The Gang of Five
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Topics - vonboy

Pages: 1 2
Land Before Time Captions / Threehorn Story Book
« on: November 10, 2017, 10:34:29 AM »

Hmm, I wonder what happens in that story? :lol

And sorry for the typo in the image. :p

The Fridge / my internet has been out
« on: March 24, 2017, 12:55:34 PM »
Sorry I haven't been around in a few days, guys. my internet died sometime sunday morning, and iut's not working anymore. It might be the modem the internet profider sent me, or something else, buy there's a guy coming over monday morning to see about it finally.

Yeah, haven't gotten around to updating the RP thread I was running, and I also probably missed the civ 4 game with some of you guys yesterday. :(

I'll do what I can till then. right now getting by with a crappy wifi connection, that barely works, and is slow as a 52k modem or something when it does work. Like seriously. it craps itself just trying to load a youtube video at all. :lol

Really hope the internet get's fixed monday, guys.  :cry

Role Play Discussion / An idea for a Seven Hunters RP
« on: February 28, 2017, 10:08:46 AM »
SO, I was thinking of this RP idea last night while at work. (It's amazing how much you can come up with while you're just doing menial tasks all night. :DD )

The basic idea of it takes place sometime around Rhombus' 'Songs of the Hunters' fanfic. The Pact is just living in their territory, raising their little hunters, when one night, all of the sharptooth kids mysteriously turn into leaf eaters! I'd imagine this would be an extremely tough pill for the entire pact to swallow.

I'm thinking the kids would possibly be more skittish and paranoid of everything for awhile, seeing as they just lost their advanced sharptooth senses. They can no longer tell when another sharptooth is around by the smell, so are now easily startled, and they can't use smell to easily tell others emotions, so they'll have to learn to rely completely on the tone of voice and body language. This might make them cautious of trusting others at first.(I'd think they'd have a basic idea of these already, but they never really developed them all that much, since it's so much easier to listen to what your sharptooth sniffer is telling you.) How would this affect their perspective on everything? If they have killed before, will they be able to live amongst what used to be their food?

Also, just them knowing that they are 'food' now, and knowing how sharpteeth hunt, since they used to do it themselves, They'd probably have a constant sense of some sharptooth watching them, observing them, almost judging them in a way, looking for the weakest link, who to exploit, deciding who should die. I'd imagine that being horrifying, especially for a kid.

We saw how much Littlefoot and the gang had to go through when they became sharpteeth. How a little of themselves died when they first killed another dinosaur for food. How Littlefoot basically asked Chomper to give him a new name because he's not Littlefoot anymore, not the same littlefoot, that longneck had died when he made his first kill. How different would this be the other way around? How could a dinosaur who spend it's whole life as a meateater, deal with becoming a leaf eater? I don't think I've seen this before, not to my knowledge, anyway, and I'd really like to find out. :)

And the adults would suddenly have to think of what to do with their poor kids now. They would probably be in super mother bear mode all of the sudden, ready to tear a foreign sharptooth to little red pieces just for having the nerve to even enter their territory. I'd think the first option would be to send their kids to the Great Valley, so they could all be raised and live their lives in safety, but what would the valley think of this? Would the valley be open to letting in kids who used to kill for their food being with their own kids? Would they be poisoning their own young's minds? It would open up a big argument in the valley at the very least.

So, the basic plot of this RP would be Littlefoot's pact trying to get their kids to a new home, whether that be the Great Valley, or what.

I'm interested in what others think of this idea, and if anyone would be interested in playing out this story or not. Also, I hope I'm not going out of line or something, Rhombus, trying to come up with an RP based on your fanfic. I know his original story was inspired by a RP Ducky123 started (That sadly hasn't gone anywhere in a long time :( ) So it just seems fair that his fanfic spawn an RP of it's own, :lol .

Here is the list of characters to play in this RP. I recommend everyone only pick a few characters right now, as I still wanna wait at least another week to see if anyone else wants to join this, and 3 players doesn't seem like enough to me.

