The Gang of Five
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LBT: The Journey Home (PREVIEW)

Bongo · 48 · 5878


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  • Ducky
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Hmm, thanks for the veiwpoints. And thank you Pangaea for that compliment, if it was anyway's, in your review. I try my best. :D

For the viewpoints, you opened my eyes and mind a little going in and out of this story about why they reacted, did what they did, and went where they went in the first few chapters.

I don't exactly know what you should do about the whole 'translation' thing. But personally, I really don't care.  But maybe you could have a little machine that Bongo could use to talk to the dinosaurs and understand what they're saying. Like one of those phones you hook onto your ear, or wireless headphones that allows you to communicate with animals. That should be all right because the future should have that kind of technology.

For the question...maybe someone else should get into a predicament so Bongo can save them, and then be trusted. If you like that idea. As for who, maybe...judgeing by what happened, maybe...Littlefoot should get into a predicament, so Bongo can save him and he'll be trusted by the valley for saving him. That happens in most stories, but you can change it up a little bit, if you like the idea.

Well, I've givin my thoughts about this. I'm looking forward to the chapter. :yes


  • Spike
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[align=center] CHAPTER III: Settling Down

Bongo woke up all of a sudden. He slowly got up with his hands pushing on the ground. He had a very groggy memory of what happened last night. He remembered running away from getting his behind bitten off; running into a cave and then passing out because of sheer exhaustion. Bongo went to rub his face and then noticed he had a layer of dust on his hands and face. Looking around, he saw that the cave he picked was about the size of a master bedroom’s closet.

Finally getting up on both of his feet, Bongo walked around to see what there was in store for him. There were a couple of boulders in the cave; just big enough to sit on. In the corner, he also noticed a small, bubbling spring. He looked at the ceiling and saw a small hole where water trickled through into the spring. Bongo also noticed a small bed of moss near the spring, which was about an inch thick and was six by three feet.

“Perfect” Bongo thought to himself.” This will make a perfect camp” and with that said, Bongo looked behind him. Sunlight fell upon his eyes and he had to squint. He noted that the cave was perfectly hidden behind some rocks but was at such an angle that sunlight could come in at sunrise. He could hear noises of dinosaurs and insects in the background.

Bongo then saw his pack thrown in a corner. He went to retrieve it and then sat down on a boulder. He unloaded his pack and decided to see the damage done. His Wilderness Survival Guide, water filter, camera, some portable lab equipment and flashlight were perfectly in tact. The other lab equipment fared no better. Most of it was destroyed beyond recognition.

He then sighed and pushed all the destroyed equipment to the side to focus all his attention onto his working equipment. He took his Wilderness Survival Guide and folded it; Yes, specially made equipment can fold for travel; and then placed into his pocket for later use. Bongo then took his water filter and placed it next to the spring and started filtering some water for later use.

From there, he decided to lay back and think. He did not know what to think about, but he just did. He dozed off a bit, and after about three hours, Bongo noted it had become high noon. His stomach rumbled a bit and then rummaged through his sack once again. He then found what he was looking for; a weeks worth of scientific ration. He quickly ate a days worth of it and then thought in his head…

“I only have a weeks worth of food to survive. My science team said that was the time it would take to get samples and data from the land. I need to get food and save up these rations for hard times…” and then Bongo turned his head towards the entrance of his cave. The color of the sky told him that the time was nearing sunset. He placed down his rations and walked to the entrance and poked his head outside.

He climbed the rocks hiding his cave to look at his surroundings. He saw a huge waterfall and river separating the land. There were herds of different dinosaurs walking around and giant forests of trees; and possible food sources. He then ducked quickly enough when he noticed a triceratops pass by. Bongo could feel the ground shake as it walked by. When the rumbling stopped, he poked his head over the rocks again and then noticed something interesting; as his eyes scanned the valley, Bongo noted the dinosaurs seemed to keeping watch. Pteranodons were circling specific spots along the valley; some of the Triceratops was walking along the valley wall, and occasionally saw Apatosaurus’ head pop up through the tree line and scan the valley. Was it just in his imagination, or were they all looking for…Bongo???


Littlefoot’s Grandfather stood on the highest hill of the valley, scanning the horizon, making sure everything was in check. Ducky’s mother then came up to him.

“Anything new?” he asked.

“We have found nothing yet. We are still looking.” She replied, and went back to search the water.
Mr. Threehorn then came up to Littlefoot’s Grandfather right after his shift to complain.

“I still don’t see why we have to do this! As long as we keep an eye out, we should be safe from this thing!” he argued

“Now we can’t be too certain that the beast has left us alone. We shall keep up these patrols until we are certain that the creature is gone. That is final!” and Littlefoot’s Grandfather walked away, leaving a huffing Topsy behind.

Mr. Threehorn then grumbled and started to walk to his nest for a nights rest. Littlefoot’s Grandfather also went to sleep at his nest and leave the night shift to Littlefoot’s Grandmother. The sun started to fall behind the horizon and the land turned from a grand orange to a smooth dark blue. The day shift lay to rest and the night shift took over. Some were alert and on the lookout for the creature while others just grumbled and did their job waiting for their shift to end.

However, Littlefoot and the gang stayed up for long periods of time, even though Cera objected most of the time. Littlefoot had a plan to capture the beast that roamed the land.

“Ok, remember the plan guys. We are going to lay Treestars and berries in a trail leading into a corner to lure the creature there. Once the creature is stuck in the corner, we will pounce it.” And his head pointed to a dead end in the valley wall.

“And what if the creature eats meat?” Cera asked with a raised eyebrow,

“Well, Petrie agreed to be the bait because he can fly faster than any of us could run. He will fly into the corner and dive straight up and then we jump the creature from behind!”

“Sounds like a good plan to me Littlefoot, yep yep yep!” Ducky agreed heartily.

“Now all we have to do is set up the trail…you got enough Treestars and berries Petrie?” Littlefoot yelled the question to Petrie. Petrie was set out to gathering as many Treestars and berries as he possibly could. He finally dragged in the last Treestar and then huffed in a tired voice,

“Yes, me am done with gathering…stuff for trail” and then landed on his back to catch his breath because carrying so many Treestars to a specific point and being such a small Flier can wear someone down really quick.

