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Halo: The Battle of New Reach

Raptor · 73 · 9001


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The we made our way closer to the base. It was large, and gunmetal grey. There were a few towers around it. The Gravity Beam was just outside of the building, and another team of Sangheili and Unggoy were just now being set down. One of the Unggoy on our team looked estatic at this moment, and ran over to another, yelling "Zayzab!" The Unggoy seemed to know eachother. I looked back to the building. There wer multiple differant types of defenses. There were plasma Turrets, bullet-firing turrets, several of our own Wraiths, painted green, and the Human Scorpion tanks. There were several Phantoms and Pelicans nearby. Vera walked up to one of the doors, and I followed close behind.

The Great Valley Guardian

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I followed Anno and Vera into the base followed by the humans and survivors we'd found and I suddenly turned to the gray haired human and asked "Do you have any food around battle wound is making me hungry?"


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"'Fraid is nothing to good, but it'll do. It's over there." The grey-haired human said. "My name is Sergent Allen Cale." He extended his hand to shake. The Spartan was helping some of the wounded survivors to the medical ward. One wounded human Soilder, who had carried an injured Sangheili child all the way to the base, was leaning against the wall and clutching his arm. Vera and I helped him to the Medical ward. I said "Thank you." As we helped him limp to the med lab.

The Great Valley Guardian

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I nodded to the sergeant and said "Thank you." I then turned to Anno and Vera and said "I will meet up with you two later...oh and if you happen to see a Unggoy called Zazay send him to me please...I need to speak with him."


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"It shall be done, shipmaster." I said. We finished helping the wounded human to the medical ward, then we headed towards the Unggoy, who were happily conversing about how many enemies they had managed to kill. "Which one of you is named Zazay?" Called Vera. I added "The Shipmaster wishes to speak to you!" One of the Unggoy turned. "That me." He waddled over to us. "What his excellancy want?" Vera and I curled our mandibles into grins and said "We do not know, but he is waiting for you there." I pointed in the shipmaster's direction, and Zazay waddled off to him.


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Well, I'm in.  
Name: Axl (AX-172-LM)
Former Name: Ak'reth Mortumado
Gender: Male?  
Race:  Android- Former Sangeheli
Afilliation: UNSC-Sangheli Alliance
Appearance:  Slender, skeletal frame with heavy armor over his upper arms, upper legs, head, and torso.
Personality:  Friendly, likeable, and outgoing, although he has a certain air of superiority to others.
Brief history: A Sangheli wounded in battle by Spartan-117, he was reconstructed by the Federation upon the alliance forged between the races.  The damage to his body was so severe, only 6% is left inside the mecha shell.  He posesses an integrated Plasma sword under his right arm, and can fuse with a pesonalized Banshee to form a powerful mechanical body armor, boosting his firepower exponentially.

The Great Valley Guardian

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The little Unggoy waddled up to me just as I finshed the chicken and ham sandwich the cheif had made for me, and I smiled as the sandwich which I had second thoughts about was actually quite good. It was then that I noticed Zazay standing before me. I stood to my full height and he started to tremble...then I smiled again as I kneeled in front of him, and said

"It's alright I wanted to thank you for the superb job you and your comrades did onboard our ship such, you will personally be transfered to my division...welcome Unggoy captin Zazay!" Then the little grunt fainted wether it was from surprise or my breath was unknown, but I smiled regardless and picked him up and headed back outside to join the others.


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Quote from: StarfallRaptor,Jan 15 2008 on  11:53 AM
Well, I'm in.  
Name: Axl (AX-172-LM)
Former Name: Ak'reth Mortumado
Gender: Male?  
Race:  Android- Former Sangeheli
Afilliation: UNSC-Sangheli Alliance
Appearance:  Slender, skeletal frame with heavy armor over his upper arms, upper legs, head, and torso.
Personality:  Friendly, likeable, and outgoing, although he has a certain air of superiority to others.
Brief history: A Sangheli wounded in battle by Spartan-117, he was reconstructed by the Federation upon the alliance forged between the races.  The damage to his body was so severe, only 6% is left inside the mecha shell.  He posesses an integrated Plasma sword under his right arm, and can fuse with a pesonalized Banshee to form a powerful mechanical body armor, boosting his firepower exponentially.
OOC: That sounds ver similer to a certain Bounty Hunter from Metroid Prime: Corruption. Not Samus, obviously.

IC: Anno:

I to look at the shipmaster, who was carrying an unconsious Zazay. "He could not take the news you gave him?" I mused, curling my mandibles into a grin. Vera grinned as well, and added "You may want to take him to the infirmry, so when he wakes up, he'll be on a bed, just incase he faints again."

The Great Valley Guardian

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I nodded but then decided against it as the little Unggoy was starting to come to. I set him down and he blinked and looked around and sighed...he then looked up to me and said "Me proud to join mighty Elite. Me get friends!" And with that he waddled off to rejoin his comrades and give them the news as well. I parted my mandibles in a grin as I replied "I think he likes it!"


