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Messages - StardustSoldier

Pages: 1 2 3 4 ... 231
Ask Me / Re: Ask Stardust anything
« on: July 14, 2023, 12:41:14 PM »
Huh, not as far as I'm aware. Or at least, I don't know anyone who does. But I also don't actively follow politics and such, so it probably isn't the sort of thing I'd know much about if there is a grudge.

Character Showcase / Re: Littlefoot's Mother Showcase - January 2021
« on: July 12, 2023, 11:22:20 AM »
Lol, I still need to post my thoughts in here. I'll try and remember to do that soon.

Haha! And it took me another two-and-a-half years after my original post to finally get to it! Well hey, better late than never!

But yeah, I had commented on all of the showcases throughout 2019 and 2020. And then after that I fell off the wagon. Even though I'd still wanted to participate in the ones after that, but I got distracted with other things and just stopped for a while. Well, here I am now. I shall be picking up where I left off and gradually making my way through the remaining showcases.

1.  For many of us seeing Littlefoot's mother meet her end in the first film was a very emotional moment.  Do you remember your reaction to witnessing that scene for the first time?

The Land Before Time is something I can remember from my childhood and my family used to own the first film on VHS, so I have a multi-part answer to this question:

- While I can broadly remember the film from when I was a kid, I don't recall my first time seeing it, per say, and so I'm not exactly sure what my first-time reaction would've been to that scene. But I remember I liked the film and so chances are that I would've thought it was pretty emotional and sad.

- After childhood, I didn't see the movie again for a looooong time. Possibly around 18 years or so passed before I saw it again. My memories of it had grown rather scattered and distant by that point. Yet, Littlefoot's mother's passing was one of the few moments I could still remember well, and so the scene had clearly left an impression on me.

- And then of course when I finally rewatched the movie all those years later. And yes, I teared up when I saw it again.

2.  With the possible exception of Littlefoot's portion of "Always There" in the fifth film, the passing of Littlefoot's Mother and its effect of Littlefoot were only substantively covered in the first film.  Do you think this subject should be brought up again in any future film or television series?

I do think it should be brought up in any future stories, yes. Not only that, but I also wish it had been brought up in some of the previous sequels. It didn't need to be mentioned constantly or anything, but I do wish it'd been brought up more than it was. It would've added more emotional weight to some of the later stories.

A bit of a fun side note. Back in 2020, I was going through a rough patch and so I started seeing a counsellor (I am thankfully doing much better nowadays). During one of our sessions; I don't remember exactly how it first came up, but I mentioned I was a Land Before Time fan and we got into a conversation about it. This inspired my counsellor and so he told me that he was going to watch the original Land Before Time that upcoming weekend. Later at our next session, he told me he'd watched the movie with his wife, and him and I talked about the movie's themes and characters. I also told him how the movie has helped me cope with my own grief with some of my losses, since that was one of the things I'd been struggling with at the time. Even in the midst of my rough patch, talking about LBT with my counsellor is a nice memory I have.

Ask Me / Re: Ask Stardust anything
« on: July 12, 2023, 11:21:44 AM »
Yes, I have! I've been there twice. The first time was a long time ago when I was a kid or a teen. During a family vacation, I remember we visited the CN Tower. The second time was in 2018 when I attended my cousin's wedding.

Ask Me / Re: Ask Stardust anything
« on: July 12, 2023, 11:15:28 AM »
Oh, okay. Honestly though, I can't recall speaking with any tourists in recent years, so I'm not sure what I'd think of to be the first thing to ask them.

Ask Me / Re: Ask Stardust anything
« on: July 12, 2023, 11:11:07 AM »
You mean, as opposed to if I'm talking to someone who speaks a different language?

Ask Me / Re: Ask Stardust anything
« on: July 12, 2023, 11:08:10 AM »
I watched it a few times at my grandparents' house, though I don't remember it all that well. I do remember reading the first Redwall book though; that I can still remember fairly well. It was a good book.

Ask Me / Re: Ask Stardust anything
« on: July 12, 2023, 11:04:09 AM »
Haha, I haven't seen that show in such a long time, so I don't quite remember what the voices were like. I used to watch it fairly often back when I was still a kid myself though.

Ask Me / Re: Ask Stardust anything
« on: July 12, 2023, 10:59:42 AM »
Absolutely yes. Generally I prefer it when they have actual kids to voice child characters. Even though I understand why they use adults in some cases, since managing child actors isn't always easy. But if they can get a good child actor, then all the better. Even if the adult still does a good job at sounding young, often you can still sorta tell that the voice isn't actually coming from a real child.

Ask Me / Re: Ask Stardust anything
« on: July 12, 2023, 10:53:33 AM »
Hmm. It's a bit hard to say regarding Cody Arens. Just because Littlefoot had so many different voice actors and many of them blurred together for me. That, and I haven't seen the movies or TV series in a while now and I don't quite remember what everyone sounded like exactly. But I never had any issues with Littlefoot's voice when I was watching through the TV series, and so I'd say that Cody did a fine job overall.

Max Burkholder was definitely the best Chomper though.

Ask Me / Re: Ask Stardust anything
« on: July 12, 2023, 10:45:07 AM »
I have, although "Miracle Man" is the only song of his that I'm familiar with.

