nothing to do with Land Before Time to begin with. Now if it were part of Land Before Time, then yes it's possible to say it's a disgrace to Land Before Time. But because they are two completely different things, it makes no sense to say Dinosaur Train disgraces Land Before Time. That would be like saying Twilight is a disgrace to Dracula. While both cover the same topics, they are completely different stories that have nothing to do with one another.

I'm not saying Dinosaur Train isn't a silly show. I haven't seen much of it so I can't say for myself if it is or isn't. I'm just saying that I think it's unfair to say Dinosaur Train is a disgrace to LBT when it's something completely different.


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Here's what I don't get: Why is it such a big deal that Dinosaur Train has an episode talking about poop yet just about every kids movie released in the last ten years or so has poop jokes in them and people are just fine with that? Why can movies like Alvin and the Chipmunks or Marmaduke make "doody" references and have people be okay with that but when Dinosaur Train has an episode talking about poop, all of a sudden it's "OMG SO AWFUL!!!!!11111" Seems to me like a case of double standards.

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Quote from: Animeboye,Jun 27 2010 on  06:34 PM
Here's what I don't get: Why is it such a big deal that Dinosaur Train has an episode talking about poop yet just about every kids movie released in the last ten years or so has poop jokes in them and people are just fine with that? Why can movies like Alvin and the Chipmunks or Marmaduke make "doody" references and have people be okay with that but when Dinosaur Train has an episode talking about poop, all of a sudden it's "OMG SO AWFUL!!!!!11111" Seems to me like a case of double standards.
It's not a double standard.  Making jokes about crap (which I really don't find funny) on a show and actually showing something taking a crap are two different things.  The latter is considerably more obscene and has no place in a kids show.


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So talking about crap is okay as long as it's intended to be a joke? That makes no sense.

Look, I'm not trying to defend the episode. It is a rather pointless episode. What irks me about this is just how childish some people are acting about it. They talked about poop. Big deal. Get over it. There are much worse things kids could be watching, like Dinosaur Adventure. Can't make it through ten seconds of DA without wanting to throw up. Dinosaur Train at least has slightly decent animation. Not great, but sort of decent.


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I must admit that I have caught a few episodes of Dinosaur Train, and it seems that the show really has the potential to be a great one.  It's very cute, in my opinion, and the characters seem to have been embraced by the public, based on all the press the show has generated.

I happened to notice, though, that during the episode where Buddy (the t-rex) found out what species he was, they seemed to dance around the issue of his biological parents.  It was explicitly mentioned that the Pteranadon family found his egg and brought it back to their nest to see what would hatch, but they didn't say anything about the fate of the egg's parents, or even where it was found.  They probably wanted to avoid going down that road because of the show's target audience.  The producers probably won't ever address the issue, but if they did, it would make for a very interesting episode, especially if the parents are alive.

I also happened to notice that they did have a "holiday" episode where the dinos decorated a tree and celebrated the winter solstace (much like The Bright Circle Celebration was like a human thanksgiving).  This was probably done so that they could celebrate the season without having to explain why the dinosaurs were participating in a modern human activity.

In my opinion, this show will probably go on to be the next Dragon Tales or Reading Rainbow, based on it's popularity.  It seems to be one of those rare kids shows where older people can actually sit and watch it without going crazy.  Hopefully, Henson will continue to make more episodes beyond the original 40.


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Considering it's target audience it does seem to be a pretty well written show, of the episodes I've seen.    And also written so some others of other ages can get some enjoyment from watching it.  A thing many who write for kids (or family stuff) forget, you can write and have it written in such a way that all ages can enjoy it, not just kids.


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I loled. xD

You know, why should poop be a hush, hush topic? Because it's gross? It's a way of purification and releasing waste.

I mean seriously, I was never taught this stuff as a kid and I read a book about it when I was much older. It's okay for kids to be curious about these things, so why not have a show explain it for them? There are even jobs out there that require you to look at feces. Archeologist sound familiar?

Personally, I think this is an okay kids show.


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Okay I just watched the "infamous" "Dinosaur Poop!" episode, and here's my verdict:

It's really not all that bad. Yes, poop is a prevalent topic in the episode, but it's not really all that bad. The episode itself is about visiting the brachiosaurus family. The entire episode isn't devoted specifically to producing waste, but it is talked about, but not in such detail that it's gross. The whole "eating poop" thing was just referring to the dung beetle, and it was simply stating a fact. And the piles of poop? That was just brachiosaurus waste, probably not much different than elephant dung.

