The Gang of Five
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Songs of the Hunters

rhombus · 72 · 74987


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Note:  This will be another 2-parter, as its 13,900 words exceeds the single-post character limit.

Fanfiction link:

Chapter 24: Conflict

"Need a lift?"

Verda shook in fear as the massive longneck suddenly appeared in front of the group and muttered something that was unintelligible to her.  Despite the fact that she was situated between Pearl and Detras, she had never felt so alone.  Her parents were gone; their situation unknown.  Against the foreboding cliff stood numerous leaf-eater younglings and odd feather-covered sharpteeth, none of which she had any acquaintance with.  All that she knew was that she was surrounded by massive leaf-eaters who appeared to want her parents dead.  Now one of those very leaf-eaters had taken notice of them.


Verda looked up at the pink fastrunner which stood beside her.  Is that the giant green thing's name?  She didn't have much time to consider this possibility, however, before several of the small leaf-eaters promptly fell onto the longneck's head.

"Easy there!  Down we go..."

The sight of the leaf-eater children being lowered to the ground was an odd one to say the least.  In the distance, a confusing symphony of grunts, roars, and crashes could be heard, but here by the cliff the longneck was calmly assisting the children to the ground.  That was when Verda felt a hand on her back.

"We have to remove ourselves from this cliff, Verda.  Do not worry, this longneck will not harm you."

Verda blinked as the fastrunner spoke in an oddly formal form of sharptooth.  The kind of speech that would be used when speaking to a very young sharptooth to avoid any confusion.  However she had little time to consider why the male would speak in such a way before another longneck's face appeared in front of her.

"There is a sharptooth here!"

The longneck looked at her with an expression that conveyed surprise.

"Just help them down, Somni.  I think that one of these might be my brother's..."  The green longneck bellowed, though Verda could not understand any of it, "What?  Are you afraid that the little green one will eat ya?" he mocked.

"Yeah!  They're friendly!"  Tricia tried to explain as she shook off the shock of landing on the longneck, "They helped us!"

"We can explain!"  Swipe exclaimed from somewhere unseen.

Verda froze as the longneck finally turned back towards her as the leaf-eater and sharptooth children alike continued to explain the situation in the leaf-eater language.  Finally, however, the longneck noticed the sharptooth's fearful appearance and softened his expression somewhat as he nodded towards the fastrunners.  Much to her surprise, the next words out of his mouth were translated word for word by Detras.

"Don't worry, little one.  Let's get you and your friends off of this cliff before it falls down."


Chomper had been prepared to do many things when he arrived at Hanging Rock.  He had been prepared to chase off his parents if they threatened his pack or the transfer of the children.  He had been prepared to help negotiate safe passage for the children.  He had even been prepared to fight his parents if it had come to that.

Seeing his parents being pursued by threehorns was not something he had anticipated.


The threehorns stopped in a firm line as the sight of the new arrival surprised them all.  They all had Dein and Terri cornered, with the tails of the sharpteeth facing the ragged rocks of the cliff and their bodies facing an impenetrable wall of horns.  Any attempt to flee would open them up to a parting attack from the threehorns.  They were trapped.

Some distance away stood the uncertain form of a purple fastrunner.  Orchid had mentally prepared himself for an unpleasant situation as soon as he heard about the Great Valley arriving at his home, but he had halfway expected it to result in the sharpteeth fleeing from a superior force.  To see threehorns not letting their opponents flee, but rather trying to kill them, was a sight that surprised him.

How much have the valley dinosaurs changed?

"Hold the line!" Topps unmistakable voice croaked, "We got them cornered and this two-footer can't get us without facing our line!"

A growl escaped Chomper's throat.  So Mr. Threehorn we meet again... what has gotten into you this time?  

That was when a sudden flash of realization hit the sharptooth.  There was only one situation that he could think of that would make his old allies turn to murder.  It was a situation that had last occurred during the Battle for the Valley... and a situation that his pack had faced after they had changed.

His parents must have killed a valley resident.


"I can tolerate many things, Mr. Threehorn, but attacking my parents is not one of them!"

The gray threehorn froze at that pronouncement.  The last time that he had seen the purple sharptooth was when he was but a child.  Now a much larger killer stood in front of him.

Damn it... he protested internally as he kept his face devoid of emotion, We have already lost one member of the herd; I can't tolerate losing one of the valley's defenders too!  The tension was enormous as Topps weighed his options over the next few seconds.  As much as he would have claimed indifference to the purple sharptooth years ago, he couldn't lie to himself about Chomper now.  This was the same sharptooth that had allowed his daughter and her friends to survive their horrific changes into predators.  This was the same being that had protected the valley in its time of greatest need.  And he had no doubt, despite his fearsome appearance, that the same empathetic being resided inside that sharptooth that existed in younger days.

But his choices were limited.

The growling form of the threehorn stood near him.  Savine.  The scarred threehorn had lost a mate and nearly lost a son in the terrible attack by Chomper's parents.  No amount of reparations would bring her back or deprive him of his lust for vengeance.  Topps knew full well that Savine would feel that obligation as an untouchable duty.  

Worse yet, there was the herd to consider.  

They would not tolerate Topps backing down at this point.  Even if he had it in him to give such an order he knew that Savine would resist and attack alone, with many others possibly joining in at great cost.  In this situation if he didn't take the hard action then more of his herdmates would fall, of that he had no doubt.

"Your parents have killed a member of the herd, Chomper." Topps communicated in a grave voice, "I have no choice."

The purple sharptooth did not flinch at his announcement, which confirmed to Topps that the predator must have assumed the truth of the situation.  It was then that he heard a growl escape the sharptooth's mouth, which was reciprocated by the two parents.

Topps grimaced.  He did not like where this was going.

"The killing was not in the valley.  How is my family supposed to know they are off-limits?"  Topps grimaced at the sharptooth's words, knowing full well that Chomper's parents probably wouldn't care either way, "Shall we ask every single leaf-eater that we meet if they are valley residents?"

"You bastard!"  Savine growled, ignoring the standard order of rank, "My mate died out there!"

Chomper shrugged, an infuriating gesture to the assembled threehorns.  It was at this point that Topps realized something.  He is trying to make us angry...  he did not notice the two sharpteeth edging backwards.

"Will killing my parents bring them back?"  Chomper said this as he made an odd gesture with his claws, "Will being killed by us bring her back?  There are three of us.  Do you honestly expect to attack us and leave unscathed?"

Topps cocked his head so that his horns were facing the sharptooth.  It was obvious that Chomper had decided to make this a fight.

"Chomper..." Topps warned, "There is no going back from this..."

Topps gritted his teeth in anguish as he saw the expression that the purple sharptooth then gave him.  The eyes were firm and as red as blood itself, but the mouth almost seemed to soften somewhat.

"My pack is not part of this, Mr. Threehorn.  This is just me... we all must do what we must do.  I will not allow my sister to become an orphan." Topps closed his eyes briefly as the implications of that sank in.  Topps reluctantly prepared himself to give the orders which would make his herd attack one of the valley's old residents.  No sooner had Chomper separated his pack from his actions, however, he gave a loud roar to something in the distance and looked at the agitated deputy head on.

"If you want my parents, horns-for-brains, then you have to go through me."

Topps didn't even have to give the order.


"We have to help them!"

Littlefoot shook in fear for his friend as he deflected the charge of one threehorn, which resulted in a loud crash.  Within moments there was an outright onslaught as threehorns began to almost collide into one another in an attempt to strike out at the purple sharptooth.  Despite this, however, Chomper's previous roared statement still echoed in his mind.

"This is a diversion!  Stay out of this!"

Littlefoot gritted his teeth.  He hoped that his friend knew what he was doing.

"We all heard his order.  We need to stay out of this..."

Cera nearly rammed into Littlefoot as she waved her arms frantically at her leader, "Are you serious!?  My father will kill him!"

Ruby nodded as she walked beside Cera with an equally agitated expression, "We have to protect Path even if he doesn't want to be protected!"  She was joined moments later by the nods and grunts from the others.

What about our children?" Littlefoot asked bluntly as another crash could be heard from the warring dinosaurs in the distance.  Thus far it still seemed like a standoff of charges and deflections, "Are we to leave them on that damn cliff?!"

"I do not think that we need to worry about our children, oh no, no, no!"

Littlefoot was about to ask Ducky what had gotten into her but that was when he noticed the direction of her gaze.  As he turned to follow her eyes he could see the tell-tale form of a giant green longneck alongside a familiar brown one.  Each one with distinct fuzzy forms on their backs.  Littlefoot blinked.  It seemed that his children had been bailed out in much the same way that they had been in the distant past: through the welcoming back of a longneck.

"Well, if we attack the threehorns then we risk everything..." Littlefoot muttered as he considered the changed dynamic.  The valley dinosaurs now held possession of what they valued most in life, "We have to be cautious."

Spike growled in annoyance, "I don't think that your own brother is going to stomp on our kids, Seeker!" The roars and crashes continued in the distance, "But those threehorns might gore our friend!"

Taunt jumped with agitation, "We have to do something!"

"What me do?!"  Petrie's form suddenly landed with a thud, "Whatever me do, me must do it now!"

"We will do it together," Soar finished as she landed heavily upon the ground, her exhaustion obvious.

The brown fastbiter closed his eyes for a moment.  Had this been any other circumstance then he would have protested such insubordination, but in this case he understood completely.  They were just as desperate for a solution as him, but what form could that solution take?  That was when he caught sight of something that made him freeze, Yes... that might just work...

"Ponder and Taunt, you're with me!  Everyone else, make sure the kids stay safe!"


Bron did his best to ignore the roars and crashes in the distance as he examined the threehorn in front of him.

"Can you hear me, Castor?"

He stood there for several moments as the massive dinosaur failed to show any sign of life.  But then, ever so slightly, he could begin to hear heavy breaths emanate from deep within Castor's chest.  That was when he suddenly raised his head as if something had bitten him.

"The sharpteeth!"

Bron edged away immediately, "Easy there, Castor.  You took a pretty big hit.  The rest of the threehorns seem to be dealing with them." ...and I would be helping if it wasn't for the rest of the herd being left undefended.

The threehorn growled as he forced himself upright once more, standing uneasily with most of his weight on his front legs, "Then that is where I must be!"

Bron gritted his teeth as he resisted retorting the threehorn's idea.  Despite the fact that his son and Somni had gone to rescue the children, and the rest of the herd was left without orders and on the verge of panic, Bron knew very well that Castor's single-mindedness could not be challenged with words and reason.  Castor wanted blood to be paid for the loss of his herdmates.

It was a sentiment that Bron certainly understood.

"Bron?  What should we do?"

Bron forced himself to look back towards what remained of the united herd.  In front of him stood Ura who was showing the clear signs of being near panic.  Not knowing whether to flee or to fight.  It was the scourge that each leader of leaf-eaters had to recognize and learn how to fight.  He knew that panic here could result in bloodshed regardless of what Chomper's parents did in the distance.  For an undisciplined and splintered herd was a prime target for opportunistic predators.

"We need to regroup," Bron began sounding much more confident than he actually felt, "The strongest of the herd need to stay on the outside to protect the weaker ones."

There were murmurs from the assembled dinosaurs as they tried to obey his directives for the third time since the crisis began.  Most notably the spiketails were slow to reconfigure their placement in the group.  This reluctance was not lost on Bron.

"If the threehorns give us the sign then we will advance and help them, but not before.  We do not want to get in their way," Bron spoke firmly, "Our children are by the cliff.  They take priority." Please listen...

Bron's uneasiness did not abate as the murmuring in the crowd grew louder.  Some voices could be heard demanding to advance to where the children were located, whereas others demanded to fight Chomper's parents.  Still, others seemed to be partial to holding their defensive positions.  The uneasy arrangement was soon shattered, however, by an all too familiar voice.

"The children are with two of our strongest.  It is those sharpteeth that need our attention right now!  Let's make sure they never get a chance to take what we hold dear from us!"

Bron sighed internally as the voices for acting against the sharpteeth grew stronger.  Castor's call to arms had pushed the herd into a frenzy.  A frenzy that he now knew that he couldn't control.

"Yeah!  Let's kill the two-footers!"

"They can't stand against us!"

Bron tried one last time to desperately calm the angry mob.

"Everyone, we have got to stay calm!  If we advance without discipline then we will be of no help!"

But no one seemed to hear him as the calls to action grew louder still.  Bron knew that something would have to give.  Sure enough, within a matter of moments, Castor sealed the herd's decision.

"Let's crush the murderers!"

As Bron tried to keep up with the swifter members of the herd he realized that it was out of his control now.  The herd was out for blood and no amount of caution would control them in their panic-induced frenzy.  He could only hope that their casualties would be minimal.


"Die, sharptooth!"

Chomper edged backwards as Savine's massive horns were aimed squarely at his body.  He did not have much room to maneuver, but it didn't take much to do what he had in mind.  As he prepared to move his body to strike the offender with his tail, however, he found that one of his companions had left his side.

"Savine, watch your right!"

The purple sharptooth froze out of surprise as his father lunged forward and went between Savine and Topps.  Savine responded aggressively by rearing his head to his right, but Dein countered by slapping him with his tail.  It was only by the barest of margins that he was able to avoid the counter attack by Topps.  Within moments father and son were again side by side as the threehorns struggled to regroup.

"You could have warned me, Dad!  I could've taken care of him!"

Chomper could not see his father's face, but he could hear the smile in his voice, "You could've been gorged as well!  Never retreat in front of a horn-face!"

Chomper did not have much time to react as another threehorn attempted to advance forward, but he advanced too quickly for his comrades to maintain the line.  In a swift movement Chomper turned around, carrying his massive tail straight into the horns of the over-zealous threehorn.  Ignoring the burning pain from his now battered appendage, he could see his mother attack the threehorn from the side, causing him to roll into his advancing friends.  

"Fall back, damn you!  We have to move as a group!"

Chomper rolled his eyes as Topps struggled to maintain order over his fellow threehorns.  Their relative youth and inexperience was evident when compared to the mature demeanor of Topps.

"We have to break through somehow!" Terri exclaimed as she retreated from the fallen threehorn.  She could have finished him off, but his comrades were distracted in trying to save him.  She knew full well that a distraction here would serve them better than a mere kill.

"Yes, dear!  That is only what we have been working on since the horn-faces started attacking!" Dein exclaimed as he barely avoided being gored by another threehorn.  A swift ramming of the threehorn's side by his son promptly caused him to retreat.

Chomper stepped forward as a group of four threehorns formed a protective line in front of their fallen comrade, struggling to assist him to his feet.  It was a touching display that would have moved Chomper to help him in any other circumstance, but now the situation was quite different.  He was no longer a friend of the valley.

Chomper's expression turned dark.  That might work...

"What are you doing, son?" Terri asked as his fixation was obvious.  He was now a full body length in front of his parents and a mere two body lengths away from the defensive line from the incapacitated threehorn.  Behind him the rest of the line was regrouping and preparing for a continued assault.

"When I advance towards the threehorn, I want both of you to plow through Topps and get out of here."

An audible gasp from Terri was joined by an empathic response from Dein.

"You must have consumed too many funny berries for you to believe that we would do that, son!  We either get out of here together, or we make our last stand here."

Terri advanced to Chomper's side as the threehorns began to move in a steady fashion forward.  It seemed that they were not going to wait for their comrade to rise before striking a blow against the sharpteeth.  This only made Chomper more certain of his plan.

"I have a plan, mother.  But I can't do it unless both of you do as I say."

