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A Song in the Forest

Akiko Okami

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Okay, this is just a little idea I came up with after speaking with Arvens of off topic roleplay, I really enjoyed the new years thread and may continue to post there as well. It seems many others posted a lot after I had to leave though, *lol* How do you all feel about some serious rp as well? I’m gonna start off with this plot idea, set in the northern wilderness. We could do other rps like it as well, African, Asian, and of course Prehistoric with dinosaurs! I never did join in the land before time rp because I honestly feel more comfortable using original characters. Alright, now on to the roleplay.


It was a cool, crisp morning and the sun’s rays seemed to dapple through the trees and dance upon the forest floor in gorgeous patterns. The scent of wildflowers was strong in these lands and the terrain appeared painted with colors, soft shades of emerald and dark pine green. A nearby waterfall added to the chorus of birds and insects as it flowed into the stream that outstretched throughout the woods. It was in a group of tall pines that a flash of movement was seen between the towering trees. A sleek young timber wolf, her fur a swirled with shades of grey and her ears tinted in a soft woodsy brown. Perhaps she was chasing something, or maybe she was just running for the sole enjoyment of being free, tasting the wild in a way like most could never imagine.

Akiko came to slow as she leapt overtop a large log, claws clicking quietly as her nose would twitch to pick up some unseen scent. Her ears would perk forward with curiosity and interest and her tail would sway to and fro after her. Something or someone had caught hold of her sensitive nose, and she looked pretty determined to find out just what it was. Peering out from the shadowed trees, her amber brown eyes reflecting like orbs, she scanned the horizon for several moments. Her jaws parted open to allow her tongue to loll out over her jaws as a grin was pulled across her muzzle. She had spotted it, the thing that she had smelled...a warren of rabbits. Now, to most wolves this would spell dinner.

Akiko was a strange wolf though, her petite size suggesting she was hardly more than a pup, although she was as tall as most adult wolves. The look of playfulness and excitement that she held in her eyes gave away her true persona, an overgrown pup. Taking only a few moments, her glance shifting to the spot she would run to, she leapt from her standing pose and out into the open of the field. Her tail almost seemed to spin in circles with a hyper energy as she neared the scent. Finally she would slow to a trot, padding closer until the scent of rabbit overtook her senses, from there she would use her eyes. The wolf knew that these creatures were swift runners and excellent at hiding amongst their surroundings. They would probably have no idea that they wolf merely wanted to play. As she continues her search, she kept her hyper grin upon her maw, as some sort of sign that she only wanted to make friends.


There we have it, I post novels I know...sorry about that. Feel free ëta join in guys.^^


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Arvens cautiously poked his nose out of his burrow.  Everything smelled so clean after the morning rain.  He could still hear the last drops falling from leaf to leaf as squirrels darted about in the trees.  That sound was touching, but also masking--of sounds of other animals--those that ate rabbits.

Smelling no danger, and hearing nothing more than the pitter patter of the water, Arvens decided to leave for a while--alone--and went off to try and find something decent to eat.  The rain would help lessen the need for any additional water source so a quick meal, and then back under cover to safety.

Nibbling on a small patch of grass under an old oak, he hears the movement of another creature nearby.  Like any rabbit would do, he froze, and continued to listen, catching every sound, and seeing anything that moved.  Arvens did see what was making the noise as it came closer - a gray wolf pup.  It didn't appear to be hunting, but you could never tell with carnivores--specifically young ones.  For the time being, he decided just to do what rabbits do best when they're frightened or confused--freeze and observe.

Akiko Okami

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Akiko would come to a pause, her front right leg held up in mid step as her eyes seemed to be searching for something. The fawn hue of tree bark and leaves that littered the field would serve as extra camouflage for the rabbit and give an extra struggle for the wolf. Pulling an ear back slightly in frustration, she would let her nose guide her, cautiously taking a step forward. The chatter of noise from the trees distracted her hearing a little, but she kept on her quiet hunt. It was the gleam from the lapine's eye that finally caught her attention and sent her moving in the right direction. With a playful leap, she ran up to the little rabbit, dancing around him in a half circle before greeting him.

A soft bark like noise was heard as she lowered her front half, rear sticking in the air to sway in motion with her ever moving tail. She appeared to greet him as she would a fellow wolf, almost. Giving a well known play bow before standing and swinging her forepaw at him softly, "Hello there!" she grinned from ear to ear, "I'm Akiko," she continued quickly, "I thought you were a leaf! Who are you?" She questioned, seeming to make it known that she was no threat, if anything she seemed quite unaware of the fact that this creature was on her kind's menu. Then again, he may think she were merely 'playing with her food', although she showed no signs of attempting to harm the rabbit.

