The Gang of Five
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Chomper Showcase - September 2019

rhombus · 25 · 11826


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That's right, Chomper!  It is your month!  :)littlefoot

Uh... why are you chasing the cameraman?  :OhYou

In this topic please feel free to discuss Chomper as a character, to share your own creations (fanfics or fanart), or to mention some of your favorite fanworks of others involving this character.  For a full set of rules please see the Monthly Character Showcase topic but keep in mind that this is meant to be fun as opposed to any sort of contest.

I will go ahead and get the discussion started with the following questions:

1) Considering the fate of Littlefoot's mother, do you think that the ramifications of Chomper and Littlefoot's friendship have been explored sufficiently in the series?; and

2) What were your initial thoughts concerning Chomper as a character?

Big thanks to Vojeds for the lovely gif!
« Last Edit: September 01, 2019, 03:45:45 AM by Mumbling »

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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Yay, Chompy! ^^

Love this little cute guy! Like his personality and like how creators managed to enter him as gang's friend, despite usual sharpteeth's role in LBT series.

1) We still didn't have actual moment where facts about Littlefoot mother's death is told by characters, where Chomper is involved somehow, and why Littlefoot sees Chomper as a true friend.. I would like to see this moment.
I also wanted to see more moments between Chomper and Littlefoot, besidex some talks and lone walks in movies 2,5, and a couple TV series.

2) My very very first thoughts, besides endless cuteness moments of his appearance (just look at him in his baby form and now), were confusion with the fact about how sharpteeth are only bloodthirsty killers, thanks to our lovely Sharptooth from LBT1. I was confused how Littlefoot and Chomper immediately started to get along so well. Littlefoot interaction with sharpteeth in past only added more wood to my fire of doubts. It took a time to analyze Littlefoot's and Chomper's relationship and make some thought about why it is actually can be very good. I glad it is like that.


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1) Considering the fate of Littlefoot's mother, do you think that the ramifications of Chomper and Littlefoot's friendship have been explored sufficiently in the series?; and

2) What were your initial thoughts concerning Chomper as a character?
Sort of answering both questions at once here.

While I do like Chomper as a character, and in general I think having a meat-eater be friends with a pack of leaf-eaters is a very interesting idea, I don't think the ramifications of Chomper and Littlefoot's friendship have been sufficiently explored at all. In fact, that was one of my criticisms when I did my review of the second film:
One thing that struck me as odd is the fact that Littlefoot was the most insistent about being the one to care for baby Chomper. If anything, it seems like he should've been the most apprehensive about it, considering how he lost his own mother to a Sharptooth. Related to that, I feel Littlefoot should still be having some PTSD over his mother's death and his Sharptooth encounters from the previous film, especially since this seems to take place shortly after the first film, and especially since he encounters two more adult Sharpteeth here. That's an aspect of Littlefoot's psyche I wish had been explored.
Littlefoot and Chomper's friendship was endearing aside from that, however. And the "Will Chomper turn on us?" dilemma is given more weight in the fifth film, which I liked. But even there, it doesn't really reach a satisfying resolution, and it's still a topic that I wish the franchise had dealt with further.

I have to say, I found Chomper's reintroduction in the fourteenth film to be a little awkward. But then again, I haven't seen the TV show yet, which might've helped with the transition.
« Last Edit: December 29, 2020, 05:11:05 PM by StardustSoldier »


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Forgot to tell - Chomper forum icons are cool as always! But something tells me that Chomper in no new posts icon thinks about something very evil...  :o
While other characters look sad in their icon, our friendly shaptooth decided to play bad guy? XD


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Speaking of the forum icons, does anyone know who designed them?


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I made this particular set, Stardust! I was looking for a sad Chomper but couldn't catch the expression very well on pixels, so went with this one instead :D


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Well they're very nice. Chomper himself is pleased with them.


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Chomper is my fave LBT character, there's just something about him that I find special for some reason.
Life Is Good


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Ah yes, the true Best Sharptooth  :bestsharptooth

I've always liked Chomper, probably because sharpteeth are cool and having a nice sharptooth is even better :p

I have to say, I found Chomper's reintroduction in the fourteenth film to be a little awkward. But then again, I haven't seen the TV show yet, which might've helped with the transition.
Don't count on it. You get half an explanation at best :lol
I do enjoy Chomper in the TV series though. It's always funny to see him be overtly nice while others in the Great Valley look in horror.
I would have liked to see him and Ruby more in the 14th movie as well, but it seems they wanted to focus on the original five for it. Oh well, here's hoping they have more of a presence in the 15th movie 8 years from now :p

Don't have a new Chomper drawing to show so here's an older one I did back in 2017.


