The Gang of Five
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vonboy · 174 · 42342


  • Chomper: "Threehorns are better at everything, including rumpsteaks"
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Episode 12: The Legend of the Friendly Sharptooth Part 1

Scene: An ocean.

A Greek period ship with about a dozen humans on it is sailing into a huge cave on the side of an island.

Mate #1: "Where are we going?"

Caption: "We have to get through this island to get back to our home!"

Mate #2: "But have you heard the legends of the sea monster?"

Mate #3: "He can eat men whole! And you don't see him coming till it's too late.

Caption: "That is a risk I'm willing to take."

The ship is inside the cavern.

Mate #2: "It's quiet. Too quiet."

Mate #1: "I'm scared."

Something comes out of the darkness and snatches mate #1.

Mate #2: "What was that?"

Mate #3: "The monster got someone!"

The something comes out again and snatches mate #3.

Caption: "Don't worry, we're almost through."

The ship exits the other side of the island.

Mate #2: Wipes his head. "Whew."

Caption: "That wasn't so bad, now was it? Besides, we're almost home!"

The Sky turns dark, and the seas turn choppy.

Mate #2: It's a storm! What should we do, Odysseus?"

Odysseus: "We'll get through this!"

Another sea monster comes out of the water.

Mate #2: gasps. "Could it be?"

The monster strikes at the ship, and it shatters. The monster than grabs Mate #2, and a couple other mates and proceeds to eat them.

Mate #2: "Odysseus, Help us!"

Odysseus swims off.

Scene: The Great Valley at night. It is still the Cold Times, At the hot crack that the Gang told stories at before. the Gang is huddled around the crack to keep warm. They are listening to the Professor's very poor re-telling of the Greek epic, The Odyssey.

Ducky: "So, everyone died?"

Professor: "No, the leader survived. Everyone else dies."

Ducky: "That is a very scary and sad story, Professor. I do not think I want to listen to it anymore, no no no."

Ruby: "I don't want to listen to it anymore either. Listening to it is making me very uneasy."

Littlefoot: "And that story doesn't make any sense anyway. If I was the leader, I wouldn't have let those awful things happen to everyone else."

Cera: "That leader sounds a lot like Pterano. Why did people call him a hero again?"

Petrie: "Hey, don't talk about me Uncle Pterano like that! He good, he really is!"

Littlefoot: "I'm sure Cera didn't mean it, Petrie."

Cera: Trying to change the subject. "So, someone have a better story?"

Professor: "Well, there is one thing I always wanted to know.

Littlefoot: "What is that, Professor?"

Professor: "How is Chomper allowed here?"

Cera: "Well, he's a nice sharptooth."

Professor: "But how did he get allowed here in the first place? I didn't think the grownups here would have let him in."

Littlefoot: "Well, that is a very long story actually."

Ali: "I've never heard that story!"

Shorty: "Nor have I. I'd like to hear it too!"

Chomper: "It really is a good story! Ruby, would you like to tell it?"

Ruby: "Sure Chomper. I'm good at telling stories, and It'll be fun to tell this one."

Ruby clears her throat and begins.

Ruby: "Grab a rock and gather around everyone. I'm going to tell the Tale... No...The Legend of the Friendly Sharptooth!

Chomper: Chuckles. "Oh, Ruby. You don't have to tell it like that."

Ruby: "I want to, Chomper. It's fun to talk big, so I'm going to talk big now."

Littlefoot: "Go on Ruby. It'll make it fun for us to listen to too!"

Ruby: "ok. It was about 3 Cold Times ago. It was a nice warm day in the Great Valley. Littlefoot and his friends were out playing..."

The scene fades into a flashback as Ruby is talking. From this point. You can't hear her voice anymore.

Scene: The Great Valley, 3 years ago.

The Gang were playing a bowling like game with a bunch of hard pointy treesweets.

Littlefoot; "Ok, Ducky. It's your turn."

Ducky: Tries to push the spiny treesweet, but can't. "It is too big for me to push, it is."

Spike comes up behind Ducky, pushes on her to get her on top of his head, and pushes the treesweet for her. The treesweet rolls over and knocks 3 out of 6 of the other treesweets over.

Petrie: "Good shot, Ducky."

Ducky: "Thank you, but I had a little help!"

Littlefoot: walking over to set the treesweets up again. "Maybe you two could just play together, you make a good team!"

Cera: "Well, it's my turn now!"

Cera pushes a treesweet, but it misses.

Cera: "What? I can't miss, I'm a Threehorn!

Ducky: "It is ok, Cera."

Cera runs over to the treesweets and knocks them all down herself.

Littlefoot: "Cera, that's cheating! Put those back up for Petrie!"

Suddenly, Ruby comes walking out up to the Gang holding one of the treesweets Cera knocked down. Everyone takes a step back.

Ruby: "Hello my friends, My friends hello!"

-----------------------------<Commercial break>--------------------------------

Littlefoot: "Friends?"

Ruby: "That's what I just said Littlefoot! That is your name, isn't it?"

Littlefoot: "Yes that's my name. Uh, what is your name?"

Ruby: "I'm Ruby..." Pointing to the other characters as she says their names. "...And your Cera, your Ducky and spike, and your Petrie, right?"

Cera: "yeah, that is our names, but..."

Littlefoot: "...But how do you know our names? We've never seen you before."

Ruby: "It's true. I have never seen any of you before, but I have someone here with me who HAS seen you all before!" Ruby turns around and motions. "Ok, you can come out now!"

Chomper: Walks out from the behind the bush and waves. "Um, hi guys!"

The Whole Gang's faces light up and they all say "Chomper!" They run over to him.

Littlefoot: "We haven't seen you in a long time Chomper. I didn't think we'd ever see you again!"

Chomper: "It feels so good to see my friends again!"

Ducky: "It is so nice to see you again, Chomper, it is, it is!"

Petrie: "There one sharptooth me want to see!"

Chomper: "Thanks everyone. It's so nice to see you all again too!"

Cera: "So, What did you come here for?"

Chomper: "To be safe!"

Ruby: "Chomper's parents wanted me to take Chomper to the Great Valley so he'd be safe from Redcalw."

Ducky: "Who is Redclaw?"

Chomper: "He's a new Sharptooth that has moved into the Mysterious Beyond. He's the biggest, meanest Sharptooth I have ever seen!

Ruby: "Chomper's parents thought they couldn't keep Chomper safe anymore, so they decided to send him here."

Chomper: "So, can I stay here?"

Littlefoot: "Oh, sure Chom..."

Cera: Interupting. "No he can't!"

Ruby: "Why not?"

Cera: "He's a sharptooth. Sharpteeth have never been welcome in the Great Valley!"

Littlefoot: "But Chomper is different!"

Cera: "Tell that to the grownups!"

Chomper: "Grownups?" He takes a step back, looking very worried.

Cera: "Yeah, our grownups live here too!"

Chomper: "I don't want to see them!"

Littlefoot: "Why not, Chomper? They're nice."

Chomper: "No their not!" He takes a deep breath and continues. "My parents said Grownup Flatteeth are mean. They told me to stay away from them. They'd kill a sharptooth if they ever had the chance, even a little one like me!"

Littlefoot: "They wouldn't kill you Chomper."

Cera: "Maybe they would, How do you know they wouldn't Littlefoot? Did you ever ask them that?"

Littlefoot: "Well, no. But I'm sure they wouldn't!"

Cera: "I'm not so sure of that."

Littlefoot: Turning to Chomper. "Chomper, you stay here with Ruby, I'll go ask my Grandpa about this."

Ducky: "We will stay with Chomper too, Littlefoot."

Littlefoot: "Ok, then bye everyone!" He runs off.

Scene: The Watering Hole.

Grandpa Longneck is at a nearby tree, eating treestars.

Littlefoot: "Hey Grandpa."

Grandpa Longneck: "Oh, hello Littlefoot. Are you hungry?"

Littlefoot: "No, I just wanted to talk about something."

Grandpa Longneck: "What is it Littlefoot? you can talk to me about anything."

Littlefoot: "What do you do when Sharpteeth are in the Great Valley?"

Grandpa Longneck: "We drive them out, Littlefoot. I thought you knew that."

Littlefoot: "What if it was a nice and friendly Sharptooth?"

Grandpa Longneck: "There aren't any friendly sharpteeth. At least not anymore."

Littlefoot: "What do you mean?"

Grandpa Longneck: Laughs. "Oh nothing. Just a story passed down to us Longnecks. If you want, I'll tell it to you someday, Littlefoot."

Littlefoot: "Maybe." He thinks for a minute. "Well, What if it was a little sharptooth? A little baby one?"

Grandpa Longneck: "I don't know, We've never had a little one here before. Mr. Threehorn would probably try to kill it."

Littlefoot: "Kill a little hatchling!?"

Grandpa Longneck: Sighs. "You know Mr. Threehorn. I would probably just try to take it out of here."

Littlefoot: "You would?"

Grandpa Longneck: "Of course, Littlefoot. I wouldn't have the heart to kill a hatchling, even a sharptooth one. I would just make sure it wasn't in the Great Valley, so you would be safe."

Littlefoot: "Um, that's good to know, Grandpa!"

Grandpa Longneck: "Is there anything else you would like to talk about?"

Littlefoot: "No, that's all I wanted to know. Bye, I'll see you later!" He starts running off.

Grandpa Longneck: "Ok. Be safe, Littlefoot." He returns to eating.

Scene: The Great Valley.

The Gang, Ruby and Chomper are where they were when Littlefoot left.

Ruby: "So we were about to make it into the Great Valley, when Redclaw spotted us!"

Ducky: "Oh no!"

Cera: "What happened?"

Ruby: "Redclaw gave chase. We ran for awhile. We thought we were almost away, when we came to a dead end!"

Petrie: "ooh, that sound scary?"

Ruby: "Oh, it was scary, petrie.

Cera: "So, what did you do?"

Ruby: "Well, Redclaw walked up to us."

Chomper: "He looked really hungry!"

Ruby: "We thought we were done for, when just then..."

The ground shakes. Mr. Threehorn comes walking up.

Mr. Threehorn: "Cera! It's time to eat." He sees Chomper. "A Sharptooth? In the Great Valley? Run kids, I'll take care of him!"

Chomper: starts walking back. "AAH!"

Cera: "Dad! No!"

Mr.Threehorn: "I said run Cera!"

Chomper starts running, and Mr. Threehorn starts charging for him.

----------------------------------<Commercial Break>---------------------------

Scene: The Great Valley.

Littlefoot is heading back to where he left Chomper and the Gang. The ground starts shaking.

Littlefoot: "What was that?"

He hears Chomper's yells.

Littlefoot: "Chomper!" He runs off towards Chomper."

Scene: The Gang, Mr. Threehorn, and Chomper. Mr. Threehorn is chasing Chomper, and The Gang is following him. Mr. Threehorn lets out a loud Flattooth yell, which alerts other grownups of the sharptooth.

Ducky: "Topsy is going to get Chomper, no no no!"

Cera: "Come on. If I know my dad, Chomper will need a lot of help!"

Chomper runs under a log suspended by two other logs. Mr. Threehorn can't get past it. Ducky's Mom, Petrie's Mom, and other Grownups run up to Mr. Threehorn.