I don't feel the episode should be criticized harshly just because they're talking about poop. It's not like it's something we are unfamiliar with. And the only poop we even see on screen is brachiosaurus poop and it doesn't look all that gross to me in this animation style.


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Sadly, DarkHououmon, it's not just the episode that's been getting criticized. The whole show has been just for this one episode.

I have yet to hear anyone provide any real reasons as to why this is such a terrible show. All I've heard is, "Ohhh, it disgraces Land Before Time!!!!1111", "This show is t3h fail!!!111", and of course, "Ewww! Dinosaurs talking about poop! Nasty!!" Seriously, do you guys still giggle when someone says penis or vagina? This whole arguement is so stupid and pointless.


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I have been watching the series lately, starting from episode 1 and moving on up. I plan on hopefully doing some kind of review of it in the future. It's a really cute show and I feel people should give it a chance before judging it so quickly. I like many of the concepts presented in the show, one of my favorites being the Time Tunnels. Although unrealistic (time traveling basically) it does offer an excuse for the creators to have all these dinosaurs. The dinosaurs are placed in the right time periods, and if the main characters want to visit these dinos in different time periods, they just take the Dinosaur Train.


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Listen guys.  Just show them LBT instead of this crap. We gotta continue the legacy, even if it's "old!"


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Quote from: Campion1,Sep 30 2010 on  09:23 PM
Listen guys. Just show them LBT instead of this crap. We gotta continue the legacy, even if it's "old!"
Excuse me? If I want to show people Dinosaur Train, I will. It's not that bad of a show. I've watched multiple episodes and I still plan on watching the remaining episodes. It's cute and it's something I feel kids should watch if given the chance. I'm not saying LBT is bad, but remember it is not the only dinosaur franchise and I don't feel LBT should be "superior" to Dinosaur Train. Both should be treated equally.

I feel you are being unfair by telling people to not show this series to them (whoever them is, I assume kids). I don't feel you are giving the show a real chance. And even if you don't like it, who are you to tell people what to show their kids? It's not like Dinosaur Train is some horror movie. It's made for kids, teaches some good lessons and morals, etc.

Why do you think Dinosaur Train is "crap"? Can you give a good reason? And don't say "they talk about poop it's gross!" or "it's a disgrace to LBT!". If you are going to judge this show harshly, do so by its own merits, not through comparison or by the clip provided at the start of this topic. Judging this show just by that episode is unfair.

I apologize if I offended anyone.


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I'm not even going to respond to such a hostile post, except by saying I did watch more than just was linked in the first post. I did not like it, and the post was directed towards people who thought the same. Also,
Who are you... Can you give a good reason?... And don't say... If you are going to judge this show harshly, do so by...
Please don't talk down to me. It doesn't get you anywhere.


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I don't feel I was being hostile. I just simply wanted you to give the show a fair judgment. If you had said something like "I feel LBT is better", that would have been fine. But what bothered me about your post is not only the harsh judgment you gave Dinosaur Train without providing any reason, but you pretty much telling people not to show Dinosaur Train to others and instead show LBT. I felt that was unfair.


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Quote from: Campion1,Sep 30 2010 on  08:23 PM
Listen guys.  Just show them LBT instead of this crap. We gotta continue the legacy, even if it's "old!"
Oh, for God's sake... and who says kids can't enjoy both?


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Quote from: DarkHououmon,Sep 30 2010 on  09:44 PM
But what bothered me about your post is not only the harsh judgment you gave Dinosaur Train without providing any reason, but you pretty much telling people not to show Dinosaur Train to others and instead show LBT. I felt that was unfair.
It isn't wrong of you to ask me to provide reasons for not liking it. But I haven't watch the show in a long time... I'm not digging again to rewatch it. The main point is I felt negative about the show compared to other shows that PBS aired. The "people" I directed that comment to was everyone in the thread who didn't like the show, and didn't want other kids watching it. As in uncle of a lot of children (New and growing) I tend to change the channel to something more substantial for them to watch as compared to a lot of other stuff TV airs. I recommended them showing LBT compared to this because well... This is an LBT forum after all. I think all kids should watch LBT at some point anyway.

Personally, I think adding "I feel" before everything doesn't soften an matter-of-fact attitude. You may not have thought you were "being hostile" but your post was written in a very demeaning way. Of course that would make me feel a little off, but that can't determine an entire mindset.

and who says kids can't enjoy both?
No one, but we can control what our kids watch. That is the point. I would rather have my kids watch something like "Martha speaks" while others would have their kids watch "Sid the Science kid" (Which I despise)


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The "people" I directed that comment to was everyone in the thread who didn't like the show, and didn't want other kids watching it

Which is insanely asinine in and of itself. What gives you guys the right to dictate what kids can watch and can't watch? Especially when they're not YOUR kids. I don't like most Dreamworks movies, so should I make it so that kids can't watch them?