The wolf would continue acting a little 'too' friendly towards the creature, sniffing at his face and perhaps getting her jaws full of fangs a little too close for comfort. She acted as if she would easily become close friends and that he would surely feel the same way. Then again, she greeted almost all the creatures of the forest in this manner...and sometimes that didn't go over too well. Like the time she'd run up to a young bear searching through the bushes for food, her hyperactive greeting was met with an angry snarl and a warning shown by a swing of powerful claws. From then on she usually kept to the...little creatures, although they usually ran from her. Perhaps this time things would go better and he'd not run the second he saw the chance too.


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Arvens continues to hold still as the wolf nears him obviously spotting him.  The wolf comes very close, hopping about.  The rabbit still does not move, uncertain of her intentions.  When she asks about him, he has no intentions of answering.  Carnivores asking questions often want to find out where you live just to snack on those when they pop their heads out of the burrows.

He blinked, the first move.  It was no secret he was spotted and it couldn't hurt to move around a bit.  He just stared at the wolf, but didn't answer her question outright.

"What's it to you?" he asked in return, tensing to run if it came down to it.  

Rabbits were never to careful about giving away information to carnivores, even if they appeared friendly at first glance.  If nothing else, only one rabbit would be lost rather than an entire warren under seige if the carnivore should kill and ask around if they knew of 'such and such' thereby finding the warren all because of one name.  They learned over the generations it was safer not to say anything about who anyone was or if they were far from their home or why they were outside of their burrows.  

It was no different with a playful wolf pup.

Akiko Okami

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The timber wolf would tilt her head to the side, giving the lapine a curious and almost confused look as he didn't seem nearly as outgoing as she was. Perhaps she should've expected this though, most creatures either ignored her or got angry. For a moment she would lower her head, tail drooping in turn, moving from left to right in a slow, disappointed manner. At hearing the rabbit speak, she immediately jerked her head up again. Her tail returned to it's hyper sways and she merely laughed in a child like way at his question, "Well I tolja my name, so it's only fair, right!" she pushed her cold nose against his ear as if to urge him to speak up more before she leapt away a few inches. It seemed the playful youngster simply couldn't stand to not continue her hyper dance. Her eyes would dance with curiosity as she stood near the rabbit, “Oh, let me guess! It’s...” she paused, and after a few moments she grinned and continued, “It’s Leaf! Am I right? ë look like a leaf and all!” She laughed softly at this guess, at times it was apparent that despite her lofty appearance she was far too young to be alone and not in the safety of a pack.

If Akiko were brought up within a normal pack she may never have been this outgoing towards a species she would normally consider prey. Had her mother never left her and her brother alone in that den so long ago she would've put instincts first, but an unusual course of events in her early puphood had done their work with the wolf. She had a strange taste for berries and an even stranger fondness of creatures that she, as a predator, should regard as little more than food. Nevertheless, her persona was naturally friendly and if she were to pry at the rabbit information on his warren it would only be so she could meet his friends...not eat them. Of course, he probably wouldn't believe that, very few took Akiko's story seriously...then again, very few ever heard it either.

As the trees seem to swing around them, a gust of air would carry a few stray leaves across the lush field, and this would only cause the wolf to increase her grin as she awaited a response from the rabbit, always grinning with the naivety and innocence of a pup.


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Arvens wasn't sure what to do next; never had he met a predator that took a few sniffs of a rabbit without the instinct to gobble it up on the spot.  This Akiko wasn't going to eat him, that much was certain, otherwise she would've done it already.  How much would this playful, naive, character keep secret if he at least gave a name?

"No my name isn't Leaf, it's Arvens," the rabbit spoke, rather uneasily.  If nothing else, he could always run off to another warren should this curious wolf turn on him and his warren.

He questioned again, "What's it to you?" still not having the answer he wanted.  To 'only be fair' was a queer answer, and Arvens was no fool.  There was something more to this, and he wanted to know it.  He relaxed, no longer wanting to turn and bolt, and decided to give the wolf a chance to say why she really wanted his name.  He decided to nibble on the grass again to look busy, and to avoid the unnatural silence around them.


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The squirrel looked down upon the strange scene. H muttered to himself "Stripetail, you've got to do something."" Don't fall for the wolf's tricks Arvens. I 've seen many a guillable rabbit meet its end that way.": The squirrel hopped the tree and stood before the wolf. " Run now. I'll hold him off." He held a stick in front of him, which he would use if the wolf made a move.
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The rabbit stared at the squirrel that had come down from the tree.  He clearly uderstood the squirrel, but decided to revert to a herbivorous dialect - one that all the herbivores knew, but carnivores couldn't decipher.