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"Indeed." I said, watching the the little Unggoy waddle over to his friends. Then, a human voice echoed through the base. "A large group of Remnant Phantoms has been seen heading for the base. All Squadrons 1 through 44, prepare for deployment!" The voice paused for a second, then added "We have also sighted a large grouping of Remnant vehicles, mostly Brute Choppers. Prepare the Scarab for battle." At those last words, my eyes widened in shock. "They have a Scarab?!" I exclaimed. "When did they get a Scarab?!" Vera added, equally shocked.

The Great Valley Guardian

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"Yeah...that was my doing...I stole one and managed to keep it intact btw...would either of you like to pilot the Scarab?" I asked knowing it was every Sangheili's dream. "Well...I'll be firing the secondary cannon." Just at that moment a green Scarab came stomping over the hill and held position directly in front of the base. "Well...all aboard."


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The Scarab lowered, allowing the back deck to be boarded. I ran towards, it, and Vera followed. We climbed aboard, and ran up to the top deck. The pilot was also the power core, the mass of Lekgolo eels under the main deck. From the top, I could see the distant Remnant forces. "Anno, look!" Vera shouted. She pointed towards the approaching army, and I swung my head to look back at it. There was a massive purple shap, which could have only been one thing. The Remnant had their own Scarab.

The Great Valley Guardian

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Although the presence of this second Scarab was a surprise I wasn't worried as I actually smiled and opened a com. link to my ship and said "Begin the orbital bombardment on my command!" I simply continued to smile as I thought of the death that was about to ensue...oh the glory we would gain!


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As the Remnant charged forward, I noticed something odd. "Shipmaster! There's something wrong!" I yelled. I pointed to the group, and indeed, there was something off. The swarming Remnant and their Scarab... was it just me, or was one of the vehicles being given an unusualy large escort? Then I noticed it. Vera did too. "They've strapped a bomb to one of their choppers! They're going to ram the base with it!" I shouted. Vera added "I recongnize that bomb! If it goes off here, all that'll be left of those Remnant and our base will be a smoking crater!" I stared back at the choppers, and at the Scarab. "No wonder the group was so small, yet still had the Scarab! It's a suicide attack! Call off the bombardment!"


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OOC: Yeah.  Basis is of course Ghor.

Axl strode through the halls, waiting for new orders, as he had completed his current mission, and as he moved, a static burst indicated a transmission.  He was to support a new group who he was to meet in the base...

The Great Valley Guardian

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At the sound of the word Bomb...I immediately looked at the screen and saw Vera was right! The next few seconds were a slow motion blur...I yelled into the com. link "BELAY THE BOMBARDMENT DO IT NOW!" However as I screamed those very same words I was already running up the foward ramp of our scarab, igniting my plasma sword, and I jumped from the nose of the Scarab and landed in a roll. I then charged the oncoming Remnant forces, knowing I was either going to disarm that bomb, or set it off outside our base....either way I was going to die...this much I knew for certain.


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Our Scarab powered up its main cannon, and blasted a Brute Chopper, this one distant enough from the bomb that it would be safe. The Brute astride it was torn apart, and smashed the Chopper in half. The Remnant Scarab charged its own cannon, and shot it at our Scarab. It smashed into one of the upper parts of a limb, and the entire tank shook. A few Unggoy tumbled towards the edge, and Vera slipped. She started falling towards the edge! I reached out, grabbed her hand, and pulled her back up. Vera panted heavily, sighed, and said "Thanks." I smiled. Most of the Unggoy had managed to recover before falling off, luckily. The turret was now being manned by the Spartan, who blasted the plasma at the Remnant Scarab's own turret. A few bits of metal scattered from it, but no major damage was inflicted. Our Scarab charged its main cannon again, and blasted at the enemy Scarab. If we could take that thing out, disarming the bomb would be alot easier. Several Brute scouts, with jetpacks, jumped up towards the Scarab. I ignited my Plasma sword in one hand, and pulled my Plasma Rifle out with the other. Vera snatched her Needler from her hip.

The Great Valley Guardian

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I saw our Scarab blast one of the brute choppers into the ground and almost laughed, it was a great sight...but I was brought back to the fight at hand as I jumped over the front of one chopper, and kicked the driver out. I then stabbed another driver as he passed by and roundhouse kicked another. I could see the chopper with the bomb attached and I ran for it...having only moments to get to it as well.


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I fired a volley of needles. Each one hit its mark, piercing the Brute's armor, but not hitting its flesh. That changed, however, when the Needles exploded and took the Brute with them. Anno lept, just as a Brute landed on the Scarab's deck. He landed on it, and drove his Plasma Sword into its jump pack. The Brute grabbed him by the arm and threw him off, but he recovered, and grinned as the ape was sent flying into the air by the jump pack, which was one fire. I used my thin, female body to slip through blasts of Plasma and spikes, and fired more needles.

The Great Valley Guardian

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I reached the brute chopper with the bomb just as two more were coming to ram me to death, and I held on and swung at the suicide driver with my sword killing him and allowing me control of his vehicle, and it was only then that I realized I also had control over the timer for the bomb!

"this just got better!' I thought with a grin, I then whipped the bike around and setting the boost function on continuous burst I also set the timer for 45 seconds, at which point it would take out the whole Remnant force. I then jumped from the bike and ran in the opposite direction as fast as I could.....and just as the chopper sped under the Remnant Scarab the bomb exploded!