“That’s good Petrie. Now, the rest of you, help me lay a trail all around the valley. Spike, you take Petrie home” Ok! Everyone, grab a pile of berries or Treestars and follow me!” Littlefoot said to the group. Spike lifted Petrie onto his head and took him home. Littlefoot and Cera grabbed a mouthful of Treestars while Ducky grabbed as many berries as she could carry and started following Littlefoot all across the valley leaving behind a trail of Treestars and berries. Littlefoot knew this creature was dangerous so he knew he had to work quick and fast. Their trail soon spread all across the valley in hopes that the creature may stumble upon it…


Bongo’s watch buzzed as its set timer went off at exactly the right minute. He woke up and looked at his watch…yep, 12:00 PM. His watch did go off on time. Bongo knew he had to work quickly. He grabbed his now empty pack, made sure he had his Wilderness Survival guide and set off to forage for food and if he had time, study the wildlife to gather more data.

He took a peek over the rocks to see if any dinosaur was nearby…none. He scurried off and got out his 3D map again. He then threw himself into the brush to make sure he was not seen. Looking at his map, there seemed to be a nice source of food about a mile away from his vicinity. He would run and duck his way over there.

Bongo slowly raised his head and then headed off to the food source.”
Crack! He heard a twig snap! Was that him or was something following him? A shadow! Oh, it was only a tree. I hear a rustle in the leaves! It’s only me…” Bongo thought in his head. Maybe it was his bad encounter with the dinosaurs, or did Bongo start to believe that he was being chased?

He soon arrived at his destination. It was a patch of jungle that was very close to a section of the river. Getting out his Survival Guide and using the ëscan’ program, Bongo managed to collect edible plants and some samples to take back to his cave. He knew he could not be seen or else he would be struck by danger, so he tried to quickly leave, but Bongo accidentally tripped over a tree root and tumbled head first down a small hill. He tumbled down a couple of feet and hit his head on a rotting log. He got knocked out cold again.

It wasn’t until a few minutes later, Bongo woke up. He rubbed his head and was about to get up when he heard a rustle in the brush and then stood as still as he could get. A crazy thought then struck his head! He just remembered that his Wilderness Survival Guide translator could also translate animal tones! Why couldn’t he remember this before! In the future, humans are able to translate animal sounds into the language of the listener, and visa versa, so any pet on board the ship could talk to their owner and the owner could strike a conversation with them. Animals of today could very well be descendants of dinosaurs, so why not give it a shot?

He selected the ëtranslate’ program and out popped a small head set which included ear buds and an attached microphone. Bongo put on the head set, lay low and listened to the conversation…


“Cera, be quiet! You know our parents would get upset if they saw us up at a time like this!” The voice seemed to belong to a small one, maybe around the age of eleven or twelve year old

“Well it was not my fault I was dragged along!” ëThis must be Cera and the other must be Littlefoot…” Bongo thought in his head. She sounded around the same age as Littlefoot except a little whinier.

“Oh, do not complain Cera. This is for a good cause!” said an unknown excited voice.

“See, Ducky has a point there.” Littlefoot replied. ëSo that last voice must belong so Ducky. Interesting...

Bongo lifted his head over the brush he was laying in to get a look at these three. He noticed that Cera was a yellow child Triceratops. ëStrange’ Bongo pondered ëI thought that Dinosaurs were naturally colored. Guess we were wrong…’ and then he wrote that in a notebook.

Ducky looked like a duck billed dinosaur. He did not dare use his scan to determine Ducky’s exact race and give away his position. Bongo’s eyes then drifted towards Littlefoot, and then he immediately recognized him as the one who jumped and chased him yesterday.

“Littlefoot, I think we are done here” Ducky said as she dropped the last of her berries.

“Good. We can finally get some night sleep. C’mon everyone, back to your nests.” Littlefoot replied and the group parted their ways. After a couple of minutes, Bongo popped out of the brush and noticed a trail of leaves and berries. He looked down the trail and saw other trails like that too. They all seemed to join at one point at a section of the valley walls.


“Impossible!” Bongo thought “It can’t be true, but it is! All the dinosaurs seem like they want to…capture me!?!? I can’t deny it though! The patrols, the trails, this just does not make sense! I got to get back to the cave before I am seen!” and with that, Bongo hurried home. Once he got back to his cave and avoided the midnight patrols, he threw his pack full of food and samples into a corner went to his water filter to grab a drink, and then finally lay down on the moss bed.

Bongo’s head spun as he thought about it more and more. He was just a simple science rat in a time travel experiment before and now he is a wanted criminal…by dinosaurs to add to the craziness too!

“I got to get out of here. Yea... After I have salvaged what I can spare from my rubble pile, I will get out of this valley and try to contact home base.” Bongo then went to sleep, and when he woke up, he looked at his watch and it said 8:06 AM. He decided to leave first thing tomorrow morning; but first, salvage what he could.

After packing up food and water, he looked to his rubble pile. After rummaging through it, he found some things that he could fix easily; an Army Officer Issue #072 Laser Pistol, energy cells, an Inter-dimensional Communicator, and his repair kit. After inspecting the damage, he could easily patch up the Laser Pistol by soldering a couple of parts back together and insert new energy cells. It was the Inter-Dimensional Communicator that would be the problem. The main concern was where he would get the supplies needed in order to let him repair the communicator?

By the time his evaluation and packing was over; and a light berry and leaf snack; about fourteen hours have passed. Bongo set his watch alarm to ring at 6:00 AM so he would not be seen by patrol because that was the time when day and night shifts switch. He was just about ready to get home. Too bad Bongo never knew about one tiny little problem…


Littlefoot, confident that his plan would work and that the creature would be caught soon enough finally said to the gang,

“We are finally done with the trail laying! If the creature is interested enough, it will follow the trail, and the adults will be able to notice it because the trails are mostly out in the wide open” Littlefoot’s message brought a sigh of relief over the gang.

“So what do you want to do now Littlefoot?” asked Cera curiously.

“Well, I was thinking of maybe…a race, tomorrow morning!”

“Sure, we would all like that! Wouldn’t we spike?” Ducky replied eagerly.

“Yes, and I can be your, erm…, eye in the sky!” Petrie declared “I will make sure this is fair race and everyone equal!”

“Then it is settled. Just for fun, we shall have a race along the valley wall starting at Thundering Falls tomorrow morning!”
The gang cheered with joy that they were finally going to have fun after a couple of days of stressful events. There was going to be a race tomorrow morning, but unknown to the gang at the time, they would come face to face with the one thing they feared the most…


  • Spike
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Man oh man oh MAN!  :bang

It may not seem like this, but this was one of the hardest chapters to write! Its not because of the subject, no. I found the subject easy and fun to write about. Its school though! I believe my last story post was on Sunday, and right now, it is Friday, 1:31 AM.

That is the main reason why I could not post my story during the week. Sure, I worked on it a bit, but after many hours of homework and studying for state exams, I just had to collapse in my bed and sleep for hours upon hours.

Luckily, I have a month long break once I get off of school today, so I could settle down and finally finish this sucker.

