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Discuss: Through the Eyes of a Spiketail

Chikara · 75 · 34538

Bruton the Iguanodon

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I felt they made him too much of a hero in this episode, in ways that not even Littlefoot gets.

I would be fine with them showing his POV...if it was a logical POV. Seriously, how many of you guys suspected he sees in purple? Or hears only in grunts? No! He's as perfectly rational as the rest...unless the others see in different colors, too.

This is particularly sad because it means Spike has missed out on very amazing, beautifully colored moments. And while he may have enjoyed performing in "Bad Luck"...imagine the song from his POV. It would probably feel like "Bad Luck: The Hangover Mix"!

I espicially hated how he even turned Mr. Threehorn into a joke---but really, it doesn't matter at this point: Mr. Threehorn completely lost it after "Journey to Big Water".

Oh, and:

They didn't even need to show Spike's point of view for this episode, really. It could have just been a normal episode. Even wikipedia seems to think so. Their summary says:


On the first day of the cold time, Mr. Thicknose tells the gang about Hard Water Sweets (frozen grapes), and the gang set off on an adventure to find them.

Without even mentioning the whole Spike issue. Really, a better title for the episode would have been "The Search for the Frozen Grapes". The whole Spike stuff was just gloss or filler (either sound logical) in attempt to either make the episode "special" (at which it falls flat) or fill the 23-minute time slot, which would be laziness! They already waste time on 2 much can they waste?

Anyone ever considered this?


This episode is very much about Spike

As you can see by the points I've made, it actually isn't. Or didn't need to be, at least.

And I still stand by this:


If I was to choose a member of the gang to see through the eyes of I'd rather see through Petrie's eyes? Why? Well, one, cause we'd get a bunch of beautiful aerial shots when he flies, , two, cause Cause he's my favorite right now. A month ago, as you probably knew, Spike was, but now Petrie's my favorite

And really...did this have to be the last episode?  :cry

Bruton the Iguanodon

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Cause it's my least favorite episode of them all!    :anger

I'm sorry, I just really hate this episode.  <_<

Although stranger from the mysterious above looked pretty bad, so did March of the sand critters and a few others.

Oh, and again, what's with the title? "A spiketail"?!! It's not just some random spiketail they're showing through the eyes of...probably would have been better off with the title I suggested.


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Yes, you don't like the episode. You already made that pretty clear. No reason to keep posting about how you don't like it; it's not going to bring conversation to this topic. Just be patient and wait for other people to reply. Not all of us have as much free time as you do.

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Had anybody noticed that the scene where the gang found their first reference (the tree) on their journey that when we look through Spike's eyes, that Ruby sounds much like a Chicken? Or is that just me?


  • Cera
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I'm not sure I haven't had the pleasure of sitting through this horrible episode in a while. I need to do that some how so I can make my full comment on this episode. The last time I sat through it I was drink so I could sit through it. That's not a good sign is it.


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Okay, Spike's voice creeped me out a little bit to be honest... and the whole thing about Spike is... a little annoying. I won't change the way I think about Spike.

Anyway, the dialogues and the plot itself (leaving aside the whole Spike thing) is good but could have been done better of course. The songs were crap because Spike's voice actor can't sing and his voice sounds nasty.
Inactive, probably forever.


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There were certain aspects to this episode that I thought were quite original and that helped elaborate Spike's character, but there were others that I thought were unfortunate and that clashed with what was established in the films.  

In particular, I like how they seem to imply that Spike is just as intelligent as the others (or at least in the same range) but that he simply views the world in a fundamentally different way.  His fixation on things that the others may not notice or may find unimportant (the song of the plants) and his inability to communicate effectively would seem to make Spike almost autistic in his worldview and perceptions.  I feel that the portrayal of a character in this way is rather original and may actually be useful to the target audience of young children.  In the films we have seen many different physical 'kinds' join together and become friends despite their differences, whereas in this episode we get to see much of it through the eyes of someone who is of a different 'mental' kind.  As someone who is on the autistic spectrum with rather mild traits, I appreciate the attempt to portray a character who is 'different' mentally.  It is something that is often ignored in the popular media or otherwise is portrayed from a third person perspective.

