The Gang of Five
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All Grown Up?

Akiko · 13 · 7016


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Hey guys! Some of you may remember me, others may not...I used to come here a couple years ago, but things got pretty crazy and I've had a really hard time keeping up with too many of my online communities for the past year or so. My dog/best friend that I've had since I was five and one of our cats came to rainbow bridge in october, both of them almost 17 years of age, and generally I've just had a rough time.  Strange as it might sound, it was a quote from LBT that gave me a little comfort, and I actually used it in a drawing of my dog and cat: Some things you see with your eyes...others, you see with your heart.  :^.^:

Anyways, I won't go on about depressing things, the reason I'm here is to re-introduce myself (I've loved LBT since I was a toddler, quite literally. It was the second movie I ever saw, and the first I saw with my mother. Mother present...very important!  :lol ) I'm not so much a fan of the sequels and the tv series as I am the original classic, however I do adore Chomper.

Hah, where are my manners?  -_- My name is Autumn, better known as Akiko or Eggy to my friends. I'm a 22 year old tomboy animation and animal lover.  :wow    

Recently I found myself watching the tv series, and despite the songs (no offense, I can just never get used to the songs/characters breaking into songs like that...although I'll admit some of them are cute, although clearly pointed towards younger children.  :)) I've found myself returning to my obsession again. My obsessions come and go so much, always spinning in circles...nonetheless, there are certain movies that I always love...sometimes I just get more obsessive than others.

So, I've started a little fan art project...I've seen a few people draw some of the characters as adults, but have yet to find a picture that includes all of them. I have three fully colored and completed so far: Ducky, Petrie and Chomper. Littlefoot, Cera and Spike are already half inked, and depending on how much drawing time I get within the next week, I should have them completed soon too. Having trouble fitting all of adult Littlefoot on the page though!  :lol:

Here's the first part:

Chomper's expression was fun...almost makes me ponder if they're all still possible friends at this point in their lives. "I'm nice, really..." sorta' thing. I am not used to drawing dinosaurs, let alone in this style...I mostly draw canines and felines, so dinosaurs certainly was a something different, and quite a nice little challenge for me. I like little Petrie more, adult Petrie turned out a little weird.  :blink: As for Ducky, I attempted to keep her looking like Ducky while having the more adult frame like her mother.

Ah, one more thing...I know Chomper's suppose to be a purple or blue type color, but I actually mixed three colors to get him how he looks now: purple, blue and grey...I like a more realistic coloring, especially as they grow...and Chomper looks neat in a sort've indigo grey, ya think?  :lol Anyways, I apologize for the novel...I'll have Littlefoot, Cera and Spike up soon. It's great to be here again, I had a lot of fun here to say hello again and meet new faces.



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lol chomper reminds me of a old long standing desk top bg i use. Not a dino but a dragon give me a few minutes and ill toss it up to my web host. Both half this look of mischif (sp?) about them.

only a link as its a bmp
remind me of your chomper do to expresion more than apearance (obviously)


  • Chomper
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Heh that's a cool desktop! You're right, the expressions are pretty similar! :lol From the little I've seen of the tv series, I remember an ep (where Ali returns to the great valley), and they sing a new version of "friends for dinner" (pretend)...well, I'm not certain, but I think one of them sings the "liver of duck" line and Chomper goes "I wonder if that tastes good," followed with a 'YUCK!" from everyone else...maybe that's what he's thinking there. Poor Ducky...hrm...naaaw, just joking, I don't think he'd do that.  :p


  • Big flyer
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Looks great so far :)

btw Akiko I love your avatar :)

F-14 Ace

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Nice pic.  Chomper made me laugh. :lol Oh, welcome back by the way.


  • Spike
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Quote from: Akiko,Apr 1 2007 on  02:34 PM
Heh that's a cool desktop! You're right, the expressions are pretty similar! :lol From the little I've seen of the tv series, I remember an ep (where Ali returns to the great valley), and they sing a new version of "friends for dinner" (pretend)...well, I'm not certain, but I think one of them sings the "liver of duck" line and Chomper goes "I wonder if that tastes good," followed with a 'YUCK!" from everyone else...maybe that's what he's thinking there. Poor Ducky...hrm...naaaw, just joking, I don't think he'd do that.  :p
You just got to love chomper. Im so glad they made him a perm char in the series i was a bit worried about that at first. They have given him alot of deapth. The actor who does his voice is doing a abolutly great job with chomper. Chomper has this really smooth way of talking but also a very praticed way. Lets not for getting speakign the dino kids language is not natural for him. So its obvious to me at least that max burkholdder and the directors took that in to account.