"Had she wanted to eat me I would've been eaten already," he noted to the squirrel.  "I don't think this playful pup will hurt me.  If she tries, I'll give her something she won't forget anythime soon."

He turned back to the wolf, knowing she didn't understand a word of it, and still awaited a response on why she wanted his name.


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"Very well, I'll stand down." Stripetail said. He lowered his stick. " I'll keep an eye on her just in case. Your move Arvens."
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Akiko Okami

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Akiko yipped, turning to Arvens at his question...she simply looked even more confused, “I just...wanted to know, that’s all. You have a cool name!” she commented, and because of the way she was raised she probably knew nothing of how some predators would use certain information to sniff out an entire warren. The wolf’s sharp eyes had caught a branch shift as the squirrel jumped down with them, and her ears immediately perked forward. Lifting her forepaws as she danced from side to side, her tail would continue it’s furious spinning. Perhaps just from pure excitement, her tongue lashed out across her nose before it was allowed to loll back over her fangs in a grin. This may not have been the sign the poor herbivores were looking for, they may take it as a suggestion that she’s hungry. Nevertheless, she appeared insanely amused as the squirrel held up the stick and a laugh escaped her jaws, “Iëm playing a trick? Whatës the stick for? Oh! You wanna play! Alright!” either she ignored the squirrel’s protective tone towards the rabbit and obvious distrust of her or she was just too naive to get it. Every now and then she would lower her front half again, pawing at the grass as if to encourage the squirrel to throw the stick for her or something.

In truth, she was trying to ignore the words of warning, although it was natural for these creatures to fear her kind it somehow made her feel slightly rejected. She would never show that though, always hiding any upset with a grin and a laugh. She tilted her head to the side as Arvens turned to speak to the squirrel in a tongue she simply couldn’t understand. Giving a confused look she leaned her head in closer, straining to understand although her efforts were pointless, “ this some sorta’ ësecret code’?” she said in a hushed tone, her face right up to them now. She grinned, showing a glimpse of her fangs as she did so, “I can talk in secret languages too, lemme make up the next!” she squirmed, her eyes shifting towards the squirrel again, “Oh, and I didnët catch your name...Iëm Akiko! You guys are fun ëta play chase with yëknow...but I always wondered if you got tired of being chased about you chase me instead!,” She paused at this, craning her neck so that her muzzle turned sideways and with great ease, she very gently opened her jaws and placed them around the tiny stick that the squirrel held.

It was strange how careful she was not to hit him with her mouth in the least, of course this was surely a terrifying image for the poor squirrel and perhaps the rabbit who sat near him as well. “See if ya can get the stick from me!” she laughed through grit teeth, tugging softly as she tried to pry the stick from the squirrel’s paw. This was probably too easy, although she seemed to put very little strength into it. It was as if she were trying to get Stripetail to pull back in some strange game of tug of war. Her amber eyes seemed to shift from Arvens to Stripetail and back again, showing only an extreme playful nature in her expression.

ooc: sorry for the lag in response guys, my computer had crashed again. >.< I'm here now though, and yay nick! You're character's really fun! I'm glad you joined in.^^

I'll post again soons.


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Arvens' eyes shifted a bit at the response.  Play?  Carnivores play?  Play with their food perhaps, but never had he seen a carnivore play as in a fun time with another.  No herbivore would ever have a reason to look for such a behavior.  Looking at Akiko starting to grab the stick from the squirrel all the while saying that herbivores have to try and get a stick from her.  It was all so odd.  Herbivores taking things from carnivores....herbivores chasing carnivores was even more unnatural yet.

"Play?" questioned the rabbit.  "You simply want to play?  You're not hungry or anything at all?"

He had already figured that the wolf wasn't hungry but any length of activity could easily make her so, that could not be overlooked.  So long as there was no danger to his warren Arvens saw no reason why he couldn't try to get along with a playful wolf pup.  After all, maybe there was a lot to learn about wolf habits that could very well be an evolutionary phase in further protection from them when they weren't so friendly.

Arvens didn't really feel like running after a carnivore for he probably would never be allowed in the warren again if anyone was to see that.  Uncertain of what constituted as 'play' to a wolf, he jumped on her back and starting scratching her softly as she continued to playfully tug on the squirrels stick.