Hope you guys enjoy it more that i did, because it was a pain in my pelvic girdle  :p to write this story over the course of five stressful school days. Ugh...

Oh, and for those nitpicking the story to death, I will fix those problems when I FEEL like it! Not to sound selfish or lazy right now, but I need my rest.

Oh, and I got some GOOD/BAD news. The good news is that  am leaving for a cruise this Sunday (1/30/11) for a week long cruise. I will also bring my story in a flash drive so I can work on it while I relax to death. the bad news is that I may not be able to post my story for a week due to the unreasonable prices of a cruise ship's internet.

Just thought I would give you a heads up.  :goodluck


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Nice chapter. Don't worry I'm not nitpicking this story. I fully understand that school can be stressful sometimes and you just need your rest. Lucky! You get to go on a cruise. That's nice. I hope you enjoy yourself. :)

I liked the chapter. Bongo finding out what the gang is doing set me off. But I see the communication isn't a problem now.  I look forward to the next chapter.  I think the excitments going to pick up.  


  • Spike
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Update time guys and gals!

Sorry it has been nearly 2 weeks since I updated, but I have legit excuses.

1) The first week, I was on a cruise, and a wonderful at that. Sadly, I could not keep my promise. My flash drive got corrupt and I could not do my story. Plus, I was having so much fun that I did not have any time for adding to the story.

2) After a whole week of cruising, I seemed to have developed a 'Writer's Block'. My mind went from LBT Fanfiction to cruising, and it seems that my brain has not switched back to FanFiction. If you are reading this, PLEASE give me some inspiration to continue my story!

3) Now THIS is the big one boys and girls. During the last 3/4 of the cruise, I seemed to have developed a sickness. It wasn't very big so I laid it off my mind, but when I arrived back onto land, things seemed to get worse. I started developing a cold, fever, chills, constant coughing, dizziness, hallucinations during dreams, stuffy and runny nose, and head aches.

But the most troubling symptom I have is that a virus got into my throat. So now not only do I cough my lungs out (Its an expresion people  :p ), but now I can barely talk! When I talk, I start out with a raspy voice and then it slowly fades away until only my mouth moves and a few noises come out. When I laugh, it sounds like a dieing, wheezing rabbit hanging its self from the rafters.

That is really bad in my opinion, because I am an actor in training. Yes, if it involves acting at my school, I sign up for it. Plus, I am a talker. Not the annoying kind though. I can carry out a thoughtful conversation if I wanted to do so. Plus, to make things worse, every time I finish a scentence or two, I cough hard, so I tend to keep my mouth shut.

The sickness is still going on after nearly a week and a half, going onto two. In fact, I got a head ache from typing this post. So have I given up on the story? No. I am just busy with something else outside of the fantasy realm of the Great Valley.

If you want me to finish the story, I guess I will.
Bongo climbs the valley walls and ends up in the mysterious beyond where he is eaten by a sharptooth. The Valley is rid of the creature and everyone goes back to their world of bad musicals each and every f****** day!!! THE END.  :lol
HAHAHA. Nah, do you really think I would kill off Bongo and put in profanity worse than 'damn'? Nope. That was just for some comedic relief.

But in all seriousness, don't expect a story within the next 5 days or so. Maybe longer. I do not know how long my sickness will last. Hopefully not long because I really want to continue my life beyond my bed, sleeping most of the day, and hot lemon tea and chicken broth.


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Ah, I do hope you feel better. :(  I can understand why this hasn't been updated in a while, but don't worry, I can wait. Hope your feeling better soon.  ;)


  • Spike
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[align=center]CHAPTER IV: When Worlds Collide

Bongo got out of his little damp cave, stretched his arms, yawned, and looked around the valley. It was dark and cloudy. He knew he had to get moving because being stuck in pre-historical weather was not a Sunday picnic. Packing his stuff, he head off for a hole in the valley wall. Everything seemed to be going smoothly. Suddenly, a sudden rush of wind came up from behind and knocked him to the ground. Looking up, he saw leaves rushing by with thunder and lightning surrounding the valley. Bongo quickly got up and ran for freedom. With each step, however, he seemed to tire and slow down, and the exit seemed to move farther and farther away. A heavy rain then started to pour.

Hearing a sudden roar behind him, Bongo turned around, but couldn’t see anything. A thick fog rolled in. Not being able to see at least five feet in front of him, he kept on twisting and turning around, trying to find the source of the roar. A large tail then swung out of the fog. Luckily Bongo ducked in time. Knowing his one and only defense, we made a move to grab his Laser Pistol. His mind knew his Laser Pistol was attached to his waist, yet his hand grasped nothing. After a mad search on for his Laser Pistol, Bongo realized his pack was missing also. The fog started to roll in closer and closer, and he heard footsteps nearing. An ear-splitting roar came from above. Bongo looked up just in time to see a huge pair of teeth close in on him. His world suddenly got dark…

“WAHHHHH!!!” cried Bongo. He sat up from his mossy bed, arms flailing in the air, hot and cold beads of sweat rolled down his face, and his watch beeping to remind Bongo it was now 6:00. He laid against a wall and put his hands up to his eyes. They were shaking like mad and felt cold. Wiping the sweat off of his soaked forehead, he could feel his heart thumping heart, feeling as if it was going to pop out any second.

After regaining some strength, he swallowed in all his fears, casually moved to the spring and washed his face off. The nightmare he just had both frightened Bongo the more he thought about it but also enticed him to know more about it. Was the dream triggered by previous events? Was it triggered by fear and stress? Or could it possibly a foreshadowing of the future if he remains in the valley?

“Nah…” Bongo thought in his head. “That is superstition, and I have to focus on facts. The only fact right now is to get moving before patrols start up again.” With that thought set in place, he grabbed his pack, drank some water, checked for patrols, and headed off in the direction of his freedom. Fate, however, would soon intervene…


The great sun came rising over the Great Valley’s walls, shining its warm, bright light over the lush vegetation and cool rivers. The day life started to wake and the night life went to sleep. As for the daily patrols, the night shifts ended and were starting to switch with the day shift patrollers. The Threehorns left the walls of the valley; the Flyers left their perches; and the longnecks retreated from their hilltop posts.

As for the gang, they were also getting up and ready for a day of relaxation. Petrie was doing a few rounds in the air to get him ready; Cera was doing her morning stretches; Spike and Ducky already hit the water to wake themselves up. Littlefoot however, was awake far before the great sun rose. He had a nightmare of the wild creature just standing before him. He could not work out many details because his body was in the shadow, but the creature was in a hunched position and his eyes glowed red. A mist suddenly appeared from the ground, surrounding both Littlefoot and the creature. Soon, both could not see each other anymore. A screech filled the air and the creature jumped and hurled himself through the mists and landed on Littlefoot.