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This is an excellent drawing, Flathead! Although the picture evidently comes across as being made with only using pencils, the end result definitely speaks for itself by what an exclusive work it is and even if the whole background is missing from this drawing, it doesn’t reduce the status of the image at all. I’m particularly fond of by your choice to draw this, as it is a very iconic moment of Chomper and one that I think almost everyone will be glad to see as a drawing. Albeit I have to criticize about Chomper’s tail and eyes as they come across as a bit of shoddy with the way Chomper’s tail is outlined and the eye sockets a bit too bulky in appearance. Despite that small criticism, the drawing was a success in the very end by bringing a memorable moment from the movies on paper. Thank you so much for sharing this with us! :)


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Chomper has been a longtime favorite character of mine since I first encountered the series of LBT. He's very adorable, modest, and a bit stubborn and sensitive like a little hatchling is supposed to be, aww. I like him a lot as he's the only main character throughout the series that is a sharptooth, and a nice one at that. His relationship is very close with the Gang of Five, particularly Littlefoot and Ruby, as they're the ones who looked out for him like a parent or guardian would. I also find it adorable how Chomper cares for the well being of Ducky a lot too, something I saw in the TV series. I am a bit disappointed at the lack of explored potential for Chomper's character though. The many ideas that everyone comes up with in the forum, would unfortunately only be explored in fanfictions and other similar pieces of work.

I agree with Anagnos about your drawing, Flathead770. You drew the picture with such precision and cleanliness, proving once again that drawing with pencils seems to be a huge strength of yours. I also agree that the lack of background doesn't affect the overall image. I have no constructive criticism to give with this particular drawing, as Anagnos has already mentioned the problems that needed to be addressed for this drawing. I almost didn't see anything wrong with it, until I looked a bit closer and noticed that the tail outline of Chomper is weird, due to the fact that the purple color is overlapping a bit. As for the eyes, I have no personal gripe over it. Overall, great job on the drawing you did in 2017! :D
« Last Edit: September 21, 2019, 04:18:12 PM by ImpracticalDino »

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This is an excellent drawing, Flathead! Although the picture evidently comes across as being made with only using pencils, the end result definitely speaks for itself by what an exclusive work it is and even if the whole background is missing from this drawing, it doesn’t reduce the status of the image at all. I’m particularly fond of by your choice to draw this, as it is a very iconic moment of Chomper and one that I think almost everyone will be glad to see as a drawing. Albeit I have to criticize about Chomper’s tail and eyes as they come across as a bit of shoddy with the way Chomper’s tail is outlined and the eye sockets a bit too bulky in appearance. Despite that small criticism, the drawing was a success in the very end by bringing a memorable moment from the movies on paper. Thank you so much for sharing this with us! :)
Yeah that was from the time of me being absolutely terrified of drawing any sort of background haha. This was mostly working on focusing on colouring. Good to see it hold up after 2 years.

I agree with Anagnos about your drawing, Flathead770. You drew the picture with such precision and cleanliness, proving once again that drawing with pencils seems to be a huge strength of yours. I also agree that the lack of background doesn't affect the overall image. I have no constructive criticism to give with this particular drawing, as Anagnos has already mentioned the problems that needed to be addressed for this drawing. I almost didn't see anything wrong with it, until I looked a bit closer and noticed that the tail outline of Chomper is weird, due to the fact that the purple color is overlapping a bit. As for the eyes, I have no personal gripe over it. Overall, great job on the drawing you did in 2017! :D
Thanks! Might need to draw Chomper again soon haha.


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Chomper is an endearing character, and not even in a beguiling way... he's genuinely just a nice guy, which admittedly is a neat shift of perspective from most of the malevolent sharpteeth in the series. It certainly lends a curious question that the films themselves would likely never answer: could there be more sharpteeth out there like Chomper?

1) Naw, of course not. To be absolutely realistic for a moment, having him live together with the Gang is definitely an idealistic dream. The full-fledged consequences of their difference in series is pretty much glossed over bar the occasion look of disgust his friends shoot him. Of course, much of this has to do with the fact that Littlefoot pretty much never references his mother in the sequels.