Ducky's Mom: "Whats going on?"

Mr. Threehorn: "A Sharptooth is in the Great Valley!"

Petrie's Mom: "Where?"

Mr.Threehorn: "It just ran under this log here."

Petrie's Mom: "I'll keep an eye on it!" She takes off into the air.

Mr. Threehorn: "Ok, We'll find a way around.

Chomper: Still running. "Whew. That was close!"

Chomper hears a loud flyer call. He looks up, and sees Petries' Mom flying overhead. She swoops down at him, but he dodges. Chomper runs some more, and is confronted by another nameless grownup.

Chomper: "NO!" He darts off to the side.

Chomper keeps running, until he makes it to a cliff face. He turns around, and see's Mr. Threehorn walking up to him.

Mr. Threehorn: "Let's kill it!"

Chomper: "Ahh!" He closes his eyes and covers his face.

Petrie's Mom: "Do we really have to kill it? It's so young and little."

Mr. Threehorn: "It's the only way!" He takes a step towards Chomper.

The Gang, minus Littlefoot, come running in on the scene.

Cera: Runs over in front of Chomper to protect him. "I won't let you kill him, Dad!"

Mr. Threehorn: "Cera..."

Cera: "I'm not moving!

The rest of the Gang come over to protect Chomper.

Ducky: "He is a friendly sharptooth!"

Ruby: "Yeah, He'd never hurt anyone!"

Ducky's Mom: "A friendly Sharptooth? I've never heard of such a thing."

Mr. Threehorn: "Humph! Thats because there isn't such a thing!"

Grandpa Longneck: comes running up. "What is going on, everyone?"

Mr. Threehorn: "This sharptooth here is about to eat the kids!"

Petrie: "No he not!"

Ducky: "We keep trying to tell you. He is a nice sharptooth!"

Mr. Threehorn: "Move away kids. We have to do this!"

Cera: "NO!"

Mr. Threehorn walks up and starts trying to push the kids out of the way.

Littlefoot: Comes running up. "Everyone! Wait!" He rams his head into Mr. Threehorn's face.

Mr. Threehorn: "What are you trying to do?"

Littlefoot: Getting up off the ground. "He's nice. He really is. You have to believe me!"

Grandpa Longneck: "Littlefoot..."

Littlefoot: "No, Grandpa! Let me do this!" He turns to where Chomper should be. "Chomper, come out and show everyone how nice you are!"

Chomper doesn't come out.

Ruby: "What's going on?"

The Gang turn around, and see Chomper is gone.

Cera: "Littlefoot, Chomper is gone!"

Littlefoot: "What? Where did he go?"

Mr. Threehorn: "I don't know, but we need to be on the lookout for it! If it weren't for you kids, I could have had him!"

Grandpa Longneck: "Now Topsy, the important thing right now is the kids safety." He turns to the kids. "Go back to your nests, it isn't safe here!"

Mr. Threehorn and the rest of the grownups walk off.

The sky turns dark, and a bolt of lighting shoots across the sky. Rain starts to fall.

The gang walks up to Littlefoot.

Cera: "Sky water? At a time like this?"

Petrie: "Well, what we do?"

Littlefoot: "I'm really worried for Chomper. It isn't safe out here in sky water and fire this bad! Plus everyone is looking for him, and I don't know what they'll do to him when they find him. I'm going to go look for him!" He runs off.

Ducky: "Good luck Littlefoot!"

Scene fades to present.

Ruby: "So, the brave longneck set off in search of his little sharptoothed friend."

Professor: "And what happened next?"

Ruby: "You know what, It's getting really late.

Littlefoot: "I told you this story was a long one."

Cera: "We should be going to sleep now."

Professor: "But...but what about the Story? I want to hear what happens!"

Ruby: laughing. "Well, We can have another story telling night tomorrow night. I'll finish the story then."

Professor: "Well...Ok." He falls on the moss he was sitting on, and goes to sleep.

Ali: "It's really exciting so far!"

Shorty; "Yeah, I never realized how bad Chomper is treated sometimes because he's a sharptooh."

Littlefoot: "It's been hard sometimes, but we've come through it. We're best friends after all!"

Chomper: "Yeah!"

The Professor starts to snore.

Chomper: "Wow, the Professor sure is making some sleep rumbles!"

Ruby: "Maybe we can say something to help us go to sleep?"

Chomper: "I know! My parents would count dinosaurs with me to help me go to sleep."

Littlefoot: "Really?"

Chomper: "Yeah!" He starts counting. "1 dinosaur, 2 dinosaurs, 3 dinosaurs..." He's starting to look sleepy. "...4 dinosaurs, 5 dinosaurs..." he licks his lips. "...6 dinosaurs..." He bites at the air. "...7 dinosaurs..." He lays his head down and goes to sleep.

Everyone else takes a step back in unison. Scene fades out.

Come check out my new Youtube gaming channel, Game Biter!
Littlefoot: "Look, Chomper. You're uncle is dead, and it's just right for your friends to be there for you. You'd be there if someone we know died, right?"

Chomper: "Well, sure I would!"

Come give my LBT TV Series fanfiction, PAST-O-RAMA, a read!


  • Chomper
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Vonboy, It's getting good you added Odysseus getting more excited  ;) . Anyway while you work on the complete Finale, will Odysseus appear in the great valley too? to be honest?


  • Chomper: "Threehorns are better at everything, including rumpsteaks"
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  • Ducky
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No, he was just part of the story the Professor told to the kids...very badly told I might add :lol

Really these two episodes focus very strongly on Chomper and the Professor.
Come check out my new Youtube gaming channel, Game Biter!
Littlefoot: "Look, Chomper. You're uncle is dead, and it's just right for your friends to be there for you. You'd be there if someone we know died, right?"

Chomper: "Well, sure I would!"

Come give my LBT TV Series fanfiction, PAST-O-RAMA, a read!


  • Chomper
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Okay, I was just confused on it; I may have mis read it. So anyway I am gonna work on chapter 4 and I'll PM it to you and you'll see if it needs to be fixed and needs a little detail. will ya do that?


  • Chomper: "Threehorns are better at everything, including rumpsteaks"
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I got it done a day early, so enjoy  :lol:. This is the season finale!

Episode 13 - The Legend of the Friendly Sharptooth Part 2

Scene: The Great Valley.

The sky over the Great Valley is dark. The moon fly's across the sky, Then it is day again. The sun fly's over, and sets. The camera zooms into the Great Valley, to the hot crack the Gang was around before. The Gang is gathering up around the rock to finish the story. Chomper is sitting on the ground already, looking a little worried. Ruby walks up to him

Ruby: "Whats wrong Chomper?"

Chomper: "I had a scary sleep story last night."

Littlefoot: "What was it, Chomper?"

Chomper: "Mr. Threehorn was chasing me!"

Cera: "You're replaying the story in your head?"

Chomper: "Yeah. It was really scary!"

Ruby: Hugs Chomper. "You don't have to be scared Chomper. The end of the story isn't scary, is it?"

Chomper: "No, I guess not."

Mr. Threehorn: Comes walking up to the group. "What are you kids doing?"

Cera: "We're having a story telling night."

Mr. Threehorn: "Another one? You just had one last night!"

Littlefoot: "Ruby has been telling a long story."

Mr. Threehorn: "Oh? Which one?"

Ruby: "The one about when I first came to this Valley!"

Mr. Threehorn: "Ah yes, the craziest story I ever heard of, or witnessed for that matter!"

Professor: "Well, would you like a listen?"

Mr. Threehorn: "I suppose so. I've got nothing else better to do tonight."

Professor: "I'm ready to hear the story now!"

Shorty: "Yeah!"

Ali: "Let's finish it!"

Ruby: "Ok, Ok! Now to where I left off." She clears her throat. "So, the brave young Longneck set out to find his little sharptoothed friend."

Scene fades to a flashback as before as Ruby starts up the story again.

Scene: Just outside of the Great Valley. The sun has not set just yet, but it is already fairly dark because of the storm.

Littlefoot: He is running through the woods, looking for Chomper. "Chomper! Chomper, where are you? Come back!"

Chomper is slowing walking further ahead of Littlefoot. He has his head down.

Littlefoot: Running up to Chomper. "Chomper, where are you going?"

Chomper: "I'm leaving. Going back to my parents."

Littlefoot: "You can't leave! It's dangerous out there!"

Chomper: "I have to leave. I don't belong in the Great Valley."

Littlefoot: "Don't say that, your different!"

Chomper: "It doesn't matter. I'm still a sharptooth."

Littlefoot: "We can make this work!

Chomper: "No we can't. I can't change what I am."

Littlefoot: "Remember the last time we met? When you said you were what you were and I was what I was? You said we could still be friends!"

Chomper: "Well, I guess I was wrong. Sorry Littlefoot."

Littlefoot: "Chomper, Please!"

Chomper gently pushes Littlefoot's head out of the way with his claw, and starts walking away again. He exits the screen. Littlefoot runs offscreen towards Chomper. He comes back with Chomper's tail in his mouth. He is slowly dragging Chomper back to the Great Valley. Chomper is sitting on the ground, being dragged. He has his arms crossed, looking annoyed, but he doesn't do anything to Littlefoot.

Scene: The edge of the Great Valley.

The rest of the Gang and Ruby are still where Chomper was almost killed.

Ducky: "Where is Littlefoot?"

Ruby: "I'm worried. I don't like it when Chomper makes me worry like this."

Cera: "Well, I'm getting tired of waiting. We need to do SOMETHING!"

The Gang hear rustling in some nearby bushes.

Petrie: "What that?"

Ducky: "I do not know, and I don't know if I want to know, no."

Littlefoot slowly crawls out of the bushes, still dragging Chomper by his tail.

Ruby: "Chomper! Your ok!"

Chomper: "Just barely. That Threehorn looked really mean."

Cera: Boasting. "Yeah, I know!"

Ruby: "Why did you run away without me?

Chomper: "I was really scared, and I just had to get out of the valley." He starts to walk off. "Can we go now?"

Ruby: "We're not going, Chomper!"

Chomper: "What?"

Ruby: "It's very dangerous in the Mysterious Beyond."

Littlefoot: "Ruby is right. We need to show the Grownups your a friendly sharptooth, so you can stay here."

Chomper: "Oh no! I don't want to see them again!"

Littlefoot: "Look, we can make this work. We have to explain it to them or something."

Cera: "We've tried that already! You saw what happened, didn't you?"

Littlefoot: "Well, Let's work our way to the grownups, I'm sure we'll think of something."

Chomper: "I'm not going!"

Ruby: "I say your going, and that's final!"

Chomper: Lowers his head. "...Ok, but I hope you know what your doing."

Lighting shoots out of the sky.

Littlefoot: "This storm is getting worse. Maybe we should wait till morning."

Screams and calls for help can be heard in the distance.

Ruby: "What was that?"

Littlefoot: "Sounds like our grownups."

Ducky: "Someone must be in trouble!"

Littlefoot: "Let's go!"

The Gang runs off towards the screams. Ruby holds Chomper on her back, and follows.

----------------------------------<Commercial break>----------------------------

Scene: Other side of the Great Valley.