He woke with a startle; bones rattling, teeth chattering, and skin shivering. Littlefoot looked around him, soon realizing it was just another dream. He put it off his mind again and went down to the river to grab a quick drink to cool himself down. Looking up at the sky, he noted that it was still dark but there were no stars out; signaling that the sun would soon rise. Feeling bored and with nothing else to do; and defiantly not wanting to go back to sleep; decided to go for a stroll.

Littlefoot did not know where he was going or when he would return, but since he knew the valley inside and out, he just walked. He walked past dense forests, flowing rivers, and steep mountains, passing an occasional patrol member. Some chatted a bit, others paid no attention. Some talked about how these patrols kept the valley safe from the creature, but most kept on complaining that these patrols were useless and wanted to go back to their simplistic lives. They believed that the creature must have run off from fear.

Pretty soon, Littlefoot noticed the sky to turn orange and headed back home. After thinking about what just happened, could the creature of just run away? It looked like that. Plus, was the creature much of a threat? The more Littlefoot thought about it, the less he worried, and actually cracked a smile. Once he arrived home, the sunlight poured into the valley and warmed Littlefoot’s freezing skin. He then remembered that he and the gang would just play today and not work or anything.

After stretching a bit, he went off to round up the others when he heard something rustle in the bush. Being curious, he investigated. After barely pushing his head through the brush, a group of crazy insects poured out, buzzing around and causing quite a stir. Suddenly, Chomper came rustling out of the brush also, biting away at the bugs flying around. Ruby soon followed. Littlefoot, however, lay a little bit dazed at the encounter, but after realizing who they were finally said,

“Chomper! Ruby! Where have you guys been all this time! I was wondering where you were!”

Ruby was quick to answer that question,”Oh, Littlefoot my friend, hello! Well, since it is my duty to protect and serve Chomper, I have decided to keep ourselves in hiding until the right time has come.”

Chomper, who was still munching away on his food replied,”Mmphm, fRuby an I stchaid bfehin schom pfrants” Chomper then swallowed his meal then continued “and we stayed there ever since until Ruby decided things were safe.”

“Yes, truth is all but said and done” Ruby responded to Chomper. “Since his parents left Chomper in my care, it has been up to me to provide safety to him, and being safe is what makes safety. Thus, we are safe in safety.”
Littlefoot laughed. It was good so see his friends again AND have a day of relaxation.

“Say...” Littlefoot said to break the ice “Me and the gang were going to race each other around the Valley. Care to join?”

“Sounds like fun!” said an enthusiastic Chomper “Although I think I already know who is going to win” With that said, he eyed Ruby and gave off a chuckled.

“Ah, but Little Chomper” Ruby said to Chomper in a mentor voice “The fast may fly off into the great unknown, but the slow know how to avoid it” She also chuckled at this and then turned to Littlefoot “In other words, the gang shall be rounded off and the race shall start!”

With that said, Littlefoot, Chomper, and Ruby all ran off around the Great Valley to get Cera, Spike, Ducky, and Petrie to have some fun after the last few stressful days.




  • Spike
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I am SOOO VERY SORRY if this is considered bumping a topic, but I have had much...stuff...between the time.

Last post I did was on February 11, and this part of the story was added March 13. Basically, that is about a month in difference. Please excuse me. As soon as i got better, I got back to school, Of course, school goes before fun. I decided to work on the story on the first saturday I got back, but I then got hooked on a hobby, so LBT litterally flew out of my head.

Once I got tired of my hobby, I started to wonder, "Is there anything I need to do?". I suddenly remembered The Gang of Five and hurried over to the website. I quickly logged in and found my story about a few pages back from where is originally was last time I checked. I tried to continue the story, but being a month away from LBT has taken its toll. I need to rewatch all the movies once again to get the feel.

I finally managed to put out a portion of the story through Bongo's perspective, becuase personally, I have no idea on how to expand Littlefoot's Gang dialouge, so if you could be so kind, can you give me in filler of some other dinosaurs besides the original cast from the first movie? All I remember is Tria and Ali, but I totally forgot about their personallity, and I have no time to find out on my own also because of project after project after project I have.

So, would you kindly fill me in on characters and their personallities while I work on my schoolwork and try and complete this story? Thank you.

PS: The 'hobby' I got hooked on is actually the game Minecraft ( Once I purchased the full game, I could not put it down. If you play it also, give me a shout out!  :exactly


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  • Ducky
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Well, after a long while, I see this has been updated.

As my eye goes, I found a mistakes, a pretty minor one though.

Packing his stuff, he head off for a hole in the valley wall.

That should be headed.

That's basically all I spotted, so I say, good job on that.

I have to say, this chapter was short, sweet, and to the point. It was a pretty good filler chapter. As for dinosaurs other than the original gang and their parents, or grandparents in Littlefoot's case, if you're asking for the main characters other than the original gang, there's Ruby and Chomper, and they appear in the tv series.

I really can't explain their personalities, but I can tell you that Ruby likes to say things backwards in case you didn't already know, she says stuff like, "Hello my friends, my friends, hello."

Again, I have to say this was a nice filler chapter and I hope to see the next chapter up soon. Nice work. ;)


  • Spike
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Thanks for pointing that out. Its because I am really tired right now. Just finished a bottle rocket for science class, finished a report for tech, corrected my math homework, and squeezed in a couple of hours in Minecraft. By the time I started writing the story was about 9:15 PM. That is the reason why the chapter is so short and has a couple of mistakes. I am tired and hope to add longer, much more detailed posts. I also plan on revising some old parts to keep them up-to-date. I really hope to work on the chapter on Friday and then post it Saturday/Sunday-ish,

I also noticed that within 10 minutes of my post, you replied. You sure are quick at this stuff  :) . Me? It takes me a month to get something done  :DD


  • Chomper: "Threehorns are better at everything, including rumpsteaks"
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  • Ducky
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this is a very interesting fanfiction, I loved reading through what you have so far, and I'm sorry your getting writers block.  I hope you can continue this story some more.
Come check out my new Youtube gaming channel, Game Biter!
Littlefoot: "Look, Chomper. You're uncle is dead, and it's just right for your friends to be there for you. You'd be there if someone we know died, right?"

Chomper: "Well, sure I would!"

Come give my LBT TV Series fanfiction, PAST-O-RAMA, a read!