(Note, I'm grouping the kids with their parents here, to make it easier to read through.

Biter (son)
Swipe (daughter)

Ambush (daughter)
Pouncer (son)
Sprint (son)

Sniffer (son)
Nibble (son)

Fisher (son)
Verok (son) [named after Leap's brother]
Tranquil (daughter) [named after Ducky's mother's aunt]
Dodger (daughter)
Aqua (daughter)

Dive (son)
Lift (daughter)
Valaria (daughter) [named after Petrie's fallen sister]

Chomper: Vonboy

Male Rainbowface
Female Rainbowface
Datum (son)
Axiom (daughter)

*The leaf-eater gang:*
Ali's Mother
Sauria (Ali's mother and Bron's daughter - Littlefoot's sister)

Charger (Savine's son - mother was killed by Chomper's parents)
Flip (a flyer)
Malka (a swimmer)
Tricia (Cera's sister)

We can bring in other characters, if any players think they would be a good fit for this RP. Also, I'm not expecting all of these characters to be played per se. That's a ton of kids, for example, and I don't think it'd be the end of the world if some were not played, and just 'assumed' to be going along with the rest of the kids, to make it much simpler.

Also, We'll probably have different leafeaters that will be hunted in this RP, and anybody can play some of those from time to time. They won't be around for long in the RP, since they're meant to be eaten. :lol

Land Before Time Captions / Should we allow pics from the new movie...
« on: February 07, 2016, 09:17:32 AM »
Just seeing what people think, or maybe if a mod would like to say one way or another, too.

I think it'd bring some new life to the Caption this section, finally having new material to use, instead of the same pics we've been captioning over and over for years. But, I guess it's a question of is it okay to start that, or when would it be okay to start it? Would it make it okay if we put "spoiler" or "From JOTB" in the thread's title? I know the members who haven't seen the new movie yet probably wouldn't want to run into pictures from the new movie.

So, yeah. What do you guys think?

Gamers Zone / Interplanetary
« on: August 26, 2015, 08:56:46 AM »
Has anyone else on this board heard of this game? It's basically a turn-based strategy space game, where you build up infrastructure on your planet, and try shooting railguns, missiles, lasers, or even asteroids at the other player's planets. You have to take the gravity of every body in the solar system, and the fact that every planet is constantly moving in it's orbit, in account when you make your shots. It kinda makes me think of a mix of worms, and maybe battle ship? It's a ton of fun when you play it with another person! :yes

Me and Rhombus played a little online match of this about a week ago. I put it up on my youtube channel, so you can see more how the game works.  :DD

Interplanetary Multiplayer with Rhombus Part 1/2

I'm kinda posting this, to see if there's any interest from anyone on here to play some online matches of this. It's fun with 2 people, but I'm sure it'd be much more fun with more players!

It's Party Time! / Horible Past-O-Rama episode ideas!
« on: January 02, 2015, 08:05:31 PM »
I'm hoping to get back into writing that show fanfiction of mine, but till I can , I thought it might be fun for us to think up some episode ideas that I probably shouldn't do!  :lol

The Flyers and the Buzzers
Littlefoot: "Wow, I never knew you had a tail, Professor!"

The Little biter comes to dinner
Chomper: "I'm sorry, guys, but I'm really hungry. I brought my parents over, and we're gonna have a big feast in the valley! It'll be so much fun, guys!"

The Professor is Death, Destroyer of Worlds
Professor: "...oops. Sorry about that, folks! I really didn;t mean to leave a huge crater where the Great Valley used to be, honest!"

Can anyone else think of some crazy ideas? :DD

LBT Fanfiction / Hunters Chronicles
« on: December 16, 2014, 08:30:27 AM »
Let me tell you a little story. It is said that long ago, the world was nothing more than an endless sea, cloaked in a boundless sky, reaching as far as could possibly be imagined. In this world, two beings came into existence. Great, massive titans, so unbelievably huge in size, they leave us in awe today. We know them today as the Great Longneck, and the Great Sharptooth, their true names forever lost in the sands of time."

