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Halo: The Battle of New Reach

Raptor · 73 · 8986


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"This is Commander Nathan Haverson, requesting assistance! A massive Covenant Remenent fleet has appeared from subspace. They have started attacking New Reach. Any UNSC or Sangheili forces who hear this message, please respond! I will play this message in a continuous loop until help arrives. This is Commander Nathan Haverson, out!"

This message was recieved by a small Sangheili/UNSC patrol. New Reach is not only a vital military base, but is also a settlement for both Sangheili and Humans alike. This message was also recieved:

"Foolish humans, you dare to believe you had defeated us? We will burn your world until all that remains is ash and glass! Nor will you escape the storm, dammed Sangheili. Your blood will be spilt on the ground at our victory!"

This is believed to be from the leader of the Remenent Fleet. As you understand, we cannot allow New Reach to fall to the Covenant. Now, let's go kill us some ugly Gorillas.


Brief History:

Name: Anno 'Rhcul
Gender: Male
Species: Sangheili(Elite)
Affiliation: UNSC/Sangheili Alliance
Appearance: Anno 'Rhcul stands at almost 8'6. He wears an older model of the SpecOps Combat harness, with a black coloration instead of a dark purple. Anno 'Rhcul has an average structure, no abnormal scars or bruises.
Personality: Anno 'Rhcul is sarcastic, and tends to care more about his team mates then the Covenant religious beliefs. He also respects the human's abilities.
Brief History: Anno' Rhcul is a SpecOps Elite known best for his acts in the Battle of Olympus, and the Battle of the Unseen Path. He is sarcastic, and tends to care more about his team mates then the Covenant religious beliefs. He also respects the human's abilities. Anno 'Rhcul was born into a family in the middle of Sangheili hierchy, so he joined the Covenant military at the Major Domo rank, instead of the Minor Domo.
The first battle he was deployed in was the Battle of Hades III, where he destroyed a Pelican DropShip by sticking a Plasma Grenade into the passenger area. When the grenade detonated, it destroyed the human ship and sent the wreckage crashing to the ground. Although the Covenant was forced to retreat in that battle, Anno was premoted to a SpecOps Minor.In SpecOps, Anno 'Rhculee contributed to several victories, the most notable of which was the Battle of Olympus, where he killed a large contingent of humans, before being incapcitated by a blow to his stomach. He awoke above the planet, which had been glassed, in a large Covenant cruiser known as The Dedicated Seer. It was here where he met the Sangheili that saved his life, Vera 'Zenoree, a female SpecOps Elite. He thanked her, and the two formed a lasting friendship.Anno 'Rhculee was premoted to second-in-command of his team, under Commander Kel 'Durzoree. But there would be no rest for the Sangheili, as soon, his team was dispatched to a planet known to the Covenent as "The Unseen Path". Here, for the short time 'Rhculee and Vera 'Zenoree were aboard the Dedicated Seer, they had to endure the insults of the Zealot Orzo 'Kulsomee. But soon, they were ordered to board a Phantom dropship and descend to the planet's surface. Unfortunatly, there was a critical malfunction, and the ship crashed. 'Rhculee, 'Zenoree, 'Durzoree, and most of the others survived. However, they landed in a deep gorge, where they encountered the Flood. Only the quick actions of another member of his team saved them from infection, and temporarily stopped the Flood. However, 'Durzoree was consumed. After climbing out of the gorge, 'Rhculee and his team called for an evac Phantom, and they blasted off the the main installation. However, when the arrived, the Minor Prophet of Despair accused them of cowardice, and threatened to report them for heresy. Afterwards, he put them under the direct command of chauvansitic Zealot Orzo 'Kulsomee. After many more battles, including the one in which he rejected the Covenant.