A Bolt of lighting has struck a tree, which has caught on fire and fallen over onto Petrie's cliff nest. Petrie's siblings are in a small cave inside the cliff where their nest is, trapped. Petrie's Mom is on the ground, injured.

Ducky's Mom: "We have to do something!"

Mr. Threehorn: "You can't reach up there!" Turns to Grandpa Longneck. "Grandpa, you can!"

Grandpa Longneck: "But I'm too big! I'd never fit my head in there!"

Petrie's mom: "Someone has to do something! Please!"

The Gang comes up into some bushes. They peek their heads out to see what is going on.

Ducky: "Oh no, it is your family, Petrie! They are in trouble!"

Petrie: "Oh no.! Oh no! Oh nohoho!

Chomper: "Petrie's family is in trouble? We need to help them!" He tries running out, but Littlefoot bites his tail and drags him back into the bushes.

Littlefoot: "No, Chomper! You can't be seen right now!"

Chomper: "But I'm the only one that can help! No one else will fit in there!"

Cera: "But our grownups will try to hurt you!"

Chomper runs out to try and rescue Petrie's Siblings.

Littlefoot: "Chomper, No!"

Mr. Threehorn: Sees Chomper. "It's that sharptooth again!"

Ducky's Mom: "How can things get any worse!?"

Mr. Threehorn tries to stomp on Chomper, but he dodges. Chomper darts off to the base of the burning tree.

Ducky's Mom: "Where is it going?"

Petrie's Mom: "My babies! It's going after my babies!"

Mr. Threehorn starts to chase Chomper again. The Gang comes running up.

Littlefoot: "Stop!"

Ducky: "He is just trying to help!"

Mr. Threehorn: "Get out of my way, kids!"

Chomper gets to the base of the tree, and starts climbing it.

Mr. Threehorn: Roars angrilly. "Now it's too late, And it's all your fault!"

Cera: "Dad, listen to me, please! I've known that sharptooth for a long time, and he really is nice!"

Mr. Threehorn: "Why would a sharptooth ever be nice to flatteeth?"

Cera: "This one is!"

Mr. Threehorn: "Humph!"

Scene: Inside the small cave. Petrie's Sibling are huddled inside, with burning sticks and twigs all around them. Chomper gets to the top of the tree, steps down into the nest, and comes into the small cave.

Petrie's Sibling #1: "Sharptooth!"

Petrie's Sibling #2: "He's going to eat us!"

Chomper: "I'm not going to eat you! I'm here to rescue you!"

Petrie's Sibling #3: "He talks!?"

Chomper in-hails some smoke and coughs. Petrie's Siblings Scream.

Scene: Outside the cliff.

Petrie's Mom: Crying. "He's eating my babies!"

Petrie: Flying over. "No he not!"

Littelfoot: "That sharptooth is our friend. He's trying to save them. You have to trust us!"

Petrie's Mom is just laying on the ground, crying.

Littlefoot: Looking up at the burning nest. "Come on Chomper, You can do it!"

Scene: The small cave in the cliff.

Petrie's Sibling #2: "Leave us alone, please!"

Petrie's Sibling #3: "Please don't hurt us!"

Chomper: "I won't hurt you! I know your brother, Petrie!"

Petrie's Sibling #1: "But your a sharptooth!"

Chomper: Takes a step forward, outstretching his arms. "That's right, I am a sharptooth, but I just want to help! Please, you have to trust me!"

Petrie's Siblings back up until their tails almost get singed by the fire behind them. They look at Chomper, then back at the fire, then jump into Chomper's arms. Chomper takes off out of the little hole in the cliff.

Scene: Outside the Burning nest.

Mr. Threehorn: "The Sharptooth, it's coming out!"

Littlefoot: "Chomper!"

Chomper slides down the tree trunk, Petrie's Siblings in his arms. He slowly staggers his way back to Petrie's Mom. He's coughing, and doesn't look well. The grownups just stare at him as he approaches, dumbfounded. Chomper collapses on the ground. Petrie's siblings work their way out from under Chomper, and run over to their Mom.

Petrie's Sibling #1: "Mommy!"

Petrie's Sibling #2: "Are you ok?"

Petrie's Mom: "I'm fine, little ones. I'm just glad to see that your all safe!" She looks over at Chomper, who's still lying on the ground, unconscious. The scene cuts out.

------------------------------<Commercial break>--------------------------------

Scene: "The next morning, at the Great Meeting Circle. Chomper is still unconscious, asleep on a big leaf. He is surrounded by The Gang and all the grownups of the Great Valley.

Chomper: Opens his eyes and lifts his head a little. "Uhh. What happened?" He looks up at the grownups. "AHH!" He covers his head.

Grandpa Longneck: He lowers his head down to Chomper's level, laughing lightly. "It's alright, Chomper."

Chomper: Looking. " is?"

Ducky's Mom: "We all saw what you did last night."

Mr. Threehorn: "I never thought I'd see something like that! I still don't believe it!"

Tria pushes on Mr. Threehorn. Chomper stares at Mr. Threehorn, looking scared. Mr. Threehorn walks up to Chomper, and lowers his head to look at him.

Mr. Threehorn: "I guess you aren't as mean as you look!"

Chomper: "Why, thank you! You aren't as mean as you look either!"

Grandma Longneck: "Are you ok, Chomper?"

Chomper: "Yeah, I think I am. I just breathed in a lot of smoke from that fire."

Petrie's Sibling #1: "Thanks for saving us, Chomper!"

Petrie's Sibling #2: "Yeah, your nicer than you look!"

Petrie's Mom: She comes up and hugs Chomper "Thank you so much, Chomper!"

Chomper: "Oh, it was nothing."

Grandpa Longneck: "Wait a second. I think I've seen you before!"

Littlefoot: "Huh?"

Chomper: "What?"

Grandpa Longneck: "You're that little sharptooth that Littlefoot and the kids hatched, aren't you?"

Littlefoot: Gasps. "Grandpa? How did you know that!?"

Grandpa Longneck: Laughs. "I know about a lot of things that happen in the Great Valley, more than you give me credit for! I always have my eyes peeled!"

Ruby: "I'm just so happy that we both can stay here, stay in the Great Valley!"

Chomper: "Really? We can stay?"

Grandpa Longneck: "After what you've done, your welcome here!"

Chomper: "Oh thank you! um..."

Grandpa Longneck: "Just call me Grandpa. that's what everyone else calls me."

Chomper: "Ok Grandpa!"

Grandma Longneck: "You can call me Grandma."

Mr. Threehorn: "And you can call me Mr. Threehorn."

Tria: "He means Topsy. You can call him Topsy!"

Chomper: Rubs his Stomach. "I hate to say it, but I'm getting kind of hungry."

Petrie's Siblings run over behind their mom. Some grownups get a worried look on their faces.

Mr. Threehorn: "I hope your not wanting one of the kids!"

Chomper takes a step back. Cera Comes into the scene, dragging a large leaf with ground crawlers on it. Ducky is on her head.

Ducky: "We got you what you like, Chomper!"

Chomper: "My favorite!" He grabs a few ground crawlers, and eats them."

Most of the grownups show disgust. Mr. Threehorn laughs.

Mr. Threehorn: " I guess you can eat those, Just as long as you don't try to hunt anyone!"

Chomper: "Don't worry, I don't want to hunt anyone!"

The Gang runs over and hugs Chomper, and the scene fades back to the present again.

Ruby: "And that's that. Me and Chomper have been living here in the Great Valley ever since then."

Professor: "Chomper really did that? Saved Petrie's siblings like that?"

Chomper: "I sure did!"

Mr. Threehorn: "I am sorry I tried to hurt you, Chomper. You know that, right?"

Chomper: "I know!"

Professor: "Anything else?"

Littlefoot: "One more thing. Whenever the cold time comes, I always like remembering what happened since the last cold time."

Ducky: "It has been great, it has, it has!"

Cera: "We met The Professor."

Chomper: "I got to meet my parent's again!"

Ali: "I came back!"

Littlefoot: "And my Grandpa..."

Ruby and Ducky come over and hug Littlefoot.

Ruby: "It's ok Littlefoot."

Mr. Threehorn: "You have to take the good times with the bad, little one."

Littlefoot: "Yeah...I guess your right."

Professor: "Well, Goodnight everyone!"

Everyone Else: "Goodnight!"

Everyone goes to sleep. Chomper comes over to snuggle Littlefoot, and Ruby comes to snuggle Chomper.

Scene: The next night, at the edge of the Great Valley, just outside of the Professor's cave. Chomper comes walking up to the cave's entrance, and peeks in.

Chomper: "Hello?"

Professor: "Oh, your finally here Chomper, come on in!"

Chomper walks into the cave. The part of the cave the Professor is in is a fairly big circular domed room. There is a big fairly flat rock in the center of the room, almost like a table.

Chomper: "Nice place you got here, Professor!" Walking over to a strange box. "Whats all of these things?"

Professor: "Oh, all kinds of things. But let's get to the point."

Chomper: "Why did you invite me here?"

Professor: "For dinner of course."

Chomper: "Really? What are we having?"

Professor: "You'll know in a minute." He walks out of the room for a moment. "You know, Chomper. After hearing that story. I feel pretty bad about myself."

Chomper: "You do?"

Professor: He walks back into the main room. "Yes, I do. I haven't been truthful since I've come here." He sets two steaks down on the table, a cooked one for him, and a raw one for Chomper. "I'm actually a meat-eater."

Chomper: He smiles and then laughs some. "I've been waiting for you to say that!"

Professor: "What?"

Chomper: "I've known your were a meat-eater since I first saw you. I smelled the meat you had in your backpack. That's why I attacked you. I thought you were in the Great Valley to eat one of my friends."

Professor: "I thought the same thing when I first saw you."

Chomper: Sighs. "Yeah, I know."

Professor: "But now that I know you, I understand that you would never eat your friends...or should I say our friends!

Chomper: "This...meat here is really good! What is it?"

Professor: "It's from a creature my kind calls a cow."

Chomper: "What's a cow?"

Professor: "A creature that you've never seen before, because there aren't any around here!"

Chomper: "Your being mysterious again, Professor!"

Professsor: Laughs. "One step at a time, Chomper."

Chomper: "Ok."

Professor: "I have a question for you, Chomper. How do you see the Gang, as a meat-eater? Honestly."

Chomper: "I don't think I should say..."

Professor: "We're both meat-eaters here. You can be open to me."

Chomper: Thinking. "Well, I do think Littlefoot looks pretty tasty."

Professor: Laughs "Oh, it's alright, Chomper. I think Littlefoot looks pretty tasty too."

During the last two lines of dialogue, the camera pans out of the Professor's cave to outside, then rises up to show the starry sky, then fades.



I'll see you back sometime, probably in a month or two, with the second season! For now though, I need a rest :smile .
Come check out my new Youtube gaming channel, Game Biter!
Littlefoot: "Look, Chomper. You're uncle is dead, and it's just right for your friends to be there for you. You'd be there if someone we know died, right?"

Chomper: "Well, sure I would!"

Come give my LBT TV Series fanfiction, PAST-O-RAMA, a read!


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Since you kept pestering me to review, I will, nice ending.

