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Kingdom Hearts War Across the Realms

Drake · 249 · 25707


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(Between the Worlds)

The mouse sat behind the controls of his ship. A vast lightshow of color flashed outside the window in front of him. The glow might have been blinding where it not for the tinting of the glass-like gummi.

Mickey wore his normal wardrobe which consisted of a red shirt and phants. A pair of large yellow shoes covered his feet. White gloves covered his hands as they removed the wrapper from a piece of sea-salt ice cream.

He licked the cold blue treat and mmm'ed. He glanced back at the empty compartment of his ship. The mouse desparately wished he could have brought someone along, but Donald and Goofy were needed to gaurd the castle and it was too dangerous for Minnie to come.

With a resigned sigh, he glanced at the coordinates displayed on the screen built into the panel in front of him. It would be a few more minutes before he arrived at his next destination.

(Radient Garden)

A frown hung on Raven's face as he walked down the stone street. This world had been bright and new when he first arrived, but like everything it lost its lusture after he learned about it.

He passed by the wall that had been torn apart during the battle against an organization of Nobdies. There were no physical remains of the destruction that day had wrought. The Restoration Committee had gone their job quite well.

Ascending the steps two at a time, he entered the outskirts of the town. He glanced down at the small wooden buildings below. Though he found it hard to think of them as buildings, the mighty fortresses and castles in his world made them look like piles of firewood.

Raven hopped onto a thick railing of stone and inhaled, pulling in the cool morning air. He sighed, the air at least reminded him a bit of home. With a skip forward, he dropped from the railing and down amongst the buildings.


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(pridelands" two lions raced away from the large  that dominated area " Rafiki!' roared a large male lion " Get us out of here- NoW!" he yelled as he and his partner, Vitani tried to flee the pitch blackness that had enveloped the seat of his father- Simba. Kopa was Simba's son, he was a couple years older than his younger sister Kiasra, but due to an attempt assassination by the Outsidfders, namely , Zira, Kopa had been forced to flee the Pridelands. Taken in by a old Babboon Nuteri, he had grown to aadulthood, and returned to the Pridelands. He had been proclaimed the next in line and Vitani, who he had befriended as a cub, had shown interest in beiing his queen. All that was changed now..
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(Radiant Garden)

Far beyond the outskirts of town, a small mass of Heartless began gathering, swarming towards the undefended outskirts, intent on devouring the hearts of all those who resided in the small, wooden buildings.  However, as they began to advance, a burst of dark red-black light appeared, and a black-cloaked figure stepped out of it.  The figure stood silently, watching their advance, before, in a quiet undertone, it spoke.

"Heartless...Vile, hollow things...your time in this at an end."

It said, flicking a dark-furred arm out from within the cloak, seven katana swords appearing in a circle behind it.  In a flash, it lunged through the mass of them, moving swiftly enough that the Heartless barely had time to react before they were sliced apart.  The figure stood, twirling one of it's swords and sheathing it, before turning towards the castle...

"Now...time to begin my mission..."
It muttered, vanishing in another flash of light...

(Verdant Forest)

Adrian, the young fox, sat on a tree branch, strumming a harp idly.  

"Adrian!  Come down from that tree over there!  We're going to be late!"

Robin Hood, the legendary outlaw of Sherwood Forest, called to him.  He vaulted idly out of the tree, landing on the ground with barely any sound, and replied.

"Yes, yes.  Coming Robin!"

He grabbed his bag, placing the harp back in it.  Today was the one-year celebration of King Richard's return, and the entire band of Merry Men were traveling into the castle for the festival.

I know I should be glad for this, but...why do I feel such an ill wind blowing...?"

Adrian thought as he sprinted off...


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(Radiant Garden)

Out where the 1,000 Heartless battle had once taken place, something shot from the sky, like a missle as it struck the ground, creating a meteor hole in the process.

As the smoke cleared from the hole in the ground, something stood up, a demon, a female one for that matter.  She took a moment to look around and gave her neck a small crick before stepping forward, out of the crater in the ground.

"Sora....he should be here somewhere, you must search out this wretched place and find him....and put an end to his life, the Heartless, they must continue to grow more powerful" a voice inside the demon's head spoke.

The demon silently obliged and took to the skies, heading towards the town centre in hopes of finding Sora....or at least, a Keyblade weilder.


