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Tell Your Story About LBT

Petrie. · 173 · 70795


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Funny how familiar from own experience this sounds. Even the age of my own LBT "renaisance" was the same when it started in December 1998.


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Quote from: Malte279,Aug 5 2007 on  03:19 AM
Funny how familiar from own experience this sounds. Even the age of my own LBT "renaisance" was the same when it started in December 1998.
Wow, that¥s a bit strange.^^


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Quote from: Nimrod,Aug 5 2007 on  04:44 AM
Quote from: Malte279,Aug 5 2007 on  03:19 AM
Funny how familiar from own experience this sounds. Even the age of my own LBT "renaisance" was the same when it started in December 1998.
Wow, that¥s a bit strange.^^
What I wanted to say too is, that I haven¥t got many friends. The LBT series help me to forget it, cause it¥s about friendness.


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Well, when I was around 4 or so, I watched the first (and cried too). Then I got the little pizza hut puppets (which I lost), and then it went onto the sequels. I loved them, and even got some cute little LBT cereal spoons (which I gave to my older sister), and so on. Now, the only LBT merchandise I have is the first LBT movie, and I hope to never lose it.

Manny Cav

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I just did some research, and I believe my "renaissance" occurred somewhere between October 31, 2005, and August 22, 2005, mabey a little earlier than that.

EDIT: Hahaha, this is pretty weird. Judging from the birthdate on your profile and the date you gave for your renaissance, it looks like we were both 14 years of age when we had our renaissances. Pretty neat, eh?


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We are not the only ones. 14 seems to be an age of significance if it comes to rediscovering LBT. A lucky number :lol


  • Spike
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When enter this topic, became Grug. Grug tell story.

First time: Babysitter place Grug in front of TV, put in cassette. Repeat for II, III, IV and VI(damn shame Grug not see V in first run).

Second time: Youtube search, find tree star scene. Nostalgia strike, like club in face. Got series, same bad way as lbtl. Must get job, make purchase.

Moral of Story: Grug need use words more.



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This is my 1000th post, after 3 years in this board this is a long waited mark. To celebrate it I decided to dedicate this topic to telling how I came in contact with LBT.

I had seen the original movie a few times as kid, but I never gave that much importance to it, I remember when I was in the 2nd or 3rd grade and my teacher brought the video of The Land Before Time (Em Busca do Vale Encantado) for my class to watch, mostly because of me since I was the dinosaur nut, and my teacher really liked to support my "hobby".
Oh well, eventually it was December 1997, I was 9 years old, and RTP decided to show Jurassic Park for the first time, to celebrate it, they made December the DinoMonth, so each weekend they'd show a land before time sequel. The original, the time of the great giving and Journey Through the Mists. I watched them - 3 and 4 for the first time, and the original like it was the first time - I just enjoyed them so much, especially 4, since I taped, because it aired on a holiday and we went to this place, don't remember where, don't know why.
I was amazed by the movies and basically fell in love with the series. Since then I've been a Land Before Time fan, and it marked most of my childhood.
I'll end this post with my favourite all time quote from The Land Before Time:
"Some things you see with your eyes, others you see with your heart!"
I'm hip, I'm cool. I'm a happening fool


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I was four. We had the movie. I loved Dinosaurs. I watched the movie, and have never been able to let go. I still get choked up at Littlefoot's Mother's death scene. And I recently got the original from the library. Now the only problem is that I'm going to have to return it. I used to have all the movies up to 7, but my parents got rid of them all when I went into a short stage of "LBT ignoring". I regret that stage, cause now I don't have the movies anymore :cry .


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You could perhaps find them at ebay?
Up to the eight movie I have them as videos (and we don't have any working video player in our house any more), but I was very lucky to find all the LBT sequles which I didn't have for sell in a video store where the movies had apparently rarely been rent, so I got them very cheaply.


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I believe I was three when I first saw it. I was young then, though, and it was just a movie. When I got a little older, I felt it become more than a movie. I also began watching the sequels. It became an obsession at around seven.