Your way of telling us how Chomper came to the Great Valley and saving Petrie's siblings was cool, it was nice to see Chomper is willing to risk his life for his friends, or his friends siblings. Anyways, I saw that secret Professer shared with Chomper coming a mile away. It's what usually happens when a Human comes into the Great Valley, one of the gang finds out they're a meat-eater. But, enough of that, I thought you gave this story a decent ending and closed everything up well, so good job, and I look froward to seeing what season two brings us. ;)


  • Chomper: "Threehorns are better at everything, including rumpsteaks"
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Just an update everyone.

I've been trudging through the first season, fixing errors, and trying to make it easier to read. I've got the first 8 episodes patched up some now. It'll probably take a while before I can get around to the rest of them, though.

Pangaea will be reviewing (AKA beating to death) my fanfiction. I"m actually looking forward to that.  :lol

About the second season, It'll still probably be a least a few weeks away. It is going to start with a two-parter involving Pterano coming back after his five Cold Times sentence. The Tinisaurus's will make an appearance too. I'm not so sure yet on other one-time characters making a return. So far, the Professor has been the only OC in this fiction, but I'm trying to come up with a few more to add in. The rainbowfaces will be coming back for a second time, and this time it's going to be a little ugly :anger .

I've been thinking of posting up one episode a week at a set day and time, to make it feel even more like a TV show :DD . That will actually be a lot slower than what I did with the first season, since I was pumping out about 3 of them a week on average ( :blink: ). Spacing them out farther and more evenly like that should give me time to really put work in them, and hopefully post them without having to fix them later on. How does one a week like that sound to you guys?

Anyway, I still have a couple more weeks of college classes, and I've been spending a lot of time lately job hunting. I think I'll actually have more time to write after I get a job, because I won't be spending so much time looking for one and stressing about it. I really hope I land a job soon.
Come check out my new Youtube gaming channel, Game Biter!
Littlefoot: "Look, Chomper. You're uncle is dead, and it's just right for your friends to be there for you. You'd be there if someone we know died, right?"

Chomper: "Well, sure I would!"

Come give my LBT TV Series fanfiction, PAST-O-RAMA, a read!

Salvatore Blackheart

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Good story Vonboy, specially episode 13, the professor is starting to understand chomper.


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Oh yeah! I'm ready for chappie 13! Funny, I just might be posting my chappie 13 tomorrow.
Petra is a variant of the Greek name "Petros" meaning "strong" or "rock." Andi is a variant of the Greek name "Andy" meaning "masculine" or "brave." Therefore, I am tremendously brave and strong! :lol


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Sorry again for keeping you waiting, Von! :oops

I've been too forgetful and/or brain-dead to review sooner, and I still am, so I thought I'd “reserve” a spot where I'll be able to post my reviews of Season 1 without interrupting the flow of Season 2. I'll let you know when I update this post.

UPDATE: May 20, 2011

Review for Episode 1 – The Farwalker

Well, I’ve finally started reviewing, and it looks like I’ve got my work cut out for me. No offense, but there are A LOT of spelling and grammar errors in this chapter. At first I started picking out individual errors and offering corrections for each and every one, but it’s apparent to me now that if I went about it this way, it could take many hours for me to review a single chapter. :blink: So instead, I thought I’d identify some of the general types of mistakes that appear frequently in the story, and give you pointers on how to fix/avoid them. Forgive me as I may come off as presenting the information in a “for dummies” fashion; as if I don’t think you know anything about grammar and punctuation. This is most certainly not the case; the truth of the matter is that I am not certain of your level of awareness of grammar and punctuation rules, and want to be certain that you understand them.

I found a very useful site a while back that’s an online guide to correct grammar and punctuation. Here&#8217;s
Here’s a link to the main page; I’ll refer you to specific pages occasionally when I’m covering a specific type of writing problem in my reviews.

I’m seeing an awful lot of capitalized words that should be lowercase, and lowercase words that should be capitalized. Generally, you only need to capitalize the first word of a sentence, proper nouns such as names (see below), the first part of a scientific name (e.g., Tyrannosaurus rex), and many initials (e.g., LBT). (More on capitalization rules here.)
  • Be sure to always capitalize proper names like “Littlefoot”, “Grandpa Longneck”, and “the Great Valley”. Place names can be a little tricky; you can refer to the Great Valley as “the valley” without capitalization, since that’s a general term that refers to the location descriptively (just like you could call Boston “the city” or Mt. Everest “the mountain”), but if it’s a specific place with an official title (like “Hanging Rock” or “the Big Water”), you should always capitalize it. Likewise with dinosaur names like “Grandpa Longneck” and “Mr. Threehorn”; you don’t have to capitalize the name of their species for general usage (see next comment), but if it’s part of their title, then it should be capitalized.
  • You can choose for yourself whether to write the LBT names of the dinosaur species with a capital first letter or all lowercase, but be sure to be consistent. For example, if you capitalize “Threehorn”, then you should always capitalize it, and you should do the same with all the other names (if you write “flyer” in lowercase, don’t capitalize “Longneck”). This should apply to the name “human” as well, and by extension, perhaps the names of other modern species. For the record, since the common names of animals are usually written in lowercase, I personally think it makes more sense to write all of the LBT dinosaur names in lowercase as well.
  • You do not need to capitalize the first word following a comma (unless the word in question is a proper noun or other word that should always be capitalized).
  • I notice that sometimes when you describe the actions of a character immediately before a line, you capitalize the beginning and put a period at the end, and other times, you don’t. Again, consistency! Pick a method and stick to it! :p If there is more than one sentence before the line, you should probably treat them as proper sentences, capitalizing the beginning and punctuating the end, but if it’s just one sentence, I think you can choose whether to do so or not.
Generally, a word should only contain an apostrophe if it is a contraction or a possessive noun. (More on apostrophe use here.)
  • Contractions are words in which the syllables are merged together (or the word is otherwise shortened), an apostrophe replacing the removed letters; the kind of words that Ducky almost never uses when she talks. My tipóand the method I useófor whenever you’re not sure whether a word is a contraction or not, is to say it in your head as Ducky would say it. :lol For example, “it’s” would become “it is”, but “its” would not change, because it is not a contraction.
  • Possessives are words that, as best as I can describe them, represent the “owner” in a case of possession (something belonging to something else). Possessive nouns are the ones in which you should tag an ’s onto the end (e.g. Littlefoot’s tree star, the threehorn’s horn). In the case of words that already end in “s”, it’s apparently preferred that you add ’s to the end when making it a possessive (as opposed to just adding an apostrophe to the end). The result doesn’t always sound right, though (try saying “Illinois’s” in your head <_<), so with words that end in “s”, you have some freedom as far as deciding whether to add just an apostrophe or a full ’s when making them possessives; just be sure to be consistent (for example, if you write it Jones’ in one chapter, don’t use Jones’s in another). However, when the possessive is a plural, the apostrophe should always come after the “s”, not before (e.g. the dinosaurs’ valley). If the word already ends in an “s”, just add an apostrophe and leave it at that. Finally, never use an apostrophe in a possessive pronoun (e.g., yours, theirs, whose).
  • One more thing: be careful not to accidentally type a double quote (”) in place of an apostrophe. I see quite a few instances of that, probably a result of the shift key being held down too long while typing capital letters.
A comment on the script format of the story: I have nothing against this style, even though it’s not my preferred one. However, I do have some issues with the way dialogue and scene description are laid out. They are not differentiated except for the quotation marks framing dialogue (and I see many cases of a quotation mark missing from the beginning or end of a line). Maybe it’s just me, but I find it a bit distracting (for lack of a better word) that I can’t automatically tell whether a sentence is dialogue or scene description. My suggested solution would be to distinguish descriptive text by either italicizing it or framing it with brackets: () or <>. This way, a reader’s brain can instantly identify the line as a distinct type of text upon seeing it, making the story easier to read. (That’s how it seems to work for me, at least, though I know my brain has a slower processing speed than most people.)

A very broad criticism: watch for typos. I’m seeing a lot of them: “Grangma Longneck”, “Threehorms”, and “Proffesor”, just to name a few.

Though I have the impression that it’s something of a parody of the opening narration of most LBT films, you might want to reword the narration a little bit. Look at it when it’s written out without interruptions:
A long, long time ago...Before man, or wolf, or bird...When the earth was still in it's infancy...In this land that looked very different from our own. lived great, wonderous creatures who were very different from the creatures we know of today.
The different parts of the narration don’t really connect very well to one another. The first three parts seem to be leading somewhere, but then it cuts off and a new sentence appears to start.
  • “In this land that looked very different from our own” ends with a period instead of an ellipsis (…), even though it is clearly only the first half of a sentence.

  • ”Wonderous” should be spelled “wondrous”.

  • An example of what I was talking about in regards to misused apostrophes: “It’s” is a contraction; you’re not tying to say “Earth was still in “it is” infancy”, so it should be “its”, without an apostrophe.

  • Finally, a scientific-accuracy nitpick regarding the “before man, or wolf, or bird” part: birds did exist during the age of dinosaurs (assuming that’s the time period the line refers to, and not Earth’s lava-ball infant stage). Archaeopteryx, often considered to be the oldest known bird, lived 150 million years ago (at the same time as Apatosaurus and Stegosaurus), and by the time of Tyrannosaurus, Triceratops, Pteranodon, and Saurolophus, there was already a variety of modern-looking birds, including early members of some families that are still around today. Moreover, the fourth LBT movie had Ichy, an Ichthyornis: a definite (if toothed) bird.

Littlefoot: Almost jumps up from his sleep. "No!" He breaths heavily.
Should be “breathes”. The present-tense form of breathingóbreatheóhas an “e” at the end. (The easy way to remember is that if you’re pronouncing it with a long “e”óthe “ee” soundóadd an “e” to the end.) The noun “breath” (as in a character taking a breath) is pronounced with a short e (the “eh” sound).

Littlefoot: *Well, ok. Bye!"
Littlefoot: "ok, dad. I will."
”Ok” should be written either as “okay” or in capital letters (“OK” or “O.K.”).
*Insert beginning quote.

Scene: A grassy field. The Gang of Five are playing a game that resembles soccer with a hard pointy seed. The human from before is in some foliage nearby observing a fully grown Threehorm and Longneck eating treestars.
I assume the reason you don’t directly state that the adult dinosaurs in this scene are Mr. Threehorn and Bron is because you’re writing that sentence from the Professor’s point of view. However, The Professor would probably know the LBT dinosaurs by their scientific names, and it’s a little confusing at first when Mr. Threehorn and Bron start speaking later in this scene when they weren’t explicitly described as being present. My suggestion for fixing this would be to change it to “observing a fully grown Triceratops (Mr. Threehorn) and Apatosaurus (Bron) eating treestars”. (By the way “Threehorn” is misspelled with an “m”.)

I liked Bron and Mr. Threehorn’s little banter while the gang was playing. :lol However, Mr. Threehorn’s first comment (“They sure are loud and annoying!”) seemed…awkward to me. Surely he’s listened to the gang playing hundreds of times before; he sounds as if he’s only noticing now that they’re noisy. Something like “Can’t those kids keep it down?!” would sound better and make more sense, in my opinion.

Littlefoot’s decision to go look for the human right after Bron had told him to avoid it was another source of amusement. :lol

Mr.Threehorn: "But Tricia, how do we know this creature isn't a sharptooth?"

