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The Land Before Time Glossary

Pangaea · 93 · 60561


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red = canon, blue = fanbase

Ankylosaurus – Clubtail
Archelon – Shellback Swimmer, Shell Swimmer, Shelled Swimmer
Beipiaosaurus – Yellow Belly
Carnivore – Sharptooth
ï Allosaurus – Ridge-Eye Sharptooth, Scrapebiter Sharptooth
ï Baryonyx – Clawhand, Fishing Sharptooth, Longnose Sharptooth, Longsnout Sharptooth
ï Deinonychus – Fastclaw, Sickleclaw, Terrorclaw
ï Liopleurodon – Sharptooth Swimmer, Swimming Sharptooth
ï Shark – Swimming Sharptooth
ï Spinosaurus – Sailback Sharptooth, Spineback, Spined Sharptooth
ï Tyrannosaurus – Bonecrusher Sharptooth, Crunchbiter, Twoclaw Sharptooth, Two Finger Sharptooth
ï Utahraptor or Velociraptor – Fast Biter
Crocodilian – Bellydragger
ï Deinosuchus – Bigmouth Bellydragger
ï Sarcosuchus – Longnose Bellydragger, Longsnout Bellydragger
Centrosaurus – Onehorn
Chasmosaurus – Squareshield
Compsognathus – Little Biter, Nipper, Safe Sharptooth*, Tiny Biter, Tiny Sharptooth
Dimetrodon – Fanback, Sailcrawler
Elasmosaurus – Longneck Swimmer, Swimming Longneck, Water Longneck
Gallimimus/Troodon – Rainbow Face
Hadrosaur – Duckbill*, Swimmer
ï Corythosaurus – Crested Swimmer, Cresthead Swimmer, Whistler, Whistling Swimmer
ï Edmontosaurus – Crestless Swimmer, Widebeak Swimmer
ï Lambeosaurus – Hornbill, Twocrest Swimmer
ï Maiasaura – Crestless Swimmer
ï Parasaurolophus – Hollowhorn, Longcrest Swimmer, Tubehead*
ï Saurolophus – Bigmouth, Swimmer
Hypsilophodon – False Sharptooth*, Runner, Sprinter
Ichthyornis – Sharpbeak
Iguanodon – False Longneck*, Spikethumb, Thornthumb
Kentrosaurus – Spikeback
Microraptor – Fourwing, Glider
Mussaurus – Tinysaurus, Tiny Longneck
Muttaburrasaurus – Bignose
Nodosaurus – Pebbleback, Shieldback
Ophthalmosaurus – Big Water Swimmer, Finned Swimmer, Squeaking Swimmer, Talkback Swimmer
Ouranosaurus – Crestback, Finback, Sailback
Oviraptor – Fast Runner
Pachyrhinosaurus – Bumphead, Thicknose
Pachycephalosaur – Bonehead, Domehead, Skull-Basher, Thickhead
ï Pachycephalosaurus – Bonehead, Domehead, Skull-Basher, Thickhead
ï Prenocephale/Stegoceras – Domehead
Pterosaur – Flyer
ï Cearadactylus – Sharptooth Flyer
ï Pteranodon – Crested Flyer, Tallcrest Flyer
ï Quetzalcoatlus – Giant Flyer
ï Rhamphorhynchus – Longtail Flyer
Sauropod – Longneck
ï Amargasaurus – Crestneck Longneck, Fin-Neck Longneck, Sailneck Longneck
ï Apatosaurus – Flathead Longneck
ï Brachiosaurus – Great Neck, Skyreacher Longneck, Tallneck
ï Camarasaurus – Squarehead Longneck
ï Diplodocus – Longsnout Longneck, Whiptail Longneck
ï Saltasaurus – Pebbleback Longneck
ï Supersaurus – Earthshake Longneck*, Earthshaker Longneck*
Scolosaurus* – Digger, Spikeback
Stegosaurus – Spiketail
Struthiomimus – Egg Eater, Egg Napper, Egg Stealer
Styracosaurus – Crownhorn, Spikefrill, Spikehead
Triceratops – Threehorn