These two gods were locked in a timeless battle. For what reason, we may never truly know.

Until at last... only their lifeless corpses remained.

Eons have passed. Now, our land, stretching across the remains of the Great Longneck, is under attack by a relentless force of sharpteeth. We start our tale in a place called the Sword Valley.


"Retreat! Retreat!"

A flyer was in mid flight over a long, narrow valley, named Sword Valley. On one end of this Valley, Sharpteeth were advancing from the Great Sharptooth, while on the other, a small group of leaf eaters were trying to guard the entrance of their world, The Great Longneck. You would not be able to tell this being inside the valley, but this stretch of land was not just called the Sword Valley as a nickname. It was literally a titanic sword, stretching from between the two long-dead gods; the two worlds.

"Approximately 5 two footers! Number of Fast biters unknown!"

The flyer had landed next to a longneck, bringing news of the advancing force. One wave had already been fought back, but another was quickly approaching.

"They seem to be advancing along our weak right flank." the longneck, named Bron, said in response to the flyer. "For a bunch of souless monsters, they seem to know a thing or two, but we'll see..." As the longneck finished his musings, he took off, towards the group of advancing sharpteeth.

As he closed in on a two-footer, his body was suddenly enveloped in a blue light. He slinged his side straight into the approaching predator, with an almost unreal strength. The tyrannosaurus didn't have a chance. His body was catapulted several sharptooth lengths away. A symphony of snapping bones filled the longnecks ears, as he witnessed the end of the massive beast's life.

Nest several fast biters closed in. They were no match for this warrior's mighty tail, however. It was the last thing they saw before departing to the great beyond.

Just as quickly as the blue light had enveloped the longneck, the blue light turned into a barrage of blue sparks, covering the longneck in great pain. Wrapped around this leaf-eater's neck, was a small stone, kept in place by a vine, going around the neck, and through the stone. This stone was the source of Bron's sudden strength, and now sudden pain.

As he fell to his knees, writhing in pain, another longneck approached him. This one much older.

"Stupid beast! Your body can't take anymore of theMonado! I can tell by just looking at you!"

"Getting short sighted in your old age, Doc? I'm fine. Don't worry. I'm still in control."

"Did you listen to the flyer? We were ordered to retreat!"

"If we retreat now, these killers will make it into our world! We have enough to worry about. We don't need even more sharpteeth hunting down our loved ones!"

Bron rose to his feet again, the Monado's power dieing back down. The older longneck took another look at him, shaking his head.

"I Should've known I couldn't talk sense into a beast. Let's do this. I'm going with you! you're gonna need someone to drag your corpse back home!"

"As long as you think you still got the strength in you, old one!"

The two longnecks were old friends. For years, they guarded their world from sharpteeth, saving who they could from being someone's next meal. These back-and-forth insults and teasings were common between these war-torn veterans.

As the two longnecks looked on, a massive wave of sharpteeth were approaching.

"You've got to be kidding me!"

"This looks like it's their main force, Bron."

Bron yet again began to be enveloped in a blue light, as he yelled out a warning to the advancing hunters.

"Vile sharpteeth! If you think us leaf-eaters, beings of the Great Longneck, are just waiting for you to pick us off, your are sorely mistaken!"

He yelled out one last time, running head-long into the enemy, as we leave this place, Sword Valley.

Further on, on the Great longneck, a vast forest stretches across the titan's back, with one particular tree towering above everything else. Further down, rolling plains cover the thigh of one of it's front legs, which is raised from the ocean below, so the thigh is perpendicular to the water. Further down, close to the longnecks paw, rests another valley, The Great Valley.