Silence reigned for several moments as the steady stomping of feet echoed across the ravine's walls.  The threehorns were making their aggressive show of force prior to charging at their enemies.  A mixture of intimidation tactic and morale booster for the somewhat battered threehorns.  It was obvious that they were going for the kill in their next strike.

"Are you sure, son?"

Chomper nearly shuddered at the defeated tone in his father's voice.  It was a sound that he had only heard on some of the most harrowing moments in his life, but yet it seemed that fate had decided to give him another moment to contemplate with dread.  It was at this moment that Chomper's eyes fixed themselves upon a rather familiar purple form on the rocks above the threehorns.  

Chomper grinned with determination.

"Both of you run when I give the signal."


"What is going on!?"

Shorty opened his mouth to answer Somni's question but promptly closed it when he realized that he did not have an answer.  It seemed as if the entire herd had taken upon itself to charge at the sharpteeth in the distance.  

Bron would not have allowed this, which means...

"Hey look, there is Daddy!  But what is he doing?"

Shorty considered the small brown fastbiter's question as he stared into the distance.  Though his eyes were not as acute as those of a predator's, he did have the advantage in terms of perspective.  As a result it only took him a moment to see what the small predator was looking at.

They split up into two groups... Shorty could see five adult fastbiters rapidly advancing in his general direction, an understandable reaction considering the predicament their children were in, and three others were running along the side of the ravine, including a familiar looking fastbiter with brown feathers and a red crest.  Brother...

"I think that he is trying to help Chomper," Shorty answered with a grave tone of voice, "And the rest of your parents are coming to get you."

Somni rapidly turned his head towards the towering green longneck, "We can't let him do that!  You know what Chomper's parents did!"

Shorty narrowed his eyes, "Would you have me attack my own brother, Somni?"

The smaller longneck seemed taken aback by Shorty's bluntness as he made the connection in his mind.  He had never seen the almost mythical leaf-eaters turned sharpteeth, with the exception of Petrie when he entered the valley.  

"No..." Somni admitted as Shorty nodded, "But what are we going to do?  The herd has gone nuts, the threehorns are trying to kill Chomper's parents, and..."

"Oh no!  Run mommy!  Run!"

To Shorty's horror the herd suddenly seemed to lurch towards the fastbiters which had been heading for their children.  In their rage-dazed state of mind the herd did not seem to care which sharptooth that they attacked.  The leaf-eaters that had been fixated on pursuing Chomper's parents now had a more immediate target.  

Now the predators had become the prey.

"Children, stay here!  We have to take care of this!"

Shorty did not wait to hear the responses from the children or the fastrunners as he ran headlong towards the unruly herd.  It did not take long for the thunderous footsteps of Somni to join his in the pursuit.  He was resolute in his determination that he would die before permitting anything to happen to his brother's friends.

He just hoped that it didn't come to that.


"What in the name of..."


Cera barely had time to shift her body to the left as the threehorn's crest crashed into the ground, sending torrents of mud into the air like a waterspout.  She barely had any time to adjust to the horror of her situation, however, before seeing a group of spiketails charge in her general direction.

"We have to get out of here!"

The pack adjusted their course as the spiketails continued to rush forward.  They were now heading to the side of the ravine instead of heading towards the advancing herd.

Cera gritted her teeth at Breeze's exclamation, "And go where?!  Our children are back there!"

Ducky nearly crashed into both of the fastbiters as she and her brother tried to flee from the rapidly advancing horde.  

"They wouldn't, Stern Claw..." Ducky offered as she realized the implications of what Cera was suggesting.  The Great Valley would not do that to its friends, oh no, no, no!

"Would they?" Cera growled out as she gestured for a lagging Leap to catch up with the rest of the group.  They were trying to make a circle around the herd, avoiding their repeated charges.  "They are attacking Path and now they are attacking us!  We have to get to our children before anything happens to them!"

"Here comes Bron!" Leap yelled as he caught up with the others.

As if on cue the tell-tale form of Bron appeared at the periphery of the herd, appearing to yell at the assembled dinosaurs.  However this seemed to have no effect as the spiketails and domeheads continued to follow the lead of Castor.  

Sometimes I really hate my former kind, Cera thought irreverently, For once listen to the damn longneck!

"They are congregated in the center, maybe we can go around them?" Spike's uncertain voice rang out, "It doesn't look like the longnecks are on their side."

Cera grunted at Spike's proposal before shaking her head, "They want us to go to their side, that way we would be trapped.  See how they are positioned, Spike?"

Spike's gaze shifted towards the assembled herd.  Castor was in the front of the line, with domeheads and spiketails grouped on either side of him.  Besides the angry mob in the center there was also two distinct outliers on either side of the group.  A spiketail which was positioned to the side, as if they were preparing to charge towards the side of the ravine.  The obvious sign of a pincer attack.

"Damn it!"  Spike realized the truth of the situation, "Regroup then?"

"And what?  Hope that the freaked out herd settles down before they trample our kids?"  Cera retorted.

"The longnecks seem to still have their wits about them," Leap offered hopefully.  He did not have long to contemplate that statement, however as a loud roar escaped from Castor's throat and the herd advanced in an uncontrolled manner.  It was obvious that they had grown tired of waiting on the fastbiters to fall for their trap.

Cera narrowed her eyes.  Panic made people do strange things, but that rationale did not absolve them in her mind.  Her children were somewhere on the other end of that mob and she had no idea how to help them.

"Fall back..." Cera hesitantly gave the order, "Fall back and we will get the children when the herd is gone!"

It was with great regret that she gave a special order to her children that she hoped that she would never have to give.  An order communicated by a single tapering roar.  

Hide yourselves until we come back.

Unbeknownst to her, the fastbiters were not the only ones under threat.


"What you doing?!  Pack not hurt you!"

Petrie did his best to dodge the sudden onslaught of flyers that came in his direction.  Seemingly from nowhere a torrent of angry flyers dived down in his general vicinity and then retreated before he could react.  It was a classic diversionary tactic and he knew it.

Damn you!  We not threat to valley!

Grunting with exertion, Petrie pumped his wings in order to gain altitude.  He knew full well that hovering would waste his energy and that he had to gain some momentum if he was going to break this aerial blockade of the pack.  He was soaring into the blue sky with that very intention when a familiar call emanated into the sky.


Petrie immediately allowed himself to roll and begin to dive, which caused several of his pursuers to barely dodge his accelerating form.  That was when he saw a sight that enraged him to his core.

Soar was on the ground and not moving.


"Soar!  Soar, can you hear me?!"

Ura could only look at the scene in horror.  Not only had the herd decided to attack the sharpteeth in their irrational panic, but they had succeeded as well.  The herd that was rapidly moving away from them seemed like an out of control behemoth.  A ferocious thing of nature that attacked friend and foe alike.  Now Soar lay on the dusty ground, a testament to the brutality of now terrified dinosaurs.

"Is she alright?"  Ura moved closer to the fallen flyer as Volant inspected her injuries.  It was only now that she noticed that two of Petrie's siblings were hovering over the scene and making snapping gestures with their beaks.  An obvious show of aggression to any other flyers who may decide to attack the fallen sharptooth flyer.

At least there are still a few sane ones left, Ura lamented as she shook from the adrenaline in her system.  It was in a swimmer's nature to seek water and flee in such a situation, but she forced herself to hold firm.  She owed it to her child who was now being chased by the herd, and she owed it to Ducky's friends.

She just hoped it wasn't too little, too late for Soar.

"She's out."

Ura nearly collapsed at those horrific words.  What was supposed to have been a hopeful reunion of lost children had now turned into a tragedy of immense proportions.  How could they explain this to Petrie?  How would the pack react?

"She's unconscious, but I think she will be alright."

Ura righted herself as Volant clarified her statement.  Panic in a herd and you won't be deterred, panic alone and you will never go home.  I have to keep control.  I can't.. .  she refrained from finishing the thought as she shuddered at what the others were doing in their rampage.  All thought disappeared when panic took hold.


Petrie's shrieking voice made Ura sprint away for several moments until her panic-addled mind finally processed who had made the statement.  It was only then that she edged back to the flyers.

"...took a hit to the head, but I gave him worse.  But the herd has gone mad, Petrie.  You have to get your pack out of here!"

"Not without my mate and kids, me not!" Petrie erupted with rage as he pointed one of his wings at his mother, "Me know leaf-eaters be idiots when panicked, but this idiotic even for them!  We help you and this how you repay us?!"


"Me should go and rip them to shreds for..."

"Petrie, not all of the herd have gone nuts!  Look at your brothers and sisters for crying out loud!  Would you make yourself the enemy of us all?"

Ura swallowed as she saw the pained expression of Petrie's face.  It was an expression that she had seen many times before, most notably when the herd had lost so many on their journey to the Great Valley.  It was the expression of pain.

"Me... me not do that... but me have to do something!  They chase my friends!"

Ura looked out at the now distant herd.  In the massive throng stood many of her friends and kin.  Many fellow swimmers and others of different kinds as well.  Dinosaurs she had swam with and celebrated with.  However she could not deny that if something was not done soon then the herd might do something that it might very well regret.

Something far more serious than knocking a flyer unconscious.

"I think that I have an idea."

Ura almost wanted to bolt as the eyes of all of the assembled flyers fixed upon her.  It was obvious that they did not expect to hear anything from her.  They had expected her to be outright panicked.

She narrowed her eyes with determination.  She had raised well over forty children, she was made of sterner stuff than that.

"If you attack try to distract them from the air then the flyers will try to stop you, but what if you sneak over there?"

She watched as the flyers in the herd began to dive at the retreating pack.  Only a few kept vigil over the herd in case the sharptooth flyers returned.

"Not to be rude, Ura, but how do you plan on doing that?" Volant inquired.

Ura smiled, "Well you an everyone else is expecting a panicking swimmer.  I say that we give it to them."

Volant and Petrie shared a glance for a moment before the elder flyer turned back in her direction to ask for clarification.  But she never got the chance before the sound of trampling feet swiftly interrupted them.

"What... is... going... on?" Somni choked out as Shorty trotted to a stop beside him.  It was obvious that the sprint had taken a lot out of the adult longnecks.

Petrie glared at no one in particular, "Short story?  Threehorn act like idiot.  Gets others to act like idiots.  Then idiots attack pack."

Volant immediately took off into the air and glanced at the backs of the longnecks, "Where are the children?!"

Shorty answered, "We told them to stay put with the fastrunners by the rock wall.  We had to stop the rest of the herd."

Volant audibly shreeched into the air, "Fine job you did there!  How goes stopping the rest of the herd?  Now not only have you not stopped them, but the herd is still chasing them!"

Somni shook his head as he tried to catch his breath, "It didn't look that far away back there."

Ura tried to ignore the agitated banter as she looked back to where the children were supposedly located.  That was when she noticed something that made her blood run cold.

They were gone.

Fighting the panic growing in her belly she looked at the sides of the ravine in the hopes of finding the missing children.  That was when she found a familiar pink form.  Pearl was standing protectively beside a visibly confused Verda, but both of them were looking at something in the distance.  Following their gaze she found what she was looking for.

Several fuzzy figures were running in the distance with two fastrunners keeping close pursuit.  Behind them ran the missing leaf-eater children, obviously unbeknownst to Detras and Arial.  They were all heading in the direction of their retreating parents... and the rampaging herd.

"No, children!  Get back here!  It isn't safe!" Shorty yelled as his nephew and his friends ran into the heart of danger, "What... what are they doing?"

Ura prepared herself for sprinting as she gestured for Petrie to go into her arms.  She could explain her plan to him when they were in transit.  The children didn't have time to waste.

"Did Ducky and her friends ever listen to us when we told them to stay put?  Then why would their children?"  Ura began to sprint as the others followed, "Come on!  We have to help them!"


"Watch your claws, guys!"

Biter tried to keep himself steady as the young flyer held tight to his feathers.  He almost fit in with his brown coloration except for the pointed beak sticking out.

"Are you sure about this, brother?!" Swipe's rose-colored form inquired, with another one of Petrie's children resting on her back.

"Of course he is!" Pounce responded, likewise carrying a flyer, "We can't wait for the leaf-eaters to trample our mommies and daddies!"

Biter briefly glanced at Swipe and Pounce's sprinting forms as they kept pace with him.  He knew that somewhere behind him ran the rest of his friends, and somewhere behind them two agitated fastrunners.  But he wasn't going to let anyone talk him out of this course of action.

We have to buy them some time!

"You all know the plan: we distract them and then we run off.  We are fastbiters!  And what did our mommies and daddies always say?"

"Fastbiters never die as long as they keep running!" His companions shouted as if in chorus.

Biter nodded as he could feel the determination rise in his belly.  It was as if the chant itself made its own mantra reality.  With his friends and their parents' training he was confident that they could do anything.  What arose from the next was almost something out of pure instinct.

"What are we going to do?"  He shouted.

"Run!" The rest exclaimed.

"And when are we going to stop?"  He asked.


Biter grinned with determination.  Regardless of what terrors the next few minutes brought he was confident that his pack would face them together.  It was a sight that would have made his father proud if he wasn't dealing with a situation of his own.


"Damn flyers!"

Littlefoot dodged another attempted swiping by a flyer as he threatened it with his spear.  Their constant assaults had made navigating the ravine a difficult proposition.  Nonetheless, despite the fact that the valley dinosaurs were attacking him he did not want to potentially kill one of them.  He knew that would be a point of no return.

But had they already crossed that line?

In horror he watched the line of threehorns advanced towards Chomper and his parents.  He could not see any detail from his vantage point, but he could see that a distinct purple form was advancing to meet the threehorns head on.


Littlefoot briefly considered their options as Taunt and Ponder ran beside him.  They could announce their presence and more than likely not even distract enough of them to change the course of the fight.  They could attack one of them and not change the course of the fight, and be guilty of murdering some of the valley residents.  

Littlefoot froze as the realization came to him.  There was no way out of this that wouldn't result in bloodshed.  He had to make a choice between neutrality and protecting his friend.

He gripped his spear as he nodded to his companions.  He had made his choice.

He dodged another diving flyer as he looked at the advancing line of threehorns that lay just ahead of him.  They appeared to be in a line that was seven threehorns in length, with Topps squarely in the center.  Two other older threehorns appeared to grunt every time that Topps barked out an order.

Deputies...  If we take out his deputies then the line will falter.

Littlefoot's heart was pounding.  He knew that there was no going back from this decision.  Once he made this choice then he would be an enemy of the valley.  Despite the previous good deeds of the pack he knew that their name would be used as a curse by the short-sided majority.  The reason for their original separation from the valley was being laid bare.

But we have no choice...

He could sense Taunt's presence a mere moment before he leaned in, "What are your orders, Seeker?"

Littlefoot looked at his mate briefly and noted her grave expression, cold eyes, and tightened grip on her spear.  She had reached the same conclusions that he had moments prior.

"We kill the two deputies.  Those are..."

"...the grunters." Taunt finished with a cold tone that almost sounded like it came from someone else.  The gravity of the situation was not lost on him.

Littlefoot nodded, "Yes.  We kill them in one go and then we run.  Path will have to work with that."

Ruby gritted her teeth, "...and what of our children?"

Littlefoot glared at the backside of the deputy he planned on targeting, "I hope they listened to Stern Claw order and hid."  With a final look at his two companions he gave a final nod.  No further words needed to be spoken.  Now was the time for action.

Without a word they sprinted towards the threehorns.


Chomper stared at the gray threehorn with an unreadable expression.  Despite the ferocity of the two deputies, Topps held them at bay with a single growl.  It was an impressive display.