Non-Canon Dinosaurs*
Alvarezsaurus – Oneclaw
Brachytrachelopan – False Longneck, Shortneck, Shortneck Longneck
Carnotaurus – Horned Sharptooth
Charonosaurus – Longcrest Swimmer
Einiosaurus – Frontinghorn
Gastonia – Sharptail
Irritator – Horned Clawhand
Masiakasaurus – Spikemouth
Plateosaurus – Hookthumb
Protoceratops – Nohorn, Zerohorn
Saltopus – Jumper, Leaper, Little Biter, Nipper, Safe Sharptooth*, Tiny Biter, Tiny Sharptooth
Seismosaurus – Earthshake Longneck*, Earthshaker Longneck*
Shunosaurus – Clubtail Longneck
Therizinosaurus – Bigclaw, Longclaw

Natural Objects and Phenomena
Autumn – Time of the Changing Tree Stars
Canyon – Big Ditch
Cloud – Sky Puffy
Cold Time – Winter
Crystal – Shiny Stone
Earthquake – Earthshake
Echo – Talk-Back
Geode – Sky Color Stone
Geyser – Jumping Water
Ice – Hard Water
Lava – Fire-Water, Flowing Fire
Lava Bomb – Fire Rock*
Lava Pit – Fire Pit
Lightning – Sky Fire
Meteorite – Flying Rock
Monsoon Season – Days of Rising Waters
Moon – Great Night Circle, Night Circle
Mudslide – Running Mud
Quicksand – Sinking Sand
Rain – Skywater
Rainbow – Sky Colors
River – Water Path*
River Rapids – Fast Water
Sea – Big Water
Snowflakes – Frozen Sky Stars, Frozen Skywater
Smoke – Fire Signs*
Snow – White Ground Sparkles
Stalactite or Stalagmite – Stone Tooth
Stars – Lesser Lights*
Sulfur Mud Pot – Stinky Pool
Sun – Bright Circle, Great Circle
Sunrise – Brightrise*
Sunset – Brightfall*
Thunder – Sky Boom
Tornado – Whirling Wind
Volcano – Booming Mountain, Burning Mountain, Smoking Mountain
Volcanic Crater – Gurgling Pit
Volcanic Mud – Bubbling Goo, Bubbly Goo
Winter – Cold Time

Ammonite – Hard Floater, Swimming Shell
Bee – Buzzing Buzzer, Buzzing Stinger, Stinging Buzzer, Yellow Buzzer
Clam – Snapping Shell
Crab – Crawling Pincher, Sand Creeper
Crayfish – River Pincher
Firefly – Glowing Buzzer
Fish – Finned Swimmer, Splasher, Water Scaly, Water Splasher, Water Swimmer, Water-Breathing Swimmer
Frog – Hopper
Insect – Crawler, Creepy Crawler, Creepy Crawly, Ground Crawler
Lizard – Scaly Creeper, Scaly Crawler
Locust – Swarming Leaf-Gobbler
Mammal – Fuzzball, Fuzzer, Fuzzy, Tickly Fuzzy*
Mosquito – Swarming Biter
Snake – Scaly Nofooter, Scaly Worm
Starfish – Star Swimmer

Cloud-Tearer* – redwood tree
Flower Dust or Yellow Puffies – pollen
Green Food – vegetation
Ground Star – a star-shaped leaf from a bush
Ground Prickly – burr
Night Flower – a variety of nocturnally blooming golden flower
Pointy Seed – pinecone
Swamp Sticks* – cattails or reeds
Sweet Bubbles – grapes
Tree Fuzz – moss
Tree Star – any star-shaped leaf
Tree Sweet – fruit or tree blossom
Water Greens – aquatic vegetation

Descriptive Terms
Farwalker – any migratory land animal
Flattooth or Leafeater – any plant-eating dinosaur
Fourfooter or Fourlegger – any quadrupedal animal
Groundwalker or Landwalker – any land animal
Halftooth* – any dinosaur capable of eating both plants and meat
Sharptooth – any meat-eating dinosaur
Swimmer – any aquatic animal
Story Speaker – a traveling storyteller
Twofooter or Twolegger – any bipedal animal