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Sara, Brooklyn and Gnash (Nashville, though he proffered the name Gnash) were on their way back to Castle Wyvern.  They had been out on patrol, with Sara visiting and using some illusion spells to make them look human temporarily, had had a bit of ice cream before heading back.

Gnash pointed at an area below them and to one side off in the distance.  "looks like something going on there." He said.


  • Ducky
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(Radient Garden)

Raven pushed open a door and stepped into one of the buildings. Books and various knick-knacks covered the corners of the room. A large computer stood against the wall just in front of the door.

A blonde man sat at the keyboard, typing away as he shifted the toothpick in his mouth around.

"Hey, Cid," the young man greeted.

"Hey, kid, you're just in time. I'm putting the finishing touches on the Claymore upgrades," Cid said.

"Great," Raven's attempt to sound enthuisiastic failed. "I found some more Gummi Blocks."

Cid sighed and turned away from the screen. Raven opened one of pouches at his waist and removed a small handful of colorful shapes.

The older man frowned. "Sorry, kid, it's all junk."

The youngster exhaled in annoyance.

(Pride Lands)

"Patience, young one," Rafiki said, bounding over rocks and plants. Despite his age, the shaman was still quite fit, managing to keep pace with the lions.  

Holes of darkness ripped open in front of the group, forcing them to halt as red and black heartless appeared in front of them. Their feline bodies resembled the rulers of the savvanah, but instead of fur, skeletal armor covered them. Yellow dots of light stared out of their dark, empty eye sockets.

A plump lion trotted around behind the Heartless, smirking as he studied their catch.

"Well, well, looks like we managed to catch the king's brat," Pete laughed.

"You have not caught us quite yet," Rafiki said, leaning on his staff.

"Where do you think you're going to go?" Pete asked. "The whole savannah belongs to us now. That Zira dame sure knows how to plan a conquest."


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Anywhere that doesn't have you in it" Vitani snarled her purple eyes filled with intensity and anger " And my mother can go to the Elephant Graveyard for all i care about her!" It was true, she and her mother did not get along at all.. she had once vbelievved in what Zira had told her , but thart was before kovu had entered the picture and Kopa returned. he glanced broiefly at the large lion standing a few paces away ' She cared about him, but since this happened, everytghing they had planned for was put on hold...
 If you're planning to get us out of here Rafiki now would a good time...Kopa muttered as more and more heartless appeared "Do you know anyonee who could help us? Anyone, even if they are on the other side of the continent!.. Just get us out of here! once you do, get to safety yourself.. these guys loook like they mean business..
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(OOC: Just noticed a spelling mistake in the title, it's suppose to be "Kingdom" not Kingom" :lol )

As the demon got closer to the wall of Radiant Garden, the voice in her head asked her to stop where she was, to which the demon obeyed, stopping in her tracks in time to see a Heartless form in front of her.

The Heartless looked at her for a moment before it took a more reasonable shape.  It looked to be female, like a female sprite would, except that it had a single antenna on its head as well as its wings, they looked to be more corrupted.

After a few seconds of staring at each other, the Heartless moved, starting to speed around the demon, moving in and striking the demon multiple times.

"We do not have time for this....Roux, destroy it" the voice ordered her.

The demon, known as Roux, nodded back very lightly as a blade formed in her hand, a black Keyblade, to which she gripped it, swinging the Keyblade at the Heartless attacking her, alreadying starting to damage the Heartless.

After a few strikes, the Heartless stopped, staring at Roux for a moment more before taking off.

"Do not let it escape" the voice added in.

Roux turned in the direction of the Heartless, bringing her Keyblade back as something formed on the tip of it, a ball of what seemed to be, dark energy, to which she threw it at the Heartless seconds later.

The ball of dark energy rushed at imense speed towards the Heartless, striking the creature, absorbing it in the process before the ball simply exploded, destroying the Heartless in the process.


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So why are you here" Kopa asked " and who's dirty work are you doing/ Because its obviously someone is behind.. those things.. and it s not you" Kopa said as the heartless continued to grow in number... hopefully this lion would spill the beans a bit before Rafiki could whisk them out, then.. wherever he sent them, they'd be safe.. at least for awhile... and right now kopa didn't care, as long as he and Vitani were some place other than here..
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"A demon wielding a keyblade... Fascinating."
A flash of light appeared near Roux, and out stepped the cloaked figure.

