The Gang of Five
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FBS's New Art Stuffs


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Quote from: FlipperBoidSkua,Jan 6 2011 on  10:33 PM
Awww, thank you!! I try my best with them! And yeah, the Ozzy one is fun; a little improvisingfrom my strange mind! Maybe I should do a Caption This with the screenshot!  :DD
Your very welcome. ;) The Ozzy one might work as a caption, in my opinion. I'd love to see what people come up with. :lol:  But that's up to you to decide. But it sure is funny! :lol


  • The Circle
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I like your pictures and your last one has an interesting looking character in it.  I hope you continue to draw and share your drawings here.


  • Petrie
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Sorry, didn't realize you commented, Kor! Thanks for your kind words and I'll definitely be putting up more pics!! After all, I got Teryx down......four more to go!  :D I think Clubbie's next...

The Ozzy one might work as a caption, in my opinion. I'd love to see what people come up with.  But that's up to you to decide. But it sure is funny!

Unfortunately, I found the pic has already been done in the Old Captions category. Oh well, the thought was fun while it lasted.  :lol:


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I’ve been terrible about posting in your fanart and fanfiction threads lately. :bang (Actually, I've been bad about posting in EVERYONE'S threads lately.) I want to apologize for that. :oops (I will be posting a review of your domehead story shortly after this.)

Another amazing picture. Teryx looks awesome. :wow His colors kind of remind me of a scarlet macaw, but with purple instead of yellow. Also, I’m guessing it was unintentional, but the end of his tail looks sorta like a hand. :p

You did a really incredible job on the legs and feet. (I especially admire how you drew his talons partially “clenched” in the same manner as a bird’s. And his head looks really good. Beak, teeth, eyes, crest, everything. The three furthermost feathers on his wings look a little floppy (feathers need to be stiff if they are to be useful for flight), and the one at the very end should be longer than those following it, but still, bird wings and feathers are hard to draw, and I think you did a decent job. :yes

Hatchling Teryx looks pretty cute. :smile His proportions remind me of either a baby bird or a young bipedal LBT dinosaur like Ducky. Again, I think you did a fantastic job on the limbs. The posture of his legs is terrific; looks just like that of a sitting baby bird.

You have quite a knack for giving your characters complex and interesting backstories, which often explain how their (equally well-thought-out) personalities arose and developed. I really liked the profile you gave for Teryx. That’s a great explanation for his colors being different from others of his species. (Incidentally, your idea of colors varying between different populations of Archaeopteryx in LBT seems to be supported by the fact that a few green Archaeopteryx appeared in LBT VII.) And I loved the descriptions of Teryx’s relationships with his friends (especially Cookie :lol).

By the way, it was discovered a few years ago that Archaeopteryx actually had feathered legs, a bit like Microraptor (though the feathers were shorter and only went down to the ankles); feathery “pants”, if you like. :p It is, of course, excusable that Teryx doesn’t have them, since the Archaeopteryx in LBT don’t. (It probably makes him easier to draw anyway.)

I'm excited to see the next character! :smile (If you need references for Clubbie, I remember that a hatchling clubtail appeared briefly during the storytelling scene at the end of LBT VI.)

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.


  • Petrie
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I’ve been terrible about posting in your fanart and fanfiction threads lately.  (Actually, I've been bad about posting in EVERYONE'S threads lately.) I want to apologize for that.  (I will be posting a review of your domehead story shortly after this.)

It's alright! You're probably very busy and stuff!  :) And I feel honored just knowing your even considering reading my stories! For that, I thank you!  :DD

Another amazing picture. Teryx looks awesome.  His colors kind of remind me of a scarlet macaw, but with purple instead of yellow. Also, I’m guessing it was unintentional, but the end of his tail looks sorta like a hand.

A Hand?! :blink: That's AWESOME!! I never noticed!! Now I probably won't be able to get the thought outta my head!  :lol:

Huh, I never thought of using a scarlet macaw for color refence.......Why didn't I?! It would've been awesome to have the yellow feathers!  :bang Oh, well. My true inspiration for the colors came from a memory of the very first Archaeopteryx picture I've seen when I was little; one archaeopteryx flying in the background and one climbing through the branches of a tree in the foreground. I guess a lot of paintings have that, but I remember the red and blue color scheme and the yellow scales on the legs, hands, and face (of course without the purple feathers, which was an extra thing to keep the patterns of the LBT-style). To this day, I can't remember where I found that inspiring piece of art and ramsacked through my dinosaur books and through Google Images, with no success....  :( In fact, I'm still on the hunt for it even after this pic is done. Any chance you may have seen the pic I'm looking for in one of your dinosaur books?

You did a really incredible job on the legs and feet. (I especially admire how you drew his talons partially “clenched” in the same manner as a bird’s. And his head looks really good. Beak, teeth, eyes, crest, everything. The three furthermost feathers on his wings look a little floppy (feathers need to be stiff if they are to be useful for flight), and the one at the very end should be longer than those following it, but still, bird wings and feathers are hard to draw, and I think you did a decent job.

Tried to keep to the LBT design and still make him as bird-like as possible!  :D I personally don't like how any of the wing feathers came out, especially the 'floppy' ones you mentioned. I think one of the feathers suffered from 'unsteady-hand-during-outlining' syndrome and I curse myself for it. Anywho, yeah, the leading edge for Teryx's wings should be longer for his flying-style; guess I had the vague thought of vulture wings in my mind when I drew him (I love vultures so much....)!!  :smile

Hatchling Teryx looks pretty cute.  His proportions remind me of either a baby bird or a young bipedal LBT dinosaur like Ducky. Again, I think you did a fantastic job on the limbs. The posture of his legs is terrific; looks just like that of a sitting baby bird.

I tried to make Hatchling Teryx like a cross between a baby birdie and a Fast Runner. He is adorable with his little 'prickly, sticker things'.
"Mama, can I fly yet?"
"No, sweetheart. You're too young."
 :( "............"  :anger
That's an everyday scene of baby Teryx, eagerly awaiting the growth of his flight feathers!

Those green birds were Archaeopterx?!  :blink: That look so different from those in LBT 9 that I didn't think they were the same. But if they really are our ancient birdies, then: Yay!! My theory is supported!!  :DD

I love back-stories to fit personalities and why they are the way they are. Gives me a chance to exercise my writing abilities to make up for my lack of drawing skills, which is made fun of in my family *again glares towards my artist sister*. It's the positive feedback from you guys here and in DA that keeps me from giving up on drawing altogether....

Anywho, he's a very fun character to say the least, I feel he has to make up for the fact that he's the smallest of the group, especially when they're teens! I find the Cookie/Teryx friendship especially cute when he's soooo much smaller than her and tries to 'defend' her from danger  :rolleyes:

By the way, it was discovered a few years ago that Archaeopteryx actually had feathered legs, a bit like Microraptor (though the feathers were shorter and only went down to the ankles); feathery “pants”, if you like.

Oh, dude! I never got that newsflash! That's awesome!! Wonder if it's as useful to them as it is for a glider like Microraptor... To me, it would seem like a bit of a hindrance for a flyer, unless it's used like the Great Blue Windrunner from the Future is Wild.

