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What do you hate to find in fan fiction?

Serris · 54 · 9064


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oww yes sorry for my incorrect language, that post was for dark's first post!

Cancerian Tiger

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Quote from: kjeldo,Feb 25 2008 on  01:34 PM
oww yes sorry for my incorrect language, that post was for dark's first post!
No worries, I realize it wasn't my post being referred to.  Sorry for the misinterpretation.  And Malte, I would be very interested in receiving those files.  Any way to contact ya without posting my email address online?  Thanks a million ;).


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And Malte, I would be very interested in receiving those files. Any way to contact ya without posting my email address online?
If you click on my profile you will find a "send email" link. If you send me a mail containing your email address I can send you a mail in return without your email address being visible to anyone else (I'm not passing it on to anyone).


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Quote from: Malte279,Feb 25 2008 on  11:30 AM
I'll be honest, I have thought about making a Dink/LBT crossover because Dink is, in my opinion, the most compatible cartoon to cross LBT with, since Dink has similarities to LBT, takes place during the right time, and is of G level as well.
So much is true and there are other characters who have been used in LBT fanfiction crossing overs (e.g. Aladar from Disney's dinosaur). However, what is the benefit of putting the different stories together?
I suppose it's not so much as benefit as it is having fun.


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* Killing off a character I REEEEEEEALLLY like (one AoFW fanfic, Adder was killed...but at least she gets to be reunited with Sinuous, but...)
* Bringing a dead character I hate back to life (like Scarface or...Bold! Then everyone is all excited about Bold and EVERYONE is ignored)
* The same type of animal in EVERY SINGLE CHAPTER (I get JUST  foxes EVERY SINGLE CHAPTER of some AoFW fanfictions. I write the snakes as the main characters of my fanfics sometimes, but I always ALWAYS include other animals in A TON of them. Usually, just a few chapters have just them, but not all the time)
* Pairings I don't like (In Teen Titans fanfiction, I prefer reading Terra/Beastboy and Starfire/Robin...anything else NOPE!)

Cancerian Tiger

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This has totally topped my list of things I hate to find in fanfiction: One has a bad day and he or she takes it out on a series in the form of a very disturbing fanfic.  There's one for LBT an titled "Sometimes You Can't Change Fate."  Most disturbing LBT fanfic I have read yet :x.  Just to warn y'all, basically Chomper massacres the Gang then kills himself.  I can take a lot of gore normally, but I actually puked after I read this :x  :(  :cry  :cry2.  If one is having a bad day, displacement is not the answer.


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Maybe you can give the title so folks know to avoid that.  

I dislike feature characters acting totally different then in the original media, also them being killed off, ect.     Bad writing also.


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^ She did give the title: "Sometimes You Can't Change Fate."


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Read that one, made me go into a black mood :(

Apperantly, he had a very dark mood when he wrote it. However, he isn't in such a mood every day. But I prefer not to read such ff. Makes my skin crawl.

Another thing. Hope I haven't disturbed anybody with my ffs.


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Quote from: Cancerian Tiger,Apr 4 2008 on  12:19 AM
There's one for LBT an titled "Sometimes You Can't Change Fate."
Hmm. I actually liked that.

I like a good dark story in a while.

This is like a mix of Psycho and Turn of the Screw with a dash of Poe.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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:lol  I like slash actually. It's not the type of stories I am used to so it's a different ground for me. And I am not that great with humor fics. Whenever I try to write something funny in my fic, I seem to only get the joke and everyone else is thininking "What????" :blink:

What I hate in all fanfics (not just LBT but all) is when the story line gets to an awkward place, when I know the author is just writing because they are bored and they have too many swear words in it. It's as if they are destroying the art of writing.

In LBT fanfics, is when the author uses swear words (once again :p) that normally the LBT characters wouldn't use. They need to be creative and use words like, "Sharp-tooth dirt!" or something like that.

I also hate it when the plot line just ends up being stale and with no depth what so ever.

I hope I didn't offend anyone :unsure:  if I did I am very sorry. :slap


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Never-finished fics and bashing fics, but fics without a certain amount of detail piss me off, too.


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Hey, it's great everybody can express their feelings on fanfics. It really helps us writers out. But please, everyone keep an open mind about some things! (sorry, felt like a little rant)


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I hate:

Slash Fan-Fics unless they are humorous, like a parody of slashes.
Fan-fics where a main character gets killed off, unless done in a parody of these fan-fics.
Fan-fics where the characters behave totally different than they should, unless it is a parody.

If it is a parody of types of fan-fics I hate, I like them. Otherwise, I hate them.


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Quote from: Cancerian Tiger,Apr 3 2008 on  09:19 PM
This has totally topped my list of things I hate to find in fanfiction: One has a bad day and he or she takes it out on a series in the form of a very disturbing fanfic.  There's one for LBT an titled "Sometimes You Can't Change Fate."  Most disturbing LBT fanfic I have read yet :x.  Just to warn y'all, basically Chomper massacres the Gang then kills himself.  I can take a lot of gore normally, but I actually puked after I read this :x  :(  :cry  :cry2.  If one is having a bad day, displacement is not the answer.
Oh, oh my god...  Oh, god, no!!  NOOOO!!!!
"And the Most High said unto Moses, Ahayah-Asher-Ahayah.  And he said, Thus shalt thou say to the children of Israel, Ahayah hath sent me unto you...  This is my name forever, and this is my memorial unto all generations."

