The Gang of Five
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Pixar RP


  • Petrie
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Note: Anyone interested in playing is welcome to join via the RP Discussion section. :)

Let the RP begin!!


The universe is a vast and mysterious place, and it works in ways we couldn't possibly imagine. Dimensions are not just part of the human theory, but actually exist in worlds much like our own, interconnected by many portals scattered in the most unexpecting of places. In some dimensions, there are no humans and instead there are cars to take their place; there are toys that are actually alive and go about their secret lives whenever their human is not around to see them; there are talking animals from bugs to fishes to rats who live amongst the humans in their own little societies. There are even monsters that make a living off of humans themselves.

And in one twist of fate, these individual beings, normally seperated without knowledge of each other's existance, will meet face to face. This would end in new friends or new enemies, bring about conflicts and resolutions never experienced before. And it each starts with one incidental discovery.



Said grasshopper looked up from his digging, breaths frantic as he looked back in the direction of call. Hopper was looking for him, no doubt with a leash at hand. Thumper did not like his leash, or any form of restraint really and he grunted as he returned to his digging. Not too long ago, he picked up a peculiar smell from this very spot and was making it his goal to find out what it is.

"THUMPER!!!!" Hopper growled as he came in view and approached his pet.

Just at that second, the insane little insect felt the ground give way underneath his feet and before he could even snap open his wings, he fell and landed inside a tunnel with a shriek, his owner falling beside him. After a moment, the cave in settled and the two grasshoppers stepped out of the rubble, Hopper brushing himself clean as his pet merely shook off the dirt. The head insect then glared at his pet, the leash he was holding now gone under the rubble.

"When I call for you, you come. Understand?" he said firmly.

Thumper barked in response before giving a nod, vaguely thankful that he's practically the only one immune to Hopper's more violent quirks. His owner then looked back at the cave in, which was blocking their only way back up. As he contemplated how to get back up, Thumper wandered deeper into the tunnel, perking his antennae as he noticed fresh air. Hissing at this discovery, he shrieked for his owner's attention. Hopper snapped his gaze to his pet before walking over, looking deeper into the tunnel and noticing the fresh air too.

"Good boy, Thumper." he said gruffly before going off for their certain exit, the feral grasshopper following as they reached the end and went outside and......

This did NOT look like the right place. There was a house here, with a white fence stretching as far as the two bugs can see. There were toys standing over the bright green grass and a giant (to them) human girl was playing with the toys happily before being called inside. Unsure where they were, Hopper flew off for a better vantage point, Thumper loyally following, before Hopper landed on a blue Triceratops toy and Thumper landed on the nearby cowgirl toy.


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excuse me sir, but could you kindly get off of me? the blue triceratops said ' i would be much obliged. she said with a smile.. ' this isn't the first time somone's landed on me in an awkward position though.. i remembers bonnies christmas party and rex and i were placed under the mistletoe and bonnie left..' the triceratops blushed.
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Mater looked at the junkyard where all the imprisoned cars were held until court.

"I done a good job..." he sighed as he looked at the newly cleaned place. It looked so clean he could eat off of it. Since his intellegance was...average, that last statement gave him an idea. He grinned deviously as he picked his tires up and slowly, one by one, went to a nearby oil can and drove beside it carefully. Then, he drove just a little bit on his side and slammed his side into the can, responding in a huge black mess dripping everywhere.

"Opps..." he whispered sarcastically and drove around to what he thought was a good spot where a rather large puddle resigned and stuck his tongue out and was about to dip it in when...

"Mater!" a gruff voice exclaimed as an old-looking police car drove up to him.

He looked at the car and quickly stuck his tongue back into his front. "Uh...well, howdy, Chief! What brings you here?" he asked nervously.

"Mater, what are you doing?" came the gruff reply.

"Well, I was just uh..." Mater searched despretly for a response. Then , his brained hatched an idea. "Cleanin' up!" he said quickly, although it wasn't exactly a lie.

"Are you sure...because this place looks-"

"I, uh, bumped inta that. Clumsy ole me...well, you better get going Chief! Criminals to catch and uh, all that...policy...uh...stuff!" he said then let out a big grin with his teeth showing.

"O...kay..." Cheif said, and then drove off with a suspicious look in his eyes.

Mater held the grin until the gruff car disappeared from sight, then he let it go with a big sigh. "! I just rememberd, I gotta get some of that energy drink, or whatever, from that hippietruck!" he grinned, then started to drive down the road, when a blue orb opened up before him. "What the..." he wondered as he drove into it. Then the orb disappeared with the Tow Truck.


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"Trixie? Would you kindly shut up, and get offa me?" Jesse said, straning to get out from under the blue Triceratops.

((OOC: Sorry, double post :oops )


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Sorry jesse. By the by how are you and woody getting along now the bonnie got the LADY Space Ranger doll, " Trixie said slowly getting off of her..
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"Thanks a bunch, Trixie!" Jesse exclaimed, getting up quickly and brushing herself off. "Me and and Woody..." she said, crossing her arms and tapping her foot in thought. "Well, we're just friends,"  she smiled.