Topps took a step forward as Dein and Terri once more took on an aggressive stance.  Each of them bore the scars of the ensuing battle; with scratches and contusions from the numerous blows they had been dealt.  Had it not been for Chomper's intervention then he had no doubt that the desired vengeance of his herd would have been obtained by now.

This thought brought his eyes back to the purple sharptooth.  Gone was the small sharptooth with the innocent eyes and the boisterous attitude.  In its place stood a formidable adversary, and one that still retained the courage Topps had remembered from years prior.  This was still the same Chomper and he had no doubt that like he did in the past, Chomper would not step aside.

Nonetheless he had to make the offer again.

"Chomper.  You have attacked my herdmates.  You have injured several of them, including myself."  Topps noted the blood dripping from his snout with some detachment.  He couldn't be sure if it was from one of his injuries or from one of Chomper's.  "Normally this would earn you death... and my herdmates certainly would prefer that..."

Growls emanated from the deputies as they stomped their feet in anger.  Despite this Chomper looked impassive.

"But you are one of those who protected the valley.  For that reason, and that reason alone, I will ask you once again: step aside.  Step aside and I give you my vow you will be allowed to leave."

The sharptooth seemed to look far off in the distance for several moments before finally glancing at his mother and father and letting out several roars.  The roars were so low pitched that they vibrated the ground, sending off pulsations through Topps's bones.  It was as if he were talking to someone far away, even though his parents were right there.

With almost deliberate slowness Chomper took a step forward and again seemed to glance into the distance as if he were looking for a signal from the heavens to tell him the proper course of action.  Then, with an almost inaudible growl which again vibrated the earth beneath his feet, he looked up at the threehorns.

"There is one thing that my father told me, Mr. Threehorn, that I think you threehorns could learn from."

Topps held back at his anger as the slight insult in Chomper's statement sank in.  However, being fully aware that he might be forced to carry out his threat against Chomper, he allowed the sharptooth to speak his peace, "And what would that be?

"He always says that one shouldn't lose sight of what is truly important..." Chomper nodded his head as if he were signaling to someone, " family."

Topps closed his eyes and lowered his horns in preparation for the final assault.  He now realized what Chomper had decided.

Caw!  Caw!

Topps opened his eyes in a flash at the sudden alert call from the skies above.  It was an odd call that sounded like a flyer's alert call, but it had an overly gravely tone.  That sounded like it came from the top of one of the walls of the ravine, but that must mean...

Caw!  Caw!

A second call suddenly emanated from somewhere behind the line of threehorns.  This time there was no doubt in the threehorn's mind.  This was an alert call.  And the urgency could only mean one thing.

"It looks like the herd is under threat.  So answer me this, Mr. Threehorn, are you going to sacrifice them for this vendetta?"

Topps glared at the sharptooth.  He knew that the nature of the call meant it was urgent, but it went against everything in his nature to turn from a fight.  However, he would not risk the herd for the sake of someone who could never come back.

"Let's finish this!" Savine roared as he stepped forward, "The herd can run towards us if..."

"No," Topps answered with a stern voice.

"But, sir..."  Savine protested.

Topps sighed as he growled for the threehorns to prepare to move out, "Our children are back there somewhere, Savine, and they take priority.  We can't bring you mate back, but we can make sure that your son survives.  But only if we move out now!"

Caw!  Caw!

And then there was a third call, which much like the rest was cut off abnormally.  Almost as if the flyer was cut off in mid...

"Threehorns, regroup with the herd!"

Not sparing the sharptooth another look Topps forced his battered body to sprint in the direction of the herd.  The land behind him swiftly becoming covered in a hazy cloud of dust.  In his haste to protect the herd he could not see a purple fastrunner and three fastbiters come out of hiding.  He also couldn't see a satisfied grin appear on Chomper's bloodied face.

"You know, son.  I never would have thought of making fake alert calls to trick the threehorns."  Dein admitted.

Chomper smiled, "Neither would have I if it wasn't for being forced to listen to Orchid's musings for an entire day."

Orchid finally slid down a traversable part of the wall as he landed on the ravine floor, "Hey, they came in handy, didn't they?  It is a good way of getting territorial flyers off of your back when you are trying to catch fish!"

"Only because some of us are better at carrying a tune than you are!" Taunt retorted as he shook the remaining dirt off of himself, "I'm amazed that he fell for it."

Perhaps it was because of the absurdity of the situation, or perhaps it was because of the simple joy of being alive, but the assembled dinosaurs couldn't help but laugh at their situation.  The fastbiters were exhausted, and the two-footers were injured, but they were still all here.  One member of the pack was not so joyful, however.

"Path... we were this close to killing them," Littlefoot raised his spear for emphasis, its tip covered with orange sap, "If it wasn't for Orchid's call..."

The purple fastrunner considered the elder fastbiter contemplatively for several moments as the implications of Littlefoot's words sank in, "I... well... you could have made the calls too... I mean..." the fastrunner shook his head, suddenly flustered, "You ended up making the last two calls... if you knew how to do that then why didn't..."

Ruby stepped forward as she placed a clawed hand on Orchid's shoulder, "Yes, but if you hadn't done that then we would not have thought of doing that.  We did not have much time to think."  She looked at the retreating threehorns in the distance.  Despite their rapid retreat she knew that they would be back soon once they realized the ruse, "Thank you for sparing us that, brother."

For the first time in several years brother and sister embraced.  Despite the fate of Ruby being permanently changed by the stone it still seemed that their destinies had again intertwined.  Both were grateful for the opportunity, but were each mindful that the crisis was not yet over.  It was with that in mind that they eventually broke apart once more, leaving a silent group around them.

"So... I guess we need to get out of here, huh?"  Chomper finally asked.

Littlefoot nodded as he looked towards the retreating threehorns.  Their shuffling gait and noticeable slowness was a testament to the beating that they had obtained, but he knew full well that Chomper and his parents were equally beaten up from the battle.  It was obvious that the threehorns would intersect with the rest of the herd at any time, and Chomper's family needed to be outside of visual range by that point.  For everyone's sake.

"Yeah... I guess that we can take care of this here, but I do not think that Mr. Threehorn will want to see your beautiful face again."  Littlefoot mocked.

Chomper made a mock bite in Littlefoot's direction before he groaned in pain from the soreness, "Yeah... he didn't exactly give me a very warm welcome."

"Um... Seeker?"

Littlefoot turned towards his mate who was looking back towards the herd with an odd expression.  An expression that seemed an even mix of confusion and fear, "Yes, dear?"

"The others were supposed to get the kids, right?"

Littlefoot nodded as he ran up to her position, "Yes, you were there.  That is what I ordered... what..."

That was when he saw it.  The tell-tales figure of Cera and Ducky fleeing from a spiketail in the distance, with many other leaf-eaters in pursuit.  It was as if the rest of the herd were attacking his pack, and not merely going after Chomper.  And they had just tricked the already enraged threehorns into the melee, with the rest of the pack in the middle...

"Oh crap..."


Castor watched with satisfaction as the fastbiters retreated through the ravine.  The sound of his fellow threehorns' thundering feet could be heard echoing in the distance, which could only mean that the dreaded murderers of one of the pack's own had fallen.  The pack had been distracted long enough to finish what honor demanded of them.

However this left open the question of what to do with the fastbiters.

The threehorn watched the retreat of the feathered carnivores with a mixture of anger and uncertainty.  He knew that the pack had to have harbored the vile sharptooth who had killed Savine's mate.  How else could the herd have just happened to have stepped in on their children being threatened by the massive carnivores?  How else could Chomper have so conveniently appeared to back up his mother and father in their murderous mission?

They obviously didn't plan on their being so many of us.  They will pay for their mistake.  They will pay for this treachery!

"Time for you to eat dust, fastbiter scum!" he roared with righteous anger, "You will pay for what you tried to do here!"

As the fastbiters continued to flee from the advancing herd he did not expect an answer.  However, he was then greeted with another surprise on this day of many surprises.

"What did we try to do?!" A yellowish-orange fastbiter screamed, "Try to rescue our kids who were trying to rescue yours?!  What in the fuck is wrong with you?!"

Castor could hear some of the footsteps slow in the line immediately behind him that could actually hear the words, which caused others to run into their slowing counterparts.  In response he gave a loud roar, which made the herd advance again.  Over the tumult of stomping feet and angry shouts almost nothing else could be heard.  Nonetheless he responded to the insolent fastbiter.

"Spiketail dung, you worthless traitor!  You expect us to believe that!"  he could see the fastbiter shake her head as she shifted to the left along with the rest of her pack, keeping up the distance from Castor and the others, "You led us all here to be food!  Well now you are going to pay!"

He barreled ahead despite his exhaustion and the lingering pain in his head.  He could barely hear something screamed from a green fastbiter that was drowned out by the commotion behind him, but he no longer paid that any heed.  These fastbiters could not talk their way out of their just punishment.  He would see to it that their attempt against the herd cost them their lives.

He lowered his horns as one of the slower fastbiter went squarely in his line of sight.  What the fastbiters had in speed he could more than make up for in stamina.  He now knew who his first victim would be.

"Leave Finder alone horn-face!"

Castor nearly tripped over his own feet as the young sharptooth flyer suddenly flew into his face.  A burning sensation immediately overtook his right eye as another flyer spat something red into his eyes.

"I hope you enjoy lunch as much as my brother did!"

Castor roared in rage as the stench of partially digested longneck filled his nostrils and blinded one entire side of his vision.  Within moments the rest of the herd began to stop and collide into one another in confusion.  That was when the massive threehorn felt something prick him in the foot.


Castor looked around him in confusion as he searched for the source of his discomfort.  That was when he saw the small flyers land on several conspicuous fuzz-balls on the ground below.

"Uh... guys, I think we need to run!"

Castor could not understand a word that the small fastbiter child had said, but in his anger and humiliation he no longer cared.  Despite the children's bravery, they would not save their parents.  As far as Castor was concerned a dead fastbiter child was simply one less adult fastbiter to worry about later.

"Is that one of their kids?"

Castor glared at the swimmer who had muttered those words, "Trying to protect their murderous parents.  Let's finish this!  Are you going to let their attempted murder of us all go unpunished?!"

Roars of anger and frustration erupted from the spiketails and domeheads as they charged ahead with Castor.  The herd simply had more targets in their righteous mission.

Castor did not notice most of the swimmers falling behind.


Orchid watched the sad scene from the edge of the ravine.  Chomper, Littlefoot, Ruby, and Taunt sprinted into the ravine behind the threehorns they had moments before cleverly distracted.  Meanwhile the threehorns ran into the ravine expecting to find the herd under threat, and the herd's actions would only confirm the suspicions of the threehorns.  Caught in the middle were the rest of the pack, their children, and two notable forms.

Father... sis... no!

Orchid looked around desperately. I have to do something!  But what? In those desperate few seconds he racked his brain for any information he had gleamed in his short life that could possibly be relevant.  Anything that could buy his family and friends even a second of extra time.  Anything that could save their lives.

Sharpteeth kill with tooth and claw, but fastrunners must observe and learn.

Orchid forced himself to take a deep breath as his mother's words of wisdom entered into his mind.  He could not really help fight off the threat that loomed over his loved ones, but he could use his eyes, ears, and mind.  That is what he could offer them right now.

The purple fastrunner looked again at the landscape in front of him.  Two large rock walls rose from the ground like trees in the Land of Mists.  In between them was merely a barren expanse no more than three longnecks in width.  A width that could be easily blocked by a herd.

The perfect place for a trap.

He grimaced.  He would not find any hope by looking at the foreboding terrain so he set his sights on the various dinosaurs in the expanse.  The threehorns had obvious signs of exhaustion and injury as several in their front line were half-limping to where the herd was located.  Had they not been injured then they would have already have reached the pack by now...

Then there was the herd itself.  Castor was running ahead of several spiketails and domeheads who were half-running, half-stomping towards the sharpteeth and fastrunners that lay in front of them.  Some flyers continued to dive at the retreating sharpteeth, which made their retreat rather erratic.  However, that was not what caught his eye.

Some of them have stopped!

To his amazement he could see nearly all of the swimmers and most of the flyers stopped some distance away from the still advancing portion of the herd.  The only exception was a massive green swimmer who seemed to be holding something in her hands.  Bron unmistakable form could be seen shouting something to those who had stopped while Somni took position in front of them.  Then, without missing a second, Shorty and Bron continued their sprint towards Castor and his group.  It was obvious, however, that they would not arrive until it was too late.

That last thought echoed in Orchid's mind.  He had no idea what any of this meant.  The swimmer holding an object... the longneck staying to talk with the swimmers... but he did know one thing.

He had to buy them all some time.

Orchid watched as the three groups grew closer and closer.  The fastbiters were able to keep ahead of the domeheads and spiketails, but the threehorns would be upon them soon.  Somehow he had to distract them.

But how can I do that?!

Orchid paused for a moment as he felt his heart race in his chest.  I...  I have to do that... Ha!  That's it!

The fastrunner lived up to his kind's name as he ran into the center of the ravine, where he could be easily seen. I hope that this works!

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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  • Littlefoot
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And here is part 2:

Topps continued to run towards the agitated herd.  He could only imagine what may have upset the herd.  Perhaps Chomper and his family had allies that had decided to attack them from the other side of the ravine?  Perhaps the herd had simply heard something that made them think that an ambush was on the way?  

That was when he saw it.

Several fastbiters were running at full speed away from the advancing herd.  Though their sizes were different than when he had first seen them, he recognized them immediately.  It was Seeker's pack.

"They must be behind the alert call!  They must have attacked our herd!"

Topps nearly stumbled upon hearing his deputy's words, "Nonsense!  My daughter and her friends would never do something like that!" he glared at the threehorn for several seconds as he did not decrease his speed in the slightest.

"Chomper said that we had to choose between his family and the herd... so he knew!"  Another deputy asserted.

"It must have been the pack's plan all along!"  Savine declared.

Topps growled in frustration, "You are all mad!  She would not do such a thing!"

With those words he stared at the now quite visible fastbiters and fastrunners.  The small children that lagged behind their parents were obviously scared out of their wits, as were the fastrunners.  But it was the adults that caught his eye.  The green bodies of Ducky and Spike...  The gray form of Breeze...  The diminutive figure of Leap... and his daughter...

Could my daughter actually be behind something like this?

He immediately raged at himself for even considering the possibility, but the rational part of his mind would not let up on its suspicions.  It was very convenient for them to happen upon Chomper's parents threatening the children... it had been convenient for the pack to appear right when the alert call came...

"No!"  Topps yelled despite himself, "I cannot accept that!  We will block them and then take things from there!"

Savine immediately protested, "But, sir!"

"If they are behind this then they will be dealt with!"  Topps snapped as he glanced again at his daughter.  Though in his heart he doubted his own words.  That was one order he could not bear to give.


Topps remembered the alert call from earlier.  Would that sound be the harbinger of further bloodshed?  Even now the memory seemed to haunt him despite not even being a minute old...


Topps blinked.  That was no memory.  He had heard the alert call again and it was coming from...


Topps stopped and turned around as if something had bitten his tail.  This caused the remainder of the threehorns to nearly trip over themselves in confusion as they too took on alert stances.  That was when they saw it.

"It's a fastrunner!  They must be trying to distract us!"

Topps tilted his head at the distant fastrunner.  It responded by waving his arms rapidly as if he were intentionally trying to get their attention.  It was at that moment that everything clicked in his mind.  I am such an idiot...

"Which is what the original call was."