"However...I'm afraid that, regardless of what magic allows you to wield such a weapon... It is my duty to eliminate you..."
The figure said, the seven swords forming behind it...


  • Littlefoot
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"Send him to his grave....we have more important matters to attend to than to play games with make it quick girl...." the voice ordered Roux, to which she obeyed and rushed forward, the tip of her Keyblade already glowing as a red line shot down the Keyblade as it engulfed itself in dark, black flames as she swung at him and each of the swords in the vicinity.

"Yes, that's it, keep on fighting him, take his heart, turn him into a Heartless....make him one of us....." the voice continued to speak to Roux as she continued to fight him silently.


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In a flash, the figure grabbed one of the seven swords, blocking Roux's slash and backstepping nimbly away from her.
"Is that your best, demon?"
He taunted coldly...


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Roux said nothing back, however, the voice in her head sounded rather frustrated already "Stop wasting time and kill him! Destroy him! Do whatever it takes! Just end his life as it is!" the voice yelled in her mind.

Roux in turn, narrowed her eyes lightly and continued to swing her Keyblade at him, the voice in her head, giving her some more power of darkness, enough to shatter one of the swords before firing a few dark energy spheres in his direction.


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The figure leapt back as it's sword was shattered.
"I see...I'll have to take this seriously..."
It said eerily, the drew the center sword before flicking it's cape...
In a flash, the sword was wrapped in darkness for a moment before it revealed it's new form.  The blade had remained unchanged, but now there was a skeletal dragon's spine running coiled around it.  At the back of the sword, the dragon's skull, with a scythe blade through the jaw formed the "key" of the weapon.  The grip was a set of what appeared to be ribs coiled around a bone-shaped grip.  A small scythe charm dangled from the base of this.  The figure, now clad in a dark set of armor, and with twin black angel wings, easily blocked the fires, lunging at Roux...


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Roux started to block each of the attacks that the figure was sending at her, however, she soon stumbled lightly, which was enough to open her up for a series of attacks, to which she was knocked back some more.

She stumbled back even more before rushing forward again and attempting to strike him once again, however, she was struck back once more before soon, falling to the ground and onto her knees.  She looked at him for a second before somethingseemed to step out of her, causing Roux to fall to the ground, unconcious.

What stood in front of the other figure, was a Heartless which stared at the figure in front of it before speaking up "You have strength and power.....which the very least, somewhat impressive.....too bad Roux there, was unable to keep up with it....however, be that as it may, she has already served her purpose for myself....enough power to become a entity all on my own"

The voice the Heartless had, sounded female as well as it looked to him for a moment more before smirking and vanishing away, one final voice from her was heard "Until we meet again...."


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The figure walked over to Roux, looking at her before picking her up, reforming it's cloak, and vanishing...


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Soon, the unconcious demon came through, looking around at what was happening, seeing that someone was carrying her, to the point of which she hessitated some and wriggled out of his grasp and onto the ground "'re the one I attacked...." she paused for a moment "Why save me when you could've easily killed me when you had the chance?  Isn't that what you were after, to eliminate me?"

She stood up straight for a moment and spoke some more to him "However, if you are not here to kill me, then at least answer me one question.....who is Sora?"


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The figure looked at her from under the hood.
"Don't get any ideas.  I didn't spare you because of any reason besides utility.  Your keyblade makes you somewhat useful, in some way or another."
It said coldly...
"And all I know about this 'Sora' is that he travels from world to world and protects them from the heartless..."
It added...


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"Protects worlds against the Heartless you say?  Then that's all the more reason why I need to find him....perhaps he can help me out with my Heartless problem I have....and no, it's not the one that was borrowing my body's something else" Roux replied back as she folded her arms, just looking at the hooded figure.

The Keyblade that she weilded now, wasn't as corrupt, or as dark looking, yet, it was still black, to a point, as it had red streaks running through it in the process.  Roux continued to look at the hooded figure for a moment more before asking him one other thing "Listen, might I also ask....I suppose, on where it is you're heading to? As I would like to add in, that I am no puppet you can just expect to lend a hand because it serves your own little purpose or whatever, so wherever it is you're heading to....I'll be heading in the opposite direction"


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The figure turned.
"What you do is no concern of mine.  Just stay out of my way."
It said, vanishing in a flare of light...