The Gang of Five
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Character info?

Petrie · 76 · 30920


  • The Gang of Five
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I have a pair of characters which might be useful in a future RPG. I will give each on its own post. Note that these are Dungeons and Dragons-style characters, but can be used elsewhere in a fantasy-type setting.

Name: Adykon
Species: Dracon (human-sized bipedal sentient race with dragon's blood, horns, scales, claws, tails, and fangs, but no wings.)
Age: 30
Gender: Male
Height: 6'6
Weight: 210
Eye Color: Green
Skin Color: Reddish
Clothing: Plate Mail Armor, pants, helmet, holster.
Weapons: Greatsword, knife.

Abilities: Acid breath (like all Dracons), field command, close combat, limited smithing skills (for weapons maintainance), goat herding (see bio),

Character Traits: Tough, strong, harsh, slow to anger, calm, logical under most circumstances, good tactical sense.

Bio: Hailing from the wilderness, Adykon was raised as a goat herder for most of his youth. When he was old enough to fight, he was conscripted into the army of a local lord and sent to fight against the forces of a neighboring region. Having distinguished himself in war, Adykon quickly rose through the ranks to become an officer, but after the war ended, cutbacks were made to the army, and Adykon found himself having to hire his services out as a mercenary. He is a skilled warlord, and has experience both fighting alone and as part of a unit.


  • The Gang of Five
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Here is the second character.

Name: Rhiga
Species: Dracon
Age: 23
Gender: Female
Height: 5'6
Weight: 130 lbs
Eye Color: Blue
Skin Color: Reddish with with pale yellow belly, underside, soles, and palms.
Clothing:Loincloth, top, holsters for daggers.
Weapons: Two daggers.

Abilities: Acid breath, picking locks, climbing, balancing, throwing knives, melee combat with daggers, sneaking.

Character Traits: Crafty, deceitful, hedonistic, relativist, sensual, stealthy. Does not stay in one place very long. Travels lightly.

Bio:Born in the Dracon city of Hekaga, Rhiga's early life was one of poverty, having been raised by her mother alone, as neither she nor her mother knew who her father was. Her mother was a dancer, and taught this skill to her daughter. Even with steady work, Rhiga was often unable to make both ends meet due to her low wages and the fact that few other occupations are open to females in Dracon lands. Her brother was a thief who taught her how to steal if she needed to get more than she was being paid. For a couple of years, Rhiga was able to steal from rich Dracons who hired her to perform for their feasts. Because many guests arrive at such events, it would be difficult to pin the blame on any one individual if the host discovered that some of his valuables were stolen. Unfortunately, Rhiga's luck ran out when she attempted to steal from the prince of Hekaga. While she managed to escape, she cannot safely return to the city, and thus, she hit the road, and has gained experience since her flight from the Hekaga. Rhiga is a mid-level rogue who is currently on the run from the law of her home city.

Note: Dracons have claws and horn instead of hair and nails. Dracons have three fingers and a thumb on each hand, and three toes and a spur on each foot. They never use footwear. Dracons are omnivores, but prefer meat when possible.


  • Petrie
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Angela is described as one of the most bizarre members of the group ever. Her behavior is psychotic, erratic, and unpredictable to a point where everyone takes a lot of caution around her and she states her number one thing to do is to kill whoever steps in the way of the decon. Despite her erratic behavior she's very nice and sweet to everyone in the group. She's blue colored and has a white underside, along with a light green colored mane. She has white claws and two horns that appear out of the back of her head, which she's one of ten alimons in the decon that has this feature and finally blue eyes.

Credits go to DarkHououmon.


  • Ducky
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Name: Evelyn Harper
Gender: Female
Age: 21
Species: Human

Evelyn looks very much to be a normal human girl and has lived like one for most of her life. She had planned to become a gymnist, but her height caused her to give up that dream and she now works as a waitress.

She has an item known as the Decadriver in her possession. The device seems to have some sort of legendary status to it and thus Evelyn as its wielder is also seen as the one who was destined to use it. She has mastered using the device when fighting off the monsters in her home city and has become quite a skilled fighter over time and coupled with the Decadriver's power becomes an even more formidible foe.

