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Happy star day, FlipperBoidSkua!

Pangaea · 44 · 9144


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Hey, Sparky! Sorry I'm a day late for your star day celebration (I assure you I had a very good reason, which you'll find out about very soon *shifts eyes*). How was your birthday yesterday?

You know about the significance of this particular birthday, right? 22 is a "schnappszahl" number (all the digits are the same); a term first introduced to me by Malte. Schnappszahls are considered very lucky numbers in some customs (such as in Germany), and so schnappszahl birthdays are considered a big deal. When you think about it, they are special: you only get a schnappszahl birthday every eleven years, and only the very longest-lived of people ever have more than nine of them.

I would have baked you a cake for your special day, but unfortunately it's not possible to send those through the Internet. So I made you something else instead; something very special that I really hope you'll like:

I don't make a lot star day artwork anymore, since I almost never manage to get them done on time, and I always end up guilt-tripping myself when I promise one to somebody and then take ages to finish it. :oops But seeing as you're a close buddy of mine who has never received a card from me before, and this was an extra-special birthday that I happened to find out about far enough in advance to have time to do the artwork, I decided to make an exception. :smile

Yeah, maybe I went overboard with the amount of text in the message, but hey, how many chances am I gonna get to use this kind of alliteration? :p

If it’s okay with you, I was hoping to get your initial reaction to the card before I told you all about it (I can't tell you how much I wish I could see that reaction in person :lol). Hope you can recognize most of the characters (apart from the handful that are creatures of my own invention), and most of all that you like the card. Can't wait to hear back from you. :)

Happy birthday, Sparky. :birthday :birthday :DD

P.S. Photobucket shrank the image somewhat when I uploaded it, so I'll send you the full-sized original file as an e-mail attachment the next time we chat.

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.


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Yayz!!! Everyone remembered my birthday!! *group hug!* Sorry I'm late on the receiving end; I'm having a story/drawing surge and I've been busy!

AND OMG!!! My first ever Starday card!! In fact....I don't recall ever having received a hand-made birthday card before!! Yayz!!!

If it’s okay with you, I was hoping to get your initial reaction to the card before I told you all about it (I can't tell you how much I wish I could see that reaction in person ).

Okay!! I shall try my best to re-enact it:


*sees that people's been posting on my birthday thread and clicks it. Once I get to yours and I see the card.....* "OMFG!!!!! Holy Zotz, this is SOOOOOOOOOOO friggin' AWESOME!!! PANGY, YOU'RE THE BESTEST EVAH!!!! AHHHHHHHHH!!" *this is where I fell off my bed and started spazzing on the floor* "OMG!!! ZOMG!!! BBQ!!!" *spazzes a bit more before climbing back on bed to continue* THANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOU!! *forces myself to calm down to take a closer look at the characters. Insert me dying of laughter when I read what Sierra's saying!!!* "And I see some of my obsessions!! Pangy knows me soooo well! And Cookie with a cookie! It's even cuter than I imagined!! And OMG, I see Lio and Top Notch and...Oh noez!! Pillrus is about to be eated by Cretaceous!! And I see more OC's!! Toni and Stygia are soooo CUTE and OMG my Lemursona's there too! And the Lizard and....Wait a minute, is that Naira, the jumping spider? OMG, he's familiar with my buggy OCs too and he made Naira even more adorable than she already was! And is that me as a bat? COOL!!! :lol" *spazzes again* "And I see the mohawk piggy and Marble and Caramel!! And I love the tiny little hat on Tero's head!! And OMG, I remember the when we were talking about the letter made out of roosting Honduran White batties!! And awwwww, one of them looks like it's sniffing towards a weirded out Thud!" *this is where I run out of the room to burn off some more pent-up spazziness before returning to see the rest.* "And it's the Squid-Who's-Inexplicably-Wearing-Pants!! He made an appearance on the card!!! YAYZ!!!!!! And I see Clubbie and...." :spit "Boss Skua wearing a tuxedo!!! Priceless!!! And Teryx with his hand/tail!! And OMG, my dinosona looks soooo friggin' ADORABLE!! And little Guido and Pangy made me a cake (which is totally not a lie)!!! AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! This is the best b-day present EVER!!!!!!!!!"

