The Gang of Five
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How Obsessed Are You?


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I'd say I am a healthy example of a fan of this series.

I like alot of aspects, but I'm willing to accept that some bits are a bit lousy and that it's not for everyone.

I draw alot of fanart, but that's kinda a must for me, since I aspire to be an animator or possibly a character-designer, so I need to get in practice.

I find many of the songs really good fun, even putting them as MP3s on my player.

However, it doesn't get in the way of my other interests. I have other hobbies and interests, I get out and about, I do like other movies (Though most of them are either cartoon movies or Godzilla movies, there's not that much difference), and I still hang out with friends, and for the sake of my friendship, I do tend to keep my love of this franchise on the down-low when they're around. I may say that I think the original is one of my favourite films of all time, but that's about as far as I'll go.

So, I'd say I'm a pretty big fan of the series, but it's a healthy obsession.


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If we take for account all the time I have, it would be 45% LBT. If we only take free time into account, it would be more like 80-90%. :lol

Discord! I'm howling at the moon! And sleeping in the middle of a summer afternoon...


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Uh...I think about 95% of my free time (drops down to about 75-80% if time in general) is spent doing at least one of the following:
watching LBT
listening to LBT songs
browsing GoF
being in the GoF discord server
thinking about LBT
reading fanfics
dreaming about LBT
doing something else LBT related 


Major kudos to anyone who figures out what that means :)


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I think like 30% of freetime? Bit hard to quantify, tbh, mostly because when I am bored I plot fanfic-things and the fandom of that differs by day.


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in 2007-2012, 50% of my free time was playing and theorizing and thinking and discussing Submachine series. That was peak of my obsession. And I'm proud of it! :D
in 2013-2015, obsession decreased twice.

hmm, about lbt... I had first period of CRAZY LBT obsession in 2007-2009, after watching LBT series, and many rewatchings and thoughts. And start of non-stoppable waiting for LBT14 and uncut LBT1. That's why I consider LBT as my second obsession after submachine.
And second crazy period was in 2014-2017, when I created my lbt fanuniverses, and spent hundreds hours in them. Plus, lbt creators rewarded us with LBT14 in late years. :D
Right now, I'm still big fan of LBT, but without crazy obsession. :) I have a lot of other work for my free time, and for simple thought process.
« Last Edit: November 03, 2019, 04:51:59 PM by Sneak »


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Uh...I think about 95% of my free time (drops down to about 75-80% if time in general) is spent doing at least one of the following:
watching LBT
listening to LBT songs
browsing GoF
being in the GoF discord server
thinking about LBT
reading fanfics
dreaming about LBT
doing something else LBT related 

You know what? My percentage of free time in LBT would rise to 95% if we include "thinking about LBT." ;)

Discord! I'm howling at the moon! And sleeping in the middle of a summer afternoon...


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Varies between 25% to 50% for me at the moment. Land Before Time definitely made its impact on me, that's for sure.
Would it be possible for swimmers and flyers to get more love around here? Both figuratively… and literally.

That one guy who writes LBT fanfiction and accidentally makes them five times longer than he'd originally intended.


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I'd say around 30-60%. Land Before Time has always meant a lot to me and that fact will not change no matter how old I get.


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Varies between 25% to 50% for me at the moment. Land Before Time definitely made its impact on me, that's for sure.

That's probably where I am as well. LBT isn't my only obsession, but for sure one of my biggest. The first film left its mark on me in a way that few movies ever have.


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I used to be crazy like Union the first year I joined  :PCera

Nowadays pretty low. Obsession is the wrong word for it. I think maybe 5-10% for me, with occasional peaks on the weekend for projects, all of it 'cus of you guys  :wub


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^Is there a particular reason why you are not as crazy as you used to be? Or is it just deprivation of motivation that is holding you back? Don't get me wrong, I am by no means trying to sound critical over someone's activity. I am merely interested in your reason as to why this is so.


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Well, the song Things Change explains that pretty well. While the series as a whole is still very fun to watch for me, my main interests in life have shifted elsewhere. However I do deeply enjoy working on projects for this relatively obscure classic, thanks to the awesome and kind people who keep this community alive and kicking.


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^I can definitely understand the need to distance yourself from something you loved with passion for a while. I have done that as well with other franchises once my interests shifted elsewhere. Only to return to enjoy them once more anew. And it is true that there are a lot of very kind-hearted people in this community, and dare I say that I have probably never been received so warmly before in my life on the internet.

Gentle Sharptooth

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I am at 2%, hoping to boost my precentagw to 5% to 10% by rewatching LBT films.

“The Past is Gone..” -Dream On, Aerosmith


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My passion is still going strong. Lots to look forward to in 2020. :wub

Gentle Sharptooth

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Anyone know if TLBT is on any streaming services? I want to boost my precentages.

I’m at 7% because of TLBT topics here. But about 50% is going to Mighty Morphin Power Rangers.

“The Past is Gone..” -Dream On, Aerosmith


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LBT obsession is down a bit due to real life obligations and many distractions, but on weeks and days of no school, I’m essentially up to full gear at that point. Of course, there’s summer vacation for me to look forward to, so stay tuned for that. ;)

Discord! I'm howling at the moon! And sleeping in the middle of a summer afternoon...

Gentle Sharptooth

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I am at 10% LBT, thanks to the discussions here on the forums. :)

“The Past is Gone..” -Dream On, Aerosmith

Gentle Sharptooth

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My obession has peakes to 20%, I found Chomper using atomic breath and am trying to find a steaming service that has TLBT films on it.

“The Past is Gone..” -Dream On, Aerosmith