She is rather serious personality wise and occasionally a little shy. She often gets herself involved in other people's disputes when she tries to stop them. She can be very harsh to those who commit wrongs.


  • Petrie
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Lance is a mysterious evil alimon that doesn't know right from wrong and is a member of the decon. He often goes on rampages often killing or beating random victims whenever he feels like it. He has even attacked members of the group as well and nearly killed one of them. His face has been scarred from a fire that he got into and has a couple of cuts on his body. Lance is nearly the same size as Cj in his alimon form, wears a red and black colored helmet that covers his scarred face, which has now recovered, but he hasn't taken off that helmet still and hasn't talked ever since the fire, but eventually does. Lance is a red colored with dark blue stripes on his body, plus has black eyes and it takes a while longer to tire him out or knock him out in a fight. He also possess powers that allow him to set things on fire and has other powers that surprises everyone else. Despite the fact he has attacked others in the group everyone has been able to cope dealing with him and is close friends with Jak and Cj.  

Credits go to DarkHououmon.


  • Petrie
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Arren is the most mysterious member of the decon. She is Blue colored with a green underside that runs from under her mouth to the end of her tail and finally has a purple colored mane. She wears a green helmet that has three black marks on it similar to Lance. She also loves to fight and play around with the others. Despite the fact she eats meat she also like to eat flowers as well and also has began taking a liking and loving to Lance. When the two are together they are happy and also shows Lance's kind and gentle side. :wub  :wub

Credits go to DarkHououmon.


  • Petrie
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Species:Leopard Seal

Laury is a female leopard seal that has been spending most of her time either in the Arctic sea or other bodies of water. Since she's a leopard seal she can be aggressive at anytime and she can sometimes be stubborn, but overall she is a very kind seal and will often help out in anyway. Laury is unusually large for a leopard seal, she's 44 feet long and weighs 7550 pounds and has rows of sharp teeth that she uses when she's hunting penguins, other seals, and sharks alike. She's muscular, with a dark gray back and light gray on her stomach and her throat is whitish with the black spots and had a black eyes.


  • Petrie
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Name:Moby Dick Junior
Species:Sperm Whale

Moby Dick Junior is the son of Moby Dick who had killed captain Ahab and all, but one of his crew. Unlike his dad he grew much faster hitting 100 feet long and weighing nearly 190 tons at young age. He has been known to be just as aggressive as his dad was and had drowned and killed people before. He is a rare albino sperm whale and has some scars from fights in the past, he was recently excepted into a pod full of sperm whales and when he's needed will travel alone.


  • Petrie
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Mitch also called by others in the decon Oddjob is someone that  organizes and carries out assassins and plots against enemies of the decon. He also is in command of the rest of the decon when they are not together and he does a very good job of doing things right. He has negative feelings toward anyone who has betrayed him in the past and if he's every reminded he will snap at anyone about it. Even though he is very nice to everyone else and will often take care of any of the injured if necessary. Mitch is very good at unarmed combat, which is very weird for an alimon. He is white colored with a light blue underside which runs the entire length of his body, his back also has light blue stripes as well along with his claws, and his some of his feathers are also light blue while the rest are white. He has green colored eyes.

Credits go to DarkHououmon.


  • Spike
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Name: Hooter
Gender: Male
Age: (In Dino Years? Um...Young Adult?)
Species: Hollowhorn

A peaceful, solitary dinosaur, Hooter has lived in the Great Valley for as long as he can remember. In fact, he can only remember back to his arrival. Before the events of the first film, Hooter was travelling with his herd to safe lands. However, an unexpected attack by Sharpteeth sent his herd into a panic. Hooter fled to the top of a cliff, where he lost his balance, and fell, inadvertantly causing a small rockfall. Discovered by several denizens of the valley, Hooter awoke with no recollection of anything, and found he had no idea who he was. The name "Hooter", actually a nickname, was given to him by a hatchling who caught him humming to himself while foraging. He then spent the next few weeks slowly regaining things forgotten, and building a home in the valley. Over the years, Hooter has managed to remember that he has a family, although he only remembers vague details, and that he has a knack for foraging. Hooter lives on the edge of a meadow in the valley, where he stores items of interest that he recovers during his day. Occasionally music is heard coming from his nest, as he hums (or hoots, more appropriately), and such sounds often signal his arrival to any area. He is not exactly outgoing, but he does turn up for the meetings of the herds.