If you need references for Clubbie, I remember that a hatchling clubtail appeared briefly during the storytelling scene at the end of LBT VI

I'll definitely keep that in mind for the next drawing. Until you said that, the youngest clubtails I recalled was a cameo on The Lonely Journey episode and they look more like the Gang of Seven's age than actual hatchlings. Thanks for telling me that and for all your praises for Teryx! You don't know how much I appreciate it!


  • Petrie
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Another OC is done!! The colors were difficult to me, but I found a decent enough combo...

This is Clubbie, the clubtail!! Who was surprisingly a lot harder to draw than Teryx was, which wasn't what I was expecting...

Another member of the gang, he (along with Tero) is the strongest member, but (unlike Tero) he doesn't have the personality to match it. He's the weirdo of the group, always getting out of his way to do strange things.... :crazy  One might think his pride would limit what he does, but he has very little, if any, pride! But nonetheless, he still likes to pretend to have that thing called 'dignity'. As shown in this 'playful' conversation between him and Tero:
Tero- Hey, do me a favor.
Clubbie- *cautious, knowing this will probably be painful* Sure, what?
Tero- I want you to *insert humiliating act here*.
Clubbie- *still uncertain, knowing that this is just for Tero's amusement* I dunno.... :unsure:
Tero- ......Why not a simple 'Yes'?  :anger
Clubbie- *defensively* I have to reserve my dignity!
Tero- *scoffs* Since when did you have dignity?!  :rolleyes
Clubbie- ......Oh yeah.... :^.^: *does the humiliating act without holding back!*
Tero-  :lol

Growing up, he had a normal family of speciest clubtails. He was an eccentric hatchling, always making attempts to become a two-legger........just not on his hind feet.... He also attempted to fly on more than one occasion; in fact, it's rumored in his herd that he must've landed on his head a bit too hard on one of his flying attempts. He also climbs (albeit awkwardly) to any high point, then purposely jumps off, just to see how high he can go before he hurts himself. And along with chasing his own tail, he affectionately named the 'bopper' on the end of it Little Clubbie, whom he talks to and talks for. There were several attempts from his parents to fix his unusual behavior, none of which succeeded. After a while, they pretty much gave up and let their son express his hyperactive self however way he wanted, thinking he'll grow out of it. Boy, were they wrong....

A natural trouble-maker (and also quite stupid), he also purposely does the opposite of whatever an elder tells him to do. So when he was taught to avoid other species, he went right on ahead and introduced himself to as many herds as possible. This got him grounded to his nest many times, but he also never learns his lesson.... It was on one of his 'meet-other-species' expeditions that he met the rest of the gang. Excited that they didn't shun him or chased him off, he joined their games and became an official friend. His relationship with them goes as follows:

-Tiki the Rainbowface: She once more finds his antics adorable, but even she is not immune to the confusion his antics brings on. Clubbie considers her a great friend and even lets her hitch a ride on his back whenever she wants, being more than strong and sturdy enough to support her light-weight. In return, she also helps with his troubles as best she can and she also helps decorate him with Tree Sweets....

-Tero the Domehead: Clubbie considers him a friend also, despite the cold welcome received and the hostile actions that continued. Tero finds his weirdness stupid but amusing enough. In fact, he often takes advantage of Clubbie for his own amusement, which Clubbie is well aware of, but keeps his protests to a minimum. Why? He still hasn't forgotten the time Tero broke his leg...... Strange how forgiving this clubtail can be....

-Teryx the Feathered Flyer: This whole relationship can be put into three simple words...."Partner in Mayhem" Teryx is who Clubbie considers his best friend. Together they cause all sorts of mischief, though some of the stuff is just too weird for Teryx, which disappoints Clubbie sometimes...

-Cookie the Twocrest Swimmer: She's Clubbie's second best friend, though she disappoints him a lot more than Teryx. This is because she 'ruins the fun' by trying to keep him from doing his weird stuff and 'safety-fying' the things he does. Like when he's climbing up something, about to do his 'jump-from-high-places' bit, she tries to hastily make a bed of leaves to cushion his fall. But she makes up for it all by helping with his nondangerous quirks, like helping Tiki decorate him with more Tree Sweets....

Yeah, nobody knows why he likes wearing Tree Sweets. Any attempts to ask is only answered with a goofy grin. Anywho, after the final encounter with Tero's angry parents (see the TikiXTero post), his herd had enough of Clubbie's antics, thinking he was giving their kind a bad name, and sent him off on his own. Luckily, Clubbie's friends are always there for him and now he has a new family, who accepts him just the way he is!

The drawing itself, I've never drew four-footers before and I don't think I'm please with the results. It's basically Baby Clubbie about to make another 'hand-stand' balancing act in trying to be a two-footer and older teenage Clubbie in all his fruit-covered glory.

The Friendly Sharptooth

  • Ducky
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What a beautiful character. The picture was drawn very well, though I must say I am more “drawn” to his personality. It reminds me so much of me in my struggle with life. The characteristics that really defined me, especially growing up before I went to a special school for helping me be more normal, I can see in him. Because I am different, I had a very hard time fitting in.

Tero- Hey, do me a favor.
Clubbie- *cautious, knowing this will probably be painful* Sure, what?
Tero- I want you to *insert humiliating act here*.
Clubbie- *still uncertain, knowing that this is just for Tero's amusement* I dunno....
Tero- ......Why not a simple 'Yes'?
Clubbie- *defensively* I have to reserve my dignity!
Tero- *scoffs* Since when did you have dignity?!
Clubbie- ......Oh yeah.... *does the humiliating act without holding back!*

That quote of yours really brought a lot back to me. I too did humiliating things to get attention and to be liked, though the people never did like me, they just used me for entertainment, so I really hope that Tero’s motivation is pure. I’d not like to see a good character abused in the way that I was.

He was an eccentric hatchling, always making attempts to become a two-legger

Heh, I used to wish I had four legs as a child so would crawl around all the time. I can relate to wanting a different method of transportation. I too was very eccentric and was really hard to handle. I would run around, talking fast, acting in ways dubbed as bizarre.

He also climbs (albeit awkwardly) to any high point, then purposely jumps off, just to see how high he can go before he hurts himself.

I did that for years myself, seeing how many stairs I could skip without getting hurt. I can relate to that.

And along with chasing his own tail, he affectionately named the 'bopper' on the end of it Little Clubbie, whom he talks to and talks for.

When I was really young, I would also name my body parts and talk to them. I had so much trouble making friends that I would just think of them as individuals for company. I assume that, even being in a group of other dinosaurs, he still feels distance, a form of loneliness. Otherwise, he likely wouldn’t have the urge to socialize with himself. I stopped doing this around the time I started getting to know more people. When I had access to things that would talk back to me, I lost my desire to imagine inanimate objects were alive.

There were several attempts from his parents to fix his unusual behavior, none of which succeeded.

Heh heh, oh yeah. My parents would think this is MY profile. My parents tried for years to normalize me, and they never got close. That’s why I was sent to that special school.