The other threehorns looked at Topps as if he had gone completely mad.  The fact that he then began to laugh did not dissuade them from their hypothesis.  


"Did you ever think, Savine, that perhaps they were simply trying to buy Chomper some time?"

Savine nearly sputtered, "What?!"

Topps shook his head, "If your friend had picked a fight with another friend what would you do?  Watch them kill one another, or separate them?" he turned again as he saw the fastbiters losing ground on the herd.  It seemed that their stamina was fading fast, "We should put an end to this."

As soon as Topps said this he took a hesitant step forward as he prepared his aching body for another sprint.  He would risk everything to protect his daughter and grandchildren from this growing mistake.

Unfortunately Savine did not share his sentiments.

"Indeed we shall!"

Topps went wide-eyed, "Savine, wait!"

But he was too late.  The father who had lost so much at the claws of the sharpteeth they had left behind would show no mercy upon those who helped them escape.  As he sprinted away with murderous intent Topps knew that he would not catch him in time.

"Advance!  We have to stop him!"

But that wouldn't stop Topps from trying.


Ura could see some more of the flyers peel away from the chasing group.  She knew that it would be now or never.

"Now, Petrie!"

With a swift movement she lifted her arms and Petrie propelled himself into the air.  Seeing several flyers propel themselves from the cliffs in his direction, she knew that they would not be able to reach him in time.

She could only hope that she had given him enough cover to do what had to be done.


"Oh no!"

Arial tried to flee from the advancing threehorn, but she found that it was rapidly gaining ground on her.  Fastrunners could outrun anything in the short-term, but if there was nowhere to hide...

"Leave her alone, one-eye!"

"Die you stupid flying shits!"

Arial could hear the footsteps get slightly further away as Petrie's children again tried to distract the threehorn.  Though she knew what would come next.

"Hey, try to catch me, horn-face!"

Another shift in position could be heard as the threehorn tried to chase after Pounce's small form.  However, the little biter still had enough speed to avoid being trampled.  This distraction once again had slowed the threehorn, but to what end?  We are trapped!

That was when the unexpected happened.


She looked around in confusion as an odd sound seemed to vibrate from everywhere and nowhere all at once.  It was like the orders that sharpteeth could give but much more noticeable.


The footsteps finally stopped behind her as she tried to make up ground.  She had no idea what was going on, but she was not going to let an opportunity like this go to waste.

"It's the swimmers!" Ducky roared in an almost celebratory manner from several feet away, "It is the stand down signal!  They're telling everyone to stop what they are doing!"

Arial's smile widened.  We might make it through this yet.

"What are all of you doing?!  Don't mind the swimmers, they're getting away!"

Arial groaned as she heard the affirmative grunts from a few of the spiketails.  Why won't this oaf give it up already?  She didn't have much time to consider that however before she felt a flyer hit her in the side.

"Arial, no!"


Detras saw the flyer a mere moment before the collision, but by then it was too late.  His daughter had been knocked from her feet.

With his legs bursting with energy it only took him a few moments to reach his stricken daughter.  What he saw then made his blood run cold.  

She was clutching her leg.  There was no way she was going to escape from this.


Detras felt his throat close up as he looked into her daughter's eyes.  In those depths he only saw fear and a desperation to live at all costs.  However he knew that he couldn't offer her any protection.  In any other circumstance such a sprain would be a recoverable injury, but not in the middle of a chase.

This had been her final run.

"Hey, Arial," he began, barely choking back emotion, "You did your best... the children..."

"Run, daddy."

Detras shook at his daughter's words.  He couldn't leave her here.

"No," the tears finally came, "If my daughter had stopped running on this day then so shall I."

The footsteps of the threehorns and spiketails grew louder as Detras's window of escape was rapidly closing.  But with his voice cracking, Arial knew that he wouldn't budge.  He had make up his mind.

"Dad, what about mom?"

Detras smiled at that.  Arial was being compassionate to the end.  "She will live on... as will your brother.  Their race goes on, but ours must come to an end," he looked directly into her eyes, "I just wished that it would have gone on a bit longer."

Arial finally snapped at him, "You can go, you know?!"

Detras shrugged despite his daughter's obvious distress, "You know me, dear.  Stubborn.  I do not intend to outlive my children," he listened as the footsteps got even closer.  The harbingers to his upcoming demise, "This is what I get for not having us flee when we had a chance.  This is what I get for caring too much about the territory..."

Arial touched her father's face, which caused him to go silent, "We decided together, Dad.  I am not being punished for your mistake, it was our mistake.  Now we will face it together."

Detras could feel the vibrations of the footsteps echoing in his bones as he realized that the point of no return had come and gone.  Now they only had time for their goodbyes.

"Arial, I..."


"Ah!  My fucking eye!"

A torrent of mud erupted onto the fastrunners as the massive threehorn crashed his front legs into the ground, his head wagging wildly back and forth as he tried to clear his vision from the scratch that had been made just under his eye.  The spiketails all stopped immediately as the mad flyer began to slash at their faces as well.  That was when the excited exclamation of Pounce finally alerted the stunned father and daughter to whom they owed their lives.

"It's Spotter!"


"Go, daddy!  Rip them up!"  Dive exclaimed while being firmly planted onto Pounce's back.  However, despite Dive's recommendation, his father immediately took off into the sky once his threat had been made.  Between his actions and the stand down order, the herd's aggressive stance had been replaced with confusion and inaction.

Pounce watched the scene with more than a little concern, however.  The fastrunners were far too close to the commotion and any sudden move by the threehorn could still spell their doom.

"Pounce?!  What are you doing here?!"

The little fastbiter felt like his belly had sunk below the ground. Busted. He turned around to see his mother standing with several of the other adults.  Each one looked equal parts confused and scared.

"Mom... I couldn't let my friends fall from the cliff!"

Cera rolled her eyes as she quickly gestured for Ambush, Pounce, and Sprint to hop onto her back.  As much as she wanted to weave her children from using her as a means of transportation, in this case it was necessary.  It was only when the children were firmly on her back that she again spoke.

"That is not what I'm talking about, children!  I told you all to hide with the fastrunners until we came back!"

Cera could not see the reactions of her children as they struggled to stay attached to their mother as she searched for some path that would allow them to bypass the herd and the threehorns.

And now the fastrunners are hurt because of us... Biter lamented, but why has everyone stopped?


Biter reluctantly stayed close to Ducky, as she had her children hop onto her and Leap's backs.  This gesture was repeated with Spike and Breeze's kids as well, until only Biter and Swipe were by themselves.

"Why did the threehorns stop?" Swipe inquired.

Biter shook his head, "Who knows?  I am just glad that they aren't chasing our mommies and daddies anymore."

As if to punctuate the settling down of the entire situation, an exhausted Ura, Shorty, and Bron finally arrived at the location of Castor and the spiketails.  With a highly aggressive gesture, Shorty slapped the ground in between the fastrunners and the others with his tail, sending a shower of mud in the direction of Castor and several of the spiketails.  Then, his intentions being made clear, he stepped in front of Detras and Arial.  There was no doubt from any of those present that they were firmly under Shorty's protection now.

"Hey, look!  It's Sauria and Charger!"

Biter immediately turned his head at his sister's exclamation, "And there is Datum!"

Datum and his sister were running side by side as Bron protectively placed his tail in front of the leaf-eater children.  Their attempt to help their sharptooth friends had ended in their safe apprehension.  Though the nuzzling that Sauria received from Bron was not lost on Biter.

"Welcome back home, guys... it was nice getting to know you."

For several moments Biter and Swipe merely watched the unfolding scene with mixed emotions.  They were happy for their friends, but mindful of what this reunion now meant.  Just as their recent chase had indicated to everyone, they had to live apart.  This was something that Biter might have protested days before, but now experience had made him wiser.  Much like their observation of the reunions, their friendship would have to be from a distance.  For everyone's sake.

Be safe and happy, Datum, he smiled as the rainbowfaces finally arrived on the scene and embraced their children.  Though this tender moment was interrupted shortly thereafter when Chronos ran to Arial's side in order to assess her.  But Biter had heard the tales about the rainbowfaces, and he knew that Arial was in very capable hands.

"Well, I don't think the threehorns are moving... perhaps we should talk to Bron and go from there?"  Cera noted after more than a little hesitation.  Thank goodness they have finally come to their senses!

"Sounds good," Breeze noted after a moment, "Bron never lost his nerve during this."

Cera was not accustomed to acting as temporary pack leader, and it felt odd to put more trust into the longnecks than in her former kind.  Even though the line of threehorns were much closer to them at this point, she knew all too well how they might act around sharpteeth, "Stay close Swipe and Biter.  We may have to run together."

Biter was about to acknowledge Cera's orders when a mighty roar suddenly erupted into the air.  With terrified expressions the fastbiters turned towards the threehorn line only to see that one of their number had broken away and was charging straight at them.

It was Savine.


"Children run!"

Cera nudged Biter with her snout as he and his sister erupted towards the distant longnecks.  Within moments the entire remnant of the pack was sprinting forward in shear panic as the thunderous footsteps of the massive beast sounded in their ears.  Its only competition was the loud heartbeats from their rampaging hearts.

"He's gaining on us!"  Biter cried as he desperately tried to keep up with the adults.  However his smaller size and the over-burdened child-covered backs of the adults were slowing them down considerably.  They no longer had the speed that they needed.

"Don't look back, Biter!  Run!" Spike yelled as his own children tried to hang on desperately to their father's back.  In these moments instinct took over and the children latched on as if their survival depended on it.

In this instance it did.

"Children, no!"

"Savine stop!"

"Flyers, advance!"

Biter barely registered the protests from the leaf-eaters in the distance.  The fact that they had discovered Savine's rampage did not matter now.  There was no way that any reinforcements would reach them in time.  The sound of flapping wings and numerous calls to stand down were being drowned out by the pounding of his heart and the stomping of the advancing threehorn.  That was when he saw something suddenly appear in his vision.


Both Biter and Swipe nearly stumbled when they saw the small threehorn charge in their direction.  They almost had no time to react as he advanced towards them with all of the fury that a threehorn could muster.

"Get out of the way, you fools!"

Biter and Swipe both dived away from the threehorn as he barreled through where they had been without slowing down in the slightest.  It was then that both fastbiter heard something that made their blood run cold.


Both fastbiters turned as the shriek of Cera could be heard over all else.  Pounce had fallen from his mother's overburdened back as she tried to dodge Charger.  Now he was prone on the ground.  Completely defenseless.  Biter and Swipe ran towards him without any hesitation.

"Children, run!"  Ducky cried as the tragedy unfolded in front of her.  Her lament was drowned out by the cried of Cera and her Pounce's distraught siblings as she continued running forward to save what remained of her children.  She knew that if she stopped moving then the entire family would be lost.

But Biter and Swipe kept sprinting until they arrived at their friend's side.  He was stunned, but still conscious.


"You have to get up now, Pounce!"  Biter cried, "We have to run now!"

"Up!" Swipe yelled as she shoved Pounce back to his feet.

But they were too late as the shadow of the threehorn suddenly fell upon them.  His roar was only matched by the thunderous percussions of his stomping feet.  Acting entirely on fear, all three fastbiter collapsed onto the ground.  It was as if their senses had suddenly shut down under the sensory onslaught.

"You will not hurt them."

Silence reigned for a split second as the feet suddenly came to a stop in response to the small voice.  It was only when the terrible sounds ceased that Biter regained his wits and looked up from the ground.  He then realized who it was that had stopped the rampaging threehorn.


"Son?" Savine's voice choked as if he couldn't believe his eyes, "Son, is that you?"

Despite obvious wetness in his one good eye, Charger repeated his statement, "You will not harm them."

It was only then that Savine seemed to register his son's words, "But son, they protected those who killed Elsa!  Who killed your mother!"

Charger turned sideways in order to cover more of the fastbiters with his body.  It was entirely a symbolic gesture, but it made his resoluteness very clear.

"They protected their friend, and they saved me.  Is this how the valley treats its friends?"

Savine's reaction was immediate, "Friends?  Friends?!  Would friends plan to ambush their allies?!"

"They did no such thing!"

Biter turned his head in stunned silence as Sauria and Datum appeared and took places in front of the two fastbiter children.

"There was no ambush... we... well..." Sauria began.

"We saw our friends up on the rock wall, so we ran to help them," Datum clarified, "Our sharptooth friends..."

It was only as Datum opened his arms to his side that he noticed that the rest of the leaf-eater gang had appeared in front of them as well.  Malka, Axiom, Flip, and the pink form of Tricia.  Behind them stood Cera, Spike, Ducky, Breeze, and Leap.  The leaf-eaters were making a stand for all of them.

"...our sharptooth friends went to help us once they saw what we were doing." Datum finished.

"The only ones who began attacking were all of you when you saw Chomper's parents." Sauria added.

It was only now that Biter noticed Charger looking up at his father with a softer expression.  It was joined by a noticeably ashamed expression on his father's face.

"Those... monsters are still out there..."

Charger nodded, "There are many monsters out there father and I trust that the herd will deal with them if we ever see them again, but my friends..." he gestured with his horn at the assembled sharpteeth, "...are not monsters.  But what would we be if we finished what we started here?  What would that make us, Dad?"

The silence of Savine was countermanded by the gradually increasing volume of the approaching herd and threehorns, within moments the space between the fastbiters and the various leaf-eaters became quite cramped indeed.  Everyone was staring at the stunned threehorn.

It was with a very slow movement that the threehorn looked up again at his son.  An expression of contemplation was plastered on his face.

"That sounds exactly like what your mother would have said... she was always looking for the better in people," he smiled slightly at the memory, "I wonder what she would say about all of this."

Despite the solemnity of the moment Charger snorted slightly, "She would probably call us all a bunch of idiots."

In the moments that followed an ominous rumbling appeared to rise from the bowels of the Earth.  The rumbling grew into a steady hum.  Within moments, however, the laughter could not be held any longer and both threehorns laughed with the emotion that could only come with immense relief after terrible loss.  His mate was dead, but his son was alive.  He had made a terrible mistake, but he had not yet killed an innocent.  His past had died, but he had a future yet to be written.

All that he had to do was embrace it.

With shaking frills and unsteady feet Savine lowered his head to nuzzle his child.  It was in that moment that Biter realized that the terrible moment was over.  The crisis had been averted.  For that reason he did not act surprised when his parents suddenly appeared with utterly exhausted expressions and embraced him and his sister.  He knew that everything would be alright.

Charger smiled, "It's good to see you again, Dad."

"It's good to have you back, son," Savine's voice cracked, "Let's get out of this horrible place."

All of the assembled dinosaurs watched in silence as the threehorn and his son walked slowly away from those who had very nearly been killed out of anger.  As they walked through the herd, they parted ways in order to allow them to walk unimpeded.  Like a sharptooth in an old pack song who had finished his role, they simply faded into the background.  

The crisis was over.

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


  • *feels like Pterano*
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review of chapter 22:

Well, our hunters seem to get a lot of visitors from above in this chapter  :lol While Volant is bringing them good news and joy, Soar's message is less uplifting... though they take it much better than expected... :p Wonder how that will go (though I think I already said that in a couple of previous reviews  :angel )

Today's song was really depressing. For some reason though, I think the actual action and the aftermath were short compared to what you usually do with you chapters. Still, it was nice to see that even fastbiters have to fear these eggstealers (though, to be fair, I think eggstealers fear them even more ^^). Ozzy and Strut sure have changed and, for a change, made the right decision  :exactly

Well, now we finally know what happened to the unborn children and teh action at Hanging Rock is about to take off! *Grabs popcorn*  ^^spike
Inactive, probably forever.