*Hooter's family is alive, although he doesn't know it. They survived, and made it to another valley. Hooter's real name is Parry, and he was the head forager of their group.

(This may change, so far this is all I could think of.)


  • Spike
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Came up with some more!

Name: Mr. Spikehead (Rillo)
Gender: Male
Age: Elderly
Species: Styracosaurus

An elderly resident of the Great Valley, Mr. Spikehead, or Rillo, as he was known in his youth, lived in the valley nearly all his life, and as a result saw almost every danger that befell it, ranging from an attack by Sharpteeth that was repelled by a longneck, and a famine caused by locusts that caused many dinosaurs, including a large longneck herd, to evacuate to the then fertile east.

Over the years, Mr. Spikehead became a well-known voice at meetings, and was one of many dinosaurs who helped run things in the valley. He was one of the dinosaurs who found the confused Hooter in a pile of rubble, which prompted him to bring it up at a meeting, and attempt to resolve it*. He also spouted the odd quote of good advice, and occasionally retold events to those who asked.

Mr. Spikehead died of old age three years before the events of the first film. Although gone, the residents of the valley who knew him remember his presence and outspokenness.  

*The first night Hooter spent in the valley, he was unable to find a place to sleep, and he awoke Mr. Spikehead, ultimately begging to sleep near him, as he had spoken up for him in the meetings. Mr. Spikehead reluctantly agreed, and over time they became good friends, and Hooter made his nest nearby. Nowadays, Mr. Spikehead's nest has been empty for a while, but Hooter secretly keeps the area tidy.

(I know what you're thinking. A dead character? I know it sounds strange, but I have a vague idea of a story with some of my characters, involving him in flashbacks. I got the idea while thinking about future stories. For instance, a TV series or story about LBT (or anything, for that matter) taking place ten years later would have all the main chars ten years older, have some new characters, and some of the older characters would have passed away, but you'd still see them in flashbacks, and they'd be referred to, plus the audience would remember them from the old series. With Mr. Spikehead, I'm skipping the original series, and going straight for the remake, so all we know about him is what others remember. I think it could be interesting, if I can get it to work. I'm going to need to write a story about this.)

Name: Alim
Gender: Male
Age: Teenager/Young Adult
Species: Gallimimus (Rainbow Face)

Alim grew up outside the Great Valley, in an open terrain. After reaching maturity, he and his twin brother Elim (Okay, I know they’d all have been born at the same time, they were closer than the rest) set out to find a new place they could live in, as they had always been close. They travelled far from home, finding no place that suited them. Finally, they found themselves in a valley with nothing of notice other than a large longneck statue. Heading into the valley, they were taken by surprise and attacked by a Sharptooth. Alim & Elim attempted to flee, and ended up running through the surrounding mountains. Alim was cornered, and in an attempt to eat him, the Sharptooth chomped on his leg. He was saved when Elim distracted the Sharptooth by hurling rocks at it and getting it to follow him deeper into the mountains. Alim crawled back to the valley on a wounded leg, and hid in a bush. He remained there for a week, only emerging to eat. Eventually, in an attempt to find safety, he crossed the nearby mountains, finding himself in the Great Valley. Distraught over the loss of his brother, Alim spent several weeks recuperating with several of the Valley’s residents. He recovered from his ordeal over time, although he still has a minor limp caused by the bite. His brother is most likely dead, but Alim hasn’t given up hope. However, fearful of Sharptooth attacks, he hasn’t left the Valley, and it is doubtful that he ever will.

I also have an idea for a travelling Pteranodon named Terro, but I haven't got many ideas for a story for him yet.

(I might edit both of these later, but this will do for now. I'm still not happy with the names of the Gallimimus twins.)


  • Petrie
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Duncan is a male Allosaurus that had a rough life with his evil older brother Dunkirk, who wanted to take over the great valley and make everyone's life in the valley miserable and would want nothing more, but to kill them all. Unlike his brother Duncan didn't want any part of his plans and left Dunkirk and met the Decon in, which he joined years before his brother begin plotting against the great valley. Duncan has saved Cj's life several times and Cj has done the same as well and the two are very close friends. Duncan's body is all white colored just like his brother, bu he's much taller and much stronger, but he never fought his brother due to the fact his brother would have him killed for it. He has green colored eyes, green colored boots and gloves. He is able to fire a white colored fireball at enemies, but he chooses not to as it would be an easy kill for him.