Akiko Okami

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The wolf continued to tug softly at the stick, her teeth clenched tightly around it in a firm grasp as she shifted her eyes to Arvens. “Actually yea, I’m a little hungry...” she said, again in a muffled tone as her mouth was occupied with the stick. Her next words would probably confuse the poor creatures even worse, “...perhaps after we play we can find us some fresh berries! I saw a lovely patch not far from here...gotta watch out for that grumpy bear though! He simply refuses to play with me!” she felt the edge of her mouth pull into a grin as she returned her attention to the squirrel, “...Now, gimme my stick poofi-tail!” she laughed in a hushed tone at her little name for Stripetail. It wasn’t until she felt something jump atop her back until she finally jerked her head up, probably either taking the stick from the squirrel or taking the stick and the squirrel depending on whether or not Stripetail had continued to hold onto it.

She turned her head to try and get a glimpse of the rabbit who now sat upon her back, her tail swaying to and fro in itës own hyper manner. “Hey! You’re suppose ëta chase me, not ride me!” she laughed, resisting the urge to roll onto her back...she figured that’d not be a good idea at the moment. Instead she ran in a half circle, as if trying to chase her own tail. Laughing she would attempt to chase the lapine even though he sat safely in a place where she couldn’t reach him. Arven’s claws didn’t seem to annoy her much, although they may have been the reason she was laughing so much.

Her choice in food was sure to shock them, and yet she found nothing strange about it at all...of course, instinct to eat meat was only natural for her. However, the predator found it impossible to hunt and took to picking at the scraps that others left. In some ways she was more like a coyote or fox in this sense, sniffing at the leftovers. As a young pup she and her brother had found that berries made a great snack for when times were tough. Even when her memories of this were cleared she was reintroduced to the treat when she was taken in by her adoptive mother of sorts. So the sweet snack was to her like a sort of comfort food, something she’d always enjoyed and still did, and it remained her top choice for when she was hungy...much more preferred than rabbit or squirrel any day, and of that she was certain.


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As the wolf squirmed about, either by excessive hyperness or his scratching, Arvens was certain he heard the wolf say something he had never heard in his life.  Berries?  Wolves would more readily go for berries when there is easily fresh mean literally dangling in front of her?  

All rabbits knew that the carnivores survived on whatever they could find in the winter, including twigs and berries if it came down to it.  However, it was just the end of the summer season, with autumn along the way; only foxes were readily known to eat anything at any time of the year; were wolves all of sudden following their canine cousins in terms of feeding habits that rabbits had overlooked?

Pushing the thought aside, he stopped scratching long enough to pose the wolf another question, "You want to find berries?  Now?"  Hopefully she understood it's not so much that Arvens didn't like her.  Indeed, what herbivore wouldn't like a carnivore that wouldn't give so much a thought as to eat you on the spot?  It was

(ooc: Nick, we're pausing for you to catch up and make your move)


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Hmm." Stripetail thought to himself." This wolf is only a pup,and a strange one at that." He spoke aloud. "So you want to play? So be it. Give me the stick." He grabbed the stick, and turned his back toward Akiko. He muttered a strange word over the stick.'Terisine.'   He threw the stick as far as he could. "Go get it!"
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Akiko Okami

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Akiko continued her hyperactive dance for a few moments, until she finally caught her tail between her jaws. Her eyes would widen on the spot, as if shocked that succeeding in her game would hurt so much. Giving a snort, her ears pinned tightly against her head, she let go of her tail and turned her gaze again to the lapine. “Sure, why not!” she responded in her usual cheerful tone, ears returning to their normal upright position. She paused, looking Arvens over for a few moments, “Oh, you can come too of course! It’s much easier to find the juicy ones if you work in a team!” and with those words at least one of her natural instincts was shown, she was a team player and even though she’d had little interaction with other wolves growing up, she preferred not to be alone. She would turn to anyone for a friend and could easily consider them her pack mate. It was the squirrel that caught her ear next and she shifted to glance at him again.

At Stripetail’s words the wolf felt a grin spread across her muzzle and her tail was lifted upright, swaying to and fro at his suggestion. “Yea! Let’s play! Then we can go search for some snacks!” Her tone rarely seemed to change from the playful voice she was using at the moment. If it ever did, she would surely never let anyone know this. Appearing to forget that the rabbit still sat upon her back, she lowered into a play bow again, muscles flexing as she kept her eyes locked on the squirrel...and the stick he held in his claws. The second he threw it, she lunged up, turning sharply and racing after the stick. Unless Arvens would decide to jump off, he would probably get taken along with her for a wild ride. A playful growl was heard as she ran, her paws sprawling out in front of her, and it wasn’t long before she had caught up with the stick. She clamped it tightly in her jaws and came racing towards the squirrel again.