  • Spike
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Okay, managed to add another section to the story. This time, I really tried my best to make the character dialouge believable. Littlefoot and Chomper were easy to do because they talked normal. Ruby however was a tough egg to crack. (Bad pun is bad  :rolleyes: ) As if to think making normal dialouge sound as if they belonged in a real script, Ruby made things 10x even more difficult. Talking backwards, making very wise comments AND still making sense is very tough, and I applaud any other writer who can do it correctly  :goodluck

I am still in the planning process on how the gang interacts with Bongo, and not to be the spoiler alert guy, it won't be pretty and may turn a but nasty. :lol Excpect a little bleeding and bleeping from Bongo, but also keep in mind that this will be kept within the PG realm. So you have been warned...

Now please don't be afraid to leave in critcism and constructive comments! The previous ones were really eye opening and I will actually incorperate them into the 'final cut'. The final cut is when I gather all the chapters toghether, revise, add, and edit them into the first chapter post so that people who just want to read the story can read and not flip though all these other posts.

Also, please tell me on how I can improve Ruby's lines! I felt that I either over or under did her dialouge.

@vonboy ; Thanks. New fans are always appreciated as this is my very first fanfiction that I have ever written. More support really makes me want to continue working on the story.

@LBTDiclonius ; My number one customer always likes a return visit  :lol: . Thanks for the support once again. You make me glad to write these because I can see that they entertain people like you! Thank you!

I would also like to throw my thanks out to the people who set up the LBT Wiki! Without it, my entire story would of fallen apart! They provided the details about things that I could not get on my own! I would also like to thank the people who set up this Fan Base, for without it, I guess we all wouldn't be here right now! Thanks again guys, even if you are not reading this  :wave


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What can I say? I be awesome like dat. :p

Heh heh moo. :lol

Not that that's over with, Ruby's dialogue, Ruby's dialogue...okay, so other than how she likes to say everything backwards for some random reason she also likes to say stuff that's basically the same thing just differently. Like this,

"I'm trying to remember something...but, I'm not sure what it is that I'm trying to remember..."

Or sumethin' like that... :p

If you need any help, just PM me and I'll do my very best! And, you're welcome. ;)


  • Spike
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(...continued from last story post because of distance betweeen it and the bottom of the page)


Faster and faster Bongo ran, ducking and covering behind every tree, boulder, and bush he could find. The sun was rising higher and higher. He knew he had to hurry and get out of the valley before it was too late. Bongo checked his watch; 6:43; better hurry. Every step he took seemed to wear Bongo down more and more. His pack was already weighed down enough, but the uneven terrain with the plant vegetation and mud holes made everything one hundred times worse. Every once and a while, Bongo would get bruised a bit from running into a hard leaf or tripping over a log or root, slowing him down even more.

Ducking behind a boulder, he saw his ticket to freedom; a small passageway that was naturally carved into the rock! A little steep, but he would manage. After peeking his head over the boulder to see if anyone saw him, he ran for cover behind a rock wall that was right next to the exit. He saw that is was a near vertical cliff that went up about 28 feet before going off to a smooth ledge that ducked and slithered out of the valley.

Although not being an expert at mountain climbing, he did see some cracks in the face wall that he could grasp easily with his hands and feet. After finding a good footing, he placed his right arm up; then his left. Right, left, right, left, the pattern went on as Bongo kept on scaling the cliff with no protective gear or harnesses on. If he fell, it would mean the end for him! While on the way, Bongo cut himself on a piece of jagged rock. Dangling by one hand, he tried to have his other hand grasp another crack so he doesn’t fall, because at his height, any type of fall would result in a death.

Just when his other hand was slipping and the cut one was trying to grasp something else, he here a little roar behind him, then a SMACK! Suddenly, the sound of splintering wood came from behind. Just when Bongo turned his head around, he saw a giant, rotting tree falling; cracking in fact from its stump; and it was…heading straight…FOR HIM!


The gang was finally all together for a day of fun; Littlefoot, Cera, Ducky, Spike, Petrie, Chomper, and Ruby. All were rearing to go. It was every man and woman for themselves.

“Ok, everyone set?” yelled Littlefoot as they got to their starting point. He knew how things would go; He would play normally, Cera will shove her way to victory, Spike will attach Spike’s favorite food on a stick and put it in front of him, Petrie flying his way to the end, and since Chomper wasn’t much of a runner, he would be riding Ruby’s back.

“Alright…” Littlefoot said one last time, eyeing everyone “Remember the path? Follow the Great Valley’s walls until you reach Thundering Falls. First one to get there wins! Ok, ready…” Everyone got down in their running position “Set…” the tension was so thick in the air you could just choke on it “…GO!” And with that final word, everyone took off.

Littlefoot, using his knowledge of running in the past used it to his advantage; Cera, pushed and shoved her way up to second place; Spike going very fast trying to get his food with Ducky hanging on for dear life; Petrie trying to catch up because of an opposite blowing wind; and as for Ruby, this was all fun, but a bit too easy for she is a natural born runner.

It was Ruby in the lead, then Cera, suddenly Littlefoot, Spike almost caught up! OH! Cera rammed her way up again! Petrie was trying with all his might to get ahead, but the opposing winds kept him back. Suddenly, a rough gale of wind surged from behind the gang’s race. Petrie used this to his advantage, taking off like a bullet right in front of everyone; including Ruby and Chomper!

Petrie gave a great laugh at his luck but then suddenly stopped and got a horrified expression on his face. While flying past everyone, he saw in the shadows of a boulder…the creature!

“Oh no!” Petrie cried out, and he zoomed down to ground level and deliberately got in the way of everybody.

“Stop everyone! Stop!” putting out his wings to alert them of the danger ahead. Everyone stopped suddenly, but ended up in a pig mangled pile.

An angry Cera finally poked her head out of the pile just to yell,” What was that for Pea brain!? Everything was going well until you stopped us all! What’s the matter? Afraid you were going to lose?”

“I must agree” Ducky added “That was the fastest I have seen Spike run in a long time, oh yes yes yes!” And she then pointed to an upside down Spike now munching away happily on his food on a stick.

A still terrified Petrie then exclaimed,” T-T-The thing! The beast! The creature! I did see with me very eyes!” He then flew over to a very dense piece of brush. Everyone followed suit. Poking their heads though the vegetation, they all gasped. Ruby looked on curiously; Cera had her jaw open; Ducky hid behind Spike and Spike buried his head; Chomper growled at the creature; and as for Littlefoot, you could just see rage and anger building up within his eyes. His heart told him to charge in and end all the misery the creature has caused, but his brain told him that he might endanger the others. He had to think quickly.

The creature started scaling the Valley wall, heading for a hole the thing could escape in. If he went to get adults, it would be too late, but if they just charged in, they could get hurt. Looking around, Littlefoot did some quick thinking. Knowing Cera’s uncanny ability to knock stuff over, he saw a dead tree still attached to its stump.