Hello everybody! This s a little crossover idea I've had since playing one of my favorite rpg's of all time, Xenoblade Chronicles, and reading through one of my favorite fanfictions of all time, 'The Seven Hunters', by Rhombus. This is just a short prologue here, but hopefully you can see where this is going. I've gotten permission from Rhombus to use some of the characters in his story for this.

Gamers Zone / Super Smash Bros.
« on: September 11, 2014, 05:24:32 AM »
Couldn't find a topic for this game, so just decided to make one.

Anyone else looking forward to these games? I've been itching to play the 3DS version (the one coming out first, on Oct. 3rd) Gonna be great having it at Work to play before work, or during lunch/breaks.

Also, today, a few people in Japan somehow got early copies a couple days before the Japanese street date, and they're live streaming them on twitch. Secret characters are getting unlocked left and right, but I won't post them here, for those that hate spoilers.

Land Before Time Captions / Chomper's Parents are hungry
« on: August 22, 2014, 11:05:22 AM »

Papa Sharptooth: "Hey, you're friends are coming. I can smell them."

Mama Sharpthooth: "Yeah. Smells like they've really grown!" *licks her lips*

Chomper: "Remember the deal, mommy. Rhett's the only one on the menu."

Caption away, everybody!

LBT Fanfiction / Friends for Dinner
« on: February 19, 2014, 10:15:40 PM »
It was a hot, sunny, summer day in the mysterious Beyond. In a sparcily vegetated, frankly bare region, resided a nest. This nest was placed close to a watering hole, nestled in an area, sourrounded by a few small hills. In this nest lived three tyrannosaurus rexes. Two mates with a very young son. Today, the mother was pacing around the area, looking anxious.

What's taking him so long this time?" she thought to herself, before turning her interest to her son.

He was over by a huge, but mostly bare threehorn carcass. She had killed it, and dragged it back home to the nest for the family several days ago. Most all of the flesh had been cleaned off from it already, only little bits of it hanging here and there. Much too small for a gargantuan tyrannosaurus to even give a second thought to, but an enticing snack to a much smaller t-rex. He was struggling to get at a particularly juicy looking morsel suspended high above the ground, trying to climb his way from rib to rib to get at it, but tumbling down every time.

After a final fall, the young one kicked up some dust, stomped his foot a little in desperation, shook his head from realization, and finally started walking off. "Don't feel so discouraged, son. You'll be big enough one day." She tried to reassure her son. The large tyrannosaurus lowered her head down and motioned the little tike to hop on.

When she brought her head closer to the carcass, her son set there for a moment, building up his strength. He then leaped off from her mother's snout, caught the little morsel of meat in his jaws, and dragged it down with his weight to the ground below. She laughed while he feasted on the little hunk of flesh. "That's how do you it, son! Way to go!"

Her mind soon wondered back on her mate. What was he up to out there? It had been over a day since he had left on his latest hunt, and she was beginning to miss him. She missed getting to hunt together with her mate, but due to the new little bundle of joy, one of them always had to stay behind to watch out for him. Of course, he'll get bigger someday. They'll teach him the ways of their kind. How to hunt. How to provide for yourself, and also your family. She couldn't wait for the day all three of them could go out together. Just the three of them, against the whole world!

The smell from her mate filled her highly sensitive nostrils before she even saw him. The first thing she could pick out in the distance was a large mass moving slowly from the horizon, as if being dragged by someone else. As she focused on it some more, she realized what it was. My, he really outdid himself this time! she thought to herself. She instinctively called out to her son. "Come and look, little one!"

The child scrambled over by his mother, and looked off in the distance. "What, mother? I can't see anything!" He was still to small be able to look over the couple of small hills.

She gave a short laugh, before sticking her head back down, and motioning him to hop on again. "What do you see now, son?"

"Oh, it's daddy, isn't it? But what does he have with him? Never seen anything like that before."

"That's a longneck, dear."

"Oh, okay. M...Mom, what's a longneck?"

