The Gang of Five
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Alimon Outbreak


  • Ducky
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Ok, I'm starting off with the rules first, and there's gonna be a lot.  I don't want this one to fail like most other RPGs I've done, so far the most successful one is Bounty Hunters with no errors to speak of.

Rule #1:  Always the first rule in my RPGs, NO POWER PLAYING!  I never tollerated power playing since Deinovirus and never will.

Rule #2:  Creating bad guys is restricted to the creator of this RPG, me.  This is to prevent power playing and to keep this RPG from suffering the same fate as Deinovirus.

Rule #3:  No modern weapons.  No fighter jets.  This is 2130, not 2006.

Rule #4:  No alimon characters unless they're human first, I have something planned for the end of the story.

Rule #5:  I had a close call with this one in the last Alimon RPG.  No super intelligent AIs.  Computers in this era are still dumb and only do simple tasks.

Faliure to comply with these rules will result in the destruction of this RPG and I'll do a story of this idea instead.

Setting: 2130 AD, a research facility built into the mountains of Mars is created after the incident in the first 10 chapters of Time Gate X.  This isolated facility is used for military operations, biological research, space exploration, and other scientific endeavours.

Character 1:

Name:  Dr. Tanner Colvin

Age: 15

Height: 5' 11"

Hair color: Red

Eye color: green

Zodiac: Leo

Feilds of study:  Military operations, genetic engineering, biological warfare, paleontology, space exploration.

Personality: Intelligent, tough, hard working attitude.

Character 2:

Name: Counselor Sol

Age: 39

Height: 6'2"

Hair color: Black

Eye color:  Brown

Zodiac: Gemini

Feilds of study:  None

Personality:  Serious about the suspicious lab work being conducted on Mars.

Character 3:

Name: Dr. Kruger

Age: 60

Height: 6'0"

Hair color: Grey

Eye color: One good dark blue eye, he's blind in the other eye and is a pale color.

Zodiac: Pices

Feilds of study:  All feilds.

Personality:  Negative, arrogant.  Very serious about work.  Doesn't like the Counsle prying in on his secret projects he makes Tanner do.

I will wait for other members to join before I start.  You first character can have your real name and appearance.  (Like myself.  Yes, I put myself in Time Gate X and my real name really is Tanner.)


  • The Gang of Five
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Name: Captain Andrew Threehorn

Age: 48

Height: 6' 11"

Hair color: Brown

Eye color: Brown

Zodiac: Gemini

Feilds of study: space exploration. Planetary science

Personality: Intelligent, tough, fair and strong hearted

(his human and command of a ship that over 20 years old the Featherstone which it computers is just as old and engines)


  • Ducky
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Name: Chris "Rex" Johnsan

Age: 18

Height: 6' 10"

Hair color: Grey

Eye color: Brown

Zodiac: Gemini

Feilds of study: Paleontology (Particuly Therapods. Large Therapods), Xenobiology (Alien life), Gentics.

Personality: Sarcastic, loyal, intelligent. Will often crack a joke in extremely dangerous situations.


  • The Gang of Five
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  • Ducky
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(I'm still waiting for two more people to join.  This is humans only.  No humanoid dinosaurs allowed.  This isn't Star Trek where you go from place to place.  This a dark, slow moving scarefest that takes place in one little base on Mars.  No extraterrestrial contact, no interstellar alliances.  This story plays much like Doom 3 in the fact that it all takes place indoors about a small group of people trying to survive an outbreak of a mutigen that has killed many people in the bloodiest ways possible.  I'm not taking any crap this time, if a member doesn't abide by my rules, this RPG will be destroyed.)