A natural trouble-maker (and also quite stupid), he also purposely does the opposite of whatever an elder tells him to do. So when he was taught to avoid other species, he went right on ahead and introduced himself to as many herds as possible. This got him grounded to his nest many times, but he also never learns his lesson....

I used to do that as a kid. I was mischievously curious what would happen when doing the opposite of what I was a told. I was definitely a natural at causing trouble. I was punished all the time, but it never did work.

-Tiki the Rainbowface: She once more finds his antics adorable, but even she is not immune to the confusion his antics brings on. Clubbie considers her a great friend and even lets her hitch a ride on his back whenever she wants, being more than strong and sturdy enough to support her light-weight. In return, she also helps with his troubles as best she can and she also helps decorate him with Tree Sweets....

That reminds me of my connection to a girl I chat with. She often gets entertained by my actions but can be struck oddly by some as well. I do consider her a close friend. I try to help keep her company and she is constantly helping me with my troubles.

-Tero the Domehead: Clubbie considers him a friend also, despite the cold welcome received and the hostile actions that continued. Tero finds his weirdness stupid but amusing enough. In fact, he often takes advantage of Clubbie for his own amusement, which Clubbie is well aware of, but keeps his protests to a minimum. Why? He still hasn't forgotten the time Tero broke his leg...... Strange how forgiving this clubtail can be....

I met a guy on World of Warcraft who was like that way to me. I considered him a friend even though he was pretty cold to me. He found a lot of the things I said stupid but was amused enough by me to keep coming back. He used me a lot, wasting time and gold I’d give him, but I kept coming back. I should have stopped forgiving him long ago.

-Teryx the Feathered Flyer: This whole relationship can be put into three simple words...."Partner in Mayhem" Teryx is who Clubbie considers his best friend. Together they cause all sorts of mischief, though some of the stuff is just too weird for Teryx, which disappoints Clubbie sometimes...

I had a friend at work like that. We were really close and got into a lot of mischief, though some things I wanted to do he just couldn’t get into as well.

-Cookie the Twocrest Swimmer: She's Clubbie's second best friend, though she disappoints him a lot more than Teryx. This is because she 'ruins the fun' by trying to keep him from doing his weird stuff and 'safety-fying' the things he does. Like when he's climbing up something, about to do his 'jump-from-high-places' bit, she tries to hastily make a bed of leaves to cushion his fall. But she makes up for it all by helping with his nondangerous quirks, like helping Tiki decorate him with more Tree Sweets....

Oi, my father is so like that to me. I get all these grand schemes of things to do and he just sucks all the fun out. “That’s too weird,” “That’s not healthy,” “It would be better/faster this way.” He does so many things to make my actions safer and more efficient, which can really dull things. He makes up for by doing so much for me though.

Anywho, after the final encounter with Tero's angry parents (see the TikiXTero post), his herd had enough of Clubbie's antics, thinking he was giving their kind a bad name, and sent him off on his own. Luckily, Clubbie's friends are always there for him and now he has a new family, who accepts him just the way he is!

Sounds just like my parents before I was sent off to that school. Luckily, I have a lot of friends for me now to help me through things, and they accept me.

Gosh. Clubbie and his life are just like me and mine. Looking back, my childhood is just like he is now. You did an amazing job at creating this personality. I really liked how you showed the results of what happens when he mingles with each of the characters. It’s like mixing two colors together and seeing what you get as a result. You certainly know how to add variety. Some of the connections were positive, some negative, and some were a little bit of both. If he got along just fine with everyone in every way, that would make for a boring character.

As for the artwork itself, you did a fine job. It looks great how you colored part of the horns the color of the sweets, as it makes sense for some of the juice to be sliding down them. I don’t see his bopper in two segments for his younger form, but I’m guessing that part doesn’t develop much until he gets older. As for the dark red parts, the plates, I believe, do more layers appear as they get older? I mean, his older form, has four rows on his nose while the younger has three, and the back rows are different in number too. I will also assume they increase with age.

You did an excellent job on every part of this. Thank you for an amusing flash back of my past. I don’t think I have ever in my entire life come so close to connecting with a fictional character as I have with Clubbie. You have a lot of talent, and we all appreciate it you sharing it so much.


  • Petrie
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What a beautiful character. The picture was drawn very well, though I must say I am more “drawn” to his personality. It reminds me so much of me in my struggle with life. The characteristics that really defined me, especially growing up before I went to a special school for helping me be more normal, I can see in him. Because I am different, I had a very hard time fitting in.

Wow, it's like Clubbie's the LBT manifestation of yourself! I based the majority of his behaviors off my experiences, but it seems you have even more in common with him than I do! Awesome!!  :DD

That quote of yours really brought a lot back to me. I too did humiliating things to get attention and to be liked, though the people never did like me, they just used me for entertainment, so I really hope that Tero’s motivation is pure. I’d not like to see a good character abused in the way that I was.

Yeah, me too. It only made things worse...much much worse... But unlike the bullies I faced, Tero contributes some.....'positives'. While he's a bully himself who uses Clubbie merely for his entertainment, he doesn't like 'sharing' his 'toy' with strangers. Way he sees it, only he is allowed to humiliate Clubbie, nobody else. And if someone was stupid enough to mock Clubbie's actions to the point of hurting the Clubtail's feelings, they'll be facing a very angry and very violent Domehead....

Heh, I used to wish I had four legs as a child so would crawl around all the time. I can relate to wanting a different method of transportation. I too was very eccentric and was really hard to handle. I would run around, talking fast, acting in ways dubbed as bizarre.

And I still have the habit of running upstairs on all fours and being a digitigrade when I walk normally.  :D

I did that for years myself, seeing how many stairs I could skip without getting hurt. I can relate to that.

I love jumping down the last few steps of the stairs. My sister hates it when I do that, but my mom was worse; she said when she was a kid, she would jump from the roof of her house. I wouldn't be able to do that with my fear of heights....

I assume that, even being in a group of other dinosaurs, he still feels distance, a form of loneliness. Otherwise, he likely wouldn’t have the urge to socialize with himself. I stopped doing this around the time I started getting to know more people. When I had access to things that would talk back to me, I lost my desire to imagine inanimate objects were alive.

Yup, Clubbie's far from being the only hatchling in his herd, but his peers thought him too weird to associate with. So, like Littlefoot talked to his reflection in the 9th movie, Clubbie talked to his bopper!  :)

Heh heh, oh yeah. My parents would think this is MY profile. My parents tried for years to normalize me, and they never got close. That’s why I was sent to that special school.

My parents are still trying to normalize me! They shall never succeed! I am who I am and they can't change that! :lol:

I used to do that as a kid. I was mischievously curious what would happen when doing the opposite of what I was a told. I was definitely a natural at causing trouble. I was punished all the time, but it never did work.

I was once grounded for 2 years! Each grounding's only one month, but I'd do something wrong to earn another month's grounding soon after the previous grounding ended. Though my defiance was more hostile than mischeivous, as it was back when I held a deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep and utter hatred to the entire human race, family included. Good thing I changed to be much more friendly, or I'd end up like a certain brown Flyer....

And wow!  :blink:  Your likeness to Clubbie even extends to having similar friends! That's even more awesome!