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Thanks for the review, and my apologies for not responding until now.  :) I am glad that you enjoyed the chapter even though the subject matter was quite depressing.  As for the shortness, that is entirely intentional.  As you shall see with today's chapter... the saga of the eggs will only be finished after the climax of the story.

Thanks once again for your continued interest in the story.  :) I will have the next chapter posted within the next hour.

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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Fanfiction link:

Chapter 25: Resolutions

The silence dragged on for several moments as Charger and his father walked away from the assembled dinosaurs.  What was left in their wake was a mixture of confusion and relief.  In that instant everyone realized that no one was truly beyond blame.  The pack had protected the Dein and Terri, the killers of one of the herd's own, but they had also saved the leaf-eater children as they had promised.

As Cera carefully observed Pounce's injured leg she allowed herself a sigh of relief.  Seeing that there was no break, merely a sprain, she helped him back onto her back along with the rest of her children.  It was then that she broke the silence.

"Well, Dad, I didn't see the reunion going this way."

Despite the tenseness of the situation, Taunt couldn't help himself from snorting at her understatement.

Topps sighed as he walked in front of the line of threehorns.  The crisis had been averted upon hearing Charger's explanation of events, but the tension remained from the previous battle.  Many of them would wear new scars courtesy of Chomper and his parents... the same sharpteeth that Cera and her pack had helped to protect.  Despite this tension, however, no one challenged Topps advance.

"Are those my grandchildren?" Topps asked with great interest.  For their part his grandchildren clung to Cera's feathers with an almost vice-like grip.  An instinctual response from having a massive threehorn in their line of vision.

Cera smiled slightly, "The one that was saved by Charger is Pounce..." as if on cue Pounce gave a nervous nod at the massive gray threehorn, "...and his sister, Ambush, and his brother, Sprint.  Children... this is your grandfather, Topps."

Topps couldn't help but chuckle softly at the tentative nods and greeting 'chirps' that were directed his way.  In any other situation he would have reacted to young sharpteeth as if they were future threats to be eliminated, but these were his grandchildren.

"Hello, little ones.  I'm sorry that you saw this side of the valley today."

Silence reigned from the three little biters.  None of them really knew how to react to this situation.  Finally, however, Ambush found her voice.

"The threehorn that Path's parents killed... she was of your herd?"

Several of the threehorns muttered in surprise at the young fastbiter's words.  Topps, for his part, answered in a level voice.

"She was.  I knew her since I was a young threehorn," he stopped himself before becoming emotional, "When her and Savine became mates I was extremely happy for them."

Pounce finally had enough courage to jump to the ground and approach the threehorn, as his brother, Sprint, followed him close behind.  Sprint then spoke in a soft voice.

"A pack protects its own..."

Topps tilted his head, "What was that, Sprint?" he hesitated as he recalled the little biter's name, "I do not speak your language."

Sprint froze upon being called by the massive threehorn, as Pounce put a comforting hand on his shoulder.  "He says that a pack protects its own... it is the same way for herds, isn't it?"

Topps nodded at his grandson, "That it is."

Pounce nodded in understanding, "Then we can't blame you for what you did, but you also can't blame us for doing what we did.  Path is our family... and she was yours."

The wise words from the grandchildren seemed to drain any remaining anger that remained in the other threehorns.  They may not be as understanding of the sharpteeth or their lifestyle, but they did understand the bonds of honor.  

Topps smiled, "I can see that your mother has taught you all well."

Taunt couldn't help himself as the precious scene played out in front of him, "Hey, I helped!"  Despite it being a whisper, the result was immediate.


Topps watched the scene with amusement as Cera nipped her mate on the tail.  "He hasn't changed, hmm?"

Cera rolled her eyes, "Not a bit."

"Quickly, we need some healing plants over here!"

The assembled family turned with confusion as Shorty's loud roar echoed across the clearing.  In the welcome relief that followed the end of hostilities Cera had not realized that there had been a major casualty.  


"Sister!  Are you alright?!"

Ruby's exclamation came out in something between a squawk and a roar.  It had only taken her a few seconds to sprint to her family's side as soon as she had seen her sister's prone form.

Arial smiled at her panicked sister.  Normally the sight of a fastbiter roaring in her face would be a most unwelcome sight, but when the fastbiter in question was her sister it greatly changed things.

"I think it is just a sprain, Ruby... Ow!"

Arial clicked her beak together in pain as the male rainbowface place pressure on her knee.

"A pretty bad one," Chronos noted, "You won't be running for at least a few days."

Arial hissed, "Was that necessary?"

Chronos shrugged as he observed Shorty shouting orders at flyers, "Yes.  It will also be necessary when we use healing plants on your scrapes and cuts."

Ruby suddenly went into healer mode as she realized what Chronos was saying, "Stinging-no-infection sap?"

Chronos nodded, "Stinging-no-infection sap."

Arial groaned, "I am not going to like this, am I?"

Taunt arrived on the scene as Cera and his children followed close behind, "Well that depends, do you like feeling like you are on fire?"  Arial clicked her beak together in annoyance as Taunt continued, "But seriously, Arial, don't worry.  This is the stuff that they used on me when my leg was broken.  It isn't pleasant but it gets the job done."

Taunt exchanged a grateful nod at the two rainbowfaces as they continued to examine Arial's leg.  With Ruby joining in the inspection, the entire family had reunited.

Littlefoot finally walked upon the scene as the other members of the pack backed off some distance and gave the fastrunner family their privacy.  It was enough for them that Ruby's sister would be alright.

"This was far too close," Littlefoot whispered at Cera as he settled in beside her and Taunt, "We nearly lost everything."

Cera's eyes focused on her children for a moment.  They continued to talk with the other children of the pack as the leaf-eater children kept watch over the fastrunners.  Confident that they were giving the fastrunners and rainbowfaces enough space, she turned towards Littlefoot, "This was a mess... all of it was a mess."

Littlefoot nodded, "We should have used the flyers better.  We were caught off-guard, and our children..."

"...acted exactly like us when we were that age," Cera noted, "Should we have expected anything less?"

Leap sighed as he and ducky settled down beside the others, "My father always used to say that children are a reflection upon your own childhood."

"What does that mean?" Spike asked as he and Breeze walked up to the others.

"I think that it means that whatever things that we did as children will be revisited upon us as adults in our own children," Leap clarified with a contemplative expression.

Silence took hold of the dinosaurs for a moment until laughter could be heard from the original five.

"We are so doomed... we are, we are," Ducky mused.

Littlefoot sighed, "How many times did we leave the valley when we weren't supposed to?"

Cera rolled her eyes, "However many times you persuaded us to go with you."

"Hey!  I wasn't always the one who had the idea to go on an adventure..." Littlefoot defended, "I... um... well sometimes it was someone else's idea."

Spike muttered, "I never wanted to go on adventures, but nobody ever listened to me."

Cera snorted, "But you never talked back then!"

"I bet those were the days," Breeze teased her mate as he tried to nip her tail, "But honestly, all of you couldn't have been that bad as children... uh... never mind.  I remember some of your early songs."

Littlefoot groaned at that affirmation.  He did not need to be reminded of the times that he and his friends had traveled to far-flung locations as diverse as the Mysterious Island or the Land of Mists.  "If our children ever go to the Land of Mists..."

Ducky shook her head, "Do not give them any ideas.  Nope, nope, nope!"

The pack members shared a hearty laugh at the exchange as they considered their current predicament.  Now they were on the receiving end of having children with initiative.  It was quite a reversal of roles.

Littlefoot blinked. Speaking of a reversal of roles... "Stern Claw, how did you like being pack leader in my absence?"

Cera held her breath for a moment as she turned to face her pack leader face-to-face, "You know how you mentioned that Taunt or I would probably be strong enough to beat you in a fight if our pack decided leadership that way?"

Littlefoot nodded with a somewhat uncertain expression on his face.

Cera glared at him, "Well, if you ever resign as pack leader then I will personally beat on you until you take the position again!"

Littlefoot smiled as laughter erupted around them, "So... it was that bad, huh?"

Cera rolled her eyes, "Threehorns are scary when they are chasing you!"

"I'm sure that your dad would be proud to hear that," Taunt teased.

Finally Cera began to laugh as well, but she couldn't dispute her mate's words, "Don't encourage him!"


"Do you think that we will act like that when we are older?"

Biter watched at the parents appeared to argue about who was the most irresponsible as a youngling.  It was a scene that would have been quite familiar to Littlefoot's pack when they were young leaf-eaters in the Great Valley.  Along with the responsibilities of adulthood came the disagreements.

Swipe smirked, "Nah... we kids don't argue as much as our parents."

Pounce walked up as Valaria and several of Petrie's other children used him as a walking perch.  "Yeah, we don't argue like that because we already know that Biter is the most irresponsible."

Biter turned around with bared teeth, "You take that back, Pounce!  I wasn't the one who had the idea to steal sweet goo from the stinging buzzers!"

Swipe rolled her eyes, "But you were the one who had the idea to steal food from the bellydragger youngling..."

Within moments the other children had joined in the discussion, with Biter arguing that he was responsible, while the others began jabbing at each other over their own misguided adventures over their short lives.  Unbeknownst to them, their antics were being watched by Ura and Shorty.

"They are so much like their parents," Shorty smirked, suddenly glad that he had taken lessons from the flyers in understanding the sharptooth language.  He couldn't speak in the language, but the banter that he was hearing was worth it for the entertainment value alone.  "Shall we share with them some of the stories their parents probably never told them?" He watched the rest of the pack some distance away.  By the time that they would plant the idea in his nieces and nephews' heads it would be too late for the pack to stop them.

But no response came from Ura.  "Ura?"

He saw the blur of green a moment before he heard the excited squeal of Ducky as mother and daughter finally had a moment to reunite.  It did not take long for Ducky's children to be scrutinized by the massive swimmer with all of the attention that she would have given to her own children.

Shorty smiled, Well, I guess it is up to me then.  I am sure that my brother's children will be thrilled to hear about the yellowbelly story!


Several miles away:

“So, what now?”

Chomper hissed as he licked one of the enumerable wounds on his leg.  His mother’s question was a valid one, but also one that had only one possible answer.

“We get Verda back.”

Chomper turned towards his father as he observed his expression.  Dein had taken a beating prior to Chomper’s arrival and was obviously in more need to clean his wounds than Chomper was.  Despite this, however, he tried desperately to keep up a strong facade which was only betrayed by the obvious scent of fatigue radiating from him.  He would not have tried to keep up appearances in front of family under these circumstances, but in front of an outsider it was a different story.

An outsider... heh,  Chomper mused.  Despite the fact that he had been considered an adult ever since he defied his parents and stood with his pack so long ago, the concept of him not being 'family' in the two-footer sense was still an odd one to comprehend.  Nonetheless he decided to respect his father's desire to keep up appearances.

"Well, sir," Chomper added with his tail cocked in a position indicating respect, while his eyes communicated jest, "Might I recommend waiting for the fastrunners to bring my sister back?  Somehow I think the horn-faces would just love to see us again."

His father blinked before finally taking on a more relaxed expression, "Son?"

Chomper nodded now that his father had dropped the tough two-footer act, "Yes, father?"

"You seriously need to stop hanging around Taunt.  I think he has rubbed off on you," he returned his son's mix of respectful posture and joking expression, "But, yes, perhaps you could call for your flyer friends to gather her."

"I am glad that he still has his friends, dear," Terri added somewhat forcefully, remembering distinctly what they had risked to save her and her mate, "I wonder what calmed the herds down?"

"That be long story!"

All three sharpteeth turned towards the familiar voice as the brown flyer landed with a resounding thud on the ground below.  His skin showed the numerous injuries that he had obtained from the valley flyers.

"Spotter!" Chomper greeted immediately, "How is everyone?"

"Beaten up, Path," Petrie replied with a sigh, "Though we are all in one piece.  The same goes for your sister..."

"Thank goodness!" Terri exclaimed as her mate merely grunted approvingly.  Had Petrie a better sense of smell he would have smelled that Dein was just as emotional as Terri.

"Where is she?" Dein finally asked.

"Well that's kind of up in the air at the moment," Chomper noted as he stared at the sky with a coy expression.  Within moments his mother caught what he was seeing and reacted accordingly.

"Oh no!  A flyer's got her!"

"That be Swooper's grandson!  He no threat!"  Petrie protested.

Chomper snorted, "Swooper managed to find a mate?" The last time he had seen Swooper he had been an elderly, blind flyer.

"And you decided to let her ride on one?" Dein asked in exasperation.  Flyers were the main risk for sharptooth hatchlings and younglings.

"He have children before he come to valley, apparently.  They find him after he come to valley, but after we all left." Petrie muttered, not particularly curious about Swooper's pedigree, "And, yes, your child on a flyer.  It either that or we let other leaf-eater escort her.  You know how much they love all of you right now."

Dein merely grunted at the flyer's response.  He could not discount his words, but that did not mean that he was pleased with the arrangement.  Before he could protest further, however, another landing could be heard nearby.

"Seems that you have had a bit of a hard time, nephew."

Petrie nearly jumped at Pterano's sudden appearance, "Uncle!  Where were you?"

Pterano snorted as he inspected Petrie's injuries, "Someplace a bit less dangerous, apparently," he then grimaced as he saw some of the deeper gashes, "Are you alright, nephew?"

Petrie inspected the gashes and nodded slowly, "Ponder put anti-infection sap on there.  It should be fine."

Pterano protested, "Surely one of the other flyers could have..."

"One of the other flyers who attacked him in the first place?" Chomper finally spoke, which caused Pterano to turn towards the towering purple figure, "It seems that the pack has resolved things somehow," How they managed that is beyond me.

"That be Charger's doing," Petrie affirmed, "He talk sense into his father and others follow.  But others still angry."

"Oh, and you have been banished for the rest of your life, Chomper," Pterano added with some humor, "Topps wanted me to give you that solemn announcement."

Chomper rolled his eyes at Pterano's condemnation, "Nice to know that Topps has decided to outsource his pronouncements!  But the rest of the pack... how are they doing?"

Petrie smiled, "Let's just say that they are currently being regaled by one of Shorty's stories.  He currently telling tale about..."

"Momma!  Daddy!"

Chomper promptly shifted his gaze to the small green tyrannosaurus as it jumped from the massive flyer's back and ran towards her eager parents.  Within moments soothing growls could be heard from them both as the child finally allowed herself to cry at the homecoming that seemed so improbable hours ago.  It was with some hesitation that he allowed himself to move closer to the reunited family, while remaining distant enough to not be considered a threatening gesture.

"Momma?  Who is that?"

Chomper smiled as his sister looked up at the new figure.  It was with the slightest of nods that Dein gestured for Chomper to continue moving closer.  

"This... is your brother, Verda," Terri spoke softly.

"You're Path?" Verda tilted her head, "Mommy and Daddy told me about you."

"Oh, have they?" Chomper growled in a manner communicating friendliness, "I hope the only mentioned the good parts."

"I seem to remember mentioning that you were the one who decided to run off with ankle biters," Dein offered playfully.

"They have their uses," Chomper joked back.

"They... they were the ones that protected me, weren't they?" Verda asked with sudden realization.

Chomper nodded, "That they are.  I am glad to see that they succeeded," he tried to keep his voice as low as possible as not to scare the youngling.  He knew that even though she was his sister as far as her instincts were concerned he was an outsider that she had never seen before.  That made what she did next all the more surprising.