Another short laugh bellowed from her jaws. "Oh, that's right. You've never seen one before, haven't you?" Her son nodded. "Well, they have long necks, like their name implies, and they're big. VERY big!"

"Wow, it IS big! How did daddy even catch that!?"

"Well, it's very hard for just one sharptooth to take down such a big leafeater, but I'm sure daddy found a way. He's dragging it home now, isn't he?" She couldn't see her son's face, but she imagined it was full of wonder and excitement right now.

"What do they taste like, mom?"

"They taste Very good, dear!"

The next thing that happened was a little silly. The young sharptooth darted off towards his father, not realizing he was still on his mother's snout. He plummeted to the ground, alarming the larger beast.


The little one picked himself off of the ground, coughed a little, quickly called out "I'm fine!" before rushing off to his father again.

"Stay back, son!" This was his father calling out. He was dark purple in color. A Color most other sharpteeth would have laughed at, but she simply found it unique.

" Alright, time to eat, son!" she roared out.

"Yay, we're eating longneck tonight!"

"Oh, no, we aren't!"

"...what?" Was all that she could think of to say. What did her mate just tell her and their son?"

"It's Littlefoot!"


So, here's a short fanfiction I'm working on. It'll only be a few parts long, but I'm sure you can guess where this is heading :DD

People's been telling me that I'm not descriptive enough in my writing, but with my more script-based writing style, that's much harder to do. So, I've had this little story idea rolling around in my head, and I decided to write it out. This first part is pretty short, but hopefully the next few parts will be longer. I'm hoping this helps me with be descriptive in my writing. Tell me what you think of it so far, I really wanna know! :DD

Gamers Zone / Star Wars and The Legend of Zelda Mash-up!
« on: November 01, 2013, 12:52:11 AM »
Anyone else here see these parody mash-up videos that James Farr have done?

Super Smash Wars

And these two Super Mario Bros/Ghostbuster's mash-ups

Super Mario Busters and Super Mario Busters 2

He's been doing some great videos lately, with tons of Nintendo references, and awesome music. :DD

Gamers Zone / Slingball
« on: October 14, 2013, 01:47:32 PM »
hey, guys!

After looking back at a couple of games I made years ago, I decided to get back into game development. I'm working on remaking Slingball(Here), a game I made for my Highschool senior project. I've sadly lost the source code, so I'm having to start back from scratch.

The game is a little bit like minigolf, but different. The object is to launch(sling) a ball through a course into a goal. There's a lot of obstacles in your way, though. Replay levels to try to get par!

This time, I'm putting in a level editor so you guys can make your own levels! :DD I tried to put it in the first time around, but was running into too many bugs and problems. I'm putting it in from the beginning here, so it's built around a level editor. I'm actually using that editor to make my own levels for the story mode.

Here's what I have so far, after a few days of work.Slingball

The level editor works right now, and you can make and trade around your own levels. just please mind that some of the objects you can place are just placeholders, and don't actually do anything yet.

Tell me what you think, and show off any levels you come up with! I'd also love to hear suggestions and bug reports.  :DD

Gamers Zone / Ron's Adventure
« on: October 08, 2013, 09:21:36 PM »
Hey, I was looking around on an old indie developer's forum I used to post on, Vertigo Games, and I found this. Ron's Adventure.
Ron's Adventure.. I'd COMPLETELY forgot about that game for a good few years. At least as long as I've been a member of this forum.

It was basically an Old-School styled platformer I made back in 2006. The story was some bad buy kidnapped my sister. I hate my sister, but I guess I have to save her anyway, or my parents will be pissed. (It's based around me and my sister, lol.)

It had a couple of cool little ideas in it, but it had some pretty bad controls, and annoying bugs keeping it back. It used MIDI snes music I got off of VGMusic. The graphics very from kinda okay, to giving me eye cancer.

and OH GOD, THE GRAMMER!!!  :spit

Here's the game, if you wanna try it out HERE.