“Psst, Cera” Littlefoot whispered “See that old tree? Knock it in the direction of the creature. Maybe that will knock it down.” Cera obeyed, not wanting to see the powers the creature could do to them.

Quietly getting out of the brush and behind the rotting old tree, she let off her natural charge cry and hit the tree just in the right spot. Luckily at that same moment, the creature seemed to lose its grip and was slipping. Just when the creature was about to regain control, the dead piece of timber splintered away from the rotting base and came crashing down upon the creature. Splinters and bits of rock flew everywhere…




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Much as I liked this chapter I noticed quite a few mistakes here.

After finding a good footing, he placed his right arm up; then his left.

That shouldn't be a semi cloon you only use semi colons when the words after are a full sentence. "Then his left" that really doesn't sound like a very full sentence to me.

He knew how things would go; He would play normally

That should be a lower-case "H"

the tension was so thick in the air you could just choke on it.

The "T" should be upper-case and there should be a period at the end.

Littlefoot, using his knowledge of running in the past used it to his advantage; Cera, pushed and shoved her way up to second place; Spike going very fast trying to get his food with Ducky hanging on for dear life; Petrie trying to catch up because of an opposite blowing wind; and as for Ruby, this was all fun, but a bit too easy for she is a natural born runner.

No semi colons should be in there, they should be comma's.

“Stop everyone! Stop!" putting out his wings to alert them of the danger ahead.

That should be upper-case.

Ruby looked on curiously; Cera had her jaw open; Ducky hid behind Spike and Spike buried his head; Chomper growled at the creature; and as for Littlefoot, you could just see rage and anger building up within his eyes. His heart told him to charge in and end all the misery the creature has caused, but his brain told him that he might endanger the others. He had to think quickly.

They should be comma's as well.

And that be all. :p

Other than those mistakes, nice work on this. I'm wondering what's going to happen to Bongo in the next chapter this should be exciting anyhoo keep up the great work! ;)


  • Spike
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Thanks for pointing out my mistakes. I had 3 other essays I had to finish before I started to work on the story, and after working through 3 essays straight, things can get a little bit jumbled. You know what I mean?  :unsure:

Work is in progress for the final segment of this chapter.


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Boy do I know what you mean. :rolleyes

Anyway, glad to hear it. ;)


  • Spike
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After seeing the old tree tumbling down towards him, Bongo made a mad dash for victory. After finally grabbing hold of something, he climbed up the wall like crazy. After reaching the top, he heard a loud SMASH and CRUNCH! The top of the tree has landed just feet from where Bongo once was.

Huffing and gasping for breath, Bongo collapsed against a rock wall sitting down. Grabbing a canteen filled with spring water, a drank some to quench his thirst, poured a little on his forehead to cool himself down, and finally looked at his cut hand. It wasn’t too bad because it was just a slight cut. However, it stung like crazy. Bongo poured some water onto it to ease the pain and grabbed a piece of cloth from his pack to wrap around it. Once he bandaged himself up, he stood up and peaked around the corner to see if the dinosaurs were still there…

“Oh no, I have to get out of here!” Bongo yelled and he took off in a fast pace because once he peeked his head around the corner, all he saw were a pack of a variety of dinosaurs climbing on the fallen tree that had made a sort of bridge from the ground to where he was.

Bongo had absolutely NO idea where he was heading, but what he did know that getting away as fast as he could was the most important. He soon, however, regretted that decision. He did not have the time to plan out which path to take. The one he chose was very rough and rugged with many rocks, ranging from the big ones that block the path to the little ones that can make you lose traction. His body was not acquainted to this terrain as his speed was no better than a sloth going at top speed. The dinosaurs however, with their big feet that had perfect traction, were going faster than he was and were soon catching up. Looking back, he could recognize the little dinosaur that nearly nicked him on that night that he traveled back. That dinosaur was in the lead, and he looked angry!


   After the great tree fell down because of Littlefoot’s quick thinking and Cera’s hard head, they hoped to see some results. After the last of the debris cleared away, they saw nothing but a clear rock wall and a fallen tree trunk.
“Dang! Where did it go?!” Littlefoot exclaimed in defeat.
“Oh, so close we were, but we did not make it, oh no no no.” Ducky sighed and then proceeded to lie on Spike’s back to relax.
“Yea, great job Littlefoot” Cera mocked as she was still removing some splinters in her forehead and horns after she rammed the tree “That sure captured the creature”
Just about everyone sighed in defeat, for they knew that that was their only chance to catch the creature, and they failed at it. Everyone that is…except for Ruby.
Instead of lying in the shadows of the trees, Ruby was still standing up, inspecting the scene. After walking around the fallen tree and looking at the rock wall, she finally went back to her friends and happily exclaimed,
“My friends fear not, for I have some good news that will cheer you up. Yes, the creature has escaped, but he it has been wounded…” Ruby then pointed out the light blood marks that showed where Bongo had placed his cut hand on “…and from the sources I am gathering, this creature is smarter than we may know, and any smart creature knows to heal any wound before going any further. I suspect that the creature…lies right behind a wall or boulder or something”
“And what if it isn’t and it just got away” Cera replied lazily as she rolled around in a soft meadow patch.
Littlefoot, however, still wanting to catch it, urged the rest of the gang to go. Finally, with a sigh and some mumbling,” I can’t believe I am doing this…” they headed off onto the log with Littlefoot leading the way.


Somehow, Bongo managed to outrun the dinosaurs out of sight by taking a few shortcuts, such as jumping over boulders, sliding down instead on inching down steep hills, and so on. He then realized that he was lost so he quickly got out his Wilderness Survival guide and pulled up the map option. Not being able to hear the device, he plugged in his headset and listened. After a few seconds of scanning, he saw horrifying results. For one thing, the path he took is one way because it ends abruptly on a cliff, and two, the dinosaurs were just a few feet away.

Suddenly turning around, he saw a bunch of adolescent dinosaurs.
“Hehe, strange…” Bongo thought in his head. He knew he was in mortal danger, but he just could not put it off is mind,” Colored dinosaurs eh? Well, that is something they are going to have to add to the textbooks”. His mind then quickly switched back to peril when he saw all the dinosaurs start to creep in closer and closer. Bongo suddenly remembered his translator he had. Quickly switching to it, he listened into their conversations that they were having as they crept closer and closer.

“So what do we do with it? Call the adults?” a timid and scared voice whispered.

“B-B-but what if it does something to us? I do not want!” cried another uneasy voice.

“Nah, I say we just end it right here and THEN tell the adults. We will be praised as heroes!” A bossy voice rang out.