Insults and Profanities
Bark Beak – insult to Leafeater Flyers
Bark Breath – insult to Leafeaters
Beakhead – a possible slur towards Flyers (and/or other beaked creatures)
Bigface – a possible slur towards Bigmouths/Swimmers
Conehead – insult to Flyers with crests (Pteranodon)
Egg – implies immaturity
Flathead – a possible slur towards Longnecks
Hatchling – implies immaturity
Leaf-Licker – a possible slur towards Leafeaters
Ground Scraper – possibly a slur towards Bellydraggers
Rockhead – general insult, possibly implies stupidity
Sap-Sucker – insult to Leafeaters
Scaredy Egg – implies cowardice
Sharptooth Dirt – extremely offensive profanity, equivalent to BS
Son of a Tar Pit – extremely offensive profanity, equivalent to SOB
Spiketail Dirt – offensive profanity, equivalent to BS
Wingbrain – insult to Flyers

Flowing Sniffer – runny nose
Foot Hole or Foot Mark – footprint
Hatch Day or Star Day – birthday
Land Foot* – the foot of a land animal
 Napeshield or Neckshield – the frill of a threehorn or other ceratopsian
Sleep Rumble – snore (to make sleep rumbles = to snore)
Sleep Story – dream
Sleep Terror* – nightmare
Sniffer – nose
Swimmer- Splasher or Swimmer and Splasher – a game played in water apparently equivalent to Marco Polo
Water Foot* – a fin, flipper, or fluke
Tickly Fuzzies – fur or hair
Time of Great Growing or Time of Rebellion – adolescence

*referenced in Notes

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.


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ï The “Dinosaurs” list contains only species that have appeared in LBT films. There are some dinosaurs that are not included, because they have no canon names, and fanbase names have not been suggested for them yet.
ï The “Non-Canon Dinosaurs” list is for species that have not appeared in LBT films, but have had names suggested for use in fanfiction. The title is color coded blue because all of the entries are automatically fanbase.

ï “Duckbill” was used in a single scene in LBT V to describe a hadrosaur (Saurolophus) skeleton. However, it could be regarded as an anachronistic term, as it references an animal that the dinosaurs would probably not be familiar with.
ï “Earthshake Longneck”/“Earthshaker Longneck” could potentially be used for any especially large longneck species, canon or non-canon.
ï “False Sharptooth” and “False Longneck” may not be ideal names for Hypsilophodon and Iguanodon to use to refer to themselves, but could be used by dinosaurs of other kinds to refer to them (perhaps condescendingly, or out of lack of knowledge of what their actual names are).
ï “Safe Sharptooth” may not be an ideal name for Compsognathus or Saltopus to use to refer to themselves, but could be used by leafeaters to refer to them (perhaps descriptively, or out of lack of knowledge of what their actual names are).
ï “Scolosaurus” is what I have judged Rooter's species to be. My argument can be viewed here.
ï “Tubehead” is the surname of an LBT character (presumably a Parasaurolophus), but it could conceivably be used as an alternative to “Hollowhorn”.

Natural Objects and Phenomena
ï Canon alternatives to “Brightrise” and “Brightfall” are “the Bright Circle is rising in the sky” and “the Bright Circle is going down”, respectively.
ï "Fire Rocks" was used by Littlefoot in LBT XII to refer to a volcanic area with lava pits. This may suggest that, in addition to lava bombs, the LBT dinosaurs use the term "fire rock" to refer to any rock that is hot or on fire, including meteorites and possibly even lava itself.
ï “Fire Signs” was used by Grandpa Longneck in LBT III to refer to smoke. However, given that the word “smoke” itself was used in the same movie, it may have been descriptive speaking.
ï “Lesser Lights” was used by Grandpa Longneck in LBT VI to refer to stars. However, given that the word “star” is already present in the LBT dinosaurs' vocabulary (see “tree star”), it may have been intended as poetic speaking.
ï "Water Path" has only been used in the canon by Mo, and may only be a term he invented.

ï “Tickly Fuzzy” was used in the credits of “Stranger from the Mysterious Above” to refer to mammals, but it may have been intended as an adjective, not a species denomination.