The debate turns into inconprehensible rabling from everyone. Scene fades to the next Scene.
I think you mean “Tria” and “incomprehensible rambling”, respectively. Also, “Scene fades to the next Scene” is kind of awkward. How about “Fades to next scene” or “Scene fades to next”?

Suddenly, he lets out an audible voice. "Wait, Stop!"
I think the word you’re looking for here is “intelligible”, meaning understandable. “Audible” just means that you can hear it.

Human: "Huh? oh, that's not my n"
To imply an interruption, “n” should be immediately followed by an em dash (ó), like so: “…that's not my nó”. (Info on dashes here.) Also, since it begins a sentence, “oh” should have its first letter capitalized.

Professor: "Oh, I thought you were a Brontasaurus."
Should be spelled with an “o” in place of the “a”. Also, Brontosaurus is no longer considered a valid scientific name by most scientists, as the dinosaur is widely considered to be the same as Apatosaurus (scientific names should always be italicized, by the way). There are still two potential excuses for the professor calling the species Brontosaurus, however:
  • The professor personally prefers the name “Brontosaurus”, and uses it colloquially (in which case it would probably be lowercase and not italicized), in the same way you would call a large striped cat a “tiger” as opposed to using its scientific name, Panthera tigris.

  • The professor comes from a future in which the scientific name Brontosaurus has been resurrected, and is in official scientific use once again. (In this scenario, it would be italicized and capitalized.)

Petrie: "That sounds nice. Hi Professor!"
There’s nothing grammatically wrong with this sentence, but this is Petrie talking, so proper grammar is itself a mistake! :p Seriously, though, Petrie would probably just say “sound” in this instance.

Professor: "Yellow!"
This line confused me at first. Then I realized that it was probably that alternative version of the word “hello”. if this is the case, then you should remove the “w”, to avoid confusion with the color.

Professor: Waves hand shyly. "oowehehe!"
Aaaaand…I still can’t tell what this is supposed to mean. :confused

The Professor’s introduction to the gang and then the adults seemed a bit rushed to me, and I don’t think enough of the grownups spoke or otherwise reacted to the Professor when they met him; it seemed like Bron and Mr. Threehorn were the only ones there. Also, none of Littlefoot’s friends were actually introduced to the Professor; he got to hear Cera’s name when Littlefoot said it, but none of them directly shared their names or revealed anything about themselves. I was a little disappointed by this, because I’m really fond of “meeting scenes” where characters meet other characters for the first time, and get their first impressions of one another (through behavior as well as dialogue). Cera’s initial distrust of the Professor is accurate to her character, but none of the others really does anything. Petrie, for example, could be expected to at first try to hide behind one of his bigger friends or otherwise make himself scarce in a manner that reflects his jumpy and timid personality; once he’s convinced that the newcomer is friendly, he might fly up to greet him (“Me Petrie! Me flyer!”), displaying another significant aspect of his character: his pride in his flying abilities. You need to showcase the personalities of the characters in the dialogue, as well as with actions, or it’s a lot harder to connect with them and the story.

Seems like Bron’s a little stricter than Littlefoot’s grandparents, but nothing wrong with that as far as the story is concerned. (It kind of makes sense, even, considering he was a farwalker, for whom disobedience and straying from the herd could be far more likely to have disastrous consequences as opposed to living in a sheltered valley.)

Not a whole lot happened in this chapter, but it’s the first one, so I’ll give it time. I was wondering where Chomper and Ruby were during all this; I’m guessing that will be answered in the next episode.

UPDATE: June 3, 2011

Review for Episode 2 – The Sharptoothed Menace

Sorry this review is so much shorter than the last one. I had a harder time coming up with comments, for some reason. :wacko

Littlefoot: "So how is it like living here?"
This should be written as “So how do you like living here?”.

By the way, how long have Bron and Shorty been living in the Great Valley? Littlefoot and Shorty’s conversation gives the impression that they moved in very recently. (“I think I’m going to like it here!” especially, makes it sound like they just arrived.)

Cera: "I hope he isn't craving threehorn soup, haha!"

Ducky: "yeah, I hope so too, yup yup yup!"
Should be “not”. Otherwise Ducky sounds like she hopes Chomper is craving threehorn soup! :p

The professor turns around to the Sharptooth, and shows the stick. The sharptooth doesn't appear to be intimidated by the stick, And continues advancing. The Professor tries several strikes at him, but he only seems a little annoyed from the strikes. the Sharptooth takes a swipe at the Professor And manages to barely connect and rip his shirt. The professor Starts running away again.
Admittedly, I had a hard time envisioning this scene as a serious confrontation. Chomper’s not that big compared to the Professor, is he? I suppose he could still be a threat if he was as tall as the Professor’s knee and could jump high enough to reach his throat, but I still can’t help but mentally compare this scene to an adult human being attacked by a small, belligerent dog. Also, I think you could have put more detail into the scene. Action scenes are much more enjoyable if you mix up the vocabulary and elaborate on the characters’ actions. What was Chomper swiping with: his claws or teeth? And unless the gang are rather large compared to the Professor, wouldn’t he have to jump in order to reach high enough to tear the Professor’s shirt? Do the Professor’s stick strikes consist of jabs, swings, etc.? As for writing errors in this segment, the first “professor” should be capitalized, you should remove “around” (or change the line to “turns around to face the sharptooth”), “annoyed from” should be “annoyed by”, and the Ands and “Starts” should not be capitalized.

Until Ruby brought up the subject at the end of the chapter, I thought that Chomper’s whole attack on the Professor was very out-of-character for him (I still don’t understand why he only tried to communicate with him in Sharptooth). Now, though, I’m curious to find out what exactly his motivation was.

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.


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Oh, Friday the thirteenth, eh?  :lol

Can't wait for the chapter!


  • Chomper: "Threehorns are better at everything, including rumpsteaks"
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Episode 14 - Comeback of the Infamous Old Flyer Part 1

Mmm, flyer...

Scene: "The Great Valley, very early in the morning, just before sunrise. The Cold Times are ending. Patches of unmelted snow are still present.

A Thornthumb Mother and her 2 little ones are asleep in their nest. One of the hatchlings isn't sleeping well, and walks over to some nearby foliage for a midnight snack. The shadow of a flyer runs across the ground. The hatchling sees the shadow and looks up. She looks scared, and She starts to step back. The flyer snatches the hatchling in a flash and fly's up to leave the Great Valley.

The Professor walks out of his cave to start the day. He yawns, then looks up to see the flyer in the sky.

Professor: "Hm, that's weird." He shrugs it off and walks off.

Scene: The Great Valley, later in the morning.

Littlefoot, Cera, Ducky, Spike and Chomper are waiting outside the entrance to the Hidden Valley.

Chomper: "So, is everyone ready?"

Littlefoot: "Yeah, We are all ready, Chomper."

Ducky: "Here comes the Professor!"

Chomper: "You all know what to do!"

Professor: "Walks up to the group. "Hey everyone."

Chomper: "Hi...and bye!"

Professor: "Where are all of you going?"

Ducky: "The Mysterious Beyond, yup yup yup!"

Professor: "I can see that, but why?"

Littlefoot: "We're going to Chomper's parents."

Professor: "Why?"

Littlefoot: "For dinner."

Professor: "...Really?"

Ducky: "That is what Littlefoot just said, hatchling!"

Chomper: "We agreed to this the last time we went to my parents, remember?"

Professor: "uh..."

Cera: "Oh, that's right! The Professor and Ducky were away in the Land of Mists then, so he never heard it."

Littlefoot: "Are you sure we're big enough yet, Chomper?"

Chomper: Rubbing Littlefoot's tummy. "Yeah, your big enough!"

Professor: "But Why do you even WANT to go? Don't you like life?"

Littlefoot: "I think I've lived a pretty good life, how about you?"

Ducky: "Yup yup yup!"

Cera: "Of course!"

Chomper: "Well, let's go!"

Chomper leads the way, while Littlefoot, Cera, Ducky, and Spike follows.

Professor: "Now hold on a second! What do you even think your doing!?"

Littlefoot: "Look, we don't want to keep them waiting!"

Professor: "But..."

Chomper: "Let's go already!"

They start to walk into the cave leading to the Hidden Valley. The Professor runs after them, and grabs Littlefoot's tail.

Professor: "Wait! Stop!"

The Professor falls on the ground, and gets dragged by Littlefoot. He starts to get upset.

Professor: "You can't go! I'd miss you guys!"

Littlefoot: "What?"

Professor: "Please don't go!"

The gang rolls over onto the ground, laughing. The Professor get's up to his feet.

Chomper: Getting up, and still chuckling. "You fell for it!"

Professor: "What?"

Littlefoot: "You fell for Chomper's little prank, Professor!"

Professor: "You wanted to play a joke on me?"

Chomper: I figured that since we're friends now, Professor, that I'd play a good prank on you, like I do to all of my friends."

Professor: "You mean you were just playing?"

Littlefoot: "Of course we were just playing.

Ducky: "You do not think anyone would ever WANT to be eated, do you?"

Chomper: "So, hot did you like it?"

Professor: "I guess it was a pretty good prank. Reminds me of one my brother played on me."

Shorty runs up to the gang, with Petrie on his head.

Shorty: "Everyone head over to the Great Meeting Circle!"

Littlefoot: "What for?"

Shorty: "Mr. Threehorn said the day has come, and that we need to have a meeting about it."

Cera: "What are you talking about?"

Shorty: "I don't really know.

Petrie: "Me no know either."

Shorty: "He just told me It's been five cold times since then."

Ducky: "Do you mean?"

A flyer starts to fly down to the Gang. Chomper sees him and runs into some nearby bushes. Cera Takes a step back and takes a defensive stance.

Pterano: "That's right, it's your dear old uncle!"

Petrie: "Uncle Pterano!"

------------------------------<Commercial Break>--------------------------------

Pterano: "So, what are you darling little kids doing?"

Cera: "What are YOU doing here?"

Pterano: "Just as hardheaded as your father, I see!"

Cera: "Humph!"

Littlefoot: "Don't pay attention to her, Pterano. I'm kind of glad to see you again!"

Ducky: "You were kind of nice to us, yup yup yup!"

Petrie: "So, how was it in Mysterious Beyond?"

Pterano: "Well, it was a fairly rough place...but it wasn't too much for your uncle!"

Petrie: "You have adventures?"

Pterano: Plenty of adventures! Maybe I'll tell you of some of them later."

Shorty: "Shouldn't we be heading to the meeting?"

Littlefoot: "Yes, let's go!"

Pterano: "Come with me, Petrie!"

The gang and Shorty head off for the Great Meeting Circle. Pterano and Petrie take to the skies. Chomper walks over to Ruby, who's nearby eating some treestars.

Chomper: "Hey, Ruby!"

Ruby: "Oh, good morning Chomper! What's going on?"

Chomper: "Theres about to be a meeting."

Ruby: "Why aren't you going?"

Chomper: "Well, there is this new flyer here, and you know how it is between me and new people."

Ruby: Laughs "Yeah, I know. I'll help him to get to know you, so that he'll know you."

Chomper: "Ok!"

Ruby and Chomper follow the gang to the meeting.

Scene: The Great Meeting Circle.