“Now, hastiness is not a solution, but being hasty is one too. For once, I am uncertain” sounded an intelligent yet still confused voice.

“Ruby, I suggest we go with Cera’s plan. The longer we wait, the more time IT has to strike” The little leader said in a steady tone. Bongo swallowed hard, still backing up more and more. He soon realized that he had backed up all the way to the very dead end of the cliff. Almost falling off, he caught himself on a rock and steadied himself back on the conversation.

“CHOMPER! GO!” the Apatosaurus yelled, and suddenly, a little Tyrannosaurus Rex popped out of nowhere. This scared the living daylights out of Bongo and he fell back in terror. For an adolescent, the thing sure could fight! The little head kept on popping in front of Bongo’s face. He could clearly see the razor sharp teeth. Bongo evaded these tactics by rolling. The other dinosaurs then tried to get in on the fight. It was just brutal to him.

He was rammed in the back by the Triceratops, but his back did not bread because his pack protected him. The Pteranodon kept on zooming in and out, grasping and painfully puling at Bongo’s hair. The Apatosaurus kept hitting Bongo with his tail, and when that little bugger swung, he swung HARD. He hit Bongo right on the knees and Bongo just collapsed there.

Bongo was just curled up in a ball being beat up…by dinosaurs! He could not believe this! He came back in time just to do scientific research but is now going to end up dead by a bunch of dinosaurs that have not even reached full age! He just covered his face with his hands, trying to protect himself. Suddenly, as if he were being dipped in a pool of lava, a sharp, searing pain came up on Bongo’s right leg. Fearing for the worst, he slowly removed his hands and saw a horrifying discovery that made his heart sink to new lows; the little Tyrannosaurus Rex had just bitten him right on the leg! This seemed to of even surprised the other dinosaurs for they just froze also, faces in awe. The little Rex still had his sharp teeth impaling his leg!

Out of self defense, Bongo landed a sucker punch right to the dinosaur’s nose. This knocked him back several feet. The dinosaurs then crowded around the Tyrannosaurus. Bongo looked back at his leg. Blood gushed from the big wound. It was as if someone had taken an ice cream scooped and scooped out some skin and bits of flesh. This made Bongo cry hard. He knew that if this would was to remain open, he would die from prehistorical diseases in just a matter of days. Dousing the open wound with a lot of water, he reached into his pack and got out the few medical supplies that survived the devastation from the time machine incident.

He finally found what he was looking for; a giant rag that was about the size of a large white handkerchief. He put some sort of medical powder onto it and placed it on top of his wound. It stung like fire mixed in with an African Bee attack with large nails instead of stingers. After tying it, the handkerchief soon started to turn red. He looked back at the dinosaur gang, all still huddling around the knocked out Tyrannosaurus. Bongo took the opportunity and started to painfully slide away. It was not the best idea, but it was the only one he could do at that point. The ground was skewed with jagged rocks, uneven surfaces, and every here and there, blood. Using all his strength, he pulled himself into an upright position up against a rock and tried to think things over.

His whole body ached and his wound burned and stung every second. Looking up, he saw that the little Apatosaurus was charging him at a fast pace yelling out something that sounded like a war cry. Bongo knowing his condition, he may not survive the impact. Bracing for impact, he closed his eyes and turned his head away. All of a sudden, he heard a thud and saw a small fight between the dinosaurs. From what he saw, he could tell that the Triceratops and that Stegosaurus have pinned down the Apatosaurus. Using his translator, he listened in on the conversation.

“Littlefoot, are you crazy!” Yelled the Triceratops “I may have a grudge against other dinosaurs, but even I would not injure an already badly! This may sound strange, but you are starting to become like me and I am starting to become like you!”

“But Cera!” yelled the Apatosaurus” You are making a mistake! That thing is dangerous and is a threat to us AND the Great Valley!” He tried to break free but the combined weight of the Triceratops and Stegosaurus was too heavy to break free from. Bongo then turned his head to see the ping feathery one coming towards him.

“Um, c-can you understand me?” she replied in a timid voice” I just want to see if we can make contact, because you look like nothing my eyes have ever laid on before.”

Using the translator, he finally got to speak with one of the dinosaurs for the first time in the history of man kind” Yes, I can…urjgh… talk, although it is ve…ack…very painful” Every time he spoke, it felt like a ton of metal just fell on his stomach.

“Sorry I am to your wounds that you have” She replied, examining the flesh bites” He did not really mean it. It was just natural instinct for him. I don’t think we really introduced ourselves. My name is Ruby. It pleasures me to meet you.”

“Well, I am Bongo. I am charmed to meet you too.” Bongo finally cracked a smile as this was the first friendly face he has seen here “You seem very inquisitive. Let me guess, you are very determined to learn about something you don’t know, so you came here to gain some knowledge that you will use back home.”

“I must say to that, yes. I did come here to learn more because of troubles back home. You seem to be very intelligent. We could carry off a conversation for a while, yes?” Ruby responded. She seemed very interested in Bongo for a few reasons. For one thing, he was a new unknown creature in an environment that he is unfamiliar with. Studying how Bongo interacts with the other animals could help her now how to react with the animals back home. Secondly, Bongo seemed very well educated; maybe even more educated than Ruby because they saw each other eye to eye in metamorphic terms.

“So Ruby…*cough cough*…can you introduce me to your friends? I feel like we should make ends meet after the…unwanted…encounter” Bongo asked because he realized that he has now established a friendly contact within the group, he was hoping that this could improve relationship status and actually gain more allies in this rough world.

“Sure, it would gladden me to help you” Ruby accepted this and called over the rest of the gang. Petrie and Ducky came over as soon as possible, and Littlefoot had calmed down enough to finally walk towards Bongo without hitting him, although he did have the feeling to do so. Cera and Spike followed.

“Ok, everyone, I know we all had a bit of a rough encounter” Ruby told them all” But I have talked to him and he is actually friendly and he wants harm not done anymore. So, everyone, this is Bongo” She looked over at Bongo,” Bongo, this is Cera, the Threehorn, Spike the Spiketail, Petrie the Flyer, Ducky the Swimmer, Chomper the TAME Sharptooth, and Littlefoot the Longneck.”

“Hi everybo..ack, the pain…everybody” Bongo said to all of them.
He then got five ëHello’s back and one head nodding. The only one not doing anything was Littlefoot. All he was doing was angrily staring at Bongo as if he was a diseased rat that should be exterminated.

“Hey there, my name is Cera. Sorry for the trouble earlier Bongo” Cera told him. She sounded very sorry for her actions,” I normally do not act like this, but after seeing you injured, I knew we had to stop.”

“So, what was the reason for attacking me? That was really painful you know. My skin is not as hard as yours.” Bongo questioned. He then groaned a bit because one of his legs fell asleep and the other one had the painful wound.