ï “Cloud-Tearer” may not be an ideal fanbase name for redwood trees, because the canon term “Sky Puffies” is used by the LBT dinosaurs to refer to clouds. (Of course, the same issue also applies to the canon dinosaur name “Rainbow Face”, as the terms “Sky Colors” and “Skywater” are used to refer to rainbows and rain, respectively.)
ï In “The Lonely Journey”, Grandpa Longneck reminisces about having to eat “Swamp Sticks” when he was a hatchling. The exact meaning of the term is never specified, but it presumably refers to some variety of sticklike water plant, such as cattails, horsetails, or reeds.

Descriptive Terms
ï “Halfteeth” may not be an ideal term for omnivorous dinosaurs, as a number of them (e.g., Struthiomimus, Oviraptor), have no teeth. However, it could be used by strictly plant-and/or-meat-eating dinosaurs to refer to omnivorous kinds (perhaps condescendingly, or out of lack of knowledge that they are toothless).

Insults and Profanities
ï “Bark Beak” is typically used by sharptoothed or fish-eating flyers, and is considered more offensive than “Beakhead” or “Wingbrain”.

ï “Land Foot” and “Water Foot” have only been used in the canon by Mo, and may be terms he invented.
ï A canon alternative to “Sleep Terror” is simply “scary Sleep Story”.

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.


  • Spike
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Mind if I post my thoughts?

*Hollowhorn may refer to the entire Lambeosaur family.
*Names like Tubehead may just be different last names.

Lesser lights may simply be poetic speaking.

I wonder if we should debate which names to use for each dinosaur. If you like, we could start a debate in the old page, so as not to clutter up this one.


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I recall seeing another term for Tyrannosaurus Rex in an LBT fanfic, though I cannot remember exactly which one. The term was Bonecrusher Sharptooth.


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Quote from: Almaron,Sep 29 2009 on  05:12 PM
I wonder if we should debate which names to use for each dinosaur. If you like, we could start a debate in the old page, so as not to clutter up this one.
Good idea. I've already posted my responses in that thread.

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.


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I wonder if there is listed the 2 types of longnecks I've seen in lbt 10 as background characters.  I'm not sure I got their names right when I did the screenshots but maybe some dino experts here can tell.  & whatever type Sue & Elsie are.

Amargasaurus (longneck with what looks like a fin on it's neck):

Saltosaurus (looks like it has pebble type natural armor on it's neck and back):

one with Sue in the shot:

Part of Elsie, with Littlefoot & Chomper:


  • Spike
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I actually have a list of the dinosaurs in all the films from 1-12 somewhere (I was trying to see if there were changes in the herds over time), I could upload it.


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Maybe some of you can work on making 1 master list together.


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Quote from: Almaron,Sep 29 2009 on  07:40 PM
I actually have a list of the dinosaurs in all the films from 1-12 somewhere (I was trying to see if there were changes in the herds over time), I could upload it.
Me too. :yes Like Kor said, maybe we can merge those lists and isolate the dinosaurs that haven't yet received LBT names, listing them here so that people can suggest names for them. (We should probably share our lists by PM or in the other thread, though.)

I have added entries for Amargasaurus and Elasmosaurus (Elsie's species). The latter is listed separately from "Longnecks" on account of not being a sauropod.

EDIT 1: Now Baryonyx and Camarasaurus (seen in LBT XIII and X respectively) are also on the list.

EDIT 2: Now Saltasaurus is, too.

Anyone got any suggestions for Supersaurus?

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.


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The only stuff I can think of is maybe pebble back longneck, or something along those lines. Not to well since it looks like it had, at least in lbt 10, some of the natural armor on it's neck also.

For Sue's type maybe huge longneck, giant longneck.  Something along those lines.   Others may have better ideas once they have time to post.


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I thought of "Giant Longneck" for Supersaurus, too, but it's kind of an awkward term. I don't think the LBT dinosaurs would use it, especially since, to most dinosaurs, ALL longnecks are giant. :p

"Pebbleback Longneck" is good, though. :yes That one I'm adding. Thanks, Kor.