Oi, my father is so like that to me. I get all these grand schemes of things to do and he just sucks all the fun out. “That’s too weird,” “That’s not healthy,” “It would be better/faster this way.” He does so many things to make my actions safer and more efficient, which can really dull things. He makes up for by doing so much for me though.

My dad too! The most recent case: we were replacing our carpets and a bunch of stuff was moved into a small hallway leading to the computer room. There's another way to the computer room that was completely free of stuff. But I decided it would be fun to try and navigate my way through the cluttered mess blocking the hallway. Dad saw me, told me bluntly that I was being an idiot for taking the hard way, and yelled at me to go the easier way, which I did with much disappointment.... I was only trying to have some fun! He didn't have to call me stupid for that!  :(

Gosh. Clubbie and his life are just like me and mine. Looking back, my childhood is just like he is now. You did an amazing job at creating this personality. I really liked how you showed the results of what happens when he mingles with each of the characters. It’s like mixing two colors together and seeing what you get as a result. You certainly know how to add variety. Some of the connections were positive, some negative, and some were a little bit of both. If he got along just fine with everyone in every way, that would make for a boring character.

Awwww, thank you! I love putting the interaction amongst the group; it makes everything more enjoyable and shows that not everything about friendship is 'friendly'!

As for the artwork itself, you did a fine job. It looks great how you colored part of the horns the color of the sweets, as it makes sense for some of the juice to be sliding down them. I don’t see his bopper in two segments for his younger form, but I’m guessing that part doesn’t develop much until he gets older. As for the dark red parts, the plates, I believe, do more layers appear as they get older? I mean, his older form, has four rows on his nose while the younger has three, and the back rows are different in number too. I will also assume they increase with age.

Yup, from what I can see, the young clubtails only have 'one-piece' boppers. I also assume they split as they get older. And I was hoping you'd notice the plates! Yes, I do think he would develop more plating as he got older. His snout is longer as a young adult than as a hatchling and another piece of muzzle-plating made sense to me! :^.^:

You did an excellent job on every part of this. Thank you for an amusing flash back of my past. I don’t think I have ever in my entire life come so close to connecting with a fictional character as I have with Clubbie. You have a lot of talent, and we all appreciate it you sharing it so much.

Thanks again! That's really nice to say and it makes me sooooooo happy that you love this drawing so much! I'm glad I was able to provide a character you can relate to on such a high level. Now I feel all warm and fuzzy inside!  :smile


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Eighteen days…Has it really been eighteen days since I last posted here? I haven’t even reviewed that domehead story like I said! Argh! :bang I’m so sorry about this! (I’ve been told that I don’t need to apologize for taking time to review, but honestly, how do I manage to forget/procrastinate this long?! :slap) Unfortunately it seems that you’re a lot faster at creating stories and artwork than I am at reviewing them (but don’t stop or slow down on my account!), so it’s either going to be a long time before I get around to reviewing all the LBT fanart and fanfiction you have out right now, or I’m going to have to limit my reviewing to only certain pictures and stories.

Okay…now that that’s over with, I’m going to start with the picture of Clubbie, to which my first reaction was: “…:blink:…Whoa…Maybe Teryx’s feathers didn’t turn out perfect, but that armor is flawless! :wow” Okay, strictly speaking I can’t say anything is flawless, but that was what I thought, and the detail on Clubbie’s armor really is incredible! The snout plates, the horns, the spikes, the scutes, the segmentation; everything. I can see some spots where the lengths of the divisions between the plates and the positioning of the scutes aren’t perfectly even, but I swear, it probably would have taken me hours of drawing and tons of erasing to get it looking anywhere near that good if I were making the picture.

It occurs to me that it might be difficult (painful, even), for a LBT Ankylosaurus to have its hind legs in the position that teenage Clubbie’s are in, given the spikes along its sides. I think a more realistic pose would be for the knees to be beneath the edges of the “shell”, with the thighs parallel to the ground at most (as opposed to the 45-degree angle they seem to be at in this picture).

I don’t have nearly as many comments for hatchling Clubbie; all I can say is that he looks great! I love how his horns, left front foot, and left hind leg look, and his expression is excellent as well. :yes

Now that’s a hilarious bio! :lol Trying to fly and walk on his front legs have to be my favorite crazy habits you described. I think that rumor circulating in Clubbie’s herd about the reason for his behavior might have something to it… :p Though turning himself into a walking hors d'oeuvre platter makes sense if he gets hungry a lot. :P: As usual, I love your descriptions of the character’s relationship to his/her friends. Though my reaction was “yikes!” :blink: to that little detail of Tero having once broken Clubbie’s leg…

Okay, now for a (very late) response to your response to my review of your picture of Teryx:

Quote from: FlipperBoidSkua,Jan 11 2011 on  05:21 PM
Another amazing picture. Teryx looks awesome.  His colors kind of remind me of a scarlet macaw, but with purple instead of yellow. Also, I’m guessing it was unintentional, but the end of his tail looks sorta like a hand.
A Hand?! :blink: That's AWESOME!! I never noticed!! Now I probably won't be able to get the thought outta my head!  :lol:
Wow…I certainly didn't anticipate that response. :blink: Fortunately, it's pretty much the best one I could have hoped for. :lol

Huh, I never thought of using a scarlet macaw for color refence.......Why didn't I?! It would've been awesome to have the yellow feathers!  :bang Oh, well.
If you like that color scheme, you could always change the character's design.

My true inspiration for the colors came from a memory of the very first Archaeopteryx picture I've seen when I was little; one archaeopteryx flying in the background and one climbing through the branches of a tree in the foreground. I guess a lot of paintings have that, but I remember the red and blue color scheme and the yellow scales on the legs, hands, and face (of course without the purple feathers, which was an extra thing to keep the patterns of the LBT-style). To this day, I can't remember where I found that inspiring piece of art and ramsacked through my dinosaur books and through Google Images, with no success....  :( In fact, I'm still on the hunt for it even after this pic is done. Any chance you may have seen the pic I'm looking for in one of your dinosaur books?
I can't say I have, unfortunately. You say it was a painting? Was it a more “old-fashioned” picture (like something Charles R. Knight or Zdenek Burian might have made), or did it look like it was by a more recent artist? Anything you can recall about the picture or the book you saw it in would help; I might be able to find it for you.

You did a really incredible job on the legs and feet. (I especially admire how you drew his talons partially “clenched” in the same manner as a bird’s. And his head looks really good. Beak, teeth, eyes, crest, everything. The three furthermost feathers on his wings look a little floppy (feathers need to be stiff if they are to be useful for flight), and the one at the very end should be longer than those following it, but still, bird wings and feathers are hard to draw, and I think you did a decent job.
Tried to keep to the LBT design and still make him as bird-like as possible!  :D I personally don't like how any of the wing feathers came out, especially the 'floppy' ones you mentioned. I think one of the feathers suffered from 'unsteady-hand-during-outlining' syndrome and I curse myself for it. Anywho, yeah, the leading edge for Teryx's wings should be longer for his flying-style; guess I had the vague thought of vulture wings in my mind when I drew him (I love vultures so much....)!!  :smile
As much as I agree with you that vultures are awesome, :D they’re probably not a very good analogue for Archaeopteryx, having long, broad wings adapted for nearly constant soaring, compared to Archaeopteryx’s short, broad, rounded wings. I’ve read so many arguments on both sides of the debate on whether Archaeopteryx was a flyer or just a glider that I’m not sure what to believe about its aerial aptitude, but one thing that seems to be pretty unanimously agreed upon is that if it could fly, it couldn’t do so as well as most modern birds.