However, there were many parts to this episode that I did not care for at all.  First of all, they portray Spike as not understanding the rest of the gang, only understanding certain words such as personal names and food names.  This clashes with many incidents in the films where Spike would nod, shake his head, or give affirmative grunts to indicate his understanding of entire conversations and complex ideas.  For whatever it is worth, I will be portraying Spike as if he is simply mute (as a leafeater) but can still understand language in the 'sudden change of species' roleplay.  Where the films and the TV series contradict, I choose to have the film's portrayal take priority.

Secondly, the whole 'song of the plants' idea could have been done better by depicting Spike as smelling a symphony of smells.  It was already established in the series that Spike has a well-developed sense of smell, so why not use that as a plot point in this episode?  I simply view that as a lost opportunity to established continuity with what came before.  Although, as Cancerian Tiger pointed out earlier in this topic, his hearing of the 'song of the plants' could be due to synesthesia, where he is 'hearing' smells due to a misrouting of sensory information through his thalamus.  If that is the case, then my criticism on that point would be unfounded.

So, overall I have mixed views on this episode.  I appreciate what they were trying to do in their portrayal of Spike, but I feel that they unnecessarily created continuity errors with the films.  Although, admittedly, continuity issues are nothing new in the television series.

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


  • The Circle
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I've not seen this episode in a while.  As I recall there are also scenes in some movies, don't recall which ones right off, that have it seem like Ducky can understand Spike just fine, as well as mentioned before his being able to understand the others just fine.


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Ducky also understands Dinah and Dina much better than Cera does. She is very good at understanding "garbled" messages, but has difficulties articulating them herself. This is not necessarily unusual. Rowan Atkinson has problems with stuttering, for example.

As for the episode, the portrayal of Spike's senses is so inconsistent that it can't be explained by synesthesia either, since there are parts of the episode where his sense of smell and sense of hearing are shown as normal, picking up only what they should pick up (hearing the waterfall, smelling up the rest of the Gang instead of hearing their smell). The "treestar song" can only be explained as an actual sound, which testifies to the carelessness of the scripwriters.


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I think Spike can understand stuff more than food and names.  I was hoping to save Spike talking to have him use whole sentences to expose some evil villain about to take over the Great Valley.  

Anyway, I noticed that Chomper is eating hardwater sweets.  (At least through Spike's eyes.)

Chomper: (Watching the episode) I didn't know I could do that!!!!   :wow  :wow  :wow  :wow  :wow

Also, somebody suggested that the grunts and stuff were actually the leaf eater language.  We've heard the Sharptooth language before but never the Leaf Eater one.

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This episode was okay.

However, I liked Spike's scat-singing better than his actual singing. It's funny how Spike only sees purple; I never figured out why he only sees purple.

That is all I can say about this episode.


  • The Circle
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To me this episode seemed like someone, or a group of folks working on the show either drank some beer and got a buz or smoked a joint or 2 then wrote the episode.


  • Ducky
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Quote from: Kor,Jan 9 2015 on  03:23 PM
To me this episode seemed like someone, or a group of folks working on the show either drank some beer and got a buz or smoked a joint or 2 then wrote the episode.
Was Chomper really eating a hard water sweet?  If so, he's the first Omnivore T-Rex and can be proud of himself for making history.   :lol


  • The Circle
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Could be.  If one puts this as the last episode then one could say Chomper did make the transition to becoming an omnivore.


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Now here's a great, unique concept for an episode. :DD

Other assorted thoughts:
Looks like we found someone with a worse singing voice than Petrie and Guido. :p

Cera seemed especially grouchy in this episode, even moreso than usual.

I found it funny when he hears the others through incoharent babble x3
I thought that part was a bit strange. So Spike can't truly hear his friends' words? Despite his own lack of speech, I was always under the impression that he could hear them just fine. Interesting.

One question: why does Spike see everything purple? Was he born this way or did something happen to him to cause it and if so, when? And does this mean other members of the cast might see things in strange colors?
I thought that was odd too, but my interpretation of it isn't that it means Spike literally sees everything in purple. Rather, I think it was just a narrative technique to indicate to us that those particular shots were what Spike was seeing.

The cool thing about this episode though is that it sure makes you look at Spike's other appearances in a brand new light.

*gets out battle axe* Time to beat up some site to get some info and mabey even some videos!
« Last Edit: May 02, 2024, 06:19:58 AM by StardustSoldier »