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Smash Brothers: Collision

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Mr. Bigmouth looked at the bow. "Hmm. It looks like this could be used to launch smaller versions of the spears that we make." He then turned to Link. "Okay, your weaponry will be ready soon."

Mr. Bigmouth grabbed a bundle of straight twigs and placed it near himself. He hammered out several stone arrowheads from the black rock he used to make weapons and placed them by the twigs. He also grabbed a vine and placed it near the materials.

As soon as the material was gathered, he deftly split the tip of the twig in half with a stone knife, wedged the arrowhead in and tied the arrowhead on with a small piece of vine.

After several minutes, Mr. Bigmouth handed the arrows to Link. "Link, if you want, I can poison them."

Deimos chuckled. "Mr. Bigmouth has been doing this for quite some time. He gets better every time." He then turned to Mr. Bigmouth. "Mr. Bigmouth, can you work on some stone throwing knives? Ducky has the last one."

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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"There is no need for that, thank you. I've got my own "poison" hid inside." Link replied, accepting the arrows.

The earth shook a few more times.

"We've gt to hurry, Deimos."


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Deimos readied his stone ax and followed the huge footprints. He eventually followed them to the Thundering Falls Lake where Dark Ms. Swimmer was fighting Grandma and Grandpa Longneck and appeared to be winning.

"Ms. Swimmer?!" Deimos said, staring at the monstrosity.

Ms. Swimmer almost literally threw Grandpa and Grandma Longneck aside and confronted Deimos. "The Great Valley will belong to Subspace."

"Not if we can help it!" Deimos shouted back, brandishing his ax.

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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"So Subspace really is behind all this..." Link commented. "Well it shouldn't even be here! Get ready to b defeated!" Link shouted out, readying a freshly made arrow.

He shot it at the giant, and while it went fast, it was deflected.

"Man, she'd tough... The arrows are great though... nice job!"


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"Thank Mr. Bigmouth."  Deimos said.

Deimos leapt out of the way as a sapling sized club crashed down where he was.  He then charged Dark Ms. Swimmer and used his agility to evade the rain of blows. He got close enough to hack at her legs with his stone ax but a blow from her massive club knocked him aside, sending him skidding back several feet.

Deimos staggered back to Link. "I need a ranged weapon."

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Link jumped up and avoided a hit, but even though he deflected another with his shield, the hit was harsh enough to throw him away.

As he got up again, he tried to shoot another arrow, thisone armed with a bomb.

"Know how to use a bow, Deimos?" He shouted.


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"How are we going to defeat that? I'm next to useless against something that large. My only hope is either Eruption or Great Aether, and I don't think I'll be able to get either of them done. Any other plans, Link?" Ike said as he grabbed a bow and tried to launch an arrow at the giant. The arrow bounced off the giant's skin like a rubber ball.


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"Heck, I have no idea... I don't even know the items around the Great Valley... but we certainly won't find a Smash Ball here. If we could, we would beat her out!" Link commented. "Let's try to attack the three of us at the same time! We've got better chances!"


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Dante, Motochika, and Virgil all spun towards Link, Deimos, and Ike as well.
"We're here too!  Don't count us out yet!  Oh, and...  These will do the same as a smash ball, if you want them."
Each of the three pulled out a pair of strange, glowing stone fragments, tossing them to their allies.  
"Alright!  Let's party!"
Dante yelled, facing the giant with resolve.

"We will not be defeated!"
Virgil added, his arm glowing ominously...

"This is our home, and we will protect it with all our strength!"
Motochika roared, his silver markings flashing with an internal light...


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Deimos caught the stones and his eyes switched from a clear amber color to a fiery blue white color. "Let's rock!" he shouted.

Hyp, Nod, Mutt and Strut charged in.

"We heard shouting so we figured we'd be needed." Hyp said.

"Ms. Swimmer?" Strut asked.

Strut leapt out of the way as she took a swing at him. He retaliated by hurling his spear at her only to have it deflected.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.