Name: Vera 'Zenor
Gender: Female
Species: Sangheili(Elite)
Affiliation: UNSC/Sangheili Alliance
Appearance: Though shorter then her male counterparts, Vera 'Zenor still towers over her human allies at a height of 8'0. She is slimmer, and like human females, less muscular then the male Sangheili. Vera 'Zenor has the feminene, hourglass shape, but is still strong, able to send a man several feet with a punch.
Personality: Vera 'Zenor is an outspoken female SpecOps Elite. She was often talked down to by her superiors, but this began to change when the Sangheili split from the Covenant. She sometimes takes up the Sniper Position, but she prefers direct combat.
Brief History: Vera 'Zenor is an outspoken female SpecOps Elite. She participated in several important battles, such as the Battle of Olympus and The Battle of the Unseen Path. She was often talked down to by her superiors, but this began to change when the Sangheili split from the Covenant. She sometimes takes up the Sniper Position, but she prefers direct combat. Vera 'Zenor had the fortune of being born into a family who was accepting of her. However, this left her ill-prepared for Covenant military life. When she was finally accepted into the Covenant military(as a Minor Domo), she was forced to endure constant insults from her superiors. This tore her apart inside, but it also made her work hard to prove her superiors wrong. Soon promoted to a Major Domo, Vera 'Zenoree now had command over several of the Sangheili who had insulted her. But rather then take vengeance, she gave them no punishments, to prove she was better then them. At the Battle of Hades III, most of her squad was killed, but she managed to kill numerous humans. This promoted her to a SpecOps Minor. When deployed at Olympus, she and her new team were ambushed by a pair of Spartan IIs. Due to the element of suprise, most of the team was killed, save 'Zenoree herself. She killed one Spartan, but was forced to flee from the other. On the way back, 'Zenoree rescued another SpecOps Elite named Anno 'Rhculee. After they were both safly back on the Dedicated Seer and the planet was glassed, 'Zenoree introduced herself to 'Rhculee, and they formed a lasting friendship. she became involved in the Battle of the Unseen Path, and soon rejected the Covenant beliefs.

The Great Valley Guardian

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Name: Uulecc Uunamee

Gender: Male

Species: Sangheili (Elite)

Affiliation: UNSC/Sangheili Alliance

Appearance: Standing at 8' 6 like most male Sangheili Uulecc happens to wear the current pinnacle of Sangheili armor. He wears the golden armor of a Zealot commander.

Personality: He is a stoic and serious commander...making sure to watch over those under his command. But every once in a great while he'll pull a prank or two...

Brief History: He was in command of his ship the Luminous Voyage and was present during the Fleet Commanders of Particular Justice's trial. When  the Covenant Civil War began... he lead a small fleet of ships into battle against the Brutes, and after receiving a coded retreat message he jumped to the Sangheili planet of Joyous Exultation. Then it was destroyed when the very first NOVA bomb was detonated and cracked the planets surface. Shortly after that Uulecc lead a retaliation on the Brute commanders who had been coming under false pretenses of peace. And is now awaiting further orders.


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IC: Anno 'Rhcul:

I stood in the Hanger bay. We were nearly there. We were nearly at the planet known as New Reach, named after a planet that we had glassed when we were held under the Prophet's veil of lies. It was here where both humans and Sangheili dwelled. There were, of course, some quarrels, mostly involving conflicts in cultures, but it was one of the first worlds where both Sangheili and Humans coexsit. And now, it was under attack. The Covenant Remenent, comprised mainly of Grunts, Brutes, and Drones, had attacked the planet. But we weren't going to let them destroy it. The fleet, a mixture of Sangheili and Human ships, was now en route to the planet. I leaned against a Phantom, with my close friend Vera 'Zenor, a female SpecOps operative. "So, once again we are sent against the Brutes." I said with a sigh. "We will force them away. We have to." Said Vera. I nodded in asset. "I hope so, I hope so."

The Great Valley Guardian

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As my ship the Luminous Voyage was en route to New Reach as well, to aid in the battle. My blood boiled at the thought of losing another world to those filthy, primitive beasts! I stood from my command chair and called out across the ship wide com. system "Prepare for glorious battle, and show these beasts the true meaning of Honor!" Those in the bridge and throughout the ship roared in approval.

I knew of two other Sangheili were on their way as well...and I was looking too meeting them again in battle...their names were Anno 'Rhculee and Vera 'Zenoree. They were the best Spec. Ops Sangheili I had ever seen. And their presences would mean certain victory for all of us!


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The ships exited subspace near one of New Reach's moons. I could feel the ship lurch as it came to a sudden hault, making my insides flip upside down. The one problem with pinpoint slipspace jumps was their tendancy to make you sick. I had gotten used to it over the years. Vera looked out to vastness of space. Her four mandibles were hanging slightly agape. "How did the Remenent manage to compile such a large fleet?" It was indeed emourmous. Most of the ships were busy fighting off the remainder of the fleet that had been stationed to protect New Reach, and had not noticed our arrival. At the moment, we were to make an opening in the Remenent Fleet, and then send down several thousand Phantoms and Pelicans loaded with both Sangheili and Human soilders to fight on the ground, while our fleet attempted to destroy the Remenent. I was quite sure that this would work. I called "SpecOps team Divine Blade, assemble for briefing!" Vera 'Zenoree walked over and stood next to me, as a group of Sangheili and Unggoy ran over.