I just played through it again tonight. It has a lot of problems, but it's also just cool looking back at stuff you did a long time ago. You know, I haven't really dabbled in any game development for the last 3 or 4 years. MAybe I can build up the strength to take another whack at it.

... or maybe they'll just keep collecting dust, like PAST-O-RAMA.  :neutral

Gamers Zone / Xenoblade Chronicles sequel coming to Wii U!
« on: January 25, 2013, 08:25:13 PM »
A couple days ago, Nintendo did another of their Nintendo Directs, this time simply called a Wii U Direct, since it was just about Wii u updates and games.

At the very end of the feed, They showed a trailer for what LOOKS like some kind of direct sequel to Xenoblade Chronicles. It's simply called "X" at the moment, and I have no idea how early on they're in development, or when it'll be coming out, but I'm already excited for it!

I've played the original game (Which Pterano told me is more of a spinoff of past Xenogear games.) and I really enjoyed what I got to play. Of course, my wii doesn't wanna play it most of the time, and T gotta look into that still.

I also posted this for Pterano, since he was really interested in Xenoblade Chronicles.


If you read any of Chronicler's/Karkovice's collaborative stories having to do with the Rainbowfaces. It basically boils down that the rainbowfaces actually had a human/like modern day society going about 10,000 years or so before the events of the LBT Movies and stuff.

They left the planet, for reasons you can read the stories for, but the main thing I'm getting at here is that in the fanfiction, there is little to NO evidence now of their being a modern day society in LBT, and this actually makes a lot of sense.

Really anything manmade breaks down pretty quickly, when you think about centuries and milleniea. Any kind of metel will pretty much turn into an unrecognizable pile of rusty dust.  (except like aluminum and a few other metal I think? How long do those last?) Plastics will EVENTUALLY break down, though I think it can take a similar amount of time. Anything made out of wood will basically waste away to nothing, unless it's preserved in just the right way.

Really, the things we have to look at human society from the order of magnitude of thousands of years ago is pottery, and marks left in stone, and skeletons and stuff. Things that survive longer survived in very dry areas, with little to no water to corrode things.

Also, when you really think about it, any kind of fossils that are old enough are really just rocks, with any substance that made up the bone, like calcium, replaced with other minerals and things. How far back can you even carbon date any kind of fossilized tissue?

even DNA itself has an experiation date. Even under the best circumstances, DNA will break down into something unrecognizable in a few million years. It's the reason any usable dinosaur DNA has never been found. It's pretty much all broken down by now beyond any useful way to recreate it in any way to make new dinosaurs.

So, I'm just asking this question, and maybe Pangaea or Chronicler could chime in, or anyone else with some knowledge in the subject. What exactly would remain after the dinosaurs, 60 million or so years ago?

If, for example, some dinosaur wearing a complete suit of metal armor died 60 million years ago, will anything remain of the metal to let us now that that fossile of the dinosaur actually wore a full metal suit? Would you like, have to examine the rock around the fossile for remnants of the oxidized form of the metal? How do you know that it used to be in the form of actual sheets of metal? Is this just a stupid question?

What would be left that's detectable?

I know this is a very... complicate subject, but it sounds like something interesting to discuss, hypothetically, of course. :lol

The Fridge / 2012 Member's Awards/ Fanfiction Awards
« on: June 02, 2012, 01:05:20 AM »
Is there going to be a Member's Awards or Fanfiction Awards ythis year? I really loved the fanfiction Awards last year, and would participate in it again.

I know the board's been a little bit inactive in the past few months (Or does it just seem that way to me?)

Have the Admins been discussing it any?

Random Role Play / The GoF Apocolypse!
« on: March 03, 2012, 02:38:06 AM »
Post in the discussion thread before posting in here, please. Thanks :)

Discussion Thread

(Don't know exactly where to start with this one, but I'll do my best with this first post. :p

It was another quiet, peaceful day in the small community of the GoF. Malte woke up, and looked over his small kingdom, though he wouldn't really call it that.