  • Petrie
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Todd just like everyone else is a mutated dinosaur, a black colored raptor that has red colored feathers, and red stripes on his arms and ankle, and has blue colored eyes. He wears black colored boots that are made for running and black colored gloves that both have long steel claws on them.

He was an evil raptor that killed many leaf-eaters that were trying to get in or out of the Great valley, until the Decon was sent to stop him and his deadly clan of raptors. Most of everyone in his clan were taken prisoners and Todd who had gotten seriously insane raptor tried to kill himself after he realized he was going to lose the battle and be taken prisoner as well and most likely executed by the Decon.

Fortunately Marol a gold colored alimon stopped him from killing himself and after hugging the insane raptor she told him he was too young to kill himself and that he had too much to live for.

 This convinced Todd to give up and Cj who was in a very good mood at the time spared Todd and his deadly clan of raptors from execution and he told Todd he and his raptor friends would need to get serious help though.

After that Todd and his raptor friends all merged with the Decon and he became friends with Marol and Cj. Todd is no longer considered the evil raptor he use to be he's now a very calm raptor, but he still can be cruel and vicious if he needs to.


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Gill is a longneck that is resourceful in most cases and can be a big help. He's green colored with a white under belly and has eight light blue colored spots on his back. His parents were born near the very dangerous and ominous Death valley and four years after he was born he lost both his parents to sharpteeth in the valley.

He wondered off and met several other longnecks who became his friend and they all formed a herd of young longnecks soon after meeting Gill. Ironically Gill had crossed paths with Littlefoot and his friends several times before while they were looking for the Great valley, but Littlefoot and his friends never saw Gill themselves.

Gill met Decon eight years after he was born and he and his herd all merged together with the Decon and at first Gill was suspicious of being in a group filled with sharpteeth, leaf-eaters, and fast biters, but after a while he accepted them as his friends as well and things have been well for him since.


  • Petrie
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Name: Blitz
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Species: Frog

A light blue and white colored frog with the ability to run at lightning fast speed (hence his name) who has come to the Great Valley from Sonic the Hedgehog's world through Chaos Control (the ability to warp time and space), using two Chaos Emeralds. He goes on all sorts of adventures and almost always meets new friends along the way. Now, he meets up with Littlefoot and his friends, and immediately forms a new friendship with them, especially with Mo. Blitz has never been to the Great Valley before, so it's obvious that he isn't familiar with his new surroundings. However, since he is able to adapt to new environments, it actually won't be a problem for him to fit in with everyone else. He is also a good Swimmer, since he's a frog after all, and often goes swimming with Mo whenever they're together, which is most of the time. He is a Pyrokinetic kind of frog, which means he has control over fire. This time around, he probably won't be seen using this unique ability, except for his speed, of course. I forgot to mention that he has is equipped with two Super transformations that require the use of both the Chaos and Sol Emeralds, but they will not be seen for as long as Blitz is in the Great Valley.


  • Spike
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Name: Fang

Age: Same as Littlefoot

Species: Spinosaurus (sail-back, or blade-back which ever one it's called)

Look: Dark blue, navy blue sail, blue belly, fully red eyes, black claws, two slightly longer teeth that resemble sabre teeth in a way.

Bio: Fang has a bit of a split personality. He's friendly, kind, and helping on one hand. But in the other he's aggressive, anti-social and mean. Sometimes these personality overlap each other. He also thinks that sharpteeth are superior to leaf eaters.

Name: Nat

Age: Same as Fang

Species: Gigonotosaurus (sharptooth)

Look: Black, yellow stripes across his back that extend from 'plates' like that of the sharptooth from the 5th movie. White claws, fully yellow eyes.

Bio: Nat is Fang's friend and sometimes acts as the sense that Fang is lacking. He's calm most of the time and is nearly as friendly as Chomper although he'll happily eat another dinosaur. He often get's into small fights with Fang only because sharptooth nature tells him not to back down from his hot headed friend.

Those are two characters from one of my fictions.