OOC: The Unggoy are the species from Halo 1 & 2, the Remenent Grunts will be the Red-eyed ones.

The Great Valley Guardian

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I couldn't believe these fools had amassed such a large fleet of wasn't possible! But I was seeing it for was possible. "All warriors prepare for immediate departure!" I said bringing my sword to bear. I then turned to a pair of Hunters and said "You two will follow me, we are to rendezvous with Vera and Anno, then from there we will break the foul Brutes ships from the inside out! Now to the Phantoms!"

Normally I would've let another Sangheili pilot the Phantom, but today I was at the helm and quickly landed in the hangar bay where Vera and Anno were assembling their troops. The two Hunters and myself stepped out as I called "What is the battle plan and our current position?"


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"It is alway good to see you, Shipmaster." I said, nodding my head when Uulecc 'Uunam stepped into veiw. Well, it appears that we have an excellent postion to intiate combat. The Remenent have yet to realize we are here. As for the plan, Shipmaster, the plan is to blast a path through the Remenent fleet, and fly our dropships through before they can recover. After that, our troops will rendvouzs(sp) with the remainder of the New Reach military, at base Alpha, where we will plan further defensive movements." I said. Vera added "We hope to pick up any civilian survivers on the way, and deliver them safely to the base." I smiled, curling my mandibles up. "If all goes well, Shipmaster, the apes will be driven from the system with enourmous losses."

The Great Valley Guardian

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I nodded indicating that this idea was likely to work for us and replied "Alight then...I'll stay aboard my ship and coordinate the space battle while the rest of you take care of the forces groundside." However should those vile creatures actually succeed then you will have a much harder mission." I clicked my mandibles together and said "But we are Sangheili...we shall not fail!"

I then turned to the Hunter pair and said "You two are to protcet these two with your lives...understood?" The Hunters gave a subsonic growl and walked over to Anno and Vera as I stepped aboard my Phantom and said into my com. "Good hunting!" As the phantom streaked back towards my ship I wondered how much longer before the Covenant Remnant was destroyed....


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Vera 'Zenor:

Anno and I watched as the Shipmaster's Phantom blasted out of the hanger, leaving the Lekgolo with us and our SpecOps team. The ship began to move forward, the order to engage having been transmited to each ship in the fleet. Seraphs and Longswords poured from the Hangers. Me and the others had to duck as the fighters left the hanger. We moved to the side of the hanger and watched the ships prepar for combat.

The Great Valley Guardian

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As my Phantom landed in my ships hangar bay I felt the ship accelerate into the moons orbit and knew what I had to do....I activated my personal com. unit and told my bridge crew "FIRE AT WILL! But check your fire!" As I ran to the bridge to resume command I felt my ship shake and shudder....I didn't want to know what that was but I didn't have much of a choice as an engineer grunt came running up to me.

"Sir....we lose engine...we no move! Please no hurt me!" I smiled at the little alien and said "Do not have done well now begin repairs immediately...and can we still fire our weapons?" The grunt looked up and answered "Yes excellency!"


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I looked back out the hanger bay. "Anno, look!" I shouted. A Brute ship was breaking in half, boiling as Plasma destroyed its hull. Seraphs and Longswords were dogfighting through the various capital ships. Slowly, we were making our way through the Remnant Fleet. Anno grinned, curling his mandibles up. "Soon, we'll be able to go down planetside." He said. Several extremely specialized Human ships, which we had upgraded with our own slipspace drives, had just collectivly taken down a Remnant Cruiser.

The Great Valley Guardian

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I reached the bridge of my  ship, and sat in my chair and as I gave the command to fire once again the ship lurched forward and I felt us moving once again....I was going to find out that little grunt's name and congratulate him....he did a fine job today, and my ship was able to rejoin the battle.

I laughed as my cruiser blew a hole right through the middle of a Remnant battleship and I smiled as the explosion took two more ships out of commission with it....and I broadcast on an open Sangheili frequency...

