The Gang of Five
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Poor kids.

Petrie · 4 · 2436


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I'm sure you've all heard about the activity that left roughly 400 children and adults dead when they were held hostage in their own school by rebels, likely terrorists. :(   It really hurt when they decided to show the images of the school after the gym had been blasted (the rebels had rigged explosives in the gym) and gunshots in the wall.  I just can't believe something like this could and would happen....schools are supposed to be safe places of enlightenment....not a place to keep kids for ransom.  :angry:

What do you guys think?  Is Chechyna responsible?  That was their first thought but it might not have been them...


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It is very hard to deal with this topic, as the wickedness and cruelty of such a barbaric act (choosing children as targets) makes it practically impossible to think about it objectively. No doubt even the most objective view could impossibly NOT condemn such a perverted crime. I don't think that anyone in a healthy state of mind would contradict this point.
But I really want to know what it is that makes people commit such inhuman crimes. I hope that I am understood, I do NOT try to seek any justification for something that CANNOT be justified by anything. But why is that, that so many people so willfully give up their lives just to take so many innocent people, they have never met before, with them?
What makes people fly planes into buildings, blow themselves up in busses or restaurants, or take hostages aware of the fact that neither their demands (retreat of Russian troops from Chechyna) are going to be met nor that they are likely to get out alive?
It is that indifference about the own life that makes these terrorists so scary for me. For if someone doesn't care about the own life, why should he or she care about what happens after the own death. What would stop such a person from trying to attack for example a nuclear power plant?
The results if such an attack "succeeded) would be far beyond anything we've seen so far.
Anyway, I'm straying from the topic. Why do people who are physically not different from you and me commit such horrible crimes at the expense of their own lifes? And what do they hope to "gain"? Is the terror and fear itself the aim?

One last thing, the question "is Chechyna responsible?". How is that meant? How would that country be responsible or that whole people? Too often do I hear people say that THE Muslims, or THE Americans, or THE Politicians, or THE whatever are responsible for anything, or that THE whoever are stupid, evil, nasty etc. Such statements fail to differentiate.
I cling to the idea that in generally evilness is not a foundation of human nature. This believe would be questioned by such general statements.


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No, that is the hard truth...the ones who do these terrorist acts do not care about their own life.  That is why they don't give a damn what happens to them because they feel they are doing good by dying (as martyrs) and taking others with them.

The thing with Russia and Chechnya (that's the correct spelling) is that Chechnians have wanted independence from Russia for the longest time and they weren't offered it, and as far as I know they still don't have it.  It's a hard thing for the mother country...let the rebels go or hold them under your thumb?  With acts like this I would blame the ones responsible (and I don't think it was Chechnians) and continue discussions on what to do with Chechnya.


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It would be great if it was that easy. But for the Russians releasing Chechenia isn't an option, and neither it's for the chechenians, if they were left on their own there would be total caos, terrorist groups trying to take over it, no one would believe in democracy or any political standard, it would be every man for itself. Unless Chechnia shows some solid ground to build their own independence they'll have to stay under russian domain. I'm just trying to be realistic, a caos region like that neads the help and the leadership of a country who can understand them, Russia hasn't help a lot, but maybe after what happened in Beslan they'll try to do something about it. It's not just fighting this "war" against terrorism it's also asuring that Chechenia can hope for a peaceful future that will make it a normal country like any other.
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