“Well, we were persuaded by somebody” She put an emphasis on ësomebody’ and looked angrily at Littlefoot. It was obvious that she did not want to take the blame” I really hope you do get better Bongo” and she ended her discussion there.

“Um, hello there Bongo. Me name is Petrie. Me a flier, although I is not so good, but I practice a lot though” Petrie seemed very nervous while talking to him and he shook and shivered at every sentence.

“Nervous are you?” Bongo asked and laughed,” There is nothing to be nervous about. I don’t want to hurt anyone on purpose. Plus, I bet you fly very good when you want to” and he nudged Petrie a bit as encouragement.

Petrie seemed to like this and then said a little more triumphantly,” Yes, guess you could say that” and he flied off to a rock to perch on.
Ducky then jumped up onto Bongo’s lap and then happily introduced herself.

“Hello there, I am Ducky and you are Bongo. You seem pretty nice even after all that we have done, and I like you for that, yep yep yep!” She said enthusiastically.

“My my, someone always looks on the bright side of life. You are very cheery, and from personal experience, being cherry always brings in good things. Keep it up, and you don’t have to be sorry for the fight…augh…” Bongo replied when his leg started to feel funny. Ducky jumped off and Bongo started to massage his leg with the wound until the aching stopped again.

Chomper then proceeded up to Bongo with his head down and his muzzle a bit bloody. He then said in a sad tone,” Bongo, I am very, terrible sorry for taking a bite out of your leg. I am truly, very sorry.” Bongo then noticed a tear starting to form in his eye. Feeling sorry for the poor lad, bongo said,

“Don’t feel sorry. It is just natural instinct for your type to bite, no matter what” Bongo then wiped that tear out of Chomper’s eye. He then took the rag he put on his cut hand off and used it to clean up Chomper’s muzzle a bit,” It should be I who is sorry. I did not mean to hit so hard. It was just natural instinct I did. Keep that chin up and don’t worry about me. Just be glad that we are both still healthy. As for me, I will get better.” Bongo then pointed his finger to the wound and patted Chomper on the head. Chomper felt better with himself and went to Ruby for comfort.

The actual truth was that Bongo would heal, but he would still carry the scars of that bite mark. Plus, he did not feel fine. The pain was still marginally growing larger and larger, but he felt bad for Chomper, so he lied about it so that the little chap wouldn’t feel so bad.

Bongo’s eyes finally turned to Littlefoot. Littlefoot was however staring away. Bongo could see the wrinkles in his face forming crossed eyes and he could also see a slight frown. To break the ice, Bongo finally said,” So your name is Littlefoot huh? Nice to meet you, and sorry for all the commotion that I caused back…ouch, it stings…back in the valley. What do you say that we make it up?”

Littlefoot’s attitude did not change however. In a slightly irritated voice, he turned to Bongo and half yelled,” You may of gained my friends trust, but I know what you did! I knew what you were going to do! Although it doesn’t seem like it, you are plotting against all of us! You are a threat and must be dealt with!”

Bongo was a bit taken back by this, but managed to regain his composure,” Look, I can explain all the trouble to you. You see…”

However, Bongo never got to finish explaining because at that point, the ground started to shake, but not in the way of an earthquake, but as if someone with really big feet kept on taking steps. Fear and panic started to run amongst everyone. The entire gang was starting to try and escape in any direction they could go. Bongo being confused and partially immobilized kept asking for help. Ruby then came to the aid. She let Bongo drape one arm over her body for support.

“Thanks Ruby, but what the heck is going on here!?!?”

“Bongo, we need to get out of here. It is dangerous. We must escape before it is too la…” Ruby did not get to finish her sentence either because of a terrible disaster. All the ground shaking caused a landslide. It cut off Bongo and Ruby from the rest of the gang with a wall of huge rocks and boulders. Chomper was also part of that group.

“Guys! Get help! Quick! We cannot move from this point! GET HELP!” Bongo yelled at the top of his lungs. Everyone else on the other side of the landslide wall obeyed and went off to get someone. Ruby’s face was stricken with grief, for she knew what was happening.

“Bongo” Ruby said,” Whatever you do, letting go is not an option! Letting go is not an option we can take!” Ruby then proceeded to turn Bongo around to find another way, but it was too late. Two Velociraptors came out of nowhere; one was a blue grey and the other tree green.

“Oh no, Bongo, things got complicated.” Ruby told Bongo in a frightened tone “These two Velociraptors have never left me alone, even as a child. We need to get out of here!” With no other place to go, she and Bongo backed up into a corner with the two Velociraptors closing in…



  • Spike
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Good news everyone! I have finally completed a HUUUGE update to the story. Spanning over 5 pages in Microsoft word and taking many days to complete, it is (almost) finally over!

This is my favorite chapter so fat. In fact, in my opinion, I think it pars with Chapter II. It was enjoyably fun to write about, especially with the interactions between Bongo and the Gang. This is also the most dialogue heavy addition yet!

Also, I warned ya before it get a bit violent here. Funny story actually.
The part where Chomper bit off a piece of Bongo's leg was actually inspired by a dream I had when I was very little. Just to space the details, lets just say I accidentally stabbed a pencil through my foot. In went clean through and when I pulled the pencil out, it left a clean hole right through my foot  :x . Yea, strange how dreams like that can influence the way you do things, like with me writing this story.

And if you follow the TV show, I think you know which big character is being introduced into the story in the next update...*wink wink*

Now I know LBTDiclonius will be the first to reply, and I hope to get a lot of positive feedback from you all because I really put a lot of time, effort, and even heart into that long chapter. It is not even finished yet!

I will try and finish up Chapter IV as soon as possible, and ehy, I didn't lie. I DID say that the meeting between Bongo and the gang was going to be of epic proportions.

PS: Constructive Critisism is wanted. I feel like fixing up some things, but not sure what I want to fix though.  :goodluck


  • Chomper: "Threehorns are better at everything, including rumpsteaks"
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  • Ducky
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Very good chapter. I loved Reading your verson of a human/dino encounter too. I had the idea for my fanfiction before I read yours, but yours did inspire me to try to write my own. Thanks for that.

I'm really interested in seeing how a human is going to affect the lbt universe in your fiction, or if that is even going to happen. I hope you continue writing it, because I want to read it!
Come check out my new Youtube gaming channel, Game Biter!
Littlefoot: "Look, Chomper. You're uncle is dead, and it's just right for your friends to be there for you. You'd be there if someone we know died, right?"

Chomper: "Well, sure I would!"

Come give my LBT TV Series fanfiction, PAST-O-RAMA, a read!