The Friendly Sharptooth

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Elsewhere, a cloud car was speeding by, followed by several Primids being taunted by Jigglypuff.

"Looks like they have their hands full," Rita said, watching the others fight Dark Swimmer. "I still think we should help them."

"First of all," Mallow began, "there are so many of them fighting the same thing that no matter how well we can fight, any more of us would probably just get in their way. Secondly, getting rid of a bunch of these small guys is helping them. The more of these we take care of, the less they have to worry about in the end, and more importantly, they can fight that bigger thing better with less distractions from this horde."

"Don't act like you're doing all this only for these strangers," Rita said, with a smile.

"Okay fine. So I want US to survive this too."


"So I care the most about my friends! So what? Gosh Rita, you always were the perceptive one. Sometimes I wonder if your sixth sense is to blame."

"I wouldn't exactly call it a fault," she said, nudging him. "Besides, I can only sense danger and ill intent; me being perceptive is simply me being more observant."

"I see," Mallow replied. He looked behind him to see the Primids trailing as he had expected, but he also saw something that he didn't expect at all: they were gaining on them. When Mallow turned around, Rita had followed, and she shouted, "Can't this thing go any faster?"

"This thing is a "cloud car," not a thing," he retorted. "And I'm flooring it now."

"About the first part of your first statement-" Rita began, then she stopped. "Nevermind."

"I think I see it!" Mallow exclaimed. "Is that opening over there?"

"Yeah, that's-" but that was as far as Rita got before collapsing from loss of blood.

"'Yeah, that's' what?" he asked before taking his eyes off the course and looking at her lying in a blood soaked part of the cloud car. "Rita!!!" he yelled and started braking suddenly and the cloud car slowed down.

"Don't stop. Keep going- too close- we'll all- if you stop," she said weakly, since she hadn't fully lost consciousness.

Mallow understood her and had to think fast. He wasn't going to lose his friend. "Jigglypuff, take the wheel."


"I know you can't reach the steering wheel and the air pedal so I set the accel. Get over here. After all this, I don't think they'll stop chasing us now," Mallow said, and actually picked Jigglypuff up and set her on the driver's seat, but unfortunately, she couldn't even reach the wheel. Mallow didn't have any more time to ponder. He actually put her on the steering wheel itself and said, "Look straight ahead and just turn your whole body to steer. She started to interject, but he ignored her and stood over Rita. He raised his hands. "HP Rain!" A cloud started forming over him and he concentrated so that it hovered over Rita. "I only have one forth of my Flower Points left. I need to make this count so I can keep protecting us." As the cloud started to pour down its healing rain on Rita, Mallow concentrated right as it opened up, and he heard an extra surge of power. "Phew. I managed to increase its effectiveness. It won't heal her completely, but at least she'll get the full power of my spell." Rita's wounds didn't close completely, but they started mending fast enough to stop most of the bleeding right away. It was a suspenseful moment seeing how Rita would recover, but the scene was cut short- literally.

"Jiggly!" she cried.

"Huh?" Mallow said, turning around. The end of the path was almost right there. "Move!" Mallow commanded, taking her off the wheel, grabbing it himself, and releasing the accel. He jammed on the brakes and luckily, Rita and Mallow didn't going flying out smack into a wall. If only the same thing could have been be said for Jigglypuff.

"Jiggly..." she said, dazed.

Rita managed to stand up, but was still very weak. "Thank you Mallow. You saved my life. I hate being a burden to you."

"That's not true Rita! You always come thr-" Mallow stopped as he saw the Primids almost upon them. "We'll talk later. We have to get inside." Rita leaned on him as they walked in, while they stopped for Mallow to pick up the dazed Pokemon. They entered a large room with very little light, but enough to vaguely see around the place. "I know you're hurting Rita, but you have to keep talking to me. Where should we go? Is there a safer place from below in here?"

"Yeah. If we keep going through this tunnel, we'll come onto a ledge that hangs over he entrance where you first walk in," she said in a low voice.