The Grownups are already assembled. The Gang, the Professor, and Shorty enter the scene. Pterano and Petrie lands in front of the Gang. Ruby and Chomper walk up behind them and goes in the middle of the gang, where Chomper is kind of hard to see.

Mr. Threehorn: Takes a look at Pterano. "Humph!"

Pterano: At Cera. "I see you're dad hasn't changed one bit either, Cera"

Bron: "Now, why did you call this meeting today, Topsy?"

Mr. Threehorn: "That little menace is back. We need to drive him out!"

Pterano: "Now hold on a second there. I've served my time, and I deserve a second chance now!"

Bron: "What is this all about?"

Grandma Longneck: "I'm sorry, son. I never told you about this. Five Cold Times ago, Pterano here was banished out of the Great Valley, told not to return until now."

Mr. Threehorn: "I still don't think that was long enough!"

Bron: "Now Topsy. If the Great Valley agreed to this, than I think he should be allowed back in now."

Mr.Threehorn: "But you don't even know what got him banished in the first place!"

Bron: "That doesn't matter now. Everyone deserves a second chance."

Pterano: "Why, thank you for being so open-minded...hmm...what was your name again?"

Bron: "I'm Bron, the new leader of the Great Valley."

Pterano: "What happened to that dear old Longneck?"

Bron: "My father has passed on. I came to take his place."

Pterano: "Oh, what a shame, what a shame."

Mr. Threehorn: "I guess I'll give you a chance, Pterano. But at the first sign of trouble, I'm chasing you out!"

Pterano: Crossing his arms. "Thanks for the show of support!"

PEtrie's Mom: "I guess it is nice to see you again, brother."

Bron: "Now, if that is it, then let's call this meeting..."

Mother Thornthumb: Running up to the meeting. "Wait!"

Bron: "What is it?"

Mother Thornthumb: "One of my kids is missing!"

Grandma Longneck: "What?"

Mother Thornthumb: "I've looked for her all morning, but I can't find her!"

Ducky's Mom: "Where was she last?"

Mother Thornthumb: "She was asleep with me and my other little one last night."

Mr. Threehorn: "Could she have run away? Our kids do that all the time!"

The whole Gang share glances with each other.

Mother Thornthumb: "No, she's never run off before, and I don't see how she would now!"

Pterano: "Of course, it all makes sense now!"

Littlefoot: "What is it, Pterano?"

Pterano: "Why didn't I notice that little sharptooth over there before?"

Chomper: "Who? me?"

Pterano: "That little monster must have ate her!"

Mother Thornthumb: "It must be. I told her not to play with sharpteeth!"

Chomper: "No, I would never do that!"

Mr. Threehorn: "That's right, Chomper would never do that..."

Chomper: His face lighting up. "Why, thank you..."

Mr. Threehorn: "...because he's too much of a scardy egg to hurt anything!"

Chomper: Annoyed. "...Hey!"

Pterano: "Well, no need to worry everyone! I'll just get this little monster out of the Great Valley for you!"

Chomper: "What?"

Pterano takes to the air after Chomper. Chomper takes a few steps back. The Professor jumps up in between Chomper and Pterano.

Professor: "Stop! Chomper didn't do it!"

Pterano: "How do you know, you little fuzzied faced...thing!"

Professor: "I saw That little Iguanodon..."

Littlefoot: "You mean Thornthumb?"

Professor: "...Whatever! What I meant to say was I saw that little hatchling earlier this morning.

Mother Thornthumb: "Really? Where?"

Professor: "In the claws of a flyer!"

Pterano: "Really? A flyer?"

Mr. Threehorn: "Of course, I knew it all along! Pterano did it!"

Pterano: "What?"

Mr. Threehorn: "It was the perfect plan. He wanted to get rid of Chomper, so he kidnapped one of the little ones, and framed Chomper with the crime!"

Pterano: "No! I'd never even think of..."

Mr. Threehorn: "Pterano, I know you see Chomper as a threat, and you thought you were doing it for the greater good, but what you did was wrong!"

Pterano: "But I didn't do anything!"

Mr. Threehorn: "You haven't changed one bit!" He charges at Pterano.

Petrie: "Leave me uncle alone!"

Pterano: Takes off into the air. "I see your temper hasn't changed one bit either!

Bron: "Professor, was it Pterano you saw, or some other flyer?"

Professor: "You know, I don't really know, it could have been Pterano. Honestly, You flyers all look the same to me."

Mr. Threehorn: "Go on, get out of here!"

Pterano: "It's getting pretty obvious that an old flyer like me isn't wanted around here anymore."

Petrie: "Uncle, Don't go!"

Pterano starts to fly off towards the Mysterious Beyond.

Petrie: "No! Take me with you!" He takes off into the air after Pterano.

Petrie's Mother: "Petrie, no! It's dangerous out there!" She takes off and follows Petrie.

Bron: "Did you really have to chase him off like that, Topsy?"

Mr. Threehorn: "He's a bad egg, I tell you! We're better off without him!"

Bron sighs, and the grownups start to disperse. The gang run over to meet up at the end of the meeting circle, where the grownups can't hear them.

Littlefoot: "I think we should go and try to help Pterano!"

Cera: "Here we go again!" She rolls her eyes. "Do you remember what he did? How he almost killed Ducky?"

Littlefoot: "He also saved all of our lives, Cera. I think he really has changed."

Cera: "Well, I'm not going to help!"

Littlefoot: "...okay, that's fine."

Ducky: "What?"

Littlefoot: "Let's go, everyone!"

Ruby: "We're just going to leave Cera behind?"

Littlefoot: "Yup!" He starts to walk off. "Well, come on everyone, We can't keep Pterano waiting!"

Ducky: "...okay."

Everyone else, minus Cera, follows Littlefoot. Cera just stands there.

Cera: "Humph!" She kicks a rock around, then looks back and eyes the rest of the gang. She gets a worried look on her face, and takes off to catch up.

Chomper: "Changed your mind, Cera?"

Cera: "I figure you'll need some protection in the Mysterious Beyond.

Littlefoot: Sarcastically. "Oh really?"

Cera: "I don't know what you'd do without me!"

Littlefoot: Whispering to Ducky, Ruby and Chomper. "Heh heh. I knew she'd come. Works every time!"

The Gang heads off for the Mysterious Beyond.

------------------------------<Commercial Break>--------------------------------

Scene: The Mysterious Beyond.

Pterano is still flying, with Petrie and his mom in pursuit.

Petrie: "Uncle, wait up!"

Petrie's Mom: "Petrie, come back here!"

Pterano descends onto a tree limb to rest. Petrie lands next to him.

Petrie: "Pterano, come back and live with us!"

Pterano: Sighs. "I don't think I can do that anymore, I'm not really welcome there."

Petrie's Mom lands on the same limb next to Petrie.

Petrie's Mom: She hugs Petrie. "Oh Petrie! What do you think your doing?"

Petrie: "I just can't let Uncle Pterano leave! I know he's good!"

Petrie's Mom: "This is all your fault!"

Pterano: "Me? What did I do?"

Petrie's Mom: Trying to get rid of a little kid? That's just horrible!"

Pterano: "But I didn't do that! I keep trying to tell you!"

Petrie's Mom: "Why should I believe you?"

Pterano: "Well, for one, I'm your Brother. Second, you trudge around this place for five Cold Times and tell me you don't think differently!"

Petrie is starting to look worried as the two older flyers continue to argue.

Petrie's mom: "Why do I have this nagging feeling in the back of my head that it's just the same old you? Maybe it's all those times you almost got me killed leading me on adventures! Maybe it's how you always tried to get things to run YOUR way! Maybe it's how you only thought about yourself!"

Pterano: "I'm a changed flyer!"

Petrie's Mom: "The Professor said a flyer did it. If it wasn't you, then who was it?"

Scene: Somewhere else in the Mysterious Beyond.

The Gang, Ruby, and Chomper are walking in a forest in the Mysterious Beyond, looking for Pterano and the other two flyers.

Cera: "Where are we?"

Littlefoot: "I don't really know. I know I saw them fly this way, though."

Chomper: "I smell a couple of flyers nearby, but I don't know if they're the ones were looking for or not."

Ducky: "You do not know, Chomper?"

Chomper: "It's kind of hard to tell. I've only smelled Pterano once, and I'm not around Petrie's mom that much."

Ducky gets distracted by a dragonfly sitting on a fern leaf. The rest of the Gang keeps walking on.

Cera: "What about Petrie?"

Chomper: "I definitely don't smell him!"

Littlefoot: "Well, We should keep looking for them."

Cera: "I don't really feel like helping that old flyer out!"

Littlefoot: "Cera!" He sighs. "We still have to make sure Petrie is ok!"

Chomper: "Yeah, we don't want to loose a friend, do we?"

Littlefoot, Cera, Spike, and Chomper walk off into the woods. Camera pans back to Ducky, who's still looking at the dragonfly, now buzzing through the air. She then looks around to see she's alone.

Ducky: "Littlefoot? Cera? Spike? Where are you?"

A shadowy figure moves through the foliage in front of her.

Ducky: "Oh, I do not like this, no no no!"

The shadowy figure comes out of the foliage, and grabs Ducky. It's Sierra. Rinkus comes out of the foliage, holding the Thornthumb hatchling he kidnapped that morning.

Sierra: "Well well well! Lookie what we have here!"

Rinkus: "It's that little brat we kidnapped before, isn't it?"

Sierra: "No, it's your uncle!" He slaps Rinkus with his wing. "Of course it's that brat!"

Ducky: "So, you did it, you mean flyers! You took the poor little hatchling! And you are trying to blame it on Pter-"

Sierra covers Ducky's mouth with his claws, so she can't continue.

Sierra: "You got it right, you little brat!"

Rinkus: "That old flyer wasn't a very good leader."

Sierra: "He never wanted to go far enough. He messed up a lot of great plans because of his...feelings."

Rinkus: "We thought he was one of us, but he wasn't!"

Sierra: "He betrayed us, and now we're just returning the favor!"

The two flyers laugh as Ducky tries to break free.

Sierra: "And now, we've got a new problem on our hands...What to do with you!"

Sierra and Rinkus smile devilishly at Ducky, as they lift off into the air.

To Be Continued


Well, there it is. I'm going to be posting these weekly now, so part two is coming next Friday :DD
Come check out my new Youtube gaming channel, Game Biter!
Littlefoot: "Look, Chomper. You're uncle is dead, and it's just right for your friends to be there for you. You'd be there if someone we know died, right?"

Chomper: "Well, sure I would!"

Come give my LBT TV Series fanfiction, PAST-O-RAMA, a read!


  • The Fabulous Fearsome Flyer
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Alright, so we're now at Pterano's return. Heheh, something tells me our fanfics have similar plots. ;) Well in so far as Pterano being framed. There the similarities end though, as you'll see. :)

I definitely think your dialogue is good. In particular you pretty much sound exactly how Mr. Threehorn does. He's very... fun to write. XD I like your take on Bron becoming Great Valley head as well, after the passing of Littlefoot's grandfather. It gives a unique perspective on things.

So this is a weekly issue... just like old newspapers! :D Well I shall look forward to next week's release then. :)

(runner up)
(runner up)

Poster of the Gang of Five's 400,000th post


  • Petra (He/They)
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You beat me! I was just about to post my chapter thirteen today! If I finish writing it...