I love back-stories to fit personalities and why they are the way they are. Gives me a chance to exercise my writing abilities to make up for my lack of drawing skills, which is made fun of in my family *again glares towards my artist sister*. It's the positive feedback from you guys here and in DA that keeps me from giving up on drawing altogether....
Lack of drawing skills?…
[size0][sarcasm]Seriously, what museum can I visit to see the rest of your family's artwork?
[size0][/sarcasm] <_< Seriously, they’re crazy to be disparaging your work like that. If they expect you to be a better artist, they should be more supportive of your work, telling you what you’re doing right andóin a civil and encouraging mannerówhat to focus on doing better. (That’s my reviewing style, anyway…the “sandwich critique”, someone called it once: :lol opening with first impressions and overall opinion, a filling of alternating compliments and notes on areas for improvement, topped with an encouraging message that the artist is doing well and should keep at it.)

By the way, it was discovered a few years ago that Archaeopteryx actually had feathered legs, a bit like Microraptor (though the feathers were shorter and only went down to the ankles); feathery “pants”, if you like.
Oh, dude! I never got that newsflash! That's awesome!! Wonder if it's as useful to them as it is for a glider like Microraptor... To me, it would seem like a bit of a hindrance for a flyer, unless it's used like the Great Blue Windrunner from the Future is Wild.
It's thought that the feathers on Microraptor's feet protruded sideways, so that when it was in a gliding position with its wings spread and its hind legs tucked beneath its body, the feathers formed a second gliding surface, like the wings on a biplane. According to this article on the subject, the smaller feathers on the shins probably faced backward, and served to reduce drag. I'm guessing Archaeopteryx's leg feathers served the same function. (An interesting hypothesis put forward in the article is that the gliding ancestors of birds had “wings” on all four limbs like Microraptor, but as the front pair became larger, stronger, and better adapted for flapping, the aerodynamic function of the hind pair was reduced.)

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.


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I’ve been told that I don’t need to apologize for taking time to review, but honestly, how do I manage to forget/procrastinate this long?!  ) Unfortunately it seems that you’re a lot faster at creating stories and artwork than I am at reviewing them (but don’t stop or slow down on my account!), so it’s either going to be a long time before I get around to reviewing all the LBT fanart and fanfiction you have out right now, or I’m going to have to limit my reviewing to only certain pictures and stories.

I myself procrastinate a lot, especially when it comes to school work, so I completely understand! I'm fast-paced because I'm practically free all day, every day, college taking only about 3 hours of my time. And I spend my seemingly-limitless free time on this site, reading, writing, and drawing!!!

“……Whoa…Maybe Teryx’s feathers didn’t turn out perfect, but that armor is flawless! ” Okay, strictly speaking I can’t say anything is flawless, but that was what I thought, and the detail on Clubbie’s armor really is incredible! The snout plates, the horns, the spikes, the scutes, the segmentation; everything. I can see some spots where the lengths of the divisions between the plates and the positioning of the scutes aren’t perfectly even, but I swear, it probably would have taken me hours of drawing and tons of erasing to get it looking anywhere near that good if I were making the picture.

With the armor of teenage Clubbie, although straight lines and even-ness are not my friends, it was surprisingly one of the easier parts of the drawing. In fact, the armor part's a relief as I remember the other parts beginning to get me a bit frustrated... Color was another issue as I had no idea what colors to use. I ended up settling on a combo of pink, red, and some unknown brownish color of a questionable origin...... :^.^:

It occurs to me that it might be difficult (painful, even), for a LBT Ankylosaurus to have its hind legs in the position that teenage Clubbie’s are in, given the spikes along its sides. I think a more realistic pose would be for the knees to be beneath the edges of the “shell”, with the thighs parallel to the ground at most (as opposed to the 45-degree angle they seem to be at in this picture).

Yeah, I dunno why I didn't think of drawing the legs in a different pose (like Spike when he falls asleep in his debut scene; that would've been a great reference to use!!), I guess I just wasn't thinking it through when I drew it :oops .......

I don’t have nearly as many comments for hatchling Clubbie; all I can say is that he looks great! I love how his horns, left front foot, and left hind leg look, and his expression is excellent as well.

That's good! I was extremely worried about Hatchling Clubbie (and the whole picture in general), but hearing that you loved it makes me feel extremely relieved that it's not as bad as I had imagined.

Now that’s a hilarious bio!  Trying to fly and walk on his front legs have to be my favorite crazy habits you described. I think that rumor circulating in Clubbie’s herd about the reason for his behavior might have something to it…  Though turning himself into a walking hors d'oeuvre platter makes sense if he gets hungry a lot.  As usual, I love your descriptions of the character’s relationship to his/her friends. Though my reaction was “yikes!”  to that little detail of Tero having once broken Clubbie’s leg…

The bio was very fun and I had to contain my spazziness to get it done!! I just wanted to put everything all at once; Clubbie's just a very entertaining character to write about!!  :lol , yeah, Clubbie's head has taken more impacts with the hard ground than it was meant to endure... I'm surprised he's still living, or hasn't suffered anything more severe. And lotsa people had theories on Clubbie's fruit habit! My sister suggested he was doing it to ruin a sharptooth's appetite; a friend suggested he did it to smell nice; my mom thought it was a fashion statement; you theorize a constant supply of snacks! It might be all four of them, but Clubbie's not giving an answer!!  :D And yup.....Tero does NOT like it when someone other than Tiki refuses to do what he says. Clubbie learned that the hard way.... But he's forgiven the Domehead, who never asked for forgiveness in the first place and will probably do it again...

Wow…I certainly didn't anticipate that response.  Fortunately, it's pretty much the best one I could have hoped for.

It truly was an awesome image placed in my head (Can' games....with his....tail :lol )!! What response were you expecting?  :)

If you like that color scheme, you could always change the character's design.

I'mma keep Teryx the color he is; the more I looked at it, the more embedded it is in my head.

I can't say I have, unfortunately. You say it was a painting? Was it a more “old-fashioned” picture (like something Charles R. Knight or Zdenek Burian might have made), or did it look like it was by a more recent artist? Anything you can recall about the picture or the book you saw it in would help; I might be able to find it for you.

Oh well. Yes, it was a painting. I had an extremely vivid memory of it. I saw it in a book of a dim-lighted public library where I first read Raptor Red. The book itself was fairly old and I have two extra memories of what was in the book: A paragraph stating how we didn't know what sounds dinosaurs made and if they were capable of whistling and stuff. Another memory that accompanied that same page was a dark-themed side-pic close-up painting of a one-horned ceratopsian's head (a Styracosaurus, perhaps?), who in turn was dark in color with bright, almost neon, streaks of color along its face and frill. Plus the later pic of the Archaopteryx. I'm afraid that's the full memory I have....