As for your pic well done. Im sure there are things you wish you could go back and change and if you do your art in a program on yor computer a tip save your work often and with numbered file names each time. Example during the progress of your work on a image lets say its call lbt.jpg when you get to a certin part say moving fro the feet to the legs save as lbt1.jpg once your happy with your work and move on to the next part save as lbft2.jpg and just keep repeating this as you move up or down the char or how ever you tend to draw. This way if you end up unhappy with a given section you can always go back to a earlyer numbered image and not scrap a entire projct because your unhappy with a eye. You can do this with hand drawn on paper images to by scannign in under a numbered file at each stage. Then if your inking in and your cat jumps on you and trashes the whle thing or other disater strikes you can always print out your scanned image that is saved on your comp :)

I dont do 2d art but i use this in my 3d work all the time. Corse i break the project up in to parts head eyes body etc. Eqach ends up with a dozen dif vers and i maintain a body donor directory heh.


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Welcome back to the Gang of Five Akiko! :yes
Did you use colored pencils to color the picture? You did a splendid job! I often use colored pencils but can't boast having achieved such smooth surfaces with light and shadow effects so far. I also love the look of the Chompers friendly but well... don't tempt their appetite too much  :lol:
There is almost no bit of constructive criticism I could offer as the picture is just really cool. The only thing I could think of is Petrie's beak, which may be a little too crooked.


  • Chomper
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Thanks everyone! Ah yes, Petrie was the hardest for me oddly enough...add together the two facts that I rarely draw this style and I'm terrible at drawing anything with a beak, and I think that answers why.  :lol  I did use colored pencils on this, yes...crayola actually. ;)

Thank you for the tip, novaflare...I actually did that with my little wolf icon there, which was mouse drawn in MS paint, but the majority of my artwork is hand drawn. I just have more fun using pencils and pens than I do the mouse, plus my hand drawn stuff usually turns out a lot nicer too. :rolleyes: I only have MS paint and gimp to work with, and a very sticky drawing things with pencils is easier for me too.

And thanks, Highsoar

Right now I'm working at making adult Cera look decent...I'm happy with little Cera though, she's in one of her "sticking nose up, tongue out, storming off" poses"  :lol: I'll see if I can't get those three done within the next few days here. ;)

Thank you all again for the comments and suggestions :)


  • Spike
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Quote from: Akiko,Apr 2 2007 on  07:23 AM
Thanks everyone! Ah yes, Petrie was the hardest for me oddly enough...add together the two facts that I rarely draw this style and I'm terrible at drawing anything with a beak, and I think that answers why.  :lol  I did use colored pencils on this, yes...crayola actually. ;)

Thank you for the tip, novaflare...I actually did that with my little wolf icon there, which was mouse drawn in MS paint, but the majority of my artwork is hand drawn. I just have more fun using pencils and pens than I do the mouse, plus my hand drawn stuff usually turns out a lot nicer too. :rolleyes: I only have MS paint and gimp to work with, and a very sticky drawing things with pencils is easier for me too.

And thanks, Highsoar

Right now I'm working at making adult Cera look decent...I'm happy with little Cera though, she's in one of her "sticking nose up, tongue out, storming off" poses"  :lol: I'll see if I can't get those three done within the next few days here. ;)

Thank you all again for the comments and suggestions :)
Wait you did the wolf in pain? OMG thats insane.

I cant even begin to draw. For me i just can not get my mind around 2d art. I simply can not think in 2d never could. Thats one reaon for my love of animation esp 2d i am amazed at the fact any one can draw like that then in the 3d animation i know how many hours even simple models take me.


  • Chomper
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Yep, and thanks! :) I adore all forms of animation, and I salute all the amazing artists who's talent still continues to amaze me. Everyone has a certain way of being creative, for example I could never get a grasp on CGI/3d art, but I myself lean more towards traditional and especially enjoy working with characters/expressions. Everyone's an artist in their own way, I think. :^.^:


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Welcome back Akiko! I have to chime in, your drawings look great! You obviously spent time working on it..
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In retrospect, nobody really knows what they'll look like when the characters are grown up, so anything goes. :)  I'd say that's what an adult pteranodon, saurolophus, and t-rex would look like.


  • Chomper
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THose look awesome! I especially love adult Chomper and adult Ducky's poses. A head-on drawing is really hard to do, but you pull it off great! :D