Mallow was very concerned, but kept her speaking and followed her directions until they got to the ledge. By now, Jigglypuff had come to her senses and was getting tired of being held, so she jumped from Mallow's hold and landed on the edge of the ledge. By now, a large number of Primids had entered the Cave of Many Voices. They looked around and couldn't see the trio. "Okay, Jigglypuff, start Singing."

She turned away and said, "Jiggly Jig Jig."

"What are you doing? Go for it!" Mallow said, but a little too loudly and the Primids heard him. They spotted the trio and started to climb up the ledge to get to them. Mallow was getting frantic. "Psychopath!" he yelled, looking at her. His mouth dropped open. "You've gotta be kidding! "We're all gonna die!"


"Okay fine," he said very quickly. "Jigglypuff, will you please Sing for us? We would really appreciate it," he said through clenched teeth. But that was good enough for her. Mallow covered his ears and Jigglypuff sang, "Jigg-aly-puff, jigg-aly-puff, jig, jig, jigg-aly-puuuuf." It echoed through out the entire cave, and all the Primids who had been practically upon them, not prepared for such a power, had heard the song very clearly, lost their grip, and fell to their doom. Mallow didn't even have to use any more magic as he had thought, so he had some for later, just in case.

"We did it Rita!" he said, turning to the longneck, only to find her out cold. He smiled, knowing how hard it is for a longneck to cover his of her ears. "She needs the rest anyway. This has been quite the ordeal." He couldn't carry her down; she was too heavy. But he knew that she would be safe up there. Mallow and Jigglypuff were pretty beat too anyway. Mallow slowly slid down the steep incline and called up to Jigglypuff, "I'll stay by the entrance and keep watch," as he looked out. He was surprised at what he noticed. After all the fighting those other guys had done, and after what the trio just did, there were hardly any Primids left to deal with. But he also noticed the battle heating up with those strangers battling that creature radiating all that dark energy. "We've done all we can for now," he said to no one in particular. "The rest is up to those strangers. Good luck you guys." And with that, even though he was "keeping watch" Mallow fell asleep as well, as Jigglypuff soon did the same, leaning against Rita's warm, but still wounded body.

Author's Note:
As the cloud started to pour down its healing rain on Rita, Mallow concentrated right as it opened up, and he heard an extra surge of power. "Phew. I managed to increase its effectiveness. It won't heal her completely, but at least she'll get the full power of my spell."
Allow me to explain that to those who haven't played Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars. Every single special attack that the five main playable characters from that game- and Mallow is one of them- can use, has the option of being used to its full capacity by pressing the right button or set of buttons at the right time. Since this isn't a video game but is now "real," I simply had Mallow concentrate to boost the effect. The weakness of him being able to do that in this Role Playing Game is that if he is being attacked or gets distracted while using his magic, he will miss the small opportunity he has to do this. And since he only has so many Flower Points- energy to use magic- between getting a full amount sleep- not just a quick nap- he simply can't keep redoing a spell for as long as he would like to. Just letting you all know. Later!


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Deimos slashed his right arm upward and immediately 2 blue-white crystal spires rose up by his feet. He seized one spire, which immediately crackled with lightning, and hurled it at Dark Ms. Swimmer.

The crystal spire struck her, causing her to flinch. Deimos grinned and immediately hurled the second spire at her. The second spire missed and flew into the sky, where it exploded, showering Dark Ms. Swimmer with razor sharp shards.

He slashed his right arm upward again and 2 more crystal spires rose up at his feet.


In a small town far from the Great Valley; Tom Nook, the local shopkeeper was closing up shop for the night when a Primid appeared.

"Hey. We're closed. Please leave." Tom Nook said.

The Primid said nothing but instead tried to attack him.

Tom Nook swore and he seized a shovel from a nearby shelf which he used to pound the Primid until it exploded.

The noise caused Timmy and Tommy Nook to run downstairs.

"What is going on?" Timmy asked.

"Something is attacking us." Tom responded.

"More like the town." Tommy said.