Great episode, dude! Pterano's back and better than ever! I just hope the valley finds out who really kidnapped Thumbnail.
Petra is a variant of the Greek name "Petros" meaning "strong" or "rock." Andi is a variant of the Greek name "Andy" meaning "masculine" or "brave." Therefore, I am tremendously brave and strong! :lol


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I have three words for you.

I. Knew. It.

I knew it was Sierra and Rinkus who kidnapped the Thornthumb. It never was Pterano! Ha!

Anyways, great chapter for such an unlucky day, but, still can't wait for nest week's episode! ;)


  • Chomper: "Threehorns are better at everything, including rumpsteaks"
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It's alright Pangaea, It'll be worth the wait! ;)

Yeah, I really try to make the dialogue good and interesting, since that's what most of the scripts are.

Is it bad that it was obvious who took the hatchling?


Littlefoot: "It's a thornthumb hatchling, not a thumbnail!"

Professor: "Whatever!"


Part two is gonna have a LOT of action in it :DD . This first part is kind of lenient on the action since it's setting it all up.
Come check out my new Youtube gaming channel, Game Biter!
Littlefoot: "Look, Chomper. You're uncle is dead, and it's just right for your friends to be there for you. You'd be there if someone we know died, right?"

Chomper: "Well, sure I would!"

Come give my LBT TV Series fanfiction, PAST-O-RAMA, a read!


  • Chomper: "Threehorns are better at everything, including rumpsteaks"
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I know double posting is bad, but I just noticed something. I looked back at episode 3, which I've must have proofread like 10 times by now? I finally just noticed something that no one here seemed to have seen, or at least no one said they did.

Littlefoot: "Chomper, this way! I have an idea!"

Chomper: "Ok."

Littlefoot and Chomper run off to the side, and start climbing a cliff. Everyone else see's a small cave, which they run into.

Cera: "Just what is Littlefoot trying to do?"

Ruby: "I don't know, but we have to trust in him. He's a good leader."

Professor: "I hope your right, Ruby."

The roars of Redclaw can be heard from outside the cave.

Chomper: Hearing what Redclaw is saying. "No, not them!"

Ducky: "Not who?"

Chomper: "He's calling over Screech and Thud!"

Professor: "Who are they?"

Before anyone could answer, two fast biters peek over to look in the cave, and the professor has his answer.

Cera: "They are!"

The gang run into the darkness of the cave. Screech and Thud give pursuit.

Ruby: "There has got to be somewhere we can go, But it's getting too dark to see where that somewhere is!"

Professor: "I've got just the thing!" He pulls a flashlight out of his backpack, turns it on, and points it ahead of them.

Petrie: "What that, fire?"

Professor: "No, it's a flashlight."

Ruby: "I don't think it's time to talk, but time to run!"

Petrie: "Good point!"

They run through the caves some more. Screech and thuds roars can be heard echoing throughout the caves.

Petrie: "Me scared!"

Professor: "I think we all are."

Suddenly, they see a light at the end of the tunnel. They run through it, and are greeted by Littlefoot and Chomper.

Littlefoot: "Hey guys, I didn't expect you here."

Chomper: "Good thing you are though. We need help!"

Oh my god! It's Chomper's long lost twin! :wow  :blink:

How did I not see that fudge up before!? Should I fix that?
Come check out my new Youtube gaming channel, Game Biter!
Littlefoot: "Look, Chomper. You're uncle is dead, and it's just right for your friends to be there for you. You'd be there if someone we know died, right?"

Chomper: "Well, sure I would!"

Come give my LBT TV Series fanfiction, PAST-O-RAMA, a read!


  • Petra (He/They)
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If you want to.
Petra is a variant of the Greek name "Petros" meaning "strong" or "rock." Andi is a variant of the Greek name "Andy" meaning "masculine" or "brave." Therefore, I am tremendously brave and strong! :lol


  • Chomper: "Threehorns are better at everything, including rumpsteaks"
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Here's the conclusion to Pterano's little story. I think I'll be posting these on Friday mornings, after getting off of work for the week.


Episode 15 - Comeback of the Infamous Flyer Part 2

The Three mean sharpteeth!

Scene: The Mysterious Beyond, in the afternoon.

Sierra and Rinkus are flying high in the air, Ducky in Sierra's claws, and the thornthumb hatchling in Rinkus' claws.

Rinkus: "What's your plan, Sierra?"

Sierra: "Remember what I wanted to do to her a long time ago?"

Rinkus: "Feed her to a sharptooth?"

Sierra: "Of course!"

Ducky screams. Rinkus and Sierra fly some more, until they lay eyes on Redclaw. They start to fly down towards him.

Ducky: "No no no!"

Sierra: "Here sharptooth! Here! You look a little hungry today!"

Ducky: "My friends will stop you, you mean flyers!"

Sierra: "Whats this about friends?"

Rinkus: "Those other brats are out here too?"

Sierra: "Heh heh heh, I just thought of a better plan!"

Sierra fly's down and pecks Redclaw on his snout. Redclaw get's furious.

Redclaw: <Screech! Thud! Get over here!>

Redclaw takes off after the two ex-goons, while Screech and Thud come running out of some foliage behind Redclaw, and join him on his hunt.

Rinkus: "What was that for?"

Sierra: "I know what I'm doing! Now, just to find those other brats."

Camera pans over to the three sharpteeth.

Screech: <What is it, boss?>

Redclaw: <Some stupid flyer doesn't value his life much!>

Thud: Laughing evilly, then licking his lips. <This is gonna be fun!>

Scene: The Mysterious Beyond. The Gang is still looking for the three flyers.

Littlefoot: "Anything new, Chomper?"

Chomper: "Nope." He sniffs the air. Actually, smells like those couple of flyers I smelled earlier are getting closer."

Ruby: "Are they Sharptooth flyers?"

Chomper: "No."

Littlefoot: "Well, let's keep moving. Come on, Ducky!" He looks around. "Hey, where did Ducky go?"

Cera: "I was wondering why she wasn't saying anything."

Ruby: "Do you think she's ok?"

Chomper: Sniffs the air. "She's close by still. I'll go find her!"

Chomper runs off in the direction he smells Ducky from. Rinkus and Sierra come flying through the trees.

Ducky: "Everyone, Watch out!"

Sierra covers her mouth again with his claws.

Chomper: "Huh?"

Littlefoot: "What's going on?"

Several shartooth roars ring out.

Chomper: "Redclaw!"

Littlefoot: "Run!"

The gang takes off, with the three sharpteeth bursting through the trees in pursuit.

Scene: A treetop in the Mysterious Beyond.

Pterano and Petrie's mom are still on the branch, arguing. Petrie doesn't know what to do.

Petrie's Mom: "...if you had just went home like you were supposed to, I wouldn't have had to come and almost get myself killed trying to get you out of that mess!"

Pterano: "Are you STILL going on about that!? That was such a long time ago. We were young and reckless then!"

Petrie's Mom: "You were reckless!"

Petrie: "Mommy! Pterano! Stop!"

Petrie's Mom bends down to hug Petrie again.

Petrie's Mom: "I'm sorry, Petrie. I guess I got a little carried away."

Pterano tries to bend over to hug Petrie too while saying his next line.

Pterano: "I'm sorry too, little one. I just..."

Petrie's Mom: "You get your claws off of him!"

Pterano: "But sis."

Petrie: "Be nice to Pterano, Mommy!"

Petrie's Mom: "I'm sorry, Petrie, but you just don't understand. He's been like this since he was a hatchling! I don't think he can change just like that."

Pterano: "Well, what are we going to do now?"

Petrie's Mom: "I'M taking my son home! Goodbye Pterano!"

Petrie's mom holds her son as she prepares to take off, but all three of them hear a loud sharptooth roar.

Petrie: "What was that?"

Pterano: "Sounds like a sharptooth, and a pretty big one at that!"

Cera: "Ahh!"

Littlefoot: "Help!"

Petrie's Mom: "It's the other kids!" She takes off in the direction of all the noise.

Pterano: "What are those youngsters doing out here?" He takes off after everyone else.

---------------------------------Commercial break-------------------------------

Scene: The Mysterious Beyond.

The Gang is still running away from Redclaw, Screech, and Thud. Rinkus and Sierra are following to see the action. Redclaw gains on the Gang, and lowers his head to chomp down on them, missing Cera by a couple feet. Cera Screams.

Ruby: "Their gaining on us!"

Sierra: "Want to join your little friends, brat?"

Sierra drops Ducky on the ground. Screech comes up to eat her whole, but Chomper dashes back and grabs Ducky just as Screech clamps his mouth shut. He runs back to join the Gang.

Ducky: "Thanks, Chomper!"

Chomper: "What's going on?"

Ducky: "It's those mean flyers!"

Chomper: "Who?"

The other sharpteeth roar again. Petrie's mom, Petrie, and Pterano fly in on the scene.

Petrie: "It's Redclaw!"

Petrie's Mom: "We've got to do something!"

Pterano: Eying Rinkus and Sierra. "I don't believe it, it's them!" He darts off towards his ex-goons.

Sierra: "We'll lookie who's come to join the fun!"

Petrie's Mom: "Who are those two flyers?" She see's the thornthumb Hatchling. "They have the young one!"

Petrie: "Their the bad flyers!"

Pterano fly's up to scratch Sierra, but misses by inches.

Pterano: "It was you two! You ungrateful little..."

Redclaw and his goons roar at the Gang again, and they scream for help.

Sierra: "I'd love to have a good fight, I really would, but looks like some little runts need you!"

Pterano: "Oh dear, your right!"

Pterano soars off towards the Gang.

Sierra: "We're heading to the Great Valley now, have fun!" He laughs devilishly as he and Rinkus take off towards the Valley.

Pterano and Petrie's mom fly over the Gang.

Petrie's Mom: "What are we supposed to do?"

Pterano: "I don't know. Maybe we can lead them away from the kids!"

The two flyers try their best to distract the sharpteeth. They fly up and peck at them.

Petrie's Mom: "Stay away from the kids, you monster!"

Thud: <What do we do?>

Redclaw: <The little ones, I want them!>

Chomper: "Ahh!"

Pterano: "It's not working! We'll have to try something else!"

The sharpteeth chase everyone to a dead end against a rock wall.

Ducky: "Oh no no no!"

Cera: "We're trapped"

Petrie's Mom lands in front of the Gang. Pterano flys off.

Cera: "What's Pterano doing?"

Petrie: "Uncle?"

Petrie's Mom: Gasps. "I don't believe it! I just don't believe it!"

Screech and Thud walk up to the Gang.

Screech: <I'll take the Longneck!>

Thud: <I want the Longneck!>

Screech: <You don't deserve it!>

Thud: <Says who?>

Screech: <Says that guy with the teeth, that's who!>

Chomper: Looking at Littlefoot. "You know, sometimes I wish I didn't know what they were saying."

Redclaw roars at his goons.

Redclaw: <Step back you two! I said I want them!>

Screech: Snarls back. <If you say so, boss.>

Screech and Thud backs off as Redclaw walks up. Petrie's Mom covers everyone else in her wings.