Lack of drawing skills?… [sarcasm]Seriously, what museum can I visit to see the rest of your family's artwork?[/sarcasm]  Seriously, they’re crazy to be disparaging your work like that. If they expect you to be a better artist, they should be more supportive of your work, telling you what you’re doing right andóin a civil and encouraging mannerówhat to focus on doing better. (That’s my reviewing style, anyway…the “sandwich critique”, someone called it once:  opening with first impressions and overall opinion, a filling of alternating compliments and notes on areas for improvement, topped with an encouraging message that the artist is doing well and should keep at it.)

Closest that meets that criteria is my sister and she's only supportive about it if she's in a good mood. My parents (especially my mom) compares my drawings to my sister's art all the time and constantly says how my drawings are inferior and that I should just stick with writing. And although they give my sis words of advice for her stuff, closest thing I can get to a positive review with them is  a quick one-second look and a "It's good, I guess." Very encouraging.... And then they wonder why I get so competitive with my sis....  :anger I guess their constant negative reviews got me thinking that they're right. That's why this site in particular is so special to me. You guys appreciate my work more than I can possibly hope for and your criticism is actually helpful. I just can't put it into words how grateful I am to you guys!  :D *hugs!!!!!!!!!!!*


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Quote from: FlipperBoidSkua,Feb 1 2011 on  03:24 AM
With the armor of teenage Clubbie, although straight lines and even-ness are not my friends, it was surprisingly one of the easier parts of the drawing. In fact, the armor part's a relief as I remember the other parts beginning to get me a bit frustrated... Color was another issue as I had no idea what colors to use. I ended up settling on a combo of pink, red, and some unknown brownish color of a questionable origin...... :^.^:
Odd…the only colors I see in the drawing (not counting the eyes and the tree sweets) are a couple of shades of pink. :huh: Does your scanner have a tendency to change the colors of whatever you scan? Mine does, and it drives me crazy! :anger No idea what kind of scanner you have, but mine is a HP Officejet 6500, and it ofers a few options as far as how to scan the pictures. For some reason, when I select “Open HP Scan” or “Open PDF in Preview”, the colors on the scanned image match better with the original picture than if I go with the default “Open in Preview”.

The bio was very fun and I had to contain my spazziness to get it done!! I just wanted to put everything all at once; Clubbie's just a very entertaining character to write about!! :lol , yeah, Clubbie's head has taken more impacts with the hard ground than it was meant to endure... I'm surprised he's still living, or hasn't suffered anything more severe.
Well, ankylosaurs do have pretty hard heads. 'Course, they're not exactly known for their cranial capacity either. :p

Wow…I certainly didn't anticipate that response. Fortunately, it's pretty much the best one I could have hoped for.
It truly was an awesome image placed in my head (Can' games....with his....tail :lol )!! What response were you expecting?  :)
I guess something like, “Oh, darn! Now that's going to bug me every time I look at that picture!” Come to think of it, your actual response wasn't too much different, except that you were happy about it. :lol

Yes, it was a painting. I had an extremely vivid memory of it. I saw it in a book of a dim-lighted public library where I first read Raptor Red. The book itself was fairly old and I have two extra memories of what was in the book: A paragraph stating how we didn't know what sounds dinosaurs made and if they were capable of whistling and stuff. Another memory that accompanied that same page was a dark-themed side-pic close-up painting of a one-horned ceratopsian's head (a Styracosaurus, perhaps?), who in turn was dark in color with bright, almost neon, streaks of color along its face and frill. Plus the later pic of the Archaopteryx. I'm afraid that's the full memory I have....
I'm going to the library this afternoon; I'll see if I can find that book. ;)

Quote from: FlipperBoidSkua,Feb 1 2011 on  03:24 AM
That's why this site in particular is so special to me. You guys appreciate my work more than I can possibly hope for and your criticism is actually helpful. I just can't put it into words how grateful I am to you guys!  :D *hugs!!!!!!!!!!!*
What can I say? It's the feedback you deserve. (That every artist deserves, really.) :^.^:

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.


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I HAVE A NEW PICTURE AND IT'S A SURPRISE FOR PANGAEA!!! *ahem* But first, to respond to the last post... :D

Does your scanner have a tendency to change the colors of whatever you scan? Mine does, and it drives me crazy!

Oh yes, and it picks particular colors to dull while it's at it. Usually, it hates the color pink (I'm with it on that, but still! :lol ), but I guess I colored hard enough for it not to have an excuse for Clubbie! :D

Well, ankylosaurs do have pretty hard heads. 'Course, they're not exactly known for their cranial capacity either.

That certainly explains alot about Clubbie!! :lol:

I'm going to the library this afternoon; I'll see if I can find that book.

Thanks for your help!! I hope I'm not being a trouble to you.

Okay, okay, okay! Here's the next pic I have. It's more of a doodle than anything, but I'll put it in here anyway!!

"Omg, I'm like a huuuuuuge fan of you, Pangaea!! And of you too, Guido!! It's like I'm meeting two celebraties at once here!! Dear Zotz, I feel like I'm not worthy to be in your awesome presence of awesomeness!!"

It was something random I drew in college yesterday. What started as something with no particular subject turned into this: the first meeting between Pangaea, Guido, and I in the RP "In The Land Before Time". I basically spazzed out when I met them.... (See quote above)  :lol While I drew it in college, I colored it in my dark room, so the coloring's not great. I unfortunately don't have the color maroon as Pangaea previously expressed to be his desired color for his Dinosona, so I used red. I also don't have the color teal at my disposal for Guido, so I used the closest color I did have: aqua green :oops .

Look at that, I'm so excited, the white of my eyes are showing :lol . For the record of scaling, I'm a young female Therizinosaurus and the adults are probably a lot larger than I am in this RP. Plus........I didn't have enough room to make myself bigger.... :p Guido's all freaked out at my spazziness  :lol:

This was my first time drawing LBT Microraptors (or any Microraptor for that matter), and although I intend this to be a pleasant surprise for you Pangaea, I hope I didn't butcher your character... :(


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Gah…I wish I could express emotion through a keyboard as well as you can. This response is going to seem horribly bland compared to your reactions to a lot of my posts, but suffice to say……………I LOVE THE PICTURE! :D

You did an amazing job drawing my dinosona: the feathers, the head, the hands, the tail plumes (he’s actually got eight of them, but who cares?), the little zigzag on the neck, and the expression. (You did a fantastic job making him look bashful :lol) Also, your attention to both written and visual detail continues to astound me: you gave my character digitigrade feet like I said I was going to give him! :DD The feet look great, too; exactly how I imagined them! :D

Guido’s neck is thicker than it should be, but you’ve got his expression down perfectly. I also like how his crest is flattened back to make him look scared. And for some reason, I just like how you drew the wing he’s using to cling to my character. :lol

The coloring is great! :smile Sure, Guido’s just a tiny bit lighter than he actually is, but he still looks pretty good. And while I did originally envision my character as being maroon, I’ve since decided that a darkish red looks better on him.