Without warning she ended her nuzzling of her father's large foot to edge closer to her brother.  Then, without hesitation, she made the same gesture to her brother's large foot.  

It seemed that Chomper was family again, if only for a short while.  

In these emotional seconds he did not hear the conversation taking place nearby.


"So, what do we do now?" Fishbore asked with some confusion.  He was not the only flyer of sufficient size to carry the little sharptooth, but he had been the only one who had not been involved in the attack on the pack.  Truth be told he found the entire situation hard to understand.

First I am told the herd needs reinforcements and then I am told to carry a sharptooth youngling.  What do I look like?  A transporter of sharpteeth and their spawn?

"That be the question, isn't it?" Petrie noted, "They need food to get where they going, but fastrunners no need to be helpers anymore."

"I... might have a solution for that," Pterano spoke with a distinctly low whisper.  It was as if he were talking to someone in a conspiracy.

"And what that be, uncle?" Petrie asked with an equally soft tone.  It was only now that he noticed that Fishbore was watching the scene between the sharpteeth and was not paying attention to his two fellow flyers.

"What if we provide our three friends here some food for their journey?  He is not called Fishbore for nothing."

Petrie tilted his head, "Forgive me, uncle, but that make no sense.  How is Fishbore going to get enough food to feed all of them?"

"I didn't say that he would catch them, but he can find them.  He has the best eyes of us all.  Even better than yours, I do believe," he then paused for a moment, "There is a lake a day's journey from here, so if he could find where the fish are then perhaps your pack could do the rest."

"My pack not like idea of all that work, but if it helps the fastrunners..." Petrie hesitated for a moment in thought, "Me talk to Seeker about it... but how you convince Fishbore?  He not look like one to help sharpteeth."

"He owes the fastrunners a favor from when they helped rescue him after a crash," Pterano whispered as Fishbore continued to watch the reunited sharptooth family, "Which is why he agreed to carry Verda in the first place."

Petrie snorted, "So you try to manipulate him into one more favor?"

Pterano gestured in an elaborate fashion reminiscent of his younger days, his tone playful, "Me?  Manipulative?  Surely you don't mean that, dear nephew?"

Petrie rolled his eyes in amusement, but did not address his question, "Good luck, uncle!  Me try to convince Seeker."

Pterano for his part gave his nephew a playful pat, before calling after him, "May your skies be clear!"

"And may your flight be swift!" Petrie answered in the traditional leaf-eater flyer parting.  Within moments he was airborne.

Pterano sighed as he edged closer to Fishbore's location.  Taking a deep breath, he prepared himself to once again work his magic with words to make his acquaintance see things his way.

"My dear fellow, I think that I have a proposition for you..."


A few hours later at the herd's location:

"So let me get this straight... you want us to help catch enough fish for Path's parents, the dinosaurs who started this entire mess, so that they can travel to where they want to go without going hungry," Littlefoot asked with more than a little irritation, "Just how in the name of sanity do you expect us to find enough fish to feed them all?"

The pack had congregated some distance away from Volant as she regaled the children with another story.  It was far enough away as to not be obstructive, while at the same time being within vocal range of their enraptured youth.  Around the pack, only the parents of the gang and a few stragglers were present.  The rest of the herd waited some distance away for the injured to be treated before the inevitable trip back to the valley would begin.

"Fishbore is good at finding collections of fish," Shorty noted, again reminding Littlefoot of the fact that he knew the sharptooth language even if he couldn't speak it, "This would not be the first time that he has used that ability for the good of the herd.  He once convinced a pack of little biters to let him get fish for them in exchange for not chasing our children."

"I'm surprised that you didn't chase them off," Cera admitted.

"I wasn't there.  The children had decided to go off on their own little adventure and we had to send the flyers to look for them," Shorty replied with more than a hint of a sigh.

"Let me guess... the children in question were... ahem..." he gestured with some amusement at Sauria, Tricia, and the other leaf-eaters who were now enraptured listening to a story from Volant, "...the bad influences over there?"

Shorty rolled his eyes, "Yes, they are quite a lot like a certain longneck I knew from long ago.  Whatever happened to him?"

"He grew up," Littlefoot deadpanned with a smile on his face.

Shorty took the opportunity to get up and rise to his full height, which was a truly impressive sight that utterly dwarfed Littlefoot and his pack.  The pack seldom encountered longnecks of such a size in the Mysterious Beyond, and when they did they generally chose less formidable prey.  When he had finished his display Shorty smiled cheekily, "He grew up, huh?"

Littlefoot shook his head, smiling, "Show off."

"You set yourself up for that one, Seeker," Taunt noted as he made a gesture with his tail that roughly translated to 'well played' towards the longneck.  Though he now hoped that Shorty didn't try to replicate the gesture, lest a massive longneck tail come swinging in his pack's general direction, "But are we going to do it?"

"It seems like a good idea... well... the best that we can do," Spike noted.

"I agree," Ruby affirmed, "If we can find them food then they don't need to find food.  Then they can leave my family's territory."

"And get away from the valley," Shorty noted as he lowered his head towards Littlefoot and whispered, "I'm amazed that the herd is as calm as it is right now."

"That is because my father has moved the threehorns apart from all of us," Cera observed as she watched the rest of the herd talking some distance away.  

"It is as good as can be hoped," Bron noted from behind the pack, being careful to keep his voice low so as not to disturb the excited children and their story.  He then looked Littlefoot in the eyes, "Your children were brave.  All of them were.  It reminds me of certain younglings that I remember from long ago."

Littlefoot puffed his chest out in a mixture of pride and gratitude, "I merely taught them what I learned from all of you."

Taunt interrupted, "They taught you how to hunt?"  This earned him a shove from Cera.  

"Except for that," Littlefoot rolled his eyes at Taunt's antics before switching back to the leaf-eater language, "But I fear that our children have also inherited something else."

"Your predisposition for causing trouble?" Ura asked playfully with a glare at her daughter.

This earned some laughter from Ducky and the others.  But within several moments the banter died down as they watched the children listening intently to the story from the elder flyer.  It was reminiscent of times years ago when they would play all day and then wait with anticipation for the nightly stories.  That joy still lived on in their songs, but now they also realized the joy of being the teller of the tales and to see the joy on their children's faces.

"Tell Pterano that we agree to his idea," Littlefoot finally spoke, "Soon we will need to depart."

"That good, because he already try to convince Fishbore of it," Petrie replied.

"Nice to see your uncle hasn't changed," Cera muttered, earning a stern look from Petrie.

"So... I guess the reunion is about over, huh?" Shorty asked with more than a bit of melancholy in his voice.

Littlefoot nodded sadly as he looked towards his brother and father, "I suppose so.  The herd cannot stay in the Mysterious Beyond for long, and our pack must resolve the whole Dein and Terri issue."

"It would have been resolved if Chomper had not intervened," Topps noted darkly.

"But we resolved it on our own terms," Cera answered back assertively as he held his father's gaze.  Neither could maintain the facade of anger for long, however, as each softened their posture.  

"Our children will miss all of your younglings," Littlefoot admitted, "But it is better this way."

"And my son would agree, no doubt," Chronos spoke up for the first time as he gave Arial's leg a final examination, "I will see to it that the flyers keep them connected.  It is the least that I can do after sparing my son."  

He then bowed his head in contemplation, "But this has complicated things."

Logos nodded, "That is an understatement, dear.  Technically, the pack has helped a murderer of one of the herd's own."

"Which is why we resolved to never meet in person again.  We all knew that something like this could have happened," Cera spoke with more than a little regret in her voice, "But we had no choice here."

Everyone grew silent at her words.  They were undoubtedly the truth, no matter how harsh they were.  Once more it seemed, the time of parting had arrived for the pack.

"You know, mom," Ruby spoke all of a sudden which made Pearl jump, "I don't think you ever heard the end of the tale either."

"What tale is that, dear?" the fastrunner asked in confusion.

"A tale that we left on quite a cliffhanger," Littlefoot smirked, "We never did tell the children how the story of their hatching turned out... and I am sure Datum and the others would never forgive us if we left it unfinished."

Littlefoot slowly rose as he heard the last words of Volant's story resonate across the expanse.  The children cheered at the conclusion of the story as the flyer took a respectful bow.  As she looked up towards Littlefoot, however, she guessed his intentions and began to move away from the clearing.

Ruby smiled, "Ready for one last song before we leave, dear?"

Littlefoot back at the assembled pack as they rose to attention.  It was obvious that they were ready as well.  With a smile on his face and a nod to his mate, Littlefoot led his pack towards the makeshift story circle.

Let's tell the children where they came from before we show them where they are going.


I guess this is it, Biter thought mournfully, I will never see my leaf-eater friends again.

As his father slowly walked towards the story circle, each of the assembled children assumed that this meant one thing: it was finally time to depart.  The impatient glances of the adults outside of the circle, and the outright hostile glares of some of the threehorn deputies, only heightened that unspoken message.

"I will miss you, Biter."

Biter froze as Datum's words reached his ears.  As he turned his glance towards the small rainbowface he could see the slightest hint of moistness in his eyes.  It was a sentiment that Datum would have also smelled radiating from Biter had the rainbowface shared his great sense of smell.

"So will I," Biter struggled to keep his voice level, "Will... will all of you be alright?"

"Ha!" came Tricia's haughty reply, "If Malka's nonsense hasn't killed us yet then it probably won't!"

The small swimmer rolled her eyes at her friend's arrogant reply, "I seem to remember a certain threehorn leading most of the 'nonsense', Tricia."

"In all fairness I think the two of you are tied when it comes to nonsense," Axiom playful entered the conversation, but ended on a more heartfelt note, "But we have gotten through it all because of our friends."

"That sounds like all of us as well.  Though Biter tends to be the idiot in our pack," Pounce replied playfully.

"...and yet you follow him.  What does that make you?" Swipe questioned.

"A friend," Littlefoot's voice surprise everyone present as he interrupted the conversation between the younglings, "Friends stick together no matter what.  Even when they can't be there in person."

The children grew silent at Littlefoot's words as the brown fastbiter settled into the center of the makeshift story circle.  From his vantage point, Biter could see his father looking back towards Bron and Shorty with a noticeably subdued expression.  Gone was the playful banter and fake outrage that he had expressed when Shorty told the kids about the yellowbellies, gone was the conversation that he had with his father about the rigors of raising children, and gone was the companionable silence that had mostly held reign during the stories that had been told to the kids.  What remained now was a fastbiter who realized that he would have to once again say goodbye to those he had never expected to see again.

"How can we do that?" Biter asked after a moment's silence, "We have to eat their kind, we can't be around them."

Biter glanced out of the corner of his eyes at his friend, Datum, who merely nodded in understanding.  All of the leaf-eater children, even Tricia, were not taken aback by his bluntness.  He had expressed a thought that they were all considering at that moment.

"You are right, son.  In the same way that I cannot be around my father, or my sister, or any of the others.  We must live in a world apart, but that does not mean that we have to be apart entirely," he glanced at the little flyers, "After all, some of you will need to get messenger training soon... and some valley flyers will need defense training."

Petrie's children looked taken aback for several moments before Valaria, taking after her deceased namesake, took the initiative and spoke, "You want us to speak to the valley?"

Littlefoot smiled, "Not exactly.  I expect them to chase you away before you get there, but that doesn't mean that you couldn't relay some information before they do."

"That's a great idea!" Pounce shouted as the other fastbiter children began to cheer, "We can still hear from one another!"

"And we get to be chased?!" Valaria muttered with less amusement than her fastbiter counterparts.

"And we get to chase you!  Everyone wins!" Came Flip's playful reply.  He was obviously much more enthusiastic about the possibility, which earned him a glare from several of the sharptooth flyer children.

Ruby chuckled at the display, "Now, now, children... No one is going to be chased just yet.  Spotter can still be the messenger for now, but you will all need to take on adult responsibilities soon," she looked at her children as she said this, as officially they were hunters now, "We cannot change what fate has decided for us, but we can decide how to follow its decision."

The children all considered Ruby's words in silence for several moments.  The communal scent of the assembled dinosaurs soon went from subdued sadness to a more promising emotion: hope.

"Boo!  Enough with the emotional pep talk!  We want to hear a story!"


Biter turned his head back towards the leaf-eater adults as Littlefoot noticeably groaned and rolled his eyes.  He was able to see Shorty dodge a playful whack of the tail from Bron as the impressive looking longneck had a most amused and playful expression on his face.

"Just trying to catch you up on several years of lost time, brother!"  Shorty playfully exclaimed, "Aren't you sad that you didn't get to grow up with me?"

Littlefoot snorted, "You always did know when to push things along, Shorty... tell me, dad, you had to put up with him for many years. How did you resist the urge to stomp on him?"

Bron laughed, "When he was smaller, he was too quick.  Then he grew up and he was too big."

Shorty's amusement noticeably dampened for a moment as the others descended into laughter at his expense, before he too fell into an amused chuckle.  Nonetheless, Shorty's playful interruption had moved the conversation along in a direction that was long overdue.

"Now, children, I think that we would be in remiss if we ended this reunion without finishing the tale..."

"Not without me, you aren't!"

Littlefoot stopped again as a small threehorn came charging into the clearing, nearly colliding into Biter and he settled in near Sauria, Malka, Tricia, and Flip.  Charger had returned.

"Nice to have you back with us, Charger!" Littlefoot spoke out of surprise, "Your... um... father doesn't mind?"

"Dad's on watch duty, so you better hurry your tail before he finds out that I'm gone!"

Now it was Topps turn to laugh as he heard the small threehorn's words.  Once again, one of the children lived up to their rebellious reputation.

Littlefoot and Ruby both chuckled, before Ruby finally spoke to the assembled dinosaurs, "Alright, we will hurry before your dad finds out, because if he finds out then we will have to hurry!  Please listen to our words, as we finish the song of the hatching."

♪♪  As the nesters mourned their loss,
the males feeling dismayed,
the females stared at the assembled eggs,
feeling angered and afraid  ♪♪

♪♪  However as the eggs glistened in the light,
of the Bright Circle's immense beam,
a certain flyer thought of a plan,
that might keep the remaining eggs pristine  ♪♪


Several years ago:

Taunt slowly walked back towards his nest as Ducky leaned in towards her friend. Ruby said nothing but merely broke down into Ducky's embrace. There were some feelings that no words could describe. Loss was not something to be heard, it was something that one had to feel.

Chomper closed his eyes and turned away from the scene. Despite the fact that he could not have outran the egg-stealers he still felt some guilt for his friends' loss. Now his only thoughts were on protecting what remained.

"This isn't working... there has to be a better way."

He could feel the flyer land on his back as Petrie's tell-tale voice spoke over the lamentations.

"Me may have idea... but it be up to females to do it."

The sobs did not stop immediately as it took several moments for the fastbiters to gain awareness of anything other than their grief and anger.  Gone were any remaining tensions over their instincts, as those had a new target.  The egg-stealers than now lay scattered on the ground, some impaled and some ripped to pieces.  All knew that the tensions would rise again, however.  But no one seemed to know what to do about it.

Until now.

"What is your plan, Spotter?" Chomper asked softly as he continued to look at the horrific scene.  As a sharptooth he was not a stranger to such scenes of despair, but his friends were usually not on side of victims.

"Yeah, what can we do, Spotter?" Ducky choked out, "We cannot help those that we lost... but... but we have to do something for the rest of them."

"I am a horrible parent," Ruby spoke darkly as she glared at the ground, "If I cannot protect eggs than how can I protect them when they are hatched?"