Tom and Timmy ran to the front window where Primids were running amok, attacking the inhabitants.

"We've got to help them!" Tom shouted. "Grab whatever you can use as a weapon and join up with me."

With that said, Tom seized an ax on a shelf and hoisted it. He also seized a butterfly net, a fishing rod and a slingshot. He crammed everything into a small rucksack.

Timmy and Tommy both seized the legs of a broken table to use as clubs.

When they were all armed, they headed out to the town to assist. They could see the townsfolk fighting back against the Primids and a large swirling portal .

Alfonso, an Alligator was trying to fight off 2 Primids who were attacking him. He clamped his jaws around one Primid, exploding it but the other one attacked him from behind and knocked him down. He was saved by Savannah the Horse who attacked the Primid with an ax.

"Alfonso, we need to get rid of these things!" Savannah said.

"No kidding." Alfonso said dryly. He picked up a stick to use as a weapon.

(OOC - Anyone can play as the inhabitants of the Animal Crossing world. This includes Timmy and Tommy Nook.)

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Dante tossed his stone fragment into the air, then jumped up and caught it in his hand.  As he did so, the stone scattered into beams of light, which flew into Dante.  As he landed, he reached to the right side of his face, pulling a bone-white mask over his face.
"Spirits, forgive me.  Hollowfication!"
In an instant, a black orb enveloped him, and as it dissipated, Dante stood there, transformed.  On his arms were plates of bone-white armor, with claws over his hands and dragon-head-shaped plates over his shoulders.  On his chest and legs were plates of the same materials as his arm armor, with spikes on the shins of his leg armor.  On his back blossomed a pair of skeletal wings.  He looked up at his opponent, creating a black portal around his hand.  From that portal, he drew a katana, it's scabbard shining brightly.  

Virgil shut his eyes as his fragment was absorbed into his body.  His right arm hung by his side loosely, and in a moment, he tensed it, a crimson light shining brightly, taking the form of a single wing on his right side.
"This is my true power.  Alchemic Drive!"
He said, eyes glowing with power...

Motochika strummed his shamisen once as water pooled around his feet.
"Every wave be my shield!  Every song, be my blade!"
He intoned as the water enveloped him.  As it burst apart, he stood, his shouldes and chest covered in silver armor.  On his head rested a shimmering headband-esque band, and in his hand was his shamisen.  The paddle of it was held in his right hand, a blade of sound at the end of it...


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Deimos looked at the altered form of Virgil, Motochika and Dante. "They'll greatly help in that form." He looked down at himself and only just now noticed that lightning was running across his body and that he was cloaked in a shimmering blue aura.

He slashed his right hand upwards, summoning two more crystal spires which he hurled at his opponent.

He also noticed that even though he had slashed his right hand upwards repeatedly, he did not feel tired.

However he was not paying attention and one of Dark Ms. Swimmer's sapling sized clubs caught him across the head.

Deimos did not feel the impact, nor was he affected; it was as though the attack passed through him.

He raised his right arm again, summoning two more crystal spires which he seized and hurled at Dark Ms. Swimmer. One spire struck a club and exploded, showering the area with crystalline shards. The other spire slammed into Dark Ms. Swimmer's shoulder, causing visible pain.

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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"This seems hopeless! The only way we'll even be able to do anything is with a powerful, focused blow. Nothing in my arsenal is like that, and I'm pretty sure nothing in yours is that either. Ganondorf and Captain Falcon have something like that, but what are the odds that Captain Falcon will come diving out of the sky preparing to deliver a..."

Just then, a portal opened up and Captain Falcon came diving through said portal and was preparing to deliver the canonical

(OOC: I've really been wanting to do this since I decided to join in as C. Falcon)


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Dark Ms. Swimmer staggered from the powerful blow. She immediately turned her attention to Captain Falcon and tried to crush him using her sapling sized clubs.

Deimos continued summoning and hurling his crystal spires at Dark Ms. Swimmer. The electrically charged crystals tore into her.

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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"Hey Swimmer!" Link called from the back. "You forgot somebody!"