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I saw it first, not sure which movie it was, on cartoon channel.   Could have been 3 or 4.  Not sure how long ago that was.  Was still an old foggie,  though a younger old foggie then now.  :)


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Lemme See here...
Saw it the first time when I was...dunno about 2-3, as I was a Huge Dinosaur nut.  Then I watched the later ones when I was about 12 at my Grandpa's house while babysitting my little step-cousisns, then got hooked in 8th grade when we watched it in Spanish.  That's about it, but I think I got hooked because of the music.


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I was born in 1991, and didn't learn about the movie until I was 4. I loved dinosaurs, so my mom got this for me to watch while my neighbor was babysitting me. I loved the movie so much, but it also gave me some nightmares with the T-Rex and all. Once the first sequal came out, I knew I just had to watch it. Every christmas after that, I would get every sequal until my mom stopped buying them for me because I got too old. Now, 8 years after I received LBT 6, the last movie of the franchise she would ever get me, I started missing my childhood movies. Luckily, I found a bittorent link that contained every LBT movie, minus the sing along songs, to date. Now I watch them, in secret so nobody can see me, and I have fallen back in love with it.


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Well, I was born in '88 so obviously I didn't see it then XD I don't exactly recall WHEN I saw the first movie, but I definitely saw it before the sequels. I had the VHS and I remember always liking it. Like many of you, I was big into dinosaurs when I was little (loved Jurassic Park and We're Back: A Dinosaur Story) so that was a major factor in my enjoyment. The death of Littlefoot's mother always made me cry. Nowadays, though, I usually only cry at the part where he thinks his shadow is his mom =( I can't stand people in mourning/denial. It breaks my heart.
I believe I only kept renting/buying the sequels up until 4. The only VHS I still own is tLBT III. I don't think we ever owned II, which is odd because I always adored Chomper.

Anyway, I kind of lost interest after that. Not in animation, but in the sequels. Although I went through a phase where I hated kid's movies, then a phase where I hated movies where they sing. Now...I love both of them XD I also like a lot of musicals so there you go. I wish more animated films would have character songs, I'm tired of the pop music injected into movies these days =\
In anycase, I thought it was ridiculous that there was so many sequels I'm not so sure XD I think the first four are cute, but I've yet to really see any ones after that (yeah, yeah, I know, I'm working on it XD). I love getting obsessed with things, though, so I plan to start collecting the DVDs when I get some money.

I got back into the series through the TV show. I like to keep tabs on animation things so when I heard they were making the series I was a little outraged XD I decided to check it out though and it really quelled my fears. It's so cute and harmless, I just can't help but watch it! XD I assume I'll like it better than the sequels, because the short time frame really works for it. It'd be nice if all the songs didn't use the same tune, but I understand why they do that. I rather like the "I Feel So Happy" song, it's really cute =D Sometimes I sing the songs I can remember to my baby sister.

Incidentally, I think it's really sad that some of you are made to feel you're odd, childish, or "too old" to watch this series. I've always felt one of the problems with this world is that everyone is too afraid to 'play' anymore =\ Sure, not everyone likes the series, or other cartoon shows, but I think a lot of people would watch and enjoy them if they weren't so afraid of being seen as immature. It doesn't make you immature to watch cartoons. What DOES make you immature is thinking less of someone simply because they like cartoons! It's not a barometer of intelligence or maturity, it's just something you enjoy. I thank my lucky stars my mother never made me feel immature for liking kid's movies and I'm sorry you folks don't have the same freedom =\


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To bad more are not allowed the freedom to like what they like without comments, belittling and such.


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i know. it just goes to show how society is today. if you are a minority of some sort, you end up being criticized or shunned by the world. it sickens me.


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It seems that most people here are or were big dinosaur nuts.  Strange that I never was one but I still loved LBT more than any other show.  So, I guess it takes a crazy obsessed dinosaur nut hours googling to find GOF huh? :lol No wonder we don't have too many members.

if you are a minority of some sort, you end up being criticized or shunned by the world.

How true that statement is sadly. -_-

The Great Valley Guardian

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Yeah I can offically testify to that...with me being African American...discrimination is so sad. :(


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Yeah I can offically testify to that...with me being African American...discrimination is so sad.

Really?  Racism has almost disappeared where I live.  I've only seen someone act racist a few times, and each time all the people around them jumped all over them calling them racist Ba***** and refusing to talk to them after that (myself included).  Racism isn't accepted here in any form. :yes