Petrie: "Mommy?"

Petrie's Mom: "Close your eyes little ones. Don't look!"

Redclaw is standing right in front of the Gang, licking his lips. He lowers his head to take a bite, when a Stinky tree sweet splatters in his face. He gets some of the juices in his eyes, and reels back in pain. The camera pans to Pterano, who's still holding one stinky tree sweet in his talons.

Pterano: "Stay away from them, you foul beast!"

Petrie: "Pterano!"

Pterano flys up to Redclaw, just out of reach, to taunt him. Screech and Thud stay back and watch.

Pterano: "You look even more ugly close up! And that smell!"

Redclaw snaps his jaws several times at Pterano, but misses.

Pterano: "Ha Ha! You'll have to do better than that!"

Petrie: "That me Uncle!"

Pterano fly's behind Redclaw and the Gang. Redclaw turns around to face the flyer. Pterano chunks his second stinky tree sweet in Redclaw's mouth. Redclaw starts to cough, then he starts to back away from the gang.

Redclaw: <I've had enough of this! Let's look for something else to eat!>

Screech and Thud ignore Redclaw's order, and they both charge at the Gang. Pterano swoops down and slashes at the two fast biters. Petrie's mom takes to the air, as the Gang see a chance to run out of their dead end.

Petrie's Mom: "Run, kids!"

Littlefoot: "Let's go!"

The Gang takes off.

Pterano: "Let's try to keep them distracted!" He swoops down and grabs the largest rock that he can carry.

Pterano slings his rock at Screech, while Petrie's Mom slashes at Thud.

Pterano: "Take that, teeth for brains!"

Screech and Thud start to run off, while Petrie's Mom and Pterano land in front of the Gang.

Petrie's Mom: "Come on everyone, let's get out of here!"

Ducky gets on the back of Petrie's Mom, while Pterano grabs Chomper by the tail. The two flyers take off towards the Great Valley, while Littlefoot, Cera, Spike, and Ruby, all too big to be carried off by the flyers, follow on foot.

Petrie's Mom: "Who were those flyers?"

Pterano: "Well, they USED to be my friends!"

Ducky: "They are very mean flyers, they are!"

Petrie's Mom: "So, what do we do now?"

Pterano: "They headed off to the Great Valley. We should head there too, there's no telling what their up too!"

The flyers and the Gang head off into the distance.

Scene: Some jungles in the Mysterious Beyond.

Screech and Thud slowly make their way back to where Redclaw is recuperating.

Screech: <Boss?>

Redclaw: <What did I tell the two of you to do?>

Thud: <Um...>

Redclaw gets up and spins, smashing the two fast biters with his tail. They both crash into a tree, then They quickly get back on their feet to see Redclaw lowering his head down low at them, roaring.

Redclaw: <Don't let me see you do that again! You hear me!?>

Screech and Thud look terrified.

Scene: The skies over the Mysterious Beyond.

Ptrerano and Petrie's Mom are flying through the air with their passengers. Everyone else is following on the ground.

Pterano: "So, Chomper is your name, isn't it?"

Chomper: "Um, yes." He stares at Pterano for a few seconds before asking. "Are you mad at me?"

Pterano: "What for? You seem a lot nicer than those other broods out there. And Petrie says you're pretty nice."

Chomper: "Um, thanks Pterano. Petrie says your nice too!"

Petrie's Mom: "Well, there it is, The Great Valley!"

Pterano: "Let's see what those scheming flyers are up to!"

--------------------------------Commercial break--------------------------------

Scene: The Great Valley, near one side of it, and a rock wall.

All the grownups are gathered around Rinkus and Sierra. Rinkus let's The thornthumb go, and she runs off to her mother, who nuzzles her.

Mother Thornthumb: "It's so good to have you back safe and sound, little one!" She turns to the two flyers. "Thank you both so much!"

Rinkus: "It was No problem, my dear!"

Sierra: "The two us were just flying around in the Mysterious Beyond, when we caught sight of a flyer with a little hatchling."

Rinkus: "You never saw a stranger sight!"

Sierra: "We asked what was going on, but he just wanted to fight us! He was such a gruff looking flyer."

Mr. Threehorn: "I knew it was Pterano the whole time. Good work you two!"

Sierra: "Pterano you say? So that was his name!"

Bron: "We have to think of a way to thank you two!"

Rinkus: "Well, for starters..."

Sierra: Slaps Rinkus with his wing. "We don't need anything!"

Pterano: "You sure don't!"

Ducky's Mom: Gasps. "Oh my, Pterano's back!"

Mr. Threehorn: "Him Again!?" He starts to charge at Pterano.

Petrie's Mom: Landing in front of Pterano. "Stop! Pterano didn't take the hatchling!"

Mr. Threehorn: "And I can fly! Humpth!"

Littlefoot: Running up. "It's true!"

Cera: Running up behind Littlefoot. "It was those two flyers right there!"

All of the grownups gasp.

Bron: "Is this true?"

Littlefoot: "Every word of it is true! They tried to get us all killed, even!"

Sierra: "Why you little..."

Sierra lunges forward at Littlefoot.

Pterano: "Oh no you don't!"

Pterano rams into Sierra from the side, and they roll onto the ground. They get up, and Sierra grabs Pterano by the throat. Sierra readies his claws.

Sierra: "I'm not leaving today with nothing!"

Pterano manages to break free, and he jams Sierra into a rock.

Sierra: "I must say, you surprise me, Pterano. Still so strong for such an old flyer!"

Sierra kicks Pterano back with his leg, and pins Pterano to the ground,

Sierra: "But it's still not enough, I'm afraid."

Sierra grabs a sharp rock in his free claws.

Sierra: "I'm going to enjoy this!"

Just before Sierra can deal the killing blow, Mr. Threehorn charges at the two flyers, scooping up Sierra in between his horns, and slinging him into the air.

Pterano: "Topsy?"

Sierra sprawls in the air for a moment before gaining his "Footing", then he sits stationery in the air.

Mr. Threehorn: "Get out of here, You flyers!"

Sierra: "Rinkus, get off your lazy tail!"

Rinkus flies up into the air, and both of the flyers take a dive at Pterano, who's still getting up. Bron slings his tail and slams both of the flyers into a rock wall.

Bron: "You two aren't welcomed here!"

Sierra: "This is getting ridiculous!"

Rinkus: "Let's get out of here!"

Sierra: "Fine, I've had enough. But first..."

Sierra fly's over and grabs Ducky, then darts into the sky. Ducky screams.

Ducky's Mom: "Ducky!"

Pterano: "Come back here!" He takes off. He chases Sierra way up into the sky.

Ducky: "Pterano!"

Pterano: "Let go of that child!"

Sierra: "I don't listen to you anymore!"

Pterano fly's forward and scratches at Sierra.

Sierra: "You want her so bad? Here, play catch!"

Sierra lets go of Ducky, and she plummets towards the Great Valley below. Sierra flies off.

Littlefoot: "Ducky!"

Ducky approaches the ground, as Pterano swoops under her at a breakneck speed. Ducky lands gently on Pterano's back.

Ducky: "Oh, thank you, Pterano! Thank you!"

Pterano lands, and Ducky's Mom picks up her little one.

Ducky: "Mommy!"

Ducky's Mom: "Thank you so much, Pterano!"

Rinkus, still watching what's going on, finally decides to speak.

Rinkus: "This isn't over, Pterano! We'll get you back somehow!"

He takes off into the air towards Sierra.

Rinkus: "We'll get back at this whole wretched Valley!"

Pterano: "My, what a couple of brutes!"

Bron: "Good job Topsy!"

Mr. Threehorn: "Well, you know." He turns to Pterano. "Pterano!"

Pterano: Jumping around. "...Yes?"

Mr. Threehorn: "I'm not sure I feel it just yet, but I know everyone else does. You can stay!"

Pterano: "Really?"

Bron: "Of course, Pterano."

Petrie: "Oh, Uncle!" He jumps into Pterano's arms. "Me so happy you back!"

Pterano: "I'm happy too, my favorite little one!"

Professor: Walking out of his cave. "What did I miss?"

Scene: The Great Valley, at night, on the ground near the flyer's nest.

The gang, Petrie's siblings, Petrie's mom, and the Professor are all crowded around Pterano.

Professor: "Oh, so THAT"S what happened.

Littlefoot: "Yep, just like he said."

Pterano: "I do have to say, today was exhilarating!"

Petrie: "Me just happy to be back home!"

Professor: "I'm sorry for what happened earlier, Pterano."

Pterano: "How so?"

Professor: "How I said it was you, when I couldn't really tell."

Pterano: "Well, that's ok...but, you really can't tell us apart?"

Professor: "Not really."

Pterano: "That's really quite strange, you know that? Because I don't look anywhere near as good as my sister!"

Petrie's Mom: Laughs. "Oh, you!

Pterano: "No, I mean it!"

Petrie's Mom: "Anyway, I've got something to do, Bye everyone!" She flies off.

Petrie: "Bye mommy!"

Pterano waves goodbye to his sister, till she's far enough away, then he leans down low to everyone around him.

Pterano: "So, you all ready for that story now?"

Petrie's Sibling #1: Oh boy!"

Littlefoot: "This is gonna be good!"

Professor: "Well, get on with it already! I'm not getting any younger, you know!"

Pterano: "very well then." He clears his throat. "So there I was, being chased by a huge ferocious sharptooth, even bigger than that one from today! He'd put you to shame, Chomper!"

Chomper: "Hey!"

Ducky: "What happened, Pterano?"

Pterano: "I flapped my wings as hard as I could, but he was gaining on me. I could feel his hot breath streaming across my wings!"

Most of the listeners gasp.

Pterano: "Oh, I thought about home at that point. The ONE time I wished I had stayed in my nest. My wings finally gave out, and that beast grabbed me in his claws!" He swoops down his wing, and grabs Petrie.

Petrie: "Ahh!"

Pterano: "He lifted me up to his face. We were looking at each other eye to eye."

Petrie is trembling.

Pterano: "He licked his lips." He licks his lips." He did it Just like that! And do you want to know what happened next?"

Petrie: In a feeble voice. "What?"

Pterano: "Glad you asked, Petrie! He opened his mouth for dinner, when your mother came soaring in from the clouds!"

Littlefoot: "Really?"

Pterano: "I had never been so humbled in my life."

The camera zooms out during the last few lines of dialogue, and the scene fades out.

Pterano: "Don't tell her I said that, though!"



There's the Pterano story! Now that he's in the Great Valley, I'm sure he'll be making the occasional appearance.

Next weeks episode will be called "The Most Evil Swimmer"
Come check out my new Youtube gaming channel, Game Biter!
Littlefoot: "Look, Chomper. You're uncle is dead, and it's just right for your friends to be there for you. You'd be there if someone we know died, right?"

Chomper: "Well, sure I would!"

Come give my LBT TV Series fanfiction, PAST-O-RAMA, a read!


  • Petra (He/They)
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    • Posts: 1295
  • Very Important Rock
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Nice chapter. As always. Pterano was so cool in this episode!
Petra is a variant of the Greek name "Petros" meaning "strong" or "rock." Andi is a variant of the Greek name "Andy" meaning "masculine" or "brave." Therefore, I am tremendously brave and strong! :lol