Ask Me / Re: Ask Stardust anything
« on: July 12, 2023, 10:42:40 AM »
It's kind of a weird yet funny story.

Many years ago, back when I was still in high school. My step-dad's name was Byron. One year for his upcoming birthday, my mother suggested that the family all get him gifts which started with the letter 'B'. I was browsing the CD section in London Drugs and I noticed The Beatles '1' compilation album was for sale. Since it fit with the 'B' theme, I decided it'd be the perfect gift. I had heard of The Beatles, but I wasn't familiar with their music beyond that.

My step-dad ended up not really using the CD, and so I just took it for myself. I listened to it for the first time and I immediately fell in love with their music. :yes

Ask Me / Re: Ask Stardust anything
« on: July 12, 2023, 10:31:33 AM »
I do. Fantastic music all around. "Golden Slumbers" especially is hauntingly beautiful.

Ask Me / Re: Ask Stardust anything
« on: July 12, 2023, 10:28:43 AM »

'Abbey Road' is my favourite album of theirs. 'Let It Be' is my second favourite (the original version, which I prefer to 'Let It Be Naked').

Ask Me / Re: Ask Stardust anything
« on: July 12, 2023, 10:24:58 AM »
Yep yep yep! I used to own one too, although I think it's long gone now. I used to listen to lots of The Beatles especially since they were my favourite band.

Ask Me / Re: Ask Stardust anything
« on: July 12, 2023, 10:18:57 AM »
My computer. :p

Ask Me / Re: Ask Stardust anything
« on: July 12, 2023, 10:11:46 AM »
*blows dust bunnies off the thread...*

I'm not familiar with Jordan Peterson, alas.

Worst Land Before Time scene? Hmmm... possibly in "The Amazing Threehorn Girl" when everyone suddenly gets all mad at Cera and storms off near the end of the episode.

General Land Before Time / Re: NEW LBT SCRIPT FOUND!!
« on: May 26, 2023, 09:52:26 PM »
Thank you, Sneak. :) And you are welcome.

General Land Before Time / Re: NEW LBT SCRIPT FOUND!!
« on: May 23, 2023, 06:48:06 PM »
Thank you, Rattymon. :cerahappy

To clarify, in regard to the page numbers, I was going by the page number of the script, rather than the PDF. Since there's also the unnumbered title page at the beginning. As in, the title page is #1 of the PDF, page 34 of the script is page 35 of the PDF, etc.

General Land Before Time / Re: NEW LBT SCRIPT FOUND!!
« on: May 23, 2023, 06:14:49 PM »
Thank you, thank you! :DD

As for the suggested songs, you can see it for yourself via the script link. Specifically though, they're on pages 34, 71, and 89.

General Land Before Time / NEW LBT SCRIPT FOUND!!
« on: May 23, 2023, 05:51:02 PM »
Hello hello!


It has been quite a while, but I come bearing a gift. What is this gift, you ask? Why, it is a brand new Land Before Time production script! Specifically, it's another script of The Secret of Saurus Rock.

This is the third such script that has surfaced now, after the LBT 1 script in early 2018, and the original LBT 6 script in mid 2019. I had always wondered if another LBT script would ever turn up eventually. I never expected it would be another, different script of the sixth movie. Or that I'd be the one buying it this time, haha. And yes, it was expensive. It cost me $577.01 Canadian. At first I was reluctant to buy it for that reason. But then I was worried about the listing disappearing and then the script could potentially be lost forever. I figured I'd regret it more if I didn't buy it. Since it was an important historical LBT artifact, I wanted to make sure to snag it so that I could do an image scan of it and then preserve and share it with the community.

Link to the full script here.

I wasn't the one who originally found this script, however. A big thanks to user 'Disneysaurus', who discovered and shared the script's eBay listing on the Land Before Time wiki back in September 2022. Still, it was good timing that I found out about this when I did. And by complete accident too! Come March 2023 and I was browsing on the LBT wiki, and that's when I came across the article Disneysaurus had created which had the link to the eBay listing. The article had been marked as a candidate for deletion since it was just about the eBay listing and wasn't really a proper article in itself. As in, if I'd shown up later, the article might have either been removed, or the script may no longer have been available for purchase and then I would have never known about it.

Anyway, so after my order came in, I sat down to read through it:
Spoiler: ShowHide
Unlike the previous two scripts which have a lot of deviations from their respective films, this script resembles the final film much more closely and doesn't appear to have any deleted scenes or such. In particular, the previous Saurus Rock script was a "first draft" script, whereas this one is a "revised draft".

With the previous script, I remember noticing the lack of songs. Here, while the songs weren't fully written yet, they were starting to figure that out. Three different points on the script are marked where a song is suggested and briefly described, which ended up being the three songs used in the final film ("The Legend of the Lone Dinosaur", "Bad Luck", "On Your Own").

It's been a few years now since I last saw LBT 6, but from what I remember of it, this script (aside from the incomplete song notes) seems pretty much exactly the same as the film. I do wonder if there are any differences, even if they're just minor things such as slightly different dialogue. Sometime in the future, I may do a more thorough analysis on this.

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