Although the wolf would know little of how humans played this very same game with her cousins, she found it quite fun. She found it a shame for just her to be the one to get to chase this little toy, so as soon as she arrived in front of the squirrel again, forepaws lifting in her little dance, she dropped it at his paws, “That was really fun! How about I throw it for you this time?” she suggested, and only now did she remember the lapine on her back, looking around she would turn to see where he’d gotten to or if in fact he was still clinging to her fur. Perhaps she was amusement to these little herbivores, and if she was she probably wouldn’t mind in the least. They tolerated her, didn’t laugh at her, and even played with her...and for that she considered them long term and great friends already. She was sure that the wolves she’d met a few days ago would think her insane for how she acted now, they already found her strange for the way that she thought about things. She even found herself questioning if the deer herd she’d stayed with would find this interaction odd. For some reason, although these thoughts came to her, it didn’t seem to matter much...the idea of asking these creatures to start a pack even teased at her mind this moment, although she hesitated on asking this for now.


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Before he quite knew what was happening, the squirrel had thrown his stick and Akiko had turned sharply.  To avoid being thrown off, and possibly stepped on, Arvens held on for dear life as the wolf jumped and ran after it.  A wild ride it was.  He had run faster before, but it was always in the state of danger....he never ran that fast just for pleasure.  It was an entirely different feeling as the wind blew threw his fur, and he actually had time to acknowledge and feel its presence.

Claws dug into the deep fur as the wolf made another strong turn, Akiko had returned to the tree with the same playful trot as before.  This wolf was definitely an odd character.  She didn't eat meat, rather would turn to vegetation and ruffage than a little bunny.  She played with anyone she came in contact with.  She sure knew how to give a prejudiced rabbit a new outlook on the saying "feeling the wind in your face".  She was certainly one in a million.

As the wolf asked if the squirrel would chase the stick, Arvens gave a slight chuckle at the thought considering the bush tails were more at home in trees than on the ground.  Quickly looking around to make sure no rabbits were around, he climbed up on her head and whispered in her ear, "I'll go fetch it; I haven't felt the wind in my face for pleasure."  Sometimes the simplest things in life made a world of difference for those who experienced them.  Arvens was discovering that for the first time in his rather black and white life; a gray area was beginning to form.


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Stripetail chuckled."No. I don't play with sticks. Not becoming of my rank, but Arvens appears as through he would like to go get it." He threw the stick again, even further than he had the last time. "After you catch it, we'll get something to eat." His hunch had been right, the wolf was dangerous. the only danger they had to fear was being overplayed with. Stripetail smiled tu himself.
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Like a silly pup, the rabbit leaped off of the wolf's back to go grab the stick.  There it was--the wind, the feeling he had longed for all over again.  Whistling through his ears, blowinging through his whiskers, passing by his face, it was a moment to enjoy.  

So wrapped up in his daydream he ran right past the stick thrown by the squirrel.  Only when he realized he was supposed to take the stick back did he halt to look for it, and didn't see it.  He could see the squirrel and the wolf watching him, probably laughing for all their worth.  With no stick, he returned to the two creatures; if nothing else he wouldn't look too foolish to anyone that might be spying, as he didn't appear to be playing a game, but rather warning the squirrel.


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'you didn't get the stick Arvens. Oh well, Let's get something to eat. Follow Me." Stripetail turned and flew through the trees stooping only when he had reached a large oak. He motioned Arvens inand said to Akiko"Wait here". Inside there was a large collection of verious nuts. " He smiled. " The acorns are the best, Help yourself.'
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A large, black rabbit, InlÈ-rah, hopped peacefully over the dry leaves, beneath the forest underbrush.  Having no warren of her own, she was a wanderer, inclined to helping others whom she met along her travels.  Now and again she would pause and sniff the air, then continue hopping along.  She came to the edge of a forest clearing, where the sun shone down on her glossy black fur and seemed to ignite the shimmering silver stripe which started between her bright green eyes and ended behind her ears.  She stood up to her full height, which was almost equal to a hare.  Despite her size, she still retained the graceful and softer features of a typical doe, without any of a buck's stockiness.  

Suddenly InlÈ heard a sound right beside her, and she startled.  Looking to her right, she saw that the sound had been caused by a dropping stick.  She sniffed the air again, and this time caught the scent of another rabbit, a buck.  Following the scent, she stopped suddenly, amazed at what she saw.  The buck had met up with a squirrel who, seemingly oblivious and calm, was sitting dangerously close to a wolf.  What was strange was that the wolf seemed to be carrying on a conversation with the herbivores.

A trick perhaps? thought InlÈ.  Being a rabbit, she was familiar with tricks, and knew that carnivores often played them as well on their unsuspecting prey.  She kept her distance and watched, incredulous, from under the shelter of a briar patch.