"I tried to help my mate raise our kids, you know?"  Petrie's words seemed to jolt everyone back into reality for a moment as he spoke in a manner most unlike him, "Me... My mate even want me to speak proper, so I try that.  But it not enough."

Cera looked up as Petrie's voice welled up with barely restrained emotion.  Despite her own loss and volatile emotions she could not bring herself to berate the flyer, "What happened?"

"Baby get killed by intruder.  Me kill intruder, but me... I... I realize my mate was right," he shook his head as the purple sharptooth that served as his perch listened in amazement, "I had the same instinct me warn you all about.  The instinct to kill babies.  So... Soar and I agree to raise kids together only after they get to age of safety."

Ruby paused, "I am glad that you worked that out, Spotter, but how does that help us?  We need two in order to keep our kids fed, and if we can't even keep them safe..."

"You not change instincts, but you may use them," Petrie responded cryptically, "Me not know if it work, but maybe it worth a try."

Breeze looked up at the flyer, "What do you have in mind?"

Petrie grew silent for a moment, "Gather all of the eggs from your nests, but do not let males help.  We have to save our children from ourselves."


Littlefoot stared at the empty nest with the cold numbness of despair growing in the pit of his stomach.  Even though he knew that the two remaining eggs had been taken by his mate and were presumably safe, the mere sight of an empty nest was enough to make something deep within him snap.

I have failed as a parent.  I couldn't even defend my fucking eggs!

Before he realized what was happening, Littlefoot struck out at the ground with his claws before catching sight of the disemboweled egg-stealer and latching onto him like his life depended on it.  For several moments Littlefoot was lost to the world.  The only sights and sounds in his world was the sound of ripping flesh and the sight of crimson blood.  By the time he had finished with the corpse, it was barely recognizable.  Rather than feel relieved, however, the lack of anger now left him feeling empty and cold.  He was all alone.

It's what I deserve...


Littlefoot looked up at the voice as Taunt's tell-tale form appeared in the brush.  He had his head bowed in a placative gesture, as he held both clawed hands to his side, "The... our mates are ready to see us now, apparently."

Littlefoot remained silent for several moments as Taunt looked at him cautiously.  It was not lost on Littlefoot that Taunt's legs were primed to flee at a moment's notice.  With the loss of the eggs, however, Littlefoot's will to defend his nest had gone.  Only the eggs mattered... only his children mattered...

"If we can't even protect our unhatched children then how can we protect them later on?"

Taunt looked at the pieces of dismembered egg-stealer and shook his head, "I don't know, Seeker.  I don't know.  But I know that we have to try.  We can't do that if we don't see what the females have come up with."

Littlefoot did not move for several moments.  Finally, however, he nodded to his friend, "Let's go then.  We are of no use protecting empty nests."

The two fastbiters walked in silence for several moments as they passed their respective empty nests.  The territories that they had worked so hard to maintain over the last several weeks now suddenly ceased to matter.  The only thing that mattered now was the new nests, wherever the females had placed them.

"I wonder why they did not want us to help move the eggs." Spike noted as he walked beside Littlefoot and Taunt.  His expression was easily as haggard as Littlefoot's.

"Probably because they don't trust us anymore," Leap responded sadly, as he didn't even try to put up a brave front, "I couldn't even defend a damn egg!"

Littlefoot did not respond immediately, "They have every right to be mad at us.  Maybe they should watch the eggs now.  We all seem to be doing a..."

"Shut up!"

Littlefoot froze as his mate walked up in front of him, seemingly out of nowhere.  

"All of you shut up!  There is nothing that all of you could have done, otherwise all of you would have done it!"

Littlefoot opened his mouth to speak, but promptly shut it once he caught Ruby's icy glare.  Upon seeing the tears in his eyes, however, her gaze immediately softened.  

"I blame myself too, dear.  But I had to hunt, and you had to watch.  But having one watcher is not enough," she embraced him as he shook, "I know that you did the best that you could."

Taunt did not dare interrupt the reconciliation between mates as he and the other two males continued to walk into the clearing that contained their mate's scent.  That was when Taunt let out a surprised yelp upon seeing his mate on a new nest.

A nest that was overflowing with eggs.

"If you do not know who the egg belongs to, then you will assume it is your own."

Chomper's words caused Littlefoot to break from Ruby's embrace as he sprinted to where the other males were.  He froze in surprise as he caught the same sight as them.

"But... but... we won't know which kids are ours!" Littlefoot sputtered a moment, "I mean... after the age of safety..."

"After the age of safety, we will let you all know which is which," Ducky smiled as she sat on the other side of the nest to incubate the eggs that Cera couldn't reach, "We marked them with sticky sap before we did this."

"Until then, we all raise the children and we all protect the nest," Ruby glanced at Littlefoot, "And that is our order to all of you."

Littlefoot looked at the communal nest once more.  It was an ingenious idea, but one that was completely unconventional.  It was something that only an outsider to fastbiter life could have come up with.

"Tell... Spotter that he has our eternal thanks," Littlefoot spoke softly, "Where is he?"

Breeze smiled as she secured a spear in her hand, "Keeping watch over the borders.  Which is something that should be easier now."

Littlefoot glanced at his fellow males as they took the situation in with a mixture of surprise and acceptance.  It turned instincts on their head, but they could not argue with the logic.  With a tentative move towards one another, they each finally locked their hands together in a show of solidarity.

We are all in this together now.


A few weeks later:

"Come quick!  Eggs hatching!"

Littlefoot tossed his spear to his side as he completely put aside the prey that he and the other males were tracking.  Within moments all four of them were sprinting headlong towards the communal nest.  A hunt could come at any time, but to see a child's hatching was a once in a lifetime event.

Like a storm ripping through a forest, the males half-skid, half-tumbled into the clearing as they struggled to make it in time.  With a happy chirp, the females called them over towards the eggs which were now filling with cracks.

The children were arriving.

The entire pack froze as they gathered around the white orbs.  Petrie landed with a thud around the makeshift nest, while Chomper stood a short distance away.  Both of them realized that this was a moment for the fastbiters, but that did not mean that they couldn't be part of the momentous occasion.

After all, they were family.

One of the eggs rolled from the ludicrously oversized communal nest, as the mothers allowed it to settle on the ground below.  Within moments a vaguely brownish snout could be seen erupting from the shell as its occupant seemed in a hurry to escape.

"Heh... looks like he is tired of being in there," Taunt mused as the egg rolled again and came to rest on his foot.  He tilted his head at the little biter as more and more of its body emerged from the egg.  That was until the little biter opened his eyes and stared at Taunt's foot.

"Hello, little one, I am... Ow!"

"What is it, dear?" Cera ran over to her mate, only to see the little biter try to bite Taunt's foot again, "Ha!  Looks like we have ourselves a biter!"

"Biter..." Ruby ruminated on that a bit, keeping her expression neutral so as not to indicate to the males that she knew this was her son, "That might be a good name, provided the pack agrees of course."

Ducky was tempted to say that Ruby could name her son whatever she liked, but she restrained herself in time, remembering to wait until the time of safety, "That seems like a good name, yep, yep, yep!  Oh look, two more are hatching!"

Breeze and Spike looked down at the two orbs as the two began to roll towards one another, and then promptly collided.  Within moments the eggs collided again, as if each occupant were annoyed by the movement of the other.

"These two will be feisty!" Cera smiled at the display.

Within moments the back of the shell of one of the eggs had broken away, exposing a vaguely orangish little biter, with his head still covered in a shell.  The other egg, now consisting of a nearly complete shell with legs sticking out, charged at its competitor without hesitation.  Within an instant both biters were free from their white prisons.

"Ah, the first girl!" Spike noted, quickly noticing her pink coloration, "Gee, I wonder who the parents of this one are?" he joked.

Ruby and Littlefoot both froze at Spike deduction, afraid for a moment that the dreaded instinct would manifest.  However, Spike merely nudged the little biter on her feet.

"Hmmm... a bit of purple too.  Could be any of ours..." he looked at the girl with some amusement, "Who do you think your parents are, little one?"

The hatchling merely looked at Spike's form with wide eyes as she tried to make a little chirp at the male.  However, she was soon set upon by a threat that she had ignored.

"Now, now, little one!" Breeze tried to shoo the organish hatching away from the pink one, "We don't pounce on our brothers and..."


With a swift move of her tail, the pink fastbiter sent her packmate tumbling to the ground.  It was at this point that Ruby placed her tail between the two younglings to prevent further violence.

"Pounce and Swipe... if the little ones keep on naming themselves then we will have none to name ourselves!"  She noted with amusement, as the other parents laughed in a mixture of amusement and relief.

"Oh, I think we will have plenty to name, look!" Cera exclaimed.

The parents turned their attention back to the nest, as the other eggs began to shift in their cocoon of mud and branches.  It appeared that nearly all of the eggs were hatching at once.

"Well... um..." Leap looked upon the scene with amazement.  Inexperienced as he was with eggs, he knew that it was rare for a clutch to have all of the eggs hatch, "Looks like we will all be busy for a while."

Ducky nodded with beaming happiness being communicated with her tail, "I see many hunts in our future."

Littlefoot nodded as he nuzzled each of the children in turn, "And now we will be doing the hunts right, children.  A pack stays together no matter what."

Ruby smiled, "This reminds me of a time long ago..."

Cera nodded as she nuzzled one of the eggs as a blue tail emerged from its shell, "Me too... after we left the valley.  We had just begun to get our minds together after that first hunt."

"And Hanging Rock appeared on the horizon, and we knew that there was hope."

Littlefoot smiled as he watched the setting Bright Circle as star began to appear in the swiftly forming darkness, "Hope... well, children, I think that your first night might be a good night for a song.  Your ancestors are appearing in the sky, and I know that my mother and grandparents will love to see all of you."

"...and my sister," Petrie affirmed.

"...and my aunt," came Ducky's reply.

"My brothers and sisters," Cera smiled sadly, "And my mother."

"Screech," Taunt added, reflecting upon his fallen uncle.

"My brother," Leap smiled, "He will be glad to know that the pack lives on..."

And indeed the pack did live on despite its fair share of adversity.  From that moment on, they resolved to face their hardships together, even if that meant skirting the rules that instinct had set for them.  Because regardless of whom their parents and ancestors were, they were one family.  One pack.  And nothing would ever change that.

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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"Here are the fish, you bloody corpse-munchers!"

Littlefoot couldn't help but smile as Fishbore expressed his hatred of his kind with a flourish that only a flyer could manage.  It was easy to berate a sharptooth when you knew they had no way of catching you.

"Do you think we should tell the sap-sucker that we know his language?"

Littlefoot turned towards Taunt as his counterpart snagged a fish in his jaws.  Another small morsel for the two-footer family.

"Nah, he already knows.  He just doesn't care," Littlefoot replied as he made a smiling gesture with his tail.  With a swift bite he then caught another fleeing fish and carried it to the shore where the others had been hauled.  That was when he heard the most unusual sound.


He turned around only to see a brown-feathered head bob out of the water with a massive thrashing fish contained in its jaws.  Around the perplexing sight were tails and legs of a variety of colors, and the amusing sight of several fastbiter younglings grabbing a hold of the poor fastbiter's tail in order to drag him to shore.

"Having fun, son?"

Biter fell to the shore with a gasp as the fish finally flopped free from the predator's grasp.  It took him more than a few gasps to catch his breath as the other children began to playfully slap at their newest catch.

"Ha!" Biter sucked in another breath as he pointed at Pounce, "Beat you!  That is a much larger fish than what you got!"

Pounce shrugged, "But you didn't catch it... you had all of us drag you to shore."

Biter made an expression somewhere between a smile and a taunt, "That doesn't matter!  I got that scaly swimmer far and square!"

Ruby laughed at the display as she tossed another fish ashore, "Easy, children!  How about all of you catch fish that are closer to your size, so that the fish doesn't catch you?"

Littlefoot smiled, "Indeed.  I think the winner of your little competition was actually the scaly swimmer.  It looks like he was the one who was dragging all of you!"

Biter groaned at his father's teasing, "Dad!"

The adults laughed at the antics of the children as they again proceeded to wade into the water.  For Ruby and Ducky this was nostalgic, harking back to the days when they were not sharpteeth.  But for the others it was also a surprisingly pleasant diversion despite the fact that they were catching food for others.

Little did they know, however, that they were being stalked.


With the careful maneuvering that only came with years of experience, the belly draggers silently moved up the stream.  The chatter of the children and the blood from the fish alerting the mated pair to the abundance of food upstream.  It was only when they were about a longneck-length away that they stopped.

"You go for the brown one... I will go for the orange one."

The male merely gave an affirmative grunt as he proceeded to swim to his destination.  The stream was shallow in this area, but it got progressively deeper as one went to where the fastbiters currently were.  He had no doubt that once they escaped the shallows the fastbiters would have no chance to dodge their ambush until it was too late.  

Foolish biters... but their loss is our gain...

That was when he felt something wrap around his leg.

Acting purely on instinct he tried to thrash away from the sudden intrusion, but this only made the vines grow tighter.  Despite his rising terror, he tried to keep himself as silent as possible.  His family needed this meal.

"What the..."

It was the panicked exclamation of his mate that finally propelled him into action.  He simply had to escape from this and release his mate from whatever terrible fate this was.  No longer acting within the realm of reason, he began to gnaw at rapidly tightening vine around his leg.  The pain and bleeding were immaterial, only his family mattered.

"Oh look!  I told you that Datum knew what he was saying!"

The belly dragger's blood ran cold as he turned and saw one of the prey gesture towards him from the shore.  All of the other fastbiters were there as well.

There went his meal.

"Looks like the rainbowfaces have saved us again... though why did Datum tell you and not the rest of us?"

"I think this is one of those 'little secrets' that his parents wanted to not be thrown around.  But I don't think these bellydraggers are going to be talking."

The belly dragger froze at the words of the two fastbiter younglings.  This was some kind of trap?  

Not like this!  It won't end like this!

His vision turned red as his fear overrode his senses.  The entire world erupted into a torrent of anger, pain, and numbness as he proceeded to bite through his leg.  In his senseless state he never noticed the two-footer until it was too late.



"Come back here, you little rascal!"

Ali carefully picked up the little longneck with her teeth as she laid him back down in the nest.  This was now the fourth time that he had tried to make a dash for Bron's massive feet.

"Looks like Wander is the perfect name for him," Sauria laughed as she gave her nephew a nuzzle, earning herself a small squeak, "Looks like he has the family wanderlust in him."

Ali groaned with mock exasperation as she secured her tail around the nest of younglings, "Don't you be giving them any ideas, sister!  I am sure they will come up with enough ideas of their own," she laughed as one of her children tried to climb over her tail.

"Um, dear?" Somni's voice called from nearby, with obvious amusement in its tone, "Look's like you missed one."

As if to confirm his words to his mate, he lifted his tail to expose one of Wander's sisters who squeak at the sudden loss of her shade.  Gently then, taking his daughter's scruff in his teeth, he placed the wayward hatchling back in the nest.

Bron's laughter could be heard echoing from nearby, "Children are a blessing, but so is sleep.  Come along, children!" he spoke softly to his own offspring, "I think it is time to let the new family get some rest."

Ali's mother was prompt to agree, "Indeed, kids.  How about you all go play with the swimmers until the Bright Circle sets?"

Sauria rolled her eyes at her mother's suggestion, as her siblings began to joyfully bound off in the direction of the swimmers.

"And, yes, Sauria, you can go play with your friends..." Ali's mother spoke as if reading her mind, "...but stay away from fastbiters this time!"