"All dropships through the breach....NOW!!!! Show them what it means to really fight back!" Then on a personal com. frequency I said "Good luck you two watch each others backs..."


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"Board the Phantom at once!" In an instant, the Unggoy and Sangheili ran to board the Phantom. As we boarded, I heard Anno reply on the personal com "You too, old friend." I grinned. We stood in the Phantom's hold, Anno 'Rhcul at the front. "Weapons check?"

"All Weapons fully charged."


"All shields fully operational."

"Unggoy, all Methane rebreathers correctly afixed?"

"We make extra-double sure!"

"Let's move out."

The Phantom rose from the floor, and blasted out of the hanger. Despite a path being cleared, there was still chaos all around. Mixed masses of Phantoms and Pelicans shot through space, down towards the planet and through derbries. I noticed a sad sight: One of our ships, burning apart. But now was not the time to mourn. We still had to make it planetside.

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As I watched on the view screen the Phantoms and Pelicans race towards the planet I began to wonder if there wasn't something more to this attack....something just didn't sit right in my gut. We Sangheili were always taught to follow our instincts and something just wasn't right. For a moment I was deciding wether or not to call off the attack, but then a cry for help came through the com. system.

At that moment I made a decision..."All Sangheili ships form a defensive perimeter around the remains of the fleet and continue to burn these beast to the San 'Shyuum's colon!"


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Anno 'Rhcul:

The dropships began to break into the atmosphere. As we descended through the clouds, I heard something over the com. "*Kssssshhrt* They hav*Zzzzzzrt* gun emplacements. I repeat, A-A*vvvvvzt*ments. We need to-aaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrgh!*kssht*" My eyes widened. "Pilot!" I yelled. The Pilot replied "I heard, I'm taking the Phantom into evasive manuevers." A blast of green plasma sailed past as the Phantom swerved. We were getting close to the planet, now. We would make planetfall in only a few minutes. Blast of green plasma continued to sail by, as both Phantoms and Pelicans evaded the A-A fire.

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As I turned my attention to the several remaining Remnant ships... I could see the remains of the AA fire coming form the planet below and my immediate reaction was the only option I could think of....

"We're going to provide cover! Prepare for an in-atmosphere jump!" "Yes, excellency!" cried a grunt. My ship disappeared for a few seconds and immediately we were within the atmosphere of New Reach. "Begin cover fire for our dropships at ONCE!"


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I noticed the ships jump in orbit, and grinned. Vera grinned aswell. A-A fire was still zooming past. The Phantom began to curve upwards, preparing to drop us off. As soon as the Phantom came to a hault, we lept out. I simultaneously ignited my Plasma Sword. A few of the Unggoy tripped, but were soon back on their feet. Vera swung a Needler forward. The Phantom turned skywards. "I'll stand by to pick you up if you neeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaagh!" A-A fire tore the Phantom apart. Me, Vera, and the rest of the team ducked as debries flew over our heads, and the Hunters stood intfront of us and swung their shields up to block the detritus. I stood straight, and sighed. "Dammed flith." I growled. As if on que, several Krig-Unggoy, bearing their characteristic red eyes, appeared. A Brute Minor occumpained them. I swung my blade up, and they charged.

OOC: The Krig suffix means "dark" in Sangheilian.

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I smiled and almost laughed as I saw the group of Remnant forces and I said "Everyone on our side stand back...FIRE MAIN PLASMA BATTERY AND BURN THEM TO THE GROUND!!!!" Those under my command followed their orders and the ship opened fired into the ground glassing a small portion of the ground in front of Anno and Vera.

I then said "You can proceed now."


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I blinked in suprise, and then grinned. "Quiet a fitting end, for those who intended to burn this planet." Vera said. I nodded, and we proceeded forward. Another Brute Minor appeared. This time, I wasted no time in leaping at him. He tried to aim a punch at my head, but I crouched low, and then slashed off a layer of his armor. This enraged him, but a Needle from Vera's Needler struck his flesh, and was followed by six others. They exploded, killing the Brute. Promptly after that, I beheaded a Krig-Unggoy, as the rest of my team engaged the enemy.

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Thinking quickly I said "Send a Phantom to aid them, then continue to draw the AA provide protection for our forces." "Sir we get message from space...they sending baddies bye bye." I looked over to the little grunt and smiled once more as I replied "Very send our banshees to engage the aerial forces in the sky!" "Yes sir."