And this is where I died before attempting to decipher the actual words being spelled out (alliterations rule!!)!! Thoughout the whole thing, my mom was yelling at me to shut up, but I paid her no mind!!!

If you couldn't tell from my initial reaction, I absolutely ADORE this card!! It kills me many times over just by looking at it! SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! *GLOMPS!!!*


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Sparky, your response made my day. :smile I'm so glad you enjoyed the card so much. And wow, you recognized a lot of characters!

As promised, here is my complete guide to the critters and characters who appear on the card:

H: A vaguely Chinese-type dragon with a ridiculously tall nose horn and long chin barbels.
A: This leopard seal sez: “I has a bucket!” (And yes, it is a reference to that DA picture of yours.)
P: Ozzy is not happy about being made to wear a party hat.
P: Strut doesn’t mind his hat; he’s just trying not to crack up at the scene in front of him…
Y: Sierra doesn’t like his hat either, but is making the most of the situation by expressing his disdain for a certain former boss of his through mockery. :lol

S: A party amphiptere (pronounced “AMF-ih-tare”), one of my classic card creatures. I may have explained them to you before, but just in case your memory needs refreshing, they’re little serpentine dragons wearing party hats who appear on nearly all of my cards. Sometimes I choose to “ëptere-ify” certain people or characters. You might be able to guess from the colors and the way it is reacting to Sierra who this one is supposed to be.
E: A very fluffy raptor, standing on its head. I first used this character (in this exact same pose) in my oldest younger brother’s own second schnappszahl card earlier this year. I was so happy with the character that I’ve used him in three more cards since then, including this one.
C: Your OC Chimera has hit the jackpot! :lol
O: An ouroboros (not quite sure of the pronunciation: something like “oor-ROB-or-us” or “or-ROH-bor-ROHS”), a symbolic dragon or serpent that holds its tail in its mouth, representing something cyclical or infinite. I thought it seemed appropriate for a birthday card. I was originally going to give it more draconic features, such as horns, spines, and a bladed tail; then I decided to give it a simpler design, and have it be simply a horned snake; ultimately I just gave it a horned helmet.
N: Seven of your favorite villains in my chibi style. There’s Cama Zotz (plus a tiny Goth to fill in some negative space), El Chupacabra (El Chibicabra? :p), a xenomorph from Alien with a party blower (I just couldn’t resist :lol), Rudy from Ice Age 3, my attempt at Venom (he looks more like a demonic poison-dart frog ), a falconfly from The Future Is Wild, Freddy Kreuger (his chibi design was one of the first I came up with, and I’m extremely happy with it :lol), and Shadow Lugia.
D: Chibi Lord Shen. Turned sideways with his train spread, he makes a perfect D, so he got to be his own letter. (Man, were his feathers a nightmare to draw, though. He actually ended up looking a lot better than I thought he would.)