  • The Gang of Five
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(Like I said his captain and of a old star ship that been only flying around the solar system doing resreach on other planets and moons, the ship lands at the Mars Base for survice since it needs a few extras cause of the age and the crew taking some R and R before this out break you talk about)


  • Spike
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Name: Zitro Siul

Age: 18

Height: 5'9"

Hair color: Black

Eye color: Grey

Zodiac: Pisces

Fields of study: Paleontology, genetics and space exploration

Personality: Brave, bold, kind-hearted


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Kacie Boskey

Gender: Female

Age: 20

Height: 5'3"

Hair color: Dark Brown

Eye color: Hazel Green

Zodiac: Scorpio

Fields of study: Paleontology, Anatomy, Environmental


  • Ducky
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Alright, lets get started then.

The year is 2130 AD.  Shortly after the destruction of the laboratory add-on of the Mars interplanetary Space and Timeport, the United Earth Science Foundation (UESF) began reconstructing an isolated science station that's much larger and more reliable.  Here, miles from any form of martian civilization, scientists could perform dangerous experiments, such as viral warfare.  With the ablilty to conduct experiments beyond moral and legal obligations, the UESF Mars Station holds the most advanced technology ever conceived.

Experiment profile Z7:

Code name:  Alimon

Experiment feild:  Genetic engineering, biological warfare

Type: Viral

Form:  Mutigen

Scientists Monitoring process:  Dr. Tanner Colvin and Dr. Kacie Boskey.

Tanner walks over to two dissection tables.  A fully grown man is strapped to one of the tables while a woman is strapped to the other.  "Are we ready to begin sir?" asks a man wearing a face mask.

"Yes.  Bring me the virus samples Dr. Kruger sent me." says Tanner, holding out a hand.  The fellow doctor takes two test tubes and two syringes from a tray and hands them to Tanner.  He grabs the test tubes and syringes from the man and sets them down on a tray with other surgical instruments.  He then takes a test tube, sicks one of the needles into a test tube, and extracts a green substance from it.  He gently presses down on the button and a small bit of the fluid squirts out of the syringe to clear out the air bubbles and then inserts the needle into a throbbing vein in the male subject's arm.  The man tied down to the table passes out in seconds.  Then Tanner does the same thing to the woman.  Kacie watches Tanner perform the procedure and takes notes.

(Darks's que)


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  • Littlefoot
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Kacie was sitting on a chair as the performance was being done. She held her notepad and continued to take notes, though she did wonder just how safe this procedure was. But she was in no position to be questioning an experiment authorized by someone of a higher rank than she was. So she had kept quiet.


  • Ducky
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"Alright, lets transfer them to the holding cell." says Tanner as he starts for the exit to the lab.  Two scientists roll the tables out of the room and follow him down the hall to a much larger room with a deep pit, about 40 feet deep in the center with electrified walls.  Both tables are slowly lowered into the pit by crane.  Kacie, who also followed Tanner to the room with the holding cell is taking notes as signs of the virus taking effect start to show on the subjects.


  • The Gang of Five
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A comm annocement "Inner Solar System science planetary vessel Featherstone is docking into docking bay for survice. please advice that Secierty has been set to Alpha 3 staties till survice is complete and the ship is departed. All personal please have ID on them for check points till the next annocement." a computerized voice said out on all channels in the research facility then it closes afterwards



  • The Gang of Five
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  • Ducky
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(DarkHououmon.  I'm still conducting an experiment, so don't post anything until I'm done.)


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  • Littlefoot
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Kacie couldn't help but slightly wince a few times as she saw what was happening. But she kept a straight face and acted like she didn't notice, continuing to take notes.


  • Ducky
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49 minutes into the procedure, both subjects wake up.  Their skin looks like cobwebs over muscle and they kind of look like zombies.  The wake up fast and suddenly, they both let out roars as they try to break free of the bindings that's holding them down.  "Good think this was secret or we wouldn have any volunteers." Tanner chuckles.


  • Ducky
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OOC: By the way, the Xenobiology thing was just to justify the fact that Chris would have some weird specimens in his lab. By the way, I'm waiting for my que.


  • Ducky
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(Your que, Threehorn's, or Keni's won't come up until Me and Kacie are done with experimentation on the virus.)