  • Petrie
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To say both Hopper and Thumper were surprised that the surfaces under their feet were moving and talking was an understatement. Thumper screeched bloody murder as he jumped off the now free cowgirl, landing before both of the toys and shrieking at them with wings flared, 'protecting' his Master. Hopper tried to keep his balance on the blue Triceratops before flying off to land beside his pet, glaring up at the toys as they had their conversation.


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well so are me and rex ' tricxie began as a large green T-rex cam,e up to them ' hi girls.. good to se that bonnies gone inside for lunch.. say who are these two newcomers " Rex asaked as he looked at Thumper and Hopper..
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"...good question there, Rex. Now, easy...easy..." she said, trying to calm the bug down, but only resulting in him screeching at her loudly. "AHHH! she shrieked and ran behind the two toy Dinosaurs.


  • Petrie
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Thumper continued to shrilly shriek at the toys. Sensing fear in the cowgirl, he was just about to launch himself at her and claw her eyes out when Hopper spoke up.

"Thumper, down."

Reluctantly, the psycho bug quieted his screaming to a low growl, still fidgetting and glaring, just waiting for Hopper to give the order to attack. The lead grasshopper kept up his own glare for another moment before answering Rex's question.

"Name's Hopper." he replied in his usual gruff manner. He patted the other grasshopper's head. "This is my trained-to-kill pet, Thumper." He narrowed all four eyelids. "Now who are all of you?" That was more of a demand than a question really......


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I'm Trixie and this is Rex ": trixie said " We;re Bonnies toys Would you like to come in? Rex offered " This is Jessie.. theres more toys inside.. they're our friends" Rex added.
  we're sorry but you landed on top of me..
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Jesse lifted her hand up and waved at the bugs, but another screech from Thumper made her duck back down a little bit. She found the courage to face the bug peeked out from behind rex  and asked, "Is he always like this?"


  • Petrie
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Hopper thought about their offer to come inside for a moment before deciding that they really had no other place to go. The tunnel back home was blocked and maybe one of these toys knew the way back home. He nodded curtly before looking to Jesse and answering her question with a menacing smirk.

"This is when he's calm. But if you want, I can snap my fingers and allow him to reveal his true self." he threatened, lifting both his right arms, ready to snap his fingers.

Thumper was very eager for his master to give the commanding click of the fingers, so he can launch a merciless attack on the frightened toy. Breathing heavily, he flared his wings and got ready to pounce at an instant's notice.


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"No thanks!" Jesse denied his offer quickly, then thought up a nice... comeback. "Well, are you always like this? Your should I put" she said, coming out from behind Rex and started to twirl around Hopper with a sassy look in her eyes. She wasn't afraid of any old Bug.


  • Petrie
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Hopper narrowed his eyes, which followed Jesse's twirling in irritation. His patience was running thin and he was practically one second away from giving the order to 'put her in her place'.

Thumper's growls were quickly escalading to more threatening shrieks, wanting sooooooo badly to rip her face open, but forced to keep himself in check, lest he disobey's Hopper again.


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"Well, you can stay, just one thing...if you dare to unleash that bug," she pointed at Thumper, "on anyone here, I'll make sure you get a one-way, all expenses payed, flight in to next week! Now, good day sir!" she growled turning on her heels and strode over to the edge of the table and turned to face them, then hopped backwards into the toy box below, with a very angry face.


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come on guys is that anyway to treatr a guesats trixie said asa she seeped inbetween them ' come on Mr hopper, you need to keep your pert on its leash.' ' yeah I remember when Buster was a puppy and jumped around Andy's room and completely messed up Anbdy's war game that he spents hours putting everything in place.. ' heh you should see how long we took to get chuckled to smile ' trixie laughed..
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  • The Circle
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Filmore decided to go for a ride to enjoy some scenery around Radiator Springs.  Things were going normal at first then the air seemed to twist and change with the light growing brighter.

"Woh man, this is one weird trip man." Filmore said.  "Maybe if I drive it'll work its' way out of my system." he said as he decided to drive on.  Soon things seemed to stabilize but the scenery looked different.  He stopped to look around.  

"I don't recognize this area.  Maybe Doc or Flo changed things when I wasn't looking." He said.


  • Petrie
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Hopper rolled his eyes, crossing his arms. He wasn't one to take orders from anyone: he'll have his pet attack anyone he wanted and no toy was gonna say otherwise. Having Trixie speak he snorted. "I lost the leash on my way here, but Thumper's under my complete control regardless. And he'll stay 'harmless' unless give me reason to be angry."

Thumper gave a soft hiss under his breath, narrowing his eyes at the toys, but staying put, giving a small scratch on his neck and his eyes shooting about the area restlessly.


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He tries any funny business and both of you will be seen the door Trixie replied " We are trying to be friendly, and show you around, and you're not be a very good guest at the moment. do you always act like this when you are with company? Trixie asked clearly more than a little irritated. Normally Trixie was a kind , caring sort, but right now, she wasn't.
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