Your own dinosona looks excellent, too. I love the pose and expression (she certainly looks excited :lol); it was a nice touch to have the scleras of your character’s normally solid brown eyes visible, the same way a lot of animals’ eyes get when they’re frightened or excited. You did an awesome job on the legs and feet, and on the skin folds on various parts of the body. The arms, however, look a little too far back, especially in relation to the neck. The shoulders should be about midway between the chest and the back; there should be some distance between the elbows and the body.

As far as other constructive criticisms go, my dinosona’s legs are maybe a little short, and his “leg-wings” should be more developed. One other issue I see is that Guido is behind Pangaea, but Pangaea’s feet are higher than Guido’s, so he appears to be levitating. :p

If this is what your doodles look like, I encourage you to post your doodles in here more often! (Seriously, it usually takes me hours of work to come up with something that good.)

Thank you so much for this! :DD This picture made my day! :D

Quote from: FlipperBoidSkua,Feb 16 2011 on  04:01 PM
I'm going to the library this afternoon; I'll see if I can find that book.
Thanks for your help!! I hope I'm not being a trouble to you.
No problem. :) Unfortunately I didn't find any books containing the Archaeopteryx image you described. This was the closest thing I could find:

It's from The Audubon Society Pocket Guide to Familiar Dinosaurs. I don't know who the artist is. Besides being a red and blue Archaeopteryx, it doesn't have much in common with the picture you're looking for, but I thought I'd share it anyway. (Wow, the scanned version is a lot bigger than the actual picture in the book. :blink:) I'll keep my eyes peeled for your picture, though. ;)

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.


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WAA! I LOVE that picture FBS! It's AWESOME! :^.^:

Aww! Poor little Guido.  :lol


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I've made about two drawings to make myself feel better about....yeah.... One's for LBT and the other will be in my general art section. But before that, I must respond (rereading all you guys' comments was very helpful in cheering myself up).

First of all, yes, poor Guido. He's truely adorable, even when he's scared.

Gah…I wish I could express emotion through a keyboard as well as you can. This response is going to seem horribly bland compared to your reactions to a lot of my posts, but suffice to say……………I LOVE THE PICTURE!

 :) That's alright, I know you're very excited and that makes me happier about this picture. And no worries on the emotion-keyboard thing; I actually think it's a good thing since I tend to get carried away with the emotion typing in that I just type down everything I'm doing and everything that comes to mind. It probably makes me look like an idiot.

you gave my character digitigrade feet like I said I was going to give him! The feet look great, too; exactly how I imagined them!

That honestly was my favorite part of doing the doodle. I found myself wanting to go from the feet up, but I'm not good with that; I always have to start with the head. Otherwise, I'd feel weird.

One other issue I see is that Guido is behind Pangaea, but Pangaea’s feet are higher than Guido’s, so he appears to be levitating.

It's official.....Your dinosona has super-powers of levitating awesomeness!! *notices* Hey, my first spazz moment in days. I believe I have you to thank for it, Pangaea! :)

If this is what your doodles look like, I encourage you to post your doodles in here more often! (Seriously, it usually takes me hours of work to come up with something that good.)

Noted. In fact, the next picture is a half-doodle. The background is all effort-less scribbles because I hate backgrounds....a lot. In fact, I'll admit.... I'm very disappointed with this next picture. I personally can see almost no redeeming qualities in it. But that's not gonna stop me from sharing; all artists have their 'bad days' and this was definitely during a bad period... :(

Why does the scanner always feel the need to neon-ize the color green? The 'details' of the clouds (yes, those horrible blobs in the sky are clouds :blink: ) wouldn't show up, and I think the Fast Biter subjects look horrible. And coloring the background almost killed my pencils (another reason I hate backgrounds, besides the fact that they always look crappy whenever I give them try).

The only thing I like in this pic is the night sky. The blue part was horrible for me, but I let myself go on the scribbling black part. I just went whichever way my hand wanted to go (only avoiding the stars and moon) and I think that put some emotion in the scribbles. Plus, the abstract-ish way the sky turned out after that puts me in a much better mood looking at it. I dunno, something about it makes me calmer, I have no idea why.

Anywho, the story of this?

This is Screech and Thud and my friend's OC SilkScales, who's "friends" with Serena (the Flyer OC). She met the sharptooth trio when they were attacking Sierra and Serena, and this girly risked her neck to save her distant companion and her "boyfriend". Giving her best effort, she managed to get the injured Flyers to safety before getting caught herself. Redclaw contemplated on whether to kill this intruder or not. Using her wits, SilkScales commented on how she didn't care what fate was decided for her. Redclaw found this intriguing enough to spare her, but on the condition that she would have to work for him. She accepted (as if she had a choice).

Screech and Thud, having had a bad first impression of the newcomer, didn't take lightly to this decision and openly displayed hatred for their newest member. This hatred would remain strong in Screech, who states that the only thing keeping him from killing her is Redclaw, but Thud found himself taking a different view of the girl. His hatred gradually grew to tolerance to genuine affection and he was thrilled to find that SilkScales was taking a very strong liking to him as well. However, they both knew they couldn't let Redclaw and Screech find out about their feelings for each other, so an arrangement was made. During the day, when Screech and Redclaw was awake, Thud would join his brother in utterly despising her. But in the night, when Redclaw and Screech were knocked out sleeping, the acting would be put on hold for more affectionate matters. To this day, it's still a well-kept secret that the others don't know about.

I drew this picture to represent their whole relationship. And look!! I even kept to the trend of changing Thud's color at night! I still don't understand why they do that with Thud, but not to any other green character....

Anyway, I'm off to submit my second drawing.


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Quote from: FlipperBoidSkua,Feb 24 2011 on  03:08 AM
I've made about two drawings to make myself feel better about....yeah.... One's for LBT and the other will be in my general art section. But before that, I must respond (rereading all you guys' comments was very helpful in cheering myself up).
I admire the fact that you spent your period of grief working on art and writing; usually when I’m upset or depressed, I just lie around and sleep. :rolleyes

And no worries on the emotion-keyboard thing; I actually think it's a good thing since I tend to get carried away with the emotion typing in that I just type down everything I'm doing and everything that comes to mind. It probably makes me look like an idiot.
Hardly! I see it as one of the things that adds energy to your posts and makes them so enjoyable to read. :smile

One other issue I see is that Guido is behind Pangaea, but Pangaea’s feet are higher than Guido’s, so he appears to be levitating.
It's official.....Your dinosona has super-powers of levitating awesomeness!! *notices* Hey, my first spazz moment in days. I believe I have you to thank for it, Pangaea! :)
Now how is it that I knew you would say something like that? :p Glad I could help you recover your spazziness, though. You're welcome! :DD

The background is all effort-less scribbles because I hate backgrounds....a lot. In fact, I'll admit.... I'm very disappointed with this next picture. I personally can see almost no redeeming qualities in it. But that's not gonna stop me from sharing; all artists have their 'bad days' and this was definitely during a bad period... :(
Well, I like the picture(s)! :smile I think you did an awesome job on the characters, which is what I tend to focus on more when I review artwork; while I don’t ignore backgrounds, I don’t pay as much attention to their quality.