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.


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winter and cold times need to be switched around.


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Quote from: Kor,Sep 30 2009 on  12:53 AM
maybe tall or big longneck then.
Same problem. :p

Quote from: dragoonanime,Sep 30 2009 on  05:52 PM
winter and cold times need to be switched around.
Whoops! :oops pokeplayer noticed that too. Thanks to you both for being so observant and pointing that out. ;)

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.


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I thought about it a bit more, and I'm sure that Flathead isn't an insult. Petrie first uses it as a nickname, after noting that Littlefoot has a head that he can sit on. Cera then uses it as an insult, trying to mock Littlefoot (Although, she seems to call him that with no prior knowledge of the conversation. It would make more sense if she'd heard Petrie call him that, so then she could be snarky to him.).
She never says it again after that, but Petrie continues to use it, as if he can't be bothered remembering Littlefoot's name, or if he just thinks it's a good nickname. He calls after him to stop him leaving, and again when he comes to save him. I doubt it would be wise to call your rescuer an insult when you face death.

(However, since it is a nickname, it probably isn't the real species name. Although it should probably be kept, as it makes species naming easier.)


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Got another definition!

Time Of The Changing Tree-Stars=Autumn (From LBT 6)


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Quote from: Almaron,Oct 1 2009 on  09:04 PM
I thought about it a bit more, and I'm sure that Flathead isn't an insult. Petrie first uses it as a nickname, after noting that Littlefoot has a head that he can sit on. Cera then uses it as an insult, trying to mock Littlefoot (Although, she seems to call him that with no prior knowledge of the conversation. It would make more sense if she'd heard Petrie call him that, so then she could be snarky to him.).
She never says it again after that, but Petrie continues to use it, as if he can't be bothered remembering Littlefoot's name, or if he just thinks it's a good nickname. He calls after him to stop him leaving, and again when he comes to save him. I doubt it would be wise to call your rescuer an insult when you face death.

(However, since it is a nickname, it probably isn't the real species name. Although it should probably be kept, as it makes species naming easier.)
Perhaps longnecks DO consider it a slur, and that's why Littlefoot didn't like it. (Of course, Petrie's overall behavior at the time was pretty annoying, :lol so that could also explain why he said "My name is not name is LITTLEFOOT" with such irritation in his tone.) Perhaps Petrie had heard the term spoken by someone else, and didn't understand it was offensive. Thus it endured as his name for Littlefoot for the remainder of the journey. After the gang had reunited with their families, perhaps Petrie learned from his mother or some other adult of the term's negative connotations, and consequently stopped using it. (You notice that from the beginning of LBT II, he uses the name "Littlefoot".) Cera, on the other hand, coming from a more speciesist family, understood the term better, and deliberately used it to insult Littlefoot.

Quote from: Almaron,Oct 1 2009 on  11:24 PM
Got another definition!

Time Of The Changing Tree-Stars=Autumn (From LBT 6)
Thank you! I'll add that one!

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.


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On the other hand, no-one likes to be called a name based on how they look (Freckle-Face, Big Butt, Smelly...the list of names goes on!).

EDIT: Oh wait, what about Bigmouth then? Arg, contradicted myself in my own theory. Umm...Maybe the offensiveness of names vary?

Now to change the subject:
I notice that Hatchday is the equivalent of birthday, as said by Cera in 2? Yet, in the TV series, Ruby mentions Star Day. A possible explanation is that wherever Ruby comes from, birthdays are judged using the stars, and are referred to as such. So, they mean the same thing, but they are just different names used by different herds or in different regions.


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I think Starday and Hatchday are synonyms. The difference is probably dialect related.

And yes, I think "Flathead" is indeed a racial slur. Perhaps when Petrie first used it, he was unaware that it was an offensive term. Or perhaps "language evolution" took place; "Flathead" used to be an acceptable term but is no longer (Petrie may have learned it from an older dinosaur).

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


  • Spike
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In regards to my other post, are there descriptive words used in Dink, The Little Dinosaur? We could probably add these too (In another colour. Green?) as an example of names that the fan-base could use.