"Or cliffs..." Bron muttered with some amusement, thinking back to her previous run in with the Thundering Falls due to a dare from Tricia.

"Don't worry, I..." but Sauria didn't get a chance to finish.

"Or the Endless Gorge," Somni added, remembering when he had to stick his neck in a particularly deep hole to get the children out of a crevice in the gorge's innumerable rocks.

"Or the Smoking Mountain..." Ali added for good measure, thinking back to an adventure in her own wild days, as she gently licked her children clean.

Sauria groaned as she prepared to speak again.

"Or the whispering sands..."  Topps called as he suddenly walked by as if running an errand of some kind.  His words made Sauria freeze in horror.

How... how could he possible know about that?!  My friends and I told no one!

"Heh..." Bron muttered to the passing threehorn, not noticing Sauria's expression, "I think that is the only place we haven't found her running off to yet."

Topps chuckled, "All the more reason to tell her not to go there!"

Seeing the opportunity present itself, Sauria wasted no time in bounding off towards her friends and away from the watchful gaze of her family.

"Grandchildren..." Bron muttered  to no one in particular as he and his mate nuzzled, watching the new family in the distance.  "What a beautiful world you are just beginning to enjoy."


"How are your sister's hatchlings?" Malka questioned as her friend's neck finally appeared over the bushes.

"They're fine," Sauria replied happily, "Though I don't think Somni is going to be getting much sleep."

"Ha!  Active hatchlings, huh?" Tricia asked with a smirk.  Being the eldest of the gang, she had a bit more experience in seeing hatchlings enter into the world, "Did any more of the eggs hatch?"

Sauria nodded, "All but one.  It looks like we had two latecomers."

Flip snorted, "So they take after you, huh?"

Sauria groaned, "It isn't my fault that I can't just fly everywhere, Mr. Wings-for-brains!"

"Ah, now that is a new insult!" Charger replied playfully, "I guess you must have been hanging out with Datum too much.  We all know the rainbow-ass is the master of flyer bashing!"

"Quiet down, everyone!" the rainbowface's voice called out from somewhere in the bushes, "We don't want all of the adults to hear, do we?"

Now Sauria was curious.  Hmmm... everyone is in an awfully excluded area...  "What are we up to, now?"

No one answered immediately, but within a few moments Axiom rose from the bushes with an astonishingly well-sharpened spear.  The odd shaped stick, Sauria noted, had what looked like a sharp stone at its end... and its smell....

"Is something burning?" Charger asked with concern.

"Not anymore," Datum said cryptically as he appeared to stamp on something unseen behind the bushes.  The brief exchange of expression between the rainbowfaces was unreadable to the assembled dinosaurs, but Sauria thought that she heard a mouthed apology from Datum, "I take it you all recognize this?"

Charger's expression darkened, "Yeah, it's one of the damn things that those fastbiters had!"

Axiom nodded, "Yes.  And if anyone asks, that is how Malka learned to make these."

Malka blinked, "What?"

"If anyone asks Sauria listened to lessons from the fastbiters... and told Malka how to make these.  You most certainly did not see us make this."

Sauria smiled coyly, "Well... it is obvious that Malka did not make this, because I think she would have put the stone a bit more securely on the stick..."

It was then that Axiom noticed what Sauria had mentioned.  The stone, which had been firmly secured on the spear as its spearhead, had managed to fall off, "Darn it..."  Within moments both rainbowfaces were mouthing accusations of incompetence to the other as they tried to look at the spear and find out where their design had failed.  Despite her amusement at seeing the two siblings go at it, Tricia wanted to put the little dispute to an end.

"It's alright, guys... but why did you want to show us that anyway?"

The two rainbowface younglings stopped for a moment as if they were considering how to respond.  After a heavy sigh, Axiom picked up the spear head and presented it to Sauria.

"We... we all nearly didn't make it and um..." Axiom was uncharacteristically out of words.

"We wanted to make sure that if anything happened... if sharpteeth attacked the valley... then all of you knew where you could find a spear to help protect yourselves," he sighed heavily, "I mean it wouldn't help you, Sauria, or the threehorns... but Malka has two arms so she might be able to hold it... so..."

" you figured that you would share some of your parents' 'hidden knowledge' to help us out?" Charger finished.

Axiom nodded, "Yeah."

Sauria grew silent for a moment as she studied the sharpened stone.  The stone held the promise of new power for the leaf-eaters: the power to strike down their foes.  It was not a power unknown to them, but the ability to make a spear like this would greatly shift the balance of power.  Both the power to do good or evil...

Reminds me of a choice from long ago...

"Perhaps your parents wanted you to keep this secret for a reason," Sauria gently turned the stone over with her foot, "Perhaps... they know what this knowledge would do to us?"

Charger tilted his head, "Like what?"

Tricia agreed with his incredulity, "Yeah, like what?  It's not like we are suddenly going to grow teeth and claws.  This stone doesn't glow," she teased.

Sauria stared at the sharpened stone, "No, we might become far worse.  The... hunters..." flashes of the fastbiter pack appeared in her mind, "...have no choice but to kill for their food... but, we... we would kill for another reason."

"Yeah!  To save our skins!" Tricia snorted, "Sounds like a good reason to me!"

"And how many would we leaf-eaters kill to do that?"  Sauria questioned, staring at her friend with a pointed look, "If every domehead and swimmer found out how to use these... would we not become worse than the sharpteeth?  What happened to my brother when he wished for power?"

Silence reigned for several moments as the entire gang stared at the sharpened rock.  Sauria's words had reminded them all of the story of the hunters.  Yes, their actions eventually resulted in renewed balance to the Mysterious Beyond, but at a huge cost.

"I remember how my father was before I stopped him," Charger spoke, breaking the silence, "Another leaf-eater with something like this might become as fearsome as a sharptooth."

Malka nodded, "The fear of sharpteeth is enough without also being afraid of our own people."

Axiom looked down at the stone, before finally picking it up.

"I guess it might be best to keep this knowledge to ourselves then..." Datum reluctantly agreed as he picked up the stick, "...but if things get bad then we will share this knowledge with you.  It is the least that we can do."

Much to his surprise, Datum suddenly felt a hand on his shoulder as the gang gathered around side-by-side in a show of solidarity with the two rainbowfaces.  He quickly offered his embrace to the group hug as he tossed the stick to the side.  The message was clear: even though the rainbowface's offering was rejected, the gesture was appreciated.  Instead of relying on technology to keep themselves safe, the gang would use what had always worked in the past... sticking together.

They did not see the rainbow-colored snout peeking out from a nearby tree.

And now you have just learned one of the most important lessons of them all, son.  It isn't the power that you have that matters, it is what you do with it.  If a tree outgrows its roots then it will die.  It is the same for cultures.  If knowledge grows faster than wisdom then calamity is the result.

Chronos smiled as he saw the children head over to the stream, presumably to play a game.  He was left with one lingering thought though as he absently twisted a piece of vine in his hand.  Remembering another 'little hint' that he and his mate had given a certain fastbiter a few days previously.

I do hope that Littlefoot used the trick wisely...


"It is called a snare, apparently.  It did wonders on the belly draggers!"

The fastbiters watched as Dein and Terri tore into two predatory swimmers with the zeal that could only come from overwhelming hunger.  Verda, for her part, was enjoying the fish with the fastbiter children.  Now that her parents had a more than sufficient meal, the fish could be enjoyed by everyone else.

"I guess that you all will have to go soon," Chomper sounded almost mournful as he spared his sister another nuzzle, "Just be careful out there."

Dein grunted as he rose from the gore that used to be a bellydragger, "Don't you get all mushy on me now!" he teased, "I think that those fastbiters have made you soft!"

Chomper smiled, "Nah... what has made me soft is all of the fat that I have on me.  You know, from being a good hunter."

Terri snorted at her son's comeback as she spared a moment from her meal, "We will be fine, son.  We already know who else is in that territory and, well, if Balfur wants a fight then he will deserve what is coming to him!"

Chomper snorted, "Balfur, as in the fish-catcher?  That's all that there is over there?"

"Not much competition, huh?" Dein asked as he resumed his meal.

"No.  No it's not," Chomper agreed, before smiling, "You know... it almost sounds like those lands could handle an extra pack without too much trouble..."

Dein growled in annoyance, which made Verda laugh, "Don't even think about it!" Dein smiled sardonically as he gave Taunt a stare that would horrify any sharptooth, "Or I will eat the orange one like I wanted to years ago."

Chomper beamed, "Oh?  You will eat him as well?  This deal just gets better and better!"  The laughter of the other fastbiters, Taunt excluded, confirmed to the children that they were joking before any of them could rise to Taunt's defense.

"See what I have to put up with, kids?" Taunt sighed in mock exasperation.

"What did you do to make Dein want to eat you, dad?" Pounce asked in between mouthfuls of fish.

Taunt placed his hands on his hips in mock offense, "What makes you think that I did something to deserve that?"

All of Taunt's children stared at their father a moment, as if assessing if he were serious or not, before turning their glance to their mother.  Cera beamed at this.

"Well...well... Taunt...  I do believe that we have a story for the children, now don't we?" Taunt groaned as his mate grabbed him by the arm and pulled him towards the children, "Gather around children for the Song of the Infamous Fish-Stealer!"

As the children laughed and gathered around the less-than-impressed orange fastbiter, Littlefoot couldn't help but notice his mate looking more than a little apprehensive.  Before he asked the obvious question, however, she answered his unspoken query.

"I hope that my family is alright."

Littlefoot frowned knowingly before giving her a nuzzle, "Don't worry, dear.  They are just as safe as they were before the two-footers arrived."

Ruby sighed, "I know... it's just...  I remember what it was like losing siblings," she shivered at the memory of her mother's second clutch.  Not one of them survived the Shivering Sickness, "I know that she is doing alright.  I just would feel better if a healer was around, you know?  Someone to keep watch over her, since over her we can't watch."

Littlefoot smiled, "Well... there is one option you know?  She still owes us a few favors."

Ruby looked at him without comprehension for a moment, before recognition came to her.  "That... that would be great, dear, but would she... I mean..."

Littlefoot gave her a slight smile as he waved for Petrie to fly over, "Don't worry, dear, I am sure that she will be safe with her pack around her.  Mender doesn't travel alone."

Ruby sighed, "It's not Mender's safety that I am concerned about, dear.  It's... well... you know..."

Petrie landed with a thud, as Littlefoot waved his mate's concerns away, "Don't worry, dear!  I am sure there will be no misunderstandings this time."

Ruby rolled her eyes.

That is exactly what was said last time...


Hanging Rock:

Arial picked at the snapping shell with some annoyance.  Finding snapping shells was one of her favorite pastimes, and not just because they were quite tasty.

Damn leg... I will be glad to be moving again!

She quickly consumed the tasty meat of the small creature as she tossed its shell aside.  Having her parents and brother provide her with a meal not from her own labor was a brutal blow to her.  It was only now that she realized how much she valued her independence.  

Well... I guess I should get hobbling back to the nest before it gets dark.  No need to be crippled and blind.

Despite her somewhat dark thoughts, she realized that her predicament was a temporary one.  Resolving to put a brave face on the situation, she grunted and slowly moved forward with her good leg.  It was only then that a thought came to her.

Wait... where is my brother?


Arial froze as she turned towards the sound of the breaking stone.  That was when she saw it.

A flash of green behind the rocks.  She was in the middle of an ambush.

"Oh no!"

The fastrunner defied her pain as she forced herself onto the rocks that led to her parent's nest.  With the determination that could only come from the threat of death, she forced one leg in front of the other and slowly began to ascend the rocks.  But in her headlong struggle to find safety she neglected to secure a good hand-hold.


The hidden runners shout broke Arial from her dash and caused her to try to look back, a costly mistake.

"Wha..." Thud!

As soon as her head collided with the rocks, she could feel herself begin to fall backwards.  Unable to stop her inevitable descent, her thoughts immediately turned to her family... to her mother's happy smile... her father's wise eyes... her sister's pink crest... her brother's violet color... a color that she could almost see...


Arial groaned as her downward momentum suddenly stopped, being replaced with the sensation of being in a warm nest.  Though nests didn't typically rise and fall rhythmically.

"Huh?" Aria groggily tried to get up, only to see a somewhat concerned violet fastbiter standing over her.

"Um... hello, I am Mender.  I have been sent here to fix a fastrunner's leg," The fastbiter awkwardly spoke as she bowed her head apologetically, "Are you Arial, by any chance?"

Arial mutely allowed her head to rest on the rock below her, suddenly feeling dizzy.

Heh... something tells me that this will be part of a song one day.

The fastbiter tilted her head at the fastrunner's reaction, confused.

"Was it something that I said?"


Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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Review of  chapter 23:

Whoa, this is just the kind of tragedy I expected! Really wonder if Chomper can save the day... ^^spike
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Review of chapter 24:

Well, if the previous chapter was already action-loaded, this one certainly beat it ^^spike

Very exciting chapter with a happy end and a bit of nostalgia since it reminded me a lot of the epic final battle for the Valley :)
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Thank you for the reviews!  :) I am glad that you enjoyed the last few chapters.  I must admit that although the misunderstanding was chapters in the making, the full extent of the misunderstanding (and the resulting battle) even surprised me.  It was a prime example of one mistake leading to another.  But thankfully it ended up (mostly) okay for our favorite dinosaurs.  :yes

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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Review of Chapter 25:

Well this chapter was a lovely and entertaining read. Well done like always! ^^spike
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Review of the Epi©logue:

Epic? Well yes. The story overall is a very good sequel to the Seven Hunters. While not reaching that level of awesomeness (we're talking about the highest level of awesomeness here so don't get me wrong ;)) it did a perfect job at expanding the universe you created with the first story. It was a great read and I regret that this masterpiece will more than likely never make it on screen... That would make a great second season of the Tv-series, wouldn't it? ^^spike

Now about the actual last chapter... that was a very interesting last chapter. Oh and I should nuke your cities in our Civ 4 game for even daring to end this with a cliffhanger? Too bad there's somebody even higher on my list of priorities... ahem getting OT :p Good to know this is not the end of the series I've so grown to love and envy at the same time. Keep it up! ^^spike
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I am glad to hear that you thought this was a worthy sequel to the original story.  :) It ended up being not quite what I expected, as I originally planned to simply have a series of one-shot stories tied together with minimal intervening dialogue, but then an actual 'present day' story formed around the smaller stories and the story turned in a totally unexpected direction.  Overall though, I was pleased with how it turned out.  Though the 'write as you go along' technique that I used in this story was not as desirable as my use of extensive planning in the Seven Hunters in my opinion, so I plan to return to that style of preparation in my next story.

The next story that I plan on posting is 'Mender's Tale' which will actually be a slightly story-ized version of a roleplay that I have done with a writer on named Historian1912.  As such it will have non-standard pacing and a particular focus on the aforementioned fastbiter, but I hope it will still be enjoyable to fans of my other works in this universe.

Simultaneous to Mender's Tale, I also plan on writing a canon-compliant story with the tentative name of 'Negotiations'.  This story will follow Chomper and Ruby through how they first met, how Chomper was taught the leaf-eater language, and how they managed to get into the valley.  It can serve as both a prequel to the Seven Hunters, and as a stand-alone story filling in aspects that were not explained in the series.  Though we might still see a few OCs from the Seven Hunters as cameos... somehow I think a fastbiter that looks suspiciously like Taunt might managed to get chased by sharpteeth a few times...  :DD

But thank you very much for your reviews and constructive comments.  :) I hope that you enjoy the next installments that will be coming in the next month or so.

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.