Link threw the crystal in the air and jumped, striking it with the Four Sword while shouting:

"Gather up! Line formation, horizontal!"

The sword shone for an instant and Link was divided into four, of different colours, from green to red, violet and blue. The three carried identical swords and shields, as well as tunics.

"Ok, strike in with a jump dash, guys!" Green instructed, jumping towards the giant along with the three other, initiating the multiple slashes. Vio - presumably, the violet tunic one - however, was performing a series of forward stabs. Quite the teamwork, in a side note.


"Where did they go...?" Kyro mumbled. "I only heard Jigglipuff's name and... they disappeared from my sight..."

The rockback looked up. The Cave of many Voices, just there...

"I wonder if they went in..."

(OOC: To Starfall: Will is still up there, and the armada is about to strike. Keep track on both parts, please.)


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Deimos's constant barrage of electrically charged crystal spires, Link's 4-fold assault and the Falcon Punch took its toll, Dark Ms. Swimmer was apparently injured and her attacks were slowing down. She tried to bat away one of Deimos's crystal spires only to have the spire explode and shower her with crystalline shards that tore into her.

"She's weakening!" Deimos shouted, hurling his spires. He summoned two more and grabbed them.

Hyp, Nod, Mutt and Strut also joined in by hurling rocks at her.

"The rocks won't do anything! She's too powerful!" Deimos shouted.

"What shall we do?" Strut shouted back.

Deimos looked out of the corner of his eye and saw a horde of various Primids approaching. "Kill those things we fought in the cave!"

Hyp, Nod, Mutt and Strut charged the Primid army.

Hyp and Strut began spearing as many Primids as they could reach. Nod simply charged the mass, flinging some aside and trampling others. Mutt stood by Hyp, punching, kicking and grabbing any nearby Primids.

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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As the four Links finished their attack, Dante nodded to Virgil and Motochika.
"Alright guys!  Our turn!  Delta Finale!"
He yelled, throwing both arms out to the side.

"Okay!  Here we go!  Demonic Rise!"
Virgil roared, striking the ground with his glowing right hand.  Underneath Mrs. Swimmer, the ground shook, and the two spires of stone shot out from under her, knocking her into the air and preventing her from stopping the next attack, though they drew no blood.

"My turn!  Maximum Hollow Reaping!"
Dante exclaimed, leaping into the air as he drew his sword.  He lunged forward, then struck multiple times at high speed, though his strikes drew no blood.  To end his part of the attack, he flipped high into the air, charging and firing a cero blast to launch Mrs. Swimmer back to the ground, where Motochika waited.

"Now, I strike!  Great Wave Calamity!"
Motochika intoned, summoning a wave behind himself to strike Mrs. Swimmer with force equal to a tidal wave, pushing her back.  As she came to rest, the thee landed in a triangle around her, blades drawn.
"This is... "
"True Justice!"

The three stated in unison, lunging at her simultaneously, each slashing as they did so...  

Will and Falco flew towards the armada, with Krystal alongside them.  As the neared the ships, a red mobile frame approached.
"Hey there, boss!  Good to see you.  Nice to see you, too Will!"
Adrian laughed from the cockpit of the Seraph...


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Dark Ms. Swimmer collapsed on the ground as the 3 finished their attack.

"I'll finish her off!" Deimos shouted. He grabbed two of the electrically charged spires, leapt high into the air and seemed to hang from the air itself. His body crackled with lightning.

Deimos then flew at high speed, with crystal spires outstretched, into Dark Ms. Swimmer's head.

He no longer resembled a sickleclaw but a large dart of blue-white energy as he struck.

As he crashed into Dark Ms. Swimmer, she began to disintegrate into shadow bugs that evaporated.

Deimos picked himself up from the crater he made from his attack. His body still had traces of lightning running across it but he no longer had the blue-white aura surrounding it and his eyes were no longer a glowing blue-white but a clear amber, their normal color.

He then walked over to Link. "She's finished."

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.