2) Honestly... I liked him. Though he was nothing much but an over-glorified plot point in LBT2 (alas), his later appearances do him justice. His penchant for curiosity and naivéty lends him that youngling edge, which appropriately tends to highlight the caretaker relationship he has with Ruby. He doesn't let his species end his friendship with dinosaurs who by all rights should be his prey, best exemplified by the ending of The Mysterious Island.

Overall, I do like Chomper, even if I have questions about the way he ended up reunited with the gang pre-TV series.
Would it be possible for swimmers and flyers to get more love around here? Both figuratively… and literally.

That one guy who writes LBT fanfiction and accidentally makes them five times longer than he'd originally intended.


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Though he was nothing much but an over-glorified plot point in LBT2 (alas), his later appearances do him justice.
For me it was the opposite. I actually liked him a bit better in #2 than I did in #5 & #14. I'm not really sure why.
« Last Edit: December 29, 2020, 05:10:14 PM by StardustSoldier »


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I like him in all his appearances but I suppose I would say I like him more in his talkative state as you get to see more of his hyper friendly personality. He does have the baby factor going for him in 2 though.

A random fact is that my roommate absolutely hates the fact that Chomper can talk in the later movies, something that I love to remind him about when the opportunity arises :p


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Chomper is without a doubt one of the most interesting characters in LBT. His species alone makes him very different from his friends and his kind personality only underlines just how odd a dinosaur he actually is. His inclusion in the Gang was one of the best things in the TV series and his identity crisis has been rather interesting to follow through the episodes. Though, i liked him most in the fifth movie where his role was the most dramatic one and the deepest one plotwise. Yet, the TV series often made justice to him which was quite rare among the returning characters.

Even then, Universal has always handled Chomper horribly. They didn't even try to explain why he could speak to leafeaters and even more damningly, we have no idea how he got to the Valley. Yet, these stupid plot holes have also made Chomper one of the most interesting characters to write about as his past is extremely obscure and his future obviously will hold many tragic turns. Chomper was always underutilized in the TV series but that doesn't change the fact that he is a very likable character whose presence in any episode, film or story makes it more more enjoyable. :DD

Also, great drawing, Flathead!

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I find Chomper to have incredible potential as a character considering his unique position. It's a pity that this was a missed shot in the movies and tv series even in Journey of the Brave they underused Chomper. I do like him equally in both the movies and the tv series though the 14th movie was a bit of a let down. I think that they've done a good job at flushing out his relationship with other members of the gang but once again they fall a little short when it comes to Littlefoot. Chomper has so much potential cause there are so many possibilities for backstory and ways for his character to grow and develop and a lot of it is just up to speculation which leads to some interesting fanfic ideas.

In the 2nd and 5th movies I think Chomper aside for his ability to speak leafeater without an explanation is strongest. You can see he cares for his friends and how deeply hurt he was by Cera's comments and he is shown to have a small amount of wisdom when talking with Littlefoot. In the tv series I find Chomper can be a bit to childish at times like when he loses his tooth and he has a lot more enthusiasm, though I'm not quite sure why. I also really like his bond with Ruby, Ducky, Spike and Littlefoot who he seems closest to and has provided comfort and been comforted by each.

I overall like how he turned out but his character could have been so much more interesting if they had taken the time to develop him more. Also great artwork Flathead!  :OhYou
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Watched "The Mysterious Tooth Crisis" today, my third episode of the series. It's been a bit strange for me to see Chomper (and Ruby) as part of the main Gang now. I got so used to just the original five members when I watched through the films. Chomper was introduced quite early, sure, but he still had 'guest star' status back then and so his dynamic with the group was different. Even in LBT 14, he didn't really get to come along on the main adventure.

Anyway, this was a pretty cute episode. On paper it's a rather mundane premise (a baby tooth falling out), but it ended up being surprisingly entertaining. In fact, I wish they'd taken out the mud bath subplot and just focused on Chomper's tooth getting the Gang into various misadventures. :P
« Last Edit: November 27, 2019, 02:07:13 AM by StardustSoldier »

Gentle Sharptooth

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Chomper and Petrie if they were in a Newspaper cartoon strip:

“The Past is Gone..” -Dream On, Aerosmith


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Haha, nice work Gentle Sharptooth. It almost looked like you sewed the entire scene onto a piece of quilt based on the texture I see when looking closely at it, which would be another very impressive skill if you dd.


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