S: this inquisitive, wormlike burrowing creature has three eyes, a chitinous mustache, several luminous-tipped tentacular appendages on its head and tail, and is probably an alien.
C: Cookie eating a cookie. Yeah, I’m very pleased with how cute she came out. ^.^
H: This creature is part llama, part unicorn, and part Truffula tree. :p It probably comes from the same world as the Swogglehorn (from that card I showed you before).
N: An assortment of aquatic antagonists, all chibified again. We’ve got Bruce the shark from Jaws, the LBT IX Liopleurodon (or your character Lio, if they’re different individuals), your OC Top Notch the orca, a Future Is Wild lurkfish, Ice Age 2’s Maelstrom and Cretaceous, and the odd one out: the Pillrus! :lol (He’ll be fine, by the way; his skin is too thick for Cretaceous’s teeth to penetrate, and he’s too fat to swallow. :p)
A: Toni and Stygia forming a “totem pole” along with a small fuzzy mammal (perhaps the one you adopt in the RP?) wearing an oversized party hat.
P: I call this guy a marble dragon, both because of his shape and his color: two contrasting yet complementary shades in a somewhat marble-like pattern. I first designed this character during my camping trip in August, and like the party amphipteres, I am planning to make them a regular fixture in my cards. You get to be the first recipient of a card containing a marble dragon. ;?)
P: Spazzy Sparky the ring-tailed lemur, standing on her head! (What can I say? Upside-down animals are funny!)
S: The Lizard. He may look a little surprised to see you, but I think even he’ll agree you’re pretty cool for a mammal.
Z: An assortment of buggies (No need to chibify most of them since they’re already tiny enough to fit). The antlion is probably Apep (If he was Picasso I probably would have given him a little beret and a paintbrush :p). The mantis’s appearance is based on your OC Hisoka, but the hat and bindle stick are a reference to the mantis I encountered in Utah this August whom my family named Hobo :lol (photos in this thread). The chibi jumping spider is indeed based on Naira (jumpers are SO. FREAKING. CUTE, and just made to be chibified). The six-spotted tiger beetle can be either your OC Zoomer or one of your pet beetles, whichever you like. I didn’t know what species your former pet stag beetle Takeo was, so I hedged my bets and based this stag beetle on a combination of the Dorcus beetles that live in Japan and Akibiki, the Lucanus mazama stag beetle I met in Arizona last year, so he can default to being the latter if he doesn’t look like Takeo. Above him is Jade, your white-faced hornet OC. And the last bug is a slightly more realistic version of a certain psychotic grasshopper I’m sure you’ll recognize.
A: Rattlesnake Jake came to your party, but I didn’t dare offer him a party hat.
H: Yes, it’s the only bat who’s actually happy to have a run-in with Rattlesnake Jake! :lol (Good thing for her he left his ammo belts at home.) I was originally going to make her a generic leaf-nosed bat, but in light of the question I asked you a while ago, I tried to make her look more like a vampire bat.
L and ,: Random chibi critters! Can’t you tell what the first one’s supposed to be? It’s a bugling elk! :p Next we have the Visayan warty pig (A.K.A. mohawk piggy) from the Minnesota Zoo photos I showed you, followed by a bored cow (Dang it, her expression looked so much funnier before I drew those black blotches over her eyes! ). Next there’s a chibi kiwi, and finally your dear departed little ratties!

S: Tiki managed to talk Tero into wearing a party hat for the card…
P: …but that doesn’t mean he has to like it. :lol (Also note how the color scheme of the hat is reminiscent of something else Tero would love to mangle… :p)
A: I had an incredibly hard time deciding what to draw for this letter A. I considered everything from Mothman wearing a party hat to your OC Piercer the skewer, but I couldn’t manage to get any of them to fit an “A” shape in any of my practice sketches. Finally I decided on yet another creature that pops up regularly in the cards I make for my family: an extremely fat, bored-looking frog (probably a relative of the “hoppers” from the original LBT). At first I thought I’d just have him wear an oversized party hat, but felt like that wasn’t enough. So then I came up with a brilliant idea to spice things up: a fat bored frog, with a muffin on his head, with a party hat on top! But no, that still wasn’t enough. Finally I hit on the answer: a fat bored frog, with a chocolate chip muffin on his head, with a derpy chibi dragon sitting on the muffin, with a party hat on his head, with a candle on top of the party hat! Plus a tiny party amphiptere thrown in for good measure.
Z: A cluster of chibi Honduran white bats (and considering what most of them are doing, what better letter for them to be spelling out? :p)
Z: Even Thud is hypnotized by the cute.
Y: Yes, it is the Squid Who Is Inexplicably Wearing Pants! I’m so proud of this character. :lol