1953-2011...  One day, mother, I shall see you again...

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Things I hate to find in fanfiction

1. Graphic scenes in childbirth; I tend to do the time skip or have the childbirth occur off screen; whether it be an animal giving birth or a human.

2. Seeing character names being spelled incorrectly on names that are easy to spell.

3. Cliff hangers; especially if it takes months before the story is updated again.


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FIRST PLACE: realization that story is not finished and would never be finished.
(that's why I started to read only after it is fully ready)

SECOND PLACE: endless crazy thread of romantic relationships between everybody.  :/

The Wasp

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Slash really grinds my gears. Not because of the homosexual aspect of it, but because it's usually out of character and it makes no sense.

For example, I read a story about Severus Snape teaching Harry Potter the dark arts and found it intriguing. Got impatient and skipped to the end and I found myself reading about how Snape and Harry were in bed together totally in love. And it was just freakin weird.

Anything like that is weird. Whether it be Harry and Malfoy, Sirius and Remus, etc, etc.

I once even saw a story about Shorty and Littlefoot as a couple and it made me want to vomit. They're brothers for Christ's sake!


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Ooooh boy. I did not know this was a thing, but now that I've found it, here we go!

I can forgive a lot when I'm reading fanfiction, but there is one cardinal sin that forces me to drop the hammer down: poorly-developed characters. Now granted, this applies to OCs more than anything else, since most of the characters from the shows are developed enough for writing purposes already, but I die a little inside when I see yet another cookiecutter OC. Yes, we get it. You want us to feel all the feels for your protagonist, but that's not going to happen I can't relate to the main character. Now I'm not saying all OCs should be average Joes, but when I'm supposed to be reading about some towering, silent, handsome, red and black colored hero capable of handling whatever is dealt his way as he struggles with his tragic backstory as he's wading through veritable pools of potential lovers at his feet (probably canon characters nonetheless), I simply can't get all that attached. And if I'm not attached, then I'm not invested in the character. A lot of us make these "Mary Sues" as they're called, when we begin to write, and there's nothing inherently wrong with that. I, myself, was guilty of it too. But if we want to become better, there's a point where we need to leave that stuff behind. Embrace flaws. Just adding a few things to your character that aren't wish fulfillment, or that you may not find "cool" can go a long way. A good protagonist should always be a very different individual by the end of the story, one that has grown in some way. Mary Sues do not grow, no matter how many life-threatening situations or deep tragedies you dump on them. They are, in a word, boring, and I don't see my opinion on that changing anytime soon.

I was going to leave it at that, but there is something else that irks me. Not quite as terribly as Mary Sues, perhaps, but certainly irksome all the same: unnecessary edge.

Yep, edge. It's a word that gets thrown around a lot on the internet, usually in a sarcastic fashion, but it's a very real thing in fanfiction. But to say I have a problem with edge in general would be a falsehood. Some of the darker, grittier aspects of life can absolutely benefit a story, depending on the sort of tone the author is going for. It's when these situations feel shoehorned in that I think they fall flat. For example, let's consider two hypothetical situations here, revolving around a young Charcharodontasaurus who makes her first kill.

-in situation 1, she attacks her prey with brutal efficiency. The author goes into great detail about the graphic nature of the attack, practically naming every organ as they're flung about like confetti at a clown convention (which is actually kind of a disturbing image. Dangit). After the attack, she eats her fill and moves on.

-in situation 2, the same thing happens. The attack occurs, the author goes into detail, but this time we get to see the effect this has on the Charch. Perhaps she is horrified once the deed is done, humbled by her own capacity for violence, and by the realization that this is who she is. Or maybe she takes a more neutral approach, accepting that this act is necessary, and marks her place in the circle of life. Taking another approach, maybe this is the start of a terrible descent, as she realizes that she enjoyed causing the suffering that she did.

Despite which route the story takes, this approach still utilized the over-the-top violence, but also made clear its reason for doing so. It had an effect on the character. I don't believe anything in a narrative should happen without a reason, even if that reason is a small one. Throwing in something controversial just because its controversial feels shallow, somewhat like creating an essay composed entirely of buzzwords. it doesn't just apply to violence, either. Tragic scenes, swearing, even moments of sheer awesome- I have no problems with any of these. When I have a problem with them is when they don't have any effect on the narrative.

Anywho, that's my rant. Hopefully it was at least semi-coherent as I am on the verge of finding a set of sticks to prop my eyelids open with. Time for sleep for me, I think.

Slash really grinds my gears. Not because of the homosexual aspect of it, but because it's usually out of character and it makes no sense.
I agree with this one hundred percent. It's just straight wish fulfillment without any regard to canon. I have no problem with homosexuality. I have a HUGE problem when it is forced into a narrative where it makes no sense.


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I disagree if it's done right slash fanfictions aren't bad at all. So I don't mind reading those much. And I don't have any issues with homosexuality either.