This peace wouldn't last for long, as one person had a plan to make that all change. It was Chaarles Grosvenor, who always looked over the friendly little community with anger, spite, and constipation. "Oh, why does this place have to be so GOOD? Why do they have to like LBT so much? It makes me sick!"

The groutcy old director turned around, walking over back into his lair. "But how can I take that place down? How can I rip it to sheads? How can I destroy the last LBT thing that's still around?" The old man ruminated on this thought for a time, before arriving at a plan.

A horrible plan.

A brilliantly horrible plan.

A brilliantly, horrible, grinchy plan.

"I know! I'll bring all those LBT vilains to life! I'll lead them all, and take down that community for good! That'll show em!"

So the old director ran to his "R&D" room, and started throwing gobs and gobs of money at his team, and before long, a special portal was designed. A Wonderfully horrible little device that could bring animated things to life! "With this, I'll take out those happy, joyful LBT fans!" bellowed the director, before flicking the switch, and giving out a horribly nasty maniacle laugh.

Before long, all manor of LBT villains started to come forth out of the machieveious portal.

(LBT villain RP'ers, you can come in now :DD Don't bring out the other LBT characters, or your OC LBT characters yet. I think they'll be coming in a little bit later.)

Role Play Discussion / The GoF Apocalypse!
« on: February 20, 2012, 02:28:48 PM »
Here's the RP thread:

This is just a little idea I thought of while kind of RPing with Pterano a couple months back.


The story we have so far is that Charles Grosvenor has brought various LBT villains to life in an effort to take down the GoF, destroying the last LBT thing that's still alive. I had an idea earlier about a virus ravaging us, but I'm not sure about that one anymore. We're still trying to figure out the story some more before we start, so I'd love to hear any suggestions you have. :)

People in this RP will play as GoF members, only you won't be playing as yourself. You'll be RPing as some other GoF members! You could also play as LBT characters, or even LBT OC's. The only rule is you can't play as your own OC. You have to play someone else's. If you're playing as other GoF members, please don't abuse this to make them look bad or taint them. You can parody them, but just do it in good taste.

Er, would anyone be interested in this?

Current roster
vonboy playing Brekclub, Malte, Jrd89 and Charles Grosvenor
Belmont2500 playing Jedi472, Nick22, Devon, Trulyfantasticme(?), Littlefoot and Sharptooth
Cancerian Tiger playing Rytho, Cera and Ducky(?)
LBTFan13 playing Chomper and Ozzy
Trulyfantasticme playing panickypetrie14(?), Sierra, Pterano and Petrie
Serris playing Strut, Lettuse Bacon and Tomatoe, and Cancerian Tiger(?)
Redtooth101 playing Redclaw, Screech, and thud
Nick22 playing, but he hasn't picked anyone yet

These members don't want others to RP as them

I can't really check for it, but I'd recommend asking whoever you wanna play as they're fine with it. Maybe you could scrape by without asking, but if someone tells me they don't wanna be parodied like this, I'm gonna have to take they're character out of the RP (By killing them off in the most grotesque and painful way possible :p)

Real-Life Captions / Jittery Dragon Shopping Network
« on: February 06, 2012, 12:16:20 AM »
(I wasn't sure which caption forum to put this in. Just decided on this one.)

Buy this Encyclopedia in the next 30 seconds, and we'll include this free guide to "Writing a big and terrible Youtube Poop" absolutely free! Be sure to have your bank account password ready!

It's Party Time! / Friends for Dinner!
« on: January 27, 2012, 10:46:10 PM »
Yeah, thought I'd start my own game. Here, someone post one type of dinosaur, then everybody else tries to think of dishes made from that type of dino, and the one who posted the type picks the best one. That winner then posts a type of dino, and we do it again.

Did that make a lick of sense?

Anyway, let's get started!

Flyers.  :DD

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