And coloring the background almost killed my pencils (another reason I hate backgrounds, besides the fact that they always look crappy whenever I give them try).
The toll backgrounds take on colored pencils is a major reason I rarely draw them, too. :rolleyes Back in middle school, during an artistic phase in which I drew a lot of pictures of marine environments, coloring in the backgrounds was such a pain that for one picture, I used a blue marker instead of a colored pencil.

Since you said yourself that you didn’t bother to put much effort into the backgrounds, I won’t pick on you too much about them. Still, I figure that if you’re going to spend a lot of colored pencil core coloring a background, you might as well try a little bit to make said background look good, so I’ll just offer a few suggestions and pointers on background details (even though I don’t do a whole lot better on them :rolleyes).

ï If you want to improve on clouds, try drawing wavy, tapered outlines for the wispier ones, and scalloped, “bouncy” outlines for the fluffier ones.

ï The water splashes look more like grass or hair than water. I’m honestly no good at making really “splashy” looking splashes, but I think that giving them rounder, broader curved outlines (similar to the wave lines on the water), especially where you have water meeting land, make them look a bit more realistic.

ï The rocks on the ground are definitely one of the better background details in your picture. :yes Try making them slightly differently colored from the groundódarker or lighter, for instanceóto make them stand out a little more.

As a parting note on backgrounds, I think that’s an interesting way you drew the night sky in the lower image. It’s kind of pretty, I think. (Shouldn’t the ground be a different color than it is in the daytime, though?)

Okay, now for the characters:

I really like the way you drew Screech's hands in the upper image. SilkScales' too, for that matter. And her feet. And both characters' arms and legs. (Nice job drawing SilkScales' arms crossed. :yes) That’s a shame about Thud’s coloring, but at least I like that shade of green, so it doesn’t bother me too much. :p

Is SilkScales a Deinonychus? I notice she has three-fingered hands and a deeper snout than Screech and Thud (not to mention the feathers). In the lower pic especially she looks a lot like the Deinonychus seen in the prologue of LBT III. (In the upper, her head shape looks closer like Screech and Thud's.) Personally I think her head and neck look better in the lower picture. I love her design; the alternating black and white feathers are a neat idea. (Is it just me, or do you have a thing for black-and-white OCs? :p) Kind of a strange name, though; do the LBT dinosaurs know what silk feels like?

I drew this picture to represent their whole relationship. And look!! I even kept to the trend of changing Thud's color at night! I still don't understand why they do that with Thud, but not to any other green character....
Somehow I never noticed (or at least can't remember) Thud's color changing at night. :blink: Convenient, though, considering your problems with the scanner. :p

One detail that pesters me just a little tiny bit is that Thud’s brow looks to be knit and furrowed as in an angry, stern, or furtive expression. While his smile obviously tells otherwise, I find that it detracts somewhat from the tender mood of the picture. Not that it’s your fault; the faces of most adult sharpteeth in LBT appear to be almost permanently set in a fierce expression (which usually changes only when they are surprised, or in some cases, frightened), so there are almost no references for what a happy or affectionate sharptooth should look like. Besides Chomper’s parents, the only potential example I can think of is the mother fast biter in “The Great Egg Adventure” in the scene where her eggs hatch.

You seem to have a knack for drawing dinosaurs in reclined positions. SilkScales and Thud look great! :D I love how you did Thud’s tail stripes.

Sorry if any of my nitpicking in this review was annoying. :oops Again, I honestly do like this picture, and can’t wait to see more. :smile

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.


  • Petrie
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I admire the fact that you spent your period of grief working on art and writing; usually when I’m upset or depressed, I just lie around and sleep.

It truly helps to get one's mind off of stuff like this. And when I'm not drawing or writing or being on the internet during that time, I sit in the darkest place I can find and listen to my iPod's more emotional songs.

Hardly! I see it as one of the things that adds energy to your posts and makes them so enjoyable to read.

Awwww, thanking you!!  :D

Now how is it that I knew you would say something like that?

Yay!! I'm predictable to some extent!! :DD

Back in middle school, during an artistic phase in which I drew a lot of pictures of marine environments, coloring in the backgrounds was such a pain that for one picture, I used a blue marker instead of a colored pencil

Argh! If only we had markers!! That should make backgrounds less damaging to my precious pencils! My sister says she's gonna teach me how to us our tablet and make digital art this weekend, but I dunno how reliable she'll be on her word... <_<

Still, I figure that if you’re going to spend a lot of colored pencil core coloring a background, you might as well try a little bit to make said background look good, so I’ll just offer a few suggestions and pointers on background details

 :yes Which is exactly why I'm more than happy to read your suggestions. I definitely appreciated the water/spashing-suggestion. I can't draw water :oops and I'll be employing the 'roundness' in the future!!

(Shouldn’t the ground be a different color than it is in the daytime, though?)

Yes, the ground should!! I even had that thought while I was coloring and spent a moment thinking about it: should I make the brown dark? Or add black? I had very little experience drawing night time-ness, so I have no idea what to do...

(Nice job drawing SilkScales' arms crossed. )

That was the hardest part of this whole pic!! I have a difficult time with crossed arms, at least Serena had wings to cover most of it, but SilkScales? Torture!! I erased so many times, I'm surprised that there's paper left in that spot! I'm glad it turned out good, though!! Showed the effort wasn't in vain!! :smile

Is SilkScales a Deinonychus? I notice she has three-fingered hands and a deeper snout than Screech and Thud (not to mention the feathers). In the lower pic especially she looks a lot like the Deinonychus seen in the prologue of LBT III. (In the upper, her head shape looks closer like Screech and Thud's.) Personally I think her head and neck look better in the lower picture. I love her design; the alternating black and white feathers are a neat idea. (Is it just me, or do you have a thing for black-and-white OCs? ) Kind of a strange name, though; do the LBT dinosaurs know what silk feels like?

I have no idea what species she's supposed to be... But since I'm sure Deinonychus is the second largest raptor (I strongly believe Screech and Thud are Utahraptors based on their size), I guess that's her species!! :^.^:

Black and white combo is awesome; I love drawing characters that are black and white. It's a simple, and yet gorgous combo!! While my initial appreciation of that beautiful combo came with my love of orcas, I think my true love for the colors came with one of my favorite wasps:

So pretty! At least to me.

And yes, it is a strange name for an LBT character, but like Cookie's case, I still love it!! :D

Somehow I never noticed (or at least can't remember) Thud's color changing at night. Convenient, though, considering your problems with the scanner.

Very convenient!! And you should check it out, it's so weird! No other green character changes color so drastically!! I think it's neat, if not a bit confusing.

Sorry if any of my nitpicking in this review was annoying. Again, I honestly do like this picture, and can’t wait to see more.

Your nitpicks are never annoying! They're very helpful and I'm just as happy to receive them as I am at getting compliments!! Thank you for both your compliments and your constructive criticism!!


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  • Ducky
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Okay, I do have to admit, that Wasps' marking's are beautiful but the Wasp itself...*runs in fear* But, I do love the background.

Can't wait to see more! :yes