S: A cockatrice, a mythological creature (one of my all-time favorites) that was part rooster, part serpent, and could kill with its glance. Mine is a somewhat cuddlier rendition with a color scheme inspired by the red junglefowl and some domestic roosters.
P: Clubbie, festooned with fruit as usual.
A: I knew from the beginning that I had to draw a skua on this card, specifically the “flipper boid” skua, A.K.A. Boss Skua. I decided that since the skuas in Happy Feet already had those mafia accents you love so much, I figured why not dress the Boss Skua in Godfather attire? At one point I consulted my sister (who loves the Joisey mobster archetype) on what a well-dressed mob boss should be wearing. One of the things she told me was that he should be wearing a big gold ring; I immediately thought of the yellow ID band on the Boss Skua’s leg and thought, “Perfect.”
R: This night stalker (remember them, the giant, flightless future bats?) is wearing shades for some reason. It could possibly be interpreted a reference to the fact that his species is blind, but more likely it’s because he knows it makes him look cool. :p I also felt like he should be holding something in his “hand” (actually a specially adapted hind foot, as you know), so I gave him a candy bar. I actually portrayed night stalkers in a manner similar to this in the stories I wrote a long time ago: scary-looking nocturnal creatures that were in fact just a bunch of overenthusiastic, chocolate-loving party animals.
K: A generic small pterodactyloid pterosaur. I had a tough time deciding on colors, and I sorta fell back on the same ones I used for your dinosona. I guess this could be a “pterosona” for you if you wanted, though I don’t think it looks spazzy enough. :p
Y: Teryx, wearing one of those giant foam fingers on his tail. (If you look at it upside-down, you’ll see that he thinks that you’re #1.)
!: Dennis the weasel, one of the earliest characters from my aforementioned old stories, along with a tree star.

Finally, we have Guido and my dinosona from the “In The Land Before Time” RP presenting your dinosona with a chocolate birthday cake. And below that, my avatar, wearing a party hat.

I had many other ideas that I wanted to use in this card: Davy Jones riding rodeo-style astride a breaching Kraken; an extremely annoyed Slasher the deathgleaner tangled in wind chimes; your pet rat Domino grinning sheepishly at another character after accidentally knocking something over and creating a domino effect; a vampire bat in a top hat, monocle, bow tie, and possibly a mustache, holding a teacup of blood; your bearded dragon, Monster, meeting a literal bearded dragon (as in a mythical dragon with a big bushy beard); Klepto the frigatebird in pirate garb; a clutch of fluffy cockatrice chicks; and a frontal view of the alien worm (the critter forming the second ëS’) showcasing its three eyes and “mustache”. Sadly I did not have the time or energy to fill in the empty space at the bottom of the card with these characters. The amount of text meant that this was already the most elaborate card I had ever drawn, and even though I started planning it out in late August (and began drawing it in early September), I failed to partition my time well enough to include the extra pictures. Perhaps I will draw these characters another time (unless you beat me to it ;)).

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.


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Happy birthday, FlipperBoidSkua! All the best for the next year of your life.


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An absolutely huge happy birthday to the person who renewed my interest in the Land Before Tome and inspired me to find this site. Have a truly wonderful birthday, Flip  :DD


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Happy star day, hope it's a great day for you.  

 :birthday  :wow  :DD  :smile  :angel  :celebrate  :cheers


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Happy Birthday FBS :lol:

Have a good party, an overload of cake and presents, and a very nice day :celebrate
Inactive, probably forever.


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Congratulations, a happy 23rd birthday and a 24th year of life of health, success, happiness, friendship, luck, peace, love and occupation to you FlipperBoidSkua :birthday


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Happy birthday, FBS! Hope it's a good one! ;)

"Some things you see with your eyes. Others, you see with your heart." :MomCompassion


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Happy Birthday!! :DD
"Not all who wander are lost"
J. R. R. Tolkein


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 And happy (almost belated) birthday!!  :birthday  :DD  :smile  :wow .


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Happy birthday!  :birthday I hope that you have a great day and a wonderful year ahead.

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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happy birthday, hope you have a great day.  

 :birthday  :lol  :DD  :smile  :celebrate  :cheers