As in uncle of a lot of children (New and growing) I tend to change the channel to something more substantial for them to watch as compared to a lot of other stuff TV airs.

Well guess what? I'm an uncle too and I would gladly watch this show with my niece if she ever wanted to watch it. And what exactly do you consider more "substantial"?

I recommended them showing LBT compared to this because well... This is an LBT forum after all.

...That makes no sense.

I think all kids should watch LBT at some point anyway.

LISTEN!! Not all kids are going to like LBT!! What if a kid likes Dinosaur Train better? You gonna tell them they're wrong for thinking it's better?

I plan on showing LBT to my niece once she's older(maybe about three or four), but guess what? I'm also going to show her Dinosaur Train. Don't like it? Too bad. It's my niece, not yours.


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If I may jump on this topic...

I happen to agree with Animeboye on this one.  I do believe what we've got here is a classic case of misinterpretation.  Emotionless text is the poorest form of communication, due to the fact that emotions cannot be wholly discerned within a mere paragraph or two.  It takes vocal communication at least, or even better, a real-life encounter, to determine the true emotions and "attitudes" of others.  Which causes me to raise the question: Campion1, what words exactly do you suppose that DarkHououmon used to be "hostile" towards you?  Just because she used a few isolated words here and there to describe what is, in her mind, the equivalent of a fair judgment?  If that's true hostility, then I dread to read any more.  However, I must disagree with your assessment of her character from a mere few posts.  At the very least, a few exclamation points here and there could have shown some hostility, but a few opinionated words here and there does not necessarily constitute a hostile attitude.  Any idea of hostility that could conceivably be formed, without plausible evidence (exclamation points, threatening words, etc.) must surely be the result of the person reading the post, not the person writing it.  It is sadly common for people these days to hear a "voice" in their head, to attempt to determine what emotions are being displayed by a poster, but is that really, truly, the "voice" of the other person?  More often than not, it is not the case at all.  Therefore, it is the concoction of the reader.  Without getting to know the person in real life, or at least, without being able to hear the other person speak these same words, emotion cannot be fully established, and therefore a full assessment of a person's character or attitude, based upon said text alone, is a sad failure indeed.
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Guys!  Please settle down!

All I said was that I felt this episode was gross. Everyone has their own opinion.

And I started this thread several months ago.. not just now.

(I didn't intend to have 2 people fighting each other with a reply battle)

Please settledown. :(  I understand.. there are kids out there who like (or would like) Dinosaur train over LBT.

Do I enjoy watching dinosaur train? Yeah.

Do I love LBT more than dinosaur train?  Yes.

I was just talking about the "poop"episode.  The whole cartoon series is pretty good to watch  (considering that LBT is NOT on any of the t.v. channels I get anymore)

Yes.. none of the 13 movies or the t.v. series are on.....  I can't find any LBT on any channel I get anymore.  Which is a very very sad fact.  :( :(

But please stop fighting.  I'm sorry if my topic was too nasty or disturbing.

And my apologies to any dinosaur train fans here.  I just thought the "poop" episode specifically was gross.

Sorry.  :(


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I don't carry any personal hatred towards any of you, even though I might disagree with you guys.

Quote from: Animeboye,Sep 30 2010 on  10:27 PM
Which is insanely asinine in and of itself. What gives you guys the right to dictate what kids can watch and can't watch? Especially when they're not YOUR kids. I don't like most Dreamworks movies, so should I make it so that kids can't watch them?
Because we're raising them...? You're an uncle too, right? I mean, you've actually had to watch them for an entire week, take care of them, play with them, feed them, etc...
Well guess what? I'm an uncle too and I would gladly watch this show with my niece if she ever wanted to watch it. And what exactly do you consider more "substantial"?
So you are. I'm sure there's some children's shows you would object to your niece watching?
Quote from: Animeboye,Sep 30 2010 on  10:27 PM
I recommended them showing LBT compared to this because well... This is an LBT forum after all.

...That makes no sense.
It kinda would, considering we all joined this site for our love of LBT.
LISTEN!! Not all kids are going to like LBT!! What if a kid likes Dinosaur Train better? You gonna tell them they're wrong for thinking it's better?
Children like just about anything.
I plan on showing LBT to my niece once she's older(maybe about three or four), but guess what? I'm also going to show her Dinosaur Train. Don't like it? Too bad. It's my niece, not yours.
Well ok dude. It's your choice. I'm not out to get you and your opinion.